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Developmental Anatomy A Text-Book And Laboratory Manual Of Embryology


Developmental Anatomy: Chapter I. - The Germ Cells and Fertilization | Chapter II. - Cleavage and the Origin of the Germ Layers | Chapter III. - Implantation and Fetal Membranes | Chapter IV. - Age, Body Form and Growth Changes | Chapter V. - The Digestive System | Chapter VI. - The Respiratory System | Chapter VII. - The Mesenteries and Coelom | Chapter VIII. - The Urogenital System | Chapter IX. - The Vascular System | Chapter X. - The Skeletal System | Chapter XI. - The Muscular System | Chapter XII. - The Integumentary System | Chapter XIII. - The Central Nervous System | Chapter XIV. - The Peripheral Nervous System | Chapter XV. - The Sense Organs | Chapter XVI. - The Study of Chick Embryos | Chapter XVII. - The Study of Pig Embryos


Abdomen, muscles of, 226 Abdominal pregnancy, 67 Abducens nerve, 282 Abnormal embryos, 76 Accessorius nerve, 285 ' Accessory chromosome, ^29 ganglia, 286 genital glands, 148 pancreatic duct, 113 placentas, 67 Acoustic ganglion, 280 meatus, external, 310 nerve, 280 Acrania, 273 Adipose glands, 208 tissue, 207 Adolescence, 81 After-birth, 67 After-pains, 66 Age of human embryos, 68 norms of human embryos, 68 Alse nasi, 78 Alar plate, 248 Albinism, 231 Allantoic stalk, 46 vessels, 47, 54 Allantois, 44 birds, 46 chick, 352 mammals, 47 man, 52 reptiles, 46 Allelomorphs, 28 Alveoli of pancreas, 113 of lung, 1 1 8 Alveolo-lingual gland, 98 groove, 96 Ameloblasts, 91 Amitosis, 3 Amnion, 44 birds, 44 chick, 341 mammals, 46 man, 49 anomalies of, 51 reptiles, 44 Amniota, 10 Amniotic fluid, 51 Amphiaster, 3 Amphibia, 10 cleavage in, 31 gastrulation in, 35 origin of mesoderm in, 36 of notochord in, 36, 42 Ampulla of ductus deferens, 157 Ampulte, 356 Amyelus, 273 .

Anal canal, 85 membrane, 83, 145 Anamniota, 10 Anaphase of mitosis, 5 Anchoring villi, 57, 62 Anencephaly, 273 Angioblast, 169 Animal pole, 14 Anlage, 8 Ansa hypoglossi, 278 Antihelix, 312 Antitragus, 312 Anus, 85 Aorta, origin of, 18 1 I descending, 185 dorsal, 187, 190 ventral, 185 Aortic arches, 188, 189 transformation of, 189 Apical lung bud, 1 16 Appendages, 80 anomalies of, 81 coronary, 126, 132 Appendicular skeleton, 221 Appendix epididymidis, 157 testis, 157 vermiform, 108 Aqueduct, cerebral, 260 Archenteron, 34, 35 Arches, branchial, 77 hyoid, 96, 229 mandibular, 96 pharyngo-palatine, 89 vertebral, 214 Archipallium, 267 Arcuate fibers, 257 Area opaca, chick, 318 parolfactory, 267 pellucida, chick, 318 vasculosa, 169 chick, 318 Areolar glands, 236 tissue, 207 Arm, 80 Arrector pili muscle, 234 Artemia, 5 Arteries, anomalies of, 201 axillary, 194 basilar, 19 1 brachial, 194 carotid, 188, 189 central, of retina, 302 cerebral, 19 1 chorioidal, anterior, 19 1 coeliac, 189, 193 dorsal, 190 epigastric, 192 409 .

Arteries, femoral, 194 gluteal, 194 hepatic, 112 hyaloid, 302 hypogastric, 193 iliac, 193, 194 innominate, 189 intercostal, 19 1 interosseous, 194 interscgmental , 1 86 lateral, 192 lumbar, 19 1 mammary, internal, 191 median, 194 mesenteric, inferior, 189, 193 superior, 187, 189, 193 of chick, 329, 340, 352 of extremities, 194 of leg, 194 of lower extremity, 194 of pig, 362, 384 of u])per extremity, 194 ophthalmic, 191 ovarian, 192 peroneal, 194 phrenic, 192 popliteal, 194 pulmonary, 118, 18 1, 190 radial, 194 renal, 192 sacral, middle, 193 sciatic, 194 spermatic, 192 spinal, 190 stapedial, 310 subclavian, 188, 189, 19 1, 194 suprarenal, 192 ulnar, 194 umbilical, 185, 193 ventral, 192 vertebral, 190 vitelline, 186 Artificial parthenogenesis, 26 Arytenoid cartilage, 116, 221 ridges, 96 swellings, 115 Ascaris, maturation in, 1 7 megalocephala univalens, 5 Ascending colon, 108 Atlas, 215 Atrial canal, 175 septa, 176 Atrio-ventricular bundle, 184 canal, 1 76 valves, 183 Atrium, 174, 176 Auditory ossicles, 310 placode, 303 tube, 100, 310 vesicle, 305 Auricle of ear, 3 1 1 Auricular fold, 31 1 Axial skeleton, 212 Axillary artery, 194 nerve, 278 vein, 200 Axis (epistropheus), 215 cylinder, 239 .

Axon, 239 Azygos vein, 199 Baby, blue, 183 Back, muscles of, 226 Bars, sternal, 216 Bartholin - s gland, 149 Basal plate, 63, 248 Basilar artery, 19 1 membrane, 309 Basilic vein, 200 Basophils, 173 Bertin - s renal columns, 141 Bicuspid valve, 184 Bile ca])illaries, 1 12 duct, common, no Biogenesis, law of, 9 Birds, 10 cleavage in, 32 gastrulation in, 33 origin of mesoderm in, 36 of notochord in, 39 Birth, 66, 81 Birthmarks, 231 Bladder, 147 anomalies of, 148 trigone of, 147 Blastemal stage of skeleton, 212 Blastocoele, 30 1' Blastoderm, 33 Blastodermic vesicle, 34 Blastomere, 30 Blastopore, 34, 33 Blastula, 31 of chick, 314 Blood cells, 169 ichthyoid, 171 origin of, 169 sauroid, 1 7 1 corpuscles, red, 171 white, 171. See also Leucocytes. elements, monophyletic theory, 169 polyphyletic theory, 169 islands, 169 lacunae, 37 Blood platelets, 173 vessels, 183 anomalies of, 201 changes at birth, 202 chick, 321, 329, 339, 332 origin of, 169 pig, 361, 3«4 primitive, 183 Blue baby, 183 Body cavities, 8 aortic, 289 ' carotid, 290 I chromaffin, 289 I ciliary, 304 geniculate, 260 ' mammillary, 261 of vertebra, 214 pineal, 260 plan, 10 postbranchial, 102 segmentation of, 7 ultimobranchial, 102 vitreous, 302 .

Body stalk, 47, 50, 52 Bone, 208 atlas, 215 axis, 215 carpal, 221 cartilage, 208, 210 cells, 209 clavicle, 221 compact, 209 coxal, 222 destroyers, 209 development, cartilage, 210 endochondral, 210 membrane, 208 perichondral, 210 periosteal, 210 ear, 221 ethmoid, 218 femur, 222 fibula, 222 formers, 208 frontal, 220 growth of, 210 histogenesis of, 208 humerus, 221 hyoid, 221 ilium, 222 ischium, 222 lacrimal, 220 lacunae, 209 mandible, 220 marrow, 210 red, 209 yellow, 210 maxillary, 220 membrane, 208 of skull, 219 metacarpal, 222 metatarsal, 222 nasal, 220 occipital, 218 palate, 220 parietal, 220 patella, 222 phalanges, 222 pisiform, 222 pubis, 222 radius, 221 ribs, 215 sacrum, 216 scapula, 221 sesamoid, 212 sphenoid, 218 sternum, 216 tables of, 209 tarsal, 222 temporal, 219 tibia, 222 ulna, 221 vomer, 220 zygomatic, 220 Border vein, 200 Bowman - s capsule, 138, 142 Brachial artery, 194 plexus, 278 vein, 200 Brachium conjuctivum, 259 pontis, 258 .

Brain, 251 anomalies of, 273 cavities of, 252 chick, 328, 337, 350 divisions of, 251 flexures of, 253 olfactory, 264 pig., 355. 378 vesicles, primary, 246 Branchial arches, 77 chick, 338, 350 derivatives of, 220 pig. 354 clefts, 77 anomalies of, 77 cysts, 77 duct, 100 fistulas, 77 groove, 99 pouches, 99 Branchiomerism, 229 Bridge of nose, 78 Broad ligament, 160 Bronchi, infracardiac, 117 ventral, 116 Bronchial buds, 116 Brunner, duodenal glands of, 107 Bulb, hair, 234 olfactory, 266 Bulbar swellings, 181 Bulbo-urethral gland (ofj'Cowper), 148 Bulbus cordis, 174 Bundle, atrio-ventricular, 184 ground, 250 median longitudinal, 257 Bursa infracardiaca, 12 1 omental, 12 1 inferior recess of, 12 1 pharyngeal, 100 .

Calcar avis, 272 Calcarine fissure, 272 Calyces of metanephros, 141 Canal, anal, 85 atrial, 175 atrio-ventricular, 1 76 central, 248, 253 digestive, 103 hyaloid, 303 incisive (of Stenson), 89 inguinal, 160 neurenteric, 38, 41 notochordal, 40 pleuro-pericardial, 128 pleuro-peritoneal, 128 Stenson 's, 89 Canaliculi, dental, 92 Canalized fibrin, 64 Capillaries, bile, 112 Capsule, Bowman - s, 138, 142 cells, of ganglia, 244 internal, 265 of lens, 302 of liver (Glisson - s), 109 periotic, 217 Cardiac muscle, 223 stomach, 104 .

