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ranches.— (i) Grey rami communicantes, which spring from the  
two lacteals, they originate in the fom
a loop. The wall of the lacteal vess(
formed by a single layer of endothelial pk
which are connected by processes with
branched cells of the retiform tissue of
adenoid tissue. The vessel is ensheathec
longitudinal plain muscular fibres der;
from the muscularis mucosae, their fi
cells being connected with the basen
membrane of the villus. The villus is
vaded by adenoid tissue—that is to
retiform tissue with its meshes filled a
amoeboid lymph corpuscles. The branc
cells of this retiform tissue are connectec
processes, on the one hand, with the er
thelial plates which compose the wall of
lacteal vessel, and on the other hand ^
the cells of the basement membrane near
surface, and these latter in turn send
processes between the columnar epith
cells of the free surface.
The villi play a most important par
absorption, partly through their cop
capillary networks, and partly through t
lacteals. The lacteals serve specially for
absorption of fats, which is probably effected in the following man
the columnar epithelial cells at the free surface take up the sapon)
and emulsified fats, which they transfer to the amoeboid lymph )
Duodenal Glands
Fig. 500.—Section of the
Duodenum, showing
Duodenal Glands
(highly magnified).
iscles between them. These corpuscles then carry the fats inwards
rough the adenoid tissue into the lacteal vessel.
Duodenal glands (Brunner’s glands) are confined to the duodenum,
id are serially continuous with the pyloric glands of the stomach,
ley are very numerous in the commencement of the duodenum,
iere they form a continuous layer of gland tissue extending as low
the entrance of the bile-duct and pancreatic duct. Beyond this
ant they gradually diminish in number, and ultimately disappear
ar the duodeno-jejunal flexure. They belong to the class of race3 se or acmo-tubular glands,, and they differ from the pyloric glands
the stomach in having their tubules more branched and in having
Villus ____
Intestinal Gland
Solitary Nodule
Muscularis Mucosas
Circular Muscular Fibres
>ngitudinal Muscular Fibres
Peritoneal Coat __=§§§=
Fig. 501. —Vertical Transverse Section of the Small Intestine
(highly magnified).
iger ducts. Otherwise the structure of the two kinds of glands is
nlar. The duodenal glands lie embedded in the submucous coat,
i their long ducts pass through the whole thickness of the mucous
d, upon the surface of which they open between the intestinal glands,
tte of them, however, open into these glands. The glands can easily
displayed by removing the peritoneal and muscular coats of the
^denum and a little of the submucous areolar tissue, when they
^ear as small, round, grey-coloured masses like millet seeds, varying
diameter from T V to inch.
the intestinal glands (crypts of Lieberkiihn) are found in large
fibers over the whole of the mucous membrane of the small intestine,
well as that of the large bowel. They belong to the class of simple
tubular glands, and are to be regarded as small diverticula of tl
mucous membrane. Each gland takes the form of a simple tub
which is closed and slightly enlarged at its deep extremity, and opei
by its other end on the surface between the villi. The glands a]
present on the circular folds as well as in the intervening parts. The
are placed vertically and close together, and are confined entirely to tf
mucous coat, in which they extend from the free surface to the musci
laris mucosae. In length they vary from ^ to yTq inch. Each glan
is composed of a basement membrane lined with columnar epitheliun
and the lumen is of large size.
The solitary nodules are present over the whole extent of the mucoi
membrane of the small intestine. They assume the form of small, whit
round, or oval nodules, which project by their deep ends into the sul
mucous coat, whilst their superficial ends give rise to slight elevatior
of the free surface, where they have the openings of the intestin;
glands placed around them. They are found upon, as well as betweei
the circular folds. In structure each solitary nodule is composed (
adenoid tissue containing large numbers of lymph corpuscles, and pe:
meated by capillary networks. Each nodule is surrounded at its dee
part by a copious plexus of lymphatic vessels, or by lymphatic sinuse
The solitary nodules are simply lymphoid tissue.
The aggregated nodules (Peyer’s patches) are peculiar to the sma
intestine, and average about thirty in number in the adult, bein
more numerous in early life. They are situate
along the free or anti-mesenteric border of th
bowel, which must therefore be opened alon
its attached or mesenteric border in order t
preserve them. They are largest, best market
and most plentiful in the lower half of the ileun
In the upper part of the ileum and lower pai
of the jejunum they become smaller and mor
scarce, and they disappear as a rule above th
centre of the jejunum. They vary in lengt
from inch to 4 inches, their breadth rangin
from J inch to 1 inch. They are for the mos
part oblong, their long axis coinciding with tha
of the bowel. In the upper part of the ileui
and lower part of the jejunum, however, the
are somewhat circular. Each aggregated nodul
is composed of a group of solitary lymphoi
nodules, surrounded by lymphatic plexuses c
lymphatic sinuses. The area of each aggregate
nodule is slightly elevated, and there are no vil
over the lymphoid nodules, whilst the opening
of the intestinal glands are arranged in
Fig. 502.—An Aggregated Lymphoid
circular manner round each nodule. There are no circular folds ove
the aggregated nodules. The aggregated nodules are best marke
in young persons. Towards middle life they fade away, and in ol
persons they are usually only distinguishable as discoloured portions
of the mucous membrane.
Blood-supply—Arteries.—The duodenum receives its arteries from
the superior pancreatico-duodenal of the gastro-duodenal from the
hepatic, and the inferior pancreatico-duodenal of the superior mesenteric. The jejunum receives its arteries from the jejunal branches of
the superior mesenteric. The ileum receives its arteries from the ileal
arteries, and its terminal part in addition receives its arterial supply
from the ileal branch of the ileo-colic from the superior mesenteric.
Veins.—The destination of the venous blood of the small intestine
is the superior mesenteric vein, and thereafter the portal vein. The
veins are provided with valves which are competent in early life,
but in the adult they are incompetent, and therefore allow regurgitation of blood to take place towards the small intestine, as happens
in cases of portal obstruction.
Lymphatics.—These form a copious plexus of valved vessels, which
is situated in the submucous coat. This plexus receives the lymphatics of the mucous membrane and the lacteals of the villi, and it
surrounds the deep ends of the solitary nodules. Its efferent vessels
pierce the muscular coat, and in doing so they take up the lymph
from an intramuscular plexus of lymphatics, which lies between the
longitudinal and circular layers. They then leave the bowel at the
mesenteric border, where they pass between the two layers of the
mesentery, and on their way to the cisterna chyli they traverse the
superior mesenteric glands.
Nerves.—These are derived from the superior mesenteric sympathetic plexus, and they form two gangliated plexuses of nonmedullated nerve-fibres. One of these is situated in the muscular
coat between the longitudinal and circular layers, and is known as
the myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s plexus) (plexus of the muscular coat of
the intestine). The other is situated in the submucous coat, and is
called the plexus of the submucosa (Meissner’s plexus). The branches
of this latter plexus are distributed to the muscularis mucosae and the
mucous membrane with its villi.
Characters of Different Parts of the Small Intestine—Duodenum — Peritoneum. —There is no mesentery and only a partial investment of peritoneum.
Muscular coat. —This is very thick. Submucous Coat.- —-This contains the tubular
portions of the duodenal glands. Mucous Coat .—The characters of this coat
are as follows: (1) circular folds, except in the first 1 or 2 inches, (2) villi, (3) intestinal glands, (4) solitary nodules, (5) ducts of the duodenal glands, (6) common
orifice of the bile-duct and pancreatic duct, and (7) orifice of the accessory pancreatic duct.
The diameter of the duodenum is from 1^ to 2 inches.
Jejunum — Peritoneum. —There is a mesentery, and the bowel is surrounded by
peritoneum except along its mesenteric border. Muscular Coat .—This is comparatively thin. Mucous Coat .—This has the following characters: (1) circular
folds, (2) villi in abundance, (3) intestinal glands, (4) solitary nodules, and
(5) aggregated lymphoid nodules in its lower half.
The diameter of the jejunum is about i-| inches.
Ileum — Peritoneum. —In this respect the ileum resembles the jejunum.
Muscular Coat. —This is very thin. Mucous Coat. —The characters of this co,
are as follows: (1) circular folds in upper half, but small and sparse, there beii
none in the lower half; (2) villi, but in fewer numbers; (3) intestinal gland
(4) solitary nodules; and (5) aggregated lymphoid nodules.
The diameter of the ileum is about 1^ inches.
Development of Small Intestine. —The epithelial lining is at first like th
of the stomach, and the muscular coat develops also in a similar way. Vacuol
appear in the epithelium, leading in the duodenum to subdivision of the lume
but not in the rest of the gut, where, however, they may produce pouches. Vi
appear in the upper part first, about the seventh week, and are found throughoi
the gut in the fourth month. They may form by the breaking up of longitudin
ridges, or may form separately. Glands develop as simple pits between villi
the fourth month, first in the upper gut. They tend to branch later. T,
duodenal glands seem to be formed from the simple forms by lateral branchii
and growth in length during the fourth month. They are not fully formed ;
birth, however.
Large Intestine.—The wall of the large intestine, which is sacculate*
is composed of four coats—serous, muscular, submucous, and mucou
The serous coat forms a complete investment to the vermifori
appendix, caecum, transverse colon, and pelvic colon. As regarc
the ascending colon and descending colon, it is incomplete, being absei
The muscular coat (muscularis externa) is composed of plain muscuk
tissue disposed in two layers—external or longitudinal, and internal (
The longitudinal muscular fibres are for the most part collected ini
three flat bands, called taeniae coli, except upon the rectum. In tl
intervals between these bands there are some longitudinal fibres, but the
are very few and scattered. The taeniae, which are about J inch i
breadth, commence upon the caecum at the base of the vermiform a]
pendix, and they extend along the several parts of the large intestir
as far as the rectum, where they spread out and form a continuot
covering, which completely surrounds that part of the bowel. Upc
the caecum, ascending colon, descending colon, and iliac colon the teni
from their disposition are called anterior, postero-internal, and poster*
external. Upon the transverse colon they are so placed as to be calle
anterior or omental (greater omentum), postero-inferior or free, an
superior or meso-colic (transverse meso-colon). They are shorter tha
the bowel to which they are applied, with the result that the tube
drawn together or puckered, and thus thrown into sacculi. Thei
being three taeniae, there are three rows of sacculi between them, an
inasmuch as the taeniae are placed at nearly equal distances from eac
other, the sacculi are pretty much of equal dimensions. Between th
successive sacculi there are constrictions, usually containing fat. Th
sacculi give rise internally to large pouches, and the constrictior
between the sacculi produce internally sharp crescentic rugae, whic
separate the pouches from each other. When the taeniae are divide*:
the sacculi and constrictions entirely disappear, and the large bow*
becomes elongated into a smooth cylindrical tube. Along the cours
of the taeniae there are a number of small processes of peritoneum cor
ining fat, called appendices epiploicae. They are best marked on the
ansverse colon and on the upper part of the pelvic colon, and are least
arked, as a rule, on the caecum. Except in the case of the transverse
)lon, these are chiefly found along the postero-internal taenia, but in
le case of the transverse colon they are principally met with along the
Dstero-inferior taenia.
The circular fibres are thin and scattered over the sacculi, but in
le constrictions between them they become aggregated. Upon the
ctum and anal canal they form a thick layer, which in the latter
tuation is known as the sphincter ani internus.
The submucous coat is in all respects similar to that of the small
The mucous coat is pale and greyish in colour, except in the rectum,
here it is red. Its epithelium is similar to that of the small intestine.
; is destitute of circular folds and villi, and consequently presents a
nooth surface. It contains large numbers of intestinal glands, which
iound in mucus-secreting goblet cells. It also contains solitary
anphoid nodules, which are especially prevalent in the vermiform
ppendix and caecum. The deepest part of the mucous coat is formed
y the musculans mucosce ( muscularis interna).
Blood-supply—Arteries.—These are as follows: (1) appendicular,
>r the vermiform appendix; (2) anterior and posterior caecal, for the
mim; (3) colic of ileo-colic and right colic, for the ascending colon;
|.) middle colic, for the transverse colon (all branches of the superior
lesenteric); (5) left colic, for the descending colon; and (6) sigmoid
rteries, for the iliac colon and pelvic colon (the latter two being branches
f the inferior mesenteric).
Veins.—The destination of the venous blood of the vermiform
ppendix, caecum, ascending colon, and transverse colon is the superior
lesenteric vein, whilst the blood of the descending colon, iliac colon,
nd pelvic colon is carried into the inferior mesenteric vein. In both
ases the further destination of the blood is the vena portae. As in the
mall intestine, the veins have valves which are competent in early life,
ut not so in the adult.
The lymphatics will be found described on pp. 799 and 802.
Nerves.—These are derived from the superior mesenteric sympathetic plexus and the inferior mesenteric plexus, which latter is an
ffshoot from the aortic plexus. The disposition of the nerves correponds with that in the small intestine.
The large intestine diminishes gradually in size from its commencement to its termination. Its diameter varies in different parts, the
xtremes being 2\ inches and 1 inch.
Characters of the Large Intestine — Peritoneal Coat. —This presents at frequent
ntervals small projections called appendices epiploicae. Muscular Coat. —The
ongitudinal fibres are for the most part arranged in three taeniae. Mucous
"oat. —This is destitute of ( a ) circular folds, (b) villi, (c) duodenal glands, and
d ) aggregated nodules, but it is provided with (1) intestinal glands, and (2) solitary
lodules. Outline of Tube. —The bowel presents three rows of sacculi, except in
-he vermiform appendix and rectum.
Development. —There is nothing remarkable about the epithelial grow
which resembles that of the small gut. The lumen is at first very small and
walls thick. The bowel begins to enlarge about the time of its entrance ii
the belly, but even then is much smaller than the small intestine. Villi deve'
in it during the fourth month, but become smaller and less distinct during
succeeding months. Glands form between the villi, but the details of their forr
tion are not known with certainty. Villi are found in the vermiform appea
in the fourth month, with gland formation.
Structure of the Vermiform Appendix.—The vermiform appenc
is entirely covered by peritoneum, which forms a more or less compk
Solitary Nodules
Fig. 503.—Transverse Section of the Vermiform Appendix
meso-appendix or appendicular mesentery. It has a muscular coa
composed of an external longitudinal and internal circular layer, both <
which completely surround it. The submucous coat contains in gre;
abundance solitary nodules of large size, and the mucous coat contaii
a few solitary nodules, as well as a few intestinal glands. The base <
the appendix is situated at a point on an average rather more tha
1 inch below the ileo-colic valve, according to Treves. The openir
by which the appendix communicates with the caecum is occasional
guarded by a fold of mucous membrane, which is known as the ileo-coll
valve (valve of Gerlach).
The vermiform appendix is usually regarded as the remains of the herbivorous
aecum. It is also looked upon as an appendage of the lymphoid system, and as
ich it would belong to the class of structures represented by aggregated nodules
-namely, lymphoid organs.
Ileo-colic Valve (Valve of Tulpius).—This valve is situated at the
oint where the terminal part of the ileum opens into the junction
etween the caecum and ascending colon. The orifice, as seen from the
iterior of the large intestine, has the form of a slightly oblique cleft
bout J inch long, and running in an antero-posterior direction. It is
ounded above and below by the two segments which form the valve,
nd which project into the large intestine. The upper or ileo-colic
egment is prominent, and occupies an almost horizontal plane. The
Dwer or ileo-ccecal segment, longer than the upper, is concave superiorly,
nd occupies an oblique plane. The anterior part of the cleft is rounded
h, whilst the posterior part tapers to a point. The segments meet in
ront of and behind the cleft, and form two prominent folds, which are
>rolonged round the wall of the bowel for some distance. These folds
re known as the frenula. Each segment is composed of two layers
»f mucous membrane, one of which belongs to the ileum, and the other
0 the caecum or colon, as the case may be. These two layers are coninuous with each other at the free margin of the segment, and they
ontain between them submucous areolar tissue and circular muscular
Tres, both of which are derived partly from the ileum and partly from
he large intestine. The longitudinal muscular fibres and the serous or
>eritoneal coat take no part in the formation of the segments, being
continued uninterruptedly from the ileum to the large intestine. '
mucous membrane which covers the opposed surfaces of the segrm
belongs to the ileum, and is therefore provided with villi. The muc
membrane of the other surfaces—that is to say, the surfaces which I
away from each other (downwards and upwards respectively)—be!
to the caecum and colon, and are destitute of villi. The villi thus <
appear at the margins of the segments. The valve may be descril
as being formed by an inversion of the terminal part of the ileum i
the large intestine. That part of the ileum, having passed upwa
and to the right with a slight inclination backwards, enters the la
intestine. As it does so it leaves behind its serous and longitudi
muscular coats, and takes with it its circular muscular, submucc
and mucous coats, the corresponding coats of the large intest
accompanying it in the inversion. The ileo-colic valve prevents
regurgitation of the contents of the caecum into the ileum. It
generally believed that the mode of action of the valve is as folio 1
when the caecum becomes distended the frenula of the valve are stretcl
and exercise traction upon its segments, which are thereby brou|
together. The valve is usually represented in figures as it appears wl
the caecum has been inflated and dried. In the fresh condition
segments of the valve are thick and tumid, and the appearance is ]
unlike that of the pyloric valve as seen from the duodenum or of
cervix uteri as seen from the vagina; the frenula, again, are much 1
apparent in such a caecum.
For the structure of the rectum, see p. 960.
Development of Positions of the Stomach and Intestinal Canal.
This subject is dealt with shortly on pp. 61-65 and 79-81. These pa
should be studied before reading what follows.
Dorsally, the roof of the mid-gut is at first close to the notochord, but,
growth goes on, it comes away from this close relationship, drawing out
mesoderm between them as it does so, to form the dorsal mesentery, the man
in which this change is effected is not quite clear.
At an early stage, therefore, the alimentary tube in the abdomen can
described as being short, median in position, extending from the septum tra
versum to the cloaca, and, between these limits, making a short curve, com
ventrally, and suspended by a median dorsal mesentery. The vitelline duct
attached to it at the lowest part of its curve, and as development proceeds 1
intestinal loop lengthens, so that this lowest part of it passes out of the abdon
into the ‘ umbilical sac.’ The elongation of the loop implies a correspond!
lengthening of the dorsal mesentery opposite it (see Fig. 44).
Stomach. —This is a dilatation of that part of the tube which is resting
the septum transversum. Its attachment here lengthens and thins as the li 1
grows in the septum, and at the same time its dorsal mesentery (meso-gastriu
is pouched out to the left, carrying the stomach with it, and turning it so tl
its left surface becomes somewhat ventral. The pouch of dorsal meso-gastrii
is known as the omental bursa.
Intestinal Canal. —This canal is at first very short and almost straight, aij
gs has been stated, it communicates freely with the yolk-sac. At this sh
there is no indication of a division into small and large intestine. When
wide opening leading to the yolk-sac becomes constricted and converted i:
the vitelline duct, the intestinal canal undergoes lengthening, and a conspicu'
8 75
) is formed, which projects into the cavity of the proximal part of the umbilical
i, this cavity being a direct prolongation of the coelom or body-cavity. This
) is spoken of as the U-loop. The convexity of the bend of the loop is directed
! ralwards, and the vitelline duct is connected with the convexity. The loop
two limbs, which lie at first parallel to each other. One limb is cephalic,
>er, or proximal, and leads from the duodenal loop of the gut; the other limb
audal, lower, or distal, and leads to the caudal end of the gut. Upon the
al limb a bud makes its appearance. This assumes the form of a blind diverlum, or cul-de-sac, which is the rudiment of the ceecum. The appearance of
caecal evagination is the first indication of the division of the intestinal canal
> small and large intestine. The primitive small intestine is the part on the
Fig. 5 ° 5 - —The U-Loop, 8 mm., just projecting into the Umbilical Sac.
Left and right views. Vitelline duct cut Short.
)ximal side of the rudimentary cascum, and the primitive large intestine is the
ft extending from the rudimentary caecum to the caudal end of the gut.
The portion of mesentery which is drawn out as the proper mesentery of the
loop contains the superior mesenteric artery between its layers. The artery
originally continued on beyond the loop as the vitelline artery, but this soon
appears and leaves its trunk as the superior mesenteric.
As the stomach lies in the front wall of the rudimentary lesser sac (bursa
lentalis), its pyloric end is directed towards the right, and the very short piece
the tube which comes next, the future duodenum, lies rather to the right of the
ddle line, and is attached to the median common dorsal mesentery by a thick
so-duodenum, which projects on that side of it, just below the opening of the
ser sac.
The intestinal tract is thus seen to consist of intra- and extra-abdorr
portions, part of the colon being in the abdomen, and the anterior limb of
loop being connected with the duodenum by an intra-abdominal duod
umbilical loop of gut.
These different parts of the intestinal tract can be seen in Fig. 505, in w
the conditions in a 8 mm. embryo simplified are shown from both sides; the
lobe of the liver has been cut away to expose the mesentery and gut, for it cc
down at this stage on the left side of the bursa omentalis and mesentery a:
as the right lobe on the other side. The neck of the umbilical loop of gut p<
out between the two lobes of the liver in a deep notch in the ventral edge oJ
Fig. 506.—Left-sided Views of Umbilical Loop at 9 mm. (Above) and 10 1
(Lower Figure).
organ. An angled bend is seen where the hind-gut is continuous with the hin
limb of the loop; this is produced by the attachment here to the gut of a retent
band in the mesentery, extending from the peri-aortic region in the neighbourhc
of the cceliac artery. The angle must not be mistaken for the left colic flexu
with which it has nothing to do; it is gradually effaced as development procee
and its ultimate position, if it persisted, would be some little distance to 1
left of the mid-point of the transverse colon.
With the exception of the short length of the duodeno-umbilical piece, wh
becomes the first coil of the jejunum, the small intestine is formed in the umbili
sac, as are those parts of the large gut which become the ascending and right k
of the transverse colon. Formed in this sac, the gut enters the abdomen a
ain stage, and within this cavity is finally disposed in its proper situations.
: processes that lead to the ‘ rotation ’ of the intestine can thus be divided
descriptive purposes into three stages—the development outside the belly,
entrance into the abdomen and the immediate mechanical results of this
nge, and the subsequent assumption of the definitive positions.
Fig. 507.—Two Diagrams to show Earlier Stages of Gut and
Mesentery within the Belly and in the Umbilical Sac.
First Stage. —The general disposition in the earlier part of this stage can be
a in Fig. 507, A and B. It is marked by the fairly rapid growth in length of
anterior or proximal limb of the umbilical loop, forming coils. The ruditttary lesser sac enlarges, passing down on the left side of the median abdominal
sentery, between it and the liver. Two or three points in connection with the
1. 508.—Schemes of the Umbilical Loop showing the Sort of Growthchanges THAT OCCUR WITHIN IT (SEE TEXT).
ngating proximal limb must be noted, as they are concerned with the subseent entry and disposal of the gut within the belly cavity: in the first place,
' proximal limb lies, from an early stage on the right side * of the loop, as can
* The immediate cause of this is not certain. It may be due to the position
the stomach, making the duodenum pass towards the right, or it may be
iociated with the development of the vitello-umbilical anastomosis, which
3 in the concavity of this part of the limb of the loop, but any definite state"nt on the subject would be unwarranted.
be seen in the figures; secondly, the growth of the proximal limb is associated w
marked increase in the depth of the corresponding mesentery of the loop,
that the distance between the coils of this limb and the superior mesente
artery is much increased; the hinder limb of the loop does not grow like 1
proximal limb, and its distance from the artery remains unchanged, whence
comes about that the artery gets relatively nearer and nearer to the hinder lii
of the loop. At the back of the loop, where it is passing through the open:
in the abdominal wall, the artery is still approximately midway between the t
limbs, and it is only distal to this that the unequal growth of the constituent pa
of the mesentery of the loop leads to the one-sided position of the vessel.
Fig. 509 illustrates the appearance at the end of the first stage. The cseci
is now a large dilatation with a conical extremity, placed on the left side of •
mass of coils of small intestine. The mesentery of the small gut is long, and 1
superior mesenteric artery is close to the colon and caecum. The bursa omenh
really extends caudally along the whole extent of the left side of the int
abdominal colon and meso-colon, separating these from the left lobe of the liv
in the figure, however, it is shown as somewhat pushed up, to allow the med:
colon and meso-colon to be seen. At the end of this stage, then, the intesti:
coils are on the right of the caecum and colon in the umbilical sac, the super
mesenteric artery is close to the colon and far from the coils, and the bu
omentalis is on the left of a ‘ median abdominal septum ’ made of abdominal coi
and meso-colon.
Second Stage. —The recession of the umbilical gut within the belly is brou^
about by a fall in ‘ intra-abdominal tension ' resulting from lessened growth-r
of the liver. This organ fills all the available space in the abdomen during 1
second month, growing pari passu with the surrounding parts, but in the ea
part of the third month its rate of growth falls behind that of these parts. T
does not at first affect the mass in the umbilical sac, and is met by increase in 1
amount of blood in the liver vessels, which are consequently dilated. In 1
tenth week, however, approaching the 40 mm. stage, this dilatation of lr
vessels may be considered to have reached its maximum, and any further incre;
in the capacity of the abdomen calls for the appearance of some additional si
stance to fill the space which otherwise must come into being. The umbili
coils are alone able to fulfil this role, and the extra-abdominal or amniotic pressi
not being lessened by the fall in the growth-rate of the liver, the contents of 1
umbilical sac are pushed by it into the abdomen to compensate for the inter:
fall. It is to be noted now that as the coils enter the abdomen the liver can retr;
before them by the discharge of blood from its over-dilated vessels. Thus 1
distension of the liver not only leads to the beginning of the intestinal mo
ment, but, by its disappearance and the tendency of the organ to return to
undistended condition, leads to the completion of the recession and the provis:
of space for the entering coils when and where it is needed, without any pressi
on these coils.
The movement having started, all the evidence points to it being rapi(
completed. Owing to the size of the caecum, possibly also owing to the gr<
size of the dilated venous spaces found round it at this stage, and to the srr
size and thick wall of the colon, the ccecum is retained in the sac to the last, a
the proximal limb passes first into the abdomen. It does this, not en masse, 1
in continuity, slipping into the belly with its mesentery, the elongation of wh
allows it to enter the abdomen, although the superior mesenteric vessels a
the colic part of the distal limb are still in the sac. But the proximal limb
already been seen to be on the right-hand side of the distal limb, so that it ent
the abdomen below the right lobe of the liver, which retreats before it—that
the coils of intestine enter the belly on the right-hand side of the median colic ‘ septu
(Fig. 509) already mentioned. This ‘ septum ' of abdominal colon and mecolon is thus pushed over to the left by the coils, as seen in Fig. 510, and 1
back against the left dorsal wall of the abdomen, the coils lying on its vent
(originally right) surface. Crossing in this way to the left, the coils necessak
pass below the colic part of the distal limb of the loop and the mesenteric artery, wb*
■The Condition within the
Gut enters the Abdomen:
Umbilical Sac shortly before the
Left and Right Views.
88 o
is, as already seen, associated with this limb. Moreover, in going to the le
and in pushing the median septum to this side, the coils have passed on tl
dorsal side of the lower part of the omental bursa, which now hangs down ov
them; this is the first form of the greater omentum of the definitive state, althou^
there is as yet no adhesion between the overhanging layers and the colon, (
between it and the dorsal wall.
The ccecum is the last structure to enter the abdomen, and, on entering, it li
(Fig. 512) on the mass of coils of small intestine. It forms an angle, howeve
with the rest of the colon when it lies in this situation, and as the colon is thic'
walled, there is a tendency for the bent piece to straighten itself and come in
line with the rest; this, and doubtless also the rapid increase in size of the coils
the small gut, which now begins, cause the caecum to assume a right dors
Fig. 510.—Diagram of Section through Root of the Loop, showing ho
its Cranial Limb, being below and on the Right of the Other, mu:
Intra-abdominal Meso-colon to the Left.
Overhanging omental bursa is represented as rolled up.
position with reference to the mass of coils, on the right side of the neck of tl
mass, and thus to come into its proper plane. This is found to occur a few da;
after the entrance of the gut into the belly, and with its occurrence the secor
stage comes to an end.
Third Stage. —It can be understood from a consideration of the figures that tl
caecum and end of the colon, when they move to the right, must pass over ti
line of the superior mesenteric artery, for the mesentery of the small intestn
is attached along the line of the artery on its lower aspect. Thus the cole
will come to lie across the duodenum, and the caecum below and to the rig!
of this, and the artery will cross the duodenum lower down. This complet
the twist of the mesentery of the loop, which finishes the second stage, ar
leaves the peritoneal layers now in a position which can be understood from tl
scheme in Fig. 463.
The intestines are now essentially in their proper ‘planes/ and the third
t e comprises only the developments and extensions in these positions that
l to the conditions found m the adult. The descending meso-colon, laid
. 511.— Scheme to show Result
>f Entry of Proximal Limb to
rHE Right of Median Septum,
>lND Dorsally against the
Dorsal Wall: Cecum remains
n the Sac.
Fig. 512.—Conditions immediately
The caecum and mesenteric vessels lie
on the mass of coils, the vessels to
the right.
k against the left dorsal wall, as seen in Fig. 463, is, at the beginning of this
*e, relatively short, so that the left colon only reaches the inner edge of the
it aspect of the left kidney; as growth proceeds, this meso-colon lengthens,
5 r 3 -—Actual Conditions in Embryo just after Cecum has entered the
Belly at the End of Second Stage.
1 the colon thus comes to lie farther out, finally reaching its definitive position,
1 the meso-colon becomes adherent to the dorsal wall. This dorsal adhesion
presses from within outwards, and when the colon has reached its final posi
tion, extends to the line of the gut, and thus fixes the bowel in situ. Or
right side the colon, about the end of the third month, becomes attached v
it crosses the duodenum, and at its caecal end. Between these two fixed
the colon and meso-colon are free at first, but attachment of the meson
just to the right of the superior mesenteric vessels is soon found. The l
between the fixed parts slowly lengthens as the liver gets relatively sm
and as it lengthens it becomes curved out with a convexity upwards and t
right, ultimately forming in this way the hepatic flexure with the ascei
and right portion of the tranvserse colon. The formation of these parts
slow process, not really completed at birth. It is accompanied by an extei
of the area of meso-colic adhesion, this, however, falling short of the lii
advancing colon, so that this is free to lengthen farther. Thus the mesopart of the original loop mesentery becomes attached to the dorsal wall, the
Fig. 514.— Schemes to show Position of Meso-colon and Colon at Var
Stages, indicated by the Measurements.
a, b, left and right mesocolons; t, position at birth.
remaining free as the mesentery of descriptive anatomy; the line of attack
of the mesentery is therefore in reality the limit of adhesion of the right meso-cc
Between the upper end of the fixed meso-colon on the left and the att
ment to the duodenum on the right the free colon and meso-colon are apj
to the dorsal aspct of the lower part of the rudimentary lesser sac, invagina
this somewhat. The colon stands away from the dorsal wall here, and it is
dorsal surface of the meso-colon, the surface continuous with the adhe
surfaces of the right and left meso-colons, that is applied (see Fig. 463) to
wall of lesser sac. The adhesion of these applied parts to each other, extendir
far as the position of the pancreas in the wall of lesser sac, brings into existence
transverse meso-colon and the incidental attachment of the greater omentum tc
transverse colon', by extension of the adherent area the bursal wall above
pancreatic line becomes fixed to the dorsal wall, and constitutes the posU
wall of the small sac.
Caecum and Vermiform Appendix. —The caecum appears about the
week of embryonic life as a bud in connection with the distal limb of the U
intestine. It assumes the form of a blind diverticulum, which is at first of
liform dimensions. It soon, however, becomes conical. The proximal part
idergoes enlargement, and represents the permanent caecum. The distal part
mains long and narrow, and represents the vermiform appendix, which ultimately
jcomes connected with the left and posterior part of the caecum. The various
)sitions occupied by the caecum and its migration to the right iliac fossa have
st been referred to. Suffice it to say that it lies at first on the left side of the
edian line, then it crosses to the right side, being at this stage below the liver,
id finally is left in position as the liver retracts.
Peritoneal Structures.
1. Meso-gastrium. —It has been pointed out that the part of the dorsal
minion mesentery which carries the stomach becomes pouched out to the left ;
ie resulting sac is frequently termed the meso-gastrium, but more appropriately
le rudimentary lesser sac (bursa omentalis). Its opening, to the right, is just
x>ve the thick part of the mesentery known as the meso-duodenum, and is
datively small. The sac is the result of rapid increase of a right-sided depression
: the mesentery, the pneumato-enteric recess ; a left-sided recess shows itself
sry early, but disappears almost at once. The opening corresponds in the
iult with the line of the pancreatico-gastric folds. The portion of the lesser sac
etween these and the opening into lesser sac is added later as an additional
;cess to the right of the mesenteric line, associated with the growth of the
iferior vena cava.
The rudimentary lesser sac is at first ‘ free ’ towards the left. After the return
E the bowel, which (see Fig. 511) has caused the colon to invaginate its lower
rail, the dorsal wall of the sac becomes attached to the abdominal wall, while the
olon becomes fixed to its lower aspect. Thus the left half of the transverse
leso-colon comes into existence, attached dorsally, while the pancreas, which
ad extended in the back layers of the sac, now becomes fixed dorsally, the
tyers behind it disappearing. The spleen forms in the outer part of the sac
all, which, as the result of the fixation just described, has now a dorsal attachlent towards the left.
The outer part of the sac wall, thus left still ' free,’ is therefore the structure
;rmed the ‘ meso-gastrium’ in the adult; the spleen, placed in this, is held by
to the dorsal wall on the one hand (lieno-renal fold) and, on the other, to the
:omach (gastro-splenic ligament).
The greater omentum is evidently made by the bulging of the front and lower
art of the rudimentary sac over the colon, to which it acquires a secondary
ttachment. The lesser omentum (ventral mesentery) is drawn out from the
upturn transversum.
2. The meso-duodenum is a thickening of the median mesentery just below the
pening into the lesser sac. The duodenum is attached on its right front, and
1 at first a very short segment of the tube. The two pancreatic outgrowths
ccur into the meso-duodenum, the upper one being immediately below the
pening into lesser sac and opposite the attachment of its lower and back wall,
ito which it extends. The lower growth, forming the head of the gland, enlarges
1 the meso-duodenum, with corresponding lengthening of the duodenum, which
Iso begins to assume a curved form round the growing head. The whole curve
f the duodenum is ultimately formed in this way as a result of the growth of the
ead of the pancreas. It is clear, then, that this curve has nothing to do with
tie rotation of the gut returning to the abdomen, but it is possible that the
xtreme end of the duodenum may belong to the commencement of the proximal
nib of the loop, secondarily fixed in position.
3 - Caecum. —The caecum, being originally a bud or outgrowth of the gut, has
o mesentery, and is originally entirely surrounded by peritoneum.
4 - Vermiform Appendix. —The vermiform appendix, being originally the
find narrowed end of the caecum, or, in other words, a diverticulum of the
‘Scum, is also destitute of a mesentery, properly so called, and is invested by
an extension of the peritoneal envelope of the caecum. There is, however,
most cases a fold of peritoneum pertaining to the vermiform appendix, whi
extends along it for about one-half or two-thirds of its length. This fold
called the meso-appendix or appendicular mesentery, and it is derived from t
left or inferior layer of the mesentery proper, close to the ileo-colic junctic
Its presence is due to the drawing out of vessels as the appendix is formed.
Structure of the Liver.
The liver has two coats, external and internal. The external
serous coat is formed by the peritoneum, and is incomplete (see p. 77*
Within the serous coat is the fibrous or areolar coat, which is kno\
as the fibrous capsule of the organ. It is for the most part thin, exce
where the peritoneal coat is deficient. It is continuous all over t
surface with the scanty amount of areolar tissue which pervades t
interior of the organ and connects the hepatic lobules. At the por
hepatis it surrounds the common hepatic duct, hepatic artery, ai
vena portae, under the name of the capsule ofiGlisson. The subdivisio
of this capsule accompany the various branches of the duct, arter
and vein as these ramify throughout the liver in the portal cana'
The liver substance is composed of a gre
number of small polyhedral masses, call
hepatic lobules, which are closely pack<
together, and at the centre of each of whi<
is an intralobular or central vein. In m<
there is very little areolar tissue between t]
lobules, which are therefore for the most pa
confluent. In some animals, however, notab
the pig and camel, there is a very distin
amount of areolar tissue between the lobule
which therefore stand clearly apart from ea(
The average diameter of a hepatic lobule
aV inch. One of its surfaces is called the has
It is by this surface that the lobule is set upc
the wall of a sublobular vein, and the intr
lobular or central vein, having emerged fro:
the lobule through the centre of its bas
Fig. 515.—Section of
the Liver, showing
a Large Hepatic
Vein and its Tributaries (after Kiernan).
opens at once into the sublobular vein. The lobules, therefore, rel
tively to the sublobular veins, on which they are ranged, are sessil
When a sublobular vein is opened and viewed from within, an appearara
something like mosaic work presents itself, the closely-set bases of tt
lobules being visible through the thin wall of the vein, and the minut
opening of the intralobular or central veins appearing in the centre (
each base. Each lobule is composed of hepatic cells, permeated b
capillary networks of bloodvessels and bile-capillaries.
Bloodvessels. —The liver derives its blood from two sources—namely
the portal vein and the hepatic artery. These two vessels, togethe
with the hepatic duct, are invested by the capsule of Glisson at th
>rtal iissure. Iheir several branches, ensheathed by prolongations of
lisson's capsule, ramify from this point throughout the liver, being
intained in the system of canals known as portal canals. Each of these
nals contains (1) a branch of the portal vein, (2) a branch of the
jpatic artery accompanied by a plexus of nerves, (3) lymphatic vessels,
id (4) a minute duct, all these being loosely surrounded by a prolonuaDn of Glisson’s capsule.
The portal vein ramifies within the liver like an artery. In the
irtal canals its branches receive as tributaries small capsular and
ginal veins , and they go on ramifying until they arrive at the interbular areas. Here they anastomose freely with one another around
e lobules, and so form the interlobular plexuses . The branches which
ise from these plexuses enter the lobules on all sides except their
tses, and form in the interior of each lobule an intralobular plexus.
-om this plexus a few radicles converge towards the centre of the
bule, where they form by their
lion the intralobular or central vein.
le portal blood, though dark in
lour, is very rich, being derived
Dm, amongst other sources, the
Dmach and small intestine.
The hepatic artery is a branch of n
e coeliac artery. As its branches
iverse the portal canals they give
f capsular branches to the fibrous
psule of the liver, and vaginal
inches, which supply the walls of
e vessels in the portal canals, as
ill as their Glissonian sheaths. The
anches of the artery finally end
minute interlobular arteries , which
pply the walls of the interlobular
ins and bile-ducts. According to Fig. 516.—Two Hepatic Lobules
me authorities they send minute (highly magnified).
pillary branches into the interior lobule showing the intralobular
each lobule to join the mtra- plexus; B, lobule showing the
Dular plexus of the portal vein, but hepatic cells,
is view is not held by others.
The function of the hepatic artery and its branches is to nourish
e tissues of the liver, whilst the portal blood supplies the materials
fich are elaborated by the hepatic cells.
( The hepatic veins commence in the centre of each lobule as an
ralobular or central vein. The intralobular veins open into the
blobular veins, which are closely adherent to the bases of the lobules.
sublobular veins join to form larger sublobular veins, and these
turn terminate in the hepatic veins, which are not in direct contact
th the lobules. The hepatic veins pass to the fossa for vena cava on
2 posterior surface of the liver, towards which they converge, taking
up sublobular veins in their course. The passages which contain t
veins are known as the hepatic canals. On arriving at the upper p;
of the fossa for vena cava they are reduced to two or three in numb
which pour their contents directly into the inferior vena cava. It is
be noted that the hepatic veins converge to the fossa on the poster
surface, whilst the branches of the portal vein radiate in all directic
from the portal fissure. The hepatic veins are accompanied only
lymphatic vessels, and are surrounded by a very scanty amount
areolar tissue, which explains why they present open mouths when c
Distinguishing Characters of the Hepatic and Portal Veins—Hepatic Veins
(i) These present open mouths when cut across. (2) They are accompan
only by lymphatic vessels. (3) Their walls are very thin, and are practica
in direct contact with the substance of the liver. (4) They converge towa:
the caval fossa on the posterior surface.
Portal Veins. —(1) The mouths of these veins are practically closed or c
lapsed when cut across. (2) The veins are accompanied by branches of
hepatic artery, and by ducts. (3) Their walls are fairly thick, and are separa
from the substance of the liver by the sheaths derived from Glisson’s capsi
(4) They radiate in all directions from the porta hepatis in portal canals.
Hepatic Cells.— These are situated within the lobules. 1 hey c
polyhedral, granular cells, having a diameter of T 7 T u_ inch, and ea
contains a round nucleus. They have no cell-wall, properly so call*
and they are connected by a delicate supporting tissue. Ihe ce.
which are capable of amoeboid movement, lie between and around t
capillary vessels, where they are arranged in radiating rows convergi
towards the centre of the lobule.
Bile-ducts. —These commence within the lobules as bile-capillar
or bile-canaliculi , which are in reality intercellular passages. Th
have a very delicate wall, and are bounded on all sides by the hepa
cells—hence the name intercellular passages. According to Pflih
and Kupffer, the cells contain vacuoles, which communicate by int:
cellular passages with the bile-capillaries. The hepatic cells intern
between the bile-capillaries and the capillary bloodvessels. At t
circumference of the lobule the bile-capillaries pass into the sm
interlobular bile-ducts. These join to form larger ducts, and these
turn go on joining until, on arriving at the porta hepatis, only t
ducts result, which emerge one from each lobe. These now join to fo:
the common hepatic duct, and this joins the cystic duct to form the bi
duct. The walls of the interlobular ducts are very thin, being co
posed of a basement membrane lined with polygonal epithelium. Tlarger ducts in the portal canals have thicker walls, which, from withe
inwards, are composed of a fibro-elastic coat, containing plain muscu
tissue, arranged longitudinally and circularly, and a mucous coat lir
with columnar epithelium. The mucous membrane of the larger du<
presents numerous openings, which lead into blind mucus-secreti
recesses. The structure of the hepatic and bile-ducts is similar to t
preceding, though on an increased scale.
Lymphatics.—The lymphatic vessels of the liver are arranged in
0 groups—superficial and deep.
Superficial Lymphatics.—These form plexuses beneath the perileal coat, and have different destinations.
Supero-anterior Surface. —(1) The lymphatics from the vicinity of
3 falciform ligament enter that ligament, and, passing through the
iphragm into the thorax, they terminate in the anterior group of the
pradiaphragmatic glands. (2) The lymphatics from the right part
the superior surface and those from the right lateral surface enter
3 right triangular ligament, and,
ssing through the diaphragm, they
-minate in the middle group of the
perior diaphragmatic glands of the
r ht side. (3) The lymphatics from
3 left part of the superior surface
d those from the left extremity
ter the left triangular ligament, and
ss to the peri-cesophageal glands in
ation to the lower end of the
>ophagus, the efferent vessels of
lich terminate in the cceliac glands.
1 The lymphatics from the anterior
rt of the supero-anterior surface,
cept those from the vicinity of the
ciform ligament, turn round the
terior border of the liver, and end
the hepatic glands within the lesser
lentum. (5) The lymphatics from ^ 517 ' Lymph Glands in the
e posterior surface of the right lobe Rouviere).
ss between the two layers of the HEP, hepatic group,round the artery
ronary ligament, and, having pierced and concerned with deep hepatic
e diaphragm, they terminate in the
na caval group of diaphragmatic
mds within the thorax.
Inferior Surface. — (1) The lymtatics from the greater part of the
ferior surface of the right lobe, intding those of the quadrate lobe,
ss to the hepatic glands. (2) The lymphatics from the posterior
ad of the inferior surface of the right lobe pierce the diaphragm,
td end in the caval glands. (3) The lymphatics from the greater
ad of the caudate lobe pierce the diaphragm, and end in the caval
mds ; whilst those from the lower part of this lobe pass to the hepatic
mds. (4) The lymphatics from the inferior surface of the left lobe
ss to the hepatic glands.
Deep Lymphatics.—These vessels form two distinct sets. Some
them accompany the branches of the portal vein, and having emerged
rough the porta hepatis, they terminate in the hepatic glands. Others
drainage; B, a cystic gland above,
and (below) a gland connected
with this and with the retroduodenal gland ; D, above the
head of pancreas. These glands
are njore particularly concerned
with the drainage of the system
of biliary ducts.
pass with the hepatic veins to the caval fossa of the liver, and thereal
they enter the thorax along with the inferior vena cava, their destinat
being the caval glands.
Nerves.—The nerves of the liver are derived from the hepatic plex
which is an offshoot of the coeliac plexus. The coeliac plexus, thoi
principally composed of sympathetic fibres, is reinforced by a 1
twigs from the right vagus nerve. The hepatic plexus accompanies
hepatic artery to the porta hepatis, where it receives branches from
left vagus nerve, which have ascended from the antero-superior surf
of the stomach between the two layers of the lesser omentum. In
liver the nerves, which are chiefly non-medullated, are distributed
the walls of the bloodvessels and ducts, penetrating as far as the inf
spaces between the hepatic cells.
Development of the Liver.
Liver. —The hepatic cells and the epithelium of the bile-ducts are of er
dermic origin, whilst the connective tissue of the gland and its vascular c
stituents are developed from the mesoderm.
The rudiment of the liver appears as a longitudinal groove on the inner asp
of the ventral wall of the duodenal portion of the primitive gut. This gro<
Fig. 518.— Sagittal Section through Septum Transversum and Caud
End of Fore-gut in an Embryo of 4-5 Mm., to show Hepatic Divi
The cylinders have broken up the vitelline veins, represented here by the por
vein, into sinusoids. The entoderm is shown by solid black.
gives origin to a diverticulum or evagination of the entoderm of the vent
duodenal wall, called the hepatic diverticulum or liver-bud, which has at firsi
wide communication with the gut. At a later period this communication becon
constricted, and forms a pedicle, which, after undergoing elongation, gives r
to the bile-duct. From this pedicle, close to the duodenal wall, the venti
diverticulum of the pancreas arises.
The hepatic diverticulum or liver-bud invades the lower or caudal layer of
septum transversum, composed of mesoderm, within which it bifurcates
> two divisions, the right and left hepatic ducts.
The cells of these two divisions of the hepatic diverticulum undergo proration within the mesoderm of the lower layer of the septum transversum,
thereafter each division breaks up into a number of solid trabeculae, which
known as the hepatic cylinders. These cylinders give off secondary solid
Deculae, and these again ramify extensively. The subdivisions of the various
eeculae anastomose freely, and in this manner intricate networks are formed
und the vitelline and umbilical veins, which veins traverse the septum
isversum as they pass to the sinus venosus. The hepatic cylinders invade
se veins, carrying the endothelial walls of the vessels before them. The
is are thus freely subdivided into
ad-channels, which are known as sinuIs. These sinusoids form capillary
works, which occupy the meshes of
net-works formed by the hepatic
Many of the solid trabeculas become
•ular, and give rise to the bile-capiles or bile-canaliculi, and bile-ducts.
iers give rise to the hepatic cells.
3 liver thus consists originally of incite reticula of solid cellular trabeculce,
hepatic cylinders, disposed around the
lline and umbilical veins.
As the liver increases in size it profs downwards, carrying with it the
r er layer of the septum transversum,
ich forms its capsule and connective
;ue. The organ now lies between the
a layers of the ventral mesentery,
ich gives rise to—(1) the falciform
iment; (2) the coronary ligament; and
the lesser omentum (see p. 79).
About the middle of intra-uterine life
: liver occupies a large part of the
lominal cavity, and the right and left
>es are of equal size. In the latter
If of intra-uterine life, however, the
ht lobe gradually attains greater size
in the left. About the period of birth
s liver extends almost as low as the
ibilicus. After birth it undergoes dimition in size, the circulation of placental
>od through it by the umbilical vein having been permanently arrested at
th. The liver decreases in relative size largely owing to slower growth, but
ire is also actual degeneration of part of its substance already formed. This
plains the occurrence of degenerated remnants, vasa aberrantia and Kiernan s
1 ules, found near its edge, in the left triangular ligament and by the inferior
tia cava.
At an early period in development the liver has indications of four lobes,
0 vitelline and two umbilical, but these are not so well marked as in some
ier animals. The umbilical lobes form the two lateral lobes, but the vitelline
)es are lost in the parts round the vena cava. The other small lobes on the
; ceral surface are secondary, formed round large vessels or from surface relays; the free extremity of the caudate lobe has a small process which is the
nnant of a part originally projecting into the bursa omentalis through its
Fig. 519. —The Excretory Apparatus of the Liver.
G, gall-bladder; F, fundus; CD, cystic
duct; H, common hepatic duct;
B, bile duct; P, pancreatic duct;
A, ampulla in duodenal wall into
which both ducts open.
8 go
The hepatic cylinders appear solid, but they contain no doubt poten
lumina. These become apparent as bile-capillaries about the beginning of
fourth month.
Hepatic lobules are not well formed before the first few years after bi]
They are produced as a result of growth and branching of terminal twigs of
hepatic veins, round which the cylinder cells group themselves, with their po
Structure of the Gall-bladder. —The wall of the gall-bladder
composed of three coats—serous, fibro-muscular, and mucous.
The serous coat is formed by the peritoneum, and is usually inco
plete, being confined to the inferior and lateral surfaces. Son
times, however, the peritoneum completely surrounds the organ, a
attaches its superior surface to the fossa for gall-bladder of the liver
a ligamentous fold.
The fibro-muscular coat is composed of fibrous and plain muscu
tissues. The fibrous bands are disposed in all directions, and int
lace freely with one another. The muscular fibres, which int
mingle with the fibre
bands, are arranged be
longitudinally and trai
versely. Around the t
minations of the bile-di
and pancreatic duct a
their continuation ir
the ampulla the circul
muscular fibres are abr
dant, forming the sphino
of Oddi (Fig. 520).
The mucous coat
covered by columnar ej
tfiehum. Its surface presents a great number of small ridges, whi
interlace in all directions and enclose polygonal depressions or alve
of various sizes. This pitted appearance bears a resemblance
honeycomb, and the mucous membrane of the seminal vesicle of t
male is similarly arranged. The mucous coat is richly provided wi
mucous glands. In the neck of the gall-bladder, which describes t\
cui ves, there are two fibro-mucous folds, which project into the interie
one opposite each curve, and serve as valves.
Structure of the Cystic Duct. —The wall of the duct is compos*
of a fibro-elastic and muscular coat and a mucous coat. The form
1 esembles that of the gall-bladder. The mucous coat, which is cover*
Li' co ^ umnar epithelium, presents several crescentic folds dispos*
obliquely round the wall in a spiral or somewhat corkscrew manne
and succeeding each other at frequent intervals. When the duct
distended, its exterior presents a series of spiral constrictions wii
intervening swellings. The spiral folds in the interior serve as valve
which are known as the spiral valve (valves of Heister).
Blood-supply. —The gall-bladder is supplied by the cystic arter
which is a branch of the right division of the hepatic. Its cour:
Sph. of Pancreatic Duct
.Sph. of Bile Duct
r ^ Longitud. Fibres
Duodenal Pap.
Iug. 520.—Sphincter of Oddi (after
forwards between the hepatic and cystic ducts to the neck of the
gan, where it divides into two branches, superior and inferior.
ie superior branch ramifies on the upper surface of the organ, between
and the fossa for gall-bladder of the liver, whilst the inferior branch
distributed over the inferior surface beneath the peritoneum. The
stic vein, which is formed by the union of superior and inferior
anches, usually opens into the right division of the portal vein.
>me of the veins from the gall-bladder may enter the liver to join
e right branch of the portal vein. This fact explains the venous
emorrhage which sometimes occurs when the gall-bladder is lifted
it of its fossa.
Lymphatics. —These pass between the two layers of the lesser
nentum to the hepatic glands.
Nerves. —These are derived from the hepatic sympathetic plexus.
Development of Gall-bladder and Duct.— An early stage is seen in Fig. 518.
ie hepatic diverticulum is elongated in the line of the gut, and its lower end
dilated to form the gall-bladder, the upper part alone giving origin to hepatic
linders. The lower part of the groove is blocked by cell-growth, the bladder
us opening into the upper part which will become the liver-duct. The bladder;
latation grows ventrally in the mesoderm below the liver, its neck thus being
retched out between the duct and the bladder, and becoming the cystic duct.
Structure of the Pancreas.
The pancreas belongs to the class of compound racemose or acinolbular glands, and bears a close resemblance to a serous or true
ilivary gland— e.g., the parotid. It has a greyish-pink colour, and
somewhat soft in consistence. It is from 6 to 8 inches long, from
to 1^ inches deep, except at the right and left extremities, and from
to | inch thick. Its weight is about 3^ ounces. It is destitute of
fibrous capsule, properly so called, and is invested merely by a thin
onnective-tissue covering, which readily allows the outline of the
)bules to be seen.
It is composed of a number of lobules, which are loosely held
ogether by ducts and areolar tissue. Each lobule consists of a group
f alveoli or acini which are long, tubular, and convoluted, wherein
hey differ from the saccular alveoli of such a gland as the parotid.
Tom each lobule a duct passes off, which unites with the ducts of
djacent lobules in the left extremity of the gland to form the commencement of the principal duct. Within the lobule the lobular duct
5 formed from junctional ducts, each of which belongs to an acinus,
nd is lined with flattened cells.
The alveoli or acini are each composed of a basement membrane,
eticular in structure, and lined with secreting columnar epithelium,
he basement membrane being continuous with the wall of the junctional
luct. The lumen of each acinus is small, and is usually occupied by
pindle-shaped cells, known as the centro-acinar cells of Langerhans,
vhich are continuous with the cells of the junctional duct, dhe
connective tissue which covers the pancreas sends expansions inw
between the lobules, along which the bloodvessels are condu(
Further, the interlobular connective tissue penetrates into the lob
and so conducts the bloodvessels into their interior. The interalv i
connective tissue has a loose
position, and in certain parts
tains small groups of epithelium
cells, surrounded by large convol
capillary vessels. These gr<
constitute the islets of Langerh
which are characteristic of
Excretory Apparatus of the 1
creas. —There is one principal d
called the pancreatic duct (due
Wirsung). It is buried in the i
stance of the gland, and is rea
recognized by its white colour,
lies nearer the posterior than
anterior surface, and rather ne;
the lower than the upper part of
gland. It commences in the
whence it runs through the b
as far as the neck, receiving in
course a great many tributai
On arriving at the neck it eff<
a communication with the ac<
sory pancreatic duct, then descri
a bend, and passes into the head in a direction downwards, backwai
and to the right. Finally, on leaving the pancreas it meets the t
duct, and the two, entering the wall of the second part of the duodem
terminate in the manner already described (see p. 779).
The accessory pancreatic duct (duct of Santorini) is comparativ
small, and varies much in size. If well developed, it commen
in the lower part of the head, where it takes up the ducts of the lobi
of that part. It then passes upwards with an inclination to the right, c
divides into two branches. One of these joins the pancreatic main d 1
in the neck, whilst the other opens into the second part of the duoden
at a point about 1 inch above the common opening of the bile-di
and the pancreatic duct. The secretion conveyed by the access(
duct is believed in early life to flow into the duodenum, whereas in 1
adult it is largely diverted into the pancreatic duct.
The tributaries of the principal duct, as well as of the accessc
duct, when followed into the pancreas, become in succession int
