Talk:Book - Physiology of the Fetus 1

From Embryology
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References 1

Grosser, 0. i927. Frühentwicltlunz Eihautbildung und Placentatiom Bergmanm München.

Bartelmez G. W. i93i. Anat. Reiz, 482 suppl. g.

Bartelmez G. IV. i935. Ibid., Si: suppl. z. ·

. Mossman, H. W. i937. contr. Emb., 26: i29.

. Mossman, I-I. W. i926. Am. Anat., 37: 433.

Brunschwig, A. E. i927. Anat. Rec., 34: 237.

Evereth J. W. i935. J. Exp. Zool» 7o: 243.

. Bremer, J. L. i9i6. Am. Anat., i9: i79.

. Gersh, I. i937. contr. Emb., as: II«

. Windle, W. F., M. Monnier sc A. G. steele. i938. Physiol. Zoöl., it: 425. . Windle, W. F. sc A. G: steele. ig38. Proc. soc. Exp. Biol sc Med., Zy 246.

is. Preyen W. i885. specielle Physiologie des Embryo- Stichen. Leipzig. i s. Pollocly L. J. sc L. E. Das-is. i924. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., is: 288.

i4. Windle, W. F. sc W. L. Mineaix i933. Anat. Rec., 57: i.

is. Windle, W. F. sc R. F. Becken ig4o. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 43: 9o.

i6. Dicltinson, R. L. i933. I-1uman sex Anatomy, Williams sc Wilkins, Bal timore (ref. for Fig. i) . U. Arey, L. B. i94o. Developmental Anatomy, saunders, Philadelphia (ref. for Fig. s) .


AZDOMINAL musc1e, 168 Absorption

by a1lantois, 6, ue

by p1acenta, eo7—e1o

by slstin, 1e5

by yo1k-sac, eio

in colon, 1o7

in digestive tract, 99, 1oo, 1o6

signiiicance of, 1o7

in intestine, 1o6

in respiratory tract, 1oo

in stomaclh 1o6

of amino acid, e16

of lipid, e14

of material swa11owed, 99, Ioo

of vernix caseosa, 125 Acceleration of heart, ee Acid

amino, e1e, e16—e19

ascorbiq 199

fatty, e13-e15

hydrochloriq 1o9

lactic, ete

uric, ue, 1ee, e16—e19 Action potential

cardiaq 13-16 cerebral, 163 from coch1ea, 189 from muscle, 176, 177

Adhesions, prevention by amniotic

fiuid, 121 AdrenaL see supmsenal gis-nd. Adrenalectomzg 193, eie Adrena1in, 194, 195 Afkerent stimulation at birth, 9o After-dischatge, 168 Agglutinins placental transmission,

eo8 Air space of egg, gas content, 87 Albumirh serum, us Alkali del-mit, uncompensatech 76 Alkali reserve, 66—69 Alkalinity of blood, relation to dis sociation curve, 66-69


Allantoic i1uid, ue, us, te! volume of, 1e1 A11antois, 6, ue, us, 1e1, e18 relation to p1acenta, 6, 11 z, u4 storage in, H, eig uric acid concentration, eig vestigiaL 1 13 Alveoli of 1ung, 79 Amblystoma behaizioral deve1opxnent, 14e-146 comparison with man, 146 Amino acids, Ue, e16, eig solubility of, e16 Ammonia, e16, e18 Amnion, ue, us, 1e1-1e4, 1e8, leg, 147, 167, 184 lack of nerve übers, 1e8 muscle contractions, Les, 1e9 petcussion of, 147, 184 Amniotic fluid aspiration, 79, 91-94 composition, ue, 1eo-1ee excretion into, 1o7, 1o8, ue, use, 1e5, 218 experimental remova1, 123 freezing ·point, 1eo, Iee function, Les. hypotonic to blood, xee source, 99, 1e2—1e4 specific gravity, Iee swallowinz 99-1oe, 174 uti1ization, 1o7, Iog volume, 1d7, 1ee—1e4 Amyl nitrite- eo Amylase, 1o9, uo AmytaL sodium, 81 Anastomosis of chorionic vessels, 195 Androgens, 193, 195 Andromimetic function of ten-il, we, 193 Anemia cerebraL at birth, go hypochromiq eeo pernicious, of pregnanczz se

suprai 230

Anemia, primarzg in newborkh 52 Anemic decerebratiom s, si . Anesthesia carbon dioxide, s4 cyclopropanq si ether, s, so general, s local, s nembutaL si relation to behavioty s, Iso to respiratiom so to senses, isz to swallowingz ioo sodium amytaL si spinah Si, sz urethane, Si, 83 Anoxemia . physiologiq 71, 74, s3, 96, 169 relation to aspiration, g1—94, 96 to behaviotx 147, 155, 166—171, Ists, to experimental conditions, g, 169 to nervous kunction, 147, 155, 166—171, 185 to peristalsis, 105 to respiration, s4-—ss, 95 to senses, 1s3, 185 to swallowingz Ioo Antibodies, 124, 2o8, sog Anti-pemicious anemia kactor, se, 53 A01ta- as. s7-89- 43 Aortic isthmus, se, 39 Apnea, 7s, s2—sg, 225 relation to oxygen content of blood, se, 83 Aquatic embryos, 218 locomotion, 144, 145, 147, 175 Arginine, 217, 218 Arm movements, 153 nerve supply, 150 teile-Es, 147, 14s, 152- 153, iso Axterial blood pressure, so, 22-25 Ascites, 123 Ascorbic seid, 199 Ash content of body, 217 Asphyxia bradycardia duringz Ig heartsbloclc dar-ins, so ·


Asphyvcia neonatorutn, 75, 76, 87 blood pH cui-ins, 76 relacion to aspimtioth 91- g4. 96 to hehavioly III, 166-I71, 180 to cardiwvascular kunctions, ig22 to muscle t0nus, 168 to« nervous kunction, so, 136, 166-171, iso to perista1sis- 106 to respiratiom s5, s6, s9- 168 Aspiration ok amniotic fluich 79- go91—94- 96 Association neurons, s9, 150 Athyreosis, 198 Atresia ok esophagUS 100 Atrium ok heatt, n—13

Pressa-IV- 441 

Atropine, eikect on heart, 19 Audition, Iss Autochthonicity ok muscIe cell, 129- 180 ok neuron, 166, 17o ok respiratory tödtet, 89 Awareness ok sensation, -1s3, 185 AxoIotL 197

Bat-Instit relieih 171 Balance ok ions in culture medium, 129, izo Baxbiturates s, sI Behavior genesis of, 1z9, 141-153 relation to anesthesiay 8 to anoxemiiy 136, 147, 15Z, 166171, 185 to brain developtneng 159, 160 to experimental conditions, g to myelination, 163 Bi1e, 1o7, 1os, en, 220 duct, congenital occlusion, 1o7 pigments bilirubin, no biliverdin, 1o7, no in meconiuuh 1o7 Birth changes in blood, 5o—52 in blood pressure, 44 in circu1ation, 44-47 in eliniinntioty ng INDEX

