Talk:Book - Biomicroscopy of the eye 2

From Embryology


Abiotrophy, iris in, 727 in lens changes, 1019 Accommodation, intracapsular mechanism of, 1115 lens in, 1016

“sclerosis” of nucleus in, ioi8 After-cataract, 1310 bladder cells in, 1321 “crumblike” bodies in, 1323 “pearls” in, 1321 pigmentation in, 1325 ringlike, 1319 spheres in, 1321

Albinism, cataract due to, 1173 classification of, 801 iris in, 742, 800

biomicroscopic examination of, 801 iris color in, 764 sphincter in, 763 retinal pigment layer in, 763 Allergy and iris nodes,- 831 Anatomy, of iris, 749 and iris color, 763 of lens capsule, 1223 comparative, 1016 of zonule, 1327 Angiomas of iris, 937 Aniridia, bilateral, polar cataracts in,


and coloboma iridis, 796 congenita, 799 nystagmus in, 799 subluxated lens and, 1352 Anomalies, congenital, of iris, 779 of lens, 1032 of vitreous, 1387 zonvdc in, 1339 of iris, classification of, 783 developmental, 758 of pupillary pigment border, 783 Anterior chamber, angle of, obliteration of, 841

in atrophy of iris stroma, 841 biomicroscopic examination of, 819

Anterior chamber - {Continued) cells in, 821 importance of, 824, 825 size of, 827

depth of, inequalities in, rtdten lens displaced, 1358 epithelial cysts of, 934 erythrocytes in, 822 exudation in, 818 hemorrhage in, 921 in herpetic iritis, 871 in Vossius’ ring, 1245 herniation of vitreous into, 1454 hyphemia in, 822 in acute iritis, 817 hypopyon in, in herpatic iritis, 875 iris pigment in, in acute inflammatory glaucoma, 822 microfilaria in, 825 normal, physiologic flare in, 819 pigment in, in exfoliation of lens capsule, 1231

Aphakia, in blue vision, 1013 congenital primary, 1036 following dislocation of lens, 1207 and hypermature cataract, 1134 retro-illumination in, 743 secondary, 1037

Aqueous, action of, in exfoliation of lens capsule, 1230 cells in, 821 flare, in cyclitis, 818 in choroiditis, 818 in intraocular inflammation, 809 in iritis, 817, 818 herpetic, 871 in microfilaria, 826 in siderosis, 923

in sympathetic ophthalmitis, 905 pigment gi'anules in, after iris injury, 822

Arachnodactyly, ectopia lentis in, 1345

Asteroid bodies, in vitreous, 1422 hyalosis, 1421


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Cataract - (C on tinned) complicated - ( Con tinned )

posterior form of, following iridocyclitis, 1165

â– following retinal detachment, 1160 and retinitis pigmentosa, 1167, 1168 ring forms in anterior cortex in, 1131

“soft juvenile,” capsular folds in,


following thallium intoxication, 1160

following tumors, intraocular, 1160 in ulcus serpens, 1160 following uveitis, ii66 contusion, 1236, 1238 copper, 1285. See also Cataract, sunflower, coppock, 1065 coralliform, 1085 coronary, 1032, 1095 cortical, 1105, 1119 cuneiform opacities in, 1121 differentiation of, from complicated cataract, 1170 immature, 1127 cuneiform, 1121 cupuliform, 1141 dermatogenous, 1195 in derma tomyositis, 1190 developmental, 1032, 1045 diabetic, 1173 juvenile, 1188 starlike figures in, 1180 true, 1178 dilacerated, 1101 dinitro-orthocresol, 1198 dinitrophenol, 1198 disciform, 1065 disk-shaped, 1090 Doyne’s, 1065 electric, 1307

pathogenesis of, 1308 endocrine, 1160, 1173 environmental, 1034 due to ergot, 1198

extraction, herniation of vitreous in,


intracapsular, loss of vitreous in,


secondary membrane following, 1311

Cataract - (Continued) fetal, 1053 fire, 1223, 1295 floriform, 1088 foundry workers’, 1295 galactose, 1198 glass blowers’, 1295

subcapsular opacities in, 1300 in glaucoma, 1201 due to gonadal insufficiency, 1173 heat, 1295

detachment of superficial lamella in, 1298

fire lamellae in, 1297 nuclear cataract and, 1303 separated lamellae in, 1223 striae in, 1301

subcapsular opacities in, 1299 hereditary, 1087

fish- to finlike band in, 1081 hypermature, 1126, 1134 capsular folds in, 1140 senile, crystals in, 1135 infra-red, 1209, 1295 following intoxications, 1160 in tumescent, 1127 after preliminary iridectomy, 1128 irradiation, double layer opacity in, 1146

lamellar, 1071 traumatic, 1255

lamellary separation in, 1105, 1106 from lightning, 1307 mature, 1126, 1131 senile, crystals in, 1135 in mercury poisoning, 1289 morgagnian, 1135 congenital, 1090 toxic iritis in, 1139 moss-like, 1101

of myotonia dystrophia, 1189 pathogenesis of, 1189 in Mongolian idiocy, 1192 incidence of, 1192 due to naphthalene, 1198 nuclear, 1013, 1147, 1303 central hyperrefringens, 1103 congenital, 1065 diffuse, 1063 embryonal, 1065 fetal, 1065



Cataract - (Co?i tinned) nuclear - (Continued) in fetal lens, 1094 in heat cataract, 1303 lens with double focus in, 1152 and posterior saucer cataract, 1145 tetany and, 1 186 paradichlorbenzine, 1127, 1198 phenol, 1198

polar, anterior and posterior, 1045 congenital, 953

posterior, and hyaloid corpuscle,


spurious, 1025 presenile, 1091 pyramidal, 1049 radiation, 160, 1291 radium, 1304 reduplication, 1054 ring-form, 1090 roentgen, 1304 rosette, io8i

posterior subcapsular, 1267 saucer, anterior, 1141 posterior, 1145 secondary, 1310

differentiation of secondary membrane and, 1311

discission of, vitreous prolapse following, 1458 folds in, 1316 iridescence in, 1316 pigmented, 1325 senile, 1091, 1102

classification of, 1103 in skin diseases, 1194 snowstorm, 1179 spear, 1087 spotted, 1081 stationary, 1270 stellate, 1061 sunflower, 1284

in chalcosis lends, 1278 in ^Vilson’s disease, 1288 sutural, 1061 tetany, 1185

parathyroid, 1173 and zonular cataract, 1078 due to diallium, 1198 total, capsular rents in, 1272 toxic, 1127, 1197

Cataract - (Continued) traumatic, 1127, 1246 folds in anterior capsule in, 1 140 due to glaucoma surgery, 1260 intumescent, 1272 rosette, 1250

with rupture of lens capsule, 1258 vacuoles in, 1099 triradiate, 1061 x-ray, 1304

differentiation of heat cataract and, 1304

in young adults, 1091 zonular, 1071 tetany in, 1185 traumatic, 1255 Cataracta brunescens, 1153 centralis pulverulenta, 1065

and posterior polar cataracts, 1053 cerulea, 1032, 1095 complicata, 1 1 59 coronaria, 1095

cuneiformis, concentric lines of reflection in, ii]8 plana peripherica. 1121 dermatogenes, 1194 dilacerata, 1101

disseminata subepithelialis, anterioris, 1204

glaucomatosa acuta, 1202 glaucomatosa, 1201 nigra, 1013, 1153 nodiformis, 1085, 1249 parathyrojjriva, 1185 pusciformis, types of, 1081 rubra, 1153 scutellaris, 1141 secundaria, 1310 spuria, 1029

traumatica conscripta, 1270 viridis (green), 1032, 1095 Cells, in aqueous, 821 clump, of Koganei, 761, 766 in retrolental space, S26 types of, 822

white, in choroiditis, 824 in cyclitis, 824

Chalcosis, capsular changes in, 1210 lends, 989, 1160, 1284 vitreous in, 1461 zonular, 1361