lobular and intralobular ducts. The intralobular ducts pass wit!
the lobules, and end in intermediary , junctional, or intercalary* due
with which the alveoli or acini are directly connected. The p£
Interposed or inserted between the alveoli and the intralobular ducts.
Alveoli Islets of Langerhans
Fig. 521. — Structure of the
Pancreas (highly magnified).
he duct between the intermediary and the intralobular duct is
3d the neck. The walls of the intermediary ducts are thin, and
formed of a basement membrane covered by flattened epithelial
5, the neck being lined by polyhedral cells. In the larger ducts
Dnnective-tissue coat is superadded to the basement membrane,
ch is now covered by columnar epithelium. The pancreatic duct,
igh of comparatively large size, has a thin wall destitute of muscular
3s except near its termination, and composed of two coats—
irnal fibrous and internal mucous. The mucous coat is smooth and
ered by columnar epithelium.
Varieties— (1) Small Pancreas. —This consists in a permanent detachment
he unciform process, or that part of the pancreas which extends along the
er aspect of the third part of the duodenum and has the superior mesenteric
els in front of it. (2) The head of the pancreas may surround the second
; of the duodenum more or less completely. (3) Accessory Pancreas.—
;n an accessory pancreas is present it is usually met with in the wall of the
Fig. 522.—The Pancreas and its Ducts (Posterior View).
>er part of the jejunum, but it may be found in the wall of the stomach or
>er part of ileum. (4) The pancreatic duct sometimes opens into the duodenum
3 pendently of, but close to, the bile-duct.
Blood-supply. —The pancreas derives its arteries from (1) the
lcreatic branches of the splenic artery, one of which accompanies
principal duct from left to right, and is known as the arteria panitic magna; (2) the superior pancreatico-duodenal of the gastro)denal from the hepatic; and (3) the inferior pancreatico-duodenal
:he superior mesenteric.
The veins are (1) the pancreatic veins, which open into the splenic
n; and (2) the pancreatico-duodenal veins, which terminate in
; superior mesenteric or portal veins. All the pancreatic venous
od eventually passes into the portal vein.
Lymphatics. —These commence as lymphatic clefts around the
eoli, and pass chiefly to the cceliac glands. Some of them, however,
minate first in the superior mesenteric glands in contact with the
per part of the superior mesenteric artery.
Nerves. —These are derived from offshoots of the hepatic, splenic,
i superior mesenteric plexuses, and accompany the arteries. They
5 chiefly composed of non-medullated fibres.
Uncinate Process
Pancreatic Duct
Pancreatic Duct
Accessory Duct
Bile Duct
Development of the Pancreas. —The tubular portion of the pancreas
entodermic origin, but its connective tissue and vascular elements are deve
from mesoderm.
The pancreas is developed from two entodermic diverticula—dorsa
ventral. The dorsal diverticulum is an evagination of the entoderm of the
wall of the duodenal portion of the primitive gut. The ventral diverti(
springs from the primitive hepatic diverticulum close to the ventral wall (
duodenum, which diverticulum subsequently forms the bile-duct. The <
diverticulum extends between the two layers of the meso-gastrium, wh
comes into relation with the developing spleen. This diverticulum giv
lateral epithelial tubes, which ramify freely, and so build up an acino-tu
Fig. 523. —Diagram to show the Relations of the Pancreatic
Outgrowths to the Median Mesentery.
The dorsal wall of the duodenum is left on the meso-duodenum, and bet
this and the oesophagus the stomach has been removed with the front
of the bursa omentalis, leaving the posterior wall and opening of the
The ventral outgrowth A is growing in the meso-duodenum, but the d
growth, being higher up, is able to extend into the wall of the primitive
The portal vein passes backwards, upwards, and to the right betweei
two outgrowths.
gland. The acini appear as enlargements of the walls of the terminal t
By means of the ramifications of the dorsal diverticulum the greater part o
head, body, and tail of the adult pancreas are formed.
The ventral diverticulum is at first double, right and left outgrowths ar
from the liver-hud. The left formation quickly disappears, while the right
coming into relation with the portal vein, grows round this into the meso-duode\
where it enlarges, being placed with the vein behind the duodenum as this ci
out toward the right. It forms the pancreatic duct, and gives outgrowtl
form the lower part of the head of the pancreas.
The ventral and dorsal parts of the pancreas join, and the dorsal d
ticulum (pancreatic duct) and ventral diverticulum now communicate by fi
anastomosing branches. Thereafter the duodenal portion of the pancr»
ict usually atrophies and disappears. It may, however, persist, and open as
l independent duct into the second part of the duodenum. The accessory
iiicreatic duct is persistent, and constitutes the principal duct of the fully
iveloped pancreas. From its mode of development it necessarily opens into
e bile-duct.
The islets of Langerhans, which are characteristic of the pancreas, are formed
cells derived from the walls of the original epithelial tubes. These cells become
fferentiated, and by their multiplication they give rise to isolated cell-groups,
ing in the mesodermic connective tissue between the lobules of the gland, where
ey are soon permeated by bloodvessels.
The development of the head of the pancreas proceeds within the meso-duonum (Fig. 523) dorsal and caudal to the vitelline vein, which enters the mesolodenum here to form the beginning of the portal vein. The head, by its large
owth, widens out the meso-duodenum to a very considerable extent, and
oduces the curve of the duodenum round its mass. The body and tail of the
gan extend into the dorsal wall of the bursa omentalis, growing rapidly in this
ward the left. They thus come to be directed transversely, and are laid down
the dorsal wall of the abdomen. When the peritoneum of this wall adheres
the bursal wall, and the two adherent layers disappear, the gland is left in a
ro-peritoneal position behind the completed lesser sac; rarely, however, the
hesion and disappearance of the layers is incomplete, and thus a cyst may be
:med behind the gland from fluid within a persisting part of the peritoneum
Structure of the Spleen.
The spleen is the largest ductless gland in the body. It has two
ats, serous and fibrous, inseparably connected together. The serous
at is formed by the peritoneum. The fibrous coat or tunica propria
composed of fibrous tissue, with a considerable admixture of elastic
;sue, and a certain amount of plain muscular tissue, all of which
lild up a strong distensible tunic.
The organ is composed of a trabecular network, the spleen pulp,
oodvessels, and Malpighian corpuscles.
The tunica propria sends into the organ a number of trabecube
fich, like the tunica propria, are composed of fibrous, elastic, and
ain muscular tissues. These divide and subdivide, and unite with
e another, as well as with processes derived from the sheaths which
e bloodvessels carry in with them at the hilum. There is thus
pied a trabecular network, which pervades the interior, and conins in its meshes the splenic pulp, capillary tufts, and lymphatic
The splenic pulp occupies the meshes of the network formed by the
ibeculae. It is soft, and has a dark red colour, which, however,
comes brighter on exposure to the air. The matrix of the spleen
[ lp is reticular, and is formed by branched connective-tissue coracles, which constitute the sustentacular cells of the organ, the
drix is, therefore, in reality retiform tissues. The interstices of
e reticulum contain blood, in which there is a large number of white
rpuscles, and also special cells characteristic of the spleen, and
fied the splenic cells. These latter are of large size, and are amoeboid.
iey contain pigment, and red blood-corpuscles in various stages of
8 g6
Bloodvessels and Lymphatic Nodules (Malpighian Corpuscle!
Arteries.—The splenic artery furnishes five or six large branches wl
enter the organ at the hilum, and carry in with them trabecular shea
from the tunica propria. In the interior they divide and subdiv
and finally terminate in pencil-like clusters of capillary vessels,
which time they have laid aside all their coats except the endotht
lining. The endothelial cells then become separated from each ot
by spaces, and being continuous with the sustentacular cells of
spleen pulp, the blood flows directly into the interstices of the reticu]
of the pulp. The arteries, which are at first accompanied by trabeci
sheaths, ultimately lose these sheaths, and enter the splenic pulp
end in clusters of capillaries,
fore they terminate in these c'
ters their external coat underg
an important modification, wl
consists in its transformation i
lymphoid or adenoid tissue. 1
lymphoid tissue forms at inten
small round or oval enlargemei
called lymphatic nodules (Ma
ghian corpuscles), which on sect
appear as minute white speck;
the dark red spleen pulp. Tb
corpuscles are simply local!
expansions of the lymphoid tis
which forms the external coat
the small arteries. The expans
may be confined to one side
the artery, or it may include
whole of its circumference. E;
corpuscle receives minute tv
from the artery on which it is i
and contains large numbers
lymph corpuscles, as well
capillary bloodvessels.
Veins.—The arterial blood, on leaving the capillary vessels, tie
directly into the interstices of the reticular matrix of the spleen pr
and from these it is taken up by radicle veins which commence b
manner similar to that in which the capillaries end. Endothe
cells, continuous with the sustentacular cells of the pulp, come togetl
and cohere, so as to form very delicate tubular vessels having clo!
walls. As these radicle veins unite and become larger the other co
are superadded to the endothelial lining. Ultimately five or six ve
leave the spleen at the hilum, which unite to form the splenic vei
this in turn uniting with the superior mesenteric vein to form the poi
It is to be noted that, in the circulation through the spleen, j
arterial blood leaves tubular vessels and flows through the interstij
Capsule Trabecula
Lymphatic Nodules Splenic Pulp
Fig. 524. —Section of the Spleen.
he reticulum of the spleen pulp, where it bathes the Malpighian
niscles, after which it enters tubular vessels of the nature of veins,
rhe cells of the spleen are of three kinds as follows: (1) the sustenilar cells of the retiform tissue of the spleen pulp; (2) the splenic>; and (3) lymphoid corpuscles.
Lymphatics. —These are arranged in two groups—trabecular and
vascular. The trabecular lymphatics are contained in the trails, and communicate with a lymphatic network in the tunica
pria underneath the peritoneal coat. The perivascular lymphatics
mence in the lymphoid tissue which forms the external coat of
smaller arteries. At the hilum both sets of lymphatics meet and
3 to the splenic glands, and thence to the coeliac glands.
Nerves. —These are derived from the splenic plexus, which is an
hoot from the coeliac plexus. The fibres, which are mostly nonLullated, are derived partly from the sympathetic system and partly
n the right vagus nerve.
)evelopment of the Spleen. —The spleen is formed from the mesodermal
of the bursa omentalis. In the fifth week the sac wall in its upper, dorsal,
left part shows a certain amount of thickening, with vascularization, and
2ase in size of the mesothelial cells covering its outer surface. A little later
e covering cells proliferate, and cells pass from the layer into the mesenchyme
le wall. As the mass enlarges it projects outwards into the peritoneal cavity.
:he processes take place at several points the organ is lobed; although the
d appearance is lost by subsequent fusion, the original divisions are indicated
:he fissures. The cells arrange themselves in trabecular bands, and small
gather round the small branches of the splenic artery and form the lymphatic
lies (Malpighian corpuscles) about the seventh month. When the dorsal
of the bursa omentalis becomes adherent to the wall of the abdomen, the
sn, lying just outside the area of adhesion, is now attached to the outer edge
his area by the intervening strip of non-adherent sqc wall— i.e., by what is
wn as the lieno-renal fold. As it projects toward the left, away from the
ty of the sac, it is covered by peritoneum of the greater sac, and is separated
1 that of the lesser sac by the vessels in the wail of the latter.
Structure of the Suprarenal Glands.
The suprarenal glands [adrenals) belong to the so-called ductless
ids. Each gland is enclosed in a thin sheath of connective tissue,
n the deep part of which processes are given off into the interior,
ire they form a supporting stroma. The proper substance of the
id is divided into an external or cortical, and internal or medullary
The cortex has a somewhat yellowish tint, due to the presence of
poid substance, and is composed of cells supported by a fibrous
)ma. The cells being variously arranged in different parts, the
tex is divisible into three zones, named, from without inwards, zona
nerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis. The zona glomerul > which is narrow, lies immediately within the external capsule,
I- is so named because its component cells are grouped in such
tanner as to form glomeruli, which are embedded in a fibrous stroma.
The cells are polyhedral, and each contains a clear round nucl
The zona fasciculata forms the chief part of the cortex, and is so na]
because its component cells are arranged in columns or fasciculi,
cells are similar to those of the zona glomerulosa, and the cell coin
are separated from one another by fibrous trabeculae, which aci
carriers of the bloodvessels, nerves, and lymphatics. The zona ret
laris, which is narrow, lies within the zona fasciculata, and is so nai
because its component groups of polyhedral cells are connected \
one another in such a manner as to form a reticulum.
The medulla is confi
Capsule \
Zona Glomerulosa
> Zona Fasciculata
Zona Reticularis
Fig. 525. —Section of the Suprarenal
to the centre of the gl
in the adult, is soft in c
sistence, and has a redd
brown colour, due to
contained venous blood,
supporting fibrous strom;
the cortex pervades it, ;
is arranged in a retici
manner. The meshes of 1
reticulum are occupied
cells, larger and more irre
lar than those of the corl
further differing from tf
in containing granules wf
stain deeply with chromi
These are (1) the supei
suprarenal of the phre
from the abdominal aoi
(2) the middle suprare
from the abdominal aoi
and (3) the inferior sup
renal from the renal.
The veins of each gh
eventually unite to form <
suprarenal vein. This vessel emerges through the hilum, and on
right side it opens directly into the inferior vena cava, whilst on
left side it terminates in the left renal vein.
The lymphatics terminate in the juxta-aortic glands . The lyi
vessels accompany the vessels connected with the glands. T1
issuing with the main vein drain the medullary region, and ]
(Fig. 526) to aortic glands below the levels of the renal pedicles; on
two pass behind these to glands behind the renal arteries. Yes
accompanying the suprarenal arteries drain the cortex, and reach gla
above the renal pedicles; on the right some pass behind the infe
vena cava. Additional lymphatics, shown in the figure by interruj
lines, run up on the diaphragm, which they pierce, to enter glands
thoracic aorta at about the level of the ninth or tenth thoracic
Nerves. —-The suprarenal glands are very richly supplied with nerves,
ch are derived from (1) the phrenic plexus from the coeliac ganglion
. coeliac plexus, (2) the suprarenal plexus from the coeliac ganglion
. coeliac plexus, and (3) offshoots from the renal plexus. According
Bergmann, the suprarenal glands also receive fibres from the phrenic
. vagi nerves. The fibres, which are chiefly non-medullated, form
l plexuses in the medulla, where they have numerous ganglion cells
nected with them.
Fig. 526. —Lymphatics of Suprarenal Glands (after Rouviere).
Development. —The suprarenal gland makes its appearance medial to the
•onephros. The cortex is of mesodermic origin, and the medulla is developed
n the cells of the primitive abdominal sympathetic system.
The cortex is developed from cellular outgrowths of the mesothelium of the
om, or body-cavity, on the mesial aspect of the mesonephros. These outwths soon become separated from the ccelomic mesothelium, and unite to
n a solid mass, which constitutes the cortex.
The medulla is derived from the primitive abdominal sympathetic cells,
'ups of cells grow out from the ganglia (these cells being consequently of
Mermic origin), and they invade the cortex. They become differentiated
^ two groups. The cells of one group are chromaffivi cells, and stain a dark
ow colour with chromic acid salts. The cells of the other group are ganglion
All the cells developed from the sympathetic ganglia gradually pass to the
tre, where they constitute the medulla.
The suprarenal gland thus develops in two parts—cortex, derived fron
coelomic mesothelium (mesoderm), and medulla, derived from the abdor
sympathetic ganglia, and therefore of ectodermic origin. The cortical
begins to form in the fourth week, and the ganglion cells begin their inv:
three weeks later; the process goes on till after birth, and ill-understood fc
tive changes continue for some years.
Structure of the Kidneys.
The kidneys are compound tubular glands. Each organ is
vested by a capsule, composed of fibrous tissue with a certain aim
of elastic fibres. The deep surface of this capsule is attached tc
peripheral portion of the renal substance by fine fibrous processes
small bloodvessels. Ur
neath it there is a cei
amount of plain muse
fibre, arranged in a sc
what plexiform manner,
the hilum on the inner bo
it is prolonged inwarck
line a cavity to which
hilum leads, called the t
sinus, where it becomes
tinuous with the fibrous c
of the calyces.
When a kidney is
into two halves by a lc
tudinal incision carried f
the outer to the inner bo
it is seen to be comp<
of two parts—cortex
The medulla, whicl
internal in position, is
ranged in conical bum
termed renal pyramids (pyramids of Malpighi), which vary in nun
from eight to eighteen, the average number being about twe
The bases of these pyramids are directed towards the circumfere:
whilst their apical parts, called renal papillae, project into the sinus, wl
they are grasped by the calyces. Each renal pyramid is divided :
three parts—namely, the basal part, the papillary zone, and the a ;
The basal parts of the pyramids form collectively the boundary zon
the kidney. They abut against the cortical substance, which se
prolongations between them, called renal columns (columnar BerU
These prolongations extend as far as the commencement of the ap
parts of the papillary zones, where they cease, so that these ap
parts project into the calyces free from cortical investments. E
renal pyramid is composed of straight, slightly converging urinifei
tubules (tubuli recti ) and straight bloodvessels, the number of tub
Renal Pyramid
— Ureler
Fig. 527.—Diagram of the Kidney in
Longitudinal Section.
ig very much greater in the basal part than elsewhere. This
ight arrangement of tubules and bloodvessels imparts to each
amid a longitudinally striated appearance from apex to base. The
al parts have a dark reddish-brown colour, which becomes brighter
he papillary zones.
The cortex of the kidney is mainly situated within the fibrous
sule. It has a reddish-brown colour, and, as already stated, sends
longations between the renal pyramids. Like the medullary part,
; composed of uriniferous tubules and bloodvessels, but the tubules
principally convoluted (tubuli contorti), though there are also
dies of straight tubules (tubuli recti) which have issued from the
il pyramids, and form the medullary rays.
Cortex. —The cortical part is composed of the labyrinth and the
lullary rays.
Labyrinth .—This portion of the cortex is so named from the very
iplicated arrangement of its tubules. It is situated in the internes between the medullary rays, and is composed of convoluted
dferous tubules, bloodvessels, and glomeruli, each of the latter being
losed within a capsule of Bowman.
Uriniferous Tubules. —Each tubule commences in the labyrinth
he cortex in a spherical dilatation, called the capsule of Bowman,
tiin which there is a tuft of convoluted capillary bloodvessels, known
i Malpighian glomerulus (Malpighian corpuscle). Bowman s capsule
sents two poles. One of these is formed by two bloodvessels, afferent
efferent, which pierce the capsule at separate points, but close to each
er. At the other pole Bowman’s capsule becomes constricted, and
ns the neck of a cylindrical tubule. After the tubule has passed the
k it becomes convoluted, and forms the first convoluted tubule. The
sment membrane and lining epithelium of Bowman’s capsule are conious with the basement membrane and lining epithelium of the first
voluted tubule, and the space between Bowman’s capsule and the
nerulus is continuous with the lumen of the tubule. The first
voluted tubule soon becomes straight, though slightly wavy, and,
Ting a medullary ray, it forms the spiral tubule. This tubule, on
'hing the junction of the cortex and boundary zone, becomes
denly very narrow, and traverses the basal part of a renal pyramid,
s known as the descending limb of Henle’s loop. On leaving the
ndary zone it enters the papillary zone, and after a short course
escribes a very sharp bend, called the loop of Henle. It now re'es its steps from the papillary zone into the boundary zone of a
al pyramid, in which latter situation it becomes suddenly enlarged,
s part, which retraces its steps, is called the ascending limb of Henle’s
»• It re-enters the cortex, where it becomes narrower, and passes
> a medullary ray, in which it lies for a short distance. It subaently, however, leaves the ray, and, entering the labyrinth,
ds between the convoluted tubules as the irregular or zigzag tubule,
ch has become slightly enlarged. This irregular tubule then passes
1 the second convoluted tubule. This tubule, becoming narrow,
passes into the junctional tubule, which is slightly wavy. The
tional tubule leads into the straight or collecting tubule, which is slij
enlarged, and is situated in a medullary ray. This straight colle
tubule now passes to the basal part of a renal pyramid, taking i
Fig. 528. —Diagram of the Uriniferous Tubules of the Kidney (Ki
a and a', outer and inner zones of cortex, which are free from
Malpighian bodies.
1. 1. Capsule of Bowman 4. 4. Spiral Tubule
2. 2. Neck of Capsule 5. 5. Descending Limb of Henle’s Loop
3. 3. First Convoluted Tubule 6 6. Loop of Henle
7. 7., 8. 8., 9. 9., Ascending Limb of Henle’s Loop
10. 10. Irregular Tubule 13. 14. Collecting Tubule
11. 11. Second Convoluted Tubule 15. Duct of Bellini
12. 12. Junctional Tubule
its course other junctional tubules from the labyrinth. In pa
through the various parts of a renal pyramid the collecting tu
unite at acute angles, and so become less numerous and at the same
larger. They run in straight, slightly converging lines toward
x of a papilla, where they are very much reduced in numbers, but of
(e size. In this final part of their course each collecting tubule
ns the duct of Bellini. These excretory tubes open on the apex of
ipilla, where there is often a foveola or small depression, and through
se openings the urine escapes into a calyx.
The diameter of the ducts of Bellini is about inch.
Summary of a Tubule from Beginning to End.
[. The capsule of Bowman, containing a glomerulus in the labyrinth .
>. The neck, in the labyrinth.
5. The first convoluted tubule, in the labyrinth.
j.. The spiral tubule, in a medullary ray.
5. The descending limb of Henle’s loop (small), in a basal part, and in part
papillary zone, of a renal pyramid.
). The loop of Henle, in a papillary zone.
7. The ascending limb of Henle’s loop (large), in part of a papillary zone, a
l part, and the cortex, in which latter it is in a medullary ray.
The irregular or zigzag tubule, in the labyrinth.
). The second convoluted tubule, in the labyrinth.
:o. The junctional tubule, in the labyrinth on its way to a medullary ray.
[i. The collecting tubule, in a medullary ray of the cortex, and in a basal part
renal pyramid.
[2. The duct of Bellini, in a papillary zone of a renal pyramid.
Structure of the Uriniferous Tubules. —The tubules are composed of a baset membrane lined with a single layer of epithelial cells. The basement
ibrane itself consists of flattened epithelial cells. The tubules vary in
but their average diameter may be stated as inch. The characters
he lining epithelial cells present differences in the different tubules, which
now be considered in order.
[. The capsule of Bowman is lined with a single layer of flattened epithelium,
:h is reflected over the glomerulus, where it is more distinct in early life than
ie adult.
-• The neck is lined with cubical epithelium.
5. The first convoluted tubule is also lined with cubical epithelium, but the cells,
:h are thick, are peculiar. The inner part of each cell—that is, the part next
lumen of the tubule—including the spherical nucleus, has granular protoplasm,
st the outer part—that is, the part next the basement membrane—has its
pplasm striated or fibrillated, owing to the presence of rod-shaped fibrils disposed
ically to the basement membrane (Heidenhain). These fibrillated cells are
dded laterally with processes by which they embrace one another. The
en of the tubule is distinct.
p The spiral tubule is lined with epithelium similar ’to that of the first* conned tubule, and its lumen is distinct.
5- The descending limb of Henle’s loop is lined with clear, thin, flattened cells.
tubule, though narrow, has a distinct lumen.
5 . The loop of Henle is lined with epithelium which resembles that of the
lending limb.
7- The ascending limb of Henle’s loop is lined with fibrillated, cubical epithelial
like those of the first convoluted and spiral tubules. Though it is of comffively large size, its lumen is small.
3 - The irregular or zigzag tubule is lined with cubical epithelial cells, which
markedly fibrillated, and its lumen is minute.
3 - The second convoluted tubule is lined with epithelium which resembles
t of the first convoluted tubule, with the following differences: (a) the cells
longer; and (b) they are highly refractive. In size it corresponds with the
' convoluted tubule.
10. The junctional tubule is lined with clear, flattened, cubical epithelial ,
and its lumen is large.
11. The collecting tubule is lined with epithelial cells, which in its earlier
are clear and cubical, but in its later part they are columnar, and the lum<
very distinct.
12. The duct of Bellini is lined with epithelial cells which are clear
Medullary Rays or Pyramids of Ferrein. —These take the torn
pyramidal bundles of uriniferous tubules, which are separated f:
each other by portions of the labyrinth. The tubules are straij
and emerge from the basal parts of the pyramids. As these medul]
rays are followed from the basal parts to the periphery, each gradu
diminishes in breadth, and ultimately tapers to a point, which si
a short distance from the fibrous capsule, being separated from it
a portion of the labyrinth. The rays are thus conical, their bases b(
at the basal parts of the renal pyramids, and their apices near the fibi
capsule—hence the name ‘ pyramids.’ The explanation of this sh
is that the tubules at the circumference of a medullary ray enter
labyrinth sooner than those in the centre, which latter form the a
of the ray.
Summary of a Medullary Ray. —Each contains the following tubules: (i) sj
tubules; (2) ascending limbs of Henle’s loops; and (3) collecting tubules.
Medulla of the Kidney. —The medullary portion has been alre;
generally described. It is composed of renal pyramids, consisl
of uriniferous tubules and bloodvessels (true and false).
The tubules in the various parts of the renal pyramids are as folio
1. Basal Part. —This contains the following tubules:
Portions of the descending limbs of Henle’s loops.
Portions of the ascending limbs of Henle’s loops.
Collecting tubules.
2. Papillary Zone. —This contains the following tubules:
Portions of the descending limbs of Henle’s loops.
The loops of Henle.
Portions of the ascending limbs of Henle’s loops.
The ducts of Bellini.
3. Apex of the Papillary Zone. —This contains only the ducts
Bloodvessels of the Kidneys — Arteries. —Each kidney receives
large amount of blood from the renal artery, which is a branch of
abdominal aorta. This vessel, as it approaches the hilum, divides i]
four or five branches, which enter the sinus, where they are embedc
in fat along with the calyces. They then subdivide into interlo'
branches, which pass between the renal pyramids, where they contir
to subdivide. On arriving at the junction of the cortex and bound;
zone they form a series of arches, which are independent of one anotb
and are called the cortico-medullary arches. Alongside of these th<
are venous arches, which, unlike the arterial arches, anastomose fre<
ith one another. The convexities of the incomplete arterial arches
;e directed towards the cortex, and the concavities towards the renal
yramids. The branches of the arches are interlobular and arteriae
The interlobular arteries (cortical) arise from the convexities of the
rches and enter the labyrinth of the cortex, in which they pass outards between the medullary rays,
hey give off afferent and capsular
The afferent branches are so named
ecause they carry blood to the
'omeruli. They arise from the in^rlobular arteries at frequent interals, and each passes to a capsule
f Bowman without giving off any
ranch. Having pierced the capsule
t one pole, the afferent vessel breaks
p into a number of convoluted
ipillary vessels, which form a small
ascular ball, called a glomerulus
Malpighian corpuscle). The blood is
onveyed away from the glomerulus
y an efferent vessel, which is variously
sgarded as an artery and a vein,
his efferent vessel is smaller than
tie afferent artery. It pierces
bowman’s capsule at the same pole
s the afferent artery, but separate
:om, though close to, it. Therefter it breaks up into a network of
apillary vessels, which invest the
orresponding first convoluted urinierous tubule, the meshes of the network being polygonal. The efferent
r essels of those glomeruli which lie
learest to the renal pyramids are
iisposed in a different manner. They
>reak up into bundles of straight
vessels, called false vasa recta, which
nter the basal parts of the pyramids,
diere they supply to a large extent the uriniferous tubules, upon the
mils of which they form capillary networks with elongated meshes,
t is, however, to be noted that the renal pyramids also receive true
irterise rectae from the cortico-medullary arterial arches.
The Glomerulus (Malpighian Corpuscle). —A glomerulus of the kidney
s a small ball of convoluted capillary bloodvessels, having two vessels
connected with it, one of which is an afferent artery and the other an
'fferent vessel. The vessels of many of the glomeruli are collected into
A, cortex; B, medulla.
1. Arterial Arch
2. Interlobular Artery
3. Afferent Artery of Glomerulus
4. Capsular Branches
5. Efferent Vessel of Glomerulus
6. Glomerulus
7. First Convoluted Tubule
8. True Arteria Recta
9. False Arteria Recta
10. Venous Arch
11. Interlobular Vein
12. Venae Stellatae
13. Venae Rectae
bundles, an arrangement which renders these glomeruli tabulated,
number of lobules varying from two to five. Each glomerulus
within a capsule of Bowman, and the flattened epithelium of the caps
is reflected over the glomerulus from the points of entrance and exil
the afferent and efferent vessels. The epithelial cells covering the c
puscle are thicker and less flattened than those lining the capsule
Bowman, and are better marked in early life than in the adult,
the case of the tabulated glomeruli the epithelial investment dips
between the component lobules. The epithelium of Bowman’s caps
and the epithelium of the glomerulus, which in each case forms a sin
layer, are separated from one another by a slight interspace. 1
diameter of a glomerulus is about ¥ To * n
The glomeruli are confined to the cortex of i
kidney, where they lie in rows in the labyrii
between the medullary rays. There is a narr
zone immediately within the external capsi
and another narrow zone close to the re:
pyramids, from both of which glomeruli ;
The capsular branches of the interlobu
arteries supply the external fibrous capsule
the kidney, in which they anastomose w:
branches of the lumbar arteries from the c
dominal aorta.
The arteriae rectae (medullary), or vasa rec
(true), arise from the concavities of the corti(
medullary arterial arches, and at once enter t
basal parts of the renal pyramids. Here th
break up into bundles of straight, sligh
diverging arterioles, which run between t
bundles of straight, slightly converging uri:
ferous tubules, a mutual arrangement whi
imparts to the renal pyramids a longitudina
striated appearance. The capillary networ
formed by these arterioles have necessar:
elongated meshes. It is to be noted that t
renal pyramids derive their blood-supply frc
two sources—namely, (i) the arteriae rectae, or vasa recta (true), frc
the cortico-medullary arterial arches; and (2) the false vasa recta frc
the efferent vessels of those glomeruli which lie nearest the rer
pyramids. It is also to be noted that a glomerulus of the kidney is
ball of convoluted capillary bloodvessels, which is enclosed with
a capsule of Bowman, whereas a Malpighian body of the spleen is
collection of lymphoid or adenoid tissue which is a localized expansi<
of the external or lymphoid coat of the small arteries in the interi
of that organ.
Veins — Veins of the Cortex. —These are called the interlobular vein
Some of them commence on the surface of the kidney beneath tl
showing a Glomerulus OF THE
Kidney with its
Afferent and Efferent Vessels,
and a Proximal
Convoluted Tubule with ITS
Venous Plexus
1. Glomerulus
2. Bowman’s Capsule
3. Uriniferous Tubule
4. Interlobular Artery
5. Afferent Vessel
6. Efferent Vessel
7. Venous Plexus around
8. Interlobular Vein
psule, from which they return blood, and these are called vence stellatce,
cause the venous radicles which give rise to them converge to a
int, and so present a star-like appearance. Others originate in the
sxuses around the uriniferous tubules. The interlobular veins
rminate by joining the convexities of the venous arches, which are
uated between the cortex and the renal pyramids.
Veins of the Medulla. —The veins of the renal pyramids commence
plexuses which surround the ducts of Bellini in the apical parts of the
pillary zones, and they are called vencB rectcB. As these traverse the
aamids they are collected into bundles of straight vessels, which
ien into the concavities of the cortico-medullary venous arches.
Cortico-medullary Venous Arches. —These arches, which are comste, are situated between the cortex and the renal pyramids, where
ey lie alongside of the incomplete arterial arches. They derive their
Dod from the interlobular veins of the cortex and the venae rectae
the renal pyramids. The veins which proceed from these arches
„ss between the pyramids to the sinus of the kidney, where they
Lite to form the renal vein, which terminates in the inferior vena cava.
Lymphatics. —These consist of two groups, superficial and deep,
le superficial lymphatics, which are few in number, form a plexus in
e fibrous capsule, and communicate with lymph spaces between the
iniferous tubules in the outer part of the cortex. They terminate
r joining the deep lymphatics at the hilum. The deep lymphatics
company the bloodvessels, and communicate with lymph spaces
itween the uriniferous tubules of the cortex and boundary zone,
n emerging at the hilum they receive the superficial lymphatics,
id then pass to the juxta-aortic group of lumbar glands.
Nerves. —The kidney receives numerous nerves from the renal
exus, which derives its fibres from (1) the aortico-renal ganglion,
which the lesser splanchnic nerve terminates; (2) the coeliac plexus;
id (3) the aortic plexus. If there is a lowest splanchnic nerve present
reinforces the renal plexus. The nerve-fibres are partly sympathetic,
irtly spinal through the lesser and lowest splanchnic nerves, and in
irt derived from the right vagus through the coeliac plexus. I hey
^company the arterial branches, and ramify upon the walls of the
sssels and uriniferous tubules.
Excretory Apparatus of the Kidney. —This consists of the calyces,
elvis, and ureter.
Ureter. —This is the excretory duct of the kidney, and it has the
>rm of a cylindrical tube, like a goose-quill, its colour being a dull
hite. Its length varies from 12 to 16 inches, and its diameter is
bout 1 inch. At its lower extremity it opens into the bladder, and
t the hilum of the kidney it joins the pelvis of the kidney, which is
mnel-shaped, being wide above and narrow below. Ihe pelvis is
attened from before backwards, and lies partly in the sinus and
artly outside the hilum, its direction being downwards and inwards,
t is formed by the union of two or three primary divisions or greater
alyces (infundibula) within the sinus, and these again are formed by
the union of about nine secondary divisions, called lesser calyces. 1
number of lesser calyces thus usually falls short of the number of re
pyramids (8 to 18), the explanation being that one lesser calyx n
grasp two papillae or even three. The lesser calyces embrace i
papillae of the renal pyramids, which thus project into them, and tl
receive the urine as it oozes through the pores on the apices of 1
papillae, these pores being the openings of the ducts of Bellini. 1
interspaces between the lesser calyces in the renal sinus are occup;
by the branches of the renal bloodvessels and by fat.
Structure of the Ureter. —The ureter is a thick-walled muscu
tube, lined with mucous membrane, and consists of three coats
external or fibrous, middle or muscular, and internal or muco’
Middle Circular Muscular Fibres
Outer Longitudinal Muscular Fibres
53 1 • Transverse Section of the Lower Part of the Ureter,
showing its Minute Structure.
The fibrous coat is composed of fibrous tissue, very compactly arrange^
and contains the bloodvessels and nerves, which here subdivide. Tl
muscular coat is composed of plain muscular tissue, which is dispose
in three layers —outer longitudinal, middle circular, and internal long
tudinal. The outer longitudinal layer is best marked in the lower ha
of the ureter, where it forms a continuous investment. In the uppf
half of the tube its bundles are somewhat scattered. The mucoi
coat superiorly is continued over the papillae of the renal pyramids, an
interiorly becomes continuous with the mucous membrane of tb
bladder. It is covered by stratified transitional epithelium, the celbeing arranged in four layers. In the most superficial layer (nearer
the lumen of the tube) the cells are cubical, and present depressions o
eir deep surfaces, which receive the round ends of the pyriform cells
the layer beneath. In the second layer the cells are pyriform, the
und superficial ends being capped by the cubical cells of the first
^er, and the narrow deep ends projecting between the deeper cells,
the third and fourth layers the cells are round or oval. The mucous
smbrane is thrown into longitudinal folds, and the lumen of the
be, which is of small size, presents under the microscope a branched
•pearance on cross-section.
Around the lower end of the ureter for a distance of 3 or 4 mm.
a fibrous-tissue covering known as Waldeyer’s sheath. Between
is sheath and the ureteral wall proper is some loose bursal tissue,
lich serves to facilitate the slight but important movement which
kes place between the lower end of the ureter and the vesical wall
contraction and relaxation of the bladder, and which has for its
irpose the prevention of regurgitation of urine.
Blood-supply—Arteries. —The ureter receives branches from the
nal, testicular (ovarian in the female), common iliac, and superior
:sical arteries.
The veins terminate in the vessels corresponding to these arteries.
Lymphatics. —These pass to the juxta-aortic group of lumbar glands ,
Ld to the internal iliac glands.
Nerves. —These accompany the arteries, and are derived from
e renal, testicular (ovarian in the female), and pelvic plexuses. The
)res form plexuses in the fibrous and muscular coats, which contain
lall ganglia.
Structure of the Pelvis and Calyces. —The structure of these parts
the excretory apparatus resembles that of the ureter, with the
:ception that they have only two layers of plain muscular tissue,
stead of three as in the ureter. The layer which is wanting is the
tier longitudinal layer. The lesser calyces are attached to the bases
the papillae, and in these situations their fibrous coats become coniuous with that part of the fibrous capsule of the kidney which is
'olonged inwards through the hilum to line the sinus. The internal
ngitudinal muscular fibres disappear towards the papilla, but the
rcular muscular fibres accompany a lesser calyx to its termination,
here they are arranged in the form of a circular band, which surrounds
base of a papilla at the line of attachment of a calyx. The stratified
ansitional epithelium of the mucous coat of a lesser calyx is pronged over the apex of each papilla.
Stroma of the Kidneys. —Between the uriniferous tubules and
oodvessels there is a certain amount of connective tissue, which
present in greatest abundance in the region of the papillary zones,
his constitutes what is known as the fibrous or intestinal stroma,
which there is a very small amount.
Early Condition of the Kidneys. —The kidneys of a child at the period of birth
e lobulated, each lobule representing a renal pyramid surrounded by cortical
bstance. In this respect they resemble the permanently lobulated kidneys of
rtain animals— e.g., the ox. The lobules first become apparent towards the
end of the third month of intra-uterine life, and all traces of them have usi
disappeared by the eighth or tenth year.
Fig. 532. —-Kidney of a Child shortly
before Birth.
They may, however, remain persh
to a greater or less extent throug
life, though this condition is of
rare occurrence. It is, however,
uncommon to find the surface o
adult kidney marked by faint gro
indicative of its original lobul
condition. The disappearance of
lobulated condition is brought a’
by the adjacent lobules coalescing,
being accompanied by an incre
development of cortical substanc
the surface. The portions of cor
substance which remain in the sp
between the renal pyramids (ex
their apical parts) form the r
Development of the Kidney and Ureter.
The metanephros, or permanent kidney, is the last of the serie:
excretory organs formed in the human embryo. For the acco
of these organs, see p. 94 et seq.
The ureteric bud, the earliest formation in association with
metanephros, begins to grow from the mesonephric duct when
embryo is about 5 mm. long. It is a club-shaped, hollow outgrow
which (Fig. 533) is surmounted from an early stage by a blastemal c
formed by metanephric mesoderm. The markedly condensed d
or inner layer of this cap is a very noticeable feature. The hoi
outgrowth elongates fairly rapidly, growing in a cranial directi
dorsal to the mesonephros, and carrying its blastemal cap on
extremity as it grows. The bulbous end soon divides into two, c
from these secondary outgrowths take place, each process carrying
own blastemal cap upon it. In this way the cavities of the gret
and lesser calyces are marked out. The process continues of elongat
of outgrowth, subdivision, and consequent new outgrowths, and so
and thus the collecting tubes of the kidney are made, each advanc
end being covered by its metanephric cap of blastemal tissue.
At a later stage the earliest formed generations of these collecting-t
systems are taken up into the calyces, so that the final number of collecting tu
is not the same as the whole number formed, and more tubes come to open i
the calyces directly than originally grew from them.
the formation of outgrowths goes on during the second, thi
and fourth months, and probably for a considerable time after tl
About the beginning of the third month, however, some of the tul
subdivisions have reached their terminal stages, and the blasten
caps of these terminal outgrowths begin to show activities whi
ultimately lead to the formation of the secretory parts of the tubi
system. 1 he inner zone of the cap forms a solid mass of cells, whi
>n becomes hollow, and is termed the renal vesicle. A curved short
mle grows from this towards the bent end of the terminal collecting
>e, with which it becomes connected. The renal vesicle is in the
antime invaginated, and thus constitutes a glomerulus. The short
■ved tubule, somewhat in the shape of an S, elongates slowly. The
Fig. 533. —Schematic Drawings to illustrate the Formation of
the Tubular System of the Kidneys.
A the ureteric outgrowth is shown arising from the mesonephric duct close to
where this enters the cloaca. The enlarged end of the bud is covered by its
blastemal cap. The enlarged end becomes bilobed. B, each lobe covered by
its cap. Further subdivisions are seen in C. Terminal subdivisions are
shown in D, where the cap is forming, on the left, a rounded ‘ renal vesicle/
R.V. On the right a tubule is growing from the vesicle toward the end of the
collecting terminal. In E and F the tubule has fused with the terminal,
and by elongating is making convoluted tubules and a loop of Henle. A
vascular loop V grows against the renal vesicle and the adjoining part of
its tubule, and invaginates them, producing a glomerulus.
'ond convoluted tubule is formed from the upper limb of the curve,
s first convoluted tubule from its lower limb, and the intervening
rtion is lengthened into Henle’s loop. Henle’s loops can be disL °tly recognized during the fourth month. The other descriptive
rts of the system of tubules are gradually formed as elongation pn>
It is seen, then, that the tubule system, from the glomerulus to i
arched collecting duct, is derived from the metanephric mesodei
while the whole system of collecting ducts is formed by outgrov
from the original ureteric growth. The junction between the t
parts of the whole tubule system is effected shortly after the blaster
tubule begins its growth; it is the failure of this junction which ir
lead to one of the varieties of congenital cystic kidney.
The secondary junction between outgrowths from the mesonephric duct on
one hand, and tubules formed separately in the mesoderm on the other ha
is not in itself an extraordinary or out-of-the-way occurrence. It is well knc
to occur in several species of animals, and it is apparently represented in
development of the secondary tubules of the human mesonephros, which, wl
Suprarenal Glands
Fig. 534. —The Mesonephro, Mesonephric, and Para-mesonephric Due
and Contiguous Parts (Allen Thomson).
they are formed, extend toward the mesonephric duct, and meet secondary p
jections from this duct in their direction. In the case of the metanephros t
may, in the light of what has just been said, be looked on as corresponding w
these secondary tubules of the mesonephros coming into relation with enormou
elongated outgrowths from the mesonephric duct.
The vascular constituents, the interstitial connective-tissue stroma,
renal columns, and the renal capsule are developed from the metanephric blaster
The ureter of either side, which originally opens into the uro-genital sii
in common with the mesonephric duct, becomes detached from that duct a
opens by an independent orifice into the uro-genital sinus on its dorsal aspe
It may here be stated that the urinary bladder is developed from the u
genital sinus.
Summary. —The pronephros is functional in lower vertebrates— e.g., cert;
Fishes, and Amphibia during the larval stage. In Man it is rudimentary, d
pronephric duct persists as the mesonephric duct.
Diaphragmatic - Ligament of
Pri/nit/t/e /t/cfney
Mesoneph .
' M( sorter hr
Duct of Epoophoron
S/pus fi/est/pp/e)
535 -—Development of the Uro-genital System (after Heisle).
The mesonephros or Wolffian body succeeds to the pronephros, and pe
as the functional kidney in Fishes and Amphibia. In Man it atrophies
large extent, and is replaced by the metanephros.
The metanephros is the permanent human kidney.
The pelvis is the lower division of the abdomen which lies b
the level of the pectineal lines and sacral promontory. Unlike
abdomen proper, the walls of the pelvis are chiefly osseous,
posterior wall is constructed by the sacrum and coccyx, with the ori
of the pyrif ormes muscles. Each lateral wall is formed by the body
spine of the ischium, and is covered by the obturator internus mu
Pelvic Colon Gt. Omentum
Fig. 536. —Transverse Section at Level of Lumbo-sacral Junction
(after Symington).
The anterior wall is formed by the bodies of the pubic bones, whicJ
the median line construct the symphysis pubis. Between the poste:
wall and each lateral wall is a large space, which is partly closed by
powerful sacro-tuberous and sacro-spinous ligaments. This spact
divided into two parts by the sacro-spinous ligament and the spin(
the ischium. The upper part forms the greater sciatic foramen, wb
transmits the pyrif ormis muscle; the superior gluteal vessels, lymphat
and nerves; the inferior gluteal vessels, lymphatics, sciatic nerve, <
posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh; the internal pudendal vessels c
lymphatics and pudendal nerve; the nerve to the obturator inter]
and gemellus superior; and the nerve to the quadratus femoris c
gemellus inferior. The lower part forms the lesser sciatic foram
which transmits the obturator internus muscle and its nerve, 1
rnal pudendal vessels, and the pudendal nerve. At each lateral
t of the anterior wall is the obturator foramen, which is closed,
-pt superiorly, by the obturator membrane, covered by the obturator
rnus muscle. Below the symphysis pubis is the pubic arch, which
•ccupied by the perineal membrane. The pelvic wall, thus conicted, is clothed by the pelvic fascia. Superiorly the pelvic cavity
uite open and in free communication with the abdomen proper,
jrioily it is for the most part closed, a complex septum separating
rom the perineum underneath. This septum is partly muscular
partly fascial. The muscles entering into it are the levatores ani
the coccygei, which construct the pelvic diaphragm. The fascial
rent is formed on either side by the visceral pelvic fascia, which
hes the superior or pelvic surface of the muscular diaphragm, and
the anal fascia, which covers its inferior or perineal surface. The
Fig. 537. —Male Pelvic Region seen from Above.
r of the pelvis is consequently movable, being capable of ascending
descending. It affords passage to the rectum and urethra, and, in
ition, in the female to the vagina.
Contents of the Pelvis. —The contents of the male pelvis are as
)ws: the pelvic colon and rectum; the bladder, with the lower
tions of the ureters and the prostate gland, the latter containing
prostatic part of the urethra; the seminal vesicles and the lower
tions of the vasa deferentia; the internal iliac vessels and their
fiches; portions of the superior rectal and median sacral vessels;
rectal, vesical, and prostatic venous plexuses, the latter receiving
dorsal vein of the penis in two divisions; the sacral and coccygeal
uises and their branches; the pelvic portions of the gangliated
ip a thetic trunks; and the obturator nerves in part of their course.
The differences in the contents of the female pelvis, as compared
h those of the male, are as follows:
For the prostate gland and prostatic portion of the urethra sul
tute the female urethra, uterus, and vagina. For the seminal vesi
and portions of the vasa deferentia substitute the broad ligament
the uterus and their contents—namely, the uterine tubes, the ova
with their ligaments, and the ligamenta teres of the uterus. Ad<
portions of the superior rectal and median sacral vessels portions of
ovarian vessels. For the prostatic venous plexus substitute the pu<
dal plexus, and add the uterine and ovarian venous plexuses.
General Position of the Viscera. —The pelvic colon and reel
are situated upon the posterior wall, the pelvic colon reaching as lo\
the third sacral vertebra, and the rectum extending thence downwa
Comm. Iliac a. 1 ** 11 **** 1
Ureter- •
Lumbo-sacral Trunk
Ext. Iliac A.
Obtur. N
Sup. Ves. A
Obtur. A
Vas Def
Lat. Umbil. Lig.
Fig. 538. —Structures on Side Wall of Male Pelvis.
and forwards to the interval between the levatores ani muscles, wh<
it is succeeded by the anal canal. The bladder is anterior in positi<
being situated behind the bodies of the pubic bones, and resting by
base upon the rectum. The seminal vesicles and the lower portions
vasa deferentia lie in contact with the base of the bladder, between
nd the rectum. The prostate gland surrounds the prostatic part
he urethra.
Peritoneum. —The disposition of the peritoneum will be simplified
iefining the limits of the pelvic colon and rectum, and the different
ts of the bladder. The pelvic colon extends from the inner border
he left psoas major, just anterior to the left sacro-iliac articulation,
he level of the third sacral vertebra. The rectum extends from the
d sacral vertebra to a point t\ inches in front of and below the tip
he coccyx, where it pierces the pelvic diaphragm to terminate in
anal canal, which is the part of the large gut surrounded by the
incter muscles. The bladder, when empty, presents the following
ts: (1) an apex, which is directed forwards, and lies behind the upper
Pelvic Colon
Line of Peritoneal Reflection
t- Vas Deferens
Seminal Vesicle
/ Urachus
Symphysis Pubis
Levator Ani (cut) /
Corpus Cavernosum
, Corpus Spongiosum
Bulb and Bulbo-spongiosus
' Deep Layer of Sup. Perineal Fascia
» Perineal Pouch
Membranous Urethra
Bulbo-urethral Gland
Prostate Gland and Capsule
Perineal Membrane
Fig. 539.— The Viscera of the Male Pelvis (Lateral View).
: of the symphysis pubis, where it has connected with it the median
rilical ligament lepresenting the urachus; (2) a fundus (base) or
terior surface, directed backwards and downwards towards the
■um, from which it is separated by the seminal vesicles and vasa
irentia; and (3) a body which has a superior and two infero-lateral
aces. Four borders are described, two being lateral, and serving
separate the superior and infero-lateral surfaces; one posterior,
mating the fundus from the superior surface, and stretching between
two ureters as they pierce the bladder wall; and one faintly marked
mior border, which separates the two infero-lateral surfaces. The
:er enters the bladder at the junction of the fundus with the superior
infero-lateral surfaces at what is known as the lateral angle.
The peritoneum, having descended from the posterior wall of the
omen over the common iliac vessels, enters the back part of the
pelvic cavity, where it invests the pelvic colon, forming behind il
expanded, wavy mesentery, called the pelvic meso-colon, which attac
it to the front of the sacrum as low as the third sacral vertebra. '
peritoneum is then prolonged upon the rectum, the upper third of wl
it covers anteriorly and laterally , but not posteriorly, the middle t!
being covered by it only anteriorly , whilst the lower third is destil
of peritoneal covering. The point at which the peritoneum leaves
rectum is fully 3 inches above the anus. The membrane is now can
forwards to the upper ends of the seminal vesicles and the adjac
portions of the vasa deferentia, which it covers. It then pa:
forwards over the superior surface of the bladder, which it comple
Pelvic Colon Bladder
Fig. 540. —Transverse Section through the Second Sacral Vertebr
(after Symington).
covers as far as the apex. Here it meets the median umbilical ligame
and by this is conducted from the bladder to the posterior surface
the anterior abdominal wall. Along each lateral border of the blad<
the peritoneum is reflected over the corresponding lateral wall of 1
pelvis. In passing from the rectum to the upper part of the base
the bladder the peritoneum forms the recto-vesical pouch. The both
of this pouch is, as a rule, fully 1 inch distant from the base of 1
prostate gland, thus leaving the part of the base of the bladder, cat
the external trigone, quite free from peritoneum. The peritoneum,
it passes to and from the bladder, forms certain folds, which constiti
the false ligaments of the viscus. These are five in number as follow
posterior , which represent the laterally-disposed lips of the mouth
;he recto-vesical pouch; two lateral, right and left, which represent
reflection of peritoneum from each lateral border of the bladder
the corresponding lateral wall of the pelvis; and superior, which
he reflection of the peritoneum from the apex of the bladder to
posterior surface of the anterior abdominal wall along the median
bilical ligament. The parts of the bladder which are left uncovered
peritoneum are (1) the inferior surface, and (2) the external trigone.
The pelvic peritoneum on either side of the bladder and rectum presents
recesses when these viscera are moderately distended, which are named,
a before backwards, paravesical and pararectal.
Retro-pubic Cellular Tissue. —This is a collection of areolar and
pose tissues which lies between the posterior aspect of the bodies
:he pubic bones, the bladder, and medial pubo-prostatic ligaments.
Pelvic Fascia. —This fascia clothes the inner wall of the pelvis, and
lishes inward expansions, which have an intricate connection with,
Parietal Pelvic Fascia
Visceral Pelvic Fascia
Levator Ani
Anal Fascia
Obturator Internus
Parietal Pelvic Fascia
i | v —*
Prostate Gland, with Urethra Pudendal Canal..
Fig. 541.—The Pelvic Fascia (Anterior View).
1 serve to support, the contained viscera. It is divisible into two
'tions—parietal and visceral.
Parietal Portion .—Over the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity
: parietal portion of the pelvic fascia, which is here very thin, covers
1 intrapelvic portion of each pyriformis muscle and the corresponding
ral plexus, this portion being known as the fascia of the pyriformis.
er the lateral wall the fascia attains considerable strength, and is
ached superiorly to the back part of the iliac portion of the pectineal
3 for a short distance, where it becomes continuous with the iliac
cia. In front of this the fascia falls short of the pectineal line, and
ixed to the lateral wall of the pelvis a little below the line, its attachnt being oblique, and accurately following the upper border of the
turator internus muscle. When it arrives at the upper part of the
turator foramen there is a break in the osseous attachment of the
cia, which here joins the upper border of the obturator membrane
sr the upper border of the obturator internus, and so converts the
turator groove into a canal for the passage of the obturator vessels
and nerve. At the upper and inner part of the obturator foramen
fascia resumes its osseous attachment, but falls more and more st
of the pelvic margin, its connection with the back of the body of
os pubis being in a direction downwards and inwards till it reac
a point just below the lower part of the symphysis pubis. The fas
descends from the foregoing line of attachment, closely covering
obturator internus, to be attached as follows from before backwar
(i) to the pelvic aspect of the ischio-pubic ramus near the pubic ar
medial to the obturator internus; (2) to the inner margin of the falcifc
process of the sacro-tuberous ligament at the lower part of the iscl
ramus, and also to the sacro-tuberous ligament itself, where thai
attached to the inner margin of the ischial tuberosity; and (3) t<
portion of the sacro-tuberous ligament near its ischial attachment, e
to the anterior margin of the greater sciatic notch The lateral port
of the parietal pelvic fascia, from its relation to the obturator inten
Parietal Pelvic Fascia
Levator Ani..
Anal Fascia
Obturator Internus..-N$!/
Parietal Pelvic Fascia-''
Pudendal Canal
Visceral Pelvic Fascia
--- Seminal Vesicle
Vas Deferens
h J G. 542. —Diagram of the Pelvic Fascia from Behind.
muscle, is sometimes called the obturator fascia. From its lower attac
ment the fascia is continued backwards and inwards over the great
sciatic foramen, pyriformis, and sacral plexus to the sacrum, as t.
fascia of the pyriformis. As it covers the foramen it is perforated 1
the superior and inferior gluteal, and internal pudendal vessels, and
m consequence indistinct.
At the anterior part of the pelvic cavity the fascia, after takii
attachment to the pelvic surface of the ischio-pubic ramus near t]
pubic arch, is continued inwards over that arch, where it lies behii
the sphincter urethrae muscle, and forms one half of the superior lay
ot the perineal membrane, the other half being formed by the corr
spondmg portion of the fascia of the opposite side. When it arrives ;
the urethra it changes its course, and passes backwards over the anterii
border of the levator ani to blend with that portion of the visceral pelv
fascia which ensheathes the prostate gland.
In the direction of a line passing from the inner aspect of the ischial
ine to the back of the body of the os pubis, near its lower end and close
the symphysis, the lateral pelvic fascia is strengthened by fibres
dch impart to it a white colour. This part is called the arcus tenleus [white line), and it serves to divide the fascia into two portions—
per or pelvic proper, and lower or perineal. The pelvic portion
)ks into the pelvic cavity, and covers the upper part of the obturator
:ernus, whilst it is itself covered by the peritoneum. The perineal
rtion covers the lower part of the obturator internus, and lies on the
ter wall of the ischio-rectal fossa, where it constructs the pudendal
rial. The under aspect of the arcus tendineus affords extensive
[gin to the levator ani muscle.
Visceral Portion of the Pelvic Fascia. —The visceral portion is
stined to support the lower part of the bladder, seminal vesicles,
rminal portions of the vasa deferentia, prostate gland, and rectum,
is a laminar offshoot of the parietal portion, from which it springs
mg the arcus tendineus. Though, however, this is its principal
urce, it has an independent origin anteriorly on either side of the
ddle line from the posterior aspect of the body of the os pubis near
e lower part of the symphysis. In this latter situation it lies a little
ove the attachment of the parietal portion, the anterior fibres of the
rator ani taking origin from the portion of bone between the two
seise. Though the visceral portion forms one continuous sheet along
pelvic attachment, its ultimate disposition is so intricate that it is
nvenient to consider its arrangement under three divisions.
1. Opposite the bladder, seminal vesicle, and rectum. In this region
e visceral portion of the fascia passes inwards as far as the outer
rder of the seminal vesicle. In doing so it covers the upper surfaces of
e levator ani and coccgyeus, and is in turn covered by the peritoneum.
the outer border of the seminal vesicle it divides into three laminae—'per, middle, and lower. The upper or vesical lamina ascends upon
e lateral aspect of the bladder for a short distance, and ultimately
>es itself in the muscular tissue of the vesical wall. This portion at
ch side forms the lateral pubo-prostatic ligament of the bladder. The
ddle or recto-vesical lamina passes inwards between the base of the
idder and the rectum, and is continuous with the corresponding
nina of the opposite side. As it passes inwards it furnishes a sheath
the seminal vesicle and adjacent portion of the vas deferens, closely
'apping these structures to the base of the bladder. The lower or
3tal lamina descends upon the side of the rectum, and passes to its
sterior surface, where it is continuous with the rectal lamina of the
posite side.
2. Opposite the lateral aspect of the prostate gland. I11 this situa>n the visceral portion of the fascia also divides into three laminae
upper, middle, and lower. The upper or prostatic lamina passes
vards over the anterior surface of the prostate gland, and is congous with the prostatic lamina of the opposite side. The middle
recto-prostatic lamina passes inwards between the posterior surface