Cardinal vein, 187 anterior, 187, 197 common, 187, 197 posterior, 187, 199 pro-, 187, 197 sub-, 199 su])ra-, 199 Carotid artery, common, 189 external, 189 internal, 188, 189 body, 290 Carpus, 221 Cartilage, 208 arytenoid, 116, 221 bone, 210, 268 development of, 210 corniculate, 116, 221 cricoid, 116, 221 cuneiform, 1 16, 221 differentiation of, 208 elastic, 208 fibro-, 208 growth of, 208 hyaline, 208 Meckel - s, 220 of larynx, 1 16 Reichert - s, ,^io thyroid, 1 16, 221 Cauda equina, 251 Caudate lobe of liver, 126 nucleus, 265 Caul, 51 Caval mesentery, 121, 200 Cavity, body, 8, 37, 127 brain, 252 head, 229 joint, 21 1 marrow, 210 medullary, 210 mouth, 85 of mesodermal segment, 128 oral, 85 pericardial, 127, 133 peritoneal, 128, 133 pleural, 128, 129, 133 pleuro-pericardial, 128 pleuro-peritoneal, 127 synovial, 21 1 tympanic, 100, 310 Cecum, 106 Cell-chain theory, 245 Cells, blood, 169 bone, 209 capsule, of ganglia, 244 chromaffin, 289 cone, 301 decidual, 61, 64 division of, 3 equational, 19 reductional, 18 enamel, 90 ependymal, 239, 242, "^248 ethmoidal, 218 follicle, 14, 20 ganglion, 241 germ, 12, 154 germinal nerve, 239 giant, 173, 209 .

Cells, Hofbauer, 62 interstitial, of testis, 154 mass, inner, 33 intermediate, 8 mastoid, 219 mitral, 279 multiplication of, 3 muscle, 223 nerve, 237 neuroglia, 237, 239, 242 primitive blood, 169, 170 primordial germ, 16, 149 Purkinje, 258 pyramidal, 273 rod, 301 sense, 292 sheath, 244 sperm, 14 supporting, 293 of neural tube, 242 of spinal ganglia, 241 sustentacular (of Sertoli), 16, 17, 154 taste, 293 Cement, of teeth, 93 Centers of ossification, 21 1 Central artery, 302 canal, 248, 253 nervous system, 245 chick, 327, 337, 350 pig- 355. 378 sulcus, 292 Centrosome, 3, 12 Cephalic flexure, 25 vein, 200 Cerebellar hemisphere, 258 Cerebellum, 251, 258 Cerebral aqueduct, 253, 260 artery, anterior, 191 middle, 19 1 piosterior, 19 1 cortex, histogenesis of, 273 hemispheres, 270 peduncles, 260 sulci, 273 veins, 197 Cervical duct, 100 enlargement, 250 flexure, 254 mucous plug, 61 plexus, 278 sinus, 77 sympathetic ganglia, 289 vesicle, 100 Cervix of uterus, 1 58 Chamber, anterior, of eye, 304 Changes, growth, 81 in form, 82 Cheek, 87 Chick embryos, 313 of first day, 314 transverse sections, 315 of five segments (twenty-three hours), 318 longitudinal section, 319 of seven segments (twenty-five hours), 319 transverse sections, 322 of seventeen segments (thirty-eight hours), 326 transverse sections, 331 .

Chick embryos, of three to four days, 349 unincubated ovum, 313 Chin, 78 Choanae, primitive, 87, 294 secondary, 87, 295 Chondrification of skull, 217 of vertebrae, 214 Chondrocranium, 217 ossification of, 218 Chorda dorsalis, 42, 212, 216 gubernaculi, 160, 161 tympani, 285 Chordinae tendineae, 183 Chorioid fissure, of brain, 267, 271 of eye, 299 layer of eye, 304 plexus, 257, 260, 267 Chorioidal artery, anterior, 191 Chorion, 44 frondosum, 58, 62 in birds, 44 in chick, 341 in mammals, 46 in reptiles, 44 laeve, 58, 62 villi of, 49, 54, 57, 62 Chorionic circulation, 185 Chromaffin bodies, 289 aortic, 289 cells, 289 Chromatin network, 12 Chromosomes, 4 accessory, 29 conjugation of, 28 number of, 5 sex, 29 X-, 29 Y-, 29 Cilia, 304 Ciliary bodies, 304 muscle, 304 Circulation, changes at birth, 202 chorionic, 185 fetal, 201 intervillous, 66 vitelline, 186 Circulatory system, 185 Cisterna, chyli, 203 Clava, 258 Clavicle, 221 Cleavage of ovum, 30 amphibia, 31 Amphioxus, 30 birds, 32 chick, 314 higher fishes, 32 lower fishes, 31 mammals, 33 primates, 34 reptiles, 32 Cleft palate, 89 sternum, 222 xiphoid process, 222 Clefts, branchial, 77 anomalies of, 77 Clitoris, 165 Cloaca, 85 anomalies of, 148 .

Cloaca, differentiation of, 145 pig. 360, 383 Cloacal membrane, 85, 145 Closing plates, 99 ring, 63 Coccygeal body, 205 Cochlear duct, 306 Coeliac artery, 188, 193 axis, primitive, 193 Ccelom, 8, 37, 127 chick, 320 pig. 360, 383 primitive, 127 Coelomic pouches, 36 Coitus, 24 Colic valve, 108 Collateral eminence, 272 fissure, 272 ganglia, 287 Collecting tubules, 139 Colliculus, facial, 285 inferior, 260 seminalis, 159 superior, 260 Coloboma, 305 Colon, 108 Column, gray, 248 muscle, 224 of fornix, 268 renal, 141 Commissure, anterior, 268 gray, 249 hippocampal, 268 of telencephalon, 268 posterior, 166 white, 249 Communicating rami, 287 Compact bone, 209 layer, of uterus, 61, 62 Comparison of ovum with spermatozoon, 15 Concealed testis, 163 Conceptions, fundamental, 8 Conchse, 219, 297 Concrescence, theory of, 39 Cone cells, 301 Conjoined twins, 42 Conjunctiva, 304 Connective tissue, 206 Continuity of germ plasm, 9 Convoluted tubules, 142 Convolutions of hemispheres, 271 Copula, 96 Copulation, 24 Coracoid process, 221 Cord, genital, 130 intermediate, 153, 154 liver, 1 1 2 nephrogenic, 137, 140 spermatic, 163 spinal, 246 testis, 153 umbilical, 54 vocal, 1 16 Corium, 231 Cornea, 304 Corniculate cartilages, 116, 221 Cornification, 231, 234 Corona radiata, 23 .

Coronary ai>pendagcs, 126, 132 ligament, 126 sinus, 179, 197 sulcus, 175 Corpora cavernosa penis, 165 quadrigemina, 260 Corjuis albicans, 23 callosum, 268, 269 cavcrnosum urethra?, 165 hcmorrhagicum, 23 luteum, 23 spurium, 23 verum, 23 striatum, 264 Corpuscles, blood, red, 170 white, I 71. See a\so Lencocyles. lamellated, 292 renal, 139, 142 sulenic, 205 tactile, 292 thymic, loi Cortex, cerebral, 266, 267, 273 histogenesis of, 273 of hair, 234 of kidney, 14 1 Corti - s organ, 307 jjillars, 307 Costal processes, 214 Costo-cervical trunk, 191 Cotyledons of placenta, 65 Cowper - s gland, 148 Coxal bone, 222 Cranial nerves, 278 Cranioschisis, 273 Crest, ganglion, 241 inguinal, 160 neural, 241 Cribriform plates, 219 Cricoid cartilage, i 16, 22 r Crista ampullaris, 306, 307 galli, 218 terminalis, 179 Crossing-over, 28 Crown-lieel length, 68, 69 Crown-rump length, 68, 69 Crus longum, 310 Cryptorchism, 163 Cumulus oophorus, 20 Cuneiform cartilage, 116, 221 Cuncus, 258 Cup, optic, 297, 298 Curvature of stomach, greater, 104 lesser, 104 Cuticle of hair, 234 Cutis plate, 231 Cuvier - s ducts, 187, 197 Cyclopia, 305 Cystic duct, no kidney, 145 Cysts, dermoid, 156, 231 Cytomorphosis, 6 Cytoplasm, 12 Cytoplasmic inheritance, 29 Darwin - s tubercle, 312 DecidujE, 60 basalis, 60, 62 capsularis, 60, 62 .

INDEX Decidua?, vera, 60, 61 Decidual cells, 61, 64 membranes, 58 separation of, 66 teeth, 90 periods of eruption of, 93 Delamination, 8 Delivery, date of, 69 Dendrites, 239 Dendrons, 239 Dental canaliculi, 92 lamina, 89 papilla, 90, 92 pulp, 92 ridge, 89 sac, 93 Dentate gyrus, 267 nucleus, 259 Dentinal fibers (of Tomes), 92 Dentine, 92 Derivatives of germ layers, 6 Derma, 231 Dermatome, 231 Dermoid cyst, 156, 231 Descending aorta, 185 colon, 108, 184 tract of fifth nerve, 258, 283 Descent of heart, 184 of ovary, 161 of testis, 1 61 Determination of sex, 29 Deutoplasm, 12 Development, general features'of, 3 postnatal, 8i prenatal, 69, 81 Developmental period, 1,81 processes, 8 Dextrocardia, 184 Diaphragm, 134 anomalies of, 134 dorsal pillars of, 132 Diajjhragmatic hernia, 134 ligament, 160 Diaphysis, 21 1 Diaster, 5 Diencephalon, 251, 260 Digestive glands, 97, 109, 112 system, 85 chick, 337, 351 pig, 357, 379 tube, 103 Digits, supernumerary, 81 Diploe, 209 Disc, germinal, 33 intercalated, 224 intervertebral, 214 Dissecting instruments, 405 Dissection of pig embryos, 406 Diverticulum, hepatic, 109 Meckel's, 52, 109 Nuck - s, 163 of ileum, 32, 109 of pharyngeal pouches, 99 Dominance, 28 Dorsal, aorta, 187, 190 mesentery, differentiation of, 120 mesocardium, 126, 173 mesogastrium, 12 1 .