Chei-nical changes in lens with age, 1092 Chemotherapy, sulfonamides, myopia due to, 1153

Cholesterol crystals in lens, 1323 Chorioretinitis, deposits on lens capsule in, 1221

Choroiditis, anterior, aqueous flare in, 818

exudates in, 828 nonpurulent, 810 serosa centralis, 1388 Ciliary body, hemangioma of, 938

hemorrhages from, -ritreous and,


hyperplasia of, in weakness of zonule, 1339

inflammation of, nodules and efflorescences in, 830 injury of, 921

malignant melanoma of, 935 tubercles, conglomerate, of, 895 tumors of, in lens deformations, 1205

injection, 814 zone of iris, 759 Cleft, Fuchs’, 754 of iris, 775 Cloquet’s canal, 1376

intravitrcous collections in, 1449 in topography of deposits on posterior lens capsule, 1220 Clump cells of Koganei, 761 Coloboma, iridis, 796 of iris, partial, 761, 798 pathogenesis, 798 total, 798 zonule in, 1339 of lens, 1044 zonule in, 1339

Color, change, in cataracta brunescens, ’153

in cataratta nigra, 1153 in tataracia rubra, 1153 in lens, 1012

display, in complicated cataract, ii6g of iris, 732. 763

in atrophy of iris stroma, 862 in bioinitros(op). 731. 741, 753. 764 classification of variations in, 768 in crypts, 757. 758 double coloration, 76S

Color - {Con ti n ned) of iris - (Continued)

in pigment changes, 849, 851 in siderosis, 923 variations in, 727, 731, 765 due to surface membrane, 867 variations in cataract, 1099 Congenital anomalies. See Anomalies.

reduplication of pigment border, 784 Conjunctivitis, gonorrheal, and iritis,


Contact lens, in examination of vitreous, 1380, 1385, 1407

Contusion, in anterior segment of eye, 1237

cataract, complicated, following, 1162 nuclear following, 1257 traumatic, in, 1258 zonular, in, 1257 of eyeball, 1236 iris in, 912 of lens, 1260

cerulean opacities in, 1257 coronary opacities in, 1257 presenile opacities in, 1257 punctate cortical opacities in, 1257 rosettes in, 1250 senile opacities in, 1257 spokes in, 1257 Vossius’ ring in. 1243 water slits in, 1257 pre- retinal hemorrhage following, 1388

of skull, 1236 Copper in eye, 1284 Cornea, ab.sorption of rays by, 1292 changes in, in uveal inflammation, 820 deposits on posterior surface of, 829 discoloration of, in siderosis, 1283 kerato-vitreous synechia, 1459 microfilaria in, 825, 1463 opacification of. in sympathetic ophthalmitis, 90S ulcer of, tuberculosis. 895 Corpuscles, hyaloid, in lens. 1029 Cortex, rosette in, in myotonia atrophica. 1191. Sec also Lens, and Cortex.

Ciqpts in stroma, 757

Crystals, cholesterol, in lens, 1135



Cyditis, aqueous flare in, 818 heterodiromic, 1435 etiology of, 904 keratic predpitates in, 820 tuberculous, 885, 8g8 “quiet,” 8gg white cells in, 824

Cysticercus, complicated cataract following, 1160, 1461 in iris, 927 in viu-eous, 1464 Cysts, congenital, of iris, 925 of vitreous, 1398

derived from posterior pigmented (retinal) ejjitheliuin, 925 due to eserine miosis, 788 exudative, of epithelial layers of iris, 935

hydatid, due to Taenia echinococcus, 1465

of iris, 746, 923 classification of, 925 and differentiation from flocculus, 788

endothelial, 934 epidermoidal, 931 implantation, traumatic, 927 parasitic, 927 serous, 932 true, 932 pearl, 927

pilocarpine, at pupillary pigment border, 787

of retinal pigment layer, 787 solid, 927

spontaneous, of iris, 936 stromal, 925

Degeneration, hepatolenticular, sunflower cataract in, 1288 Dehiscence of iris, 797 Deposits on lens capsule, anterior, 1210 posterior, 1219

Dermatomyositis, cataract in, iigo Developmental anomalies of iris, 783 Diabetes, cataract in, 1173 iritis in. 848 myopia in, 1153 pigment excrescences in, 788 refractive changes in, 1183 Diabetic needles, 1183

Diapupillary illumination. See Illumination.

Diastasis of iris, 797 Dilator pupillae, 734 Dinitro-orthocresol poisoning, cataract due to, 1198

Dinitrophenol poisoning, cataract due to, 1198

Diplopia, monocular, in subluxation of lens, 1207

Dislocation of lens, nontraumatic, 1206 spontaneous, 1206 Dissociatio lamellosa, 1115 Doyne’s cataract, 1065 Dyscrasias, endocrine, cataract in, 1195 I>ystroph}R adiposa congenital, ectopia lends in, 1345 myotonica, i]8g

Dystrophy, progressive muscular, cataract in, 1190

myotonic, cataract due to, 1173

Eales’ disease, 1449 Echinococcus, 1461 Eclipse blindness, 1292 Ectopia, congenital, 1037 lends, biomicroscopic findings in, 1347 congenital, 3345 hereditai-y, 1345 in Marfan’s syndroitie, 1349 pathogenesis of, 1346 simple.x, 1207 zonule in, 1344 EcU'opin, congenital, 789 of iris pigment layei', 868 follmving iris atrophy, 863 of retinal pigment, 768 Edema of ii is, 818

Eflloi-escences, ectodermal, at pupillary border, 835 in ii'itis, 830 mesodermic, in iris, 839 in stroma, 839 at pupillary margins, 850 Elschnig’s spheres, 1316, 1319, 1321 Einbryolog)', of iris, 779 of lens, 949 of zonule, 3327

Endrodne dysfunction in cataract, 3173 secretions in i3'is anomalies, 779



Endophthalmitis, phaco - anai)liylactica, 810

toxic, due to copper jnirticles in eye, 1284

Endothelium of iris, 732 Entropion of iris, 863 Epithelium of lens, 985 Ergot poisoning, cataract due to, 1198 Erythrocytes in anterior chamber, 822 Excrescences of pupillary border, 759 absence of, 762

Exfoliation, of capsular lamella, secondary glaucoma in, 1232 of lens, senile, and fire lamella, 1298 capsule, in glaucoma, incidence of, 1233, 1234

senile, of anterior lens capsule. 1223 Exudates, fibrinous, in iritis, 824 types of, 822 Exudation, in iritis, 818 in retrolental space, 82G Eyeball, contusion of, 1236

Fentoscopy, 13G7 Fibroplasia, retrolental, 1392 Filaria, 1461

in anterior chamber, 1462 in vitreous, 1462 Fire lamella, 1297 Floccules, 830

attached to stromal surface, 839 of Busacca, 894

Flocculi, exfoliativa et pcndulantes, 785 tuberosi, 785

Flocculus iridis, 762, 784. See also Flocculus of iris.

Flocculus of iris, 762, 784 and differentiation from ectropion of retinal pigmented layer of iris, 793 types of, 785

Fluorescence in lens, 1293 Fly larvae in vitreous, 1461 Folds, in lens, in secondary cataract, 1316

Uaumatic, of lens capsule, 1273 Foreign bodies, in eye, penetration of,


reaction to, 1460 in vitreous, 1459

Fovea, absence of, in aniridia, 800

Freckles of iris, 765 pigment, in iris, 939 Frenkel’s .syndrome, 913, 1237 in injuries of zonule, 1356 Fuchs’ cleft, 754

erypl and physiologic rarefaction of stroma, 796

Fundus, examination of, 1380 Fundus reflex, in diapupillary transillumination, 743

in lens. 981. See also Illumination.