of the prostate gland and the rectum, and is continuous with
corresponding lamina of the opposite side. The lower or rectal lam
is unaltered in its disposition. The upper or prostatic and middle
recto-prostatic laminse furnish a stout sheath to the prostate gland.
3. Between the pubic bodies and the anterior aspect of the pros
gland. The portion of the visceral fascia in this region represe
the upper lamina in the other regions, and may be called the pu
prostatic lamina. It is arranged in the form of two stout cords, wb
are known as the medial pubo-prostatic ligaments or the anterior i
ligaments of the bladder. Each is attached anteriorly to the poste]
aspect of the body of the os pubis, near the lower part of the symphy
and a little above the attachment of the parietal portion of the pe]
fascia in this region, the anterior fibres of the levator ani taking ori
from the portion of bone between the two fasciae. As the cord -1
fascial bands pass backwards they are connected by a portion of
visceral fascia which covers the dorsal vein of the penis and lies deef
thus giving rise to a small pouch, which is capable of admitting ■
point of a finger. This pouch is filled with fat, which is continuous w
the retro-pubic pad of fat. The anterior portion of the visceral fas
lies upon the anterior surface of the prostate gland, and on reach
the bladder it passes forwards on its inferior surface, where it sc
disappears in the muscular tissue of the vesical wall. The mec
pubo-prostatic ligaments are largely composed of plain muscular tiss
which is derived from the longitudinal fibres on the inferior surface
the bladder as they pass to take attachment to the back of the bod
of the pubic bones on either side of the middle line. These fib
constitute the so-called pubo-vesical muscles.
Anal Fascia. —This very thin sheet of fascia is an offshoot fr<
the parietal pelvic fascia just below the white line and the origin
the levator ani. It closely covers the ischio-rectal surface of tl
muscle and of the coccygeus, upon which it descends to the region
the anus, where it blends with the aponeurotic investment of t
sphincter ani externus.
Sympathetic Plexuses in the Pelvis. —These are derived from t
hypogastric plexus, which is formed by the fusion of the two latei
strands of the aortic plexus after they have crossed the common ili
arteries. It is reinforced by branches from the ganglia of the lumb
sympathetic trunks, and is situated in front of the body of the fif
lumbar vertebra between the common iliac vessels. It is a lar£
flattened plexus, measuring about ij inches in breadth, and breaks 1
into two divisions, which form the right and left pelvic plexuses. Ea<
of these enters the pelvis on the inner side of the internal iliac arte
and takes up a position on the side of the rectum. The pelvic plexi
of each side is reinforced by branches from the upper one or two gangl
of the pelvic sympathetic trunk, and by spinal fibres from the anter!
primary divisions of the third and fourth sacral nerves (sometimes at
the second), there being very small ganglia at the places of junctio
From each plexus the following secondary plexuses are given off, whic
xompany the corresponding branches of the internal iliac artery:
aemorrhoidal, vesical, and prostatic, the latter being replaced in the
male by the vaginal and uterine plexuses.
Internal Iliac Artery. —This vessel arises from the common iliac
Dposite the sacro-iliac joint at the level of the lumbo-sacral joint,
id terminates opposite the upper border of the greater sciatic notch
y.dividing into an anterior and a posterior division. The length of
le vessel is about ij inches, and its direction is downwards and
Relations — Anterior. —The artery is covered by the peritoneum,
id the ureter descends over it. In front of the ureter are the ovary
id the fimbriated extremity of the uterine tube. The terminal part
i the ileum forms an anterior relation of the right vessel, whilst the
dvic colon is similarly related to the left. Posterior. —The vessel
‘sts chiefly upon its own vein, but near its origin it is placed over the
)mmencement of the common iliac vein. Behind the veins there are
le lumbo-sacral trunk and sacro-iliac joint. Lateral. —The psoas
tajor, with the intervention of the external iliac vein, and subsequently
le lateral wall of the pelvis, with the intervention of the obturator
srve. Medial. —The peritoneum.
Varieties. —The chief variety affects the length of the vessel. It may be
lorter or longer than usual, according as the common iliac is longer or shorter
lan normal, or according to the height at which the internal iliac ends in its
vo divisions.
Foetal Condition. —During foetal life the internal iliac is represented by the
mbilical artery, the size of which greatly exceeds that of the external iliac. The
mction of this artery is to carry the impure blood from the foetus to the placenta
: the mother. The umbilical artery passes forwards to the posterior surface of
le anterior wall of the abdomen, being crossed by the vas deferens. It then
scends to the lower part of the umbilicus, where it leaves the abdomen with its
llow. The two umbilical arteries, together with the umbilical vein, form the
mbilical cord, in which the arteries describe spiral coils around the vein. The
•teries convey the impure blood to the placenta, where it is purified, after which
is returned to the abdomen of the foetus by the umbilical vein. After birth,
lere being no further use for the placental circulation, the umbilical cord is tied,
id the child separated from the mother. The umbilical arteries become imperious, and each is converted into a fibrous cord. The obliteration, however, does
it involve the first i-J inches of the vessel, which persists as the internal iliac
rtery of the adult. Moreover, the proximal end of the fibrous cord representing
ie obliterated umbilical remains pervious also, and being connected with the
iterior division of the internal iliac, it furnishes the superior vesical artery or
"teries. This pervious portion lies along the side of the pelvis beneath the
eritoneum, where it is crossed by the vas deferens in the male and the ligatentum teres of the uterus in the female. The foetal umbilical artery gives off
ie inferior gluteal, which is the primitive main artery of the lower limb, until
ie external iliac, which becomes the femoral, is developed.
Branches.—These are subject to much variation. In normal
ases they arise from the two terminal divisions, anterior and posterior,
xne of them being parietal in their distribution, which will be indicated
y the letter P, whilst others are visceral, which will be indicated by
he letter V. The branches are as follows:
Anterior Division.
Umbilical (which gives
off superior vesical).
Inferior vesical.
Middle rectal.
Internal pudendal.
Inferior gluteal.
Posterior Division
Lateral sacral.
Superior gluteal.
In the female the inferior vesical artery may be replaced by t
vaginal, or the vaginal may be an independent branch; the uteri
artery is always a special branch.
Lateral J
Sacral \
„■ Left Common Iliac
Anterior Superioi
Iliac Spine
Internal Iliac
_- Ilio-lumbar
_Posterior Division
_External Iliac
Anterior Division
c • rrp
Inferior Gluteal
Sacro-spinous ^
Ligament A
Internal Pudendal'
Inferior Rectal
- - - ' Inferior Vesical
Deep Circumflex Iliac
Inferior Epigastric
....Obturator Nerve
-Obturator Artery
Obturator Vein
....Symphysis Pubis
Superficial Perineal ‘
Transverse Perineal
Dorsal Artery of Penis
Deep Artery of Penis
Artery of the Bulb
^ IG - 543 -—The Left Internal Iliac Artery and its Branches.
Anterior Division. — 1 he superior vesical artery (V) arises from th
pervious portion of the fibrous cord which represents the fcetal umbilica
artery, and at once breaks up into several twigs which frequently hav
independent origins. They are distributed to the upper portion of th
bladder, and anastomose with the vesical of the obturator, and th
mfeiior vesical of the same side, and with the superior vesical of th
opposite side. The superior vesical furnishes the following branches
urachal to the medial umbilical ligament; ureteric to the lower end c
L e ureter; and deferential (as a rule) to the vas deferens, though this
•anch may arise from the inferior vesical. The artery to the vas deferens,
tiich is usually of small size, divides into a descending and an ascendg branch. The descending branch passes downwards to supply the
npulla of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicle. The ascending
■anch accompanies the vas deferens through the deep inguinal ring
id inguinal canal into the scrotum, supplying the vas deferens, and
ving a few twigs to the tail of the epididymis, in which latter situation
anastomoses with the epididymal branch of the testicular artery,
i the spermatic cord it also anastomoses with the cremasteric branch
the inferior epigastric. The artery to the vas is sometimes of large
ze, and then takes the place of the testicular artery if that vessel
Lould be absent. One of the branches of the superior vesical artery is
unetimes spoken of as the middle vesical.
The inferior vesical artery (V) takes an inward course to the lower
)rtion of the bladder, which it supplies, giving branches to the seminal
isicle, ampulla of the vas deferens, and prostate gland, and in the
male to the vagina. It sometimes gives off the artery to the vas
derens, and it may give origin to an accessory pudendal. It anastooses with the superior vesical and middle rectal of its own side, and
ith its fellow of the opposite side.
The middle rectal artery (middle hsemorrhoidal artery) (V) often
'ises in common with the inferior vesical. It is distributed to the
ctum, and gives branches to the seminal vesicle, ampulla of the vas
derens, and prostate gland. The anastomoses which it establishes
'e with the superior rectal of the inferior mesenteric, the inferior
:ctal of the internal pudendal, the inferior vesical of its own side, and
s fellow of the opposite side.
The obturator artery (P) passes along the outer wall of the pelvic
ivity on its way to the obturator canal, lying between the parietal
dvic fascia and the peritoneum. It has the obturator nerve above
, and its own vein below it. In entering the obturator canal, by which
emerges from the pelvis, the artery does not pierce the parietal pelvic
; scia, but passes over its upper border, where that joins the upper part
• the obturator membrane. As the artery passes along the pelvic wall
furnishes the following branches: muscular to the obturator internus ;
iac to the iliac fossa, which supplies the bone, psoas major, and iliacus,
id anastomoses with the iliac branch of the ilio-lumbar; vesical, which
caches the side of the bladder within the lateral false ligament; and
ubic to the back of the body of the os pubis, where it anastomoses with
ie pubic branch of the inferior epigastric from the external iliac, and
s fellow of the opposite side.
For the distribution of the obturator artery outside the pelvis,
P- 589
The obturator artery sometimes arises from the inferior epigastric
iee P. 566).
The internal pudendal artery (internal pudic artery) (P) is one of
ie terminal branches of the anterior division. It descends with the
inferior gluteal artery upon the pyriforrnis and sacral nerves, a
emerges from the pelvis through the lower compartment of the grea
sciatic foramen, having previously pierced the parietal pelvic fas(
The intrapelvic branches of the vessel are unimportant, and are c
tributed to the pyriforrnis, coccygeus, obturator internus, and pel
fascia. For the further course and distribution of the artery, see 1
gluteal region and the perineum, pp. 539 and 686.
The inferior gluteal artery (sciatic artery) (P) is the other and lap
terminal branch of the anterior division. It descends, usually behi
the internal pudendal, upon the pyriforrnis and sacral nerves, a
emerges from the pelvis through the lower compartment of the grea
sciatic foramen, having previously pierced the parietal pelvic fasc
Within the pelvis the artery gives off branches to the pyriforrnis, levai
ani, coccygeus, rectum, bladder, seminal vesicle, and prostate glar
Although very variable in their origin and course, the inferior gluti
artery as it runs backwards frequently passes between the anter:
primary divisions of the first and second sacral nerves and the interi
pudendal between those of the second and third sacral nerves.
For the extrapelvic course and distribution of the vessel, see p. 5'
Posterior Division. —The ilio-lumbar artery (P) passes upwards a:
outwards in front of the sacro-iliac articulation, between the lurnt
sacral trunk and obturator nerve. In its course it passes behind t
external iliac, or, it may be, the common iliac, vessels, and also behi]
the psoas major and iliacus. On reaching the back part of the ili
fossa it divides into two branches, iliac and lumbar. The iliac brant
passing transversely, ramifies in the iliacus and ilium, and anastomos
with the iliac branch of the obturator and branches of the deep circui
flex iliac from the external iliac. The lumbar branch ascends benea
the psoas major on to the quadratus lumborum, where it anastomos
with the terminal part of the deep circumflex iliac, and the last lumb
of the abdominal aorta. In its course it furnishes a spinal branch, whi<
enters the vertebral canal through the intervertebral foramen betwe^
the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae, to be distributed in a mann
similar to the other spinal arteries.
The lateral sacral arteries (P) are usually two in number, superi
and inferior. They course downwards and inwards to the front
the lateral mass of the sacrum, passing in front of the pyriforrnis ar
sacral nerves. Upon the sacrum both arteries lie lateral to the anterf
sacral foramina, the superior being confined to the region of the fir
two foramina, whilst the inferior descends as low as the coccyx, whe:
it anastomoses with the median sacral artery. They are distributf
to the pyriforrnis and sacral nerves, and furnish spinal branches, whic
enter the anterior sacral foramina, and so reach the sacral canal, whe]
they supply its contents. Each spinal branch, before entering tl
sacral canal, gives off a posterior branch, which emerges through tl
posterior sacral foramen, and anastomoses with branches of the superk
and inferior gluteal and internal pudendal. The lateral sacral arterk
anastomose with each other and with the median sacral.
The superior gluteal artery (P) is a large vessel, which is the connation of the posterior division. It is destined for the supply of the
iteal region, and lies within the pelvis for a very short distance. Its
■ection is backwards through the parietal pelvic fascia, and between
3 lumbo-sacral trunk and the anterior primary division of the first
:ral nerve, its escape from the pelvis being through the upper comrtment of the greater sciatic fordfaten. The branches of the artery
thin the pelvis are unimportant.
For the extrapelvic course and distribution of the vessel, see p. 536.
The branches of the internal iliac, with one exception, have to
irce the pelvic fascia. The exception is the obturator artery, which,
stated, passes over the upper border of the parietal pelvic fascia at
e obturator canal.
Internal Iliac Vein. —This vessel results from the union of tributaries
lich correspond, for the most part, with branches of the internal
ic artery. The ilio-lumbar vein, however, is an exception, inasmuch
it is a tributary of the common iliac vein. Moreover, during foetal
3 the umbilical vein, which corresponds to the umbilical artery, passes
the liver after entering the abdomen of the foetus. The internal iliac
in extends from the upper part of the greater sciatic notch to the
:ro-iliac articulation on a level with the pelvic brim, where it joins
e external iliac, and so the common iliac vein is formed. In its course
lies behind the corresponding artery. There are no valves in the vein
elf, but its branches are freely provided with them.
The internal iliac vein is developed from the lower part of the cardinal
Internal Iliac Lymphatic Glands. —These glands are about ten in
mber, and are associated with the origins of the branches of the
ternal iliac artery. They are arranged in a curve, which usually
gins in front in a gland situated between the obliterated umbilical
d obturator arteries, and then is formed in succession by uterine
prostatic, inferior gluteal and internal pudendal, middle rectal,
perior gluteal and sacral glands. They are situated immediately
ider the peritoneum, between it and the parietal layer of pelvic fascia,
though occasionally some of them may be formed lateral to this
The afferent vessels of the internal iliac glands return lymph from
e parts supplied by the branches of the internal iliac artery. Thus,
ey receive afferent vessels from the following parts:
1. The anal canal, but not the anal margin.
2. Lower part of the rectum.
3- Bladder.
4- Seminal vesicle and vas deferens.
5 - Prostate gland.
6. Prostatic, membranous, and bulbar portions of the urethra,
7 - Uterus (cervix).
8. Vagina.
9. Deep structures of gluteal region, supplied by superior glu
10. Deep structures of upper part of back of thigh, supplied
inferior gluteal artery.
11. Obturator region.
12. Deep structures of perineum.
The efferent vessels of the internal iliac glands pass to the mic
group of common iliac glands.
Anterior Primary Divisions of the Sacral and Coccygeal Ner
—There are five sacral nerves and one coccygeal nerve on either s
The anterior primary divisions of the first four sacral nerves enter
pelvis through the anterior sa<
foramina, and that of the fifth sa<
passes between the inferior lab
angle of the sacrum and the trt
verse process of the first coc
geal vertebra, through the coccyg
muscle. The anterior primary d
sion of the coccygeal nerve enl
the pelvis below the transverse j:
cess of the first coccygeal verte
through the coccygeus muscle. '
first and second sacral nerves
of large size, and their course
obliquely downwards and outwai
Beyond the second they dimin
rapidly in size, and pass more h<
zontally. They receive grey rz
communicantes from the adjao
ganglia of the pelvic sympathy
trunk, and the third and fou]
nerves (sometimes also the secoi
furnish white rami communican
to the corresponding pelvic plex
The anterior primary divisions of 1
first and second sacral nerves divi
each into an anterior or ventral and a posterior or dorsal bran<
dhe anterior primary division of the third sacral nerve divides ir
an upper and a lower branch and is known as the nervus bigemin\
The anterior primary division of the fourth sacral nerve also divic
into an upper and a lower branch, and it is known as a nervus furcal
The lumbo-sacral trunk in two divisions, ventral and dorsal, the anted
primary divisions c>f the first two sacral nerves, the upper and low
branches of the third sacral, and the small upper branch of the four
sacral form the sacral plexus, whilst the large lower branch of the four
sacral, the fifth sacral, and the coccygeal form the coccygeal plexus.
Sacral Plexus. —This plexus, formed as stated, is a large flatten
mass, lying upon the pyriformis muscle, and behind the parietal pel\
Fig. 544.— Plan of Position of
Structures lying on the Front
of the Sacrum.
LSA, lateral sacral arteries; MSA,
middle sacral arteries; C, coccygeal ganglion ; SS lig., sacrospinous ligament.
cia, which separates it from the inferior gluteal and pudendal vessels.
3 mass ultimately forms two bands, upper and lower. The upper
sciatic band, which is the larger of the two, receives the lumbo-sacral
nk, first sacral, larger portion of the second sacral, and upper branch
the third sacral nerves. It is flat and somewhat triangular, and is
itinued into the sciatic nerve, whjch leaves the pelvis through the
r er part of the greater sciatic foramen below the pyriformis without
rcing the parietal pelvic fascia. The upper band and its contributory
ves are sometimes spoken of as the sciatic plexus . The lower or
^ IG - 545-— A, The Sacral Plexus; B, The Sacro-Coccygeal Plexus.
c > 1 , 1 . Nerve to Quadratus Femoris 4 .S. Fourth Sacral, giving a Branch to Sacral Plexus
l > 2 > 2 - Nerve to Obturator Internus V. Visceral Branches
b 3> 3- Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh M. Muscular Branches
T.C. Terminal Cutaneous Branches
endal band, the smaller of the two, receives fibres from the second
er branch of the third, and upper branch of the fourth sacral nerves,
^ is continued into the pudendal nerve, which leaves the pelvis, like the
tic, through the lower compartment of the greater sciatic foramen
hout piercing the parietal pelvic fascia. The lower band and its
tributory nerves are sometimes spoken of as the pudendal plexus.
' sciatic and pudendal nerves are thus the terminal branches of the
r al plexus. The reason of the name nervus bigeminus, as applied to
third sacral nerve, is because it enters into the sciatic band by its
)er branch, and into the pudendal band by its lower branch.
Branches. —The branches of the sacral plexus are arranged in
groups—collateral and terminal.
Collateral Group. —The branches of this group form three sel
visceral, muscular, and cutaneous.
Visceral Branches. —These are derived from the third sacral
that part of the fourth which enters into the sacral plexus (someti:
also from the second). They are white rami communicantes, wl
reinforce the pelvic plexus of the sympathetic, a few of them b(
traceable independently to the pelvic viscera. They are known as
pelvic splanchnics.
Muscular Branches .—The superior gluteal nerve arises by< tl
roots from the dorsal divisions of the descending branch of the for
lumbar, fifth lumbar, and first sacral nerves. It passes outwards
backwards, and leaves the pelvis with the superior gluteal artery thro
the upper compartment of the greater sciatic foramen, to be distribr
to the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fasciae latae muse
The inferior gluteal nerve arises by three roots from the do
divisions of the fifth lumbar and first and second sacral nerves,
leaves the pelvis through the lower compartment of the greater sci
foramen, below the pyriformis and dorsal to the sciatic nerve, to
distributed to the gluteus maximus. It is usually intimately associa
with the posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh.
The nerves to the pyriformis, which are usually two in numl
spring from the dorsal divisions of the first and second sacral nerve
The nerve to the obturator internus and gemellus superior ar
by three roots from the ventral divisions of the fifth lumbar and t
and second sacral nerves. It leaves the pelvis through the lo
compartment of the greater sciatic foramen, crosses the back of
ischial spine, where it lies lateral to the internal pudendal vessels, ;
then passes through the lesser sciatic foramen to the outer wall of
ischio-rectal fossa, where it enters the inner or pelvic surface of
obturator internus. In the gluteal region it gives a branch to
gemellus superior when that muscle is present.
The nerve to the quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior arises
three roots from the ventral divisions of the descending brand]
the fourth lumbar, fifth lumbar, and first sacral nerves. It leaves
pelvis through the lower compartment of the greater sciatic foran
and then lies between the ischium and the sciatic nerve. It s
sequently descends over the back of the capsular ligament of the 1
joint, to which it usually gives a branch, and beneath the gemelli;
obturator internus to the deep surface of the quadratus femoriSj
which it ends, having previously given a branch of the gemellus infer
Cutaneous Branches .—The posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh (sr
sciatic nerve) arises by three roots from the posterior aspects of
first, second, and third sacral nerves. It leaves the pelvis through
lower compartment of the greater sciatic foramen, and is distribu
to (i) the lower and outer part of the gluteal region by its glui
cutaneous branches, (2) the skin of the scrotum by the long perir
93 i
rve, (3) the skin of the back of the thigh, and (4) the skin of the back
the leg as low as about the centre of the calf.
The perforating cutaneous nerve arises by two roots from the
sterior aspects of the second and third sacral nerves. It passes
ckwards through the sacro-tuberous ligament, after which it turns
and the lower border of the glutefis maximus near the coccyx to be
stributed to the skin over the lower and inner part of that muscle.
Terminal Group. —This group is comprised of two nerves—namely,
e sciatic and the pudendal.
The sciatic nerve is the continuation of the upper or sciatic band of
e sacral plexus. In reality it is made up of the two divisions in which
ultimately ends—namely, the lateral and medial popliteal—which lie
>se together within the same sheath. Sometimes, however, these two
visions arise separately from the sacral plexus, in which cases the
:eral popliteal nerve may pass through the pyriformis. Again,
ough the sciatic nerve may be apparently single, a careful dissection
it, after the removal of its sheath, will reveal the lateral and medial
pliteal nerves, which can be shown to have independent origins. The
;eral popliteal nerve derives its fibres from the dorsal divisions of the
scending branch of the fourth lumbar, fifth lumbar, and first and
:ond sacral nerves; and the medial popliteal nerve derives its fibres
>m the ventral divisions of the foregoing nerves, and in addition from
e upper branch of the third sacral.
The sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis through the lower compartment
the greater sciatic foramen below the pyriformis.
The pudendal nerve (pudic nerve) is the continuation of the lower
pudendal band of the sacral plexus. It arises by three roots from
e ventral division of the second, the lower branch of the third, and
e upper branch of the fourth sacral, the root from the third being
e largest. The nerve leaves the pelvis through the lower compartsnt of the greater sciatic foramen, crosses the back of the ischial
ine, where it lies medial to the internal pudendal vessels, passes
rough the lesser sciatic foramen, and then traverses the outer wall of
e ischio-rectal fossa. Having given off the inferior haemorrhoidal
rve, it divides into the perineal and dorsal nerve of penis, which
th the internal pudic vessels are contained in the pudendal canal.
The sacral plexus and its branches being situated behind the parietal
fvic fascia, the branches do not pierce the fascia as they leave the
Ivis. The branches of the internal iliac artery, on the other hand,
ing placed in front of the parietal pelvic fascia, have to pierce it,
th the single exception of the obturator artery.
Coccygeal Plexus. —The nerves which form the plexus are the
wer branch of the anterior primary division of the fourth sacral, the
terior primary division of the fifth sacral, and the anterior primary
vision of the coccygeal nerve. The upper branch of the fourth sacral
ters the pudendal band of the sacral plexus, and the fourth sacral
therefore a nervus fur calls, inasmuch as it gives a branch to the sacral
exus and one to the coccygeal plexus. Before entering the coccygeal
plexus the lower branch of the fourth sacral nerves gives off visce:
and muscular branches. The visceral branches for the most part re:
force the pelvic plexus of the sympathetic as white rami commu:
cantes, but a few of them pass independently to the pelvic visce:
The muscular branches supply the levator ani, coccygeus, and sphincl
ani externus. The branch to the latter muscle reaches the perinei
either by piercing the coccygeus, or by passing between it and t
levator ani, and besides supplying the external sphincter, it gi\
branches to the skin between the coccyx and the anus. The nerve
known as the perineal branch of the fourth sacral. The lower bran
of the fourth sacral nerve, having parted with the foregoing offse
descends upon the coccygeus, where it joins the fifth sacral, which h
just entered the pelvis through that muscle. The conjoined nerve n<
descends, and is soon reinforced by the coccygeal nerve, which a]
enters the pelvis by piercing the coccygeus. In this manner t
coccygeal plexus is formed. It lies at the lower part of the posted
wall of the pelvis upon the coccygeus, and the nervous loop takes
downward course. Subsequently it divides into several twigs, whi
leave the pelvis by piercing the coccygeus, the sacro-spinous ligamei
and the adjacent portion of the gluteus maximus to be distributed
the skin over the coccyx.
Ureters. —The ureter of each side, having crossed the terminati
of the common iliac, or the commencement of the external iliac artei
enters the pelvis. It then passes downwards, describing a curve wi
its convexity backwards and outwards, lying in front of the interr
iliac artery. It next runs along the outer wall of the pelvis, lyi:
beneath the peritoneum, and crossing medially the obturator vess<
and nerve, and the obliterated umbilical artery. It subsequent
passes inwards to the bladder, being crossed medially by the vas deferer
Haying arrived at the lateral or ureteric angle of the bladder, it pass
obliquely through the vesical wall anterior to the upper free end of t
seminal vesicle, being here about 2 inches distant from its fellow, ai
about 1 \ inches from the base of the prostate gland.
Bladder. —The bladder, when empty, or only moderately d:
tended, lies entirely within the cavity of the pelvis. When, howeve
it is fully distended, the apical part of the viscus rises above the le\
of the symphysis pubis into the hypogastric region of the abdonn
for at least 2 inches, and in cases of marked over-distension it may rea<
to the umbilicus, or even higher. The bladder, therefore, has to 1
considered under two aspects—namely, when empty or only moderate
distended, and when fully distended.
The bladder, when empty or moderately distended , is triangular, ai
presents the following component parts: an apex, a base, and a bod
the latter presenting a superior surface, two inferior lateral surface
two lateral borders, a posterior border, an antero-median border, ai
two lateral angles.
The apex is directed forwards, and lies behind the upper part of t]
symphysis pubis. It has connected with it the median umbilic
lament representing the urachus , which ascends on the posterior
rface of the anterior abdominal wall to the lower part of the umlicus. The base or fundus is directed backwards and downwards
wards the rectum, from which it is separated by the seminal vesicles
id terminal portions of the vasa deferentia, and the recto-vesical
mina of the visceral portion of the pelvic fascia. The base is separated
Dm the superior surface by the posterior border, and from each
unded inferior lateral surface by a slight elevation, which extends
Dm the lateral or ureteric angle of either side to the urethral opening,
le superior surface is three-sided and slightly convex. It is usually
lated to a few coils of the small intestine, and a loop or two of the
lvic colon. The inferior lateral surfaces , which are convex, rest
d. 546.—Showing the Internal Trigone of the Bladder and the Relations of the Vas Deferens (DD), Ureter, etc., in its Neighbourhood.
'On (1) the symphysis pubis and the adjacent portions of the posterior
rfaces of the bodies of the pubic bones, (2) the retro-pubic pad of
“» ( 3 ) the medial pubo-prostatic ligaments, (4) the fasciae covering
e u pper part of the obturator internus muscle and the upper surface
the levator ani, and (5) the prostate gland. The lateral borders start
)m the apex, whence they pass backwards in a diverging manner, and
ch marks the separation between the superior surface and the correonding inferior lateral surface. Posteriorly each lateral border meets
e posterior border. The posterior border extends transversely beeen the superior surface and the base. At either end it is joined by
s lateral border. The lateral or ureteric angles are situated on either
e at the junction of the lateral with the posterior border. At these
gles the ureters pass through the vesical wall (Fig. 546). At its
most dependent point the bladder is continuous with the uretl
There is, however, no contraction of the bladder at or near this poi
in other words, no neck.
The external trigone is the name given to a limited triangular sp
upon the exterior of the base, which is bounded as follows: above,
the bottom of the recto-vesical pouch of peritoneum; laterally, by
ampulla of the vas deferens, lateral to which is the seminal vesic
and below, by the approximation of the ejaculatory ducts at the b
of the prostate gland. The length of the space from the apex be]
to the base above is, as a rule, fully i inch, but its breadth is limi
by the encroachment upon it of the ampullae of the vasa deferen
There is no peritoneum over this region.
The Bladder during Distension and when fully distended. —As
bladder becomes distended very little alteration takes place in a doi,
ward direction. The
Left Ureter
Line of
Reflection of-'
External Trigone''
Ejaculatory Duct
of Right Side
marcations between i
component parts of i
viscus gradually disappe
and it becomes ovoid. 1
apex appears above 1
symphysis pubis, and
the organ increases in s
the apex and the super
portion of the body asce
into the hypogastrium
such a manner as to st:
off the parietal peritonei
from the back of the lin
alba. In this way a p<
tion of the original inferi
lateral surface, devoid
Fig. 547. —Dissection of the Base of . . , , .
Bladder, showing the Seminal Vesicles, peritoneum, is brought in
Vasa Deferentia, and External Trigone, direct contact with t
back of the linea all
which is now also free from peritoneal covering. A distended bladd
may therefore be punctured or opened through the linea alba abo
the symphysis pubis without doing any injury to the peritoneui
The bladder is now becoming spheroidal, and its long axis is direct
downwards and backwards. The part which rises highest is not t
original urachal apex, but that part of the superior surface which
immediately adjacent to, and behind, the apex.
Peritoneal Relations. —The only part of the bladder which is coven
by peritoneum is the superior surface. The peritoneum is reflect!
from the apex along the urachus, and at either side it leaves the org;
along the lateral border. When the bladder is distended the latei
reflection of peritoneum appears to take place along the course of t;
obliterated umbilical artery, but this is due to the lateral distensh
and elevation of the viscus, the obliterated umbilical itself lying aloi
outer wall of the pelvis. For the structure and development of
bladder, see pp. 949 and 955.
Vas Deferens in the Pelvis. —The vas deferens enters the abdomen
)ugh the deep inguinal ring, where it lies on the inner side of the
er constituents of the spermatic cord.- It then hooks round the
er side of the inferior epigastric artery, and having crossed the
ernal iliac vessels from without inwards, it dips down on the inner
; of the external iliac vein. In this way it enters the pelvis under
er of the peritoneum. It now passes backwards and downwards
>n the lateral wall, crossing median to the obliterated umbilical
ery, the ureter, and the obturator vessels and nerve. It is then
Symph. Pub.
Fig. 548. —Transverse Section through Last Piece of Sacrum
(after Symington).
ected inwards to the inner aspect of the upper end of the seminal
side, whence it passes downwards, inwards, and forwards along the
se of the bladder, where it lies close to the inner side of the seminal
side. This part of the vas deferens, which comes very near its fellow,
lilated and sacculated, like the adjacent seminal vesicle, and is known
the ampulla. Close to the base of the prostate gland the sacculans disappear, and the duct, having become very narrow, is joined
the outer side at an acute angle by the duct of the seminal vesicle, and
the ejaculatory duct is formed, which will be presently described.
t the structure and development of the vas deferens, see pp. 737
d 753
Seminal Vesicles. —These are two in number, right and left, and
between the base of the bladder and the rectum. They are sacculat
reservoirs for the seminal fluid, and each is conical, being about 2 incl
long, and about J inch broad at the widest part. The broad end
free, and looks upwards, outwards, and backwards. It is covei
posteriorly in its upper part by the peritoneum, which forms the rec
vesical pouch, while anterior to it is the ureter as that is about to p;
through the bladder. The upper ends of the two seminal vesicles ;
wide apart, and the bottom of the recto-vesical pouch descends betwf
Bulb of Corp.
V. Def.
Fig. 549.—Median Sagittal Section through Male Pelvis.
them for a short distance. The lower end of each, which is nari
and free from sacculations, approaches its fellow, the vasa deferer
intervening. This lower end represents the duct, which, as stat
joins the vas deferens at an acute angle close to the base of the prost
gland, and so gives rise to the ejaculatory duct. For the struct
and development of the seminal vesicles, see p. 958.
Ejaculatory Ducts. —These are two in number, right and left. E«
is formed by the union of the duct of the seminal vesicle with the
deferens close to the base of the prostate gland; it is about 1 inch
ngth. The two ducts pass downwards, forwards, and inwards through
e prostate gland between the middle and lateral lobes, and each enters
e lateral wall of the prostatic utricle to terminate in a minute aperture
i the lateral margin of the opening of the prostatic utricle. For the
ructure and development of the ejaculatory ducts, see p. 955.
Prostate Gland. —This gland surrounds the first ij inches of the
ethra. It is firm in consistence, and in shape and colour resembles
chestnut—that is to say, it is conical and of a reddish-brown colour,
is subject to much variety in size, but its average measurements
ay be stated as follows: the transverse diameter at the base is about
inches; the vertical diameter from base to apex is about ij inches;
Sperm. Cord Corp. Cavern.
t \
/ \ >
Coccyx Rectum
Fig. 550 -—Transverse Section at Level of Coccyx (after Symington).
id the antero-posterior diameter is about f inch. The average weight
: the organ is about \\ drachms.
The gland is situated fully ij inches from the anus, and its anterior
irface is about f inch below and behind the lower part of the symphysis
ubis. It presents a base, an apex, a posterior or rectal surface, an
iterior or pubic surface, and two lateral surfaces. The base, which
directed upwards, surrounds the urethra, and is intimately connected
ith the vesical wall. Notwithstanding this, however, there is a supernal line of demarcation between the two, which takes the form of an
mular groove, occupied by a portion of the prostatic venous plexus,
be ejaculatory ducts enter the base close to the upper part of the
asterior or rectal surface, where there is a small transverse cleft
died the prostatic fissure. The apex is directed downwards, and is
the most dependent part of the organ. It is in contact with the super
layer of the perineal membrane. The posterior or rectal surface is f
and triangular. It is directed backwards and slightly downwar
and is set upon the anterior wall of the rectum, from which it is separal
by the recto-prostatic lamina of the visceral portion of the pelvic fast
This surface is accessible to manipulation on introducing the finger ir
the anal canal, and carrying it up for fully ij inches. The anterior
pubic surface, which is convex, is so much projected as to be really
anterior round border which separates the two lateral surfaces. Itl
about § inch behind the lower part of the symphysis pubis, from wh:
it is separated by a portion of the prostatic venous plexus, the ret
pubic pad of fat, and the medial pubo-prostatic ligaments. 1
anterior surface projects between the anterior borders of the levato
ani muscles. The lateral surfaces are convex, and stand out in 1
relief. Each is embraced by the anterior fibres of the correspond]
levator ani, which constitute the so-called levator prostatae muse
When an accessory pudendal artery is present it passes over the late
surface, and might be endangered in lateral lithotomy.
The gland is usually regarded as composed of three lobes, t 1
lateral and a middle, but, though the middle lobe can usually
demarcated without much difficulty, there is no external indicati
of any separation between the lateral lobes. The lateral lobes foi
the chief bulk of the gland, and they meet and become continuous
front of and behind the prostatic portion of the urethra, forming t
anterior and posterior commissures. The middle lobe represents tl
part of the basal portion of the gland which is wedged in between t
ejaculatory ducts and prostatic utricle behind and the urethra in fra
and which lies just below the apex of the trigonum vesicse. It is i:
portant to note that the middle lobe lies behind the commencement
the urethra. It is liable to become hypertrophied in old age, and m
then produce undue elevation of the uvula vesicae in the interior of t
bladder, which is a natural product of it. In this manner, by blocki
the internal orifice of urethra, it may not only give rise to difficulty
micturition, but may also obstruct catheterization.
The prostate gland is traversed by the first i J inches of the ureth:
The ejaculatory ducts are also contained within the gland, in which th
pass downwards and inwards between the middle and lateral lob'
For the structure and development of the prostate gland, see pp. 9
and 960.
Urethra. —The male urethra commences at the internal orifice
urethra of the bladder, and terminates at the extremity of the gla
penis in a vertical fissure, called the external orifice of urethra. It
about 8 inches in length, and is divided into three portions, whit
from the bladder outwards, are called prostatic, membranous, a
spongy. The prostatic and membranous portions constitute t
non-penile part of the canal, and the spongy portion, being contain
within the corpus spongiosum of the penis, represents the per
rhe prostatic portion of the urethra is the part of the canal which
ontained within the prostate gland. It is inches in length,
its course is almost vertical, there being a slight curve with the
:avity directed forwards. It is spindle-shaped, being wider at the
;re than at either end, and at its upper or vesical end it is rather
sr than at the lower end. Its diameter at the centre, which is the
est part of the entire canal, is rather more than ^ inch; at the upper
r esical end it is rather less than this, and at the lower end it is still
. This portion of the urethra, though surrounded by the -prostate
id, is the most dilatable part of the whole canal. Close to the
Ider, however, it usually offers some resistance to the passage of an
rument. Its walls are anterior and posterior, the latter being often
ken of as the floor. These walls are in contact with each other,
spt during the passage of fluid, and the mucous membrane is thrown
) longitudinal folds. The posterior wall presents along the middle
Median Umbilical Ligament
ig. 551.—Section of the Bladder and Penis to show the Urethra.
i a prominent narrow elevation of the mucous membrane, called the
thral crest (verumontanum). It is about f inch long, and comnces either a little below the urethral orifice of the bladder or at the
r er end of the uvula vesicas. As it descends it gradually becomes
re prominent, assuming a height of about J inch, and then rapidly
>sides. It is due to a thickening of the submucous tissue, which
lses an elevation of the mucous membrane. On account of this protion a transverse section of this portion of the urethra is curved or
scentic, with the convexity directed forwards. On either side of the
st there is a longitudinal groove, called the prostatic sinus, into which
^ majority of the prostatic ducts open. A few of these ducts, howT from the middle lobe open in the median line above the crest, or,
he crest commences at the lower end of the uvula vesicae, upon its
per part. Immediately below the most prominent part of the crest
*e is the opening of a small blind recess, called the prostatic utricle
(sinus pocularis). Its direction is upwards and backwards behind t'
middle lobe of the prostate, and it is from £ to J inch in length. It
somewhat flask-shaped, being narrow at its urethral orifice, but e
panded at its deep csecal end. It may extend beyond the prostate ai
is sometimes bifid. Upon the lateral margins of its orifice are the minu
openings of the ejaculatory ducts. The utricle represents the uter
and vagina in the female, being developed from the fusion of the posted
or caudal ends of the para-mesonephric ducts.
When the middle lobe of the prostate becomes hypertrophied
blocks the urethral orifice of the bladder, as has been stated, by press!
the uvula vesicae over it from behind, and so gives rise to difficulty
micturition, and obstructs catheterization. When both lateral lob
become uniformly hypertrophied, the prostatic portion of the ureth
undergoes increase in length. When only one lateral lobe is involv
in the hypertrophy it presses against the urethra, and, producing d
tortion of the canal, gives rise to difficulty in micturition, and oft
considerable obstruction in catheterization.
Structure. —The mucous membrane of the prostatic urethra
surrounded externally by the inner circular muscular fibres of t
prostate, and is covered internally by transitional epithelium.
The membranous portion of the urethra si;cceeds to the prostai
portion, and extends from the apex of the prostate gland to the coi
mencement of the spongy portion. It is contained, for the most pa:
between the two layers of the perineal membrane, but it also exten
for a short distance (J inch) beyond the inferior layer of that structm
It is the shortest and narrowest part of the canal, with the except!
of the external orifice of urethra. Its length is £ inch along the anteri
wall, and J inch along the posterior, the difference being due to t
fact that the membranous urethra passes into the spongy part in
slanting manner at a point £ inch in front of the posterior extremi
of the bulb. The back part of the bulb projects backwards for £ in
over the posterior wall of the membranous urethra, and is here lyi
in front of the inferior layer of the perineal membrane. It is in tl
situation where a false passage is liable to be made in catheterizatic
partly because the walls are here very thin, and partly by reason
the backward extension of the posterior extremity of the bulb. T.
diameter of the membranous urethra is £ inch. It lies about i m
behind and below the inferior ligament of symphysis pubis, and ]
direction is downwards and slightly forwards. It describes a geni
curve, the concavity of which looks forwards and upwards towards t
lower part of the symphysis pubis. As the membranous urethra pass
through the superior layer of the perineal membrane, which is form
by the parietal pelvic fascia, the fascia is prolonged upwards to foi
part of the capsule of the prostate gland. Moreover, as it pierces t
inferior layer of the perineal membrane about i inch below the syi
physis pubis, it carries with it a prolongation from the margins of t
urethral opening, which forms a fascial investment for the bulb, h
tween the two layers of the perineal membrane the membranous ureth
94 1
irrounded by the fibres of the sphincter urethrae muscle, and the
o-urethral glands lie behind it, one on either side of the middle
Structure. —External to the mucous membrane there is a layer of
tile tissue, and outside this there is a layer of circularly-disposed
1 muscular fibres,
:h are continuous I "* e ™ laic: vesic*
/e with the circular Bell’s Muscle I ; Left Ureteric Opening
cular fibres of the
itate around the proic urethra. External
his, again, there are
sphincter fibres of
sphincter urethrae,
mucous membrane is
ned by columnar epium. The membranportion of the urethra
ransverse section pre:s the appearance of
ircular opening, the
len of which is
iched, this being due
the longitudinal folds
• which the mucous
nbrane is thrown.
The spongy portion of
urethra succeeds to
membranous portion,
is contained within
corpus spongiosum of
penis, and extends
n a point \ inch in
it of the posterior exility of the bulb and
the inferior layer of
perineal membrane
the external orifice of
thra on the extremity
the glans penis. It is
nit 6 inches in length, External Orifice of Urethra
1 its calibre is unequal Fig
oughout. It presents
i dilatations, one situated in the bulb, the intrabulbar fossa (which
•resents about the first ij inches of the corpus spongiosum), and
; other in the glans penis, the latter being called the terminal
sa (fossa navicularis). The intrabulbar fossa is about ij inches in
gth, whilst the terminal fossa is about J inch long. The diameter
-Opening of Utricle
Prostate Gland in Section (showing Prostatic Portion of Urethra)
-Membranous Portion of Urethra
Bulbo-urethral Gland of Left Side
Left Half of Bulb of Urethra
Left Crus Penis
Openings of Ducts of Bulbourethral Glands
-Spongy Portion of Urethra
- [-Left Corpus Cavernosum
-Urethral Glands and Lacunas
-Terminal Fossa
-Left Half of Glans Penis
-The Interior of the Male Urethra.
94 2
of that part of the spongy urethra which intervenes between the in
bulbar fossa and the terminal fossa is about J inch. At the extei
orifice of urethra the calibre of the canal is diminished, this being
narrowest part of the entire canal. The spongy portion at its o
mencement is directed forwards for a short distance, and then be
downwards. It thus describes a curve, which is situated about 2 inc
from its commencement, the concavity being directed downwa:
This curve is fixed, and corresponds with the angle of the penis, the sit
tion of which is immediately in front of the penile attachment of
suspensory ligament, where drooping of the organ takes place,
walls of the spongy part of the urethra are in contact, except dui
the passage of fluid. A transverse section of it, except in the gk
presents a transverse slit with anterior and posterior lips. In the gk
however, the slit is vertical with its lips laterally disposed. At
upper end of the terminal fossa—that is, the end most remote from
external orifice of urethra-—the vertical slit is modified by the addil
of a short transverse slit, and so presents the shape of an inverted
as follows, J_.
Structure. —The mucous membrane of the spongy portion is j
vided with elastic tissue, and is very vascular. It is covered
columnar epithelium , except in the glans, where it is of the strati
squamous variety. Outside the mucous membrane is the subrnuc
coat, which contains two layers of plain muscular tissue—inner loi
tudinal and outer circular. External to the submucous coat ther
a plexus of veins, which forms part of the corpus spongiosum. '
mucous membrane contains both simple and compound mucous glar
called the urethral glands (glands of Littre), the openings of the dr
of which are studded over the surface. In addition to these there
other openings, which lead into small blind recesses, called the lacr
urethrales, these openings being directed forwards. One lacuna,
large size, called the lacuna magna, is situated on the roof of the fc
navicularis about 1 inch from the meatus urinarius. The muc
membrane which surrounds this lacuna is known as the valvule
Guerin. Besides the foregoing openings, the ducts of the bul
urethral glands open upon the floor of the bulbous portion of the uret.
about 1 inch in front of the inferior layer of the perineal membrane.
There is sometimes a congenital deficiency in the floor of the spoi
urethra, constituting the condition known as hypospadias. In ot
cases the deficiency may be on the roof, and it is then known
Lymphatics of the Male Urethra—Spongy Portion. —The lymphs
vessels of the spongy portion communicate with those of the glans £
with the deep lymphatics of the penis, and in part through this conn
tion drain to the deep inguinal and external iliac glands. Much of'
lymph, however, from this region drains into vessels which, accc
panying first the vessels of the bulb and later the internal pudic vess<
finally pass to the gland or glands of the internal iliac chain , which
situated near the origin of the internal pudendal artery.
ulbar and Membranous Portions. —The lymphatics of these portions
to (i) the internal iliac glands, and (2) the inner chain of the external
rostatic Portion. —The lymphatics of this portion join those of the
;ance of the prostate gland, and pass to (1) the middle chain of
xternal iliac glands, (2) the internal iliac glands, (3) the lateral
l glands, and (4) the inner group of the common iliac glands.
elvic Colon. —The pelvic colon succeeds to the iliac colon. It
nences at the inner border of the left psoas major just anterior to
jft sacro-iliac articulation, and terminates in front of the third sacral
ibra, where it becomes continuous with the rectum. It is very
ible in length, but measures on an average about 15 inches, and
lly lies in the pelvic cavity, resting upon the bladder and rectum,
ascending on either side of these viscera. It is surrounded by peri11m, which forms behind it an expanded wavy mesentery, called the
0 meso-colon, which contains between its two layers the branches
ie lower left colic arteries and the superior rectal artery, with the
jsponding veins. The root of this mesentery is composed of two
3, which become continuous at an acute angle. One limb takes an
ird course along the inner border of the psoas major, and the other
ss downwards over the sacral promontory to be attached to the
rior surfaces of the first three sacral vertebrae. At its extremities,
h are near each other, the mesentery is short, and the extremities of
pelvic colon are necessarily fixed. The intervening portion, how, is long, and so allows of considerable mobility on the part of the
ter portion of the attached gut. A very common course for the
ic colon to take is to pass from the left wall to the right wall of the
is, resting upon the bladder or uterus, then to pass backwards
wing the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity until it arrives at the
lie line, when it turns vertically downwards. A portion of it is
itimes met with in the abdominal cavity.
tructure. —The chief difference in the structure of the pelvic colon,
impared with the other divisions of the colon, affects the arranget of the longitudinal muscular fibres. Though arranged at first
iree taeniae, these gradually become disposed as two broad taeniae,
rior and posterior. When this has taken place, the longitudinal
s almost surround the gut, except along the sides, in which situa3 the usual sacculations are formed. Appendices epiploicae are met
over the pelvic colon.
Wood-supply. —The pelvic colon receives its arteries from the lower
colic arteries, which are branches of the inferior mesenteric. The
s pass to the inferior mesenteric vein, and ultimately into the
al vein.
die lymphatics pass to the left lower pre-aortic glands.
die nerves are derived from the inferior mesenteric sympathetic
tectum. —The rectum succeeds to the pelvic colon, and extends
1 the front of the third sacral vertebra to a point 1J inches in front of
and below the tip of the coccyx, where it pierces the pelvic diaphra^
and terminates in the anal canal. Its direction is at first downwa
and slightly backwards, then vertically downwards, and finally doi
wards and forwards. It is fully 5 inches in length, and its diameter
the most part is about ij inches in the empty state, but it becor
enlarged above the anal canal, this dilated part being called the ampi
recti. When empty, its anterior and posterior walls are in contact, c
in transverse section it appears as a transverse slit. The rectun
destitute of a mesentery. The peritoneum covers the upper th
laterally and anteriorly , but not posteriorly, the middle third be
covered by peritoneum only anteriorly , whilst the lower third is f
from serous covering. The level at which the peritoneum leaves 1
anterior surface of the rectum is usually about 3 inches above the an
opposite the body of the fifth sacral vertebra.
The rectum, so far from being straight in man, presents both ante
posterior and lateral curvatures. The antero-posterior flexures ;
two in number, upper and lower. The upper curve extends from 1
third sacral vertebra to the posterior or rectal surface of the prost;
gland, and its concavity is directed forwards. The lower curve, wh]
is abrupt, corresponds with the rectal surface of the prostate, its c(
cavity looking backwards, and containing the ano-coccygeal body. T
lateral flexures are of importance, because they tend to obstruct t
passage of instruments by giving rise to the rectal valves (Housto
These flexures are usually three in number—upper, middle, and low
The upper and lower flexures have their convexities directed towai
the right, whilst the middle flexure has its convexity directed towai
the left. In the concavities of these flexures the rectal wall becoir
inflected, and so gives rise to more or less prominent shelves of mucc
membrane, which are known as the rectal valves. The lateral infk
tions and resultant valves are associated with the erect posture of rm
which posture throws considerable pressure upon the anal aperture ai
its sphincter muscles. They are best marked in the distended recta
and the lateral flexures are brought about in the following manner: T
longitudinal muscular fibres of the rectum are rather shorter than t
gut to which they are applied. Moreover, they are principally dispos'
in two stout broad sheets, one on the anterior and the other on t.
posterior wall, there being very few longitudinal fibres along the latei
walls. The shortness of these longitudinal fibres therefore throws tl
rectum into lateral flexures on account of the sparseness of the lon£
tudinal fibres at the sides. These lateral flexures may be taken
representing the sacculations of the other parts of the colon.
Relations— Anterior. —The recto-vesical pouch of peritoneum f (
a short distance, usually containing coils of small intestine or of pelv
colon; the base of the bladder, seminal vesicles, and vasa deferentia, wf
the intervention of the recto-vesical lamina of the visceral pelvic fasci;
and the posterior or rectal surface of the prostate gland, with the inte
vention of the recto-prostatic lamina of the visceral pelvic fascia. J
the female the anterior relations are (1) the recto-uterine pouch
ritoneum (pouch of Douglas), with a few coils of small intestine or
dvic colon, in front of which are the posterior surface of the body of
e uterus and the upper part of the posterior wall of the vagina; and
) the greater portion of the posterior wall of the vagina. Posterior .—
le lower three sacral vertebrae, coccyx, levatores ani, and ano-coccygeal
idy; the median and lateral sacral vessels, sacral lymphatic glands,
cral nerves, and sacral sympathetic trunk. Behind the rectum there
a large amount of areolar tissue. Lateral .—The pelvic sympathetic
sxuses, levatores ani, and coccygei muscles, the lateral divisions of
e superior rectal artery, and the corresponding veins.
Anal Canal. —This is the terminal portion of the large intestine,
extends from the lower end of the rectum, where that has pierced
e pelvic diaphragm at a point correonding to the apex of the prostate
md, to the anus, and it is the part
rich is surrounded by the sphincter
uscles. It is about i-| inches in
igth, and its lateral walls are in
ntact, so that in transverse section
appears as an antero-posterior slit,
which respect it differs from the
ctum proper. Its direction is downirds and backwards, and its antero(sterior diameter is from \ to f inch.
Relations. — Anterior. —The bulb of
e penis, the base of the perineal
smbrane, and the membranous part
the urethra. In the female the
rineal body is anterior to it, and
parates it from the lower end of
e vagina. Posterior .—The ano-coccyal body. Lateral .—The fat of the
ririo-rectal fossae. The anal canal is
)sely guarded by muscles in the folding manner and to the following
tent: most internally is the sphincter
i internus continuous with the circular muscular fibres of the rest
the gut; outside this are the longitudinal muscular fibres markedly
enforced by the fibres of the levator ani, which here run longidinally; and most externally is the sphincter ani externus. For
e structure and development of the rectum and anal canal, see
Fig. 553.—Diagram of Structure of Rectum and Anal
L, C, longitudinal and circular
fibres of wall; the circular
fibres thicken below to form
the internal sphincter (IS) ;
ES, external sphincter; LA,
levator ani.
Parts felt per Rectum in Catheterization. —A catheter having been passed
k) the bladder, the following parts, in order from before backwards, may be
t through the anterior wall of the bowel on the introduction of the index
S er: (1) the membranous portion of the urethra; (2) the posterior or rectal
rface of the prostate gland; and (3) the apical part of the external trigone of
3 bladder, destitute of peritoneum, with a vas deferens on either side, and very
near each other—indeed, almost touching. During this examination the fin
may come in contact with the lower left, and perhaps the right horizontal folc
Median Sacral Artery. —This vessel arises from the posterior asp
of the abdominal aorta just above the bifurcation. Its course
downwards in the middle line, behind the left common iliac vein a
the hypogastric sympathetic plexus, and it rests in succession uj
the following parts: the lower half of the body of the fourth luml
vertebra and the disc between it and the fifth, the body of the fr
lumbar and the disc between it and the first sacral vertebra, and 1
pelvic surfaces of the sacrum and coccyx. In the pelvis it lies wit]
the root of the pelvic meso-colon, being covered by a portion of i
pelvic colon, as low as the third sacral vertebra, and beyond that il
placed behind the rectum. On reaching the tip of the coccyx
terminates in the coccygeal body. The branches of the artery are
follows: anterior or rectal to the posterior wall of the rectum, where tl
anastomose with the superior and middle rectal arteries; lateral to i
front of the sacrum and coccyx, which anastomose with the late
sacral arteries; and terminal to the coccygeal gland. The vessel usua
furnishes a fifth pair of lumbar arteries, which wind round the sides
the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra.
The median sacral artery represents the caudal aorta of anima
and its lateral branches are serially homologous with the lumt
branches of the abdominal aorta.
The median sacral vein is at first arranged as two venae comiti
but these subsequently unite to form a single vessel, which usuaj
terminates in the left common iliac vein.
Glomus Coccygeum. —This so-called gland is situated in front of t
tip of the coccyx. It is about the size of a small pea, and is compos
of a few nodules which are held together and invested by connecti
tissue. It receives the terminal twigs of the median sacral artery,
structure it consists of groups of polyhedral cells united by connecti
tissue, and permeated by blood-capillaries and sympathetic ner\
filaments. It is in some respects similar to the carotid body , whi
is situated behind the common carotid artery of each side close
its bifurcation, but differs from it in not containing chromap]
Sacral Glands. —This group comprises a few lymphatic glands whi<
he in front of the sacrum to the inner side of the second and third saci
foramina. They receive their afferent vessels from the various peh
viscera, as well as from the posterior wall of the pelvis; their effere
vessels pass to the middle chain of common iliac glands.
Sacral Sympathetic Trunk. —This is situated close to the inner si(
of the anterior sacral foramina. The two trunks, right and left, co
verge as they descend, and in front of the coccyx they are connect*
by a loop which sometimes presents a single ihedian ganglion, called tl
ganglion impar or coccygeal ganglion. The number of ganglia on ea(
trunk is usually four.
Branches.— (i) Grey rami communicantes, which spring from the  
rlia. and pass to the anterior primary divisions of the sacral and  
rlia. and pass to the anterior primary divisions of the sacral and  
ygeal nerves. These rami are very short. (2) Visceral branches  
ygeal nerves. These rami are very short. (2) Visceral branches  

