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From Embryology

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:05, 20 August 2014 Fetal Skeletal Muscle Progenitors.png (file) 1.29 MB FMPs are more heterogeneous then SCs; Immunohistochemistry of a FMP on longitudinal sections of limbs at E16.5 for GFP (green), Laminin (white). Nuclei were stained with DAPI. An arrow indicates a GFP-positive FMP. Scale bar = 10 µm. (B) Adult myofibe... 1
22:13, 22 October 2014 Progressive myofiber replacement by fibrotic and fat tissue in Dmdmdx rats..jpg (file) 207 KB A picrosirius red staining specific for fibrosis was performed on biceps femoris (A–C), respiratory (D–F) and heart muscle (G–I) samples obtained from wild-type littermate controls (WT) and 3 month-old and 7 month-old Dmdmdx rats. Compared to con... 1
14:16, 23 October 2014 Gluteus Maximus, Representative Primordia.png (file) 921 KB Student drawing based upon Figure 8 from Tich\`y, M. and Grim, M. (1985). Morphogenesis of the human gluteus maximus muscle arising from two muscle primordia. Anatomy and embryology, 173(2), pp.275--277. Labelled drawing of Gluteus Maximus divided to... 1
19:14, 23 October 2014 Amyoplasia hand contraction.png (file) 790 KB Student draw image, Displays contracture of the hands, One of the manifestations of amyoplasia 1