Birth changes in respiration, 7a—76 loss of placental blood, aao postural adjustments, Iaa Bitingx 174 Ritter, 188 Bladden urinary, , tax Blastocyst

nutrition of, ao6, ao7

relation to Uterus, a, 3


allcalinityz 66—69

amino-acid nitrogen, 216 avidity for oxygen, 54

carbonic anhydxase, 69 circu1ation, Ja, 43, 7a

clotting time, 72

col1oids, osmotic pressure, 56, 1 17,

118 corpuscles histogenesis 49 rcdi 49·ZZ 1ipids, ais oxygen transporg 53—55 white, Ho, 55, 56

creatinine, 216

fatty acids, ais

freezing point, tat


carbon dioxide content, 35-37, 69, 70 dissociation curve, 68 relation to asphyxia neonatorum, 75, 76 re1ation to defecation, 108 oxygen capacity, 61—-64 content, 35-37, 69-75, 86 dissociation curve, 64-67 « saturation, 7o—75 transfer in placenta, 59—61 transportz 53-55

hemoglobim 5o—55, a19, aao lipids, ais, 214

noxkprotein nitrqgem a16

pH, 6a, 68, 69, 108

picture, 5o—53

p1acental, loss at birth, aao plasma, 56

p1ate1ets, 55, 56

Ha, us, 1ao,




arteriaL aa-a5, 117

gradient in lcidnezs 117

in umbilical vein, a 3—a6

in various mammals, a4

increased by respiration, as, a4

intraventriculan as, 34, 44

relation to fetal age, as

to uterine contraction, an, aa to vascular reflexes, at

venous, as, as, a6, 117 propulsion in embryo, u specific gravitzz so, Hi, 56 streams

changes at birth, 44-47

course, 3a-43, 72

mixture in heart, 33785

placentaL 6o, 61

rate of circulatiom a9—3a

relation of maternal to fetal,

3-6, 6o

sugar, am, aoa, aio urea and uric acid, a16 vo1ume, a9—3a

in infants, ag

minute volume, Si, sa

placentah a9, so, 44

pulmonarzz 41, 42

re1ation to gross-M, a9—31, 61 water content, 56


calciutn content, aai iron content, aai mesenchyma role in hetnopoiesis,

·49 nitrogen content-, any, aai phosphorus content, aai watet content, 217

Bone marrowsz role in hemopoiesis 49- 55 Bowman’s capsule, 114, us, 119 changes at birth, 119 Bradycardia, 19, ao Brain. see also Namen« syst-m.

development of structure, 89, 158—

164 myelinatiom 163, 164 oxygen supplzz 87 ste1n, transection, Yo, 17o, 177, 18o tracts, 146, 160 232

Breast, ts5, tg7 » Broacth dental, use as stitnulatotx

t35, t4t

Gar-crust content of bochg sst ferrocyanide, 99 ions, ts9, tso tnetabolisnh sso—-sss re1ation to muscle contraction, ts9, t3o, t7o to parathyroich 198 to vitamin D, sst, sss capillaries at birtih 44 of placenta, 4, z, 114 of renal glomeratus, tt4, ttg capsular space, 119 capsule, Bowmans tt4, tt6 changes at bit-M. 119 carbohydrate rnetabolisnh sto—sts oxidation, ss4 storage, stt tolerance, sos carbon dioxide content of b1ood, 35, 69, 7o dissociation curve, 68, 69 in respiratory quotient, sss placental transmissiom sos relation to respiratory rnoves ments, 83-88, t76 carbonic anhydrase, 69 cardiac decornpensatiom 47 depression, t8-ss muscle, tt-t3, ts8, tsg output, St, Zs Cardio-accelerator centety s4 Cardiwaortic teile-ges, so, st carotid artery, oxygen in blooci of, 35, 36, » 72-«74 stnus nett-e, so, st reflexes, so, st castration, tgs catabolisrn of hemoglobin, st9, sso cell chromafliry 194, soo column, t4t-t43


cell nerve. see also Neue-on. akkereny t4t, t49-t5s, 183 discltarge, 138 efkerent, t4t, t49—t5s kloor-plate, t4s, 143 RohonsBearch t43, 146 squamous, 99 visuaL t6s, center or centers expiratoryz go inspiratory, go nervous after-discharge, 168 direct stixnulatioth t4o, t4t endogenous stimulation, t7o inhibition by, t7o, t7t integration, t6s, t63 l thresholci. t66-t68 pneurnotaxiq 9o respiratory I autochthonicitzg 89 developmenh 95 thresholch So, 84, 88—9o « cerebellurth 163 cerebrospinal t1uic1, 56 l cerebrum, t63, t7o chemical tnaturity, st7 chest, t68-t77 I Chewing, 174


chloride of Odium, tso, 188 chlorine, sss cholesterol

ester st3-st5

esterikication of, stz

free, st3-st5 chorioiallantoic graft, st 5 Chorion, 4, ist, ts3,·so6 cltorionic

fusion, 195

villi, z, 4

surface area, 65

chromaflin reaction, tg4, soo churning by amnion, ts8 circuits, neuron, 89, 9o circulation, s9-47

cerebral, 87

cltanges at birtlh 44—47

course, 3s-44, 7s

nervous cotstrol,. »t8-ss 1 N v E x 2 3 3 circulation contraction placental induced by musc1e stimulation,

control by Uterus, 75 occlusion, 44, 85

p111m0vs1y- II» s7- as« 40- 41-«

72 rate, Hi, 32 time, Hi, 32 upper and lower, ge, 35 »Das-s« 37- 38 clotting time, 56 cochlea, electric response, 189 coiiaterais of alkerent neurons, iso152 Gold, 186 Colloidal solutions dilkusion in gelatin, 208 placental transmissiom 208 colloicls blood, osmotic pressurq i i7, 1 is thyroich 197, 198 co1on absorption, 1o7 peristalsis 108 Column, nerve cell, 141-—143 Combustion of carbohydrate, lipid and protein, 224

. commissure

posterioiy 159, i6o, 162 ventral spinah i46, i so, 154 conduction in hear-r, is in nervous system, 143 in spinal cord, 149 Speer! in heart, 16 in nerve übers, 164 Systems in brain, 159—162 connective tissue, 184, 185 contractility after death of embryo, 132 aneura.1, 130 developmeny 128—133 induced by ionic unbalance, izo inhibition of, i zo contraction anoda1, 133 break, 133 cathodah 133 characteristics of, Leg, 140

fertig-Ue, 134

III-III by nerve stimulatiom 135, 14o, 141 maintainech 132 neuromotoiz 14o, 141 relation to anoxemia, 129 to ionic unbalance, 129, izo uterine, 75 convoluted tubule, 1 15 copper metabolism, 219, 220 comea, 179 corpus luteutn, 193 striatuny 163 corpuscles of blood red- 49—55 white, II, 56 corpuscular hemoglobim so, 58 vo1ume, Ho cortex androgeniq 191-193 cerebrah 163 fetal, 191-1g3 suprarenah i9i-194 thymic, 198 cortin, 193 cotyledonary placenta, 3 Crawlingz 175 creatinine, 216 crying, Les, 173 crystograpth Si, 167 cui-are, 135, 136 placental transmissiom 136 curds in stomach, .1o9 cyanosis, 85 cycloptvpane, 81 cysteine, 199 cystine, 217