Revision as of 22:52, 29 June 2020

two lacteals, they originate in the fom a loop. The wall of the lacteal vess( formed by a single layer of endothelial pk which are connected by processes with branched cells of the retiform tissue of adenoid tissue. The vessel is ensheathec longitudinal plain muscular fibres der; from the muscularis mucosae, their fi cells being connected with the basen membrane of the villus. The villus is vaded by adenoid tissue—that is to retiform tissue with its meshes filled a amoeboid lymph corpuscles. The branc cells of this retiform tissue are connectec processes, on the one hand, with the er thelial plates which compose the wall of lacteal vessel, and on the other hand ^ the cells of the basement membrane near surface, and these latter in turn send processes between the columnar epith cells of the free surface.

The villi play a most important par absorption, partly through their cop capillary networks, and partly through t lacteals. The lacteals serve specially for absorption of fats, which is probably effected in the following man the columnar epithelial cells at the free surface take up the sapon) and emulsified fats, which they transfer to the amoeboid lymph )

Duodenal Glands

Fig. 500.—Section of the Duodenum, showing Duodenal Glands (highly magnified).



iscles between them. These corpuscles then carry the fats inwards rough the adenoid tissue into the lacteal vessel.

Duodenal glands (Brunner’s glands) are confined to the duodenum, id are serially continuous with the pyloric glands of the stomach, ley are very numerous in the commencement of the duodenum, iere they form a continuous layer of gland tissue extending as low the entrance of the bile-duct and pancreatic duct. Beyond this ant they gradually diminish in number, and ultimately disappear ar the duodeno-jejunal flexure. They belong to the class of race3 se or acmo-tubular glands,, and they differ from the pyloric glands the stomach in having their tubules more branched and in having

Villus ____

Intestinal Gland

Solitary Nodule Muscularis Mucosas


Circular Muscular Fibres

>ngitudinal Muscular Fibres

Peritoneal Coat __=§§§=


Fig. 501. —Vertical Transverse Section of the Small Intestine

(highly magnified).

iger ducts. Otherwise the structure of the two kinds of glands is nlar. The duodenal glands lie embedded in the submucous coat, i their long ducts pass through the whole thickness of the mucous d, upon the surface of which they open between the intestinal glands, tte of them, however, open into these glands. The glands can easily displayed by removing the peritoneal and muscular coats of the ^denum and a little of the submucous areolar tissue, when they ^ear as small, round, grey-coloured masses like millet seeds, varying diameter from T V to inch.

the intestinal glands (crypts of Lieberkiihn) are found in large fibers over the whole of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, well as that of the large bowel. They belong to the class of simple



tubular glands, and are to be regarded as small diverticula of tl mucous membrane. Each gland takes the form of a simple tub which is closed and slightly enlarged at its deep extremity, and opei by its other end on the surface between the villi. The glands a] present on the circular folds as well as in the intervening parts. The are placed vertically and close together, and are confined entirely to tf mucous coat, in which they extend from the free surface to the musci laris mucosae. In length they vary from ^ to yTq inch. Each glan is composed of a basement membrane lined with columnar epitheliun and the lumen is of large size.

The solitary nodules are present over the whole extent of the mucoi membrane of the small intestine. They assume the form of small, whit round, or oval nodules, which project by their deep ends into the sul mucous coat, whilst their superficial ends give rise to slight elevatior of the free surface, where they have the openings of the intestin; glands placed around them. They are found upon, as well as betweei the circular folds. In structure each solitary nodule is composed ( adenoid tissue containing large numbers of lymph corpuscles, and pe: meated by capillary networks. Each nodule is surrounded at its dee part by a copious plexus of lymphatic vessels, or by lymphatic sinuse The solitary nodules are simply lymphoid tissue.

The aggregated nodules (Peyer’s patches) are peculiar to the sma intestine, and average about thirty in number in the adult, bein

more numerous in early life. They are situate along the free or anti-mesenteric border of th bowel, which must therefore be opened alon its attached or mesenteric border in order t preserve them. They are largest, best market and most plentiful in the lower half of the ileun In the upper part of the ileum and lower pai of the jejunum they become smaller and mor scarce, and they disappear as a rule above th centre of the jejunum. They vary in lengt from inch to 4 inches, their breadth rangin from J inch to 1 inch. They are for the mos part oblong, their long axis coinciding with tha of the bowel. In the upper part of the ileui and lower part of the jejunum, however, the are somewhat circular. Each aggregated nodul is composed of a group of solitary lymphoi nodules, surrounded by lymphatic plexuses c lymphatic sinuses. The area of each aggregate nodule is slightly elevated, and there are no vil over the lymphoid nodules, whilst the opening of the intestinal glands are arranged in

Fig. 502.—An Aggregated Lymphoid Nodule.

circular manner round each nodule. There are no circular folds ove the aggregated nodules. The aggregated nodules are best marke in young persons. Towards middle life they fade away, and in ol


persons they are usually only distinguishable as discoloured portions of the mucous membrane.

Blood-supply—Arteries.—The duodenum receives its arteries from the superior pancreatico-duodenal of the gastro-duodenal from the hepatic, and the inferior pancreatico-duodenal of the superior mesenteric. The jejunum receives its arteries from the jejunal branches of the superior mesenteric. The ileum receives its arteries from the ileal arteries, and its terminal part in addition receives its arterial supply from the ileal branch of the ileo-colic from the superior mesenteric.

Veins.—The destination of the venous blood of the small intestine is the superior mesenteric vein, and thereafter the portal vein. The veins are provided with valves which are competent in early life, but in the adult they are incompetent, and therefore allow regurgitation of blood to take place towards the small intestine, as happens in cases of portal obstruction.

Lymphatics.—These form a copious plexus of valved vessels, which is situated in the submucous coat. This plexus receives the lymphatics of the mucous membrane and the lacteals of the villi, and it surrounds the deep ends of the solitary nodules. Its efferent vessels pierce the muscular coat, and in doing so they take up the lymph from an intramuscular plexus of lymphatics, which lies between the longitudinal and circular layers. They then leave the bowel at the mesenteric border, where they pass between the two layers of the mesentery, and on their way to the cisterna chyli they traverse the superior mesenteric glands.

Nerves.—These are derived from the superior mesenteric sympathetic plexus, and they form two gangliated plexuses of nonmedullated nerve-fibres. One of these is situated in the muscular coat between the longitudinal and circular layers, and is known as the myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s plexus) (plexus of the muscular coat of the intestine). The other is situated in the submucous coat, and is called the plexus of the submucosa (Meissner’s plexus). The branches of this latter plexus are distributed to the muscularis mucosae and the mucous membrane with its villi.

Characters of Different Parts of the Small Intestine—Duodenum — Peritoneum. —There is no mesentery and only a partial investment of peritoneum. Muscular coat. —This is very thick. Submucous Coat.- —-This contains the tubular portions of the duodenal glands. Mucous Coat .—The characters of this coat are as follows: (1) circular folds, except in the first 1 or 2 inches, (2) villi, (3) intestinal glands, (4) solitary nodules, (5) ducts of the duodenal glands, (6) common orifice of the bile-duct and pancreatic duct, and (7) orifice of the accessory pancreatic duct.

The diameter of the duodenum is from 1^ to 2 inches.

Jejunum — Peritoneum. —There is a mesentery, and the bowel is surrounded by peritoneum except along its mesenteric border. Muscular Coat .—This is comparatively thin. Mucous Coat .—This has the following characters: (1) circular folds, (2) villi in abundance, (3) intestinal glands, (4) solitary nodules, and (5) aggregated lymphoid nodules in its lower half.

The diameter of the jejunum is about i-| inches.

Ileum — Peritoneum. —In this respect the ileum resembles the jejunum.



Muscular Coat. —This is very thin. Mucous Coat. —The characters of this co, are as follows: (1) circular folds in upper half, but small and sparse, there beii none in the lower half; (2) villi, but in fewer numbers; (3) intestinal gland (4) solitary nodules; and (5) aggregated lymphoid nodules.

The diameter of the ileum is about 1^ inches.

Development of Small Intestine. —The epithelial lining is at first like th

of the stomach, and the muscular coat develops also in a similar way. Vacuol appear in the epithelium, leading in the duodenum to subdivision of the lume but not in the rest of the gut, where, however, they may produce pouches. Vi appear in the upper part first, about the seventh week, and are found throughoi the gut in the fourth month. They may form by the breaking up of longitudin ridges, or may form separately. Glands develop as simple pits between villi the fourth month, first in the upper gut. They tend to branch later. T, duodenal glands seem to be formed from the simple forms by lateral branchii and growth in length during the fourth month. They are not fully formed ; birth, however.

Large Intestine.—The wall of the large intestine, which is sacculate* is composed of four coats—serous, muscular, submucous, and mucou

The serous coat forms a complete investment to the vermifori appendix, caecum, transverse colon, and pelvic colon. As regarc the ascending colon and descending colon, it is incomplete, being absei behind.

The muscular coat (muscularis externa) is composed of plain muscuk tissue disposed in two layers—external or longitudinal, and internal ( circular.

The longitudinal muscular fibres are for the most part collected ini three flat bands, called taeniae coli, except upon the rectum. In tl intervals between these bands there are some longitudinal fibres, but the are very few and scattered. The taeniae, which are about J inch i breadth, commence upon the caecum at the base of the vermiform a] pendix, and they extend along the several parts of the large intestir as far as the rectum, where they spread out and form a continuot covering, which completely surrounds that part of the bowel. Upc the caecum, ascending colon, descending colon, and iliac colon the teni from their disposition are called anterior, postero-internal, and poster* external. Upon the transverse colon they are so placed as to be calle anterior or omental (greater omentum), postero-inferior or free, an superior or meso-colic (transverse meso-colon). They are shorter tha the bowel to which they are applied, with the result that the tube drawn together or puckered, and thus thrown into sacculi. Thei being three taeniae, there are three rows of sacculi between them, an inasmuch as the taeniae are placed at nearly equal distances from eac other, the sacculi are pretty much of equal dimensions. Between th successive sacculi there are constrictions, usually containing fat. Th sacculi give rise internally to large pouches, and the constrictior between the sacculi produce internally sharp crescentic rugae, whic separate the pouches from each other. When the taeniae are divide*: the sacculi and constrictions entirely disappear, and the large bow* becomes elongated into a smooth cylindrical tube. Along the cours of the taeniae there are a number of small processes of peritoneum cor



ining fat, called appendices epiploicae. They are best marked on the ansverse colon and on the upper part of the pelvic colon, and are least arked, as a rule, on the caecum. Except in the case of the transverse )lon, these are chiefly found along the postero-internal taenia, but in le case of the transverse colon they are principally met with along the Dstero-inferior taenia.

The circular fibres are thin and scattered over the sacculi, but in le constrictions between them they become aggregated. Upon the ctum and anal canal they form a thick layer, which in the latter tuation is known as the sphincter ani internus.

The submucous coat is in all respects similar to that of the small Ltestine.

The mucous coat is pale and greyish in colour, except in the rectum, here it is red. Its epithelium is similar to that of the small intestine.

is destitute of circular folds and villi, and consequently presents a

nooth surface. It contains large numbers of intestinal glands, which iound in mucus-secreting goblet cells. It also contains solitary anphoid nodules, which are especially prevalent in the vermiform ppendix and caecum. The deepest part of the mucous coat is formed y the musculans mucosce ( muscularis interna).

Blood-supply—Arteries.—These are as follows: (1) appendicular, >r the vermiform appendix; (2) anterior and posterior caecal, for the mim; (3) colic of ileo-colic and right colic, for the ascending colon; |.) middle colic, for the transverse colon (all branches of the superior lesenteric); (5) left colic, for the descending colon; and (6) sigmoid rteries, for the iliac colon and pelvic colon (the latter two being branches f the inferior mesenteric).

Veins.—The destination of the venous blood of the vermiform ppendix, caecum, ascending colon, and transverse colon is the superior lesenteric vein, whilst the blood of the descending colon, iliac colon, nd pelvic colon is carried into the inferior mesenteric vein. In both ases the further destination of the blood is the vena portae. As in the mall intestine, the veins have valves which are competent in early life, ut not so in the adult.

The lymphatics will be found described on pp. 799 and 802.

Nerves.—These are derived from the superior mesenteric sympathetic plexus and the inferior mesenteric plexus, which latter is an ffshoot from the aortic plexus. The disposition of the nerves correponds with that in the small intestine.

The large intestine diminishes gradually in size from its commencement to its termination. Its diameter varies in different parts, the xtremes being 2\ inches and 1 inch.

Characters of the Large Intestine — Peritoneal Coat. —This presents at frequent ntervals small projections called appendices epiploicae. Muscular Coat. —The ongitudinal fibres are for the most part arranged in three taeniae. Mucous "oat. —This is destitute of ( a ) circular folds, (b) villi, (c) duodenal glands, and d ) aggregated nodules, but it is provided with (1) intestinal glands, and (2) solitary lodules. Outline of Tube. —The bowel presents three rows of sacculi, except in -he vermiform appendix and rectum.



Development. —There is nothing remarkable about the epithelial grow which resembles that of the small gut. The lumen is at first very small and walls thick. The bowel begins to enlarge about the time of its entrance ii the belly, but even then is much smaller than the small intestine. Villi deve' in it during the fourth month, but become smaller and less distinct during succeeding months. Glands form between the villi, but the details of their forr tion are not known with certainty. Villi are found in the vermiform appea in the fourth month, with gland formation.

Structure of the Vermiform Appendix.—The vermiform appenc is entirely covered by peritoneum, which forms a more or less compk

Solitary Nodules

Fig. 503.—Transverse Section of the Vermiform Appendix


meso-appendix or appendicular mesentery. It has a muscular coa composed of an external longitudinal and internal circular layer, both < which completely surround it. The submucous coat contains in gre; abundance solitary nodules of large size, and the mucous coat contaii a few solitary nodules, as well as a few intestinal glands. The base < the appendix is situated at a point on an average rather more tha 1 inch below the ileo-colic valve, according to Treves. The openir by which the appendix communicates with the caecum is occasional guarded by a fold of mucous membrane, which is known as the ileo-coll valve (valve of Gerlach).



The vermiform appendix is usually regarded as the remains of the herbivorous aecum. It is also looked upon as an appendage of the lymphoid system, and as ich it would belong to the class of structures represented by aggregated nodules -namely, lymphoid organs.

Ileo-colic Valve (Valve of Tulpius).—This valve is situated at the oint where the terminal part of the ileum opens into the junction etween the caecum and ascending colon. The orifice, as seen from the iterior of the large intestine, has the form of a slightly oblique cleft bout J inch long, and running in an antero-posterior direction. It is ounded above and below by the two segments which form the valve, nd which project into the large intestine. The upper or ileo-colic egment is prominent, and occupies an almost horizontal plane. The

Dwer or ileo-ccecal segment, longer than the upper, is concave superiorly, nd occupies an oblique plane. The anterior part of the cleft is rounded h, whilst the posterior part tapers to a point. The segments meet in ront of and behind the cleft, and form two prominent folds, which are >rolonged round the wall of the bowel for some distance. These folds re known as the frenula. Each segment is composed of two layers »f mucous membrane, one of which belongs to the ileum, and the other 0 the caecum or colon, as the case may be. These two layers are coninuous with each other at the free margin of the segment, and they ontain between them submucous areolar tissue and circular muscular Tres, both of which are derived partly from the ileum and partly from he large intestine. The longitudinal muscular fibres and the serous or >eritoneal coat take no part in the formation of the segments, being



continued uninterruptedly from the ileum to the large intestine. ' mucous membrane which covers the opposed surfaces of the segrm belongs to the ileum, and is therefore provided with villi. The muc membrane of the other surfaces—that is to say, the surfaces which I away from each other (downwards and upwards respectively)—be! to the caecum and colon, and are destitute of villi. The villi thus < appear at the margins of the segments. The valve may be descril as being formed by an inversion of the terminal part of the ileum i the large intestine. That part of the ileum, having passed upwa and to the right with a slight inclination backwards, enters the la intestine. As it does so it leaves behind its serous and longitudi muscular coats, and takes with it its circular muscular, submucc and mucous coats, the corresponding coats of the large intest accompanying it in the inversion. The ileo-colic valve prevents regurgitation of the contents of the caecum into the ileum. It generally believed that the mode of action of the valve is as folio 1 when the caecum becomes distended the frenula of the valve are stretcl and exercise traction upon its segments, which are thereby brou| together. The valve is usually represented in figures as it appears wl the caecum has been inflated and dried. In the fresh condition segments of the valve are thick and tumid, and the appearance is ] unlike that of the pyloric valve as seen from the duodenum or of cervix uteri as seen from the vagina; the frenula, again, are much 1 apparent in such a caecum.

For the structure of the rectum, see p. 960.

Development of Positions of the Stomach and Intestinal Canal.

This subject is dealt with shortly on pp. 61-65 and 79-81. These pa should be studied before reading what follows.

Dorsally, the roof of the mid-gut is at first close to the notochord, but, growth goes on, it comes away from this close relationship, drawing out mesoderm between them as it does so, to form the dorsal mesentery, the man in which this change is effected is not quite clear.

At an early stage, therefore, the alimentary tube in the abdomen can described as being short, median in position, extending from the septum tra versum to the cloaca, and, between these limits, making a short curve, com ventrally, and suspended by a median dorsal mesentery. The vitelline duct attached to it at the lowest part of its curve, and as development proceeds 1 intestinal loop lengthens, so that this lowest part of it passes out of the abdon into the ‘ umbilical sac.’ The elongation of the loop implies a correspond! lengthening of the dorsal mesentery opposite it (see Fig. 44).

Stomach. —This is a dilatation of that part of the tube which is resting the septum transversum. Its attachment here lengthens and thins as the li 1 grows in the septum, and at the same time its dorsal mesentery (meso-gastriu is pouched out to the left, carrying the stomach with it, and turning it so tl its left surface becomes somewhat ventral. The pouch of dorsal meso-gastrii is known as the omental bursa.

Intestinal Canal. —This canal is at first very short and almost straight, aij gs has been stated, it communicates freely with the yolk-sac. At this sh there is no indication of a division into small and large intestine. When wide opening leading to the yolk-sac becomes constricted and converted i: the vitelline duct, the intestinal canal undergoes lengthening, and a conspicu'


8 75

) is formed, which projects into the cavity of the proximal part of the umbilical i, this cavity being a direct prolongation of the coelom or body-cavity. This ) is spoken of as the U-loop. The convexity of the bend of the loop is directed ! ralwards, and the vitelline duct is connected with the convexity. The loop two limbs, which lie at first parallel to each other. One limb is cephalic, >er, or proximal, and leads from the duodenal loop of the gut; the other limb audal, lower, or distal, and leads to the caudal end of the gut. Upon the al limb a bud makes its appearance. This assumes the form of a blind diverlum, or cul-de-sac, which is the rudiment of the ceecum. The appearance of caecal evagination is the first indication of the division of the intestinal canal > small and large intestine. The primitive small intestine is the part on the

Fig. 5 ° 5 - —The U-Loop, 8 mm., just projecting into the Umbilical Sac. Left and right views. Vitelline duct cut Short.

)ximal side of the rudimentary cascum, and the primitive large intestine is the ft extending from the rudimentary caecum to the caudal end of the gut.

The portion of mesentery which is drawn out as the proper mesentery of the loop contains the superior mesenteric artery between its layers. The artery originally continued on beyond the loop as the vitelline artery, but this soon appears and leaves its trunk as the superior mesenteric.

As the stomach lies in the front wall of the rudimentary lesser sac (bursa lentalis), its pyloric end is directed towards the right, and the very short piece the tube which comes next, the future duodenum, lies rather to the right of the ddle line, and is attached to the median common dorsal mesentery by a thick so-duodenum, which projects on that side of it, just below the opening of the ser sac.



The intestinal tract is thus seen to consist of intra- and extra-abdorr portions, part of the colon being in the abdomen, and the anterior limb of loop being connected with the duodenum by an intra-abdominal duod umbilical loop of gut.

These different parts of the intestinal tract can be seen in Fig. 505, in w the conditions in a 8 mm. embryo simplified are shown from both sides; the lobe of the liver has been cut away to expose the mesentery and gut, for it cc down at this stage on the left side of the bursa omentalis and mesentery a: as the right lobe on the other side. The neck of the umbilical loop of gut p< out between the two lobes of the liver in a deep notch in the ventral edge oJ

Fig. 506.—Left-sided Views of Umbilical Loop at 9 mm. (Above) and 10 1

(Lower Figure).

organ. An angled bend is seen where the hind-gut is continuous with the hin limb of the loop; this is produced by the attachment here to the gut of a retent band in the mesentery, extending from the peri-aortic region in the neighbourhc of the cceliac artery. The angle must not be mistaken for the left colic flexu with which it has nothing to do; it is gradually effaced as development procee and its ultimate position, if it persisted, would be some little distance to 1 left of the mid-point of the transverse colon.

With the exception of the short length of the duodeno-umbilical piece, wh becomes the first coil of the jejunum, the small intestine is formed in the umbili sac, as are those parts of the large gut which become the ascending and right k of the transverse colon. Formed in this sac, the gut enters the abdomen a



ain stage, and within this cavity is finally disposed in its proper situations.

processes that lead to the ‘ rotation ’ of the intestine can thus be divided

descriptive purposes into three stages—the development outside the belly, entrance into the abdomen and the immediate mechanical results of this nge, and the subsequent assumption of the definitive positions.

Fig. 507.—Two Diagrams to show Earlier Stages of Gut and Mesentery within the Belly and in the Umbilical Sac.

First Stage. —The general disposition in the earlier part of this stage can be a in Fig. 507, A and B. It is marked by the fairly rapid growth in length of anterior or proximal limb of the umbilical loop, forming coils. The ruditttary lesser sac enlarges, passing down on the left side of the median abdominal sentery, between it and the liver. Two or three points in connection with the

1. 508.—Schemes of the Umbilical Loop showing the Sort of Growthchanges THAT OCCUR WITHIN IT (SEE TEXT).

ngating proximal limb must be noted, as they are concerned with the subseent entry and disposal of the gut within the belly cavity: in the first place, ' proximal limb lies, from an early stage on the right side * of the loop, as can

  • The immediate cause of this is not certain. It may be due to the position

the stomach, making the duodenum pass towards the right, or it may be iociated with the development of the vitello-umbilical anastomosis, which 3 in the concavity of this part of the limb of the loop, but any definite state"nt on the subject would be unwarranted.



be seen in the figures; secondly, the growth of the proximal limb is associated w marked increase in the depth of the corresponding mesentery of the loop, that the distance between the coils of this limb and the superior mesente artery is much increased; the hinder limb of the loop does not grow like 1 proximal limb, and its distance from the artery remains unchanged, whence comes about that the artery gets relatively nearer and nearer to the hinder lii of the loop. At the back of the loop, where it is passing through the open: in the abdominal wall, the artery is still approximately midway between the t limbs, and it is only distal to this that the unequal growth of the constituent pa of the mesentery of the loop leads to the one-sided position of the vessel.

Fig. 509 illustrates the appearance at the end of the first stage. The cseci is now a large dilatation with a conical extremity, placed on the left side of • mass of coils of small intestine. The mesentery of the small gut is long, and 1 superior mesenteric artery is close to the colon and caecum. The bursa omenh really extends caudally along the whole extent of the left side of the int abdominal colon and meso-colon, separating these from the left lobe of the liv in the figure, however, it is shown as somewhat pushed up, to allow the med: colon and meso-colon to be seen. At the end of this stage, then, the intesti: coils are on the right of the caecum and colon in the umbilical sac, the super mesenteric artery is close to the colon and far from the coils, and the bu omentalis is on the left of a ‘ median abdominal septum ’ made of abdominal coi and meso-colon.

Second Stage. —The recession of the umbilical gut within the belly is brou^ about by a fall in ‘ intra-abdominal tension ' resulting from lessened growth-r of the liver. This organ fills all the available space in the abdomen during 1 second month, growing pari passu with the surrounding parts, but in the ea part of the third month its rate of growth falls behind that of these parts. T does not at first affect the mass in the umbilical sac, and is met by increase in 1 amount of blood in the liver vessels, which are consequently dilated. In 1 tenth week, however, approaching the 40 mm. stage, this dilatation of lr vessels may be considered to have reached its maximum, and any further incre; in the capacity of the abdomen calls for the appearance of some additional si stance to fill the space which otherwise must come into being. The umbili coils are alone able to fulfil this role, and the extra-abdominal or amniotic pressi not being lessened by the fall in the growth-rate of the liver, the contents of 1 umbilical sac are pushed by it into the abdomen to compensate for the inter: fall. It is to be noted now that as the coils enter the abdomen the liver can retr; before them by the discharge of blood from its over-dilated vessels. Thus 1 distension of the liver not only leads to the beginning of the intestinal mo ment, but, by its disappearance and the tendency of the organ to return to undistended condition, leads to the completion of the recession and the provis: of space for the entering coils when and where it is needed, without any pressi on these coils.

