2012 Group Project 6

From Embryology
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Hearing Development


CAN YOU HEAR ME! – Hearing is one of the most important sense and an inherent part of human life. It widens our scope of life and allows us to work, relax, communicate, learn and form memories. The sense of hearing has evolved through the years in vertebrates is inherent for both hunting and surviving. The sound energy produced has be converted into an electrical signal for us to make sense of it. For successful transmission the correct development of the ear is of utmost important. Not only formation of the structures but also their correct assembly is imperative to normal ear functioning. In this project we will discuss the development of human ear from implantation to birth by shining light on the differentiation of cells and signalling mechanisms that lead to normal development. We will also talk about some abnormal processes and mutations which lead to various structural and functional diseases.


Adult Anatomy and Histology

Outer ear: Pinna, Auricle and Tympanic membrane

Middle ear: Ossicles (Malleus, Incus and Stapes) and Muscles (Tensor Tympani and Stapedius)

Inner ear: Bony and Membranous Labyrinth - Cochlea containing the Organ of corti, Vestibule containing Utricle and Saccule and Semi-circular canals containing semi-circular ducts


The development of outer ear is attributed to the first pharyngeal arch. All the germ layer namely endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm contribute to its formation. [1]

The pharyngeal arches arise as a series of bulges arising laterally from the embryo head around 3-4 weeks of human development. The arches have a consistent organisation of the endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. The ectoderm forms the outer surface of the arch with the core made up of mesoderm. Next to the mesoderm core on the opposite the ectoderm is the endoderm. All three layers contribute to the formation of outer, middle and inner ear structures hence contributing to hearing. In between the arches the ectoderm and endoderm come in contact with each other forming a continuous sheath on either side of the mesoderm, forming groves externally and arches internally. Inside the mesoderm core of each arch lies a specific cell population that goes onto develop into a nerve, cartilage and artery.

Outer Ear


Post development the anatomy of the external ear simply consists of the pinna or the auricle and external acoustic/auditory meatus. The auricle develops around the first and second pharyngeal arches as a series of auricular enlargements or hillocks around the 5th week of development. Gradually by the 6th week the hillocks grow in size and increase to six in number, three on the first arch and 3 on the second arch, the first of which starts at the bottom anterior side going in a clockwise direction. In the 7th week the hillocks enlarge further and each of the arches contributes to a specific part of the pinna. The first arch gives rise to the tragus, helix and cymba concha whereas arch 2 gives rise to concha, antihelix and antitragus. The differentiation starts around the neck region but as the mandible develops the pinna structures move more cranially. It is not until the 12th week that the fusion of these various parts occur and is completed by week 20th.

Various genetic markers and coordinated signalling mechanisms are required for normal development of the pinna. One of which is the EYA1 gene, which is imperative for formation of the pinna. Mice with a homologous Eya1 null gene either has malformed or absent ears and since Eya1 gene plays a role in the formation of cartilage, its absence doesn’t allow the ear mesenchyme to convert into ear cartilage. Another gene important for pinna cartilage formation is the Bmp5 gene that is expressed later in development, mutation in which causes malformation of the perichondrium and thus cartilage formation. Another gene important for early patterning of the pinna is the Hox2 gene, mutations in which leads to formation of a shapeless protuberance rather than a normal shaped pinna. Hox2 gene is expressed in the second pharyngeal arch and the malformations in the ear are contributed to the parts derived from the second pharyngeal arch like the antitragus, antihelix and concha. [2] [3]

External Auditory Meatus

The External Auditory Meatus (EAM) is derived from ectoderm that forms the first pharyngeal groove situated between the 1st and the 2nd pharyngeal arches. At 8 weeks of gestation a c-shaped skeletal structure develops from ectoderm of the first pharyngeal cleft migrating and meeting the mesoderm of the first grove called the tympanic ring that controls and coordinates the invagination of the ectoderm. The tympanic ring is a transient embryological structure, which eventually gets integrated into the temporal bone and provides anchorage to the eardrum. Medial to the ring lays the endoderm of the first pharyngeal arch that contributes to the formation of the tympanic or middle ear cavity. At 12 weeks of gestation the tympanic ring begins to ossify in a sequential fashion via endomembranous ossification forming the bony part of the EAM. The ring starts to condense at the proximal end of the 1st pharyngeal arch, goes around the circumference of the cleft and invades the 2nd arch. Starting at the tip of the 1st pharyngeal cleft the ectodermal cells begin to proliferate filling the lumen of the meatus forming a meatal plug which medially extends in a disc like fashion during week 10. The proliferation follows the path of the tympanic ring with the mesoderm tissue between the ring and the meatus forming a fibrous layer. In week 13 of development the innermost part of the meatal plug makes a contact with malleus. This innermost part of the disc in week 15 splits leaving a thin endoderm layer behind which contributes to formation of the tympanic membrane. By the middle of 16th week the meatus although full in length is still narrow and curved and it is not until week 18 that it gets fully expanded and complete.