DECEREKMTE rigidity, 178 Decerebration

anemic, 8, 81

of fetus, 177 Deciduate placenta, z, 196, 206 Decompensatiom 47 Defecation in amnio, 1o5, 1o7, io8

relation to asphyxia, ios to, visceral alkerent impulses, 108 234

Dehydration, Hi, 125 Depressor neu-e, So, 21 Desaturatiom 215 Dextrose as energy source, 21o metabolism, 21o—212 placental t.ransmission, 2o9 Diabetes, so: Diaphragm, 168 Diastolic pressure with patent ductus arteriosus, 46, 47 Diencephalon, 159, 16o Diet, iron deticiency, 220 DiEuse placen ta, 3 Difkusion through placenta, Los, 2o9, 216 Digestion, 99-11o, 206 glands of, 1o8-11o Digestive System, 93—11o Dihydroxyphenylalaninq 125 Diodrast, ioi Dischargq neuron, 138 Dissociation curve, 64459 carbon dioxide, 68 oxygen, 64—68 Distention in polyhydramnios ioo Dominance of head and limbs, 147 Dopa reagent, 125 » Dorsal roots, Ist, 152 Drinlcingx 1oo—1o2 Drowninz 96 Duct mesonephritz 115 Müller-im, 196

urinary, 114 Wolilian, us, 196 Ductus

arteriosus, 32-47 intimal pads, 46 occlusion, 45, 46 patentz 46, 47 sphincten es, 45 surgical ligation, 46, 47 valve, 44, 45 venosus, 32, 43 Duodenum, 1o6, Soo Dye colloidal, 2o8 diikusion in gelatin, 208 elimination by nephron, 1i4—1 17 Dyspnea, 84-—86, 94


EAR externaL temperature sensitivity, 186 internal cochlea, 189 vestibular mechanism, 164, 175, 178, 187 middle, 188 l Ectoplapenta, 6, 207 l Edema, 123 Egg · s oxygen consumptiom 225 transit to Uterus, 2 Elbow, movements, 153 Electrocardiogram, i 3—-16 right ventricular preponderanctz 14 Elimination. see also Este-reisen. by nephron, 114—117 change-s at birth, 119 placentah us, i14, 119 renal, 112-119 summary, us, 119 Embryo Amblystoma, 144, 145 tat, 131,«138, 155 human, 138 period of, 139 rat, 138 Embryotrophq 207 Endartersitis obliterans, 46 Endocarditis, 47 Endocrine glands, 192—2o2 Endometrium erosion, 206 implantation in, 2 End-Organs, 132, 183-—185 Endotheliochorial placenta, z, 5 Energy caloriq 224 from amino acids, 216 krom dextrose, 210 from kat and protein, 224 metabolism, 222—226 production in pregnant cents, 215 Enterolcinase, 109 Environment aquatiq 121 changes, 166 SxcEknal, .14§


Environnient internal, i46, i66 intrauterine, 165 Enzyrnes djgestive, ios—I Io in fetal iiuids, 124 in Stdn, I25 in trophoblastz 3 Epidermis pigmentatiom i2"5 sensitivity, is4, is5 Epinephisim i94, Igz Epitheliochorial placenta, 3-5 Epithelium chorioniq z, 6 nerves of, is4-—i86 of renal glornerulus, Iig of skin, i84-is6 of Uterus, z, 6, I23, 206 of yollc-sac, Los squarnous, 99 Equilibiiuni between inaternal and fetal blooc1, 6o, 6i, sz Erepsin, Iog Erosion of uterine rnucosa, 3-5

Erythrocyte. see a1so Blooet

nucleatecL 49 Esophagus atresia and occlusion, ioo Es tercho1es tero1, 2 i 3-2 i 5 Estrogens, IV, 197 Ether, s, so, sI Evan’s blue, so Excitability of rnuscle, I28-i35 of nervous tissue, i3s-—i56, i66, 167 by metabolites, i69, i7o Excretion by amnion, 125 by mesonephros, ii4-i i7 by metanephros, ii4—ii7 by placenta, ii2-ii4 changes at birth, i ig of ammonia, gis, 219 of urea, 219 of uric acid, Zeig, 224 products of, iso, 121 suminary, Its, iig Experiment, methods and conditions, 8—Io, 169


Expiratory center, go Extension of head, 147 Extracts of hypophysis, i99, eoo of thymus, I97 of thyroid, 199 Eye cornea, 179 movernent, I87 pigmeny 125 rede-c, I79 Eyebal1, 179 Eye1id, 179

Pack, nerve endings, is4 Factor, antdpernicious anemia, se, 53 Fasting, liver glycogen lex-ei, 2Ii Fat. see also Lipick

construction, 2I3

content of uterine Wilh, 206

metabolism, List-gis

neutral, III, 214

oxidation, 224

solubi1ity, Los

synthesis, ins, 213 Fatigue

in muscle, 134

of early reflexes, i4s

of spinal centers, I 35 Fatty acid

esterikication by, 215 saturatiom 213 storage in liver, 2i4, 215

Feeding reaction, i45, I73, I74 Feminization of genetic male, 197 Ferrnents see Enzymes. Ferti1i2ation, 2 Fetal hemog1obin, 53, 54, 6i, 63, 67 Fetus

cat, ist, i3s, 155

human, i zs

period of, 139

rat, i zs Filling pressure of heart, 44, 45 Filtration

pressure, i 17

through placenta, 2o7-2ii Fingers in grasp reib-c, iso F1exion, first response in Amblystonia,

143 236

Flooriplate comm1ssure, 150 neuron, 142, 143 Fluid

alIantoic, us, tat, 218

amniotiq 121—124 aspiration, 79, 91-g4 characteristics, 1 1 L, i2o-122 excretion int·o, 1o7, x08,

me, 125, 218

source, 9g, 122-124 swallowinz 99—1o2, 174


utili2ation, 1o7, Iog Volum-e, 1o7, 122—124 ascites, 123

cerebrospinaL 56 exchange between allautois and amn1on, 121 shikt from plasma, 76 transudatq us, 124 urine, wo, 121 Foot reklexes, 18o, 181 Babinskh 171 Foramen ovale, 32-46 sah-e- 40- 41- 44- 45 Forelimb alternate thrusts in suclcing, 174 movements, 131 nerve endings, 132 teile-Es, 147, 148, 152, 153 Freezing point ok blood, 121 oi fetal Auids, 12o-122 ok urine, wo, 121 Fructose, 123 F unicuIus dorsal, 149—152, 154 1ateral, 15o, 162 ventral, 146, 15o, 154, 1zz, 162 Fusion, chorioniq 195

Gan« bladdetz no Ganglion spinaL 150 sympathetiq 194 caseous est-change, 159-161 Gases, placental transmissiom Log Gasping, 84—86, 17o Gastric glands, Iog juice, swine, 52