Genetics, iris studies and, 727. See also Heredity.

Glaucoma, absolute, ectropion of retinal pigment layer after, 868 iris atrophy in, 862 acute inflammatory, iris pigment in anterior chamber in, 822 atrophy, senile, of iris stroma in, 778 capsulare, 1209, 1223, 1232 cataract in, 1201

chronic, subluxated lens in, 1352 simple, exfoliation in, 1234 and iritis, 848 cysts of iris in, 935 with exfoliation, incidence of, 1233 increase in sagittal lens thickness in,


pigment deposits on lens capsule following, 1220

and ])ilocarpine cysts, 788 secondary, in iritis, 817

pigmentation of pupillary border in, 850 vitiligo in, 852

Glioma retinae, vitreous in, 1440 Goldmann contact lens, 1385 Gonadal insufficiency, cataract due to,


Gonioscopy in atrophy of iris, 909 Gonorrhea, iritis in, 875. See also Iritis, gonococcal.

Granules, pigment, on iris, 851 GullsU'and ophthalmoscope, 1382 Gutter formation in iris, 774

Heerfordt’s disease, iritis in, 831 Hemangioma, of choroid, in nevus flammeus, 938



Hemangioma - {Coixlinucd) of ciliary body, 938 of iris, 937

Hemorrhage, in anterior chamber, 822 from ciliary body and vitreous, 1447 intraocular, ectropion of retinal pigment layer in, 868 intravitreous, 1448 in iris, 921 pre-retinal, 1388 into vitreous, 1447

Hepatolenticular degeneration in sunflower cataract, 1288 Heredity, in aging of lens, 1018 and aging, premature, 10 ig in cataract, anterior axial embryonal, 1061

capsular and polar, 1055 in detachment of zonular lamella,


iris and, 727 in iris, atrophy, 911 color, 763 defects, 779

and lens, anomalies of, 1032 Mendel’s latv and iris color, 727 senile changes and, 771 spherophakia and, 1341 in tuberculous uveitis, 887 zonule in, 1339 Herpes, simplex, iris in, 870 zoster, iris in, S70

Heterochromia, complicated, 768, 903 iridis, 768 partial, 767 physiologic, 766 posterior traumatic, 915 simple, 768

Heterochromic syndrome of Fuchs, 903 Histolog}' of iris, 732 Holes in iris following injury, 920 Hruby lens, 1385 Hyalitis, asteroid, 1421 Hyaloid vitreous, 1375, 1379 Hydrophthalmos, luxation of lens in, 1207

Hyperemia of iris, 814, 815 Hypermaturity of cataract, 1134 Hypermetropia, aphakic, clue to coloboma, 1045

Hypertrophy, senile, of pupillary pigment seam, 774 Hyphemia, in iris, 871 in rupture of iris, 914, 915 Hypocalcemia in tetany, 1187 Hypoplasia, lentis, 1036 physiologic, 761

Illumination, of Berger’s space, 827 dark field, of iris, 745 daylight, iris color in, 764 iris cryjrts in, 757 of iris margin, 775 of pupillary border, pigment excrescences on, 784 pigment seam, 759 diaphanoscopy, in atrophy of iris, gog diapupillary, of iris, 743, 747 diffuse, in cataract, cerulean, 1096 complicated, 1171 anterior, 1161, 1165

following contusion, 1162 posterior, following iridocyclytis, 1162 contusion, 1240 coronary, 1096 cupuliform, 1142 diabetic, 1174, 1180, 1181 fetal, 1066

following glaucoma, 1203 polar, 1050 saucer, anterior, 1141 posterior, 1141, 1146 stellate, 1056 tetany, 1187 x-ray, 1305 zonular, 1074

in cataracta nodiformis, 1249 pulverulenta, 1065 centralis, 1066 of iris, 735 albinotic, 805 atrophy, 854 hemorrhages, 921 melanosis, 806 mobility, 735 sphincter, 763 of lens, 961

capsule, anterior, 1214 membrane, secondary, 1317



Illumination - (Continued) cMine- (Continued) of lens - (Continued) nucleus, adult, 995 anterior stripe of, 991 of lamellary separation, 1117 opacities, capsular, 1135 attached to iris, 1046 radiating senile cortical, 1255 rosette, anterioi', 1266 subcapsular, 1210 u’ater slits, im in leukosarcoma, 944 in siderosis lends, 1278 of stroma, 735

in rarefaction of, 796 of vitreous, 1417 Vossius’ ring in, 1240 direct focal in cataract, cerulean, 1096 complicated, following contusion,

li 62

posterior, following iridocyclitis, 1162 contusion, 1240 coronary, 1096 cortical, iiig cupuliform, 1142 diabetic, 1174 fetal, to6G mature, 1132 nuclear, 1154 polar, 1050 anterior, 1046 secondary, 1318 stellate, 1056 tetany, 1187 zonular, 1074

in cataracta pulverulenta, 1065, 1066 of iris, 731, 739 albinotic, 8oi atrophy, 851, 857 deeper leaf of, 757 efflorescences, S32 hemorrhage, 921, 922 melanosis, 806 lesser circle of, 740 pathology, 740 pigment spots, 765 trabeculae, 740 of lens, 950, 962 arcuate line in, 1030

Illumination - (Continued) direct focal - (Continued) of lens - (Continued)

capsule, blister-like spherules in, 1264

opacities, 1046, 1335 pigment lines, 1023 stars and capsular exudate, 1214

stripes, 1023

radiant pigment line, 1214 senile exfoliation of, 1226 cortex, fissures in, 1126 in lamellary separation, 1106 rosette opacity folloiving injury, 1240

u’ater clefts, 1 106 in leukosarcoma, 944 of pupillary, membrane remains,


zone, 740 of sti'oma, 740 of vitreous, 1364 opacities, 1404 of zonule, 1335 focal, color of iris in, 764 focal beam, in ectopia lends, 1358 in pigment excrescences, 784 relucency, increased of, 1442 of vitreous, 1402 fundus reflex, 743, 981 in secondai'Y cataract, 1312 in vitreous, 1364, 1367 iirdirect, of iris, 745. See also Illumination, proximal, indii'ect lateral, of iris, 731 internal i-eflection, in dislocation of lens, 1337 of ii'is, 731

nari-ow beam, in cataract, following glaucoma, 1204 nuclear, 1148, 1303 ti'aumatic localizecl, 1246 in choi-oiditis serosa centralis, 1388 in lens, 966

capsule, posterior, 3458 in pi-ecipitates on, 1218 injuries, 1235 line of disjunction in, 990 water slits in. 1109 zones of discontinuity, 991



Illumination - ( Continued) narrow beam - (Continued)

in macular degeneration, senile, 1388

in siderosis lends, 1281 of vitreous, 1417 of zonule, 1335 oblique, of iris margin, 775 oblique focal, in sunflotver cataract, 1285

optic section, in after-cataract ivith Elschnig’s spheres, 1322, 1323 in aphakia, 1016 of Berger’s space, 826, 827 in cataract, complicated, 1171

anterior, following contusion, 1162

posterior, 1168 cortical, 1128 cuneiform, 1122 cupuliform, 1142 diabetic, 1179 following glaucoma, 1203 heat, 1298 intumescent, 1129 nuclear, 1148, 1149, 1154 secondary, 1310, 1311 sunflower, 1286 tetany, 1187 x-ray, 1307 zonular, 1072, 1074 of iris, 741

coloboma, 1339 color of, 741 crypts, 741 deeper leaf of, 741 lamellae, posterior border, 742 layers, anterior border, 753 superficial, 741 physiologic ectrojrion, 770 sphincter, 742 trabeculae, 741 tubercles, conglomerate, 895 in iritis, herpetic, 872 of lens, ggo, 966 capsule, exfoliation of, 1225 anterior, blister of, 1265

pigment stars and capsular exudates, 1214 radiant pigment lines, 1214 stripe, 982

