Talk:Book - Sex and internal secretions (1961) 1

From Embryology

I. Basic Literature

II. Mechanistic Interpretations of Sex

A. Concept of Sex Determination

B. Sex as Associated with Visible Chromosomal Differences

C. Changing Methods of Cytogenetics

D. Chromosomal Association with Sex

E. Balance of Male- and Female-Determining Elements in Sex Determination

III. Sex Genes in Drosophila

A. Mutant Tjqjes

B. Major Sex Genes

C. Other Chromosome Group Associations: Drosophila americana

D. Location of Sex-determining Genes

IV. Sex under Special Conditions

A. Species Hybridity

B. Mosaics for Sex

C. Parthenogenesis in Drosophila

D. Sex Influence of the Y Chromosome

E. Maternal Influences on Sex Ratio

F. Male-influenced Type of Female Sex Ratio

G. High Male Sex Ratio of Cienetic Origin

H. Female-Male Sex Ratio Interactions

V. Sex Determination in Other Insects

A. Sciara

B. Apis and Habrobracon

C. Bombyx

VI. Sex Determination in Dioecious Plants

A. Melandrium

B. Rumex

C. Spinacia

D. Asparagus

E. Humulus

VII. Mating Types

VIII. Environmental Modifications of Sex

A. Amphibia

B. Fish

IX. Sex and Parthenogenesis in Birds

X. Sex Determination in Mammals

A. Goat Hermaphrodites

B. Sex in the Mouse 50

C. Sex and Sterility in the Cat 50

D. Deviate Sex Types in Cattle and Swine 51

E. Sex in Man: Chromosomal Basis 52

1. Nuclear chromatin, sex chromatin 55

2. Chromosome complement and phenotype in man 5(1

3. Testicular feminization 50

4. Superfemale 57

5. Klinefelter syndrome 58

0. Turner syndrome 59

7. Hermaphrodites 59

8. XXXY + 44 autosome type 01

9. XXV + 66 autosome type 03

10. Summary of types 03

11. Types unrelated to sex 03

F. Sex Ratio in Man 65

XL References 00