Gastric rnotility, 1o2, Ioz Gastrockntestinal tract, 99—11o absorption, 1o6, 1o7 glands, 1o8-11o

Gelatin, pertneability to dyes, 2o8 Gestation

duration in various animaJs, 7

prolongation, 83 Gland

cutaneous, 124, 125

digestive, 1o8—1 Io

endocrine, 191—2o2

gastriq iog

intestina1, 1o9

lacrimaL 125

tnarnmarzz us, 197

tnucous, 1o9

parathyroicL 198

pituitarzz IV, 2oo

prostate, 192

sebaceous, 124, 125

serous, Iog

suprarenaL 191-195

sweat, 124

thymus, 1g8, 199

thyroicL «197, 198

uterine, 206 Globulin, serum, 118 Glomerulus ok kidneyz 114-119 Glutathionez 1gg, 217 Glycogen

economy in ketus, are·

relation to pancreatic develop ment, 201 to blood sogar, 212

» storage, 211 Glycosuria, so! Gonads, 195 Gradient .

between maternal and ketal blood

lipids, 214 between maternal and ketal blood sugar, 21o ok susceptibility to asphyxia in nervous System, 169, 17o

Gras-It, chorio—a1lantoic, 2 15 Granulocytcz 49s 50 Grasp rede-c, 180 Gravity

oppoked by extensor tonus, 175

specific, so, Hi, 56, 122 1 N i) E x 2 37

Great toe in plantar reklex, i8o Heart

Ground handle, 89, 162 size, i4, is

Grippinz i8o ventricles, ii-i3

Heat Hatt« loss, 29

18111180 94- go- 125 modikying temperature sensitivitzs i86 tacti1e stimulator, i84 Hand reklexes, i8o Head rnovements izi orientation, i78 reiiexes i47, i48, i53«, i54, i7i Heart « atriuni, ii-i3 beating aneuraL 128 genesis, ii-i3 rate, i5-i8 bloclc, 2o conduction time, i6 course ok blood through, 32-44 decompensation, 47 electrocardiogram, i 3-i 6 lilling pressure, Do, 44, 45 inhibition asphyxiah i9—22 during labor, i9, so rnuscarin, is vagah is rnyocardium, ii-i3, 128 nervous contro1, i8—22 oritices, 39 output, 3i, 32 pacemaken II, is pressures in, 25, 34, 44 rate, i5-i8 during incubation, 16 early developmentz ii-i3 in rnammals i7, is, 22 relation to anoxeinia, i7, is, 22 to metabolic rate, is to ternperature, i6, i7 to uterine contraction, So, 22 slowing at birtlh i7 vagus contro1, i8 sino-atrial junction, 13 sinus venosus, ii-i3

production, 224, 225 regu1ation, i25, 126 I—Iematocrit, Ho I—Iemob1ast, 49 Hemoschorial p1acenta, 3-5 Isleinoendothelial placenta, 5 Hemoglobin catabo1ism, 2i9, 220 concentration in corpuscles, 50 content ok bIood, 50 ketal type, 52-54, 6i, 63, 67 in cord blood, Hi, 52 in iron delicienczz 220 in newborty 51 mean corpuscular, 5o ok bulkered whole corpuscles 54 oxygen dissociation curves, 53-55 synthesis, 219 Hemolysins placental transmission, 208 Hemolysis physiologic postnatah 22o Isleinopoiesis 49—5si, 55 role ok copper and iron, 219 Hemotrophch 207 Henle’s loop, 116 Hiccups 94- 95 Hind-1imh reklexes, 153 Histidine, 217 Histotropha 4, 2o6, 2o7, 2io, 219 Homotheriniz i25, 126 I—Iormones, i9i-2o2 prolongation ok gestation by, 83 Hunger contractions, io3, i88 Hydrochloric acid, iog Hydrogekvion öoncentration in blood, 62, 68, 69 in nephric tubules, ii7 Hydronephrosis 115 Hyperbilirubinemia, iio Hyperplasia ok pancreatic islands, 2oi Hyperpneiy 84, 85 Hypertrophy ok suprarenaL igi ok uterus, 197 Hypoglycemixh 2oi, 212 238

Hypophysis 199, 2oo

Hypotonicity of amniotic Huich 122 of fetal muss-de, gis, 225 of arme, no, 121

Icrrnvs neonatorutxh no Implantatiom L, s, 2o6 erosion during, 3 tissue detritus, 206 Impulses akkerent in righting reflexes 175, 178 relatjon to spontaneous wovomenh 165 exteroceptivcz 183, 184 painfuh 183, 184 proprioceptivh 183, 186, 187 tacti1e, 183, 184 temperaturey 186 visuah in kighting teile-Les, 178 Incubatioth respiratjon duringx 87 Indjgo Mel, 115 Individuality of teile-Es, 154 Individuation of teile-Es, 141—147 Inhjbition by dcscending tracts, 166 of contracti1ity, tgo of early respiratory movementa 89 of hear-r, 18 of motor neurons, 17o, 171 Inspiratory centetx 9o Insu1in, 2oo—2o2, 21 I, 212 placental transmissioty 201 resistance to, 212 · " Insulirvantagonistic substance, 212 Insulitklike substance, Los. Integratiom 88, 141, 143, 146, 153156, Nie, 163, 175 Intercostal muscles, 168 Interneutom 152 Intervillous spare, 4, 5 Intestine absorptioth wo, fes, 1o7- 220 g1ands, 1o9 large, 108 movements, 1o3-1o6 perista1sis, 1o3-1o6 segmentatioth Ioz small, 1o3-1o6 -e-rays, 93, tot, 1o4, Ioz ·


111 trathoracic pressura 45, 96 lntraixreteral proz-sure, 1 17 Intrauterine respiratiom 78—83 lntraventricular pressures, es, 34, 44 Invertastz Iog

Involution of suprarenah 191 Iodine, 197, 198, 225 Iodinesreducing substances, 199 lonic charges, 208


calciuuh potassium and s0dium, 129,13o unbalancq 1z0, 139, 169

Iris, 179

Iron metabolisnh 219—221

Is1ands, pancreatic (Langerhans)

Wo, Lot- 211, 212 Isthmus of aortitp 32, 39

JAUNVICIL uo Jaw most-agents, 173, 174 Joint, aikerent vers-es, 186

Kantine, 167

Icidney blood pressure gradienh 117 Bowmatks capsu1e, 114, us, 119 changes at hinkt, 119 congenital absenceh 114 convoluted tubu1e, 114—117 eliminatioty u 5—1 17 functional regulatiory 1 17-1 19 g1omeru1us, 1I4-119 Hen1e’s 1oop, 116 nitrogen excretioth 218 onset of functiotx 117 production of amniotic Huid, 123 secretion by tubu1·es, I 16 tbermodynatnjc work, 116

Icnee movements, 153

LAIIYRINTIH 164, 1753 178, 187 Lactase, 109 Lactation in newborty 197 relation to carbohydtate tolerance, 202 to energy metabolisnh 224, 225