Illumination - ( Continued) oblique focal - (Continued) of lens - (Continued)

posterior, deposits on, 1219 scar in, 1267 wounds, 1261

in lamellary separation, 1106, 1118, 1120

membrane, secondary, 1311, 1317 opacities, concentric lamellar, 1124 punctate cortical suture, 1125 rosette, anterior, 1266

following injury near limbus, 1240

thickness changes in, 1274 rests, 1027 subluxation of, 1208 water slits in, 1110 zones of discontinuity, 975, 979,


in lentiglobus posterior, 1040 of retina, 1385 detachment of, 1388 of stroma, atrophy of, 863 of synechia, anterior peripheral, 840 posterior, 845

of vitreous, 1362, 1367, 1370, 1385 pre-retinal detachment of, 1417 of zonule, 1335

proximal, in cataract, hyperraature,


mature, 1132 secondary, 1318 of iris, 745 atrophy, 745 crypts, 745 cysts, 746, 923 hemorrhages, 921 perforation, 745 pigment spots of, 765 sphincter, 745, 763 in adhesion or exudation, 863 trauma, 746 tumors, 746

in iritis, nodular, of leprosy, 901 of Kruckmann-Wofflin bodies, 757 of lens, capsular folds in, 1140 of shagreen spheres, 989 of stroma, atrophic changes in, 857 use of yellov' filter tvith, 741 of vitreous, 1364



Illumination - (Coniinned)

retro-illumination in cataract, complicated, 1161 coronary, 1099 cuneiform, 1123 clecti'ic, 1308 mature, 1132 radiation, 1307 saucer, anterior, 1145 stationary, 1271 sunflower, 1285 of iris, 731, 742, 743 albinotic, 805 atrophy, 851, 909

folloAving .trauma, 914 in depigmentation of posterior layer, 857 efflorescences, 831 holes, 920

layers in rarefaction, 1778 margin, 775 necrosis, 867 pigment changes, 850 tears, 920

of iritis, nodular, of leprosy, 901 of lens, 969, 981 aphakia, 743 capsular folds in, 1140 capsule, in senile exfoliation, 1226 myelin droplets in, 1106, 1114 posterior rosette in, 1268 spoke, 1114

subcapsular opacities in, 1301 vacuoles, 996

in lentiglobus posterior, 1040 of microfilaria, 826 optical effects of, g6g of pupillary border, atrophy of, 743 pigment excrescences of, 789 of pupillary margin, senile atrophy of, 773

of pupillary membranes, exudative, 1217

of sti'oma, rarefaction of, 796 in sympathetic ophthalmitis, 908 of vitreous, 1364 opacities, 1404 scatter, iris, 746 in cyst of iris, 924 in Kriickmann-IVofnin bodies, 757 shagi'een field, in lens capsule, pleatlike formations in, 1213

Illumination - (Continued)

specular reflection in cataract, complicated, 1169 electric, 1308

due to paradichlorbenzene poisoning, 1199 in iris, 747 in lens, 971

adult nuclear surface of, 998 arcuate line in, 1030 capsule, 1007 scars, 1264

cortex, thickness of, 1130 injuries, 1236

in zonular fibers, 1330, 1335 in zonule, 1335 specular reflex in lens, 950 transillumination of iris, 731, 743. See also Retro-illumination, diapupillary, of iris, 743 dehiscences, 913 of vitreous, 1363 translimbal (corneal), of iris, 747 transpupillary diaphanoscopy, in iris ruptures, 919

retro-illumination, in heterochromic iridocyclitis, 903

transcleral, in cataract, stationary, 1271

of iris, 746 albinotic, 805 atrophy, 923

posterior layers of, in pigment destruction, 850 ruptures, 919 wide beams of lens, 965 Implantation cysts of iris, 927 Infections, granulomatous, iridocyclitis due to, 813

Infra-red rays, absorption of, by cornea, 1292

Injury, of eye, sympathetic ophthalmitis following, 907 of iris, 912 direct, 913 indirect, 912 mechanical, 912 perforating, 913 to lens, 1235 biomia'oscopy of, 1235 capsule, folds due to, 1273


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Iris - (Co 7 ilijuied)

deposits, pigment, on, <772 in detachment of superficial lamellae of lens capsule, 755 developmental defects of, 779 diastasis of, 787 dilator pupillae, 734 discoloration, in sunflower cataract, 1288

ectropion of retinal pigment, 768 physiologic, of pigment border, 770 edema of, 818

efflorescences, ectodermal, of, 835 mesodermic, 839 embryology' of, 754 endothelium of, 732 examination of, 735 exfoliated particles in, 1229 exudative membrane covering, 867 fibers, sclerosis of, 868 fibrinous threads in, 846 floccules of, in acute luetic iritis, 839 flocculus of, 784. See Flocculus of iris, folding of, 868 freckles, 765 frill, 754 gummas of, 881 gutter formation in, 774 hemangiomata of, 816 hemorrhages, interstitial, in, 921 heredity in color variations of, 727 histology of, 732 holes in, 851, 857 following injury, 920 hyperemia of, 814 hyperpigmentalion of, 806 illumination of, 731. See also Illumination.

inflammation of, 808. See also Iritis and Iridocyclitis.

injuries of, 912. See also Injuries.

pigment granules and, 822 lamellae, posterior border, of, 742 layers, anterior, 749

posterior or deep leaf of, 759 anterior border, 732, 753 posterior retinal ])igment, destruction of. 774 superficial, 741 vessel, 732

leaves, anterior, of, 747

Iris - (Conlinned) leaves - (Continued) deeper, of, 741, 747 posterior of, 747 superficial, of, 747 leprosy of, 899

lesions, traumatic, of, 912. See also Injuries.

lesser circle of, 740 lymphoma of, 911 melanoma of, 765, 767 melanosarcoma of, 766 melanosis of, 806 mesodermal layer of, 747 mobility, 735

necrosis of, and iris atrophy, 863 of Negroes, color of, 764 crypts in, 757 markings in, 731 pigment seam of, 760 nodes, due to allergy', 831 nodules, ectodermal, of, 835 normal, biomicroscopy of, 747 optic section of. See Illumination, pathologic changes in, classification of, 814

perforations of, 745 pigment border of, congenital reduplication, 784

granules, degenerated, on, 857 pigmentary changes of, 849 pigmented epithelium of, 734 retinal pigment layer of, hypoplasia of, 783

retro-illumination of. See Illumination.

roseola of, 878 ruptures of, 915

partial, in traumatic cataract, 916 scatter, 746. See also Illumination, senile, 771. See also Senile changes, separation of, 777, 920 in siderosis, 922, 1282 specular reflection in. See Illumination.

sphincter, 742, 762 in buphthalmos, 778 rarefaction, senile, of, 763 ruptures of, 919 senile alterations of, 778 spots, pigment, of, 765



Iris - ( Continued) spots - (Continued)

differentiation from nevi or melanomas, '/Gs stroma, 732. See Stroma, surface markings of, 749 tears, 777, 915 trabeculae, 740

biomicroscopy of, 753 transillumination of. See Illumination.

trauma of, 746 tubercles on, 893

tuberculomatous lesions, chronic, of,


tuberculosis of, 812, 817 nodules in, 838 tumors of, 746, 912, 936 epidermoidal, 931 vessels, in atrophy of stroma, 867 inflammation of, 815 new-formed, in stromal atrophy, 867 vitiligo of, 851. See also Vitiligo.