Since the correct development of EAM is heavily dependent on the tympanic ring, hence any mutation in the tympanic ring causes an abnormal growth of the EAM. Many genes are required to coordinate and control tympanic ring formation most prominent being the Gsc and Prx1 genes. Chimeric studies have revealed that tympanic ring in Gsc null mice fails to ossify whereas the ring whereas mice with null Prx1 gene have an over ossified tympanic ring. In both cases the meatus fails to form indicating a delicate balance between the expressions of both genes is required for proper ring development hence correct formation of EAM. Likewise for pinna formation Hox2 gene is also essential for differentiation of pharyngeal arch into the tympanic ring and the formation of EAM. [4] [5] [6]

Middle Ear

Inner Ear

Wild-type inner ear showing normal morphology

The entire inner ear, as well as the neurons which innervate the sensory organ, are derived from the otic placode. The otic placode is a thickened portion of ectoderm located on the each side of the developing head of the embryo, next to the hindbrain. It is generally visible after gastrulation, once the first 5 to 10 pairs of somites have formed. Invagination occurs next, which creates the otocyst - a vesicle which will develop into the different components of the inner ear: the cochlea, the semicircular canals with cristae, the utricle, the saccule and the vestibulo-acoustic ganglion. [7]

The Otic Placode

Induction of the otic placode

Experiments with molecular markers have revealed that several steps are needed for induction of the otic placode. We will briefly consider the three major steps:

1 Pre-placodal domain

The pre-placodal domain is a narrow strip of the ectoderm adjacent to the anterior neural plate after gastrulation. Different placodes arise from the pre-placodal domain. All the craniofacial sensory organs, including the ear, develop from these different placodes located at the periphery of the neural plate.

Various evidence indicates the existence of this pre-placodal region:

  • Morphology indicates a thickened band of ectoderm around the anterior neural plate in some species, including mice and humans. As time progresses, this thickening will only be present at the locations where the different craniofacial placodes differentiate - including the otic placode.[8]
  • Experiments have also shown that the placodes will only develop in the correct location, if rotation of the ectoderm along the anteroposterior axis takes place at the open neural plate stage. If rotation takes place at a later time, the placodes will form at incorrect places.[9]
  • Gene expression has also indicated that particular genes are present in the pre-placodal domain. These genes belong to the Dlx, Six, Eya, Iro, BMP, Foxi and Msx families. Glavic et al. (2004) has shown that 'loss and gain of function of some of these genes resulted in the widening or reduction of the pre-placodal field'. Linked to this was also the domain of expression of some placode-specific genes; which either enlarged or diminished.[10]

2 Pre-otic field

Once the general placodal state has been established, the identity of each placode is induced by local signals. The optic placode is induced by various signals, including Pax8, Pax2, Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs), and many transciption factors.

In particular the FGFs are significant otic inducers. Signalling occurs from various rhombomeres from the hindbrain and the cranial paraxial mesoderm located beneath the area of the otic placode. For example, in mice FGF3 is expressed in rhombomeres 5 and 6, whereas FGF10 is expressed in the underlying mesoderm.[11] [12] Mutations of FGF3 and FGF10 have been investigated. Results showed that mice with a mutation of either FGF3 or FGF10 developed an abnormal otic vesicle, and a combination of the two mutants resulted in failure to form an otic vesicle.[12]

--> picture

3 Otic placode/epidermis fate decision

In the presence of FGF signalling, Wnt signalling can significantly influence the next step, which is the otic placode/epidermis fate decision. According to the review article by Ohyama et al. (2007) ‘Cells receiving high levels of Wnt signalling differentiate as otic placode, while cells receiving little or no Wnt signalling differentiate as epidermis.’[7]

The first evidence regarding the contribution of Wnt signalling came from experiments with the otic ectoderm of chicks.