Dorsal, motor nucleus, 285 pancreas, 112 pillars of diaphragm, 132 Double monsters, 42 Duct, accessory pancreatic, 113 branchial, 100 cervical, 100 cochlear, 306 common bile, no Cuvier - s, 187, 197 cystic, 1 10 Ebner's, 99 ejaculatory, 157 endolympir, 306 Gartner - s (of epoophoron), 157 hepatic, no lacrimal, 305 mesonephric, 139, 150 transformation of, 156 milk, 236 Mullerian, 150 transformation of, 157 naso-lacrimal, 305 pancreatic, 113 papillary, 141 para-urethral (of Skene), 148 primitive genital, 150 pronephric (primary excretory), 135, 137 semicircular, 306 thoracic, 203 thyroglossal, 103 Wolffian, 139 Ductuli abberantes, 156 efferentes, 156 Ductus arteriosus, 189, 203 choledochus, no deferens, 157 endolymphaticus, 306 epididymidis, 156 reunions, 306 venosus, 197, 203 Duodenal glands (of Brunner), 107 Duodenum, 106 Dwarfs, 84 Dyads, 17 Ear, 305 auricle of, 311 external, 80, 305, 310 internal, 305 middle, 303, 310 Ebner - s gland, 97 Ectoderm, 5, 34 formation of, 34 Ectodermal derivatives,'6,^230 Ectopic pregnancy, 67 Ectoplasm, 206 Efferent ductules, 156 Ejaculatory duct, 157 Elastic cartilage, 208 tissue, 207 Eleidin, 231 Ellipsoids of spleen, 205 Embryology, definition of, i history of, 2 scope of, I value of, 2 Embryos, chick, 313 .

Embryos, chick, of first day, 314 transverse sections, 315 of five segments (twenty-three hours), 318 longitudinal section, 319 of seven segments (twenty-five hours), 319 transverse sections, 322 of seventeen segments (thirty-eight hours), 326 transverse sections, 331 of three to four days, 349 unincubated ovum, 313 human, 69 age of, 68 age-norms, 68 anomalies of, 76 crown-heel length, 68 crown-rump length, 68 estimation of age, 68, 69 of Arey, 75 of Bardeen and Lewis, 227 of Bryce-Teacher, 69 of Coste, 72 of Eternod, 71 of fifth week, 71 of fourth week, 71 of His, 2.6 mm., 72 4.2 mm., 73 of Ingalls, 70 of Kollman, 246 of Kromer, 71 of Mall, 2.0 mm., 53 7.0 mm., 74 of Mateer, 70 of Miller, 69 of Peter, 69 of Prentiss, 74 of second week, 69 of six to eight weeks, - - 73 of Spee, 70 of third week, 70 period of, 69 weight of, 68 pig- 353 dissection methods, 405 early stages, 353 eighteen mm. stage, 400 six mm. stage, 354 transverse sections, 367 ten to twelve mm. stage, 376 transverse sections, 387 thirty-five mm. stage, 402 Embryotroph, 57 Eminence, collateral, 272 Enamel cells, 90 layer, 91 organ, 89 pulp, 90 Encephalocoele, 273 Endocardial cushions, 176, 183 Endocardium, 173 Endochondral ossification, 210 Endolymph duct, 306 sac, 306 Endoplasm, 206 Endothelium, 169 Enlargement, cervical, 250 lumbar, 250 .

Entoderm, 5, _-:(4 formation of, 34, 35, 36 Entodermal derivatives, 6 Eosinophils, 173 Eparterial lunfj; bud, 116 Ependymal cells, 239, 242, 248 layer, 246 zone, 238 Epicardium, 173 Epidermis, 230 anomalies of, 231 Epididymis, 156 appendix of, 157 efferent ductules of, 156 Epigastric artery, 192 Epigenesis, 2 Epiglottis, 96, 1 15, 1 16 Epiphyseal line, 21 1 Epiphysis (pineal body), 260 of bone, 21 1 Epiploic foramen (of Winslow), 121 Epispadias, 168 Epistropheus, 215 Epithalamus, 260 Epithelial bed, 234 sheath, 91 Epithelium, 5 germinal, 156 lens, 301 olfactory, 295 respiratory, 117, 296 sensory, 237 Epitrichium, 231 Eponychium, 232 Epoophoron, 157 ducts of, 157 Equational mitosis, 19 Eruption of teeth, 93 Erythroblasts, 171 Erythrocytes, 170 origin of, 170 Erythroplastids, 170 Esophagus, 103 anomalies of, 104 pig, 35S, 382 Establishment of external form, 76 Ethmoid bone, 218 Ethmoidal cells, 218, 297 Ethmo-turbinals, 297 Eustachian tube, 100 valve, 179 Evaginations, 8 Excretory duct, primary, 135, 137 Expression, muscles of, 229 External ear, 80, 310 form, establishment of, 76 genitalia, 163 Extra-embryonic mesoderm, 42 structures, 44 Extra-uterine pregnancy, 67 Extremities, arteries of, 194 muscles of , 227 veins, of, 200 Eye, 79, 297 anomalies of, 305 chick, 328, 337, 350 pig. 357 . 379 Eyeball, muscles of, 228, 229 .

Eyelashes, 304 Eyelids, 304 Face, 77 anomalies of, 79 Facial colliculus, 285 nerve, 284 Falciform ligament, 126 False hermaphroditism, 168 Fascia, 207 Fasciculi propru, 250 Fasciculus cuneatus, 250 gracilis, 250 Fecal fistula, 32 Female urethra, 147 Femoral artery, 194 nerve, 278 vein, 200 Femur, 222 Fertilization, 25 in chick, 313 in man, 27 I in mouse, 26 in Tarsius, 27 results of, 26 significance of, 26 time of, 27 Fertilizin, 26 Fetal circulation, 201 membranes, 44 birds, 44 mammals, 46 man, 49 reptiles, 44 placenta, 62 Fetus, 73, 81 period of, 75 Fibrils, keratin, 232 Fibrin, canalized, 64 Fibro-cartilage, 208 I Fibula, 222 Filament, axial, of spermatozoon, spiral, of spermatozoon, 15 j terminal, of spermatozoon, 15 [ Filiform papillas, 96 Filum terminale, 251 Fishes, 10 higher, cleavage in, 31 lower, cleavage in, 32 Fissure, 271 calcarine, 272 chorioid, 267, 271, 299 collateral, 272 hippocampal, 271 lateral, 272 longitudinal, 266 median, 248, 250 of Rolando, 272 parieto-occipital, 272 rhinal, 271 Sylvian, 272 Fistula, fecal, 32 Flagellum of spermatozoon, 15 Flexure, 233 cephalic, 253 cervical, 234 chick, 336 pig. 354 .

Flexure, pontine, 254 Flocculus, 259 Floor plate, 246 Folds, 8 genital, 137, 149 head, 71 chick, 315 inguinal, 158, 160 mesonephric, 137 nail, 231 neural, 237 tail, 71 urethral, 163 urogenital, 135, 137, 149 Foliate papillse, 97 Follicle cells. 14, 20 primordial, 20, 156 rupture of, 23 thyroid, 103 vesicular (Graafian), 20, 23, 156 Fontanelle, 220 Foramen, cecum, 96, 103 epiploic (of Winslow), 12 1 incisive, 89 interatrial, 176 interventricular, of heart, 183 closure of, 183 of brain, 266 mandibular, 221 Monro - s, 266 ovale, 176, 181 closure of, 203 transverse, 215 Winslow - s, 121 Fore-brain, 251 Fore-gut, 85 chick, 318, 320, 329 Forehead, 78 Fore-skin, 165 Form, changes in, 82 Fornix, 268 columns of, 268 Fossa, olfactory, 294 oral, 85 ovalis, 181 supratonsillar, 100 tonsillar, 100 Free chorionic villi, 62 nerve terminations, 292 Frenulum prepucu, 165 Frontal bone, 220 lobe, 270 operculum, 272 sinus, 297 Fronto-nasal process, 77, 294 Froriep - s ganglion, 282 Functional classification of nerves, 275 Fundamental conceptions, 8 processes, in myogenesis, 225 Fundus, of uterus, 158 Fungiform papillae, 96 Funiculi, of spinal cord, 250 Furcula, of His, 115 Gall bladder, 1 10 Ganglion, 274 accessory, 286 acoustic, 280 27 .

Ganglion, cell layer, of retina, 279, 301 cells, 241 collateral, 287 crest, 241 Froriep - s, 282 geniculate, 284 jugular, 286 nodose, 286 otic, 280 petrosal, 285 semilunar, 283 spinal, 241 spiral, 280 superior, 285 supporting elements of, 244 sympathetic, 242, 287 terminal, 288 vagus accessory, 286 vestibular, 280 Gartner - s ducts, 157 Gastric glands, 105 Gastro-colic ligament, 124 Gastro-splenic ligament, 124 Gastrula, 34 i Gastrulation, 34 amphibia, 35 Amphioxus, 34 birds, 35 chick, 314 mammals, 36 , reptiles, 35 General features of development, 3 Genes, 28 Genetic restriction, larv of, 9 Geniculate bodies, 260 ganglion, 284 Genital cord, 150 ducts, 150 fold, 137, 149 of pig, 360, 383 glands, 149, 153, 154 accessory, 148 organs, 149 tubercle, 163 Genitalia, external, 163 anomalies of, 168 internal, 153 ligaments of, 159 Genu, 285 Germ cells, 12, 154 primordial, 16, 149 layers, 5 derivatives of, 6 origin of, 34 plasm, continuity of, 9 Germinal disc, 33 epithelium, 136 nerve cells, 239 Gestation, period of, 69 Giant cells, 173, 209 Giants, 84 Gill slits, 77 Glands, accessory genital, 148 adipose, 208 alveolo-lingual, 98 areolar, 236 Bartholin - s, 149 Brunner - s, 107 .