The movement having started, all the evidence points to it being rapi( completed. Owing to the size of the caecum, possibly also owing to the gr< size of the dilated venous spaces found round it at this stage, and to the srr size and thick wall of the colon, the ccecum is retained in the sac to the last, a the proximal limb passes first into the abdomen. It does this, not en masse, 1 in continuity, slipping into the belly with its mesentery, the elongation of wh allows it to enter the abdomen, although the superior mesenteric vessels a the colic part of the distal limb are still in the sac. But the proximal limb already been seen to be on the right-hand side of the distal limb, so that it ent the abdomen below the right lobe of the liver, which retreats before it—that the coils of intestine enter the belly on the right-hand side of the median colic ‘ septu (Fig. 509) already mentioned. This ‘ septum ' of abdominal colon and mecolon is thus pushed over to the left by the coils, as seen in Fig. 510, and 1 back against the left dorsal wall of the abdomen, the coils lying on its vent (originally right) surface. Crossing in this way to the left, the coils necessak pass below the colic part of the distal limb of the loop and the mesenteric artery, wb*




■The Condition within the Gut enters the Abdomen:

Umbilical Sac shortly before the Left and Right Views.

88 o


is, as already seen, associated with this limb. Moreover, in going to the le and in pushing the median septum to this side, the coils have passed on tl dorsal side of the lower part of the omental bursa, which now hangs down ov them; this is the first form of the greater omentum of the definitive state, althou^ there is as yet no adhesion between the overhanging layers and the colon, ( between it and the dorsal wall.

The ccecum is the last structure to enter the abdomen, and, on entering, it li (Fig. 512) on the mass of coils of small intestine. It forms an angle, howeve with the rest of the colon when it lies in this situation, and as the colon is thic' walled, there is a tendency for the bent piece to straighten itself and come in line with the rest; this, and doubtless also the rapid increase in size of the coils the small gut, which now begins, cause the caecum to assume a right dors

Fig. 510.—Diagram of Section through Root of the Loop, showing ho its Cranial Limb, being below and on the Right of the Other, mu:


Intra-abdominal Meso-colon to the Left.

Overhanging omental bursa is represented as rolled up.

position with reference to the mass of coils, on the right side of the neck of tl mass, and thus to come into its proper plane. This is found to occur a few da; after the entrance of the gut into the belly, and with its occurrence the secor stage comes to an end.

Third Stage. —It can be understood from a consideration of the figures that tl caecum and end of the colon, when they move to the right, must pass over ti line of the superior mesenteric artery, for the mesentery of the small intestn is attached along the line of the artery on its lower aspect. Thus the cole will come to lie across the duodenum, and the caecum below and to the rig! of this, and the artery will cross the duodenum lower down. This complet the twist of the mesentery of the loop, which finishes the second stage, ar leaves the peritoneal layers now in a position which can be understood from tl scheme in Fig. 463.



The intestines are now essentially in their proper ‘planes/ and the third t e comprises only the developments and extensions in these positions that l to the conditions found m the adult. The descending meso-colon, laid

. 511.— Scheme to show Result >f Entry of Proximal Limb to rHE Right of Median Septum,

VHICH IT PUSHES TO THE LEFT >lND Dorsally against the Dorsal Wall: Cecum remains n the Sac.

Fig. 512.—Conditions immediately


The caecum and mesenteric vessels lie on the mass of coils, the vessels to the right.

k against the left dorsal wall, as seen in Fig. 463, is, at the beginning of this

  • e, relatively short, so that the left colon only reaches the inner edge of the

it aspect of the left kidney; as growth proceeds, this meso-colon lengthens,

5 r 3 -—Actual Conditions in Embryo just after Cecum has entered the Belly at the End of Second Stage.

1 the colon thus comes to lie farther out, finally reaching its definitive position, 1 the meso-colon becomes adherent to the dorsal wall. This dorsal adhesion presses from within outwards, and when the colon has reached its final posi 56



tion, extends to the line of the gut, and thus fixes the bowel in situ. Or right side the colon, about the end of the third month, becomes attached v it crosses the duodenum, and at its caecal end. Between these two fixed the colon and meso-colon are free at first, but attachment of the meson just to the right of the superior mesenteric vessels is soon found. The l between the fixed parts slowly lengthens as the liver gets relatively sm and as it lengthens it becomes curved out with a convexity upwards and t right, ultimately forming in this way the hepatic flexure with the ascei and right portion of the tranvserse colon. The formation of these parts slow process, not really completed at birth. It is accompanied by an extei of the area of meso-colic adhesion, this, however, falling short of the lii advancing colon, so that this is free to lengthen farther. Thus the mesopart of the original loop mesentery becomes attached to the dorsal wall, the

Fig. 514.— Schemes to show Position of Meso-colon and Colon at Var

Stages, indicated by the Measurements.

a, b, left and right mesocolons; t, position at birth.

remaining free as the mesentery of descriptive anatomy; the line of attack of the mesentery is therefore in reality the limit of adhesion of the right meso-cc Between the upper end of the fixed meso-colon on the left and the att ment to the duodenum on the right the free colon and meso-colon are apj to the dorsal aspct of the lower part of the rudimentary lesser sac, invagina this somewhat. The colon stands away from the dorsal wall here, and it is dorsal surface of the meso-colon, the surface continuous with the adhe surfaces of the right and left meso-colons, that is applied (see Fig. 463) to wall of lesser sac. The adhesion of these applied parts to each other, extendir far as the position of the pancreas in the wall of lesser sac, brings into existence transverse meso-colon and the incidental attachment of the greater omentum tc transverse colon', by extension of the adherent area the bursal wall above pancreatic line becomes fixed to the dorsal wall, and constitutes the posU wall of the small sac.

Caecum and Vermiform Appendix. —The caecum appears about the week of embryonic life as a bud in connection with the distal limb of the U



intestine. It assumes the form of a blind diverticulum, which is at first of liform dimensions. It soon, however, becomes conical. The proximal part idergoes enlargement, and represents the permanent caecum. The distal part mains long and narrow, and represents the vermiform appendix, which ultimately jcomes connected with the left and posterior part of the caecum. The various )sitions occupied by the caecum and its migration to the right iliac fossa have st been referred to. Suffice it to say that it lies at first on the left side of the edian line, then it crosses to the right side, being at this stage below the liver, id finally is left in position as the liver retracts.

Peritoneal Structures.

1. Meso-gastrium. —It has been pointed out that the part of the dorsal minion mesentery which carries the stomach becomes pouched out to the left ; ie resulting sac is frequently termed the meso-gastrium, but more appropriately le rudimentary lesser sac (bursa omentalis). Its opening, to the right, is just x>ve the thick part of the mesentery known as the meso-duodenum, and is datively small. The sac is the result of rapid increase of a right-sided depression

the mesentery, the pneumato-enteric recess ; a left-sided recess shows itself

sry early, but disappears almost at once. The opening corresponds in the iult with the line of the pancreatico-gastric folds. The portion of the lesser sac etween these and the opening into lesser sac is added later as an additional

cess to the right of the mesenteric line, associated with the growth of the

iferior vena cava.

The rudimentary lesser sac is at first ‘ free ’ towards the left. After the return E the bowel, which (see Fig. 511) has caused the colon to invaginate its lower rail, the dorsal wall of the sac becomes attached to the abdominal wall, while the olon becomes fixed to its lower aspect. Thus the left half of the transverse leso-colon comes into existence, attached dorsally, while the pancreas, which ad extended in the back layers of the sac, now becomes fixed dorsally, the tyers behind it disappearing. The spleen forms in the outer part of the sac all, which, as the result of the fixation just described, has now a dorsal attachlent towards the left.

The outer part of the sac wall, thus left still ' free,’ is therefore the structure

rmed the ‘ meso-gastrium’ in the adult; the spleen, placed in this, is held by

to the dorsal wall on the one hand (lieno-renal fold) and, on the other, to the

omach (gastro-splenic ligament).

The greater omentum is evidently made by the bulging of the front and lower art of the rudimentary sac over the colon, to which it acquires a secondary ttachment. The lesser omentum (ventral mesentery) is drawn out from the upturn transversum.

2. The meso-duodenum is a thickening of the median mesentery just below the pening into the lesser sac. The duodenum is attached on its right front, and 1 at first a very short segment of the tube. The two pancreatic outgrowths ccur into the meso-duodenum, the upper one being immediately below the pening into lesser sac and opposite the attachment of its lower and back wall, ito which it extends. The lower growth, forming the head of the gland, enlarges 1 the meso-duodenum, with corresponding lengthening of the duodenum, which Iso begins to assume a curved form round the growing head. The whole curve f the duodenum is ultimately formed in this way as a result of the growth of the ead of the pancreas. It is clear, then, that this curve has nothing to do with tie rotation of the gut returning to the abdomen, but it is possible that the xtreme end of the duodenum may belong to the commencement of the proximal nib of the loop, secondarily fixed in position.

3 - Caecum. —The caecum, being originally a bud or outgrowth of the gut, has o mesentery, and is originally entirely surrounded by peritoneum.

4 - Vermiform Appendix. —The vermiform appendix, being originally the find narrowed end of the caecum, or, in other words, a diverticulum of the ‘Scum, is also destitute of a mesentery, properly so called, and is invested by



an extension of the peritoneal envelope of the caecum. There is, however, most cases a fold of peritoneum pertaining to the vermiform appendix, whi extends along it for about one-half or two-thirds of its length. This fold called the meso-appendix or appendicular mesentery, and it is derived from t left or inferior layer of the mesentery proper, close to the ileo-colic junctic Its presence is due to the drawing out of vessels as the appendix is formed.

Structure of the Liver.

The liver has two coats, external and internal. The external serous coat is formed by the peritoneum, and is incomplete (see p. 77* Within the serous coat is the fibrous or areolar coat, which is kno\ as the fibrous capsule of the organ. It is for the most part thin, exce where the peritoneal coat is deficient. It is continuous all over t surface with the scanty amount of areolar tissue which pervades t interior of the organ and connects the hepatic lobules. At the por hepatis it surrounds the common hepatic duct, hepatic artery, ai vena portae, under the name of the capsule ofiGlisson. The subdivisio of this capsule accompany the various branches of the duct, arter and vein as these ramify throughout the liver in the portal cana'

The liver substance is composed of a gre number of small polyhedral masses, call hepatic lobules, which are closely pack< together, and at the centre of each of whi< is an intralobular or central vein. In m< there is very little areolar tissue between t] lobules, which are therefore for the most pa confluent. In some animals, however, notab the pig and camel, there is a very distin amount of areolar tissue between the lobule which therefore stand clearly apart from ea( other.

The average diameter of a hepatic lobule aV inch. One of its surfaces is called the has It is by this surface that the lobule is set upc the wall of a sublobular vein, and the intr lobular or central vein, having emerged fro: the lobule through the centre of its bas

Fig. 515.—Section of the Liver, showing a Large Hepatic Vein and its Tributaries (after Kiernan).

opens at once into the sublobular vein. The lobules, therefore, rel tively to the sublobular veins, on which they are ranged, are sessil When a sublobular vein is opened and viewed from within, an appearara something like mosaic work presents itself, the closely-set bases of tt lobules being visible through the thin wall of the vein, and the minut opening of the intralobular or central veins appearing in the centre ( each base. Each lobule is composed of hepatic cells, permeated b capillary networks of bloodvessels and bile-capillaries.

Bloodvessels. —The liver derives its blood from two sources—namely the portal vein and the hepatic artery. These two vessels, togethe with the hepatic duct, are invested by the capsule of Glisson at th



>rtal iissure. Iheir several branches, ensheathed by prolongations of lisson's capsule, ramify from this point throughout the liver, being intained in the system of canals known as portal canals. Each of these nals contains (1) a branch of the portal vein, (2) a branch of the jpatic artery accompanied by a plexus of nerves, (3) lymphatic vessels, id (4) a minute duct, all these being loosely surrounded by a prolonuaDn of Glisson’s capsule.

The portal vein ramifies within the liver like an artery. In the irtal canals its branches receive as tributaries small capsular and ginal veins , and they go on ramifying until they arrive at the interbular areas. Here they anastomose freely with one another around e lobules, and so form the interlobular plexuses . The branches which ise from these plexuses enter the lobules on all sides except their tses, and form in the interior of each lobule an intralobular plexus. -om this plexus a few radicles converge towards the centre of the bule, where they form by their lion the intralobular or central vein. le portal blood, though dark in lour, is very rich, being derived Dm, amongst other sources, the Dmach and small intestine.

The hepatic artery is a branch of n e coeliac artery. As its branches iverse the portal canals they give f capsular branches to the fibrous psule of the liver, and vaginal inches, which supply the walls of e vessels in the portal canals, as ill as their Glissonian sheaths. The anches of the artery finally end minute interlobular arteries , which pply the walls of the interlobular

ins and bile-ducts. According to Fig. 516.—Two Hepatic Lobules me authorities they send minute (highly magnified).

pillary branches into the interior lobule showing the intralobular each lobule to join the mtra- plexus; B, lobule showing the

Dular plexus of the portal vein, but hepatic cells,

is view is not held by others.

The function of the hepatic artery and its branches is to nourish e tissues of the liver, whilst the portal blood supplies the materials fich are elaborated by the hepatic cells.

( The hepatic veins commence in the centre of each lobule as an ralobular or central vein. The intralobular veins open into the blobular veins, which are closely adherent to the bases of the lobules.

sublobular veins join to form larger sublobular veins, and these turn terminate in the hepatic veins, which are not in direct contact th the lobules. The hepatic veins pass to the fossa for vena cava on 2 posterior surface of the liver, towards which they converge, taking



up sublobular veins in their course. The passages which contain t veins are known as the hepatic canals. On arriving at the upper p; of the fossa for vena cava they are reduced to two or three in numb which pour their contents directly into the inferior vena cava. It is be noted that the hepatic veins converge to the fossa on the poster surface, whilst the branches of the portal vein radiate in all directic from the portal fissure. The hepatic veins are accompanied only lymphatic vessels, and are surrounded by a very scanty amount areolar tissue, which explains why they present open mouths when c across.

Distinguishing Characters of the Hepatic and Portal Veins—Hepatic Veins

(i) These present open mouths when cut across. (2) They are accompan only by lymphatic vessels. (3) Their walls are very thin, and are practica in direct contact with the substance of the liver. (4) They converge towa: the caval fossa on the posterior surface.

Portal Veins. —(1) The mouths of these veins are practically closed or c lapsed when cut across. (2) The veins are accompanied by branches of hepatic artery, and by ducts. (3) Their walls are fairly thick, and are separa from the substance of the liver by the sheaths derived from Glisson’s capsi (4) They radiate in all directions from the porta hepatis in portal canals.

Hepatic Cells.— These are situated within the lobules. 1 hey c polyhedral, granular cells, having a diameter of T 7 T u_ inch, and ea contains a round nucleus. They have no cell-wall, properly so call* and they are connected by a delicate supporting tissue. Ihe ce. which are capable of amoeboid movement, lie between and around t capillary vessels, where they are arranged in radiating rows convergi towards the centre of the lobule.

Bile-ducts. —These commence within the lobules as bile-capillar or bile-canaliculi , which are in reality intercellular passages. Th have a very delicate wall, and are bounded on all sides by the hepa cells—hence the name intercellular passages. According to Pflih and Kupffer, the cells contain vacuoles, which communicate by int: cellular passages with the bile-capillaries. The hepatic cells intern between the bile-capillaries and the capillary bloodvessels. At t circumference of the lobule the bile-capillaries pass into the sm interlobular bile-ducts. These join to form larger ducts, and these turn go on joining until, on arriving at the porta hepatis, only t ducts result, which emerge one from each lobe. These now join to fo: the common hepatic duct, and this joins the cystic duct to form the bi duct. The walls of the interlobular ducts are very thin, being co posed of a basement membrane lined with polygonal epithelium. Tlarger ducts in the portal canals have thicker walls, which, from withe inwards, are composed of a fibro-elastic coat, containing plain muscu tissue, arranged longitudinally and circularly, and a mucous coat lir with columnar epithelium. The mucous membrane of the larger du< presents numerous openings, which lead into blind mucus-secreti recesses. The structure of the hepatic and bile-ducts is similar to t preceding, though on an increased scale.




Lymphatics.—The lymphatic vessels of the liver are arranged in 0 groups—superficial and deep.

Superficial Lymphatics.—These form plexuses beneath the perileal coat, and have different destinations.

Supero-anterior Surface. —(1) The lymphatics from the vicinity of 3 falciform ligament enter that ligament, and, passing through the iphragm into the thorax, they terminate in the anterior group of the pradiaphragmatic glands. (2) The lymphatics from the right part the superior surface and those from the right lateral surface enter 3 right triangular ligament, and, ssing through the diaphragm, they -minate in the middle group of the perior diaphragmatic glands of the r ht side. (3) The lymphatics from 3 left part of the superior surface d those from the left extremity ter the left triangular ligament, and ss to the peri-cesophageal glands in ation to the lower end of the >ophagus, the efferent vessels of lich terminate in the cceliac glands.

1 The lymphatics from the anterior rt of the supero-anterior surface, cept those from the vicinity of the ciform ligament, turn round the terior border of the liver, and end the hepatic glands within the lesser lentum. (5) The lymphatics from ^ 517 ' Lymph Glands in the

e posterior surface of the right lobe Rouviere). ss between the two layers of the HEP, hepatic group,round the artery ronary ligament, and, having pierced and concerned with deep hepatic e diaphragm, they terminate in the na caval group of diaphragmatic mds within the thorax.

Inferior Surface. — (1) The lymtatics from the greater part of the ferior surface of the right lobe, intding those of the quadrate lobe, ss to the hepatic glands. (2) The lymphatics from the posterior ad of the inferior surface of the right lobe pierce the diaphragm, td end in the caval glands. (3) The lymphatics from the greater ad of the caudate lobe pierce the diaphragm, and end in the caval mds ; whilst those from the lower part of this lobe pass to the hepatic mds. (4) The lymphatics from the inferior surface of the left lobe ss to the hepatic glands.

Deep Lymphatics.—These vessels form two distinct sets. Some them accompany the branches of the portal vein, and having emerged rough the porta hepatis, they terminate in the hepatic glands. Others

drainage; B, a cystic gland above, and (below) a gland connected with this and with the retroduodenal gland ; D, above the head of pancreas. These glands are njore particularly concerned with the drainage of the system of biliary ducts.



pass with the hepatic veins to the caval fossa of the liver, and thereal they enter the thorax along with the inferior vena cava, their destinat being the caval glands.

Nerves.—The nerves of the liver are derived from the hepatic plex which is an offshoot of the coeliac plexus. The coeliac plexus, thoi principally composed of sympathetic fibres, is reinforced by a 1 twigs from the right vagus nerve. The hepatic plexus accompanies hepatic artery to the porta hepatis, where it receives branches from left vagus nerve, which have ascended from the antero-superior surf of the stomach between the two layers of the lesser omentum. In liver the nerves, which are chiefly non-medullated, are distributed the walls of the bloodvessels and ducts, penetrating as far as the inf spaces between the hepatic cells.

Development of the Liver.

Liver. —The hepatic cells and the epithelium of the bile-ducts are of er dermic origin, whilst the connective tissue of the gland and its vascular c stituents are developed from the mesoderm.

The rudiment of the liver appears as a longitudinal groove on the inner asp of the ventral wall of the duodenal portion of the primitive gut. This gro<

Fig. 518.— Sagittal Section through Septum Transversum and Caud End of Fore-gut in an Embryo of 4-5 Mm., to show Hepatic Divi


The cylinders have broken up the vitelline veins, represented here by the por vein, into sinusoids. The entoderm is shown by solid black.

gives origin to a diverticulum or evagination of the entoderm of the vent duodenal wall, called the hepatic diverticulum or liver-bud, which has at firsi wide communication with the gut. At a later period this communication becon constricted, and forms a pedicle, which, after undergoing elongation, gives r to the bile-duct. From this pedicle, close to the duodenal wall, the venti diverticulum of the pancreas arises.



The hepatic diverticulum or liver-bud invades the lower or caudal layer of septum transversum, composed of mesoderm, within which it bifurcates > two divisions, the right and left hepatic ducts.

The cells of these two divisions of the hepatic diverticulum undergo proration within the mesoderm of the lower layer of the septum transversum, thereafter each division breaks up into a number of solid trabeculae, which known as the hepatic cylinders. These cylinders give off secondary solid Deculae, and these again ramify extensively. The subdivisions of the various eeculae anastomose freely, and in this manner intricate networks are formed und the vitelline and umbilical veins, which veins traverse the septum isversum as they pass to the sinus venosus. The hepatic cylinders invade se veins, carrying the endothelial walls of the vessels before them. The is are thus freely subdivided into ad-channels, which are known as sinuIs. These sinusoids form capillary works, which occupy the meshes of net-works formed by the hepatic inders.

Many of the solid trabeculas become •ular, and give rise to the bile-capiles or bile-canaliculi, and bile-ducts.

iers give rise to the hepatic cells.

3 liver thus consists originally of incite reticula of solid cellular trabeculce, hepatic cylinders, disposed around the lline and umbilical veins.

As the liver increases in size it profs downwards, carrying with it the r er layer of the septum transversum, ich forms its capsule and connective

ue. The organ now lies between the

a layers of the ventral mesentery, ich gives rise to—(1) the falciform iment; (2) the coronary ligament; and the lesser omentum (see p. 79).

About the middle of intra-uterine life

liver occupies a large part of the

lominal cavity, and the right and left >es are of equal size. In the latter If of intra-uterine life, however, the ht lobe gradually attains greater size in the left. About the period of birth s liver extends almost as low as the ibilicus. After birth it undergoes dimition in size, the circulation of placental >od through it by the umbilical vein having been permanently arrested at th. The liver decreases in relative size largely owing to slower growth, but ire is also actual degeneration of part of its substance already formed. This plains the occurrence of degenerated remnants, vasa aberrantia and Kiernan s 1 ules, found near its edge, in the left triangular ligament and by the inferior tia cava.

At an early period in development the liver has indications of four lobes, 0 vitelline and two umbilical, but these are not so well marked as in some ier animals. The umbilical lobes form the two lateral lobes, but the vitelline )es are lost in the parts round the vena cava. The other small lobes on the

ceral surface are secondary, formed round large vessels or from surface relays; the free extremity of the caudate lobe has a small process which is the

nnant of a part originally projecting into the bursa omentalis through its sning.

Fig. 519. —The Excretory Apparatus of the Liver.

G, gall-bladder; F, fundus; CD, cystic duct; H, common hepatic duct; B, bile duct; P, pancreatic duct; A, ampulla in duodenal wall into which both ducts open.

8 go


The hepatic cylinders appear solid, but they contain no doubt poten lumina. These become apparent as bile-capillaries about the beginning of fourth month.

Hepatic lobules are not well formed before the first few years after bi] They are produced as a result of growth and branching of terminal twigs of hepatic veins, round which the cylinder cells group themselves, with their po vessels.

Structure of the Gall-bladder. —The wall of the gall-bladder composed of three coats—serous, fibro-muscular, and mucous.

The serous coat is formed by the peritoneum, and is usually inco plete, being confined to the inferior and lateral surfaces. Son times, however, the peritoneum completely surrounds the organ, a attaches its superior surface to the fossa for gall-bladder of the liver a ligamentous fold.

The fibro-muscular coat is composed of fibrous and plain muscu tissues. The fibrous bands are disposed in all directions, and int lace freely with one another. The muscular fibres, which int

mingle with the fibre bands, are arranged be longitudinally and trai versely. Around the t minations of the bile-di and pancreatic duct a their continuation ir the ampulla the circul muscular fibres are abr dant, forming the sphino of Oddi (Fig. 520).

The mucous coat covered by columnar ej tfiehum. Its surface presents a great number of small ridges, whi interlace in all directions and enclose polygonal depressions or alve of various sizes. This pitted appearance bears a resemblance honeycomb, and the mucous membrane of the seminal vesicle of t male is similarly arranged. The mucous coat is richly provided wi mucous glands. In the neck of the gall-bladder, which describes t\ cui ves, there are two fibro-mucous folds, which project into the interie one opposite each curve, and serve as valves.

Structure of the Cystic Duct. —The wall of the duct is compos* of a fibro-elastic and muscular coat and a mucous coat. The form 1 esembles that of the gall-bladder. The mucous coat, which is cover* Li' co ^ umnar epithelium, presents several crescentic folds dispos* obliquely round the wall in a spiral or somewhat corkscrew manne and succeeding each other at frequent intervals. When the duct distended, its exterior presents a series of spiral constrictions wii intervening swellings. The spiral folds in the interior serve as valve which are known as the spiral valve (valves of Heister).

Blood-supply. —The gall-bladder is supplied by the cystic arter which is a branch of the right division of the hepatic. Its cour:

Sph. of Pancreatic Duct

.Sph. of Bile Duct

r ^ Longitud. Fibres

Duodenal Pap.

Iug. 520.—Sphincter of Oddi (after




forwards between the hepatic and cystic ducts to the neck of the gan, where it divides into two branches, superior and inferior. ie superior branch ramifies on the upper surface of the organ, between and the fossa for gall-bladder of the liver, whilst the inferior branch distributed over the inferior surface beneath the peritoneum. The stic vein, which is formed by the union of superior and inferior anches, usually opens into the right division of the portal vein. >me of the veins from the gall-bladder may enter the liver to join e right branch of the portal vein. This fact explains the venous emorrhage which sometimes occurs when the gall-bladder is lifted it of its fossa.

Lymphatics. —These pass between the two layers of the lesser nentum to the hepatic glands.

Nerves. —These are derived from the hepatic sympathetic plexus.

Development of Gall-bladder and Duct.— An early stage is seen in Fig. 518. ie hepatic diverticulum is elongated in the line of the gut, and its lower end dilated to form the gall-bladder, the upper part alone giving origin to hepatic linders. The lower part of the groove is blocked by cell-growth, the bladder us opening into the upper part which will become the liver-duct. The bladder; latation grows ventrally in the mesoderm below the liver, its neck thus being retched out between the duct and the bladder, and becoming the cystic duct.

Structure of the Pancreas.

The pancreas belongs to the class of compound racemose or acinolbular glands, and bears a close resemblance to a serous or true ilivary gland— e.g., the parotid. It has a greyish-pink colour, and somewhat soft in consistence. It is from 6 to 8 inches long, from to 1^ inches deep, except at the right and left extremities, and from to | inch thick. Its weight is about 3^ ounces. It is destitute of fibrous capsule, properly so called, and is invested merely by a thin onnective-tissue covering, which readily allows the outline of the )bules to be seen.

It is composed of a number of lobules, which are loosely held ogether by ducts and areolar tissue. Each lobule consists of a group f alveoli or acini which are long, tubular, and convoluted, wherein hey differ from the saccular alveoli of such a gland as the parotid. Tom each lobule a duct passes off, which unites with the ducts of djacent lobules in the left extremity of the gland to form the commencement of the principal duct. Within the lobule the lobular duct 5 formed from junctional ducts, each of which belongs to an acinus, nd is lined with flattened cells.

The alveoli or acini are each composed of a basement membrane, eticular in structure, and lined with secreting columnar epithelium, he basement membrane being continuous with the wall of the junctional luct. The lumen of each acinus is small, and is usually occupied by pindle-shaped cells, known as the centro-acinar cells of Langerhans, vhich are continuous with the cells of the junctional duct, dhe


connective tissue which covers the pancreas sends expansions inw between the lobules, along which the bloodvessels are condu( Further, the interlobular connective tissue penetrates into the lob and so conducts the bloodvessels into their interior. The interalv i

connective tissue has a loose position, and in certain parts tains small groups of epithelium cells, surrounded by large convol capillary vessels. These gr< constitute the islets of Langerh which are characteristic of pancreas.

Excretory Apparatus of the 1 creas. —There is one principal d called the pancreatic duct (due Wirsung). It is buried in the i stance of the gland, and is rea recognized by its white colour, lies nearer the posterior than anterior surface, and rather ne; the lower than the upper part of gland. It commences in the whence it runs through the b as far as the neck, receiving in course a great many tributai On arriving at the neck it eff< a communication with the ac< sory pancreatic duct, then descri a bend, and passes into the head in a direction downwards, backwai and to the right. Finally, on leaving the pancreas it meets the t duct, and the two, entering the wall of the second part of the duodem terminate in the manner already described (see p. 779).

The accessory pancreatic duct (duct of Santorini) is comparativ small, and varies much in size. If well developed, it commen in the lower part of the head, where it takes up the ducts of the lobi of that part. It then passes upwards with an inclination to the right, c divides into two branches. One of these joins the pancreatic main d 1 in the neck, whilst the other opens into the second part of the duoden at a point about 1 inch above the common opening of the bile-di and the pancreatic duct. The secretion conveyed by the access( duct is believed in early life to flow into the duodenum, whereas in 1 adult it is largely diverted into the pancreatic duct.

The tributaries of the principal duct, as well as of the accessc duct, when followed into the pancreas, become in succession int lobular and intralobular ducts. The intralobular ducts pass wit! the lobules, and end in intermediary , junctional, or intercalary* due with which the alveoli or acini are directly connected. The p£

Interposed or inserted between the alveoli and the intralobular ducts.

Alveoli Islets of Langerhans

Fig. 521. — Structure of the Pancreas (highly magnified).



he duct between the intermediary and the intralobular duct is 3d the neck. The walls of the intermediary ducts are thin, and formed of a basement membrane covered by flattened epithelial 5, the neck being lined by polyhedral cells. In the larger ducts Dnnective-tissue coat is superadded to the basement membrane, ch is now covered by columnar epithelium. The pancreatic duct, igh of comparatively large size, has a thin wall destitute of muscular 3s except near its termination, and composed of two coats— irnal fibrous and internal mucous. The mucous coat is smooth and ered by columnar epithelium.

Varieties— (1) Small Pancreas. —This consists in a permanent detachment he unciform process, or that part of the pancreas which extends along the er aspect of the third part of the duodenum and has the superior mesenteric els in front of it. (2) The head of the pancreas may surround the second

of the duodenum more or less completely. (3) Accessory Pancreas.—
n an accessory pancreas is present it is usually met with in the wall of the

Fig. 522.—The Pancreas and its Ducts (Posterior View).


>er part of the jejunum, but it may be found in the wall of the stomach or >er part of ileum. (4) The pancreatic duct sometimes opens into the duodenum 3 pendently of, but close to, the bile-duct.

Blood-supply. —The pancreas derives its arteries from (1) the lcreatic branches of the splenic artery, one of which accompanies principal duct from left to right, and is known as the arteria panitic magna; (2) the superior pancreatico-duodenal of the gastro)denal from the hepatic; and (3) the inferior pancreatico-duodenal

he superior mesenteric.

The veins are (1) the pancreatic veins, which open into the splenic n; and (2) the pancreatico-duodenal veins, which terminate in

superior mesenteric or portal veins. All the pancreatic venous

od eventually passes into the portal vein.

Lymphatics. —These commence as lymphatic clefts around the eoli, and pass chiefly to the cceliac glands. Some of them, however, minate first in the superior mesenteric glands in contact with the per part of the superior mesenteric artery.

Nerves. —These are derived from offshoots of the hepatic, splenic, i superior mesenteric plexuses, and accompany the arteries. They 5 chiefly composed of non-medullated fibres.

Uncinate Process

Pancreatic Duct

Pancreatic Duct

Accessory Duct

Bile Duct



Development of the Pancreas. —The tubular portion of the pancreas entodermic origin, but its connective tissue and vascular elements are deve from mesoderm.

The pancreas is developed from two entodermic diverticula—dorsa ventral. The dorsal diverticulum is an evagination of the entoderm of the wall of the duodenal portion of the primitive gut. The ventral diverti( springs from the primitive hepatic diverticulum close to the ventral wall ( duodenum, which diverticulum subsequently forms the bile-duct. The < diverticulum extends between the two layers of the meso-gastrium, wh comes into relation with the developing spleen. This diverticulum giv lateral epithelial tubes, which ramify freely, and so build up an acino-tu

Fig. 523. —Diagram to show the Relations of the Pancreatic Outgrowths to the Median Mesentery.

The dorsal wall of the duodenum is left on the meso-duodenum, and bet this and the oesophagus the stomach has been removed with the front of the bursa omentalis, leaving the posterior wall and opening of the The ventral outgrowth A is growing in the meso-duodenum, but the d growth, being higher up, is able to extend into the wall of the primitive The portal vein passes backwards, upwards, and to the right betweei two outgrowths.

gland. The acini appear as enlargements of the walls of the terminal t By means of the ramifications of the dorsal diverticulum the greater part o head, body, and tail of the adult pancreas are formed.

The ventral diverticulum is at first double, right and left outgrowths ar from the liver-hud. The left formation quickly disappears, while the right coming into relation with the portal vein, grows round this into the meso-duode\ where it enlarges, being placed with the vein behind the duodenum as this ci out toward the right. It forms the pancreatic duct, and gives outgrowtl form the lower part of the head of the pancreas.

The ventral and dorsal parts of the pancreas join, and the dorsal d ticulum (pancreatic duct) and ventral diverticulum now communicate by fi anastomosing branches. Thereafter the duodenal portion of the pancr»



ict usually atrophies and disappears. It may, however, persist, and open as l independent duct into the second part of the duodenum. The accessory iiicreatic duct is persistent, and constitutes the principal duct of the fully iveloped pancreas. From its mode of development it necessarily opens into e bile-duct.

The islets of Langerhans, which are characteristic of the pancreas, are formed cells derived from the walls of the original epithelial tubes. These cells become fferentiated, and by their multiplication they give rise to isolated cell-groups, ing in the mesodermic connective tissue between the lobules of the gland, where ey are soon permeated by bloodvessels.

The development of the head of the pancreas proceeds within the meso-duonum (Fig. 523) dorsal and caudal to the vitelline vein, which enters the mesolodenum here to form the beginning of the portal vein. The head, by its large owth, widens out the meso-duodenum to a very considerable extent, and oduces the curve of the duodenum round its mass. The body and tail of the gan extend into the dorsal wall of the bursa omentalis, growing rapidly in this ward the left. They thus come to be directed transversely, and are laid down the dorsal wall of the abdomen. When the peritoneum of this wall adheres the bursal wall, and the two adherent layers disappear, the gland is left in a ro-peritoneal position behind the completed lesser sac; rarely, however, the hesion and disappearance of the layers is incomplete, and thus a cyst may be

med behind the gland from fluid within a persisting part of the peritoneum


Structure of the Spleen.

The spleen is the largest ductless gland in the body. It has two ats, serous and fibrous, inseparably connected together. The serous at is formed by the peritoneum. The fibrous coat or tunica propria composed of fibrous tissue, with a considerable admixture of elastic

sue, and a certain amount of plain muscular tissue, all of which

lild up a strong distensible tunic.

The organ is composed of a trabecular network, the spleen pulp, oodvessels, and Malpighian corpuscles.

The tunica propria sends into the organ a number of trabecube fich, like the tunica propria, are composed of fibrous, elastic, and ain muscular tissues. These divide and subdivide, and unite with e another, as well as with processes derived from the sheaths which e bloodvessels carry in with them at the hilum. There is thus pied a trabecular network, which pervades the interior, and conins in its meshes the splenic pulp, capillary tufts, and lymphatic 'dules.

The splenic pulp occupies the meshes of the network formed by the ibeculae. It is soft, and has a dark red colour, which, however, comes brighter on exposure to the air. The matrix of the spleen [ lp is reticular, and is formed by branched connective-tissue coracles, which constitute the sustentacular cells of the organ, the drix is, therefore, in reality retiform tissues. The interstices of e reticulum contain blood, in which there is a large number of white rpuscles, and also special cells characteristic of the spleen, and fied the splenic cells. These latter are of large size, and are amoeboid. iey contain pigment, and red blood-corpuscles in various stages of integration.

8 g6


Bloodvessels and Lymphatic Nodules (Malpighian Corpuscle! Arteries.—The splenic artery furnishes five or six large branches wl enter the organ at the hilum, and carry in with them trabecular shea from the tunica propria. In the interior they divide and subdiv and finally terminate in pencil-like clusters of capillary vessels, which time they have laid aside all their coats except the endotht lining. The endothelial cells then become separated from each ot by spaces, and being continuous with the sustentacular cells of spleen pulp, the blood flows directly into the interstices of the reticu] of the pulp. The arteries, which are at first accompanied by trabeci sheaths, ultimately lose these sheaths, and enter the splenic pulp

end in clusters of capillaries, fore they terminate in these c' ters their external coat underg an important modification, wl consists in its transformation i lymphoid or adenoid tissue. 1 lymphoid tissue forms at inten small round or oval enlargemei called lymphatic nodules (Ma ghian corpuscles), which on sect appear as minute white speck; the dark red spleen pulp. Tb corpuscles are simply local! expansions of the lymphoid tis which forms the external coat the small arteries. The expans may be confined to one side the artery, or it may include whole of its circumference. E; corpuscle receives minute tv from the artery on which it is i and contains large numbers lymph corpuscles, as well capillary bloodvessels.

Veins.—The arterial blood, on leaving the capillary vessels, tie directly into the interstices of the reticular matrix of the spleen pr and from these it is taken up by radicle veins which commence b manner similar to that in which the capillaries end. Endothe cells, continuous with the sustentacular cells of the pulp, come togetl and cohere, so as to form very delicate tubular vessels having clo! walls. As these radicle veins unite and become larger the other co are superadded to the endothelial lining. Ultimately five or six ve leave the spleen at the hilum, which unite to form the splenic vei

this in turn uniting with the superior mesenteric vein to form the poi vein.

It is to be noted that, in the circulation through the spleen, j arterial blood leaves tubular vessels and flows through the interstij

Capsule Trabecula

Lymphatic Nodules Splenic Pulp

Fig. 524. —Section of the Spleen.



he reticulum of the spleen pulp, where it bathes the Malpighian niscles, after which it enters tubular vessels of the nature of veins, rhe cells of the spleen are of three kinds as follows: (1) the sustenilar cells of the retiform tissue of the spleen pulp; (2) the splenic>; and (3) lymphoid corpuscles.

Lymphatics. —These are arranged in two groups—trabecular and vascular. The trabecular lymphatics are contained in the trails, and communicate with a lymphatic network in the tunica pria underneath the peritoneal coat. The perivascular lymphatics mence in the lymphoid tissue which forms the external coat of smaller arteries. At the hilum both sets of lymphatics meet and 3 to the splenic glands, and thence to the coeliac glands.

Nerves. —These are derived from the splenic plexus, which is an hoot from the coeliac plexus. The fibres, which are mostly nonLullated, are derived partly from the sympathetic system and partly n the right vagus nerve.

)evelopment of the Spleen. —The spleen is formed from the mesodermal of the bursa omentalis. In the fifth week the sac wall in its upper, dorsal, left part shows a certain amount of thickening, with vascularization, and 2ase in size of the mesothelial cells covering its outer surface. A little later e covering cells proliferate, and cells pass from the layer into the mesenchyme le wall. As the mass enlarges it projects outwards into the peritoneal cavity.

he processes take place at several points the organ is lobed; although the

d appearance is lost by subsequent fusion, the original divisions are indicated

he fissures. The cells arrange themselves in trabecular bands, and small

gather round the small branches of the splenic artery and form the lymphatic lies (Malpighian corpuscles) about the seventh month. When the dorsal of the bursa omentalis becomes adherent to the wall of the abdomen, the sn, lying just outside the area of adhesion, is now attached to the outer edge his area by the intervening strip of non-adherent sqc wall— i.e., by what is wn as the lieno-renal fold. As it projects toward the left, away from the ty of the sac, it is covered by peritoneum of the greater sac, and is separated 1 that of the lesser sac by the vessels in the wail of the latter.

Structure of the Suprarenal Glands.

The suprarenal glands [adrenals) belong to the so-called ductless ids. Each gland is enclosed in a thin sheath of connective tissue, n the deep part of which processes are given off into the interior, ire they form a supporting stroma. The proper substance of the id is divided into an external or cortical, and internal or medullary t.

The cortex has a somewhat yellowish tint, due to the presence of poid substance, and is composed of cells supported by a fibrous )ma. The cells being variously arranged in different parts, the tex is divisible into three zones, named, from without inwards, zona nerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis. The zona glomerul > which is narrow, lies immediately within the external capsule, I- is so named because its component cells are grouped in such tanner as to form glomeruli, which are embedded in a fibrous stroma.




The cells are polyhedral, and each contains a clear round nucl The zona fasciculata forms the chief part of the cortex, and is so na] because its component cells are arranged in columns or fasciculi, cells are similar to those of the zona glomerulosa, and the cell coin are separated from one another by fibrous trabeculae, which aci carriers of the bloodvessels, nerves, and lymphatics. The zona ret laris, which is narrow, lies within the zona fasciculata, and is so nai because its component groups of polyhedral cells are connected \ one another in such a manner as to form a reticulum.

The medulla is confi

Capsule \



Zona Glomerulosa

> Zona Fasciculata

Zona Reticularis

Fig. 525. —Section of the Suprarenal


to the centre of the gl in the adult, is soft in c sistence, and has a redd brown colour, due to contained venous blood, supporting fibrous strom; the cortex pervades it, ; is arranged in a retici manner. The meshes of 1 reticulum are occupied cells, larger and more irre lar than those of the corl further differing from tf in containing granules wf stain deeply with chromi salts.


These are (1) the supei suprarenal of the phre from the abdominal aoi (2) the middle suprare from the abdominal aoi and (3) the inferior sup renal from the renal.

The veins of each gh eventually unite to form <

suprarenal vein. This vessel emerges through the hilum, and on right side it opens directly into the inferior vena cava, whilst on left side it terminates in the left renal vein.

The lymphatics terminate in the juxta-aortic glands . The lyi vessels accompany the vessels connected with the glands. T1 issuing with the main vein drain the medullary region, and ] (Fig. 526) to aortic glands below the levels of the renal pedicles; on two pass behind these to glands behind the renal arteries. Yes accompanying the suprarenal arteries drain the cortex, and reach gla above the renal pedicles; on the right some pass behind the infe vena cava. Additional lymphatics, shown in the figure by interruj lines, run up on the diaphragm, which they pierce, to enter glands


thoracic aorta at about the level of the ninth or tenth thoracic tebrae.

Nerves. —-The suprarenal glands are very richly supplied with nerves, ch are derived from (1) the phrenic plexus from the coeliac ganglion . coeliac plexus, (2) the suprarenal plexus from the coeliac ganglion . coeliac plexus, and (3) offshoots from the renal plexus. According Bergmann, the suprarenal glands also receive fibres from the phrenic . vagi nerves. The fibres, which are chiefly non-medullated, form l plexuses in the medulla, where they have numerous ganglion cells nected with them.

Fig. 526. —Lymphatics of Suprarenal Glands (after Rouviere).

Development. —The suprarenal gland makes its appearance medial to the •onephros. The cortex is of mesodermic origin, and the medulla is developed n the cells of the primitive abdominal sympathetic system.

The cortex is developed from cellular outgrowths of the mesothelium of the om, or body-cavity, on the mesial aspect of the mesonephros. These outwths soon become separated from the ccelomic mesothelium, and unite to n a solid mass, which constitutes the cortex.

The medulla is derived from the primitive abdominal sympathetic cells, 'ups of cells grow out from the ganglia (these cells being consequently of Mermic origin), and they invade the cortex. They become differentiated ^ two groups. The cells of one group are chromaffivi cells, and stain a dark ow colour with chromic acid salts. The cells of the other group are ganglion All the cells developed from the sympathetic ganglia gradually pass to the tre, where they constitute the medulla.



The suprarenal gland thus develops in two parts—cortex, derived fron coelomic mesothelium (mesoderm), and medulla, derived from the abdor sympathetic ganglia, and therefore of ectodermic origin. The cortical begins to form in the fourth week, and the ganglion cells begin their inv: three weeks later; the process goes on till after birth, and ill-understood fc tive changes continue for some years.

Structure of the Kidneys.

The kidneys are compound tubular glands. Each organ is vested by a capsule, composed of fibrous tissue with a certain aim of elastic fibres. The deep surface of this capsule is attached tc peripheral portion of the renal substance by fine fibrous processes

small bloodvessels. Ur neath it there is a cei amount of plain muse fibre, arranged in a sc what plexiform manner, the hilum on the inner bo it is prolonged inwarck line a cavity to which hilum leads, called the t sinus, where it becomes tinuous with the fibrous c of the calyces.

When a kidney is into two halves by a lc tudinal incision carried f the outer to the inner bo it is seen to be comp< of two parts—cortex medulla.

The medulla, whicl internal in position, is ranged in conical bum termed renal pyramids (pyramids of Malpighi), which vary in nun from eight to eighteen, the average number being about twe The bases of these pyramids are directed towards the circumfere: whilst their apical parts, called renal papillae, project into the sinus, wl they are grasped by the calyces. Each renal pyramid is divided : three parts—namely, the basal part, the papillary zone, and the a ; The basal parts of the pyramids form collectively the boundary zon the kidney. They abut against the cortical substance, which se prolongations between them, called renal columns (columnar BerU These prolongations extend as far as the commencement of the ap parts of the papillary zones, where they cease, so that these ap parts project into the calyces free from cortical investments. E renal pyramid is composed of straight, slightly converging urinifei tubules (tubuli recti ) and straight bloodvessels, the number of tub

Renal Pyramid



— Ureler

Fig. 527.—Diagram of the Kidney in Longitudinal Section.



ig very much greater in the basal part than elsewhere. This ight arrangement of tubules and bloodvessels imparts to each amid a longitudinally striated appearance from apex to base. The al parts have a dark reddish-brown colour, which becomes brighter he papillary zones.

The cortex of the kidney is mainly situated within the fibrous sule. It has a reddish-brown colour, and, as already stated, sends longations between the renal pyramids. Like the medullary part,

composed of uriniferous tubules and bloodvessels, but the tubules

principally convoluted (tubuli contorti), though there are also dies of straight tubules (tubuli recti) which have issued from the il pyramids, and form the medullary rays.

Cortex. —The cortical part is composed of the labyrinth and the lullary rays.

Labyrinth .—This portion of the cortex is so named from the very iplicated arrangement of its tubules. It is situated in the internes between the medullary rays, and is composed of convoluted dferous tubules, bloodvessels, and glomeruli, each of the latter being losed within a capsule of Bowman.

Uriniferous Tubules. —Each tubule commences in the labyrinth he cortex in a spherical dilatation, called the capsule of Bowman, tiin which there is a tuft of convoluted capillary bloodvessels, known i Malpighian glomerulus (Malpighian corpuscle). Bowman s capsule sents two poles. One of these is formed by two bloodvessels, afferent efferent, which pierce the capsule at separate points, but close to each er. At the other pole Bowman’s capsule becomes constricted, and ns the neck of a cylindrical tubule. After the tubule has passed the k it becomes convoluted, and forms the first convoluted tubule. The

sment membrane and lining epithelium of Bowman’s capsule are conious with the basement membrane and lining epithelium of the first voluted tubule, and the space between Bowman’s capsule and the nerulus is continuous with the lumen of the tubule. The first voluted tubule soon becomes straight, though slightly wavy, and, Ting a medullary ray, it forms the spiral tubule. This tubule, on 'hing the junction of the cortex and boundary zone, becomes denly very narrow, and traverses the basal part of a renal pyramid, s known as the descending limb of Henle’s loop. On leaving the ndary zone it enters the papillary zone, and after a short course escribes a very sharp bend, called the loop of Henle. It now re'es its steps from the papillary zone into the boundary zone of a al pyramid, in which latter situation it becomes suddenly enlarged, s part, which retraces its steps, is called the ascending limb of Henle’s »• It re-enters the cortex, where it becomes narrower, and passes > a medullary ray, in which it lies for a short distance. It subaently, however, leaves the ray, and, entering the labyrinth, ds between the convoluted tubules as the irregular or zigzag tubule, ch has become slightly enlarged. This irregular tubule then passes 1 the second convoluted tubule. This tubule, becoming narrow,



passes into the junctional tubule, which is slightly wavy. The tional tubule leads into the straight or collecting tubule, which is slij enlarged, and is situated in a medullary ray. This straight colle tubule now passes to the basal part of a renal pyramid, taking i

Fig. 528. —Diagram of the Uriniferous Tubules of the Kidney (Ki

a and a', outer and inner zones of cortex, which are free from

Malpighian bodies.