  • Data showed that specific marker genes, such as Pax2, were induced to a greater extend with FGF19 and Wnt8c present as compared to FGF19 alone [13]. Ladher et al.(2000) hypothesised that FGF19 induced Wnt8c, and together they induced the otic gene markers.

Another possibility is the independent action of FGFs and Wnt signalling.

  • Studies have shown that Wnt signalling onto Pax2+ cells results in differentiation of those cells into otic placode tissue. Pax2+ cells that were not exposed to Wnt signalling differentiate as epidermis [14].
  • Wnt signalling also suppresses Foxi2, resulting in a Foxi2-negative area of particular size, which then allows for FGFs to induce otic genes [14]. In this case, Wnt signalling determined the size of the otic placode, yet acted independently from FGF signalling.
  • Phillips et al. (2004) studied the role of FGF and Wnt signalling; specifically looking at FGF3, FGF8 and Wnt8. Their data showed that Wnt8 is not absolutely necessary for otic induction, however it is required for timely initiation of the otic field. [15]

The neural domain

The expression of Sox2 and Sox3 during development of the ear

During the early stages of embryonic development, a neural competent domain is established. This domain will eventually give rise to neurons and hair cells. Various signalling pathways are required to initially create this domain and to maintain it later on. [16]

  • FGF and Sox

FGF signalling and the Sox genes are essential for the establishment of the neural competent domain. An important aspect of Sox genes is that they have a state of self-renewal, as well as a state of neural commitment. [17] As investigated by Rex et al. (1997) and Pevny and Placzek (2005), "SoxB1 genes (Sox1, Sox2, Sox3) have been linked directly to ectodermal cells that are competent to acquire neural fate, and the commitment of cells to a neural fate".[18] [19]

Before the otic placode becomes distinct, Sox3 is already expressed in a broad area around the location of the future otic placode. Later in it will only be found in the proneural region of the otic placode. Based on this, the review by Alsina et al. (2009) suggests that a neural fate acquisition occurs prior to otic placode formation.[16] During the early stages of development of the otocyst, Sox2 and Sox3 are found in proliferating cells within the proneural region. Both are expressed when neurons are generated, however, Sox3 switches off and only Sox2 remains during further development of the ear. This suggests that the ongoing expression of Sox2 plays a role in sensory cell development, as explained in the review by Alsina et al (2009).[16]

-We will look into this in further detail when describing the development of the elementary sensory unit of the ear-

  • Notch signalling

Notch signalling is required for several developmental processes, including the maintenance of the neural competent domain.

In the notch signalling pathway, notch is the receptor, with most of its ligands being transmembrane proteins. Signalling is therefore restricted to neighbouring cells. Research by Daudet and Lewis (2005) reveiled how notch signalling plays a role in inner ear development, including:

- Notch signalling mediates lateral inhibition and thereby controls the differentiation of hair cells and supporting cells - in particular in the vestibular regions [20]

- An early phase of Notch activity promotes formation of prosensory patches [20]

- Other signalling pathways are likely to cooperate with Notch to specify prosensory regions of the otocyst [20]

The Otocyst

Patterning of the otocyst

The otocyst, also known as the otis vesicle, is present once invagination of the otic placode has occurred. Regionalisation of the otocyst results in the topological organisation of the ear. The neural tube affects the patterning of the otocyst, and FGF, Wnt and Hh signalling pathways are known to play a role. FGF and Wnt rely on signals from the hindbrain. [21]

Abnormal Hearing


Mutation of GJB2 gene

Approximately 60% of congenital deafness in developed nations is caused by genetic factors. More than 50 loci have been found to be responsible for the genetic causes of non syndromic deafness (isolated hearing loss with no affects to other parts of the body) called NSD and accounts for more than 80% of genetic related congenital deafness. GJB2 gene which instructs the protein Connexin 26 to be formed, is the most common cause of NSD. Connexin 26 is found all over the body, with a great number on the skin and in the inner ear. Over 90 of the GJB2 gene mutations have been associated with NSD.

Non syndromic autosomal recessive deafness (DFNB).

Autosomal dominant hearing loss

Autosomal dominant hearing loss is transferred directly though the previous generations and can usually be detected when reviewing at a family tree. Research has shown that the phenotype due to GJB2 varies due to the great range of the degree of deafness in the patients. This alludes to the fact that other environmental causes have also contributed to the patients hearing impairment. M34T missense mutation has been found in families where there are both affected and non affected people thus indicating its contribution to autosomal deafness both dominant and recessive deafness. Similarly, studies have shown additional missense mutations R75W, D66H and G59A are also causes of DNFA however they have been connected to other clinical manifestations.