Glands, bulbo-urcthral, 148 carotid, 290 coccygeal, 205 Cow])cr - s, 148 digestive, 97, 109, 112 duodenal (of Brunner), 107 Ebner - s, 97 gastric, 105 genital, 149, 153, 154 hemal, 204 hemolymph, 204 intestinal, 107 lacrimal, 304 lymph, 204 mammary, 235 rudimentary, 236 supernumerary, 236 Meibomian, 304 Moll - s, 304 Montgomery - s, 236 of jjregnancy, 61 parathyroid, loi parotid, 97 pineal, 260 prostate, 148 salivary, 97 sebaceous, 234 sublingual, 98 submaxillary, 98 sudoriferous, 234 suprarenal, 290 sweat, 234 tarsal, 304 thymus, 100 thyroid, 103 urinary, 135 uterine, of pregnancy, 61 vestibular, 149 Zeiss - , 304 Gians clitoridis, 165 penis, 165 Glisson - s capsule, 109 Glomerulus, 135, 138, 142, 279 Glomus caroticum, 290 coccygeum, 205 Glossopharyngeal nerve, 283 Glottis, 96, 1 15 Gluteal artery, 194 vein, 200 Gonads, 149 Graafian follicle, 20, 22, 156 Granular layer of cerebellum, 259 leucocytes, 172 Granules, pigment, 231 Gray column, 248 commissures, 249 rami, 287 Greater curvature of stomach, 104 omentum, 104, 12 1 Groove, alveolo-lingual, 96 branchial, 99 labial, 89 laryngo-tracheal, T14 naso-lacrimal, 305 neural, 237 chick, 316 ])rimitive, 39, 40 rhoml)ic, 257 .

Groove, urethral, 163 Ground bundles, 250 Growth changes, 8i anomalies of, 84 in length, 82 in weight, 82 of organ systems, 82 of organs, 82 Gubernaculum testis, 161, 162 Gustatory organ, 292 Gyrus, 273 dentate, 267 hippocampal, 267 Hair, 232 anomalies of, 234 bulb, 234 cortex, 234 cuticle, 234 epithelial bed, 234 lanugo, 234 medulla, 234 papilla, 233 shaft, 234 sheath, 234 Hard palate, 89 j Hare lip, 79 ; Haversian system, 210 j Head, 76 chick, 318 cavities, 229 j fold, 71 chick, 315 I of spermatozoon, 1 5 j muscles of, 228 I process, 39, 40, 42 j chick, 3 1 5 segmentation of, 229 vein, primary, 197 I Heart, 173 I anomalies of, 184 I chick, 321, 329 I descent of, 184

differentiation of wall of, 184

i pig, 361, 384

Helix, 312 hyoid, 31 1 Hemal gland, 204 Hemiazygos vein, 199 Hemicrania, 273 Hemispheres, cerebral, 251, 270 cerebellar, 258 Hemoblast, 170 Hemolymph gland, 204 Hemopoiesis, 169 Hemotrophic nutrition, 57 Henle - s loop, 142 Hensen - s knot, 39 Hepatic artery, 112 diverticulum, 109 duct, 1 10

sinusoids, uo, 194 I vein, 196 common, 200 j Hepato-duodenal ligament, 126 ! Hepato-gastric ligament, 126 ^ Heredity, Mendel - s law of, 28 ' Hermaphroditism, 168 .

Hermaphroditism, false, 168 Hernia, diaphragmatic, 134 inguinal, 163 umbilical, 107, 109 Hind -brain, 251 Hind-gut, 85 chick, 338, 360 Hip bone, 272 Hippocampal commissure, 268 fissure, 271 gyrus, 267 Hippocampus, 267, 272 His, furcula of, 115 Histogenesis, 6 of bone, 208 of blood, 168 of cartilage, 208 of connective tissue, 206 of muscle, 223 of nervous tissue, 237 Historical, 2 Hofbauer cells, 62 Holoblastic ovum, 30 Homologues of mesoderm and notochord, 42 Horn, greater, of hyoid bone, 221 lesser, of hyoid bone, 221 Horse-shoe kidney, 144 Human embryos, 69 age of, 68 age-norms, 68 anomalies of, 76 crown-heel length, 68 crown-rump length, 68 estimation of age, 68, 69 of Arey, 75 of Bardeen and Lewis, 227 of Bryce-Teacher, 69 of Coste, 72 of Eternod, 71 of fifth week, 71 of fourth week, 71 of His, 2.6 mm., 72 4.2 mm., 73 of Ingalls, 70 of Kollman, 246 of Kromer, 71 of Mall, 2.0 mm., 53 7.0 mm., 74 of Mateer, 70 of Miller, 69 of Peter, 69 of Prentiss, 74 of second week, 69 of six to eight weeks, 73 of Spee, 70 of third week, 70 period of, 69 weight of, 68 Humerus, 221 Hyaline cartilage, 208 Hyaloid artery, 302 canal, 303 Hydramnios, 51 Hydrocephaly, 273 Hymen, 157, 158 anomalies of, 159 Hyoid arch, 96, 229 bone, 221 .

Hyoid, helix, 31 1 Hypermastia, 236 Hyperthelia, 236 Hypertrichosis, 234 Hypogastric artery, 193 Hypoglossal nerve, 282 Hypophysis, 262 Hypospadias, 168 Hypothalamus, 260 Hypotrichosis, 234 Ichthyoid blood cells, 171 Ichthyosis, 231 Ileum, diverticulum of, 52, 109 Iliac artery, 193, 194 vein, 200 Ilium, 222 Imperforate anus, 109 Implantation of ovum, 56 Incisive canal (of Stenson), 89 foramen, 89 Increase in surface area, 82 Incus, 221, 310 Infancy, 81 Inferior concha, 297 Infracardiac bronchus, 1 1 7 bursa, 121 Infundibulum, 261 Inguinal canal, 160 crest, 160 fold, 158, 160 hernia, 163 Inheritance, 28 cytoplasmic, 29 Inner cell mass, 33 enamel cells, 41 epithelial mass of gonad, 150 Innominate artery, 189 vein, 197 Insemination, 24 Instruments, dissecting, 405 Insula, 272 Integumentary system, 230 Interatrial foramen, 176 Intercalated discs, 224 Intercostal artery, 19 1 vein, 200 Intermediate cell mass, 8 cords, 153, 154 Intermenstruum, 60 Internal capsule, 265 ear, 305 sexual transformations, 153 Interosseous artery, 194 Intersegmental artery, 186 fiber tracts, 237 Interstitial cells of testis, 154 Interventricular foramen, of heart, 183 closure of, 183 of Monro, 266 septum, 183 sulcus, 183 Intervertebral discs, 214 muscles, 226 Intervillous circulation, 66 spaces, 64 Intestinal glands, 107 loop, 106, 124 .

Intestinal portal, of chick, 318 Intestine, 106 anomalies of, 109 glands of, 107 pig villi of, 107 Intracartilaginous ossification, 210 lntrameml)ranous ossification, 208 Intra-ocular vessels, 302 Introduction, i Invagination, 8 Iris, 304 muscles of, 304 Ischium, 222 Island of Reil, 272 Islands, blood, 169 of pancreas, 1 13 Isolecithal ova, 13 Jacohson's organ, 279, 296 Jaw, lower, 77 upper, 78 Joint cavity, 21 1 Joints, 2 1 1 Jugular ganglion, 286 lymph sacs, 203 veins, 199 Keratin fibrils, 232 Kcratohyalin, 231 Kidney, 139 anomalies of, 144 cystic, 145 horse-shoe, 144 tubules of, 139, 142 Knot, primitive (of Hensen), 39 Labia majora, 166 minora, 166 Labial groove, 89 ligament, 100 Labio-scrotal swellings, 163 Laboratory manual, 313 Labyrinth, bony, 309 membranous, 309 Lacrimal bone, 220 duct, 305 glands, 304 Lacunae, blood, 37 bone, 209 Lamellatcd corpuscles, 292 Lamina, dental, 89 perpendicularis, 218 terminalis, 266 Langhans - layer, 57, 62 Lanugo hair, 234 Large intestine, 107 mononuclear leucocytes, 1 72 Laryngeal nerves, recurrent, 190 Laryngo-tracheal groove, 114, 115 Larynx, 114, 115 cartilages of, 116 muscles of, 1 16, 229 ventricles of, 1 1 6 Lateral fissure, 272 lemniscus, 260 .

Lateral line organs, 287 nasal process, 77, 294 palatine process, 87 pharyngeal recess, 100 recesses, 256 swellings of tongue, 96 umbilical ligament, 193 ventricles, 252, 265, 270 Law, Mendel's, of heredity, 28 of biogenesis, 9 of genetic restriction, 9 of recapitulation, 9 Layer, chorioid, of eye, 304 compact, of uterus, 61, 62 enamel, 91 ependymal, 246 epitrichial, 231 ganglion cell, of retina, 279, 301 germ, 5 granular, 259 Langhans - , 57, 62 mantle, 248 marginal, 249 medullary, 259 molecular, 259 nerve fiber, of retina, 279, 301 nervous, of retina, 299 pigment, of retina, 299 sclerotic, 304 spongy, of uterus, 61, 62, 64 Lecithin, 12 Leg, 80 Lemniscus, lateral, 260 median, 257, 260 Lens of eye, 301 capsule, 302 epithelium, 301 fibers, 301 placode, 297 stars, 302 suspensory ligament of, 302 vascular tunic of, 303 vesicle, 297, 301 Lenticular nucleus, 265 Lesser curvature, of stomach, 104 omentum, 104, 126 peritoneal sac, 121 Leucocytes, 171 granular, 172 mast, 173 mononuclear, large, 172 non-granular, 172 origin of, 171 polymorphonuclear, 172 Ligament, 207 broad, 160 coronary, 1 26 diaphragmatic, 160 falciform, 126 gastro-colic, 124 gastro-splenic, 124 I hepato-duodenal, 126 hepato-gastric, 126 of internal genitalia, 139 of liver, 126 of testis, 1 61 of vertebral column, 213 proper, of ovary, 139 .