1. 1. Capsule of Bowman 4. 4. Spiral Tubule

2. 2. Neck of Capsule 5. 5. Descending Limb of Henle’s Loop

3. 3. First Convoluted Tubule 6 6. Loop of Henle

7. 7., 8. 8., 9. 9., Ascending Limb of Henle’s Loop

10. 10. Irregular Tubule 13. 14. Collecting Tubule

11. 11. Second Convoluted Tubule 15. Duct of Bellini

12. 12. Junctional Tubule

its course other junctional tubules from the labyrinth. In pa through the various parts of a renal pyramid the collecting tu unite at acute angles, and so become less numerous and at the same larger. They run in straight, slightly converging lines toward



x of a papilla, where they are very much reduced in numbers, but of (e size. In this final part of their course each collecting tubule ns the duct of Bellini. These excretory tubes open on the apex of ipilla, where there is often a foveola or small depression, and through se openings the urine escapes into a calyx.

The diameter of the ducts of Bellini is about inch.

Summary of a Tubule from Beginning to End.

[. The capsule of Bowman, containing a glomerulus in the labyrinth .

>. The neck, in the labyrinth.

5. The first convoluted tubule, in the labyrinth. j.. The spiral tubule, in a medullary ray.

5. The descending limb of Henle’s loop (small), in a basal part, and in part papillary zone, of a renal pyramid.

). The loop of Henle, in a papillary zone.

7. The ascending limb of Henle’s loop (large), in part of a papillary zone, a l part, and the cortex, in which latter it is in a medullary ray.

The irregular or zigzag tubule, in the labyrinth.

). The second convoluted tubule, in the labyrinth.

o. The junctional tubule, in the labyrinth on its way to a medullary ray.

[i. The collecting tubule, in a medullary ray of the cortex, and in a basal part renal pyramid.

[2. The duct of Bellini, in a papillary zone of a renal pyramid.

Structure of the Uriniferous Tubules. —The tubules are composed of a baset membrane lined with a single layer of epithelial cells. The basement ibrane itself consists of flattened epithelial cells. The tubules vary in but their average diameter may be stated as inch. The characters he lining epithelial cells present differences in the different tubules, which now be considered in order.

[. The capsule of Bowman is lined with a single layer of flattened epithelium,

h is reflected over the glomerulus, where it is more distinct in early life than

ie adult.

-• The neck is lined with cubical epithelium.

5. The first convoluted tubule is also lined with cubical epithelium, but the cells,

h are thick, are peculiar. The inner part of each cell—that is, the part next

lumen of the tubule—including the spherical nucleus, has granular protoplasm, st the outer part—that is, the part next the basement membrane—has its pplasm striated or fibrillated, owing to the presence of rod-shaped fibrils disposed ically to the basement membrane (Heidenhain). These fibrillated cells are dded laterally with processes by which they embrace one another. The en of the tubule is distinct.

p The spiral tubule is lined with epithelium similar ’to that of the first* conned tubule, and its lumen is distinct.

5- The descending limb of Henle’s loop is lined with clear, thin, flattened cells. tubule, though narrow, has a distinct lumen.

5 . The loop of Henle is lined with epithelium which resembles that of the lending limb.

7- The ascending limb of Henle’s loop is lined with fibrillated, cubical epithelial like those of the first convoluted and spiral tubules. Though it is of comffively large size, its lumen is small.

3 - The irregular or zigzag tubule is lined with cubical epithelial cells, which markedly fibrillated, and its lumen is minute.

3 - The second convoluted tubule is lined with epithelium which resembles t of the first convoluted tubule, with the following differences: (a) the cells longer; and (b) they are highly refractive. In size it corresponds with the ' convoluted tubule.


10. The junctional tubule is lined with clear, flattened, cubical epithelial , and its lumen is large.

11. The collecting tubule is lined with epithelial cells, which in its earlier are clear and cubical, but in its later part they are columnar, and the lum< very distinct.

12. The duct of Bellini is lined with epithelial cells which are clear


Medullary Rays or Pyramids of Ferrein. —These take the torn pyramidal bundles of uriniferous tubules, which are separated f: each other by portions of the labyrinth. The tubules are straij and emerge from the basal parts of the pyramids. As these medul] rays are followed from the basal parts to the periphery, each gradu diminishes in breadth, and ultimately tapers to a point, which si a short distance from the fibrous capsule, being separated from it a portion of the labyrinth. The rays are thus conical, their bases b( at the basal parts of the renal pyramids, and their apices near the fibi capsule—hence the name ‘ pyramids.’ The explanation of this sh is that the tubules at the circumference of a medullary ray enter labyrinth sooner than those in the centre, which latter form the a of the ray.

Summary of a Medullary Ray. —Each contains the following tubules: (i) sj tubules; (2) ascending limbs of Henle’s loops; and (3) collecting tubules.

Medulla of the Kidney. —The medullary portion has been alre; generally described. It is composed of renal pyramids, consisl of uriniferous tubules and bloodvessels (true and false).

The tubules in the various parts of the renal pyramids are as folio

1. Basal Part. —This contains the following tubules:

Portions of the descending limbs of Henle’s loops.

Portions of the ascending limbs of Henle’s loops.

Collecting tubules.

2. Papillary Zone. —This contains the following tubules:

Portions of the descending limbs of Henle’s loops.

The loops of Henle.

Portions of the ascending limbs of Henle’s loops.

The ducts of Bellini.

3. Apex of the Papillary Zone. —This contains only the ducts Bellini.

Bloodvessels of the Kidneys — Arteries. —Each kidney receives large amount of blood from the renal artery, which is a branch of abdominal aorta. This vessel, as it approaches the hilum, divides i] four or five branches, which enter the sinus, where they are embedc in fat along with the calyces. They then subdivide into interlo' branches, which pass between the renal pyramids, where they contir to subdivide. On arriving at the junction of the cortex and bound; zone they form a series of arches, which are independent of one anotb and are called the cortico-medullary arches. Alongside of these th< are venous arches, which, unlike the arterial arches, anastomose fre<



ith one another. The convexities of the incomplete arterial arches

e directed towards the cortex, and the concavities towards the renal

yramids. The branches of the arches are interlobular and arteriae


The interlobular arteries (cortical) arise from the convexities of the rches and enter the labyrinth of the cortex, in which they pass outards between the medullary rays, hey give off afferent and capsular ranches.

The afferent branches are so named ecause they carry blood to the 'omeruli. They arise from the in^rlobular arteries at frequent interals, and each passes to a capsule f Bowman without giving off any ranch. Having pierced the capsule t one pole, the afferent vessel breaks p into a number of convoluted ipillary vessels, which form a small ascular ball, called a glomerulus Malpighian corpuscle). The blood is onveyed away from the glomerulus y an efferent vessel, which is variously sgarded as an artery and a vein, his efferent vessel is smaller than tie afferent artery. It pierces bowman’s capsule at the same pole s the afferent artery, but separate

om, though close to, it. Therefter it breaks up into a network of

apillary vessels, which invest the orresponding first convoluted urinierous tubule, the meshes of the network being polygonal. The efferent r essels of those glomeruli which lie learest to the renal pyramids are iisposed in a different manner. They >reak up into bundles of straight vessels, called false vasa recta, which nter the basal parts of the pyramids, diere they supply to a large extent the uriniferous tubules, upon the mils of which they form capillary networks with elongated meshes, t is, however, to be noted that the renal pyramids also receive true irterise rectae from the cortico-medullary arterial arches.

The Glomerulus (Malpighian Corpuscle). —A glomerulus of the kidney s a small ball of convoluted capillary bloodvessels, having two vessels connected with it, one of which is an afferent artery and the other an 'fferent vessel. The vessels of many of the glomeruli are collected into


A, cortex; B, medulla.

1. Arterial Arch

2. Interlobular Artery

3. Afferent Artery of Glomerulus

4. Capsular Branches

5. Efferent Vessel of Glomerulus

6. Glomerulus

7. First Convoluted Tubule

8. True Arteria Recta

9. False Arteria Recta

10. Venous Arch

11. Interlobular Vein

12. Venae Stellatae

13. Venae Rectae


bundles, an arrangement which renders these glomeruli tabulated, number of lobules varying from two to five. Each glomerulus within a capsule of Bowman, and the flattened epithelium of the caps is reflected over the glomerulus from the points of entrance and exil the afferent and efferent vessels. The epithelial cells covering the c puscle are thicker and less flattened than those lining the capsule Bowman, and are better marked in early life than in the adult, the case of the tabulated glomeruli the epithelial investment dips between the component lobules. The epithelium of Bowman’s caps and the epithelium of the glomerulus, which in each case forms a sin layer, are separated from one another by a slight interspace. 1

diameter of a glomerulus is about ¥ To * n The glomeruli are confined to the cortex of i kidney, where they lie in rows in the labyrii between the medullary rays. There is a narr zone immediately within the external capsi and another narrow zone close to the re: pyramids, from both of which glomeruli ; absent.

The capsular branches of the interlobu arteries supply the external fibrous capsule the kidney, in which they anastomose w: branches of the lumbar arteries from the c dominal aorta.

The arteriae rectae (medullary), or vasa rec (true), arise from the concavities of the corti( medullary arterial arches, and at once enter t basal parts of the renal pyramids. Here th break up into bundles of straight, sligh diverging arterioles, which run between t bundles of straight, slightly converging uri: ferous tubules, a mutual arrangement whi imparts to the renal pyramids a longitudina striated appearance. The capillary networ formed by these arterioles have necessar: elongated meshes. It is to be noted that t renal pyramids derive their blood-supply frc two sources—namely, (i) the arteriae rectae, or vasa recta (true), frc the cortico-medullary arterial arches; and (2) the false vasa recta frc the efferent vessels of those glomeruli which lie nearest the rer pyramids. It is also to be noted that a glomerulus of the kidney is ball of convoluted capillary bloodvessels, which is enclosed with a capsule of Bowman, whereas a Malpighian body of the spleen is collection of lymphoid or adenoid tissue which is a localized expansi< of the external or lymphoid coat of the small arteries in the interi of that organ.

Veins — Veins of the Cortex. —These are called the interlobular vein Some of them commence on the surface of the kidney beneath tl

showing a Glomerulus OF THE Kidney with its Afferent and Efferent Vessels, and a Proximal Convoluted Tubule with ITS Venous Plexus (Bowman).

1. Glomerulus

2. Bowman’s Capsule

3. Uriniferous Tubule

4. Interlobular Artery

5. Afferent Vessel

6. Efferent Vessel

7. Venous Plexus around


8. Interlobular Vein



psule, from which they return blood, and these are called vence stellatce, cause the venous radicles which give rise to them converge to a int, and so present a star-like appearance. Others originate in the sxuses around the uriniferous tubules. The interlobular veins rminate by joining the convexities of the venous arches, which are uated between the cortex and the renal pyramids.

Veins of the Medulla. —The veins of the renal pyramids commence plexuses which surround the ducts of Bellini in the apical parts of the pillary zones, and they are called vencB rectcB. As these traverse the aamids they are collected into bundles of straight vessels, which ien into the concavities of the cortico-medullary venous arches.

Cortico-medullary Venous Arches. —These arches, which are comste, are situated between the cortex and the renal pyramids, where ey lie alongside of the incomplete arterial arches. They derive their Dod from the interlobular veins of the cortex and the venae rectae the renal pyramids. The veins which proceed from these arches „ss between the pyramids to the sinus of the kidney, where they Lite to form the renal vein, which terminates in the inferior vena cava. Lymphatics. —These consist of two groups, superficial and deep, le superficial lymphatics, which are few in number, form a plexus in e fibrous capsule, and communicate with lymph spaces between the iniferous tubules in the outer part of the cortex. They terminate r joining the deep lymphatics at the hilum. The deep lymphatics company the bloodvessels, and communicate with lymph spaces itween the uriniferous tubules of the cortex and boundary zone, n emerging at the hilum they receive the superficial lymphatics, id then pass to the juxta-aortic group of lumbar glands.

Nerves. —The kidney receives numerous nerves from the renal exus, which derives its fibres from (1) the aortico-renal ganglion, which the lesser splanchnic nerve terminates; (2) the coeliac plexus; id (3) the aortic plexus. If there is a lowest splanchnic nerve present reinforces the renal plexus. The nerve-fibres are partly sympathetic, irtly spinal through the lesser and lowest splanchnic nerves, and in irt derived from the right vagus through the coeliac plexus. I hey ^company the arterial branches, and ramify upon the walls of the sssels and uriniferous tubules.

Excretory Apparatus of the Kidney. —This consists of the calyces,

elvis, and ureter.

Ureter. —This is the excretory duct of the kidney, and it has the >rm of a cylindrical tube, like a goose-quill, its colour being a dull hite. Its length varies from 12 to 16 inches, and its diameter is bout 1 inch. At its lower extremity it opens into the bladder, and t the hilum of the kidney it joins the pelvis of the kidney, which is mnel-shaped, being wide above and narrow below. Ihe pelvis is attened from before backwards, and lies partly in the sinus and artly outside the hilum, its direction being downwards and inwards, t is formed by the union of two or three primary divisions or greater alyces (infundibula) within the sinus, and these again are formed by



the union of about nine secondary divisions, called lesser calyces. 1 number of lesser calyces thus usually falls short of the number of re pyramids (8 to 18), the explanation being that one lesser calyx n grasp two papillae or even three. The lesser calyces embrace i papillae of the renal pyramids, which thus project into them, and tl receive the urine as it oozes through the pores on the apices of 1 papillae, these pores being the openings of the ducts of Bellini. 1 interspaces between the lesser calyces in the renal sinus are occup; by the branches of the renal bloodvessels and by fat.

Structure of the Ureter. —The ureter is a thick-walled muscu tube, lined with mucous membrane, and consists of three coats external or fibrous, middle or muscular, and internal or muco’

Middle Circular Muscular Fibres

Outer Longitudinal Muscular Fibres

53 1 • Transverse Section of the Lower Part of the Ureter, showing its Minute Structure.

The fibrous coat is composed of fibrous tissue, very compactly arrange^ and contains the bloodvessels and nerves, which here subdivide. Tl muscular coat is composed of plain muscular tissue, which is dispose in three layers —outer longitudinal, middle circular, and internal long tudinal. The outer longitudinal layer is best marked in the lower ha of the ureter, where it forms a continuous investment. In the uppf half of the tube its bundles are somewhat scattered. The mucoi coat superiorly is continued over the papillae of the renal pyramids, an interiorly becomes continuous with the mucous membrane of tb bladder. It is covered by stratified transitional epithelium, the celbeing arranged in four layers. In the most superficial layer (nearer the lumen of the tube) the cells are cubical, and present depressions o



eir deep surfaces, which receive the round ends of the pyriform cells the layer beneath. In the second layer the cells are pyriform, the und superficial ends being capped by the cubical cells of the first ^er, and the narrow deep ends projecting between the deeper cells, the third and fourth layers the cells are round or oval. The mucous smbrane is thrown into longitudinal folds, and the lumen of the be, which is of small size, presents under the microscope a branched •pearance on cross-section.

Around the lower end of the ureter for a distance of 3 or 4 mm. a fibrous-tissue covering known as Waldeyer’s sheath. Between is sheath and the ureteral wall proper is some loose bursal tissue, lich serves to facilitate the slight but important movement which kes place between the lower end of the ureter and the vesical wall contraction and relaxation of the bladder, and which has for its irpose the prevention of regurgitation of urine.

Blood-supply—Arteries. —The ureter receives branches from the nal, testicular (ovarian in the female), common iliac, and superior

sical arteries.

The veins terminate in the vessels corresponding to these arteries. Lymphatics. —These pass to the juxta-aortic group of lumbar glands , Ld to the internal iliac glands.

Nerves. —These accompany the arteries, and are derived from e renal, testicular (ovarian in the female), and pelvic plexuses. The )res form plexuses in the fibrous and muscular coats, which contain lall ganglia.

Structure of the Pelvis and Calyces. —The structure of these parts the excretory apparatus resembles that of the ureter, with the

ception that they have only two layers of plain muscular tissue,

stead of three as in the ureter. The layer which is wanting is the tier longitudinal layer. The lesser calyces are attached to the bases the papillae, and in these situations their fibrous coats become coniuous with that part of the fibrous capsule of the kidney which is 'olonged inwards through the hilum to line the sinus. The internal ngitudinal muscular fibres disappear towards the papilla, but the rcular muscular fibres accompany a lesser calyx to its termination, here they are arranged in the form of a circular band, which surrounds base of a papilla at the line of attachment of a calyx. The stratified ansitional epithelium of the mucous coat of a lesser calyx is pronged over the apex of each papilla.

Stroma of the Kidneys. —Between the uriniferous tubules and oodvessels there is a certain amount of connective tissue, which present in greatest abundance in the region of the papillary zones, his constitutes what is known as the fibrous or intestinal stroma, which there is a very small amount.

Early Condition of the Kidneys. —The kidneys of a child at the period of birth e lobulated, each lobule representing a renal pyramid surrounded by cortical bstance. In this respect they resemble the permanently lobulated kidneys of rtain animals— e.g., the ox. The lobules first become apparent towards the



end of the third month of intra-uterine life, and all traces of them have usi

disappeared by the eighth or tenth year.

Fig. 532. —-Kidney of a Child shortly before Birth.

They may, however, remain persh to a greater or less extent throug life, though this condition is of rare occurrence. It is, however, uncommon to find the surface o adult kidney marked by faint gro indicative of its original lobul condition. The disappearance of lobulated condition is brought a’ by the adjacent lobules coalescing, being accompanied by an incre development of cortical substanc the surface. The portions of cor substance which remain in the sp between the renal pyramids (ex their apical parts) form the r columns.

Development of the Kidney and Ureter.

The metanephros, or permanent kidney, is the last of the serie: excretory organs formed in the human embryo. For the acco of these organs, see p. 94 et seq.

The ureteric bud, the earliest formation in association with metanephros, begins to grow from the mesonephric duct when embryo is about 5 mm. long. It is a club-shaped, hollow outgrow which (Fig. 533) is surmounted from an early stage by a blastemal c formed by metanephric mesoderm. The markedly condensed d or inner layer of this cap is a very noticeable feature. The hoi outgrowth elongates fairly rapidly, growing in a cranial directi dorsal to the mesonephros, and carrying its blastemal cap on extremity as it grows. The bulbous end soon divides into two, c from these secondary outgrowths take place, each process carrying own blastemal cap upon it. In this way the cavities of the gret and lesser calyces are marked out. The process continues of elongat of outgrowth, subdivision, and consequent new outgrowths, and so and thus the collecting tubes of the kidney are made, each advanc end being covered by its metanephric cap of blastemal tissue.

At a later stage the earliest formed generations of these collecting-t systems are taken up into the calyces, so that the final number of collecting tu is not the same as the whole number formed, and more tubes come to open i the calyces directly than originally grew from them.

the formation of outgrowths goes on during the second, thi and fourth months, and probably for a considerable time after tl About the beginning of the third month, however, some of the tul subdivisions have reached their terminal stages, and the blasten caps of these terminal outgrowths begin to show activities whi ultimately lead to the formation of the secretory parts of the tubi system. 1 he inner zone of the cap forms a solid mass of cells, whi



>n becomes hollow, and is termed the renal vesicle. A curved short mle grows from this towards the bent end of the terminal collecting >e, with which it becomes connected. The renal vesicle is in the antime invaginated, and thus constitutes a glomerulus. The short ■ved tubule, somewhat in the shape of an S, elongates slowly. The

Fig. 533. —Schematic Drawings to illustrate the Formation of the Tubular System of the Kidneys.

A the ureteric outgrowth is shown arising from the mesonephric duct close to where this enters the cloaca. The enlarged end of the bud is covered by its blastemal cap. The enlarged end becomes bilobed. B, each lobe covered by its cap. Further subdivisions are seen in C. Terminal subdivisions are shown in D, where the cap is forming, on the left, a rounded ‘ renal vesicle/ R.V. On the right a tubule is growing from the vesicle toward the end of the collecting terminal. In E and F the tubule has fused with the terminal, and by elongating is making convoluted tubules and a loop of Henle. A vascular loop V grows against the renal vesicle and the adjoining part of its tubule, and invaginates them, producing a glomerulus.

'ond convoluted tubule is formed from the upper limb of the curve, s first convoluted tubule from its lower limb, and the intervening rtion is lengthened into Henle’s loop. Henle’s loops can be disL °tly recognized during the fourth month. The other descriptive rts of the system of tubules are gradually formed as elongation pn> isses.



It is seen, then, that the tubule system, from the glomerulus to i arched collecting duct, is derived from the metanephric mesodei while the whole system of collecting ducts is formed by outgrov from the original ureteric growth. The junction between the t parts of the whole tubule system is effected shortly after the blaster tubule begins its growth; it is the failure of this junction which ir lead to one of the varieties of congenital cystic kidney.

The secondary junction between outgrowths from the mesonephric duct on one hand, and tubules formed separately in the mesoderm on the other ha is not in itself an extraordinary or out-of-the-way occurrence. It is well knc to occur in several species of animals, and it is apparently represented in development of the secondary tubules of the human mesonephros, which, wl

Suprarenal Glands

Fig. 534. —The Mesonephro, Mesonephric, and Para-mesonephric Due

and Contiguous Parts (Allen Thomson).

they are formed, extend toward the mesonephric duct, and meet secondary p jections from this duct in their direction. In the case of the metanephros t may, in the light of what has just been said, be looked on as corresponding w these secondary tubules of the mesonephros coming into relation with enormou elongated outgrowths from the mesonephric duct.

The vascular constituents, the interstitial connective-tissue stroma, renal columns, and the renal capsule are developed from the metanephric blaster

The ureter of either side, which originally opens into the uro-genital sii in common with the mesonephric duct, becomes detached from that duct a opens by an independent orifice into the uro-genital sinus on its dorsal aspe It may here be stated that the urinary bladder is developed from the u genital sinus.

Summary. —The pronephros is functional in lower vertebrates— e.g., cert; Fishes, and Amphibia during the larval stage. In Man it is rudimentary, d pronephric duct persists as the mesonephric duct.




Diaphragmatic - Ligament of Pri/nit/t/e /t/cfney

Mesoneph . ' M( sorter hr Duct

Duct of Epoophoron



6/rooep/fai S/pus fi/est/pp/e)

535 -—Development of the Uro-genital System (after Heisle).




The mesonephros or Wolffian body succeeds to the pronephros, and pe as the functional kidney in Fishes and Amphibia. In Man it atrophies large extent, and is replaced by the metanephros.

The metanephros is the permanent human kidney.


The pelvis is the lower division of the abdomen which lies b the level of the pectineal lines and sacral promontory. Unlike abdomen proper, the walls of the pelvis are chiefly osseous, posterior wall is constructed by the sacrum and coccyx, with the ori of the pyrif ormes muscles. Each lateral wall is formed by the body spine of the ischium, and is covered by the obturator internus mu

Pelvic Colon Gt. Omentum

Fig. 536. —Transverse Section at Level of Lumbo-sacral Junction

(after Symington).

The anterior wall is formed by the bodies of the pubic bones, whicJ the median line construct the symphysis pubis. Between the poste: wall and each lateral wall is a large space, which is partly closed by powerful sacro-tuberous and sacro-spinous ligaments. This spact divided into two parts by the sacro-spinous ligament and the spin( the ischium. The upper part forms the greater sciatic foramen, wb transmits the pyrif ormis muscle; the superior gluteal vessels, lymphat and nerves; the inferior gluteal vessels, lymphatics, sciatic nerve, < posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh; the internal pudendal vessels c lymphatics and pudendal nerve; the nerve to the obturator inter] and gemellus superior; and the nerve to the quadratus femoris c gemellus inferior. The lower part forms the lesser sciatic foram which transmits the obturator internus muscle and its nerve, 1



rnal pudendal vessels, and the pudendal nerve. At each lateral t of the anterior wall is the obturator foramen, which is closed, -pt superiorly, by the obturator membrane, covered by the obturator rnus muscle. Below the symphysis pubis is the pubic arch, which •ccupied by the perineal membrane. The pelvic wall, thus conicted, is clothed by the pelvic fascia. Superiorly the pelvic cavity uite open and in free communication with the abdomen proper, jrioily it is for the most part closed, a complex septum separating rom the perineum underneath. This septum is partly muscular partly fascial. The muscles entering into it are the levatores ani the coccygei, which construct the pelvic diaphragm. The fascial rent is formed on either side by the visceral pelvic fascia, which hes the superior or pelvic surface of the muscular diaphragm, and the anal fascia, which covers its inferior or perineal surface. The

Fig. 537. —Male Pelvic Region seen from Above.

r of the pelvis is consequently movable, being capable of ascending descending. It affords passage to the rectum and urethra, and, in ition, in the female to the vagina.

Contents of the Pelvis. —The contents of the male pelvis are as

)ws: the pelvic colon and rectum; the bladder, with the lower tions of the ureters and the prostate gland, the latter containing prostatic part of the urethra; the seminal vesicles and the lower tions of the vasa deferentia; the internal iliac vessels and their fiches; portions of the superior rectal and median sacral vessels; rectal, vesical, and prostatic venous plexuses, the latter receiving dorsal vein of the penis in two divisions; the sacral and coccygeal uises and their branches; the pelvic portions of the gangliated ip a thetic trunks; and the obturator nerves in part of their course. The differences in the contents of the female pelvis, as compared h those of the male, are as follows:



For the prostate gland and prostatic portion of the urethra sul tute the female urethra, uterus, and vagina. For the seminal vesi and portions of the vasa deferentia substitute the broad ligament the uterus and their contents—namely, the uterine tubes, the ova with their ligaments, and the ligamenta teres of the uterus. Ad< portions of the superior rectal and median sacral vessels portions of ovarian vessels. For the prostatic venous plexus substitute the pu< dal plexus, and add the uterine and ovarian venous plexuses.


General Position of the Viscera. —The pelvic colon and reel are situated upon the posterior wall, the pelvic colon reaching as lo\ the third sacral vertebra, and the rectum extending thence downwa

Comm. Iliac a. 1 ** 11 **** 1

Ureter- •

Lumbo-sacral Trunk Ext. Iliac A.

Obtur. N

Sup. Ves. A

Obtur. A

Vas Def Lat. Umbil. Lig.

Fig. 538. —Structures on Side Wall of Male Pelvis.

and forwards to the interval between the levatores ani muscles, wh< it is succeeded by the anal canal. The bladder is anterior in positi< being situated behind the bodies of the pubic bones, and resting by base upon the rectum. The seminal vesicles and the lower portions



vasa deferentia lie in contact with the base of the bladder, between nd the rectum. The prostate gland surrounds the prostatic part he urethra.

Peritoneum. —The disposition of the peritoneum will be simplified iefining the limits of the pelvic colon and rectum, and the different ts of the bladder. The pelvic colon extends from the inner border he left psoas major, just anterior to the left sacro-iliac articulation, he level of the third sacral vertebra. The rectum extends from the d sacral vertebra to a point t\ inches in front of and below the tip he coccyx, where it pierces the pelvic diaphragm to terminate in anal canal, which is the part of the large gut surrounded by the incter muscles. The bladder, when empty, presents the following ts: (1) an apex, which is directed forwards, and lies behind the upper

Pelvic Colon



Line of Peritoneal Reflection Ureter

t- Vas Deferens

Seminal Vesicle Bladder

/ Urachus

Symphysis Pubis

Levator Ani (cut) /


Corpus Cavernosum , Corpus Spongiosum Bulb and Bulbo-spongiosus ' Deep Layer of Sup. Perineal Fascia » Perineal Pouch Membranous Urethra Bulbo-urethral Gland Prostate Gland and Capsule

Perineal Membrane

Fig. 539.— The Viscera of the Male Pelvis (Lateral View).

of the symphysis pubis, where it has connected with it the median

rilical ligament lepresenting the urachus; (2) a fundus (base) or terior surface, directed backwards and downwards towards the ■um, from which it is separated by the seminal vesicles and vasa irentia; and (3) a body which has a superior and two infero-lateral aces. Four borders are described, two being lateral, and serving separate the superior and infero-lateral surfaces; one posterior, mating the fundus from the superior surface, and stretching between two ureters as they pierce the bladder wall; and one faintly marked mior border, which separates the two infero-lateral surfaces. The

er enters the bladder at the junction of the fundus with the superior

infero-lateral surfaces at what is known as the lateral angle.

The peritoneum, having descended from the posterior wall of the omen over the common iliac vessels, enters the back part of the



pelvic cavity, where it invests the pelvic colon, forming behind il expanded, wavy mesentery, called the pelvic meso-colon, which attac it to the front of the sacrum as low as the third sacral vertebra. ' peritoneum is then prolonged upon the rectum, the upper third of wl it covers anteriorly and laterally , but not posteriorly, the middle t! being covered by it only anteriorly , whilst the lower third is destil of peritoneal covering. The point at which the peritoneum leaves rectum is fully 3 inches above the anus. The membrane is now can forwards to the upper ends of the seminal vesicles and the adjac portions of the vasa deferentia, which it covers. It then pa: forwards over the superior surface of the bladder, which it comple

Pelvic Colon Bladder

Fig. 540. —Transverse Section through the Second Sacral Vertebr

(after Symington).

covers as far as the apex. Here it meets the median umbilical ligame and by this is conducted from the bladder to the posterior surface the anterior abdominal wall. Along each lateral border of the blad< the peritoneum is reflected over the corresponding lateral wall of 1 pelvis. In passing from the rectum to the upper part of the base the bladder the peritoneum forms the recto-vesical pouch. The both of this pouch is, as a rule, fully 1 inch distant from the base of 1 prostate gland, thus leaving the part of the base of the bladder, cat the external trigone, quite free from peritoneum. The peritoneum, it passes to and from the bladder, forms certain folds, which constiti the false ligaments of the viscus. These are five in number as follow



posterior , which represent the laterally-disposed lips of the mouth

he recto-vesical pouch; two lateral, right and left, which represent

reflection of peritoneum from each lateral border of the bladder the corresponding lateral wall of the pelvis; and superior, which he reflection of the peritoneum from the apex of the bladder to posterior surface of the anterior abdominal wall along the median bilical ligament. The parts of the bladder which are left uncovered peritoneum are (1) the inferior surface, and (2) the external trigone.

The pelvic peritoneum on either side of the bladder and rectum presents recesses when these viscera are moderately distended, which are named, a before backwards, paravesical and pararectal.

Retro-pubic Cellular Tissue. —This is a collection of areolar and pose tissues which lies between the posterior aspect of the bodies

he pubic bones, the bladder, and medial pubo-prostatic ligaments.

Pelvic Fascia. —This fascia clothes the inner wall of the pelvis, and lishes inward expansions, which have an intricate connection with,

Parietal Pelvic Fascia

Visceral Pelvic Fascia Levator Ani Anal Fascia Obturator Internus Parietal Pelvic Fascia

i | v —*

Prostate Gland, with Urethra Pudendal Canal..

Fig. 541.—The Pelvic Fascia (Anterior View).

1 serve to support, the contained viscera. It is divisible into two 'tions—parietal and visceral.

Parietal Portion .—Over the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity

parietal portion of the pelvic fascia, which is here very thin, covers

1 intrapelvic portion of each pyriformis muscle and the corresponding ral plexus, this portion being known as the fascia of the pyriformis. er the lateral wall the fascia attains considerable strength, and is ached superiorly to the back part of the iliac portion of the pectineal 3 for a short distance, where it becomes continuous with the iliac cia. In front of this the fascia falls short of the pectineal line, and ixed to the lateral wall of the pelvis a little below the line, its attachnt being oblique, and accurately following the upper border of the turator internus muscle. When it arrives at the upper part of the turator foramen there is a break in the osseous attachment of the cia, which here joins the upper border of the obturator membrane sr the upper border of the obturator internus, and so converts the turator groove into a canal for the passage of the obturator vessels



and nerve. At the upper and inner part of the obturator foramen fascia resumes its osseous attachment, but falls more and more st of the pelvic margin, its connection with the back of the body of os pubis being in a direction downwards and inwards till it reac a point just below the lower part of the symphysis pubis. The fas descends from the foregoing line of attachment, closely covering obturator internus, to be attached as follows from before backwar (i) to the pelvic aspect of the ischio-pubic ramus near the pubic ar medial to the obturator internus; (2) to the inner margin of the falcifc process of the sacro-tuberous ligament at the lower part of the iscl ramus, and also to the sacro-tuberous ligament itself, where thai attached to the inner margin of the ischial tuberosity; and (3) t< portion of the sacro-tuberous ligament near its ischial attachment, e to the anterior margin of the greater sciatic notch The lateral port of the parietal pelvic fascia, from its relation to the obturator inten

Parietal Pelvic Fascia

Levator Ani..

Anal Fascia

Obturator Internus..-N$!/ Parietal Pelvic Fascia-

Pudendal Canal

Visceral Pelvic Fascia

--- Seminal Vesicle

Vas Deferens

h J G. 542. —Diagram of the Pelvic Fascia from Behind.

muscle, is sometimes called the obturator fascia. From its lower attac ment the fascia is continued backwards and inwards over the great sciatic foramen, pyriformis, and sacral plexus to the sacrum, as t. fascia of the pyriformis. As it covers the foramen it is perforated 1 the superior and inferior gluteal, and internal pudendal vessels, and m consequence indistinct.

At the anterior part of the pelvic cavity the fascia, after takii attachment to the pelvic surface of the ischio-pubic ramus near t] pubic arch, is continued inwards over that arch, where it lies behii the sphincter urethrae muscle, and forms one half of the superior lay ot the perineal membrane, the other half being formed by the corr spondmg portion of the fascia of the opposite side. When it arrives ; the urethra it changes its course, and passes backwards over the anterii border of the levator ani to blend with that portion of the visceral pelv fascia which ensheathes the prostate gland.



In the direction of a line passing from the inner aspect of the ischial ine to the back of the body of the os pubis, near its lower end and close the symphysis, the lateral pelvic fascia is strengthened by fibres dch impart to it a white colour. This part is called the arcus tenleus [white line), and it serves to divide the fascia into two portions— per or pelvic proper, and lower or perineal. The pelvic portion )ks into the pelvic cavity, and covers the upper part of the obturator

ernus, whilst it is itself covered by the peritoneum. The perineal

rtion covers the lower part of the obturator internus, and lies on the ter wall of the ischio-rectal fossa, where it constructs the pudendal rial. The under aspect of the arcus tendineus affords extensive [gin to the levator ani muscle.

Visceral Portion of the Pelvic Fascia. —The visceral portion is stined to support the lower part of the bladder, seminal vesicles, rminal portions of the vasa deferentia, prostate gland, and rectum, is a laminar offshoot of the parietal portion, from which it springs mg the arcus tendineus. Though, however, this is its principal urce, it has an independent origin anteriorly on either side of the ddle line from the posterior aspect of the body of the os pubis near e lower part of the symphysis. In this latter situation it lies a little ove the attachment of the parietal portion, the anterior fibres of the rator ani taking origin from the portion of bone between the two seise. Though the visceral portion forms one continuous sheet along pelvic attachment, its ultimate disposition is so intricate that it is nvenient to consider its arrangement under three divisions.

1. Opposite the bladder, seminal vesicle, and rectum. In this region e visceral portion of the fascia passes inwards as far as the outer rder of the seminal vesicle. In doing so it covers the upper surfaces of e levator ani and coccgyeus, and is in turn covered by the peritoneum.

the outer border of the seminal vesicle it divides into three laminae—'per, middle, and lower. The upper or vesical lamina ascends upon e lateral aspect of the bladder for a short distance, and ultimately >es itself in the muscular tissue of the vesical wall. This portion at ch side forms the lateral pubo-prostatic ligament of the bladder. The ddle or recto-vesical lamina passes inwards between the base of the idder and the rectum, and is continuous with the corresponding nina of the opposite side. As it passes inwards it furnishes a sheath the seminal vesicle and adjacent portion of the vas deferens, closely 'apping these structures to the base of the bladder. The lower or 3tal lamina descends upon the side of the rectum, and passes to its sterior surface, where it is continuous with the rectal lamina of the posite side.

2. Opposite the lateral aspect of the prostate gland. I11 this situa>n the visceral portion of the fascia also divides into three laminae upper, middle, and lower. The upper or prostatic lamina passes vards over the anterior surface of the prostate gland, and is congous with the prostatic lamina of the opposite side. The middle recto-prostatic lamina passes inwards between the posterior surface



of the prostate gland and the rectum, and is continuous with corresponding lamina of the opposite side. The lower or rectal lam is unaltered in its disposition. The upper or prostatic and middle recto-prostatic laminse furnish a stout sheath to the prostate gland.

3. Between the pubic bodies and the anterior aspect of the pros gland. The portion of the visceral fascia in this region represe the upper lamina in the other regions, and may be called the pu prostatic lamina. It is arranged in the form of two stout cords, wb are known as the medial pubo-prostatic ligaments or the anterior i ligaments of the bladder. Each is attached anteriorly to the poste] aspect of the body of the os pubis, near the lower part of the symphy and a little above the attachment of the parietal portion of the pe] fascia in this region, the anterior fibres of the levator ani taking ori from the portion of bone between the two fasciae. As the cord -1 fascial bands pass backwards they are connected by a portion of visceral fascia which covers the dorsal vein of the penis and lies deef thus giving rise to a small pouch, which is capable of admitting ■ point of a finger. This pouch is filled with fat, which is continuous w the retro-pubic pad of fat. The anterior portion of the visceral fas lies upon the anterior surface of the prostate gland, and on reach the bladder it passes forwards on its inferior surface, where it sc disappears in the muscular tissue of the vesical wall. The mec pubo-prostatic ligaments are largely composed of plain muscular tiss which is derived from the longitudinal fibres on the inferior surface the bladder as they pass to take attachment to the back of the bod of the pubic bones on either side of the middle line. These fib constitute the so-called pubo-vesical muscles.

Anal Fascia. —This very thin sheet of fascia is an offshoot fr< the parietal pelvic fascia just below the white line and the origin the levator ani. It closely covers the ischio-rectal surface of tl muscle and of the coccygeus, upon which it descends to the region the anus, where it blends with the aponeurotic investment of t sphincter ani externus.

Sympathetic Plexuses in the Pelvis. —These are derived from t hypogastric plexus, which is formed by the fusion of the two latei strands of the aortic plexus after they have crossed the common ili arteries. It is reinforced by branches from the ganglia of the lumb sympathetic trunks, and is situated in front of the body of the fif lumbar vertebra between the common iliac vessels. It is a lar£ flattened plexus, measuring about ij inches in breadth, and breaks 1 into two divisions, which form the right and left pelvic plexuses. Ea< of these enters the pelvis on the inner side of the internal iliac arte and takes up a position on the side of the rectum. The pelvic plexi of each side is reinforced by branches from the upper one or two gangl of the pelvic sympathetic trunk, and by spinal fibres from the anter! primary divisions of the third and fourth sacral nerves (sometimes at the second), there being very small ganglia at the places of junctio From each plexus the following secondary plexuses are given off, whic



xompany the corresponding branches of the internal iliac artery: aemorrhoidal, vesical, and prostatic, the latter being replaced in the male by the vaginal and uterine plexuses.

Internal Iliac Artery. —This vessel arises from the common iliac Dposite the sacro-iliac joint at the level of the lumbo-sacral joint, id terminates opposite the upper border of the greater sciatic notch y.dividing into an anterior and a posterior division. The length of le vessel is about ij inches, and its direction is downwards and ickwards.

Relations — Anterior. —The artery is covered by the peritoneum, id the ureter descends over it. In front of the ureter are the ovary id the fimbriated extremity of the uterine tube. The terminal part i the ileum forms an anterior relation of the right vessel, whilst the dvic colon is similarly related to the left. Posterior. —The vessel ‘sts chiefly upon its own vein, but near its origin it is placed over the )mmencement of the common iliac vein. Behind the veins there are le lumbo-sacral trunk and sacro-iliac joint. Lateral. —The psoas tajor, with the intervention of the external iliac vein, and subsequently le lateral wall of the pelvis, with the intervention of the obturator srve. Medial. —The peritoneum.

Varieties. —The chief variety affects the length of the vessel. It may be lorter or longer than usual, according as the common iliac is longer or shorter lan normal, or according to the height at which the internal iliac ends in its vo divisions.

Foetal Condition. —During foetal life the internal iliac is represented by the mbilical artery, the size of which greatly exceeds that of the external iliac. The mction of this artery is to carry the impure blood from the foetus to the placenta

the mother. The umbilical artery passes forwards to the posterior surface of

le anterior wall of the abdomen, being crossed by the vas deferens. It then scends to the lower part of the umbilicus, where it leaves the abdomen with its llow. The two umbilical arteries, together with the umbilical vein, form the mbilical cord, in which the arteries describe spiral coils around the vein. The •teries convey the impure blood to the placenta, where it is purified, after which is returned to the abdomen of the foetus by the umbilical vein. After birth, lere being no further use for the placental circulation, the umbilical cord is tied, id the child separated from the mother. The umbilical arteries become imperious, and each is converted into a fibrous cord. The obliteration, however, does it involve the first i-J inches of the vessel, which persists as the internal iliac rtery of the adult. Moreover, the proximal end of the fibrous cord representing ie obliterated umbilical remains pervious also, and being connected with the iterior division of the internal iliac, it furnishes the superior vesical artery or "teries. This pervious portion lies along the side of the pelvis beneath the eritoneum, where it is crossed by the vas deferens in the male and the ligatentum teres of the uterus in the female. The foetal umbilical artery gives off ie inferior gluteal, which is the primitive main artery of the lower limb, until ie external iliac, which becomes the femoral, is developed.

Branches.—These are subject to much variation. In normal ases they arise from the two terminal divisions, anterior and posterior, xne of them being parietal in their distribution, which will be indicated y the letter P, whilst others are visceral, which will be indicated by he letter V. The branches are as follows:



Anterior Division.


Umbilical (which gives off superior vesical). Inferior vesical.

Middle rectal.



Internal pudendal. Inferior gluteal.

Posterior Division


Uio-lumbar. Lateral sacral. Superior gluteal.

In the female the inferior vesical artery may be replaced by t vaginal, or the vaginal may be an independent branch; the uteri artery is always a special branch.

Lateral J Sacral \

„■ Left Common Iliac

Anterior Superioi Iliac Spine

Internal Iliac

_- Ilio-lumbar

_Posterior Division

_External Iliac

Anterior Division

c • rrp

Superior Gluteal

Inferior Gluteal

Sacro-spinous ^

Ligament A



Internal Pudendal'

Inferior Rectal

Umbilical - - - ' Inferior Vesical Deep Circumflex Iliac Inferior Epigastric

....Obturator Nerve

-Obturator Artery

Obturator Vein

.Obturator Membrane

....Symphysis Pubis

Superficial Perineal ‘

Transverse Perineal

Dorsal Artery of Penis Deep Artery of Penis

Artery of the Bulb

^ IG - 543 -—The Left Internal Iliac Artery and its Branches.

Anterior Division. — 1 he superior vesical artery (V) arises from th pervious portion of the fibrous cord which represents the fcetal umbilica artery, and at once breaks up into several twigs which frequently hav independent origins. They are distributed to the upper portion of th bladder, and anastomose with the vesical of the obturator, and th mfeiior vesical of the same side, and with the superior vesical of th opposite side. The superior vesical furnishes the following branches urachal to the medial umbilical ligament; ureteric to the lower end c



L e ureter; and deferential (as a rule) to the vas deferens, though this •anch may arise from the inferior vesical. The artery to the vas deferens, tiich is usually of small size, divides into a descending and an ascendg branch. The descending branch passes downwards to supply the npulla of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicle. The ascending ■anch accompanies the vas deferens through the deep inguinal ring id inguinal canal into the scrotum, supplying the vas deferens, and ving a few twigs to the tail of the epididymis, in which latter situation anastomoses with the epididymal branch of the testicular artery, i the spermatic cord it also anastomoses with the cremasteric branch the inferior epigastric. The artery to the vas is sometimes of large ze, and then takes the place of the testicular artery if that vessel Lould be absent. One of the branches of the superior vesical artery is unetimes spoken of as the middle vesical.

The inferior vesical artery (V) takes an inward course to the lower )rtion of the bladder, which it supplies, giving branches to the seminal isicle, ampulla of the vas deferens, and prostate gland, and in the male to the vagina. It sometimes gives off the artery to the vas derens, and it may give origin to an accessory pudendal. It anastooses with the superior vesical and middle rectal of its own side, and ith its fellow of the opposite side.

The middle rectal artery (middle hsemorrhoidal artery) (V) often 'ises in common with the inferior vesical. It is distributed to the ctum, and gives branches to the seminal vesicle, ampulla of the vas derens, and prostate gland. The anastomoses which it establishes 'e with the superior rectal of the inferior mesenteric, the inferior

ctal of the internal pudendal, the inferior vesical of its own side, and

s fellow of the opposite side.

The obturator artery (P) passes along the outer wall of the pelvic ivity on its way to the obturator canal, lying between the parietal dvic fascia and the peritoneum. It has the obturator nerve above , and its own vein below it. In entering the obturator canal, by which emerges from the pelvis, the artery does not pierce the parietal pelvic

scia, but passes over its upper border, where that joins the upper part

• the obturator membrane. As the artery passes along the pelvic wall furnishes the following branches: muscular to the obturator internus ; iac to the iliac fossa, which supplies the bone, psoas major, and iliacus, id anastomoses with the iliac branch of the ilio-lumbar; vesical, which caches the side of the bladder within the lateral false ligament; and ubic to the back of the body of the os pubis, where it anastomoses with ie pubic branch of the inferior epigastric from the external iliac, and s fellow of the opposite side.

For the distribution of the obturator artery outside the pelvis, P- 589 The obturator artery sometimes arises from the inferior epigastric iee P. 566).

The internal pudendal artery (internal pudic artery) (P) is one of

ie terminal branches of the anterior division. It descends with the



inferior gluteal artery upon the pyriforrnis and sacral nerves, a emerges from the pelvis through the lower compartment of the grea sciatic foramen, having previously pierced the parietal pelvic fas( The intrapelvic branches of the vessel are unimportant, and are c tributed to the pyriforrnis, coccygeus, obturator internus, and pel fascia. For the further course and distribution of the artery, see 1 gluteal region and the perineum, pp. 539 and 686.

The inferior gluteal artery (sciatic artery) (P) is the other and lap terminal branch of the anterior division. It descends, usually behi the internal pudendal, upon the pyriforrnis and sacral nerves, a emerges from the pelvis through the lower compartment of the grea sciatic foramen, having previously pierced the parietal pelvic fasc Within the pelvis the artery gives off branches to the pyriforrnis, levai ani, coccygeus, rectum, bladder, seminal vesicle, and prostate glar Although very variable in their origin and course, the inferior gluti artery as it runs backwards frequently passes between the anter: primary divisions of the first and second sacral nerves and the interi pudendal between those of the second and third sacral nerves.

For the extrapelvic course and distribution of the vessel, see p. 5'

Posterior Division. —The ilio-lumbar artery (P) passes upwards a: outwards in front of the sacro-iliac articulation, between the lurnt sacral trunk and obturator nerve. In its course it passes behind t external iliac, or, it may be, the common iliac, vessels, and also behi] the psoas major and iliacus. On reaching the back part of the ili fossa it divides into two branches, iliac and lumbar. The iliac brant passing transversely, ramifies in the iliacus and ilium, and anastomos with the iliac branch of the obturator and branches of the deep circui flex iliac from the external iliac. The lumbar branch ascends benea the psoas major on to the quadratus lumborum, where it anastomos with the terminal part of the deep circumflex iliac, and the last lumb of the abdominal aorta. In its course it furnishes a spinal branch, whi< enters the vertebral canal through the intervertebral foramen betwe^ the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae, to be distributed in a mann similar to the other spinal arteries.