Autosomal recessive hearing loss

Autosomal recessive deafness is an inheritance of both the mother and father’s recessive genes of connexin 26 mutation. The most prevalent connexin 26 gene mutation in the majority of ethnic groups for DNFB is the 35delG. Mutations in the connexin 26 genes equate to half of the DNFB cases. (Hearing loss associated with 35delG mutation in Connexin-26 (GJB2) gene: audiogram analysis.)

X linked hearing loss

X linked hearing loss is carried by the mother and passed down to both the male and female children. Generally only the male children are affected if they receive the affected X chromosome while the daughters will be the carrier of the gene. The hearing loss can be a combination of both conductive (damage to the outer or middle ear) and sensorineural hearing loss (malfunction of the cochlea and or the hearing nerve). (X-linked recessive inheritance of sensorineural hearing loss expressed during adolescence.)

Mitochondrial hearing loss

Mitochondrial hearing loss is passed down solely through the mother. It is caused by mutations in either MT-RNR1 or MT-TS1 leading to moderate to profound hearing loss. MT RNR1 is generally correlated to aminoglycoside ototoxicity and sensorineural hearing loss independent of aminoglycoside ototoxicity occurring usually in the 20’s. Aminoglycoside ototoxicity refers to the increased chance of hearing loss after consuming antibiotics and is irreversible. MT-TS1 is sensorineural hearing loss occurring during childhood and is generally considered nonsyndromic.

(Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Deafness, Mitochondrial, Arti Pandya, MD, MBA http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/gene/GJB2)




1 Rubella

2 Herpes

3 Syphilis

4 Toxoplasmosis


1 Alcohol consumption during pregnancy

2 Chemotherapy

3 Accutane

Structural malformation of the ear

1 Stenosis

2 Enlarged vestibular aqueduct

3 Auricular Appendages

4 Absence of the Auricle

5 Microtia

6 Preauricular Sinuses and fistulas

7 Atresia of External Acoustic Meatus

8Absence of external acoustic meatus

9 Congenital cholesteatoma

Technologies to detect

Technologies to overcome the problems

Current Research


  • Cristae: the sensory organ of rotation located in the semicircular canal of the inner ear
  • Ectoderm: the outermost layer of the three primary germ cell layers in the very early embryo
  • Epidermis: surface epithelium of the skin, superficial to the dermis
  • Gastrulation: The inward migration of cells
  • Hindbrain: The lower part of the brainstem, comprising the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata
  • Lateral inhibition: process whereby one cell takes on a state and the adjacent cells takes on the opposite state
  • Mesoderm: the middle layer of the three primary germ cell layers in the very early embryo
  • Neural plate: a thickened plate of ectoderm along the dorsal midline of the early vertebrate embryo that gives rise to the neural tube and crests
  • Neural tube: A hollow structure formed after gastrulation, from which the brain and spinal cord form
  • Open neural plate stage: stage of the neural plate before closure into the neural tube
  • Otic placode: a thickening of the ectoderm on the outer surface of a developing embryo from which the ear develops
  • Otocyst – otic vesicle: The structure formed by invagination of the embryonic ectodermal tissue that develops into the inner ear
  • Pre-placodal domain: An ectodermal domain with multipotential progenitors that contribute to sense organs and cranial sensory ganglia
  • Proneural region – neural competent domain: a region of the otic placode involved in neurogenesis
  • Prosensory region: region containing a population of cells that can develop into hair cells or or supporting cells
  • Rhombomere: a segment of the developing rhombencephalon (hindbrain segment)
  • Saccule: one of two otolith organs. The smaller of the two fluid-filled cavities forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear
  • Somite: A segmental mass of mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo, occurring in pairs along the notochord
  • Utricle: one of two otolith organs. The larger of the two fluid-filled cavities forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear
  • Vestibular region: the region of the inner ear close to the cochlea. Here the semicircular canals converge
  • Vestibulo-acoustic ganglion: The cranial ganglion of cranial nerve 8


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--Mark Hill 12:22, 15 August 2012 (EST) Please leave the content listed below the line at the bottom of your project page.

2012 Projects: Vision | Somatosensory | Taste | Olfaction | Abnormal Vision | Hearing