Ligament, round, of liver, 126, 196, 203 of uterus, 160 spheno-mandibular, 221 spleno-renal, 124 stylo-hyoid, 221 suspensory, of lens, 302 triangular, 126 umbilical, lateral, 193, 203 middle, 147, 203 Ligamentum arteriosum, 203 labiale, 160 ovaru, 159 scroti, i6i teres, of liver, 126, 196, 203 of uterus, 160 testis, 16 1 venosum, 197, 203 Limb buds, 80 muscles of, 227 Limbs, 80 Limbus ovalis, 179 Limiting membranes, of retina, 301 Line, epiphyseal, 21 1 lateral, 287 milk, 235 Lingual tonsil, 100 Lip, 78, 87, 294 hare, 79 rhombic, 257 Liquor folliculi, 20 Liver, 109 anomalies of, u 2 capsule of, 126 caudate lobe of, 126 cords, no coronary appendages of, 126, 132 ducts, 1 1 1 ligaments of, 126 lobules of, 1 12 quadrate lobe of, 126 sinusoids of, no Lobes, of cerebrum, 270 olfactory, 266 Lobule, of ear, 312 Lobules, of liver, 112 Lobuli epididymidis, 156 Loop, intestinal, 106 Henle - s, 142 Stoerck - s, 143 Lower jaw, 77 Lumbar arteries, 19 1 enlargement, 250 veins, 200 Lumbo-sacral plexus, 278 Lung, 114, 116 alveoli of, 118 anomalies of, 118 apical buds, 116 buds, 1 14 changes at birth, 118 eparterial bud, 1 16 pig- 358, 381 stem buds, 116 Lunula, 232 Lymph glands, 204 sacs, 203 Lymphatics, 203 peripheral, 203 .

Lymphocytes, 170 primary, 1 70 Lymphoid tissue, 204 Macacus, cleavage in, 34 Maculffi acusticae, 307 Magma reticulare, 70 Mali - s pulmonary ridge, 129, 190 Malleus, 221, 310 muscle of, 310 Mammals, 10 cleavage in, 33 gastrulation in, 36 origin of mesoderm in, 40 of notochord in, 41 Mammary artery, 19 1 gland, 235 anomalies of, 236 rudimentary, 236 supernumerary, 236 Mammillary bodies, 261 recess, 261 Mandible, 220 Mandibular arch, 96 foramen, 221 nerve, 284 process, 77, 220, 294 Mantle layer, 248 zone, 238 Manubrium, 216 Marginal layer, 249 fibers of, 249 sinus, 65 zone, 238 Alarrow, bone, 210 red, 209 yellow, 210 cavity, 210 tissue, 210 Marsupials, 10 Massa intermedia, 262 Mast leucocytes, 173 Mastication, muscles of, 228 Mastoid cells, 219 process, 219 Maternal placenta, 63 Maturation, 16 equational, 19 of Ascaris sperm, 17 of chick ovum, 313 of human ovum, 22 sperm, 19 of mouse ovum, 22 reductional, 18 significance of, 28 Maxilla, 220 Maxillary, nerve, 284 process, 77, 220, 294 sinus, 297 Maxillo-turbinal, 297 Meatus, external acoustic, 310 Aleckel - s cartilage, 220 diverticulum, 52, 109 Meconium, 109 Median artery, 194 lemniscus, 257, 260 longitudinal bundle, 257 nasal process, 78, 294 .

IMedian nerve, 278 palatine process, 89 Mediastinum, 117 of ovary, 1 54 of testis, I 54 Medulla oblongata, 252 of hair, 234 of kidney, 141 Aledullary cavity, 210 layer, of cerebellum, 259 sheath, 244 velum, 259 Alegakaryocyte, 173 Alegaloblast, 171 Meibomian glands, 304 Melanism, 231 Alembrane, anal, 85, 145 basilar, 309 bone, 208 (levelo])ment of, 208 bones of skull, 219 cloacal, 85, 145 decidual, 38 separation of, at birth, 66 fetal, 44 birds, 44 mammals, 46 man, 49 rejjtiles, 44 limiting, of retina, 301 nuclear, 12 obturator, 222 peridental, 93 pharyngeal, 85 pleuro-pericardial, 128, 129 pleuro-peritoneal, 128, 129 pupillary, 303, 304 Reissner - s, 309 synovial, 21 1 tectorial, 307 tympanic, 31 1 urethral, 163 urogenital, 83, 146 vestibular, 309 vitelline, 14 A'lembranous labyrinth, 309 stage of skeleton, 212 urethra, 147 Alendel - s law of heredity, 28 Meningoc(X“le, 273 A'leningoencephalocoele, 273 A'lenstruation, 39 relation to ovulation, 2J\ A'leroblastic ovum, 30 Mesameboids, 170 A'lesencephalon, 231, 259 Alesenchyme, 5, 206 chick, 320 Mesenteric artery, inferior, 189, 193 superior, 187, 189, 193 vein, superior, 194 Mesentery, 119 anomalies of, 127 caval, 121, 200 vein of, 200 dorsal, 120 differentiation of, 120 pig- 360, 383 .

Mesentery, primitive, 119 proper, 12 1, 125 torsion of, 125 ventral, 123 differentiation of, 123 A'lesocardium, 126 dorsal, 126, 173 ventral, 123 Mesocolon, 121, 125 Alesoderm, 5, 34 amphibia, 37 Amphioxus, 37 birds, 39 chick, 314, 320, 330, 340 extra-embryonic, 42 intra-embryonic, 42 mammal, 40 origin of, 36 ])rimary, 37 reptiles, 38 somatic, 8, 41 splanchnic, 8, 41 Tarsuxs, 42 Mesodermal derivatives, 6, 119 segments, 7 cavities of, 128 chick, 316, 330 Mesoduodenum, 12 1 A'lesogastrium, dorsal, 121 A'lesonephric duct, 139, 130 transformation of, 156 fold, 137 tubules, 137 transformation of, 156 Alesonephros, 133, 137 chick, 331, 340, 332 diaphragmatic ligament of, i6opig, 360, 383 Alesorchium, 130, 160 Mesorectum, 121 Mesosalpinx, 139 Mesothelium, 8 A'lesovarium, 130, 159 A'letacarpus, 222 Metameres, 7 Aletamerism, 7 A'letanephros, 133, 139 calyces of, 141 chick, 332 collecting tubules, 139, 141 cortex, 1 41 pelvis, 139 pig, 360, 383 tubules, 139, 142 - ureter, 139. 141 Metaphase of mitosis, 4 A'letatarsus, 222 Metathalamus, 260 ! Metencephalon, 251, 258 A'licropyle, 26 Mid-brain, 251 Middle concha, 297 ear, 310 Mid-gut, 85 chick, 337 I Milk ducts, 236 line, 235 teeth, 90 .

Milk teeth, periods of eruption of, 93 witch, 236 Mitochondria, 12 Mitosis, 3 significance of, 28 Mitotic figure, 4 Mitral cells, 279 valve, 18 1 Modiolus, 301 Molecular layer, of cerebellum, 259 Moles, 231 Moll - s glands, 304 Monad, 17 Monaster, 45 Mononuclear leucocytes, large, 172 Monophyletic theory of blood, 169 Monotremes, 10 Monro - s foramen, 266 Mons pubis, 166 Monsters, double, 43 Montgomery - s, glands, 226 Morphogenesis of central nervous system, 245 of muscle, 224 of skeleton, 212 Morula, 30 Motor nerves, somatic, 282 nuclei, 257, 260 Mouse ovum, fertilization of, 26 maturation of, 22 Mouth cavity, 85 Mullerian ducts, 150 transformation of,'! 57 Muller - s fibers, 301 tubercle, 147, 157 Multiplication, cell, 3 Mummified fetuses, 76 Muscles, 223 anomalies of, 229 arrector pili, 234 cardiac, 223 ciliary, 304 columns, 224 fundamental processes, 225 histogenesis of, 223 intervertebral, 226 of abdomen, 226 of auditory ossicles, 310 of back, 226 of expression, 229 of extremities, 227 of eyeball, 228, 229 of hair, 234 of head, 228 of iris, 223, 304 of larynx, 229 of limbs, 227 of malleus, 310 of mastication, 228 of neck, 226 of palate, 229 of perineum, 227 of pharynx, 229 of stapes, 310 of sweat glands, 223, 235 of thorax, 226 of tongue, 229 of trunk, 226 papillary, 183 .

Muscles, plate, 225 pupillary, 304 skeletal, 223, 224 smooth, 223 stapedial, 310 tensor tympani, 310 j thoraco-abdominal, 226 Muscular system, 223 Musculature, skeletal, 225 visceral, 224 Musculocutaneous nerve, 278 j Myelencephalon, 252, 254 i Myelin, 244, 250 I sheath, 244 I Myelinated nerve fibers, 245 j Myeloccele, 273 I Myelocytes, 172 Myoblasts, 223 j Myocardium, 173 Myofibrils, 223, 224 Myoglia, 223 I Myotome, 224 changes in during morphogenesis, 226 N.evi, 231 Nail fold, 231 plate, 232 Nails, 231 Nares, external, 294 Nasal bone, 220 passages, 87 processes, 78, 294 septum, 218, 295 Naso-lacrimal duct, 305 groove, 305 Naso-turbinal, 297 Navel, 54 Neck, 76 muscles of, 226 of spermatozoon, 15 Neonatal period, 81 Neopallium, 267 Nephrogenic cords, 137, 140 tissue, differentiation of, 142 Nephrostome, 135 Nephrotome, 8 Nerve, 274 abducens, 282 accessorius, 285 acoustic, 280 afferent fibers of, 241 ansa hypoglossi, 278 axillary, 278 cells, 237 chorda tympani, 285 cranial, 278 efferent fibers of, 239 facial, 284 femoral, 278 fibers, 274 cell chain theory, 245 classification of, 275 layer, of retina, 279, 301 myelinated, 243 unmyelinated, 245 glossopharyngeal, 285 hypoglossal, 282 mandibular, 284 .

