Sleep, Hormones, and Circadian Rhythms throughout the Menstrual Cycle

Sleep, Hormones, and Circadian Rhythms throughout the Menstrual Cycle in Healthy Women and Women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Shechter A, Boivin DB. Int J Endocrinol. 2010;2010:259345. Epub 2010 Jan 18. PMID: 20145718 | PMC2817387

  • relationship exists between the sleep-wake cycle and hormone secretion
  • melatonin, cortisol, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and prolactin (PRL), vary across the 24-hour day and are highly regulated by the circadian and sleep-wake cycles.
  • sleep complaints commonly occur during the postovulatory luteal phase (LP) in healthy women
  • premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) - a DSM-IV classified menstrual cycle-related mood disorder

endometrial and ovarian characteristics using three dimensional power Doppler ultrasound

patients who finally conceived was the presence of a triple-line pattern in the endometrium

Quantity and quality of retrograde menstruation: a case control study

  • menstruation is associated with a higher concentration of endometrial cells in peritoneal fluid (PF)
  • comparison with the nonmenstrual phase of the cycle, analysis of PF during menstruation showed an increased concentration of leucocytes (3.3 × 109/L vs 0.8 × 109/L, P = 0.03), erythrocytes (0.3 × 1012/L vs 0.02 × 1012/L, P = 0.006), hematocrit (0.03 L/L vs 0.003 L/L, P = 0.01) and hemoglobin (0.8 g/dL vs 0.1 g/dL, P = 0.01).

luteal phase changes

Suggested changes include:

  • fluid retention, weight gain, increased energy demands, changes in glucose uptake, a slower gastrointestinal transit time, altered lipid profiles, altered vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and iron metabolism, emotional hypersensitivity, generalized pain, and changes in dietary habits.