Iritis, acute, biomicroscopic examination of, 816 efflorescences in, 836 keratic precipitates in, 820 symptoms of, 814 aqueous flare in, 817, 818 biomicroscopic examination in, 811 changes following, 852 chronic, 812 classification of, 809 deposits on lens capsule, following, 1212

differential diagnosis in, 809 diffuse, acute, of leprosy, 899 chronic, of leprosy, goo subacute, of leprosy, goo endogenous, acute, 813 exudates in, 828 exudation in, 818 exudative, acute, in lues, 880 classification of, 869 efflorescences in, 831 fetal, 795

fibrinous threads after, 846 gonococcal, 875

exudative form of, 875 plastic, 875, 877 simple, 875

in gonorrheal conjunctivitis, 875

Iritis - ( Continued)

gonorrheal, fibrinous exudates in, 824 hyperemia in, 817 granulomatous, 810 onset of, 810 gumma in, 878 hemorrhages in, 818

disintegration of red blood cells in, 852

herpetic, 870, 875 aqueous flare in, 871 hyperemia in, 817 keratic precipitates in, 871 in leukemia, 911 luetic, acute, floccules in, 839 miliary, of leprosy, 901 nodular, of leprosy, 90 1 .nongranulomatous, 813 nonpurulent, 810 onset of, 809, 820 aqueous flare in, 818 cells in aqueous in, 821 white cells in, 824 papular, 871 papulosa, 878

in luetic iritis, 880 pigmentary changes in, 849 plastic, 810 in lues, 880

synechiae, annular, in, 848 quiet, deposits on lens capsule in, 1212

tubercle in, 893 recurrent, brucellosis in, 831 secondary glaucoma in, 817 serous, 810 specific types of, 86g synechiae in, 841 syphilitic, 877

acute exudative, 880 toxic, 848

in morgagnian cataract, 1139 traumatic, 914

following trephine operation, 848 tuberculous, 885 diagnosis of, 885 etiology of, 895 nodes in, 831 A'itiligo folloAving, 851 Irritation, sympathetic, differentiation of sympathetic ophthalmitis and, 1436



Kayser-Fleischer ring, 1288 Keratic precipitates, 811 and deposits on posterior lens capsule, 829 and ectodermal efflorescences, 835 in heterochromic iridocyclitis, gog in iritis papulosa, 885 in sympathetic ophthalmitis, 905 in tuberculous cyclitis, 898 , in tuberculous iritis, 885 Keratitis, interstitial, in onchocerciasis, 825

luetic, 880

sclerosing, in tuberculous iritis, 895 superficial punctate, in onchocerciasis, 825

vascular, in onchocerciasis, 825 Keratoconjunctivitis, phlyctenular, efflorescences in, 831

Kerato-iritis, interstitial, follotving trauma, goi

Kleefeld biomicroscope, 1382 Koeppe method of examining vitreous, 1381

nodules, 810. See also Nodules. Koganei clump cells, 761 Kruckmann-Wofflin bodies, 756 Krukenberg’s corneal spindle, deposits on lens capsule in, 1222 Kugeln, 1321

Lamellary degeneration and lens spokes, 1113

separation, 1115 Leiomyoma of iris, 936 Lens, absorption of rays by, 1292 adolescent stripes, 1001 adult nuclear stripes, 991 posterior, 1005

adult, nuclear surfaces of, mirror zones of, 998 nucleus, 1009 changes tvith age in, 992 thickness of, 1014 anomalies, congenital, of, 1032 anterior, mirror zone of, 989 stripe of adult nucleus, 990 aphakia of, 1036. See also Aphakia, arcuate line in, 1029 derivation of, 1031 “ball-shaped," 1336, 1341 at birth, 1000, 1016, 1034

Lens - (Continued)

biomicroscopic examination of, 961.

See also Illumination, block, 982

blood supply of, 958 capsule, alterations, pathologic, of, 1208

anatomy of, 1223

anterior, detachment of superficial lamella in, 1297 exudate on, 1212 inflammatory deposits on, 1210 mirror reflexes of, 971 pigment deposits on, following iritis, 852

pigment granules on, 822 “sarcoma" cells in, 941 shagreen area of, 973 arcuate line on, 1030 biomicroscopy of, 1209 deposits, perihyaloid type, on, 1222 striate, following contusion, 1448 detachment of superficial lamellae of, iris changes in, 735 of zonular lamella, 1332 exfoliation of, 1223 aqueous in, 1230 folds in, 1209, 1210 membranes, ropelike, on 1213 veil-like, 1213 pigment on, in iritis, 846 pigmented lines in, 1023 stripes in, 1023 pleatlike formations on, 1213 posterior, cells in, 827 deposits, of dots or striae, on,

circular, form of, 1222 disseminated type of, 1221 distribution of, 1221 hemorrhagic, 1447 inferior type of, 1222 inflammatory, 1217 and keratic precipitates, 829 retinitis pigmentosa and, 1218 types of and differentiation oi, 1221

keratic precipitates on, 853 linear figures on, 1387 mirror reflexes of, 971 perforation of, 1265 pigment on, 852



Lens - (Continued) capsule - ( Continued)

pigment on - (Continued)

granules on, in iris inflammation, 822

in iritic and retinal involvement, 1221

pigmented stars in, 1392 precipitates on, 1218 rests on, 1024 striate figures on, 1387 stripe, 1007

rupture of, 1210, 1236, 1258

in cataract following glaucoma, 1202

vitreous in, 1451 scars in, 1261

senile exfoliation in, 1209 shagreen in, 950 starlike deposits on, 1022 stripe, anterior, of biomicroscopy of. 982

threads, fibrinous, in, 846 trauma of, 1259 traumatic folds of, 1273 wounds of, 1261 cataract. See Cataract, changes, developmental, 1032 following foreign bodies, penetrating. 1275

noncataractous, 1019 in position, 1036 in shape, 1036 in size, 1036

cholesterol crystals in, 1323 coloboma of, 1044 zonule in, 1339

congenital anomalies, classification of,


smallness, 1341

copper impregnation of, 1284 cortex, 1009

anterior, crevices in, 1126 fissures in, 1126 ring opacities in, 1131 sutures of, 1125 capsular folds in, 1139 color changes in, 1012 liquefaction of, 1135 optical phenomena in, 1112 punctate opacities in, 1123

Lens - ( Continued) cortex - ( Co7itinued) swelling in, 1128 thickening of, 1130 thickness of, 1014 aumblike bodies in, 1323 crystals, 1135

deformations, in pressure from tumors of ciliary body, 1205 deposits, striaform, in, 1221 development, embryonal, of, 954 discission of, biomicroscopy of eye following, 1316

dislocation of, biomicroscopy in, 1207 congenital, 1345 hereditary, 1345 nontraumatic, 1206 spontaneous, 1206 dots, physiologic, in, 1012 with double focus, 1103 ectopia of, zonule in, 1344 embryology of, 949 embryonal stripe of Vogt, inner, 1002 outer, 999 epithelium, 985 hypertrophied capsular, 1135 fetal nucleus of, anterior inner stripe, of, 1002

anterior outer stripe of, 999 posterior inner, 1004 posterior outer, 1005 filaments in, pigmented stars in, 1021 fluorescence in, 1293 in glaucoma, 1201 growth, 949

and zones of discontinuity, 978 Hruby diagnostic, 1385 hyaloid corpuscle of, 1025, 1029 hydragj'rosis of, 1289 images, Sanson-Purkinje, 979 injuries to, 1235. See also Injuries, intumescence of, 1272 lamellae, concentric, in, 1101 lamellary separation in, 1116 and opaque fibers in, 1128 ientiglobus, 1038. See aZio Lentiglobus. lentoid forms in, 1323 line of disjunction of, 990 luxated, 1206

membrane, secondary in, 1310 mercury in, 1289



Lens - (Contmiied) metabolism of, 1209 suture system in, 1012 microphakia, 1037, 1341 mirror zone, anterior, of, 983 morphology of, in accommodation, 1016

normal, 948

nourishment of, in cataract, 1070 nuclear surfaces of, anterior adult, mirror reflexes in, 974 posterior adult, mirror reflexes in,


nucleus, in optic section, 966 color changes in, 1012 sclerosis of, in accommodation, 1018 swelling in, 1128

opacities of. See Cataract and Opacities of lens.