· LåctYc Zcidp 212 I N D E. x 2 39 Lacrimal gland, 125 Mass Langerhans, islancis of, soc-Los movements EVEN! t0 ssphyxish Lanugo haiix 94, 99, i25 i68, 169

Latent period, ioz Legs, synchronized movements, 175 Leukocyte, Ho, 55, 56 Leukocytosis of bit-di, 56 Limb muscles, i75 Limb-darf, i Zi Lip movements, i74 Lipase, iio Lipid as energy source, 213 content of blood, ais, 214 deposit on Stdn, 125 metabolism, ais-g 15 rate of absorptiom 214 Liver extract, He, 53 gslycogen, sit, 212 hemopoiesis in, 49, 55 oxygen supplzz iog role in carbohydrate me tabolisnh 21 i, 212 in inorganic metabolism, Fig, 220 in lipid metabolism, 2i4, 215 secretion, io9, i io uterine, iio Locomotion, i73, i75—i79 aquatiq i44, i45, i47, i75 coniponents of, 179 terrestriaL 145 Lungafferent neu-es, 24

aspiration, 79, 9i-94

HAVE» DE» 93 Lycopodium, io3

Lymphatic tissues, 49

Lytktphocytss 49- 55 Lysine, 217

Mzciatuinon of Stein, 125 Magnesiunh 222

Malta-se, iog

Marnmary glanch us, 197 Manometey hypoderiniq 25

Marefs law, 2o

Masculinization of genetic female,


reaction, i4i-i47 Maturity, cheinicah 217 Mechanism for rede-c, i6i, i62 Meconiophagjs io7, io8 Meconium, io5, io7, io8 Medial longitudinal fascicle, i 5g, i6o—i62 Medulla oblongata, 89, i6i suprarenah i94, 195 tliymus, 198 Mega1caryocyte, 55 Melanin, 125 Melanophore, expanding horn1one, 2oo Membrane penneability in placenta, 2o7—2io vitelline, 123 Membranes rupture of, i77 Mesencephaloiy i6i, i7o, i77 Mesonephros i i4—i i7, 2 is Metabolic rate, Sie, 222426 Metabolisni basa1, 225 calciuirh 221 carbohydrate, 2io—2i2 during pregnanczg 224, 225 energy, Lea-ges inorganiq 2i9—222 interniediarzg aio lipid, ais-ais nitrogen, ais-sit) oxygen, Si, Las-Las protein, 2i5—2i9 relation to teniperature regulation, 126 · i·o1e of insulin 20o—2o2, 212 of liveix 2ii Metabolites, stimulation by, 169 Meta1s, 2i9—222 Metainorphosis 197 Metanephros ii4-—ii7, 2i8 Micro-e1ectrodes, i so, i35, i4o, 149 Millc raste, i88 uteiine, 3—»5, Los, 207 witch,.i25, 197 · Minute volume of circu1ation, Hi, 32

i 46, 240

Molecular size » relation to placental transmission, 7, 2os, zog · to renal kunctiory II4, II5 Mouth rnovements 173 Movement amniotiq I28, 129 » gastro-intestinal, Io2—Io6, Iss respiratory, 7s—g6 somatic aneural, I28-I3o generalizech I42-I47, I6s, 175 induced by anoxemia, I69, I7o by ionic unbalance, I3o, I 39, 169 by muscle stimulatiorh IsII34- IV« 140 . by nerve stimulatiom I35, I4o, I4I intrauterine, I66, 167 locomotor, I75—I79 mass, I6s, 169 reib-c, I4I-I56, I64-I7I, I73IsI rhythmitz s9, I66-I6s spontaneous, Is4, 165 sustaineth I6s, I77, Is4 swa11owing, 99—Io2, I73, 174 Mucous glanch Iog Muscariry Is, Ig MuscIe or muscIes akkerent impulses from, I75, Is6, Is7 contraction aneuraL I2s-I3o cardiaq II-I3, I2s, I29» skeIetaL I2s-I36 srnootlh I2s-I3o excitability, I3I—I35 katigue, 134 InnervatIon, I49—I52 intestinaL Ios latent period, Ios respiratory, I6s tetanic reaction, I33, 134 tissue culture, I2s, 129 tonus, 9o, 96, I6s, I69, I75, 176 Myelin, I63, 164 Myeloid tissue, 49 Myoblastz Ists-IsI, 139

I se, I43,

1Z5- l42s


Myofcbrih us, 129 Myocardiurth II, 19 Myogram, 134 Myxedema, Igs

N4Rcos1s, I7I, Iss

« Nembutal, sI

Neoplasm, 2Is Nepbrectomy, 123 Nephron, II4—-II9. see also Este-retion and Icidnezk Nerve, neu-es, or nerve übers. see

also Neu-Im.

akkerent, 24, I49, Izu, Is4—Is9

carotid Sinnes. so, 2I

coch1ear, Iss, Isg

conduction genesis, I 38 speech 164

cranial, I6I

cutaneous, I64, Is4—Is6

depressoy Do, 2I

ending, I32,« I4I, Is4, Isz

excitabi1ity, 133

motor, I3o, I6I ,

myelinatjom I63, 164

olkactory, I 59, I6o, 162

ophthalmiq 154

optic, I59, I6o, 162

peripheraL I49, 150

phreniq 24

proprioceptivm Is6, Is7

root, I49, I so

sensory, I6I

spinaL ss, I6I

stimulatiom 135

terminalis, I6o

trige1ninal, Is4, Iss

vagus, I8-22

vestibu1ar, Is4, I7s, Is7

Nervous System. see also Gen-er. akter-discharge, Iss centers, I7o efkect ok asphyxia, I55, I56, IsoI7I

genesis ok kunction, I 3s-—I 56 inhibitiorh I7o, I7I integratiork I46, I53—I56, 175 sprkotor ackivity, I73, IsI myelination, I63·, 164 INDEx 241

Nervous system of Amblystoma, 142—147 reflex are, 149—1I3 respiratory mechanism, 88—9o sympathetic, Ja, 1o8 thresho1d, 1 II, III, 16I—168, isI Neuron afkerent, 141, 183-189 associationaL 89, iIo commissura1, 143, 1Io, 162 connector, 141, 161 circuit, 89, go discharge, 138 efkerent, 141, 149, 1Io, 152 Hoor-p1ate, 143 inhibitory, 89 release from, 17o interseg1nental, 162 intrasegmentah 162 retinal bipolan 162 Rohon-Beard, 143, 146 secondarzg 161 Nichrome wire, 14o Nitrogen amide, 217 amino, 217 arginine, 217 content of body, 2i7- Leo- 221 of fetai Euids 120 of urine, 120 cystine, 217 excretion, 121 histidine, 217 humin, 217 lysine, 217 metabo1ism, 21I-2i9 comparative embryo1ogy, 218 in Birds, 218 non-protein, 216 protein, 217, 218 tyrosine, 217 Nucleus associationaL IIo commissurah 1Io motor, 1Io, 151 red, 17o, 177 Nutrimenh 1og, Los, 2o7 Nutrition, 2o6—226 paraplacentah 2o6—2o9 Nystagmus 179 16