Nerve, maxillary, 284 median, 278 motor somatic, 282 musculocutaneous, 278 obturator, 278 oculomotor, 282 olfactory, 271) ophthalmic, 284 optic, 279, ,^01 jjeroncal, 278 petrosal, suijcrucial, 285 jdircnic, 278 Ijlexus, 278 radial, 278 recurrent laryngeal, 190 sciatic, 278 sensory, special, 279 somatic, 275 motor, 282 S])i!ial, 275 accessory, 285 terminal, 279 terminations, free, 292 tibial, 278 trigeminal, 283 troehlear, 282 ulnar, 278 vagus, 285 visceral, 275 mixed, 283 Nervous layer, of retina, 299 system, central, 237 chick, 327, 337, 350 pig, 355 , , 37 «  ])cripheral, 274 sympathetic, 287 tissue, histogenesis of, 237 Neural crest, 241 folds, 237 groove, 237 chick, 316 plate, 237 tul)e, 36, 237 anomalies of, 273 chick, 319 derivatives of, 254 origin of, 36, 237 su]jporting elements of, 242 Ncurenteric canal, 38, 41 Neurilemma, 244 Neurobiotaxis, 287 Neuroblasts, 239 differentiation of, 239 of retina, 301 Neurofibrillae, 239 Neuroglia cells, 237, 239, 242 fibers, 239, 242 Neurokeratin, 244 Neuromeres, 229, 257 Neuron, 239 afferent, 241 doctrine, 245 efferent, 239 Neuropore, 246 Neutrophils, 172 'Newborn, 81 Nipple, 236 supernumerary, 236 .

Node, primitive, 39 of Ranvier, 244 Nodose ganglion, 286 Nodulus cerebelli, 259 Non-granular leucocytes, 172 Normoblasts, 171 Nose, 78, 293 apex of, 78 bridge of, 78 septum of, 78 Notochord, 10, 42, 212, 216 origin of, 36, 38, 41 Notochordal canal, 40 plate, 37, 38, 39, 41 Nuck - s diverticula, 163 Nuclear membrane, 12 Nuclei ])ulposi, 42, 212 Nucleolus, 12 Nucleus, 12 ambiguus, 285 caudate, 265 cuneatus, 257 dentate, 259 dorsal motor, of vagus, 285 gracilis, 257 lenticular, 265 motor, 257, 260 of pons, 258 olivary, 257 receptive, 257 red, 260 terminal, 257 Obex, 257 Oblique vein of left atrium, 197 Obturator membrane, 222 nerve, 278 Occipital bone, 218 lobe, 270 Oculomotor nerve, 282 Odontoblasts, 92 Oestrus, 22 Olfactory apparatus, 264, 266 brain, 264 bullj, 266 epithelium, 295 fossa, 294 lobe, 266 nerve, 279 organ, 293 pits, 77, 294 placodes, 294 tract, 266 Olivary nucleus, 257 Olive, 258 Omental bursa, 12 1 inferior recess of, 12 1 Omentum, greater, 104, 121 lesser, 104, 126 Oocyte, 20 primary, 20 secondary, 21 Oogenesis, 16, 19 Oogonia, 20 Ootid, 21 Operculum, 272 Ophthalmic artery, 191 nerve, 284 . Optic chiasma, 266, 279 cup, 297, 298 nerve, 301 placode, 298 stalk, 297 tract, 279 vesicle, 251, 297 Ora serrata, 299 Oral cavity, 85 fossa, 85 Organ, Corti - s, 307 enamel, 89 Jacobson - s, 279, 296 lateral line, 287 sense, 79 spiral, 307 vomero-nasal, 279, 296 Organogenesis, 85 Ossicles, auditory, 310 Ossification centers, 2 1 1 endochondral, 210 intracartilaginous, 210 intramembranous, 208 of carpus, 221 of chondrocranium, 218 of clavicle, 221 of coxal bone, 222 of ethmoid bone, 218 of femur, 222 of fibula, 222 of frontal bone, 220 of hip bone, 222 of humerus, 221 of hyoid bone, 221 of ilium, 222 of incus, 221 of ischium, 222 of lacrimal bone, 220 of malleus, 221 of mandible, 220 of maxillary bone, 220 of metacarpus, 222 of metatarsus, 222 of nasal bone, 220 of occipital bone, 218 of palate bone, 220 of parietal bone, 220 of patella, 222 of phalanges, 222 of pisiform, 222 of pubis, 222 of radius, 221 of ribs, 215 of scapula, 221 of skull, 217 of sphenoid bone, 218 of stapes, 221 of sternum, 216 of tarsus, 222 of temporal bone, 219 of tibia, 222 of ulna, 221 of vertebrae, 215 of vomer, 220 of zygomatic bone, 220 perichondral, 209 periosteal, 209, 210 Osteoblast, 93, 208 .

Osteoclast, 209 Otic ganglion, 280 vesicle, 305 Otoconia, 307 Otocyst, 305 chick, 329, 337, 350 _ pig- 350, 379 Outer enamel cells, 90 Ovarian artery, 192 pregnancy, 67 vein, 200 Ovary, 154 anomalies, 156 descent of, 161 differentiation of, 154 follicles of, 23, 156 mediastinum, 134 Pfitiger - s tubes of, 156 proper ligament of, 159 septula of, 154 stroma of, 136 tunica albuginea of, 153 Ovulation, 22 relation to menstruation, 24 Ovum, 12, 14 centrolecithal, 14 chick, 313 cleavage of, 30. See also Cleavage.

.comparison with spermatozoon, 15 fertilization of, 25 holoblastic, 30 implantation of, 56 isolecithal, 13 maturation of, 22 meroblastic, 30 period of, 81 segmentation of, 30. See also Cleavage. structure of, 12 telolecithal, 14 Pains, 66 after, 66 Palate, 87, 294 anomalies of, 89 bones, 220 cleft, 89 hard, 89 muscles of, 229 premaxillary, 294 primitive, 294 soft, 89 Palatine processes, lateral, 87 median, 89 tonsil, 100 Pallium, 264, 266 Pancreas, 112 accessory duct of, 1 1 3 alveoli of, 113 anomalies of, 113 dorsal, 112 duct of, 1 1 3 islands of, 113 ventral, 1 12 Pancreatic duct, 113 Papillae, dental, 89, 92 hair, 233 renal, 14 1 tongue, 96, 97, 293 .

Papillary duel, 14 1 muscles, 183 Paradidymis, 156 Paraganj^lia, 289 Paranasal sinuses, 297 Parathyroid gland, loi Para-urethral ducts, 148 Parietal hone, 220 lobe, 270 pleura, 118 Parieto-oeeipital fissure, 272 Parolfactory area, 267 Paroo]ihoron, 157 Parotid gland, <)7 Pars e;cca, 2<)<) ciliaris, 299 intermedia, 263 iridica, 291) lateralis, of sacrum, 2ih ojitica, 2i)(^ radiata, 141 tuberalis, 2(")3 Parthenogeni'sis, 23 artificial, 26 Parturition, 66 Patella, 222 Peduncles of cerebrum, 260 Pelvis, renal, 139 Penis, I (>4 Perforated substance, anterior, 2(>7 Pericardial cavity, 127, 133 Pericardium, 132 Perichondral ossification, 210 Pericliondrium, 208 Peridental membrane, 93 Periderm, 230 Perilymph spaces, 309 Perineum, 146, 163 muscles of, 227 Period, developmental, i, 81 neonatal, 81 of emlrryo, 69, 81 of fetus, 73, 81 erf gestation, 69 of newborn, 81 of ovum, 81 Periosteal ossification, 209, 210 Periosteum, 209, 210 Periotic capsule, 217 Peri4iheral lymphatics, 203 nervous system, 274 pis. 355 sinus, 204 Peritoneal cavity, 128, 133 sac, lesser, 1 2 1 Permanent teeth, 93 periods of eruption of, 94 Peroneal artery, 194 nerve, 278 Petrosal ganglion, 283 nerve, su]>crficial, 283 Pfiuger's tubes, 136 Phalanges, 222 Phallic urethra, 146 Phallus, 163 Pharyngeal bursa, 100 membrane, 83 pouches, 99 .

Pharyngeal pouches, chick, 329, 338, 357 pig. ,357. 380 tonsil, 100 Pharyngo-palatine arches, 89 Pharynx, 99 muscles of, 229 pig. 357. 379 Philtrum, 78 Phrenic artery, 192 nerve, 278 Pig embryos, 333 dissection methods, 403 early stages, 353 eighteen mm. stage, 400 six mm. stage, 354 transverse sections, 367 ten to twelve mm. stage, 376 transverse sections, 387 thirty-five mm. stage, 402 Pigment granules, 231 layer of retina, 299 i Pillars of Corti, 307 Pineal body, 260 Pisiform bone, 222 Pit, olfactory, 77, 294 Pituitary body, 262 Placenta, 44, 48, 62, 67 accessory, 67 cotyledons of, 65 fetalis, 62 intervillous spaces of, 64 circulation of, 66 mammalian, 47 materna, 63 position of, 67 prsevia, 67 septa, 64 succenturiate, 67 vessels of, 63 yolk sac, 46, 48 Placentalia, 10 Placentation, 48 Placodes, 287 auditory, 303 lens, 297 olfactory, 294 optic, 298 Plan, body, 10 Plasm, germ, continuity of, 9 Plate, alar, 248 basal, 63, 248 closing, 99 cribriform, 219 cutis, 231 floor, 246 nail, 232 neural, 237 notochordal, 37, 38, 39, 41 roof, 246 Platelets, blood, 173 Pleura, ])arietal, 118 visceral, 118 Pleural cavity, 128, 129, 133 Pleuro-pericardial canal, 128 cavity, 128 membranes, 128, 129 Pleuro-pcritoneal canal, 128 .

Pleuro-peritoneal canal, cavities, 127 membranes, 128, 129 Plexus, brachial, 278 cervical, 278 chorioid, 257, 260, 267 lumbo-sacral, 278 nerve, 278 prevertebral, 288 Plica semilunaris, 304 Polar bodies, 21 Pole, animal, 14 vegetal, 14 Polocytes, 21 Polydactyly, 81, 222 Polymorphonuclear leucocytes, 1 72 Polyphyletic theory of blood, 169 Polyspermy, 26 Pons, 252 nuclei of, 258 Pontine flexure, 254 Popliteal artery, 194 Portal, intestinal, chick, 318 vein, 194 Postanal gut, 86 Postbranchial bodies, 102 Postcardinal vein, 187, 199 Posterior commissure, 166 lymph sacs, 203 Postnatal development, 81 Pouches, branchial, 99 coelomic, 36 pharyngeal, 99 Rathke - s, 262 Seesel - s, 100 Precardinal vein, 187, 197 Precartilage, 208 Preformation, doctrine of, 2 Pregnancy, abdominal, 67 duration of, 69 ectopic, 67 extra-uterine, 67 glands of, 61 ovarian, 67 plural, 67 tubal, 67 twin, 67 Premaxillary palate, 294 Prenatal development, 69, 81 Prepucium, 165 Prevertebral plexuses, 288 Primary chorionic villi, 54, 57 excretory ducts, 135, 137 lymphocyte, 170 mesoderm, 37 oocyte, 20 spermatocyte, 16 Primates, 10 cleavage in, 34 gastrulation in, 36 origin of mesoderm in, 42 Primitive blood cells, 169, 170 choanae, 87, 294 coelom, 127 genital ducts, 150 groove, 39, 40, 70 knot or node, 39 mesentery, 119 palate, 294 .

