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PMID: 30056110

Walls ML & Hart RJ. (2018). In vitro maturation. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol , , . PMID: 30056110 DOI.

In vitro maturation recent article [1]

Adding an Image

Neuropore cell shape changes.png

Neuropore cell shape changes[2]

image on DRG

Rat L5 DRG.jpg

DRG L5 of rat [3]


PMID: 29729299

Nascimento AI, Mar FM & Sousa MM. (2018). The intriguing nature of dorsal root ganglion neurons: Linking structure with polarity and function. Prog. Neurobiol. , 168, 86-103. PMID: 29729299 DOI.

  1. Walls ML & Hart RJ. (2018). In vitro maturation. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol , , . PMID: 30056110 DOI.
  2. Shinotsuka N, Yamaguchi Y, Nakazato K, Matsumoto Y, Mochizuki A & Miura M. (2018). Caspases and matrix metalloproteases facilitate collective behavior of non-neural ectoderm after hindbrain neuropore closure. BMC Dev. Biol. , 18, 17. PMID: 30064364 DOI.
  3. Sapunar D, Kostic S, Banozic A & Puljak L. (2012). Dorsal root ganglion - a potential new therapeutic target for neuropathic pain. J Pain Res , 5, 31-8. PMID: 22375099 DOI.