OLEIC acid, 213 Olfactory nerve, 1I9, 16o sense, 188 Opossum genesis of respiration, 78 locomotion to pouch, 176, 179 Optic cup, pigment, 12I nerve, 1I9, 16o, 162 Orange G, 117 0rbicularis ocu1i, 179 Organ, receptor, 184—189 Oriiices of heart, 39, 4o 0smotic pressure of blood colloids, 117, 118 Output of heart, Hi, 32 Ovum ferti1ization, 2 implantation, e, 3 respiration, u transit down tube, 2 Oxidation of amino acid, 216 of carbohydrate, Yo, 224 of lipid, 21 Z, 224 of protein, Dis, 224 0xydase, 125 Oxygen avidity of blood for, 54 capacity of blood, 61—64 consumption, See-ges in lcidnezz 116 content of blood, 69-7I, 86 uterine contraction and, 7 ventricular bjood, 35 dissociation curve, 64——68 loss in uterine vein blood, 57 metabo1ism, Si, Les-Les placental transmission, 208 rate of utilizatiom ges, 223 relation to respiratory movements 83-88 saturation of blood, 7o-75 of brain, 87 of umbi1icaI vein, 86, 87 at end of gestation, 74 tension in Iungs and placenta, 64 transport by blood, 53 want, .84—88, 167 0xyhemog1obin, 72 242

Fuhr-M, 5 Pacemalcer ok heart, te, 13 chemical action on, 19 Pain, 184, 185 Palmax teile-c, 180 Palmitic acicL 213 Pancreas endocrine, 2oo—2o2, 21 1’ exocrine, no, 201 islands, 211 proteolytic secretion, no ParagangIion, 1g4, 195 Parathyroich 198

Paxticulate market, placental trans mission, 2o7, 208

Path. see a.1so Troer. Enal common, 161

Pattern locomototy 147 total, 142-147

Pan-s, temperature sensitivity, 186

Pepsin, Iog

Perception, 183-—189 auditory, 188, 189 gustatorzg 188 olkactorzz 188 pain, 185 proprioceptive, 186, 187 pressure, 185

space, 185 temperature, 186 touch, 185 Peristalsis gastriq Log, 103 ,

ok large intestine, 1o7, 108 ok small intestine, 1o3-1o6 direction of, 1o4, 1o5’ neurogenic origirh 104 relation to anoxemia, 1o5, 106 Permeability ok Bowmacks capsule, 119 ok placenta, 2o7-21o Pernicious anemia, 52 Phenol red, 1 15 Phloridzirh 215 Phospholipid, 21 z, 214 Phosphorus Lea-see Phxenic nerve, 24 Pigmenh 125 Pituitary g1and, 199, 200 Pituitrin, 199



absorption, 214 blood

Ioss at birth, 220

volume, 29, so, 44 catabolism ok hemoglobirh 219,

220 circulation

control by Uterus, 75

occIusion, 44, 85 cotyledonarzg 3 course ok blood through, so, 61 deciduate, Z, 196, 206 difkuse, 3 endocrine kunction, 209 endothelio-choria1, Z, Z, 206 epithelio-chorial, 3-5, 11 Z, 206 excretiom 112-—114, 218 gaseous excl-ginge, 59 glycogen storage, 211 growth akter ketal death, 123 hemo—chorial, 3-5, us, 114, 206 hemo-endothelial, z, 11 z, 114,

206 intervillous space, 4, 5 iron content, 220 Iipid content, 214 maternal and ketal, 4—6, 59 nitrogen excretion, 218 permeability, 207—21o relation to a11antois, 6, us, 114 source ok liver lipids, 215 syndesmo-chorial, 3—5, 16g, 206 transitory liver, 1 10 transmission through

ok amino acids, 216

ok anesthetics, 8o, 81

ok antibodies, Los, 209

ok calcium, 222

ok carbohydratq 210

ok coppen 219

ok out-are, 136

ok estrogens, 193

ok insulin, 201

ok lipids, gis-gis

ok phosphorus 222

ok proteins, 216

relation to molecular si2e, 7,


utetine 1iver, no yolk-sac, z, Los, 207 INDBX

Placentation, 3-s

relation to experimental

tions, 6

Plantar rede-c, i8o, i8i Plasma, s6

aminosacid nitrogen, ei6

Auid shikt in asphyxia, 76

lipid, ei 3 Platelets ok blood, ss, s6 Pneumotascic center, go Poikilotherinikh ies, ie6 Polyhydramnios ioo, ie3, ie4, 188 Pons, 177 Posture

birth, 177

developnienh i7s, 179

modified by anoxemia, i68, 177 Potassium

ions, ieg, i3o, i7o

metabolisiry eee Pregnancy

interruption, 94

metabolism during, ee4, ees Pressor rede-c, so, ei

condi Pressure blood, ee—e6. see also Blood presst-re.

distribution by amniotic iiuid, iei kiltration, ii7 intrathoraciq 96 intraureteraL ii7 intraventiiculaix es, Z4, 44 osmotic, ii7, ii8 sense of, i84, i8s

Primary aneiniax se

Progesterone, igz

Progression, i7s-i79

Propulsion oi blood, ii

Prostate maintained in castrate, i9e, 193

Protein as energy source, eis metabolism, ei s-e ig

comparative embryologzä e is

oxidatiom ee4 synthesis, ei7

Prussian blue reaction, 99, ioo

Pseudohennaphrodisiry 196

Ptya1in, iog

Pulmonary circu1ation, 3s, 37, IS, 40··42- 72


Pulmonary circulation, volume of,

4i, 42

Pulse rate, is—i8. see also Heim.

QUIESCENCE in utero, se, i64, i6s, ees Quotieny respiratory, eie, ee3, ee4

REAOTION chxomaikim 194 crawling-search, 17 s ieedingh i4s, i73, 174 locoinotor, i7s, 179 mass, i4i-i47 niotoix i73-i8i ok korelimb in asphyxiky i7o retiex nature, 148 posturaL i7s-i79 precipitin, 197 tetaniq i33, 134 to light, 179 Reagenh dopa, ies Rebreathinz ge, 167 Recapitulation ok reklex develops ment, i7o Receptoix common eheniicaL i88 Red blood corpuscle, 49—s3 hemoglobim so immature, 49, so nucleated, 49 number, 49 site, 49 nucIeus, i7o, 177 Reflex or retiexes abo1ition by curare, i ss are, ise, is3, i6i Babinslii, i7i, i8o body rightingy i64, 178 cardiwaorticz eo, ei carotid sinus, eo, ei compared with niyogenic response, 147 . cdntralaterah i se crossed extension, i7s, 176 cutaneous, i8i early mamnialiary i47—-is3 » elicited by percussion ok amnion,

i47, 184 by« sound, 189 244

ReHex or reHexes

Aexion withdrawaL 176 forelimb, 147, 148, 152, 153 · genesis, 141—156

gTasp, 18o

head, 147, 153, 154

hind Iimb, 153

homolaterah 152—154 individualitys 154 individuatiom i41-147 integratioth 153-156

lightz 179

IocaI, 141, 153

olfactory mechanisms, 162 optic, 162

Palmar, i8o

palpebrah 179 platt-tat, 171

posturah 175

pressor, So, a! proprioceptivz 187 protective, 173 pupillaryz 189 purposefuh 173 relation to anoxemia,

i56, 166-171, 185 to development of musc1e, 139

reversal of type, 171

rightinz 164, 175, 177, 178 sequentiaL i54, 155

spinah As, 148

structural bat-is, i49—I53

tendon, 181

tonic neck, 187

unisegmentah 153

vasculan So, 21

vestibular, i64, 178 .