The lateral sacral arteries (P) are usually two in number, superi and inferior. They course downwards and inwards to the front the lateral mass of the sacrum, passing in front of the pyriforrnis ar sacral nerves. Upon the sacrum both arteries lie lateral to the anterf sacral foramina, the superior being confined to the region of the fir two foramina, whilst the inferior descends as low as the coccyx, whe: it anastomoses with the median sacral artery. They are distributf to the pyriforrnis and sacral nerves, and furnish spinal branches, whic enter the anterior sacral foramina, and so reach the sacral canal, whe] they supply its contents. Each spinal branch, before entering tl sacral canal, gives off a posterior branch, which emerges through tl posterior sacral foramen, and anastomoses with branches of the superk and inferior gluteal and internal pudendal. The lateral sacral arterk anastomose with each other and with the median sacral.



The superior gluteal artery (P) is a large vessel, which is the connation of the posterior division. It is destined for the supply of the iteal region, and lies within the pelvis for a very short distance. Its ■ection is backwards through the parietal pelvic fascia, and between 3 lumbo-sacral trunk and the anterior primary division of the first

ral nerve, its escape from the pelvis being through the upper comrtment of the greater sciatic fordfaten. The branches of the artery

thin the pelvis are unimportant.

For the extrapelvic course and distribution of the vessel, see p. 536. The branches of the internal iliac, with one exception, have to irce the pelvic fascia. The exception is the obturator artery, which, stated, passes over the upper border of the parietal pelvic fascia at e obturator canal.

Internal Iliac Vein. —This vessel results from the union of tributaries lich correspond, for the most part, with branches of the internal ic artery. The ilio-lumbar vein, however, is an exception, inasmuch it is a tributary of the common iliac vein. Moreover, during foetal 3 the umbilical vein, which corresponds to the umbilical artery, passes the liver after entering the abdomen of the foetus. The internal iliac in extends from the upper part of the greater sciatic notch to the

ro-iliac articulation on a level with the pelvic brim, where it joins

e external iliac, and so the common iliac vein is formed. In its course lies behind the corresponding artery. There are no valves in the vein elf, but its branches are freely provided with them.

The internal iliac vein is developed from the lower part of the cardinal in.

Internal Iliac Lymphatic Glands. —These glands are about ten in mber, and are associated with the origins of the branches of the ternal iliac artery. They are arranged in a curve, which usually gins in front in a gland situated between the obliterated umbilical d obturator arteries, and then is formed in succession by uterine prostatic, inferior gluteal and internal pudendal, middle rectal, perior gluteal and sacral glands. They are situated immediately ider the peritoneum, between it and the parietal layer of pelvic fascia, though occasionally some of them may be formed lateral to this scia.

The afferent vessels of the internal iliac glands return lymph from e parts supplied by the branches of the internal iliac artery. Thus, ey receive afferent vessels from the following parts:

1. The anal canal, but not the anal margin.

2. Lower part of the rectum.

3- Bladder.

4- Seminal vesicle and vas deferens.

5 - Prostate gland.

6. Prostatic, membranous, and bulbar portions of the urethra, part.

7 - Uterus (cervix).

8. Vagina.



9. Deep structures of gluteal region, supplied by superior glu artery.

10. Deep structures of upper part of back of thigh, supplied inferior gluteal artery.

11. Obturator region.

12. Deep structures of perineum.

The efferent vessels of the internal iliac glands pass to the mic group of common iliac glands.

Anterior Primary Divisions of the Sacral and Coccygeal Ner

—There are five sacral nerves and one coccygeal nerve on either s The anterior primary divisions of the first four sacral nerves enter

pelvis through the anterior sa< foramina, and that of the fifth sa< passes between the inferior lab angle of the sacrum and the trt verse process of the first coc geal vertebra, through the coccyg muscle. The anterior primary d sion of the coccygeal nerve enl the pelvis below the transverse j: cess of the first coccygeal verte through the coccygeus muscle. ' first and second sacral nerves of large size, and their course obliquely downwards and outwai Beyond the second they dimin rapidly in size, and pass more h< zontally. They receive grey rz communicantes from the adjao ganglia of the pelvic sympathy trunk, and the third and fou] nerves (sometimes also the secoi furnish white rami communican to the corresponding pelvic plex The anterior primary divisions of 1 first and second sacral nerves divi each into an anterior or ventral and a posterior or dorsal bran< dhe anterior primary division of the third sacral nerve divides ir an upper and a lower branch and is known as the nervus bigemin\ The anterior primary division of the fourth sacral nerve also divic into an upper and a lower branch, and it is known as a nervus furcal The lumbo-sacral trunk in two divisions, ventral and dorsal, the anted primary divisions c>f the first two sacral nerves, the upper and low branches of the third sacral, and the small upper branch of the four sacral form the sacral plexus, whilst the large lower branch of the four sacral, the fifth sacral, and the coccygeal form the coccygeal plexus.

Sacral Plexus. —This plexus, formed as stated, is a large flatten mass, lying upon the pyriformis muscle, and behind the parietal pel\

Fig. 544.— Plan of Position of Structures lying on the Front of the Sacrum.

LSA, lateral sacral arteries; MSA, middle sacral arteries; C, coccygeal ganglion ; SS lig., sacrospinous ligament.



cia, which separates it from the inferior gluteal and pudendal vessels. 3 mass ultimately forms two bands, upper and lower. The upper sciatic band, which is the larger of the two, receives the lumbo-sacral nk, first sacral, larger portion of the second sacral, and upper branch the third sacral nerves. It is flat and somewhat triangular, and is itinued into the sciatic nerve, whjch leaves the pelvis through the r er part of the greater sciatic foramen below the pyriformis without rcing the parietal pelvic fascia. The upper band and its contributory ves are sometimes spoken of as the sciatic plexus . The lower or


^ IG - 545-— A, The Sacral Plexus; B, The Sacro-Coccygeal Plexus.


c > 1 , 1 . Nerve to Quadratus Femoris 4 .S. Fourth Sacral, giving a Branch to Sacral Plexus

l > 2 > 2 - Nerve to Obturator Internus V. Visceral Branches

b 3> 3- Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh M. Muscular Branches

T.C. Terminal Cutaneous Branches

endal band, the smaller of the two, receives fibres from the second er branch of the third, and upper branch of the fourth sacral nerves, ^ is continued into the pudendal nerve, which leaves the pelvis, like the tic, through the lower compartment of the greater sciatic foramen hout piercing the parietal pelvic fascia. The lower band and its tributory nerves are sometimes spoken of as the pudendal plexus. ' sciatic and pudendal nerves are thus the terminal branches of the r al plexus. The reason of the name nervus bigeminus, as applied to third sacral nerve, is because it enters into the sciatic band by its )er branch, and into the pudendal band by its lower branch.




Branches. —The branches of the sacral plexus are arranged in groups—collateral and terminal.

Collateral Group. —The branches of this group form three sel visceral, muscular, and cutaneous.

Visceral Branches. —These are derived from the third sacral that part of the fourth which enters into the sacral plexus (someti: also from the second). They are white rami communicantes, wl reinforce the pelvic plexus of the sympathetic, a few of them b( traceable independently to the pelvic viscera. They are known as pelvic splanchnics.

Muscular Branches .—The superior gluteal nerve arises by< tl roots from the dorsal divisions of the descending branch of the for lumbar, fifth lumbar, and first sacral nerves. It passes outwards backwards, and leaves the pelvis with the superior gluteal artery thro the upper compartment of the greater sciatic foramen, to be distribr to the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fasciae latae muse The inferior gluteal nerve arises by three roots from the do divisions of the fifth lumbar and first and second sacral nerves, leaves the pelvis through the lower compartment of the greater sci foramen, below the pyriformis and dorsal to the sciatic nerve, to distributed to the gluteus maximus. It is usually intimately associa with the posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh.

The nerves to the pyriformis, which are usually two in numl spring from the dorsal divisions of the first and second sacral nerve The nerve to the obturator internus and gemellus superior ar by three roots from the ventral divisions of the fifth lumbar and t and second sacral nerves. It leaves the pelvis through the lo compartment of the greater sciatic foramen, crosses the back of ischial spine, where it lies lateral to the internal pudendal vessels, ; then passes through the lesser sciatic foramen to the outer wall of ischio-rectal fossa, where it enters the inner or pelvic surface of obturator internus. In the gluteal region it gives a branch to gemellus superior when that muscle is present.

The nerve to the quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior arises three roots from the ventral divisions of the descending brand] the fourth lumbar, fifth lumbar, and first sacral nerves. It leaves pelvis through the lower compartment of the greater sciatic foran and then lies between the ischium and the sciatic nerve. It s sequently descends over the back of the capsular ligament of the 1 joint, to which it usually gives a branch, and beneath the gemelli; obturator internus to the deep surface of the quadratus femoriSj which it ends, having previously given a branch of the gemellus infer Cutaneous Branches .—The posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh (sr sciatic nerve) arises by three roots from the posterior aspects of first, second, and third sacral nerves. It leaves the pelvis through lower compartment of the greater sciatic foramen, and is distribu to (i) the lower and outer part of the gluteal region by its glui cutaneous branches, (2) the skin of the scrotum by the long perir


93 i

rve, (3) the skin of the back of the thigh, and (4) the skin of the back the leg as low as about the centre of the calf.

The perforating cutaneous nerve arises by two roots from the sterior aspects of the second and third sacral nerves. It passes ckwards through the sacro-tuberous ligament, after which it turns and the lower border of the glutefis maximus near the coccyx to be stributed to the skin over the lower and inner part of that muscle. Terminal Group. —This group is comprised of two nerves—namely, e sciatic and the pudendal.

The sciatic nerve is the continuation of the upper or sciatic band of e sacral plexus. In reality it is made up of the two divisions in which ultimately ends—namely, the lateral and medial popliteal—which lie >se together within the same sheath. Sometimes, however, these two visions arise separately from the sacral plexus, in which cases the

eral popliteal nerve may pass through the pyriformis. Again,

ough the sciatic nerve may be apparently single, a careful dissection it, after the removal of its sheath, will reveal the lateral and medial pliteal nerves, which can be shown to have independent origins. The

eral popliteal nerve derives its fibres from the dorsal divisions of the

scending branch of the fourth lumbar, fifth lumbar, and first and

ond sacral nerves; and the medial popliteal nerve derives its fibres

>m the ventral divisions of the foregoing nerves, and in addition from e upper branch of the third sacral.

The sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis through the lower compartment the greater sciatic foramen below the pyriformis.

The pudendal nerve (pudic nerve) is the continuation of the lower pudendal band of the sacral plexus. It arises by three roots from e ventral division of the second, the lower branch of the third, and e upper branch of the fourth sacral, the root from the third being e largest. The nerve leaves the pelvis through the lower compartsnt of the greater sciatic foramen, crosses the back of the ischial ine, where it lies medial to the internal pudendal vessels, passes rough the lesser sciatic foramen, and then traverses the outer wall of e ischio-rectal fossa. Having given off the inferior haemorrhoidal rve, it divides into the perineal and dorsal nerve of penis, which th the internal pudic vessels are contained in the pudendal canal.

The sacral plexus and its branches being situated behind the parietal fvic fascia, the branches do not pierce the fascia as they leave the Ivis. The branches of the internal iliac artery, on the other hand, ing placed in front of the parietal pelvic fascia, have to pierce it, th the single exception of the obturator artery.

Coccygeal Plexus. —The nerves which form the plexus are the wer branch of the anterior primary division of the fourth sacral, the terior primary division of the fifth sacral, and the anterior primary vision of the coccygeal nerve. The upper branch of the fourth sacral ters the pudendal band of the sacral plexus, and the fourth sacral therefore a nervus fur calls, inasmuch as it gives a branch to the sacral exus and one to the coccygeal plexus. Before entering the coccygeal



plexus the lower branch of the fourth sacral nerves gives off visce: and muscular branches. The visceral branches for the most part re: force the pelvic plexus of the sympathetic as white rami commu: cantes, but a few of them pass independently to the pelvic visce: The muscular branches supply the levator ani, coccygeus, and sphincl ani externus. The branch to the latter muscle reaches the perinei either by piercing the coccygeus, or by passing between it and t levator ani, and besides supplying the external sphincter, it gi\ branches to the skin between the coccyx and the anus. The nerve known as the perineal branch of the fourth sacral. The lower bran of the fourth sacral nerve, having parted with the foregoing offse descends upon the coccygeus, where it joins the fifth sacral, which h just entered the pelvis through that muscle. The conjoined nerve n< descends, and is soon reinforced by the coccygeal nerve, which a] enters the pelvis by piercing the coccygeus. In this manner t coccygeal plexus is formed. It lies at the lower part of the posted wall of the pelvis upon the coccygeus, and the nervous loop takes downward course. Subsequently it divides into several twigs, whi leave the pelvis by piercing the coccygeus, the sacro-spinous ligamei and the adjacent portion of the gluteus maximus to be distributed the skin over the coccyx.

Ureters. —The ureter of each side, having crossed the terminati of the common iliac, or the commencement of the external iliac artei enters the pelvis. It then passes downwards, describing a curve wi its convexity backwards and outwards, lying in front of the interr iliac artery. It next runs along the outer wall of the pelvis, lyi: beneath the peritoneum, and crossing medially the obturator vess< and nerve, and the obliterated umbilical artery. It subsequent passes inwards to the bladder, being crossed medially by the vas deferer Haying arrived at the lateral or ureteric angle of the bladder, it pass obliquely through the vesical wall anterior to the upper free end of t seminal vesicle, being here about 2 inches distant from its fellow, ai about 1 \ inches from the base of the prostate gland.

Bladder. —The bladder, when empty, or only moderately d: tended, lies entirely within the cavity of the pelvis. When, howeve it is fully distended, the apical part of the viscus rises above the le\ of the symphysis pubis into the hypogastric region of the abdonn for at least 2 inches, and in cases of marked over-distension it may rea< to the umbilicus, or even higher. The bladder, therefore, has to 1 considered under two aspects—namely, when empty or only moderate distended, and when fully distended.

The bladder, when empty or moderately distended , is triangular, ai presents the following component parts: an apex, a base, and a bod the latter presenting a superior surface, two inferior lateral surface two lateral borders, a posterior border, an antero-median border, ai two lateral angles.

The apex is directed forwards, and lies behind the upper part of t] symphysis pubis. It has connected with it the median umbilic



lament representing the urachus , which ascends on the posterior rface of the anterior abdominal wall to the lower part of the umlicus. The base or fundus is directed backwards and downwards wards the rectum, from which it is separated by the seminal vesicles id terminal portions of the vasa deferentia, and the recto-vesical mina of the visceral portion of the pelvic fascia. The base is separated Dm the superior surface by the posterior border, and from each unded inferior lateral surface by a slight elevation, which extends Dm the lateral or ureteric angle of either side to the urethral opening, le superior surface is three-sided and slightly convex. It is usually lated to a few coils of the small intestine, and a loop or two of the lvic colon. The inferior lateral surfaces , which are convex, rest

d. 546.—Showing the Internal Trigone of the Bladder and the Relations of the Vas Deferens (DD), Ureter, etc., in its Neighbourhood.

'On (1) the symphysis pubis and the adjacent portions of the posterior rfaces of the bodies of the pubic bones, (2) the retro-pubic pad of “» ( 3 ) the medial pubo-prostatic ligaments, (4) the fasciae covering e u pper part of the obturator internus muscle and the upper surface the levator ani, and (5) the prostate gland. The lateral borders start )m the apex, whence they pass backwards in a diverging manner, and ch marks the separation between the superior surface and the correonding inferior lateral surface. Posteriorly each lateral border meets e posterior border. The posterior border extends transversely beeen the superior surface and the base. At either end it is joined by s lateral border. The lateral or ureteric angles are situated on either e at the junction of the lateral with the posterior border. At these gles the ureters pass through the vesical wall (Fig. 546). At its



most dependent point the bladder is continuous with the uretl There is, however, no contraction of the bladder at or near this poi in other words, no neck.

The external trigone is the name given to a limited triangular sp upon the exterior of the base, which is bounded as follows: above, the bottom of the recto-vesical pouch of peritoneum; laterally, by ampulla of the vas deferens, lateral to which is the seminal vesic and below, by the approximation of the ejaculatory ducts at the b of the prostate gland. The length of the space from the apex be] to the base above is, as a rule, fully i inch, but its breadth is limi by the encroachment upon it of the ampullae of the vasa deferen There is no peritoneum over this region.

The Bladder during Distension and when fully distended. —As bladder becomes distended very little alteration takes place in a doi,

ward direction. The

Left Ureter

Line of

Reflection of-' Peritoneum

External Trigone

Ejaculatory Duct of Right Side


marcations between i component parts of i viscus gradually disappe and it becomes ovoid. 1 apex appears above 1 symphysis pubis, and the organ increases in s the apex and the super portion of the body asce into the hypogastrium such a manner as to st: off the parietal peritonei from the back of the lin alba. In this way a p< tion of the original inferi lateral surface, devoid

Fig. 547. —Dissection of the Base of . . , , .

Bladder, showing the Seminal Vesicles, peritoneum, is brought in Vasa Deferentia, and External Trigone, direct contact with t

back of the linea all which is now also free from peritoneal covering. A distended bladd may therefore be punctured or opened through the linea alba abo the symphysis pubis without doing any injury to the peritoneui The bladder is now becoming spheroidal, and its long axis is direct downwards and backwards. The part which rises highest is not t original urachal apex, but that part of the superior surface which immediately adjacent to, and behind, the apex.

Peritoneal Relations. —The only part of the bladder which is coven by peritoneum is the superior surface. The peritoneum is reflect! from the apex along the urachus, and at either side it leaves the org; along the lateral border. When the bladder is distended the latei reflection of peritoneum appears to take place along the course of t; obliterated umbilical artery, but this is due to the lateral distensh and elevation of the viscus, the obliterated umbilical itself lying aloi



outer wall of the pelvis. For the structure and development of bladder, see pp. 949 and 955.

Vas Deferens in the Pelvis. —The vas deferens enters the abdomen )ugh the deep inguinal ring, where it lies on the inner side of the er constituents of the spermatic cord.- It then hooks round the er side of the inferior epigastric artery, and having crossed the ernal iliac vessels from without inwards, it dips down on the inner

of the external iliac vein. In this way it enters the pelvis under

er of the peritoneum. It now passes backwards and downwards >n the lateral wall, crossing median to the obliterated umbilical ery, the ureter, and the obturator vessels and nerve. It is then

Symph. Pub.

Fig. 548. —Transverse Section through Last Piece of Sacrum

(after Symington).

ected inwards to the inner aspect of the upper end of the seminal side, whence it passes downwards, inwards, and forwards along the se of the bladder, where it lies close to the inner side of the seminal side. This part of the vas deferens, which comes very near its fellow, lilated and sacculated, like the adjacent seminal vesicle, and is known the ampulla. Close to the base of the prostate gland the sacculans disappear, and the duct, having become very narrow, is joined the outer side at an acute angle by the duct of the seminal vesicle, and the ejaculatory duct is formed, which will be presently described. t the structure and development of the vas deferens, see pp. 737 d 753



Seminal Vesicles. —These are two in number, right and left, and between the base of the bladder and the rectum. They are sacculat reservoirs for the seminal fluid, and each is conical, being about 2 incl long, and about J inch broad at the widest part. The broad end free, and looks upwards, outwards, and backwards. It is covei posteriorly in its upper part by the peritoneum, which forms the rec vesical pouch, while anterior to it is the ureter as that is about to p; through the bladder. The upper ends of the two seminal vesicles ; wide apart, and the bottom of the recto-vesical pouch descends betwf


Bulb of Corp.



V. Def. Bladder


Fig. 549.—Median Sagittal Section through Male Pelvis.

them for a short distance. The lower end of each, which is nari and free from sacculations, approaches its fellow, the vasa deferer intervening. This lower end represents the duct, which, as stat joins the vas deferens at an acute angle close to the base of the prost gland, and so gives rise to the ejaculatory duct. For the struct and development of the seminal vesicles, see p. 958.

Ejaculatory Ducts. —These are two in number, right and left. E«  is formed by the union of the duct of the seminal vesicle with the deferens close to the base of the prostate gland; it is about 1 inch



ngth. The two ducts pass downwards, forwards, and inwards through e prostate gland between the middle and lateral lobes, and each enters e lateral wall of the prostatic utricle to terminate in a minute aperture i the lateral margin of the opening of the prostatic utricle. For the ructure and development of the ejaculatory ducts, see p. 955. Prostate Gland. —This gland surrounds the first ij inches of the ethra. It is firm in consistence, and in shape and colour resembles chestnut—that is to say, it is conical and of a reddish-brown colour, is subject to much variety in size, but its average measurements ay be stated as follows: the transverse diameter at the base is about inches; the vertical diameter from base to apex is about ij inches;

Sperm. Cord Corp. Cavern.

t \

/ \ >

Coccyx Rectum

Fig. 550 -—Transverse Section at Level of Coccyx (after Symington).

id the antero-posterior diameter is about f inch. The average weight

the organ is about \\ drachms.

The gland is situated fully ij inches from the anus, and its anterior irface is about f inch below and behind the lower part of the symphysis ubis. It presents a base, an apex, a posterior or rectal surface, an iterior or pubic surface, and two lateral surfaces. The base, which directed upwards, surrounds the urethra, and is intimately connected ith the vesical wall. Notwithstanding this, however, there is a supernal line of demarcation between the two, which takes the form of an mular groove, occupied by a portion of the prostatic venous plexus, be ejaculatory ducts enter the base close to the upper part of the asterior or rectal surface, where there is a small transverse cleft died the prostatic fissure. The apex is directed downwards, and is



the most dependent part of the organ. It is in contact with the super layer of the perineal membrane. The posterior or rectal surface is f and triangular. It is directed backwards and slightly downwar and is set upon the anterior wall of the rectum, from which it is separal by the recto-prostatic lamina of the visceral portion of the pelvic fast This surface is accessible to manipulation on introducing the finger ir the anal canal, and carrying it up for fully ij inches. The anterior pubic surface, which is convex, is so much projected as to be really anterior round border which separates the two lateral surfaces. Itl about § inch behind the lower part of the symphysis pubis, from wh: it is separated by a portion of the prostatic venous plexus, the ret pubic pad of fat, and the medial pubo-prostatic ligaments. 1 anterior surface projects between the anterior borders of the levato ani muscles. The lateral surfaces are convex, and stand out in 1 relief. Each is embraced by the anterior fibres of the correspond] levator ani, which constitute the so-called levator prostatae muse When an accessory pudendal artery is present it passes over the late surface, and might be endangered in lateral lithotomy.

The gland is usually regarded as composed of three lobes, t 1 lateral and a middle, but, though the middle lobe can usually demarcated without much difficulty, there is no external indicati of any separation between the lateral lobes. The lateral lobes foi the chief bulk of the gland, and they meet and become continuous front of and behind the prostatic portion of the urethra, forming t anterior and posterior commissures. The middle lobe represents tl part of the basal portion of the gland which is wedged in between t ejaculatory ducts and prostatic utricle behind and the urethra in fra and which lies just below the apex of the trigonum vesicse. It is i: portant to note that the middle lobe lies behind the commencement the urethra. It is liable to become hypertrophied in old age, and m then produce undue elevation of the uvula vesicae in the interior of t bladder, which is a natural product of it. In this manner, by blocki the internal orifice of urethra, it may not only give rise to difficulty micturition, but may also obstruct catheterization.

The prostate gland is traversed by the first i J inches of the ureth: The ejaculatory ducts are also contained within the gland, in which th pass downwards and inwards between the middle and lateral lob' For the structure and development of the prostate gland, see pp. 9 and 960.

Urethra. —The male urethra commences at the internal orifice urethra of the bladder, and terminates at the extremity of the gla penis in a vertical fissure, called the external orifice of urethra. It about 8 inches in length, and is divided into three portions, whit from the bladder outwards, are called prostatic, membranous, a spongy. The prostatic and membranous portions constitute t non-penile part of the canal, and the spongy portion, being contain within the corpus spongiosum of the penis, represents the per part.



rhe prostatic portion of the urethra is the part of the canal which ontained within the prostate gland. It is inches in length, its course is almost vertical, there being a slight curve with the

avity directed forwards. It is spindle-shaped, being wider at the
re than at either end, and at its upper or vesical end it is rather

sr than at the lower end. Its diameter at the centre, which is the est part of the entire canal, is rather more than ^ inch; at the upper r esical end it is rather less than this, and at the lower end it is still . This portion of the urethra, though surrounded by the -prostate id, is the most dilatable part of the whole canal. Close to the Ider, however, it usually offers some resistance to the passage of an rument. Its walls are anterior and posterior, the latter being often ken of as the floor. These walls are in contact with each other, spt during the passage of fluid, and the mucous membrane is thrown ) longitudinal folds. The posterior wall presents along the middle

Median Umbilical Ligament

ig. 551.—Section of the Bladder and Penis to show the Urethra.

i a prominent narrow elevation of the mucous membrane, called the thral crest (verumontanum). It is about f inch long, and comnces either a little below the urethral orifice of the bladder or at the r er end of the uvula vesicas. As it descends it gradually becomes re prominent, assuming a height of about J inch, and then rapidly >sides. It is due to a thickening of the submucous tissue, which lses an elevation of the mucous membrane. On account of this protion a transverse section of this portion of the urethra is curved or scentic, with the convexity directed forwards. On either side of the st there is a longitudinal groove, called the prostatic sinus, into which ^ majority of the prostatic ducts open. A few of these ducts, howT from the middle lobe open in the median line above the crest, or, he crest commences at the lower end of the uvula vesicae, upon its per part. Immediately below the most prominent part of the crest

  • e is the opening of a small blind recess, called the prostatic utricle



(sinus pocularis). Its direction is upwards and backwards behind t' middle lobe of the prostate, and it is from £ to J inch in length. It somewhat flask-shaped, being narrow at its urethral orifice, but e panded at its deep csecal end. It may extend beyond the prostate ai is sometimes bifid. Upon the lateral margins of its orifice are the minu openings of the ejaculatory ducts. The utricle represents the uter and vagina in the female, being developed from the fusion of the posted or caudal ends of the para-mesonephric ducts.

When the middle lobe of the prostate becomes hypertrophied blocks the urethral orifice of the bladder, as has been stated, by press! the uvula vesicae over it from behind, and so gives rise to difficulty micturition, and obstructs catheterization. When both lateral lob become uniformly hypertrophied, the prostatic portion of the ureth undergoes increase in length. When only one lateral lobe is involv in the hypertrophy it presses against the urethra, and, producing d tortion of the canal, gives rise to difficulty in micturition, and oft considerable obstruction in catheterization.

Structure. —The mucous membrane of the prostatic urethra surrounded externally by the inner circular muscular fibres of t prostate, and is covered internally by transitional epithelium.

The membranous portion of the urethra si;cceeds to the prostai portion, and extends from the apex of the prostate gland to the coi mencement of the spongy portion. It is contained, for the most pa: between the two layers of the perineal membrane, but it also exten for a short distance (J inch) beyond the inferior layer of that structm It is the shortest and narrowest part of the canal, with the except! of the external orifice of urethra. Its length is £ inch along the anteri wall, and J inch along the posterior, the difference being due to t fact that the membranous urethra passes into the spongy part in slanting manner at a point £ inch in front of the posterior extremi of the bulb. The back part of the bulb projects backwards for £ in over the posterior wall of the membranous urethra, and is here lyi in front of the inferior layer of the perineal membrane. It is in tl situation where a false passage is liable to be made in catheterizatic partly because the walls are here very thin, and partly by reason the backward extension of the posterior extremity of the bulb. T. diameter of the membranous urethra is £ inch. It lies about i m behind and below the inferior ligament of symphysis pubis, and ] direction is downwards and slightly forwards. It describes a geni curve, the concavity of which looks forwards and upwards towards t lower part of the symphysis pubis. As the membranous urethra pass through the superior layer of the perineal membrane, which is form by the parietal pelvic fascia, the fascia is prolonged upwards to foi part of the capsule of the prostate gland. Moreover, as it pierces t inferior layer of the perineal membrane about i inch below the syi physis pubis, it carries with it a prolongation from the margins of t urethral opening, which forms a fascial investment for the bulb, h tween the two layers of the perineal membrane the membranous ureth


94 1

irrounded by the fibres of the sphincter urethrae muscle, and the o-urethral glands lie behind it, one on either side of the middle

Structure. —External to the mucous membrane there is a layer of tile tissue, and outside this there is a layer of circularly-disposed 1 muscular fibres,

h are continuous I "* e ™ laic: vesic*

/e with the circular Bell’s Muscle I ; Left Ureteric Opening

cular fibres of the itate around the proic urethra. External his, again, there are sphincter fibres of sphincter urethrae, mucous membrane is ned by columnar epium. The membranportion of the urethra ransverse section pre:s the appearance of ircular opening, the len of which is iched, this being due the longitudinal folds • which the mucous nbrane is thrown.

The spongy portion of urethra succeeds to membranous portion, is contained within corpus spongiosum of penis, and extends n a point \ inch in it of the posterior exility of the bulb and the inferior layer of perineal membrane the external orifice of thra on the extremity the glans penis. It is

nit 6 inches in length, External Orifice of Urethra

1 its calibre is unequal Fig oughout. It presents i dilatations, one situated in the bulb, the intrabulbar fossa (which •resents about the first ij inches of the corpus spongiosum), and

other in the glans penis, the latter being called the terminal

sa (fossa navicularis). The intrabulbar fossa is about ij inches in gth, whilst the terminal fossa is about J inch long. The diameter


-Opening of Utricle

Prostate Gland in Section (showing Prostatic Portion of Urethra)

-Membranous Portion of Urethra

Bulbo-urethral Gland of Left Side

Left Half of Bulb of Urethra

Left Crus Penis

Openings of Ducts of Bulbourethral Glands

-Spongy Portion of Urethra

- [-Left Corpus Cavernosum

-Urethral Glands and Lacunas


-Terminal Fossa

-Left Half of Glans Penis

-The Interior of the Male Urethra.

94 2


of that part of the spongy urethra which intervenes between the in bulbar fossa and the terminal fossa is about J inch. At the extei orifice of urethra the calibre of the canal is diminished, this being narrowest part of the entire canal. The spongy portion at its o mencement is directed forwards for a short distance, and then be downwards. It thus describes a curve, which is situated about 2 inc from its commencement, the concavity being directed downwa: This curve is fixed, and corresponds with the angle of the penis, the sit tion of which is immediately in front of the penile attachment of suspensory ligament, where drooping of the organ takes place, walls of the spongy part of the urethra are in contact, except dui the passage of fluid. A transverse section of it, except in the gk presents a transverse slit with anterior and posterior lips. In the gk however, the slit is vertical with its lips laterally disposed. At upper end of the terminal fossa—that is, the end most remote from external orifice of urethra-—the vertical slit is modified by the addil of a short transverse slit, and so presents the shape of an inverted as follows, J_.

Structure. —The mucous membrane of the spongy portion is j vided with elastic tissue, and is very vascular. It is covered columnar epithelium , except in the glans, where it is of the strati squamous variety. Outside the mucous membrane is the subrnuc coat, which contains two layers of plain muscular tissue—inner loi tudinal and outer circular. External to the submucous coat ther a plexus of veins, which forms part of the corpus spongiosum. ' mucous membrane contains both simple and compound mucous glar called the urethral glands (glands of Littre), the openings of the dr of which are studded over the surface. In addition to these there other openings, which lead into small blind recesses, called the lacr urethrales, these openings being directed forwards. One lacuna, large size, called the lacuna magna, is situated on the roof of the fc navicularis about 1 inch from the meatus urinarius. The muc membrane which surrounds this lacuna is known as the valvule Guerin. Besides the foregoing openings, the ducts of the bul urethral glands open upon the floor of the bulbous portion of the uret. about 1 inch in front of the inferior layer of the perineal membrane.

There is sometimes a congenital deficiency in the floor of the spoi urethra, constituting the condition known as hypospadias. In ot cases the deficiency may be on the roof, and it is then known epispadias.

Lymphatics of the Male Urethra—Spongy Portion. —The lymphs vessels of the spongy portion communicate with those of the glans £ with the deep lymphatics of the penis, and in part through this conn tion drain to the deep inguinal and external iliac glands. Much of' lymph, however, from this region drains into vessels which, accc panying first the vessels of the bulb and later the internal pudic vess< finally pass to the gland or glands of the internal iliac chain , which situated near the origin of the internal pudendal artery.



ulbar and Membranous Portions. —The lymphatics of these portions to (i) the internal iliac glands, and (2) the inner chain of the external glands.

rostatic Portion. —The lymphatics of this portion join those of the

ance of the prostate gland, and pass to (1) the middle chain of

xternal iliac glands, (2) the internal iliac glands, (3) the lateral l glands, and (4) the inner group of the common iliac glands. elvic Colon. —The pelvic colon succeeds to the iliac colon. It nences at the inner border of the left psoas major just anterior to jft sacro-iliac articulation, and terminates in front of the third sacral ibra, where it becomes continuous with the rectum. It is very ible in length, but measures on an average about 15 inches, and lly lies in the pelvic cavity, resting upon the bladder and rectum, ascending on either side of these viscera. It is surrounded by peri11m, which forms behind it an expanded wavy mesentery, called the 0 meso-colon, which contains between its two layers the branches ie lower left colic arteries and the superior rectal artery, with the jsponding veins. The root of this mesentery is composed of two 3, which become continuous at an acute angle. One limb takes an ird course along the inner border of the psoas major, and the other ss downwards over the sacral promontory to be attached to the rior surfaces of the first three sacral vertebrae. At its extremities, h are near each other, the mesentery is short, and the extremities of pelvic colon are necessarily fixed. The intervening portion, how, is long, and so allows of considerable mobility on the part of the ter portion of the attached gut. A very common course for the ic colon to take is to pass from the left wall to the right wall of the is, resting upon the bladder or uterus, then to pass backwards wing the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity until it arrives at the lie line, when it turns vertically downwards. A portion of it is itimes met with in the abdominal cavity.

tructure. —The chief difference in the structure of the pelvic colon, impared with the other divisions of the colon, affects the arranget of the longitudinal muscular fibres. Though arranged at first iree taeniae, these gradually become disposed as two broad taeniae, rior and posterior. When this has taken place, the longitudinal s almost surround the gut, except along the sides, in which situa3 the usual sacculations are formed. Appendices epiploicae are met over the pelvic colon.

Wood-supply. —The pelvic colon receives its arteries from the lower colic arteries, which are branches of the inferior mesenteric. The s pass to the inferior mesenteric vein, and ultimately into the al vein.

die lymphatics pass to the left lower pre-aortic glands.

die nerves are derived from the inferior mesenteric sympathetic


tectum. —The rectum succeeds to the pelvic colon, and extends 1 the front of the third sacral vertebra to a point 1J inches in front of



and below the tip of the coccyx, where it pierces the pelvic diaphra^ and terminates in the anal canal. Its direction is at first downwa and slightly backwards, then vertically downwards, and finally doi wards and forwards. It is fully 5 inches in length, and its diameter the most part is about ij inches in the empty state, but it becor enlarged above the anal canal, this dilated part being called the ampi recti. When empty, its anterior and posterior walls are in contact, c in transverse section it appears as a transverse slit. The rectun destitute of a mesentery. The peritoneum covers the upper th laterally and anteriorly , but not posteriorly, the middle third be covered by peritoneum only anteriorly , whilst the lower third is f from serous covering. The level at which the peritoneum leaves 1 anterior surface of the rectum is usually about 3 inches above the an opposite the body of the fifth sacral vertebra.

The rectum, so far from being straight in man, presents both ante posterior and lateral curvatures. The antero-posterior flexures ; two in number, upper and lower. The upper curve extends from 1 third sacral vertebra to the posterior or rectal surface of the prost; gland, and its concavity is directed forwards. The lower curve, wh] is abrupt, corresponds with the rectal surface of the prostate, its c( cavity looking backwards, and containing the ano-coccygeal body. T lateral flexures are of importance, because they tend to obstruct t passage of instruments by giving rise to the rectal valves (Housto These flexures are usually three in number—upper, middle, and low The upper and lower flexures have their convexities directed towai the right, whilst the middle flexure has its convexity directed towai the left. In the concavities of these flexures the rectal wall becoir inflected, and so gives rise to more or less prominent shelves of mucc membrane, which are known as the rectal valves. The lateral infk tions and resultant valves are associated with the erect posture of rm which posture throws considerable pressure upon the anal aperture ai its sphincter muscles. They are best marked in the distended recta and the lateral flexures are brought about in the following manner: T longitudinal muscular fibres of the rectum are rather shorter than t gut to which they are applied. Moreover, they are principally dispos' in two stout broad sheets, one on the anterior and the other on t. posterior wall, there being very few longitudinal fibres along the latei walls. The shortness of these longitudinal fibres therefore throws tl rectum into lateral flexures on account of the sparseness of the lon£ tudinal fibres at the sides. These lateral flexures may be taken representing the sacculations of the other parts of the colon.

Relations— Anterior. —The recto-vesical pouch of peritoneum f ( a short distance, usually containing coils of small intestine or of pelv colon; the base of the bladder, seminal vesicles, and vasa deferentia, wf the intervention of the recto-vesical lamina of the visceral pelvic fasci; and the posterior or rectal surface of the prostate gland, with the inte vention of the recto-prostatic lamina of the visceral pelvic fascia. J the female the anterior relations are (1) the recto-uterine pouch



ritoneum (pouch of Douglas), with a few coils of small intestine or dvic colon, in front of which are the posterior surface of the body of e uterus and the upper part of the posterior wall of the vagina; and ) the greater portion of the posterior wall of the vagina. Posterior .— le lower three sacral vertebrae, coccyx, levatores ani, and ano-coccygeal idy; the median and lateral sacral vessels, sacral lymphatic glands, cral nerves, and sacral sympathetic trunk. Behind the rectum there a large amount of areolar tissue. Lateral .—The pelvic sympathetic sxuses, levatores ani, and coccygei muscles, the lateral divisions of e superior rectal artery, and the corresponding veins.

Anal Canal. —This is the terminal portion of the large intestine, extends from the lower end of the rectum, where that has pierced e pelvic diaphragm at a point correonding to the apex of the prostate md, to the anus, and it is the part rich is surrounded by the sphincter uscles. It is about i-| inches in igth, and its lateral walls are in ntact, so that in transverse section appears as an antero-posterior slit, which respect it differs from the ctum proper. Its direction is downirds and backwards, and its antero(sterior diameter is from \ to f inch.

Relations. — Anterior. —The bulb of e penis, the base of the perineal smbrane, and the membranous part the urethra. In the female the rineal body is anterior to it, and parates it from the lower end of e vagina. Posterior .—The ano-coccyal body. Lateral .—The fat of the ririo-rectal fossae. The anal canal is )sely guarded by muscles in the folding manner and to the following tent: most internally is the sphincter

i internus continuous with the circular muscular fibres of the rest the gut; outside this are the longitudinal muscular fibres markedly enforced by the fibres of the levator ani, which here run longidinally; and most externally is the sphincter ani externus. For e structure and development of the rectum and anal canal, see 960.

Fig. 553.—Diagram of Structure of Rectum and Anal Canal.

L, C, longitudinal and circular fibres of wall; the circular fibres thicken below to form the internal sphincter (IS) ; ES, external sphincter; LA, levator ani.

Parts felt per Rectum in Catheterization. —A catheter having been passed k) the bladder, the following parts, in order from before backwards, may be t through the anterior wall of the bowel on the introduction of the index S er: (1) the membranous portion of the urethra; (2) the posterior or rectal rface of the prostate gland; and (3) the apical part of the external trigone of 3 bladder, destitute of peritoneum, with a vas deferens on either side, and very



near each other—indeed, almost touching. During this examination the fin may come in contact with the lower left, and perhaps the right horizontal folc rectum.

Median Sacral Artery. —This vessel arises from the posterior asp of the abdominal aorta just above the bifurcation. Its course downwards in the middle line, behind the left common iliac vein a the hypogastric sympathetic plexus, and it rests in succession uj the following parts: the lower half of the body of the fourth luml vertebra and the disc between it and the fifth, the body of the fr lumbar and the disc between it and the first sacral vertebra, and 1 pelvic surfaces of the sacrum and coccyx. In the pelvis it lies wit] the root of the pelvic meso-colon, being covered by a portion of i pelvic colon, as low as the third sacral vertebra, and beyond that il placed behind the rectum. On reaching the tip of the coccyx terminates in the coccygeal body. The branches of the artery are follows: anterior or rectal to the posterior wall of the rectum, where tl anastomose with the superior and middle rectal arteries; lateral to i front of the sacrum and coccyx, which anastomose with the late sacral arteries; and terminal to the coccygeal gland. The vessel usua furnishes a fifth pair of lumbar arteries, which wind round the sides the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra.

The median sacral artery represents the caudal aorta of anima and its lateral branches are serially homologous with the lumt branches of the abdominal aorta.

The median sacral vein is at first arranged as two venae comiti but these subsequently unite to form a single vessel, which usuaj terminates in the left common iliac vein.

Glomus Coccygeum. —This so-called gland is situated in front of t tip of the coccyx. It is about the size of a small pea, and is compos of a few nodules which are held together and invested by connecti tissue. It receives the terminal twigs of the median sacral artery, structure it consists of groups of polyhedral cells united by connecti tissue, and permeated by blood-capillaries and sympathetic ner\ filaments. It is in some respects similar to the carotid body , whi is situated behind the common carotid artery of each side close

its bifurcation, but differs from it in not containing chromap] cells.

Sacral Glands. —This group comprises a few lymphatic glands whi< he in front of the sacrum to the inner side of the second and third saci foramina. They receive their afferent vessels from the various peh viscera, as well as from the posterior wall of the pelvis; their effere vessels pass to the middle chain of common iliac glands.

Sacral Sympathetic Trunk. —This is situated close to the inner si( of the anterior sacral foramina. The two trunks, right and left, co verge as they descend, and in front of the coccyx they are connect* by a loop which sometimes presents a single ihedian ganglion, called tl ganglion impar or coccygeal ganglion. The number of ganglia on ea( trunk is usually four.




Branches.— (i) Grey rami communicantes, which spring from the rlia. and pass to the anterior primary divisions of the sacral and ygeal nerves. These rami are very short. (2) Visceral branches nail size which pass from the upper part of the pelvic sympathetic l. (3) Parietal branches, which are distributed over the front of sacrum, and which communicate with those of the opposite side, s to form a plexus upon the median sacral artery. From the terminal 1 and ganglion impar (when present) branches proceed to the front tie coccyx and glomus coccygeum. The ganglia of the sacral trunk lot receive any white rami communicantes from the sacral nerves,

e, under the name of the pelvic splanchnics, going directly to the

dc plexus.

Levator Ani — Origin. —(1) The posterior surface of the body of the is in its lower part, below the attachment of the medial pubostatic or anterior true ligaments of the bladder, and above the ichment of the parietal pelvic fascia; (2) the internal surface of the ietal pelvic fascia along the arcus tendineus (white line) ; and (3) the dc surface of the spine of the ischium in its lower part, below the


Insertion. —(1) The side of the lower part of the coccyx; (2) the -coccygeal raphe, where it meets its fellow of the opposite side; the wall of the anal canal, where the fibres blend with the longiinal fibres of the gut, and ultimately pass with them between the srnal and internal sphincter muscles to be attached to the skin and the anus; and (4) the anal raphe and the perineal body, where muscle again meets its fellow of the opposite side.

The levator ani is a broad, flat, and thin fleshy muscle, the direc1 of which is downwards, inwards, and backwards; with its fellow he opposite side it forms an incomplete muscular floor to the pelvic ity. It is covered on its pelvic aspect by the visceral portion of the dc fascia, and on its perineal aspect by the anal fascia, and in this mer a separation is formed between one half of the pelvic cavity and ischio-rectal fossa of the same side.

The anterior border is free close to the body of the pubis, but a little her back it passes downwards upon the side of the prostate gland he male, or vagina in the female; farther back still it meets its fellow he opposite side, between the prostate gland and the commencement he membranous part of the urethra on the one hand and the rectum the other, or between the vagina in the female and the rectum, the Ting taking place in the anal raphe. Between the anterior borders

he two muscles the membranous part of the urethra in the male,

!• the vagina and urethra in the female, leaves the pelvic cavity. The erior or pubo-prostatic fibres are sometimes spoken of as the levator statae. The posterior border adjoins the coccygeus muscle.

The muscle is often divided on morphological grounds into two ts, the pubo-coccygeus and the ilio-coccygeus, the coccygeus muscle If constituting the ischio-coccygeus. The anterior fibres of the >o-coccygeus descend on the sides of the prostate gland and vagina,

94 8


supporting these, and in strong contraction compressing them; posterior fibres of this part pass almost directly backwards, lying on i superior surface of the ilio-coccygeus muscle; but not all of these fib reach the coccyx, some ending immediately behind the anal canal joining the corresponding fibres of the opposite side to form the so-cal pubo-analis muscle. The ilio-coccygeus arises mainly from the ar< tendineus and the pelvic surface of the ischial spine, but its fibres cam infrequently be traced upwards underneath the arcus, particularly front, to become continuous with the outer surface of the upper part the parietal layer of pelvic fascia.

Nerve-supply. —(i) The anterior primary divisions of the third a fourth sacral nerve on its superior surface, and (2) the perineal brar of the pudendal nerve (deep division) on its deep surface.

Action. —(1) To elevate and support the floor of the pelvis, tl diminishing the vertical measurement of the abdominal cavity; (2) pull up the wall of the anal canal over the contained faeces, and so ass in their expulsion; (3) to pull the anal canal towards the symphy through the action of the pubo-analis muscle, and so straighten to soi extent this portion of the alimentary canal; (4) to elevate and compn the prostate gland in the male and the vagina in the female; and (5) flex the coccyx.

Coccygeus (Ischio-coccygeus) — Origin. —(1) The pelvic surface the spine of the ischium, above the origin of the posterior fibres of t levator ani; and (2) slightly from the inner surface of the parietal peh fascia, above the ischial spine.

Insertion. —The side of the upper two coccygeal and lower b sacral vertebrae.

Nerve-supply. —The anterior primary divisions of the fourth a: fifth sacral nerves.

Action. —To flex the coccyx.

The coccygeus is a thin, flat, triangular muscle, the fleshy fibi having a large admixture of tendinous fibres. The internal or peh surface is related to the visceral pelvic fascia, coccygeal plexus ai rectum, and the external surface to the sacro-spinous ligament. T superior border is adjacent to the pyriformis, with the intervention the structures which leave the pelvis below that muscle. The inferi border adjoins the posterior border of the levator ani. The muscle continuous with the sacro-spinous ligament, which is made by chang in its fibres.

The coccygeus muscle is to be regarded as a detached portion the levator ani.

The levatores ani and coccygei muscles form the pelvic diaphragm which presents a superior concave and an inferior convex surfac The greater part of this diaphragm is formed by the levatores ani, ar this part of it gives passage in the middle line to the rectum.

Pyriformis— Origin. — (1) By three fleshy slips from the anteri< surfaces of the second, third, and fourth sacral vertebrae, which a interposed between and lie lateral to the adjacent anterior sacr



nina; (2) the deep surface of the sacro-tuberous ligament; and tie posterior border of the ilium immediately below the posterior ior spine.

nsertion. —An impression on the upper border of the greater troter of the femur near its centre.

Verve-supply. —Two branches from the sacral plexus, more Ocularly from the dorsal divisions of the first and second sacral es.

ction. —Lateral rotator of the thigh.

he intrapelvic portion of the muscle is covered by a prolongaof the parietal pelvic fascia, called the fascia of the pyriformis, it supports the nerves of the sacral plexus, branches of the anterior

ion of the internal iliac artery, and pelvic colon. For the extraic portion, see Gluteal Region.

Ibturator Internus. — Origin. —(1) The internal surface of the rator membrane; (2) the posterior surface of the body and inferior is of the pubis, and ramus of the ischium; (3) the inclined plane of ischium, extending as far back as the greater sciatic foramen, and ly as high as the iliac portion of the pectineal line; and (4) the stal pelvic fascia covering the muscle.

'nsertion. —The medial surface of the greater trochanter above and ont of the trochanteric fossa.

Verve-supply. —The nerve to the obturator internus from the sacral us.

1 ction. —Lateral rotator of the thigh.

Relations of Intrapelvic Part— Medial.— As low as the arcus tenus the internal surface of the muscle is covered by the parietal ic fascia and peritoneum with the extra-peritoneal areolar tissue, is directed towards the pelvic cavity. The obturator vessels and ie here lie between the extra-peritoneal areolar tissue and the etal pelvic fascia. Below the level of the arcus tendineus the Lial surface is still covered by the parietal pelvic fascia, which concts the pudendal canal. This portion of the muscle lies upon the ral wall of the ischio-rectal fossa. Lateral.— The internal surface the obturator membrane, and the surrounding bone. For the ‘a-pelvic part of the muscle, see p. 535.