periphery, shagreen spheres in, 985 persistent fibrovascular sheath of,


posterior stripe of disjunction of, 1006

in presenile changes, 1010 radiation in, 1291 refractive changes in, 1184 relief, incidence of, 995, 996 ridges of the adult nuclear relief of, 995

rotunda, 1037, 1341 retro-iridial lines in, 1024 stripes in, 1023 rust in, 1281

senile changes in, etiolog)' of, 1093 rare forms of, 1131 shadow line in, 1318 shagreen, 971, 983. See also Shagreen, shrunken, 1351 in anterior chamber, 1342 stretched zonular fibers in, 1351 siderosis of, 1281. See also Siderosis. slits, 10J2

specular reflection of, 971, See also Illumination.

spherule, in perforating scars of capsule, 1264 spokes, 1105 starlike figures in, 1022 striae in, 1301 stripes, infantile, in, 999

Lens - (Continued) subluxation of, 1206 congenital, 1345 hereditary, 1345 sutures, 955 swelling of, 1127, 1272 thickness, changes in sagittal, of, 1274 traction folds of, due to capsule scar, 1264

Vossius’ ring in, 1243 water clefts in, 1012, 1105 content of, 1104 slits in, 1105

white glaucoma spots in, 1202 whorl-like remains in, 1028 yellow pigment in, 1157 zones of discontinuity of, in optic section, 975. See also Zones of discontinuity.

zonule, 1327. See also Zonule and Zonular.

Lenticonus, 1038 anterior, 1042 “false,” 1151 pathogenesis of, 1041 Lenticular debris in vitreous, 1451 Lentiflavin, 1157 Lentiglobus, 1038 anterior, 1042 pathogenesis of, 1041 posterior, 1038 Leproma, miliary, 902 Leprosy of iris, 899 Leukemia, iris in, 911 Leukoma adherens, in ring-form cataract, 1090

Leukosarcoraas of iris, 938, 943 in lens deformations, 1205 Ligament hyaloideo-capsulare of Wieger and deposits on posterior lens capsule, 1221

Lindner microscope, 1383 Line, arcuate in lens, 1029 Linear figures on posterior lens capsule, 1387

Lues, iris in, 877 Lymphoma of iris, 911

Macula, coloboma of, in cataract, 1085 Marfan's syndrome, dislocated lens in, 1206, 1207

ectopia lentis in, 1345



Melanohypostasis, 862 Melanoma, benign, 938 of iris, 765, 767 malignant, of ciliary body, 935 of iris, 938

Melanosarcoma, changes in vitreous due to, 1441 of iris, 766

lens pressure due to, 1205 Melanosis, bulbi, iris in, 806 iridis, 766, 806

oculi, malignant grotvths in, 939 Membrane, exudative, covering iris, 867 pupillary, persistent, 1021 secondary, crystals in, 1323 dark slit in, 1318 shadow line in, 1318 Mendel’s law, in capsular and polar cataracts, 1055

and iris color variations, 727, 763 Mercurialism, chronic, in lens, 1289 Microcornea, aplasia of lens in, 1036 degeneration of lens in, 1036 Microfilaria in cornea, 825 Microphakia, 1037, 1341 Microscope, Lindner, 1383 Mikulicz’s syndrome, iritis in, 831 Miosis, in iritis, 845

trabeculae of deep iris leaf in, 759 Miotics, in cysts of pigment border, 787 in examination of iris, 735 Mirror zone in lens, 989 Mongolian idiocy, cataract in, 1173, 1192 Morphology of iris, 732 of lens, 1016 of zonule, 1327 Muscae volitantes, 1401 Myasthenia gravis, cataract in, 190 Myelin droplets, 1112, 1267 Myopia, Cloquet’s canal in, 1378 degenerative, in comjrlicated cataract, 1169

detachment of vitreous in, 1410 distorted framework of vitreous and, 1403

lenticular, 1045

progressive, in lens with double focus, 1152

Myotonia, amyotonia congenita, 1190 atrophica, 1189

Myotonia - ( Continued’) congenita, 1189 dystrophia, etiolog)' of, 1189 trophica, cataract in, 1190

Naphthalene poisoning, cararact due to,


Narrow beam, use of. See Illumination. Necrosis of iris, 947 Needles, diabetic, 1183 Neorodermatitis, cataract in, 1173, 1194 Neurofibromatosis, 767 Nevi iridis, in neurofibromatosis, 767 Nevus, flammeus, 938 of iris, 766 pigmented, 767 vasculosus, 938

Nodules, ectodermal at pupillary border, 835

histology of, 830 in iritis, 830 Koeppe, 8 j o, 8 n , 830 mesodermic, in iris, 839 in stroma, 839

in uveal tract in iritis papulosa, 881 Nutrition, and iris changes, 779 and lens changes, 1019 and senile changes, 771 Nystagmus in aniridia, 799

Occlusion of pupil by exudative membrane, 867

Onchocerciasis, in cornea, 825 in vitreous, 1462

Opacities, of lens, axial punctate, in anterior cortical suture system, 1125

button-shaped, in trauma, 1249 capsular, shagreen-free halo in, 1049 as sign of maturity and hypermaturity of cataract, 1135 cerulean, 764

characteristics of, in contusion, 1243 crumblike, posterior subcapsular, 1267

developmental, 1032 dumbbell or collar stud shape, J054 near fetal sutures, 1055 hooklike or ringlike, io8i porous, in complicated cataract, 1170



Opa d ti es - ( Corjliniied)

presenile, due to contusion, 1257 punctate, 1123 progressive, 1091 ringlike flattened, 1081 rosette, 1267

in trauma of lens capsule, 1259 traumatic, 1250 diagnosis of, 1254 following rupture of capsule, 1258 saucer-like anterior and posterior subcapsular, 1299 senile, 1300

senile-like, due to contusion, 1257 senile, peripheral concentric, 1124 punctate, 1123 shape of, clubs, 1095 disks, 1095 lines, 1095 rings, 1095

stationary, traumatic, 1270 traumatic disseminated subcapsular, 1246

Vossius’ ring, 1243 of vitreous, 1401 in inflammations, 1434 Ophthalmitis, sympathetic, 810, 905 anterior lens capsule precipitates in, 1218

biomicroscopy in, 906 cells in, 825 clinical findings in, 905 deposits in retrolental space in, 828 diagnosis of, 907 vitreous in, 1436 Ophthalmomyiasis interna, 1465 Optic neuritis, 1437 papilla, inflammation of, vitreous opacities in, 1437 section. See Illumination.