Reiiexogenous regions, 184, 18 Regurgitation, Ioz Renal function, use-i so. see also Elimination, Exeretiom and Icidis gez« Rennin, iog Respiration development of neural mechanis1n, 88-9I

dyspneics 94

factor of preparedness 95 intrauterinez rate, 79—-81

initiation of, as, go

movements of, 78-96, 164, 16»7



Respiration rnuscles of, 168 of ovum, 11 precocity of, 88 relation to anesthesia, 8o, 81 to anoxemia, 84—88, 95 to b1ood pressure, 25 similarity in fetus and newborn, 95 . vagal inhibitioix 19 Respiratory center activation by afferent impulses, 95 by anoxial depressiom 95 by carbon dioxide, 95 autochthonous discharge,. 89 comparison in fetus and adu1t, 88 developmentz 95 relation to anesthesia, 8o, 84 thresho1d, so, 84, 88, go gases. see Carl-on die-eitle, Ost)gen, and Blond gasas movements atonic, 94 genesis of, 88, 89 independence of, 168 induced, 8o-88 by carbon dioxide, 84, 85 by mechanicaj stimu1i, 83 intennitteny 82 rate, 85 relation to anoxemia, 96 to head movements 171 to oxygen and carbon dioxide, 83—88 to uterine contraction, 82 resistance to asphyxiin 17o spontaneous 78-8o, 83, g5, 96" surnmaryz 95 quotieny are, Las. 224 tract absorption in, ioo aspiratiorx into, g2—94 Responsa see also Reaktion, Basler, and Money-sent. « myogenio 139, 140 neuromotor, 14o, 141 Reticular formation, 89

« Ke tieuTöcyte, -4g· INDEX

Reticulospinal tract, 89 Retina, akkerent impulses, 175 Rhythmicity ok respiratory move— ments, 89 Riclcets, congenitah 222 Rigiditzz decerebrate, 177, 178 Rigor mortis, 136 Roentgenogram ok gastrointestinal txt-act, 9Z, tot, 1o4, 105 ok heart and circulatiom 37, 38 ok lang, 92, 93 Roots ok spinal neu-es, Ist, 152 Rotation test ok vestibulat kunctioth

178- 179 Rump, temperature sensitivity, 186

sznxrtm doctxine, 33 saccharinq 1oo, 188 salivary gland, los, Iog Salt iodized, 225 raste, 188 sebaceous stand, 124, 125 secretin, 2oo secretion. see also Glas-d. bile, 211 by nephtic epitheliuny 116 by placenta, Log digsestivz los-it Io hypophyseah 199, soo Internal, 191—2o2 lacrimah 125 liver, no, Fu mammarzz us, 197 pancreatiq no endocrine, not, 211 parathykoich 198 salivarzg 1o9 sebaceous, 124, 125 suprarenaL 191-195 sI«-eat, 124 thykoid, 197, 198 uterine, 206 sensation. see also Pest-»so« and Hauses. awareness of, 183, 185 senses, 183-189 gustatorzz 188 hearingx 188 pain, 184, 185


senses pressure, 184, 185 proprioceptioth 186, 187 smelL 188 I temperature, 186 much, 184, 185 viscerah 188 l sekous gland, Iog serum protein, 118 l shoulder redet: movemeniz 153 l temperatuke sensitivitzz 186 sinwatrial junctioth 13 sinus venosus, 11—13 skeletal muscle characteristics ok contraction, l IN« IZZ katigue pekiod, 133 I maintained contraction, 132 tnyolibrils 129 spontaneous contkaction, Izo tetanic reaction, 133, 134 slcin, 124-126 absorption of vernix caseosa, 125 akkerent impulses, 175 cornikicatiom 125 pigmentz 125 receptors, 184 reklexes 181 sleep, 166 smell, 188 smooth muscle, 128 snout, stimulatiortz 153, 154 sodium amytal, 81 chloride, no, 188 kerrocyanidcz 1 15-u7 ions, 1a9, 130 metabolism, 222 sole of koot, stimulatioth Iso solution ionic unbalance, 13o, 139, 169 LewissLoclcth Les, 129 Loclce’s, 130 placental transmissiom 208 somatic moksements I 38-156 sont, 188 space glomerulatz 116 intervillous 4, 5 percepkiom 185 246

specific gravity atnniotic Huid, 122 blood, Ho, 5t, 56 spinal anesthesia, 8t, 83 spinal cord ascending tracts, 146 conduction, 149 histologzg t4g—t53 integratiom t53-t56 stimulation, t35, t4o, t4t transection, 8, 8t, 83, 89, 9o, t7o, tso ventral conttnissure, 146 kuniculus, t46 Huid, 56 neu-es, 88 teile-Es, 88 spindle, neutsomusculatz 187 spleen contraction at hinkt, Da, 51 tselation to blood pressum 5t innervatiom 22 squirnting t67, t68, 175 stain « cajal, 158 pyridinessilvety t4t, t49, 158 stearic acid, 213 steppinz 175 stethoscope, 165 stitnulation akkerent, at birth, go by lighy tsg by sound, t88, tsg endogenous, 169 exteroceptivq 187 karadiq t3t, tzz galvaniq 133 innocuous, tsz intrauterine, t65, 166 tnechanicah 13 t, 166 of ntuscle, t3o, t3t, t39, t4o of visceral alketsents t88 pressutse, 185 proprioceptivg 187 punctate, t85 sublitninah 168 tacti1e, 184 trautnatiq 185 stotnaclh to2, 174 absorptioty too


stomach digestion, tog etnptying time, to3 enzytnes, tog glands, tog hunger contractions, t88 hydrochloric acid, tog motilitzz to2, toz protein cutsds, tog roentgenogratm 93, tot, to4 striations of tnuscle, 128 strontiutn iodjde, 93, tot substance, gelatinous, of spinal cord, 152 sucking, t73, 174 sudan III, 213 sogar concentration in tnaternal and ketal h1ood, 2to utili2ation, 202 suprarenal gland cortex, tgt-t94 androgenic Zone, t92, tgs etnbryonic okigin, 194 growth bunte, 192 medulla, t94, tgz relative site, tgt x-2one, t9t·-t93 survivah 173 swallowinz 9t, 93, 99-toa, t65, t73, t»74, 188 nteconiutn, los rate of, to2 relation of gtsowtlh toa to volutne of atttniotic Auid, 124 stimulated by sweet raste, too sweat gland, ta4 sweet, tss switntningy t43, 145 sympathetic ganglia, 194 nervous systetn, function at birth, as vasospressor tonus, 45 synapse, t39, t4t, tsz syndestnoscltotial placenta, Z, z, t69, 206 System cardio—vascu1ar, t t circulatory,s sey· conduction, 159 1NDEX