Primitive pit, 40 segments, 7 streak, 38, 40, 70 of chick, 314 vascular system, 185 Primordial follicles, 20, 156 germ cells, 16, 149 Proamnion of chick, 319 Process, articular, 215 coracoid, 221 costal, 214 fronto-nasal, 77, 294 head, 39, 40, 42 chick, 315 lateral nasal, 77, 294 palatine, 87 mandibular, 77, 200, 294 mastoid, 219 maxillary, 77, 220, 294 median nasal, 78, 294 palatine, 89 nasal, 78, 294 styloid, 219, 221 transverse, 215 vermiform, 108 xiphoid, 216 cleft, 222 Processes, developmental, 8 fundamental, in myogenesis, 225 Processus globulares, 88 vaginalis, 162 Proctodeum, 85 Pronephric duct, 135, 137 tubules, 135 Pronephros, 135 chick, 331 Pronucleus, female, 22 male, 26 Proper ligament of ovary, 159 Prophase of mitosis, 3 Prosencephalon, 231 Prostate gland, 148 Prostatic urethra, 147 utricle, 157 Pseudocopulation, 24 Puberty, 81 Pubis, 222 Pulmonary arteries, 118, 181 ridge, 129, 190 vein, 1 18, 18 1 Pulp, dental, 92 enamel, 90 Pulpy nuclei, 42, 212 Pupillary membrane, 303, 304 anomalies of, 305 muscles, 304 Purkinje cells, 259 Pyloric sphincter, 105 Pyramidal cells, 273 Pyramids, of brain, 238 of kidney, 141 Quadrate lobe of liver, 126 Rachischisis, 273 Radial artery, 194 nerve, 278 Radius, 221 .

428 Ramus angularis, 196 arcuatus, 196 communicans, 277, 287 dorsal, 277 gray, 287 terminal, 277 white, 287 Ranvier - s nodes, 244 Raphe, of scrotum, 164 Rathke - s pouch, 262 Recapitulation, law of, 9 Receptive nuclei, 257 Recess, inferior, of omental bursa, 12 1 lateral, 256 mammillary, 261 Recessiveness, 29 Rectum, 85, 108, 143 Red blood corpuscles, 1 7 1 bone marrow, 209 nucleus, 260 Reductional mitosis, 18 Reference, titles for, 1 1 Reichert - s cartilage, 310 Reil - s island, 272 Reissner - s membrane, 309 Renal artery, 192 columns, 141 corpuscles, 139, 142 papillae, 141 pelvis, 139 pyramid, 14 1 tubules, 142 vein, 200 Reptiles, 10 cleavage in, 32 gastrulation in, 35 origin of mesoderm in, 37 of notochord in, 38 Residual lumen, 263 Respiratory epithelium, 117, 296 system, 1 14 chick, 351 pig, 357 , 379 Rete ovaru, 154, 157 testis, 153, 156 Reticular formation, 257 tissue, 206 Retina, 299 nervous layer of, 299 pigment layer of, 299 Retroperitoneal lymph sac, 203 Rhinal fissure, 271 Rhinencephalon, 264, 266 Rhombencephalon, 251 Rhombic grooves, 257 lip, 237 Ribs, 213 anomalies of, 222 Ridge, arytenoid, 96 dental, 89 pulmonary, 129 Rod cells, 301 Rolando - s fissure, 272 Roof plate, 246 Roots, spinal, 273 Rotation of stomach, 104 Round ligament, of uterus, 1 60 Rupture of follicle, 23 .

Sac, dental, 93 lymph, 203 Sacculus, 306 Saccus vaginalis, 162 Sacral artery, middle, 193 Sacrum, 216 pars lateralis of, 216 Salivary glands, 97 Santorini, duct of, 113 ! Saphenous vein, 200 â–  Sarcoplasm, 224 Satyr tubercle, 3 1 1 Sauroid blood cells, 171 Scala tympani, 309 vesti'buli, 309 Scapula, 221 Schwalbe - s tubercle, 31 1 Sciatic artery, 194 nerve, 278 Sclera, 304 Sclerotome, 214 Scrotum, 164 ligament of, 161 raphe of, 164 septum of, 164 Sebaceous glands, 234 Secondary choanas, 87 chorionic villi, 34, 37 oocyte, 21 spermatocyte, 16 Secretory tubule, 139 Sections, chick, of five segments, 319 of head process stage, 316, 317 of primitive streak stage, 313 of seven segments, 322 of seventeen segments, 331 of three to four days, 331 of twenty-seven segments, 342 pig, 6 mm., 367 10 mm., 387 Seessel - s pouch, 100 Segmentation of body, 7 of ovum, 30. See also Cleavage. of vertebrate head, 229 Segments, mesodermal, 7 chick, 316, 321 primitive, 7 Semen, 24 Semicircular ducts, 306 Semilunar ganglion, 283 valves, 181 Seminal colliculus, 139 fluid, 24 vesicle, 137 Sense cells, 292 organs, 79, 292, 330 chick, 327, 337 pig. 355 . 37 «  Sensory epithelium, 237 nerves, special somatic, 279 organs, general, 292 Septa placentae, 64 Septula ovaru, 134 Septula testis, 134 Septum, atrial, 176 interventricular, 183 median, 248 membranaceum, 183 .

Septum, nasal, 78, 218, 295 pellucidum, 279 space of, 270 primum, 176 scroti, 164 secundum, 176 spurium, 177 transversum, 109, 128 Sertoli, sustentacular cells of, 16, Sesamoid bones, 212 Sex chromosome, 29 determination, 29 Shaft of hair, 234 Sheath cells, 244 epithelial, 91 hair, 234 medullary, 244 myelin, 244 Shoulder blade, 221 Sigmoid colon, 108 mesocolon, 125 Sinus, cervical, 77 coronary, 179, 197 frontal, 297 marginal, 65 maxillary, 297 paranasal, 297 peripheral, 204 sphenoidal, 297 terminal, chick, 327 urogenital, 85, 145 venosus, 174, 177 valves of, 177, 179 Sinusoids of liver, no, 194 Situs viscerum inversus, 118 Skeletal muscle, 223, 224 musculature, 225 system, 206 Skeleton, 212 anomalies of, 222 appendicular, 221 axial, 212 blastemal stage, 212 branchial arch, 220 membranous stage, 212 Skene - s ducts, 148 Skin, 230 anomalies of, 231 corium of, 231 derma of, 231 epidermis of, 230 Skull, 216 chondrification of, 217 membrane bones of, 219 ossification of, 217 Small intestine, 106 Smooth muscle, 223 Soft palate, 89 spots, 220 Solitary tract, 257, 285, 287 Soma, 9 Somatic mesoderm, 8 nerves, 275 Somatopleure, 8, 37, 41 Somites, 7 Sperm cell, 14 Spermatic artery, 192 cord, 163 .17, 154 .

Spermatic vein, 200 Spermatid, 16 Spermatocyte, primary, 16 secondary, 16 Spermatogenesis, 16 Spermatogonia, 16, 154 Spermatozoon, 12, 14 atypical, 13 comparison with ovum, 15 life of, 25 locomotion of, 25 maturation of, 19 structure of, 15 Sphenoid bone, 218 Sphenoidal sinus, 297 Spheno-mandibular ligament, 221 Sphincter, pyloric, 105 Spina bifida, 273 Spinal accessory nerve, 285 artery, 190 cord, 246 anomalies of, 273 I ganglia, 241 I supporting cells of, 241 nerves, 275 rami of, 277 Spinal roots, 275 tract, descending, of trigeminal nerve, 257, 283 I Spiral ganglion, 280 limbus, 307 ! organ, 307

sulcus, 307

tunnel, 307 Spireme, 4 Splanchnic mesoderm, 8 Splanchnopleure, 8, 37, 41 Spleen, 205 Splenic corpuscles, 205 Spleno-renal ligament, 124 Spongioblasts, 239 Spongy layer of uterus, 61, 62, 64 1 Stalk, optic, 297 I Stapedial artery, 310 muscle, 310 Stapes, 221, 310 muscle of, 310 Stars, lens, 302 Stem buds, of lung, 116 Stenson - s canal, 89 Sternal bars, 216 Sternum, 216 cleft, 222 I Stoerck - s loop, 143 Stomach, 104 pig. 358, 382 , rotation of, 104 Stomodeum, 85 Stratum corneum, 231 germinativum, 231 granulosum, 20, 23, 231 lucidum, 231 Streak, primitive, 39, 40 chick, 314 Stroma, of ovary, 156 Stylo-hyoid ligament, 221 Styloid process, 219, 221 Subcardinal vein, 199 .

Subclavian artery, i88, 189, 191, 194 vein, 199, 200 Sublingual gland, 98 Submaxillary gland, 98 Substance, anterior perforated, 267 white, 249 Succenturiate placentas, 67 Sudoriferous glands, 234 Sulcus, central, 272 cerebral, 273 coronary, 175 interventricular, 183 limitans, 248 spiral, 307 terminalis, of tongue, 96 Superfetation, 28 Superior concha, 297 ganglion, 285 Supporting cells, 293 elements of neural tube, 242 of ganglia, 244 tissues, 206 Supracardinal vein, 194 Sujnarenal artery, 192 gland, 290 accessory, 291 anomalies of, 291 vein, 199, 200 Supratonsillar fossa, 100 Surface area, increase in, 82 vSuspensory ligament, of lens, 302 Sustentacular cells (of Sertoli), 16, 17, 154 Suture, 21 1 Sweat glands, 234 Swellings, arytenoid, 115 labio-scrotal, 163 Sylvian fissure, 272 Symijathetic ganglia, 242, 287 nervous system, 287 trunks, 287 Synarthrosis, 21 1 Synchondrosis, 21 1 Syndactyly, 81, 222 Syndesmosis, 21 1 vSynovial membrane, 21 1 System, central nervous, 237 digestive, 85 integumentary, 230 lymphatic, 203 muscular, 223 peripheral nervous, 274 respiratory, 114 skeletal, 206 sympathetic, 287 urogenital, 135 vascular, 185 Tables, of bone, 209 Tactile corpuscle, 292 Tffinia, 257 Tail, 73, 80 fold, 71 gut, 86 of caudate nucleus, 265 of spermatozoon, 15 Tarsal glands, 304 Tarsius, 23, 27, 34, 36, 42 Tarsus, 222 .