Orthoscopy of vitreous, 1380

Papillitis, vitreous opacities in, 1437 Paradichlorbenrene poisoning, cataract due to, 1198

Paralysis, periodic family, cataract in, 1 190

Parasites, 825 intraocular, 1461 Parasitic cysts of iris, 927

Parathyroidectomy, tetany and cataract due to, 1187

Perforatio lentis traumatica, 1258 Pericorneal injection, 814 Phakodonesis, in ectopia lentis, 1358 in hypermature cataract, 1134 Phenol poisoning, cataract due to, 1198 Photography in recording changes in malignant melanoma, 940 Physical changes in lens 'with age, 1092 Physiologic iris spots, 765 "Piebald" iris, 766, 796 Pigment, in cataract, secondarj^ 1325 changes in iris, 849 epithelium, hyperplasia of, in flocculus iridis, 784 of iris, 734

granules, in aqueous after injury, 822 degenerated, in iris stroma, 857 on posterior capsule in iridic and retinal involvement, 1220 spots, of iris, 765 "piebald" iris, 766 uveal, in vitreous, 1450 Pigmentation of pupillary border, secondary, in glaucoma, 850 secondary, in iridocyclitis, 850 Pigmented stars on posterior lens capsule, 1392

Poikiloderma atrophicans, 1194 Poliomyelitis, acute, cataract in, 1190 Polycoria, false, 797 Polycythemia vera, 911 'Prism, Goldmann angle reduction, 1384 Prostatis, gonorrheal, iritis in, 876 Pseudocoloboma of iris, 797, 793 Pseudopodia, 1341 Pupil, changes with age, in, 772 diameter of, in normal iris, 769 dilation of, in capsule exfoliation, 1229

membranes, exudative, in, 1217

mobility of, 769

occlusion of, 848

rabbits, 805

seclusion of, 847

size of, 769

Pupillary border, atrophy of, 743, 773 efflorescences at, 835 excrescences of, 759 absence of, 762

Pupillary border - (Continued) , nodule on, 837 pigment seam of, 759 Pupillary margin, atrophy of, 775 efflorescences at, 830 hyaline degeneration of, 775 rarefaction of, 773 threads from, 846

Pupillary membrane, 755, 867, 1020 in anterior polar and capsular cataracts, 1054 persistent, 779 in syndactyly, 1350 Pupillary opening, 770

pigment border of, doubling of, 784 excrescences of, diabetic changes in,


pilocari^ine cysts of, 787 senile changes of, 772 seam and senile hypertrophy of, 774 threads of, 1021 zone, 740

atrophy of, 861

Radiant energ)', effects of, 1291 fluorescence in, 1293 Radiation, cataract due to, 1291 Radium cataract, 1304 Rays, gamma, 1291 infra-red, 1291 roentgen, 1291 ultraviolet, 1291

Reduplication of iris pigment border, 784

Reflection, specular. See Illumination, Refraction, changes in, in diabetes, 1183 Retina, detachment of, 1388

ectropion of retinal pigment layer follotving, 868 vitreous changes in, 1437 and vitreous hemorrhage, 1391 senile macular degeneration, 1388 tear in, seen tvith Hruby lens, 1386 Retinal burns, due to short infra-red rays, 1292

pigment layer of iris, in albinism, 763 circumpupillary exposure of, from stromal atrophy, 861 degeneration of, 850 depigmentation of, 850 ectropion of, 784, 789

differentiation from flocculus, 793

Retinal burns - (Continued) pigment layer of iris - (Continued) hyperplasia of, 789 migration of, in iritis, 849 senile rarefaction of, 775 Retinal separation, and complicated cataract, 848 in iritis, 848

and vitreous detachment, 1419 Retinitis pigmentosa, 1439

bilateral cysts of vitreous in, 1399 and complicated cataract, 1167 deposits on posterior lens capsule in, 1218

Retinoblastoma, vitreous in, 1440 Retro-illumination. See Illumination. Retrolental fibroplasia, 1392 space, 1375. See also Vitreous, cells in, 827 debris in, 826 hyphemia in, 822 Ring, Kayser-Fleischer, 1288 Soemmerrung’s, 1311, 1319 Roentgen ray cataract, 1304 Roman numeral sign in diabetes, 1183 Roseolae of iris, 878 in pupillary zone, 879 Rothmund’s disease, cataract in, 1194 Rubeosis iridis, 817 glaucomatosa, 815 Ruptures, of iris, 915 of sphincter, 919 Rust in lens, 1281

Sarcoid, Boeck’s, 831 Scars, on lens, due to injury, 1264 traction, on lens capsule, 1273 Scatter, iris, 746. See also Illumination. Scintillatio albescens, 1422 Scleroderma, cataract in, 1173, 1194 Scleroperikeratitis in tuberculous iritis, 895

Sclerosis, amyotrophic, cataract in, 1190 nuclear, 1128

in heat cataract, 1303 progressive peroneal, cataract in, 1190 senile, of iris, 776 Seclusio pupillae, 849 Seclusion of puijil, folding of iris in, 868

by membrane, 867

Senile atrophy of pupillary border, 773



Senile changes, in iris, 727, 731 biomia'oscopy of, 771 clefts of, 775

detachment of stroma in, 920 gutter formation, 774 pigment deposits in, clumps, 772 particles, 772 spheres, 772

pupillary border, inversion of, in, 773

pigment seam, disappearance of, in, 772

retinal pigment layer and, 775 destruction of, in, 774 sclerosis in, 776 separation of iris as, 777 sphincter and, 778 stroma and, 775, 776 destruction of, in, 774 synechiae, posterior, in inversion of pupillary border, 773 tears in, 777 in lens, 1018, 1091 anterior stripe in, 990 cortex, 1012 and nucleus, 1014 nucleus, 1012 opacities, punctate, 1123 premature, loig

and prescnile changes in iris, 771 in pupillary seam, 774 in vitreous, detachment of, in, 1410 luminosity of, in, 1369 Senile circummarginal changes of pupillary pigment seam, 774 hypertrophy of pupillary seam, 774 rarefaction, iris sphincter in, 763 of pupillary margin, 773 Separation of iris, senile, 777 Shagreen-free halo, in capsular opacities, 1049 of lens, 971 over a water slit, 1111 of lens capsule, 950 spheres in lens, 895 in 7ones of discontinuity, 983 Short infra-red rays in retinal burns, J292

Sidcrosis, 1160

bulbi, vitreous changes in, 12S3 capsular changes in, 1210 hematogenous, 921

Siderosis - ( Continued) of iris, 922

diagnosis of, 923 lentis, 1281

Skin, diseases of, cataract in, 1194 etiology of, 1194

Skull, contusions of, 1236

Snow blindness, 1292

Soemmerrung’s ring, 1090, 1311, 1319

Space, of Berger, 826, See also Berger’s space and Retrolental space, retrolental, 1375. See also Retrolental space.

Spectrum, visible, 1291

Specular reflection, of iris, 747. See also Illumination.

Spherophakia, 1017, 1037, 1336 hereditary, 1341

Sphincter iridis, 762. See also Iris sphincter.

Spokes of lens, 1105, 1113

Stahli’s line, 1158

Staphyloma of cornea, in ring-shaped cataract, 1090

Striae in lens, superficial, gray radial, 1301

Striate figures on posterior lens capsule, 1387

Stroma of iris, 732

adhesions, anterior, of, 795 atrophy of, 841 inflammatory, 861 senile, in glaucoma, 776, 778 vessels in, 867 biomicroscopy of, 753 crypts in, 757 defects of, 795 depigmentation of, 822, 850 destruction of, 774 efflorescences in, 835 mesodermal, 839 holes in, 757 hypoplasia of, 796 melanophores in, 764 nodules in, 839 openings in, 757

pigment, migration of, in iritis, 849 pigmentation of, effect on iris color, 764

rarefaction, deep, of, 776 physiologic, 796 senile, 775

Stroma of iris - (Continued)

superficial leaf of anterior layer of,


tubercles in, 893

Sulcus circummarginalis of A^ogt, 774

Sutures, fetal, opacities in, 1055 lens, cortical, opacities in, 1125 rupture of, 1010 Y, 996, 1002

in fetal nuclei, 999

Suture system of lens, 1010 opacities in, 1125

Sympathetic ophthalmitis, 810. See also Ophthalmitis.