digestive, 99

endocrine, 191

excretorzg 112

musculatz 128

net-vom, 138, 158, 173, 183 rellex conductiorh 162

respiratorzz 59- 78

Tau-tm- locajization, 185 Tail

movemeny 13o, 153

nerve endings, 184 Taste, 188 Team, 125 Tectum ok mesencephalosp is! Telencephalom 159, 16o Temperatur-e

regulatiotsh us, 126

relation to muscle contractions


sensitivitzh 186 Tencion teile-c, 181 Tension ok oxygen in lungs and

placenta, 64 · Teratorna occluding esophagus ioo Terrestrial embtyos, 218 Testes, 195 Testosterone, 196 Tetanic reaction ok wusch, III« 134 Tetanjz patathyroich 198 Thalamus 163 Therapy insulin, wo, 201 That-ad, 91, to« Thorax, expansion, 168 Thorium

dioxidq g1—94, Ioi

hydroxida 91, to: Thorotrastz g1-94, tot, 174 Thxeshold

oi central nervous System» Ess i68, 171 depression by metabolites 169 by oxygen want. 169

oi nerve endings, 185

ol respiratoty centen 84, As, go Throat rnovernents, 173, 174 Thumb in gkasp rette-c, 180 Thymocrescim 199 Thytnus glanch 198, 199


Thyreoglobulim 197 Thyroid glanch .197, 198 stimulating metabolism in presnant adolescents, 225 Tissue culture oi kidney ruht-le, 115-117 ok niuscle, us, 129 Toes, movemenh Iso Taler-since, carbohydratq 202 Toluidin b1ue, 208 Tongue Inovementz 173, 174 Tonus in decerebratiom 177 intrauterine, 225 muscle, 9o, 96, 168, 187 posturaL 175, 176 relation to aspiration, 177 sympathetiq 45 uterine, 6 vaso-pressor, 45 Tota1 Partei-n, 141-147 Touch, 184, 185 Tract or tracts ok central nervous system ascending in spinal cord, 146 descendinz 146 inhibitorzh 166 integratiom 154, 155 dorsal kuniculus, 14g, 150 iasciculus proprius, 89, 162 kunctional interrelationshikx 16o—162 ground handle, 162 habenulwpedunculan 160 in Amblystomm 142-144 lateral oliactorzz 159, 160


longitudinal role in integration, 154, 162 mamtnillostcgmen teil, 1 59, 160

matnmi11o-tha1a1nic, 160

medial lemniscus, 159, 16o, 163

medial longitudinal kascio u1us, 146, 159—162

myelination of, 164

oliactoshypochalamiq 160

olkactorzz 162


Tract or tracts ok centra1 neryous System oliacto-subtha1a1nic, i6o optic, 159, 160 teile-c, 162 order ok genesis, 15g, 16o posterior commissurc, i59, i6o, 162 pyramidah 163 reticulospinah 89, ist, i62, 164 strio-subtha1amic, i59, supraoptiq i59, 160 tectospinal and tectobulbarz Ist, 162 tegmentah i59, 160 » ventrai longitudinah 154 Transection brain stem, Yo, i7o, 177 spinal cord, 89, Yo, 17o Transplantation ok thyroid, i97, 198 Traurna, 185 Trophoblastz 4, 207 absorption, sog p1ates, ii4, 208 Trunk innervation, 150 movetnents ist, 175 Trypan blue elimination, 1 15 placental trank-mission, 208 Trypsin, iog Trypsinogem uo Tubules, rena.1 convolutcch i 15 Henle’s loop, 116 mesonephric and rnetanephritz 114, 115 Tumor, 218 Twinningx synchoriah 195, 196 Ty1«osine, 217

«I59 i6o

Ur.mA-F11.T1xn, 208 Umbilical artery


Umbilical vein hloodgas contents, 35, IS, 7o-75 lactic acid, 212 pressure, as, 26 Units ok bchavior, 141 Urachus, Ue, us, 121 Urea amniotic Auid,« ne, 122 blood, 2«i6 body, 218 Urcmia, 219 Urethane, Si, 8Z, 84 Urethra, us, 113 Uric acid amniotic iiuid, 122 blood, 216 clirnination in birds, 121 in a11antois, 218 in lcidney, 112

· Urinary

hladden ne, 113 passages, 114 Urine chemical analyses, i2o contribution to other ketal Auids, 122 dilute in bladder, u: elirnination ok chemicals and dyes, 99s 114 physical characteristics 121 pressurcy 115 rate ok kormation, u7, 120 Uterine contraction kunction, 5-7 horrnone control, 6 relation to oxygen content ok blos-d- 37- 74- 75» relation to respiratory moves rnents, 82 epithe1ium, relation to Chorion, 4 glands, 206 millg Z, z, Los, 207 tonus, 6 venule blood, oxygen saturation,


bloodsgas contents, «35, 36, 7o- Uterus


lactic acid, 212 pressure, 23 · cord. comprcssiom 84,. szk 226

glands, 206

growth curve, 193

shorntone -con»tro1 ok activity, 6 hypertrophy in ketus, 197 Uterus, regulation of blood pres sure, 26

VAoAr. tonus, so Vagus

controlz 18


oi heart, 19 ok respiration, 19 relation to ketal age, 19

neu-e, 19 Valve

ductus arteriosus, 44, 45

ioramen ovale, 44, 45« Vascular reiten-c, so, 21 Vasoconstrictiom 24 Vasopressor tonus, 45 Venous

blood pressure, 25, 26

return, 20 Ventricles ok heart, i1-14

capacitzg 34

pressure ok blood in, es, 34

site, 14, 39 thiclmess ok walls, 34, 39 Vernix caseosa absorption by slcin, 125 aspiration, 91-94 swallotvinz 99 Vesicle or vesicles allantoiq 121 thyroich 198 Vibrissae, 186 Visceral

motor activitzz relation to deiecas

tion, Ios Sense, 188 Vitamin D, sei, 222


Vitelline membrane, 123 Volume

arnniotic Auici. 122-124

b1ood, 29-32, 61

mean corpusculay zo Vomitinz 103

War-inne, 175, 176, 179 Warburg method, 116 Water conservatiom 219 content ok blood, 56 of hoch» 217 dialysate in nephron, 116 economy in bit-cis, 112

elimination in glomerulus, 116

loss after birth, 51


resorption in nephron, 11 z, 116

salvage in ovo, 112 Wartntly 1862 see also Haar. Weightz moleculan 208 White corpuscle, so, 55 Witch milltz 125 Wrist mai-erneut, 153


ok gastrointestinal tract, 93, tot,

1o4, 105

oi heart and circulatiom 37, 38

ok Rings, ge, 93

Youkszo absorptiom 210 blood kormation, 49 epitheliurxx Los-ges placenta, 5