I Taste buds, 97, 292 ' cells, 293 Teeth, 89 ameloblasts of, 91 anomalies of, 95 cement of, 93 decidual, 90 periods of eruption of, 93 dental lamina of, 89 papilla of, 92 pulp of, 92 sac of, 93 dentine of, 92 I enamel of, 89 I milk, 90 periods of eruption of, 93 odontoblasts of, 92 permanent, 93 of vertebrates, 94 periods of eruption of, 94 Tela chorioidea, 260 ] Telencephalon, 251, 263 : commissures of, 268 ' Telolecithal ova, 14 Telophase of mitosis, 5 Temporal bone, 219 j lobe, 270 operculum, 272 j Tendon, 207 I Tensor tympani, 310 Teratomata, 156 Term, 66 Terminal ganglia, 288 nerve, 279 I nuclei, 257 , ramus, 277 ' sinus, chick, 227 Testis, 153 anomalies of, 156, 163 appendix of, 157 concealed, 163 cords, 153 descent of, 16 1 differentiation of, 153 gubernaculum of, 16 1, 162 intermediate cords of, 153, 154 interstitial cells of, 154 ligament of, 161 mediastinum, 154 tubuli contorti, 154 septula, 154 recti, 154 tunica albuginea of, 153 vaginalis of, 163 I Tetrad, 17 Thalamus, 260 j Thebesian valve, 179 I Theca folliculi, 20 Theory of concrescence, 39 Thoracic duct, 203 Thoraco-abdominal muscles, 226 Thorax, muscles of, 226 Thymic corpuscle, 10 1 Thymus gland, 100 Thyreo-cervical trunk, 191 Thyroglossal duct, 103 Thyroid cartilage, 116, 221 ^ follicles, 103 .

Thyroid gland, 103 anomalies of, 103 Tibia, 222 Tibial nerve, 278 veins, 200 Tissue, 6 adipose, 207 areolar, 207 connective, 206 white fibrous, 206 differentiation of, 206 elastic, 207 lymphoid, 204 marrow, 210 nephrogenic, 142 nervous, 237 reticular, 206 supporting, 206 Titles for reference, u Tomes, dentinal fibers of, 92 Tongue, 96 anomalies of, 97 muscles of, 97, 229 papillae of, 96, 97, 293 Tonsil, 100 lingual, 100 palatine, 100 pharyngeal, 100 Tonsillar fossa, 100 Trabeculae carnae, 184 Trachea, 114, 116 anomalies of, 118 pig. 358. 381 Tract, descending, of fifth nerve, 257, 283 olfactory, 266 Tractus solitarius, 257, 285, 287 Tragus, 312 Transposition of viscera, 118 Transverse colon, 108 foramina, 215 mesocolon, 125 Triangular ligaments, 126 Tricuspid valve, 183 Trigeminal nerve, 283 Trigone, of bladder, 147 Trochlear nerve, 282 Trophectoderm, 33, 54, 62 Trophoderm, 54, 56, 57, 58, 62 True chorionic villi, 54, 57 Trunk, 80 anomalies of, 80 muscles of, 226 Tubal pregnancy, 67 Tube, auditory, 100, 310 digestive, 103 Eustachian, 100 neural, 36, 237 Pfluger - s, 156 uterine, 157 Tuber cinereum, 261 Tubercle, Darwin - s, 312 genital, 163 Muller - s, 147, 157 satyr, 31 1 Schwalbe - s, 31 1 Tuberculum impar,'96 Tubules, collecting,? 139, 141 distal convoluted, 142 .

Tubules, mesonephric, 137 transformation of, 156 proximal convoluted, 142 secretory, 139 uriniferous, 142 Tubuli contorti, 154 recti, 154 Tunic, vascular, of lens, 303 Tunica albuginea, of ovary, 155 of testis, 153 externa, 20 interna, 20 vaginalis, 163 Turbinals, 297 Twins, and twinning, 42, 67 origin of, 43 Tympanic cavity, 100, 310 membrane, 31 1 .

Ulxa, 221 Ulnar artery, 194 nerve, 278 Ultimobranchial body, 102 Umbilical arteries, 185, 193 cord, 56 hernia, 107, 109 ligaments, lateral, 203 middle, 147, 203 veins, 185, 194 vessels, 47, 54 Umbilicus, 54 Unguiculates, 10 Ungulates, 10 Unmyelinated nerve fibers, 245 Upper jaw, 78 Urachus, 147 Ureter, 139 Urethra, 146, 147, 164 Urethral folds, 163 groove, 163 membrane, 163 Urinary organs, 135 system, chick, 352 Uriniferous tubules, 142 Urogenital fold, 135, 137, 149 membrane, 85, 146 sinus, 85, 145 system, 133 chick, 352 pig. 360, 383 Uterine glands, of pregnancy, 61 tubes, 137 Utero-vaginal anlage, 138 Uterus, 137 anomalies of, 139 bicornis, 139 cervix of, 138 during menstruation, '59 pregnancy, 60 fetalis, 139 fundus of, 138 gross changes in, 67 growth of, 139 infantalis, 139 ligaments of, 160 planifundus, 139 Utricle, prostatic, 137 .

Utriculus, 306 Uvula, 89 Vagina, 137 anomalies of, 159 masculina, 157 Vaginal sac, 162 Vagus ganglia, accessory, 286 nerve, 285 Vallate papillae, 97 Valves, atrio-ventricular, 183 bicusuid, 184 colic, 108 Eustachian, 179 mitral, 184 of coronary sinus, 1 79 of inferior vena cava, i 79 of sinus venosus, 177, 179 semilunar, 181 Thebesian, 179 tricuspid, 183 Vascular system, 185 chick, 321, 329, 339, 352 pig, 361, 384 Vasculogenesis, i6g Vegetal pole, 14 Veins, anomalies of, 201 axillary, 200 azygos, 199 basilic, 200 border, 200 brachial, 200 cardinal anterior, 187, 197 common, 187, 197 posterior, 187, 199 cephalic, 200 cerebral, 197 common cardinal, 187, 197 femoral, 200 gluteal, 200 hemiazygos, 199 hepatic, 196 common, 200 iliac, 200 innominate, 197 intercostal, 200 jugular, 199 lumbar, 200 mesenteric, superior, 194 oblique, of left atrium, 197 of arm, 200 of caval mesentery, 200 of extremities, 200 of leg, 200 ovarian, 200 jjrecardinal, 187, 197 portal, 194 postcardinal, 187, 199 primary head, 197 pulmonary, 118, 181 renal, 200 saphenous, 200 spermatic, 200 subcardinal, 199 subclavian, 199, 200 supracardinal, 199 suprarenal, 199, 200 tibial, 200 .

Veins, umbilical, 185, 194 vena cava, inferior, 199, 200 superior, 197 vitelline, 186, 194 chick, 330, 340, 352 pig, 363, 386 Velum, medullary, 259 Vena cava, inferior, 199, 200 superior, 197 Ventral aorta, 185 arteries, 192 mesentery, 125 differentiation of, 1 25 mesocardium, 126 pancreas, 1 1 2 Ventricle, fifth, 270 fourth, 253, 256 lateral, 232, 263, 270 of heart, 1 74, 183 of larynx, 1 16 third, 232, 261 Vermiform process, 108 Vermis cerebelli, 238 Vernix caseosa, 31, 231 Vertebrae, 214 anomalies of, 222 arch of, 214 articular process of, 215 body of, 214 chondrification of, 214 epiphysis of, 213 ossification of, 213 transverse process of, 213 variations in number, 222 Vertebral arteries, 190 Vertebrate body plan, 10 groups, 10 head, segmentation of, 229 Vertebrates, 10 Vesicle, auditory, 305 blastodermic, 34 brain, primary, 246 cervical, 100 lens, 297 optic, 231, 297 otic, 303 seminal, 137 vesico-urethral anlage, 146 Vesicular follicles, 20, 22, 156 Vestibular anlage, 305 glanglion, 280 glands (of Bartholin), 149 membrane, 309 Vestibule, 138, 166 of mouth, 87 Villi, anchoring, 37, 62 free, 62 of chorion, 49, 34, 57 of intestine, 107 Visceral mixed nerves, 283 musculature, 224 nerves, 273 pleura, 118 Vitelline arteries, 186 circulation, 186 membrane, 14 veins, 186, 194 Viteilo-umbilical trunk, 186 .

Vitreous body, of eye, 302 Vocal cords, 1 16 Vomer, 220 Vomero-nasal organ, 279, 296 Waters, 51 Weight of human embryos, 68 White blood cells, 17 1. See also Leucocytes. commissure, 249 fibrous connective tissue, 206 rami, 287 substance, of cord, 249 Winslow - s foramen, 121 Wirsung, duct of, 113 Witch milk, 236 Wolffian ducts, 139 JV-CHROMOSOME, 29 Xiphoid process, 216 cleft, 222 28 .

F-chromosome, 29 Yellow bone marrow, 210 Yolk, 12 sac, 44 birds, 44 mammals, 46 man, 51 reptiles, 44 stalk, 45, 52 anomalies of, 52 Yolk-sac placenta, 46, 48 .

Zeiss - glands, 304 Zona pellucida, 14 Zone, ependymal, 238 mantle, 238 marginal, 238 Zonula ciliaris, 302 Zuckerkandl - s bodies, 289 Zygomatic bone, 220 .