Synchysis scintillans, 1421

Syndactyly, pupillary membranes in,


Synechiae, annular, 847 plastic iritis in, 848 anterior, following cataract extraction,


peripheral, 812, 841, 849 in glaucoma, 800 from tubercle, conglomerate, at iris periphery, 841 in cataract, secondary, 1315 in iritis, 841 kerato-vitreous, 1459 in leprosy of iris, goo in luetic iritis, 880 peripheral, absence of, in glaucoma capsulare, 1234 posterior, 812, 841 and atrophy, 850 efflorescences forming, 835 in iritis, toxic, 848 in miosis, 759

Syphilitic iridocyclitis and iritis, 839, 877, 880

Taenia echinococcus larvae, hydatid q'st due to, 1465 solium, 1463

Tapeto-retinal degeneration, 1439

Tears, of iris, 915 senile, 777 in sphincter, 920

Tetany, cataract in, 1185

Thallium poisoning, cataract due to, 1198

Thyroidectomy, lens changes in, 1186

Toxoplasmosis, lens defects in, 1033 Transillumination. See Illumination. Trauma, of iris, 746, 912

of lens, 1235. See also Injuries, in leprous iritis, 901 of vitreous, detachment of, in, 1419 of zonule, 1357

Traumatic implantation cysts of iris, 927 Tubercles in iris, benign, 893 conglomerate, 894 Tuberculosis, acute miliary, 88g diffuse proliferative, eye in, 895 iris in, 812, 885. See also Iritis and Iridocyclitis.

Tumors, of ciliary body, in lens deformations, 1205

intraocular, ectropion of retinal pigment layer following, 868 of iris, 746, gn, 936 epidermoidal, 931 traumatic, 927 in vitreous, 1440

Tunica vasculosa lends, 960. See also Pupillary membrane, anterior, remains of, 1020 persistent and retrolental fibroplasia,


physiologic remains of, 1020 posterior, remains of, 1024 Tyndall phenomenon, 818, 963, 982 increase in relucency of, 1442 in injuries to lens, 1358 in vitreous, 1362

examination of, 1364 Tyrosine in cataractous lenses, 1158

Ulcer, tuberculous keratic, 895 Ultraviolet rays, absorption by cornea, 1292

Uvea, 808. See also Iris.

anterior, exudative inflammations ofi 814

Uveal pigment in vitreous, 1450 tract, syphilitic involvement of, 877 Uveitis, anterior, 808

cells, pigmented, in, 822 clironic, of tuberculous origin, 831 deposits on lens capsule in, 1221 in Boeck’s sarcoid, 831 cataract, complicated, folloiring, 1166 endogenous, 809 in tuberculosis, 885

Uveitis - (Continued)

exudates in retrolental space in, 828 granulomatous, 810 nongranulomatous, 810 onset of, 819

phaco-anapliylactica, 1259 purulent, 810 tuberculous, 885 mode of infection in, 886 vitreous exudates in, 1426 vitreous evudates in, 1427 Uveoparotid fever, iritis in, 831

Vacuoles, in lens, 1112 in mature cataract, 1132 myelin, 1115 Vaquez-Osler disease, 911 Venous stasis, iris vessels in, 815 Vessel layer of iris, 732 Vision, “blue,” 1013 Vitiligo, in atrophy of iris stroma, 862 in glaucoma, 852’ following iridectomy, 852 involving iris, 82a, 861 following iritis, 851 Vitreous, 1362

asteroid hyalosis in, 1421 biomicroscopic examination of, 1364 in cataract, sunflower, 1288 cells in, in early sympathetic ophthalmitis, 1425 in chalcosis lends, 1461 congenital anomalies of, 1387 in contusions, 1442 crystals, 1135 in eyelids, 1435 cysts, congenital, of, 1398 and parasites, 14G1 degeneration in lens displacement, 1207

microfibrillary, 1409 destruction of, in siderosis, 1283 detachment of, 1391, 1410 anterior, 1419

and retinal detachment, 1419 dots on, 1426 examination of, 1380 in exfoliation of lens capsule, 1232 exudates, in tuberculous uveitis. 1426 in uveitis, 1427

Vitreous - ( Continued) exudation in, 828

and tuberculous iridocyclitis, 1220 fibrillary structure of, 1363 filaria in, 1462 fluid, herniation of, 1454 foi’eign bodies in, 1459 framework, destruction of, 1431 disruptions of, 1451 distorted, in myopia, 1403 hemorrhage in, 822, 1413, 1447 intravitreous, 1448 juvenile, 1449 recurrent, 1391 following trauma, 1443 herniation of, 1452 hole in, 1414 hyaloid, 1375

cystic deformation of, 1397 myopia in, 1410 in retrolental space, 828 hyaloid vessels in, rests of, 1378, 1380 inflammatory changes in, 1424 injuries to, 1441, See also Injuries, kerato-, synechia, 1459 liquefaction of, 1402, 1406, 1452 in xiderosis, 1283 in melanosarcoma, 1441 membrane, plicated in, 1374 scaffolding of, 1374 microfibrillary degeneration in, 1402, 1409

“moir6” in, 1363

myopic changes in, 1406

normal, biomicroscopic appearance of,


opacities of, biomicroscopic examination in, 1401

classification of, 1405, 1425 endogenous, 1431 floating, 1401

ophthalmoscopic examination of, 1401

in optic neuritis, 1437 oscillatory, 1401

in sympathetic ophthalmitis, 1436 ophthalmomyiasis interna in, 1465 orthoscopy of, 1380 pigment in, 853, 1450 deposits in, in retinal detachment, 1428

in sympathetic ophthalmitis, 1428

Vitreous - (Continued) pigmentation of, 139s

in retinitis pigmentosa, 1428 follotving uveitis, 1428 posterior, examination of, 1417 limiting layer of, 1417 pi'eretinal detachments of, 1417 primary, hyperplasia of, 1394 persistence of, 1395 prolapse of, 1454

following discission, 1456 follotving intracapsular cataract, 1456

following trauma, 1456 pseudomembranes in, 1374, 1431, 1434 relucency of, 1404

in retinal detachment, spontaneous,


in retinitis pigmentosa, 1439 retrolental fibroplasia of, 1392 space, 826, 1371, 1375. 1408. See also Retrolental space â– whorl-like remains in, 1028 senile, alterations in, 1406 peppering of, 1410 in siderosis, 1283

in sympathetic ophthalmitis, 1436 synchisis of, 1402 scintillans, 1421

trauma of, starlike figures in, 1442 tumors in, 1440 uveal pigment in, 1450 granules in, 1431

vestiges of A'asa hyaloidea propria in, 1380

■^vhite cells in, 1451 Vogt’s sign in capsular opacities, 1049 Von Recklinghausen's disease, iris melanomas in, 767

A^ossius’ ring, 1210, 1239, 1243 pathogenesis of, 1245

AA^’ar wounds, 1460 AA’^ater clefts in lens, 1012 slits in lens, H05

A'Verner’s syndrome, cataract in, 1194 AVilson’s disease, 1288 AA^offlin bodies in iris, 1022 AA^orms in viterous, 1461

X-ray cataract, 1304

Zamenhof's modification of Gullstrand ophthalmoscope, 1382 Zone of anterior inner fetal nucleus, 1002, 1003

of specular reflection, 971. See also Illumination, in lens epithelium, 985 Zones of discontinuity in lens, 948, 964, 975

anterior, 983

biomicroscopy of, 975, 979 distance between, 1015 lamellar separation in intumescence of cortex and nucleus, 1128 Zonular chalcosis, 1361

changes in iridoq'clitis, 1350 fibers, site of origin of, 1333 lamella, 1331

detachment of, from lens capsule,


after trauma,- 1298 senile exfoliation of, J092 separation of, 1223 in ectopia lends, 1361 traumatic detachment of, 1359 rupture, vitreous herniation follotviiig. 1452

traction, in development of suture system, 1016

spherophakia in, 1343 Zonule, 1327 anatomy of, 1327

biomicroscopic examination of, 1334 congenital, anomalies in, 1339 degeneration of, in lens displacement, 1206, 1207

in ectopia lends, 1344, 1347 embryology' of, 1327 fibers of, 1327

hereditary anomalies in, 1339 histology' of, 1327 insertion of, on lens, 1331 morphology of, 1327 pathologic alteration of, follo'wing inflammation, 1350 traumatic alterations of, 1356 in spherophakia, 1341 Zoster, herpes, iris in, 870