Structure of the Viscera of the Male Pelvis.

The Bladder.

The wall of the bladder is composed of four coats serous, muscular, mucous, and mucous.

The serous coat is formed by the peritoneum, and is confined to superior surface and upper part of the base. It forms the false

ments of the viscus. . .

The muscular coat consists of plain muscular tissue, which is mged in three layers—external longitudinal, middle circular, and Tnal longitudinal.



The external longitudinal fibres are most apparent on the supei and inferior surfaces. Laterally they are scarce, and are dispo: in an interlacing manner. They have an independent bony atta ment to the posterior aspects of the bodies of the pubic bones n the lower part of the symphysis, where they constitute the so-cal pubo-vesical muscles. They then pass within the medial pubo-prosta ligaments to the prostate gland. Having covered the infero-late surfaces of the bladder as far forwards as the apex, some of them ; there prolonged along the median umbilical ligament for a short c tance, whilst others turn to the superior surface, over which they p to the base. Having descended upon the base, they enter the prost; gland, where they blend with its muscular tissue. The longitudi stratum has been called the detrusor urinse muscle from its suppos function in expelling the urine from the bladder.

The middle circular fibres are somewhat indistinct, and more less reticular over the greater part of the viscus. In the region wh the fundus and infero-lateral surfaces meet they become more distin and near the spot where the urethral opening is situated they forn tolerably well-marked annular bundle, known as the sphincter vesi( beyond which they are continuous with the muscular tissue of i prostate gland.

The internal longitudinal fibres are somewhat indefinite, and c chiefly recognizable on the inferior surface.

When portions of the mucous membrane project between 1 scattered muscular bundles, the bladder is said to be sacculated. Wh on the other hand, the muscular bundles become hypertrophied fr< any cause, such as enlarged prostate or stricture, they give rise inward projections of the mucous coat, which are arranged in a coarsi reticular manner, a condition known as the fasciculated bladder.

The submucous coat is situated between the muscular and muco coats, which it connects in a loose manner for the most part, and composed of areolar tissue with an admixture of elastic tissue, serves as a bed in which the arteries and nerves subdivide befc entering the mucous coat.

The mucous coat is soft in consistence, and of a pinkish colour health. It is continuous with the mucous membrane of the urete and urethra, and over the greater part of the empty bladder is thnn into folds, which, however, disappear as the viscus becomes distende This rugose condition is explained by the loose connection which exit between the mucous and muscular coats through means of the su mucous coat. Over the internal trigonum vesicae, however, to presently described, the mucous membrane is quite smooth, and al very sensitive. The mucous coat is covered by stratified transitior epithelium, similar to that of the ureters. In the most superficial lay the cells are cubical, and they present depressions on their deep si faces, which receive the round ends of the pyriform cells of the lay beneath. In the second layer the cells are pyriform, the round en being capped by the cubical cells of the first layer, and the narrow en



deeply placed amongst the deeper cells. In the third and fourth

the cells are round or oval.

)rifices of the Bladder. —These are three in number—namely, ral, and two ureteric. The internal orifice of urethra is the ng by which the urine leaves the bladder, and it is situated at osterior extremity of the infero-lateral surfaces, where they meet ase. This is the most dependent part of the viscus, and is surled by the base of the prostate gland. Immediately above the ral orifice the mucous membrane presents a short median vertical , which projects forwards over the orifice. This ridge is called the vesicce. It is produced by the middle lobe of the prostate gland, 3 much more conspicuous when that lobe is enlarged. The ureteric ngs assume the form of small, slit-like, somewhat elliptical aper, which are about i| inches apart, and an equal distance from the aal orifice, their direction being obliquely downwards and inwards, ureters, before so terminating, have pierced the vesical wall uely, lying in it for about £ inch, and in this manner reflux of is prevented.

rigonum Vesicae. —This is situated at the lower part of the basal ce, and the mucous membrane over it is so closely connected to the ular coat that it is always smooth, and so presents a marked •ast to the rugose condition of the mucous membrane over the of the empty bladder. The trigone (Fig. 546) assumes the form 1 equilateral triangle, the angles of which correspond with the iral and ureteric openings, whilst the sides are constructed by s connecting these openings. The interureteric ridge, called ier’s bar, is produced by a bundle of muscular fibres, and is slightly ex, with the convexity directed downwards towards the urethral

e. The fibres constituting the ridge, on reaching the ureteric
es, run for some distance within Waldeyer’s sheath along and

3 rior to the ureter, with the longitudinal fibres of which they are lately continuous. When the fibres contract they pull the ureters iwards and inwards, increasing their obliquity, and thus diminishmy tendency to regurgitation of urine when contraction of the ier occurs; they moreover bring the duct more definitely within the 3 of the arched muscular fibres which surround the intraparietal ion of its course, and so still further diminish any such tendency, urethro-ureteric ridge on either side is also produced by a bundle of 'ular fibres, which are, however, very often indistinct, these bundles ^ known as the muscles of Bell. The uvula vesicae is situated at lower part of the trigone in the middle line above the urethral


rtimen of the Empty Bladder. —This is very small, and is composed wo limbs, anterior and posterior. The anterior limb, which is , lies almost horizontally in front of the urethral orifice, and is ted by the juxtaposition of the superior and inferior walls. The ’rior limb, which is short, is directed upwards and backwards, and rmed by the juxtaposition of the back part of the superior wall



and the base. The anterior and posterior limbs join each other at t urethral orifice, and are there continued onwards into the lumen the prostatic urethra. A triradiate appearance is thus impart to the lumen of the empty bladder and of the prostatic urethra, t three rays diverging from a central point—namely, the internal orifi of urethra—one ray being urethral and two vesical, of which latter o: is the anterior limb of the vesical lumen and the other the posted limb.

The Infantile Bladder. —The bladder in early life is pyriform. T narrow end is directed downwards, and is on a level with the upp border of the symphysis pubis, from which point it gradually descen as age advances. The broad end is directed upwards, and lies in t hypogastric region of the abdomen. The base is absent at this perio and the anterior surface of the viscus, devoid of peritoneum, is in co tact with the posterior surface of the anterior wall of the abdome which is likewise destitute of peritoneum. There being no base, t bottom of the recto-vesical pouch of peritoneum lies close to the ba of the prostate gland.

Ligaments of the Bladder. —These are classified as false and tri ligaments. The false ligaments are formed by the peritoneum, ai are five in number as follows: two posterior , which represent the laterall disposed lips of the mouth of the recto-vesical pouch; two lateral , rig] and left, which represent the reflection of the peritoneum from eac lateral border of the bladder to the corresponding lateral wall of tl pelvis; and superior , which is the reflection of the peritoneum from tl apex of the bladder to the posterior surface of the anterior abdomin wall along the median umbilical ligament. The true ligaments a: also five in number as follows: two lateral pubo-prostatic y right and lef which are formed by the vesical layers of the visceral portion of tl pelvic fascia on the sides of the bladder; two medial pubo-prostati which are the reflections of the visceral pelvic fascia from the back * the bodies of the pubic bones near the lower part of the symphysis i the neck of the bladder, and which pass in their course over the anteri< surface of the prostate gland; and superior , which is the median un bilical ligament. Each medial pubo-prostatic ligament contains son of the external or longitudinal muscular fibres of the bladder.

Blood-supply—Arteries. —These are as follows: (i) superior vesica from the umbilical artery; (2) inferior vesical, from the anterior divisic of the internal iliac; (3) vesical, from the intrapelvic portion of tl obturator; (4) vesical, from the intrapelvic portion of the inferior glutea and (5) branches from the uterine and vaginal arteries in the female.

Veins. —These are very copious, and are arranged in two plexusesvesical and prostatic. The vesical plexus is situated over the fundi and sides of the bladder, and its blood is conveyed into the prostat plexus. The prostatic plexus is composed of two parts continuous wit each other. Its blood is conveyed by one or more veins into the intern; iliac vein.

Lymphatics. —These pass to the external and internal iliac glands.



erves. —Each half of the bladder receives sympathetic and spinal 3 from the following sources: (i) the pelvic plexus of the symetic, which contains spinal fibres from the third and fourth sacral es (sometimes also from the second), these being known as th epelvic ichnics ; and (2) special twigs from the pelvic splanchnics, which )e traced independently to the bladder. It is to be noted that the ler also receives spinal fibres from the upper two or three lumbar es through (a) the ganglia of the lumbar sympathetic trunk, (b) the c plexus, ( c ) the hypogastric plexus, and ( d) the pelvic plexus.

Structure of the Penis.

lorpora Cavernosa. —Each corpus cavernosum has a strong capsule, d the tunica albuginea. This tunic is composed of fibrous, plain

ular, and elastic tissues. It is disposed in two laminae—external

internal. The fibres of the external lamina are arranged longilally, and are common to both corpora cavernosa. The fibres of nternal lamina run circularly round each corpus cavernosum, and le middle line those of each side meet and are prolonged inwards septum, which is imperfect except near the roots of the penis, e* traversed by vertical clefts. This partition is called the septum, n the inner surface of the tunica albuginea strong trabeculae are n off, which penetrate into the interior of the corpus cavernosum. le trabeculae, which aie fibro-muscular and elastic in character, are nged in a reticular manner, and enclose the cavernous spaces of the tile tissue. The deep artery of penis lies in the centre, and, in tion to this chief vessel, several other arteries, derived from the al artery of the penis, enter it from the surface. The branches of e arteries run in the trabeculae, and terminate in capillaries, which

their blood directly into the cavernous or intertrabecular spaces,

e of the small arteries in the trabeculae are thrown into spiral loops,

h project into the intertrabecular spaces. Such vessels are called

helicine (spiral) arteries (Muller). From the intertrabecular spaces radicle veins proceed, and by them the blood is returned from the


Corpus Spongiosum. —This differs from the corpora cavernosa in g destitute of any bony attachments. Its length is about 6 inches, it is expanded at either end. It is divided into a bulb, body, and s. The glans has been already described (see p. 713 et seq .) The bulb esents about the first i\ inches of the corpus spongiosum, and at widest part it measures § inch. It is surrounded by the bulbolgiosus muscles, and its enlarged posterior extremity rests upon the t of the inferior layer of the perineal membrane, where it is about ch in front of the anus. The body is cylindrical. It has a capsule unica albuginea, but this is very thin. Within the capsule there is erectile tissue, which resembles that of the corpora cavernosa, igh of a finer texture and not so well developed; in the centre is the igy portion of the urethra. The corpus spongiosum is traversed



by the arteries of the bulb, right and left, which are branches of 1 internal pudendal arteries. They are situated underneath the ureth canal, one on either side of the middle line.

The venous blood of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosi is returned by the dorsal vein of the penis, and by the internal puden< venae comites.

For the structure of the different parts of the urethra, see p. 940

The glans penis and corpora cavernosa are developed from the genital ei nence, and the corpus spongiosum is developed from the genital folds.

Development of the Bladder and Urethra—The Allantois (see pp. 31, 32, s

45)-—The intra-embryonic part of the allantois is at first directly continu<

Dorsal Vein of Penis

Dorsal Artery of Penis

Dorsal Nerve of Penis



Dartos Muscle

Fibrous Sheath-- ■ of Penis

Fibro-elastic Capsule of Corpus Cavernosum

Deep Artery of Penis

Corpus Cavernosum

' _Corpus Spongiosum


Arteries of Bulb of Penis

Fig. 554. —Transverse Section of the Penis of a Child as seen

under a Low Power.

with the upper part of the bladder, but in the course of the second month lumen usually disappears, and then this portion is transformed into a fibre cord, which is called the urachus. It is, however, to be noted that the lum of the intra-embryonic part of the allantois may remain persistent for soi time, thus giving rise to the condition which is known after birth as an umbilic urinary fistula.

The cloaca, which is the common terminal chamber of the hind-gut ai allantois (Fig. 555), is divided by the cloacal septum into ventral and dors parts. These changes are illustrated in the figure, where the dividing ‘ septun ib seen to deepen from above. The dorsal compartment gives rise to the rectui the ventral compartment constitutes the uro-genital sinus, so termed becau the excretory ducts and subsequently the genital ducts open into it.

These ducts are indicated in Fig. 555. The mesonephric (or Wolffian) due reach the lateral walls of the cloaca, and when the septum extends down behii



m they are left opening into the dorso-lateral aspect of the ventral compartnt. Later, as will be shown in the next paragraph, the ureteric outgrowth m the duct comes to open into the cavity, and the ultimate opening of the duct t a lower level. Th e para-mesonephric (or Mullerian) ducts now reach this lower el by passing along the mesonephric ducts, and thus reach the uro-genital sinus ow the dilatation which forms the bladder.

In the meantime the cloacal derivatives are changing their form rapidly, e cloacal membrane (shown as a black line in the first two stages in Fig. 555) es cranially at first, but is quickly swung round so that it comes to face in opposite direction. This is brought about by rapid mesodermal formation men the base of the body-stalk ( BS) and the membrane, along the sides of which extends for some distance; in this way the genital tubercle (G) comes into dence, and the mesodermal growth beside the membrane makes the genital Is continuous with the tubercle. Thus not only is the area of the membrane mg round on its non-growing caudal extremity, but the whole mesodermal

Fig. 555.— Outlines to show Cloaca at Different Stages.

Observe rotation of plane of cloacal membrane and division of the cavity.

wth encloses a new cavity which is added to the length of the uro-genital sinus; 3 can be appreciated from Fig. 556.

The urinary bladder is developed from the cephalic part of this elongated '-genital sinus. In the first section in Fig. 556 the mesonephric duct (W) ches a dilated part of the sinus above the lower end of the septum (S). In the ond section the duct is not shown, but the marked elongation of the sinus, in ping with the great external growth, is well shown, and the dilatation of the dder is much more evident. Each duct had a metanephric bud (ureter) sning into it at first some distance from the sinus. The upper part of the sinus,

held by the lower thickenings of mesoderm, begins to expand, extending

n g the mesonephric duct in doing so; this expansion (Fig. 557) goes on round duct, the end of which is thus passively invaginated or intussuscepted into the dder cavity, where it rapidly atrophies, breaks up and disappears. This process s on until the expanding bladder reaches the ureteric opening, which is affected the same way, at its extreme end only, when the expansion ceases. Thus the ter comes to open into the bladder apart from the duct, and to its lateral side l above it.



About this time the infra-umbilical portion of the belly-wall, hardly exist up to now, begins to grow, and the upper part of the sinus is gradually dra up with it; the lower part is, of course, fixed in the mesodermal condensatio Thus the bladder, carrying the ureter with it, is elongated in an upward directs The mesonephric duct, however, embedded in the topmost part of the cond sation, is held in position here. Thus its terminal piece, held below but dra up at its upper end, is embedded in and fused with the lining cells of the cor sponding wall of the sinus. This is indicated schematically in Fig. 558, wh the first diagram shows the dorsal wall of the sinus here including the end-piecf the duct (W), still visible almost as far as the level of the entrance of the ureter ( The next diagram shows how, by the breaking down of the (dotted line) vent wall of this included duct, its ultimate opening is left at the low level, while 1 ureteric opening is moving up. In this way the ejaculatory ducts come to oj below the level of the bladder.

Fig. 556. —Entodermal Cloaca of Embryos of 8-5 and 16 Mm., somewh


This part of the uro-genital sinus, in which the openings of the duct are k becomes the prostatic urethra or, in women, the whole urethra.

Membranous Urethra. —The membranous portion of the urethra is develoj from the caudal part of the uro-genital sinus.

Spongy Portion of Urethra. —The cloaca, the cavity (p. 45) common to 1 allantoic and intestinal terminations, is shut off from the exterior by the cloa membrane, consisting of entoderm and ectoderm, with a certain amount mesodermal cells between these layers. It extends at first from the tail pvoi nence to the body-stalk, and corresponds with the situation of the primitive stre> later it is more restricted in extent, being separated from the body-stalk mesodermal thickenings which make the genital eminence and the lower part the belly-wall, and from the tail prominence by a much smaller mesoderi growth which makes the ano-coccygeal region. The restricted area of cloa membrane, limited in this way, lies at the bottom of an external cloacal depress



fossa, or ectodermal cloaca ; this is the cavity included between the external >odermal growths already mentioned. The internal or entodermal cloaca livided into rectal and uro-genital compartments in the course of the second

557.—Schemes to show how the Terminal Piece of the Mesonephric (Wolffian) Duct becomes invaginated within the Bladder as a Result of the Expansion of this Structure.

expansion finally involves the extreme end of the ureter, so that, when the invaginated parts disappear, the ureter and duct open separately into the cavity of the bladder.

Fig. 558.—Diagrams to illustrate Descriptions in the Text.

first two figures show the way in which the low level of insertion of mesonephric duct is gained. The third shows the curved uro-genital sinus, comprising the bladder dilatation (B); a pars pelvina (PP), into which the ducts (D) open; and a pars phallica (PPH), opening externally and prolonged on to the genital tubercle (T).

fih, and as this takes place a corresponding division of the external fossa )mes . apparent, due to a transverse mesodermal thickening—the perineal coinciding in position with the transversely disposed internal septum



(which has divided the internal cloaca) as this completes its growth. The and outer transverse septa thus become continuous as the division of the ( is completed.

The part of the cloacal fossa behind the perineal fold forms the anal di sion or proctodaeum, and the portion of the cloacal membrane which for is called the anal membrane. When the anal membrane disappears (; the third month) the anus becomes formed, and the rectal compartment ( cloaca now opens into the back part of the cloacal fossa. The uro-genital opens into the cloacal fossa in front of the perineal fold by means of a n; vertical cleft, called the uro-genital cleft. Leading backwards from the gi eminence there is a furrow, which ends at the uro-genital cleft. The g< eminence is continuous at the sides with the labio-SCrotal folds, which, exte: backwards, enclose the cloacal fossa and the cloacal membrane. The pos surface of the genital eminence presents a groove, which is continuous wit uro-genital furrow. The lips of this groove, by their subsequent meeting fusion, form a canal, which represents the part of the spongy urethra cont in the glans penis. Posterior to this the lips of the uro-genital furrow together and unite as far back as the uro-genital cleft, and thus convert the part of the cloacal fossa into a canal, which represents the spongy part c


Fig. 559 -—Four Simple Outlines to show Closure of Urethra Development of External Male Characters.

R, raphe formed by fusion of genital folds (GF).

urethra behind the glans. The spongy part is thus to be regarded as a for extension of the uro-genital sinus, which opens at the uro-genital cleft. \ the lips of the uro-genital furrow fail to meet and unite at any part, the c( tion known as hypospadias is produced, in which the spongy urethra o externally on the under surface of the body of the penis. It is to be n that, whilst the prostatic and membranous portions of the urethra are devel from the ventral or uro-genital compartment of the entodermal cloaca, the sp portion is developed from the anterior part of the ectodermal cloacal fossa posterior part of that fossa giving rise to the anus and anal canal.

Structure of the Seminal Vesicles.

Each seminal vesicle consists of a tube which is thrown int number of coils, these being held together by fibrous tissue. W these coils are undone, and the tube straightened out, it measi from 5 to 6 inches in length. Its upper end is closed, and along course several diverticula are met. Each seminal vesicle in its nat sacculated condition is surrounded by a sheath, which is derived f the recto-vesical lamina of the visceral portion of the pelvic fae:




in this sheath the tube has a fibrous wall composed of delicate is tissue, and within this there is a muscular coat, which is formed rin muscular tissue arranged in two layers—outer longitudinal nner circular. Within the muscular coat is the mucous coat, i presents a number of reticular ridges with intervening alveoli, ns bears a resemblance to honeycomb, in which respect it corre1 s with the mucous membrane of the ampulla of the vas deferens )f the gall-bladder, the last named having coarser meshes. The elium which covers the mucous membrane is of the columnar non?d variety.

ood-supply—Arteries. —These are derived from the inferior vesical, liddle rectal, the descending branch of the artery to the vas, and itrapelvic portion of the inferior gluteal.

tie veins are fairly large and numerous, and are disposed in a iorm manner. They communicate with the prostatic plexus, junphatics. —These go to the internal iliac glands.

Brves. —These are derived from the pelvic plexus.

ivelopment. —Each seminal vesicle is developed early in the fourth month liverticulum from the posterior or caudal part of the mesonephric duct, which the vas deferens originates. It begins to show dilatations at the e of this month.

Structure of the Ejaculatory Ducts.

he wall of each duct is composed of three layers as follows: an ' fibrous layer, which is very delicate; a middle muscular layer, >osed of an outer circular and inner longitudinal stratum; and an mucous layer, lined by columnar non-ciliated epithelium.

ivelopment. —Each duct is developed from the caudal part of the mesoic duct. The level of its opening is gained as described on p. 956 (Fig. 558).

Structure of the Prostate Gland.

he prostate gland is encased in a strong capsule, which is formed y by the visceral portion of the pelvic fascia, and partly by the tal pelvic fascia, in the following manner: the anterior wall of capsule is formed by the prostatic lamina, and the posterior wall ie recto-prostatic lamina, of the visceral portion of the pelvic 1; and on either side the capsule is joined by the corresponding of the superior layer of the perineal membrane (which is formed tie parietal pelvic fascia) after it has passed backwards over the ■ior border of the corresponding levator ani muscle. The capsule - material influence in fixing the prostate gland in its position. The ule is formed of concentric layers of fibrous tissue, within and een which lies the prostatic plexus of veins. The substance of the 1 is composed of two elements—muscular and glandular. The mlar tissue, which is of the plain variety, is arranged as (1) an mal, partly longitudinal and partly transverse layer, which lies



beneath the fibrous capsule; and (2) an internal circular layer, wl surrounds the prostatic urethra, being continuous above with fibres of the sphincter vesicae, and below with those around the m branous portion of the urethra. Between these two layers the muse fibres pervade the gland in a decussating manner, so as to constru muscular reticulum, the meshes of which contain the glandular tis The chief part of the gland in front of the urethra is compose( muscular tissue. The glandular element consists of branched tub alveoli or acini, the walls of which are formed by a basement membi covered internally by columnar epithelium. The tubular alveoli into the prostatic ducts, the structure of which is similar to that ol gland-tubes. The ducts average twenty in number, ten on either 5 and they open by independent orifices upon the posterior wall of prostatic portion of the urethra, for the most part into the prost sinus on either side of the crest. The outer portion of the gk consists mainly of muscular tissue, and has received the name of a to distinguish it from the inner glandular portion—the medulla.

Blood-supply—Arteries. —These are derived from the inferior ves the middle rectal, and the intrapelvic portion of the inferior gluten

The veins form a copious prostatic plexus, which is most plen over the anterior and lateral surfaces. It receives in front the d( vein of the penis in two divisions, and discharges its blood by on more veins into the internal iliac vein. The prostatic plexus is li to become much enlarged in old age.

Lymphatics. —These pass to the external iliac, internal iliac, sa 1 and common iliac glands.

Nerves. —These are derived from the pelvic sympathetic plexus

Development. —The glandular part of the prostate is developed from epithelium of the uro-genital sinus. The epithelial cells in the course oj third month send out ramifying branches, which are at first solid, but si quently become tubular, and so form the glandular part. The outgro arise above and below the entrance of the mesonephric ducts, and from the of the urethra, and a small inconstant group may arise from its front 1 The muscular tissue develops during the fourth month from the surrour mesoderm.

Structure of the Rectum.

The wall of the rectum is composed of five coats—serous, fas muscular, submucous, and mucous.

The serous coat is formed by the peritoneum, and, as has 1 stated, is imperfect.

The fascial coat represents a sheath which is derived from visceral pelvic fascia. In front of the rectum it is composed of recto-vesical and recto-prostatic laminae, whilst posteriorly it is for by the rectal lamina of that fascia. It is best marked over the k third of the rectum, where the peritoneum is absent. Elsewhere comparatively thin, and over the peritoneal area it merges into subperitoneal areolar tissue.

The muscular coat is well developed, and is composed of p



cular tissue, arranged as an external longitudinal and internal a lar layer. The longitudinal layer is present all round the gut, attains its greatest development along the anterior and posterior s, where it forms two broad stout laminae. Along the sides it is ewhat sparse. The circular fibres form a continuous covering for rectum, and inferiorly they become increased in amount around anal canal, and so give rise to the sphincter ani internus. rhe submucous coat is composed of areolar tissue, and connects muscular and mucous coats in a very loose manner, so that the sr is thrown into a number of temporary folds in the empty conm of the gut. The internal haemorrhoidal plexus of veins is >edded in this coat.

rhe mucous coat is characterized by great thickness and vascularity, ealth, therefore, it has a reddish colour, and is capable of free movet upon the muscular coat. The mucous membrane is covered by mnar epithelium, and is provided with crypts of Lieberkiihn and phoid nodules. It is thrown into a number of folds in the empty e, but the majority of these are temporary, and become effaced n the gut is distended. There are, however, at least three permanent s, which constitute the horizontal folds of rectum. The mucous ibrane is also studded over with a number of minute tubular dessions, called rectal pits, which are surrounded at their deep ends by phoid tissue (Birmingham).

rhe horizontal folds of rectum (Houston’s valves) are horizontal

ldings of the wall of the rectum in certain situations. Each fold is centic or semilunar, and consists of (1) the rectal mucous membrane, the submucous areolar tissue, and (3) a variable amount of the ular muscular fibres. The folds are very variable both in number position, but are usually described as three in number. The most stant and best-developed fold is situated on the right wall about ches from the anus on a level with the body of the fifth sacral vertebra the bottom of the recto-vesical pouch of peritoneum. It is there: related to the fundus of the bladder. This fold is sometimes referred is the plica transversalis recti, and is occasionally annular. The

al muscular fibres (circular) which it contains constitute the soed sphincter ani tertius, or sphincter of Nelaton. The other folds

much less definite, and are usually found one about an inch above the other about the same distance below the fold just described.

The horizontal folds are probably sustentacular in function, serving support the rectal contents. They may give rise to obstruction ing the introduction of instruments.

Structure of the Anal Canal.

The wall of the anal canal is composed of three coats muscular, imucous, and mucous. The muscular coat is composed of plain ocular tissue, arranged as an external longitudinal and internal ular layer. The longitudinal fibres are continuous with those of the


A manual of anatomy


rectum, and blending with them there are fibres of the ievator Inferiorly they pass between the internal and external sphincter be attached to the skin round the anus. Associated with the longitudinal fibres oil the posterior wall of the anal canal there an minute muscles (sometimes united into one), called the redo-coc muscles. These spring from the front of the coccyx and descend the posterior wall, where they blend with the longitudinal fibres.

There is nothing specially noteworthy in the submucous coat.

The mucous coat presents the anal columns and the anal va The anal columns (Morgagni) are six or more in number, and the form of permanent vertical folds, which are confined to the u two-thirds of the anal canal, where they are separated from each c

by longitudinal grooves. They composed of inflections of the mi membrane, which contain plain cular tissue belonging to the musci mucosae and small bloodvessels, stop short about § inch above the j T he anal valves are situated at lower ends of the anal columns a \ inch above the anus. They 1: the lower ends of the longitu* grooves, where they extend beb adjacent columns, and they be; resemblance to the valves which met with in veins. They are semil folds of the mucous membrane, ' free margins being directed upw; and above each valve there is a s recess or f sinus. 5 The anal valves sinuses are best seen in the child, tend to disappear as age advai The mucous membrane of the canal is replaced in the lower t (below the anal valves) by modified 5 and finally for the last few lines by ac skin with sebaceous glands and hair follicles; this skin in the neg pigmented like the skin covering the body, and terminates by joi the modified skin along a fine wavy line. In white races the junc is known as the white line of Hilton. In the upper two-thirds of canal the mucous membrane is lined by columnar epithelium , and in upper third it is provided with a few intestinal glands and lymp nodules. The wall of the lower third of the anal canal is linec epithelium, which gradually becomes more and more stratified as anal orifice is approached, and which is continuous at the anal ma with the epidermis. It is at the margins of the anal valves where modified epidermic epithelium gives place to the columnar epithel of the mucous membrane, and here also the modified skin of the k

Fig. 560. —Diagram of Structure of Rectum and Anal Canal.

L, C, longitudinal and circular fibres of wall : the circular fibres thicken below to form the internal sphincter (IS); ES, external sphincter; LA, levator ani.



1 of the canal becomes continuous with the mucous membrane of ipper two-thirds.

phincter Ani Internus. —This so-called muscle is merely a thickenif the circular plain muscular fibres of the gut. It is confined to the >n of the anal canal, and viewing it as an independent muscle, or er thickening of muscular tissue, it begins very near the upper end Le anal canal, and terminates about \ inch above the anus. Though liary to the external sphincter, the principal action of the internal ncter is to expel the contents of the anal canal.

lood-supply of the Rectum and Anal Canal—Arteries. —The rectum and anal l receive their arterial supply from (1) the superior rectal, which is a single

1; (2) the middle rectals, right and left; (3) the inferior rectals, right and left;

[4) branches from the median sacral and inferior gluteal arteries, he superior rectal artery (superior hsemorrhoidal artery) is of large size, and e direct continuation of the inferior mesenteric. Having crossed the left non iliac vessels, it descends within the root of the pelvic meso-colon as is the third sacral vertebra, where the rectum commences. Here it divides two branches, right and left, which descend upon the sides of the rectum. 1 each of these divisions six or more branches are given off, which pierce ciuscular coat of the rectum about half-way down, and so enter the submucous in which they descend to lie ultimately within the anal columns. As these inal branches descend they give off twigs, which, by anastomosing with ches of the middle and inferior rectals, give rise to an arterial anastomotic ork in the submucous coat. The disposition of the two primary divisions e superior rectal artery on the sides of the rectum is to be borne in mind in )erformance of operations in this region.

t is important to bear in mind that while there is a free anastomosis between ower left colic arteries in the pelvic meso-colon, the anastomosis between the st branch of the lower left colic and the superior rectal is more restricted. a,ses, therefore, where it is desirable in the course of an operation to render pelvic colon more mobile by cutting through its mesentery, care should be n not to interfere with this low anastomosis, but instead to divide and tie 3r other of the upper branches of the lower left colic arteries.

•he middle rectal arteries (middle hsemorrhoidal arteries) are two in number, t and left, and are branches of the anterior divisions of the internal iliacs, 1 arising in common with the inferior vesicals. Having reached the sides ie rectum about its middle, they divide into branches, some of which supply muscular wall, whilst others enter the submucous coat to take part, along The superior and inferior rectals, in the anastomotic network.

"he inferior rectal arteries (inferior hsemorrhoidal arteries) are two in number, t and left, and each may be a single artery, or there may be two or three on side. In any case, they are branches of the internal pudendal, immediately

that vessel has taken up its position in the pudendal canal on the outer wall

ie ischio-rectal fossa. Having pierced the wall of the pudendal canal, and ersed the fat of the ischio-rectal fossa, they approach the wall of the anal T where they break up into branches, some of which supply the muscular , including the external sphincter and adjacent fibres of the levator ani, st others pass into the submucous coat, where they take part, along with the

nor and middle rectals, in the anastomotic network already referred to.

middle and inferior haemorrhoidal arteries of one side anastomose with F fellows of the opposite side.

he rectum also receives twigs from the median sacral and inferior gluteal ties.

feins. —The veins, all of which are destitute of valves, form two rich plexuses ternal rectal, situated in the submucous coat, and external rectal, lying § the exterior of the rectum, both being confined to its lower third. The



internal rectal plexus, situated in the submucous coat, receives its radicles a set of vessels, termed anal veins, which commence beneath the skin of the c These anal veins ascend in the wall of the anal canal, some of them lying w the anal columns, and are reinforced by other veins from the anal wall. Ha given rise by their communications to the internal rectal plexus over the 1 third of the rectum, the blood is conveyed away from the plexus in two chai as follows: (1) the veins from the upper part of the plexus pierce the wall o: rectum, and open into the external rectal plexus; and (2) the veins from lower part of the plexus pass through the external sphincter to end in a pi on the outer surface of that muscle, in which the inferior rectal veins origii The external rectal plexus is situated on the outer wall of the rectum ove lower third, and is continuous below with the plexus on the outer surface ol external sphincter. It is from this external rectal plexus that the rectal v which correspond with the rectal arteries, arise. The superior rectal vein (supi hsemorrhoidal vein) leaves the plexus in two divisions, right and left, w ultimately join to form one vessel, the inferior mesenteric vein. It is there an indirect tributary of the vena portal vein. The middle rectal veins (mi hsemorrhoidal veins), right and left, terminate in the internal iliac veins. inferior rectal veins (inferior hsemorrhoidal veins), right and left, pass to internal pudic veins. Through means of the external rectal plexus a free ( munication is established between the systemic and portal venous channels, there being no valves, when the portal circulation is obstructed the condi known as haemorrhoids frequently results.

Lymphatic Vessels of Rectum, Anal Canal, and Anus—(1) Rectun

The lymphatics of the rectum can be divided into two groups, an up and a lower; the upper accompany the superior rectal vessels, after passing through small pararectal glands, which to the numbe four to seven lie directly on the muscular coat of the rectum underne its fascial covering, enter the glands in the pelvic meso-colon; the lo accompany the middle rectal vessels, and pass to a gland situated r the origin of the middle rectal artery.

(2) Anal Canal. —The lymphatics of the anal canal mainly acc< pany the inferior rectal vessels, coursing therefore below the levc ani, and draining into one of the internal iliac glands near the or of the internal pudendal artery; certain of them, however, upwards in the anal columns and join the lymphatics from rectum.

(3) Anus. —The lymphatic vessels of the anus pass to the superfi inguinal glands.

Nerves. —These are partly sympathetic and partly spinal, superior rectal artery conducts to the rectum and anal canal superior hsemorrhoidal sympathetic plexus, which is an offshoot fi the inferior mesenteric plexus, that in turn coming from the a0| plexus. The middle rectal arteries conduct the middle haemorrho sympathetic plexuses, which are offshoots from the pelvic plexus The spinal fibres are derived from the third and fourth sacral ner (sometimes also the second), and they belong to the pelvic splanchr They are further derived from the upper two or three lumbar ner all in the manner described in connection with the innervation of bladder. The fibres from the pelvic splanchnics carry motor impu to the longitudinal muscular fibres of the rectum and inhibitory pulses to the circular fibres; whilst the sympathetic fibres are moto



ards the circular fibres, and inhibitory as regards the longitudinal res. The anal canal, close to the external sphincter, receives twigs m the inferior haemorrhoidal branch of the pudendal nerve.

Development of the Rectum, Anal Canal, and Anus.

In man the cloaca becomes partitioned off into two tubular compartments by Did, called the cloacal or uro-rectal septum. The two compartments or canals dorsal and ventral respectively. The dorsal canal gives rise to (1) the rectum, 1 (2) the upper two-thirds of the anal canal, or the part above the anal valves, s ventral canal leads caudalwards from the opening of the allantoic diverticulum, 1 is called the uro-genital sinus or canal. The allantoic diverticulum and

uro-genital ducts open into it.

The recto-anal and uro-genital canals are directed towards the cloacal mem,ne, which closes both of them ventrally and caudalwards. The uro-rectal turn is connected inferiorly with the cloacal membrane, and this membrane livided into two parts—namely, dorsal or anal, known as the anal membrane, 1 ventral or uro-genital.

The anal and uro-genital parts of the cloacal membrane are separated externj by a transverse fold, known as the perineal fold. This fold undergoes conerable thickening, and gives rise to the perineal body.

The anal membrane is soon sunk below the surface, producing thereby the il depression or proctodaeum. The depression consists of invaginated ectoderm ich meets the intestinal entoderm, and the two layers construct the anal memme, or anal part of the cloacal membrane. The condition of matters may be npared to the invagination of ectoderm, which forms the primitive oral cavity stomodaeum, and which, meeting with the entoderm of the pharyngeal part the fore-gut, forms the bucco-pharyngeal membrane.

The rupture of the anal part of the cloacal membrane gives rise to an aperture led the anus, through which the hind-gut and proctodaeum become continuous, e lower one-third of the anal canal—that is to say, the limited portion below i anal valves—is formed by the ectoderm of the anal fossa or proctodaeum. e time of disappearance of the anal membrane varies somewhat, but seems to usually in the third month.

In some cases the anal membrane—namely, that part of the cloacal memme which separates the hind-gut from the anal fossa or proctodaeum—is rsistent. Such a condition is known as atresia ani or imperforate anus.

The uro-genital part of the cloacal membrane becomes depressed, and so r es rise to the uro-genital fossa. When this part of the membrane ruptures,

5 uro-genital opening or Cleft is formed, by which the uro-genital compartment the cloaca—namely, the uro-genital sinus or canal—communicates with the terior.


The female pelvis contains the pelvic colon and rectum, with a few ils of the small intestine; the bladder and urethra; the uterus and gina; and the uterine appendages connected with the broad ligasnts—namely, the uterine tubes, the ovaries, with the epoophoron d paroophoron (the latter in early life); and the ligamenta teres of the erus. The arteries are the same as in the male, with the addition of •rtions of the ovarian arteries and the uterine arteries, and the subtution of the vaginal arteries for the inferior vesical arteries in the de. The venous plexuses are rectal, vesical, pudendal, ovarian, erine, and vaginal. The nerve-plexuses peculiar to the female are e uterine, ovarian, and vaginal.



General Position of the Viscera. —The pelvic colon and rectum

situated as in the male pelvis. The bladder lies anteriorly, b situated immediately behind the bodies of the pubic bones, and urethra is very closely related to the anterior wall of the vagina, virgin uterus lies upon the superior surface of the bladder, and the hi ligaments extend from either side of it to the lateral wall of the pe The vagina leads from the lower end of the uterus, and in its outv course lies between the base of the bladder and the rectum.

Peritoneum. —The peritoneum is related to the pelvic colon rectum as in the male. On leaving the rectum at a point fully 3 in above the anus it passes to the posterior wall of the vagina, whi( covers for about its upper fourth. It then mounts upwards over posterior surface of the supravaginal portion of the cervix uteri and

Fig. 561. —Female Pelvic Viscera seen from Above.



Sacro-gen. Fold Infundib. Pelvic Lig.

Ovary Uterine Tube

Round Ligament

body of the uterus. On reaching the fundus it turns round to anterior surface, which it invests as low as the junction of the b and cervix. On leaving the viscus it passes to the upper part of the 1 of the bladder, whence it extends forwards over the superior surf which it covers as far as the apex. Its later course is as in the rr Along each lateral border of the bladder the peritoneum is refle< on to the lateral wall of the pelvis. Along either side of the uteri is reflected on to the lateral wall of the pelvis, and in this manner broad ligaments are formed. Between the rectum and the upper ] tion of the posterior wall of the vagina and supravaginal portion of cervix uteri the peritoneum forms a recess, called the recto-uterine po (pouch of Douglas), which corresponds to the recto-vesical pouch in male. The mouth of this pouch is bounded on either side by a semilr peritoneal fold, which extends from the front of the sacrum over the



the rectum to the cervix uteri. These folds are known as the rectorine folds (folds of Douglas) . Each fold contains a collection of fibrous i plain muscular tissues, connected on the one hand with the fibrous uctures in front of the lower part of the sacrum, and on the other

h the cervix uteri. They become continuous with each other over

»back of the isthmus uteri (junction of body and cervix), and there »y give rise to a transverse ridge, called the torus uterinus. The to-uterine pouch is bounded in front by the upper part of the posterior

1st Sacral Vertebra

Uterine Tube

Fundus Uteri


Parietal Peritoneum

1st Coccygeal Vertebra

Symphysis Pubis


Anterior Wall of Vagina , ; , Anal Canal

Anterior Fornix | R ec to-uterine Pouch Posterior Fornix

Fig. 562. —Vertical Sagittal Section of the Female Pelvis.

ill of the vagina and the supravaginal portion of the cervix uteri, and hind by the rectum. In front of the uterus the peritoneum gives >e to a small recess, called the vesico-uterine pouch, the entrance to tiich is bounded laterally by two folds, called the vesico-uterine folds. 5 regards the bladder, the peritoneum forms for it false ligaments as the male—namely, one superior, two lateral, and two posterior, tie latter are simply the vesico-uterine folds, and may be regarded not ily as posterior ligaments of the bladder, but also as anterior ligaments the uterus.



Pelvic Fascia. —The parietal pelvic fascia in the female is sim to the corresponding fascia in the male. The visceral pelvic fas however, is complicated by the interpolation of the vagina. On eit side of the pelvic viscera it divides into four laminae as follows: vesi which forms on either side the lateral pubo-prostatic ligament of bladder; vesico-vaginal , which passes between the bladder and vagina; recto-vaginal , which passes between the vagina and the rectr and rectal , which passes over the sides and posterior wall of the recti

Broad Ligaments of the Uterus. —These are also called the . vespertilionis , from their supposed resemblance to a bat’s wings. E; is an extensive fold of peritoneum composed of two layers, anterior c posterior, which pass between the side of the uterus and the late wall of the pelvis. The broad ligament has associated with it following important structures: (i) the uterine tube or oviduct, wh lies within the superior border of the ligament; (2) the ovary and ligament, which lie within a backward extension of the posterior la; of the broad ligament at a lower level than the uterine tube; (3) i ligamentum teres of the uterus, which lies within a forward project of the anterior layer of the broad ligament, also at a lower level tt the uterine tube; (4) the epoophoron, which lies within the ligam( between the ovary and the uterine tube; and (5) the paroophoron early life), which also lies within the ligament, medial to the epoophoi and near the uterus. The double fold of peritoneum attaching 1 anterior border of the ovary over its whole length to the back of 1 broad ligament forms a short mesentery for it, called the mesovariu which contains between its two layers the bloodvessels and nerves the ovary. The portion of the broad ligament which lies between 1 uterine tube and the ovary with its ligament is called the meso-salpi: It is somewhat falciform, and is narrow medially but broad lateral It is bounded above by the uterine tube, below by the ovary and ligament, medially by the uterus, and laterally by the ovarian limb and the suspensory ligament of the ovary.

Ligamentum Tere Uteri (Round Ligament). —This is a narrow, f band, about 5 inches long, which is attached to the upper part of t side of the uterus in front of, and a little below, the medial end of t uterine tube. It is composed of fibrous connective tissue, which m the uterus has an admixture of plain muscular fibres continuous w: those of the uterus. It lies within the anterior layer of the bro ligament, where it gives rise to a slight prominence. Its direction outwards, upwards, and forwards over the obliterated umbilical arh and pelvic brim to the deep inguinal ring, close to which it hooks rou the outer side of the inferior epigastric artery, and crosses the exteri iliac vessels from within outwards. Escaping by the deep inguii ring, it traverses the inguinal canal, and, emerging through the sup ficial inguinal ring, ends in the subcutaneous tissue of the labium maj For a short distance after entering the inguinal canal it is covered bj process of the peritoneum, which represents the processus vaginalis the male foetus. This process is at first tubular, and receives the na]




the vestige of processus vaginalis (canal of Nuck). It is usually, yever, obliterated in the adult, though it may remain pervious, ler which circumstances the condition known as hydrocele of the mentum teres may occur. A few muscular fibres may be found in it of the ligamentum teres in the inguinal canal, which are conious with the lower fibres of the internal oblique, and represent the master in the male.

The ligamentum teres is supplied by two arteries as follows: the mentous branch of the ovarian artery, which supplies it as far as inguinal canal; and the ligamentous branch of the inferior epigastric,


Cavity of Body of Uterus i

Ligament of Ovary

Uterine Tube


Cavity of Cervix ~4

External Os. (Anterior Lip)

Ostium Abdominale

Appendix Vesiculosa


Ligamentum Teres of Uterus Broad Ligament

Fig. 563. —The Uterus and its Appendages.

A, the uterus opened, and the right broad ligament (posterior view);

B, the os uteri externum.

ich supplies it beyond the deep inguinal ring, and corresponds to cremasteric artery in the male. The principal venous blood is irned by a ligamentous vein, which is a tributary of the ovarian xus.

The ligamentum teres uteri represents the gubernaculum testis in ■ male.

Ovaries.—The ovaries are two small flattened bodies, each of which within a backward extension of the posterior layer of the broad tfnent, with which it is connected by the mesovarium. The ovary derally compressed, and usually lies with its long axis almost vertical, inclining a little downwards and backwards, against the lateral



wall of the pelvis in a peritoneal depression called the ovarian ft It may, however, lie obliquely, and may even be shifted, near to uterus. In size it may be likened to the half of a small walnut average length being from i inch to if inches, its breadth about f i: and its thickness (from side to side) from \ to \ inch. Its ave: weight is about 2 drachms. It presents two surfaces, two borders, two extremities.

The surfaces are laterally disposed, and are called medial , rel; to the uterine tube, and lateral, related to the ovarian fossa, borders are anterior and posterior. The anterior or mesovarian bo is straight. Along it are attached the two layers of the mesovan and between these it presents a hilum for the passage of the bli vessels, nerves, and lymphatics. The posterior or free border is cor and lies in close relation to the ureter. The extremities are na: ends (poles), superior and inferior respectively. The superior is na: the tubal end, because the ovarian fimbria is attached to it or nea Connected with it there is also a fold of peritoneum, which pa upwards to join the peritoneum over the psoas major near the u] part of the external iliac vessels. This fold, which is termed the pensory ligament of the ovary, or the ovario-pelvic ligament, is < tinuous with the outer part of the broad ligament, and contains ovarian vessels and nerves. The inferior end is known as the ute end, and is connected with the superior angle of the uterus by a io cord, called the ligament of the ovary, or the ovario-uterine ligam The attachment of this ligament to the uterus is behind and a 1 below the medial end of the uterine tube.

The surface of the ovary is covered by modified peritoneum, < tinuous with the mesovarium, the only exception being along anterior border, where the hilum exists. The connective-tissue elen of this peritoneum is inseparably blended with the so-called tu albuginea of the ovary, and it is covered by an epithelium the cel] which present a striking contrast to those of the endothelial cove elsewhere. It is composed of short columnar cells, and imparts a so what dull appearance to the surface, which contrasts with the polis appearance elsewhere. The ovarian epithelium is the remains of germinal epithelium, from which the ovary is developed, and at circumference of the organ it passes abruptly into the endothelial < of the adjacent peritoneum. Prior to puberty the surface of the o\ is smooth, but after that period it gradually assumes a pitted scarred appearance, which is due to the periodical escape of the from the vesicular ovarian follicles.

Descent of the Ovary. —The ovary, like the testis, originally lies in the lun region of the body-cavity by the side of the vertebral column. At this pe the inguinal fold, as stated, extends from the caudal end of the ovary to inguinal region, where it traverses the inguinal canal, and terminates within labium majus. As the ligament descends it becomes connected, as stated, ' the para-mesonephric duct at the level where this duct fuses with its fello’' form the uterus; the portion above the point of fusion becomes the ligamer the ovary, the portion below the ligamentum teres. About the third mont



i-uterine life the ovary begins to descend towards the brim of the pelvis, ing arrived at the pelvic brim, it remains there for some time, and is still lat level at the period of birth. At a later period it descends into the pelvic ty as a rule, and assumes its normal position within a backward extension of broad ligament of the uterus.

rwo factors are probably concerned in the descent of the ovary—namely,

he shortening of that part of the inguinal fold which extends from the ovary

he side of the uterus close to the medial end of the uterine tube; and (2) the tion exercised by the fusion of the two para-mesonephric ducts to form the us and vagina.

(\.s each ovary descends, its mesovarium is taken along with it. This mesoum is intimately connected with the uro-genital fold, which contains the onephric and para-mesonephric ducts; and the uro-genital fold in turn is bined with the mesonephric ‘ mesentery ’ or ligament. The vestigial portions he mesonephros in the female are therefore carried down along with the sending ovary, these vestigial portions representing (1) the so-called duct of epoophoron or duct of Gartner, (2) the epoophoron, and (3) the paroophoThe combined mesovarium, uro-genital fold, and mesonephric ‘ mesentery ’ igament of each side become continuous medianly, and form one continuous it. Within this sheet the uterus is formed by the fusion of the two paraonephric ducts; each lateral part of the sheet constitutes the broad ligament be uterus.

Abnormal Positions of the Ovary. —(1) The ovary, in its original descent, r pass into the inguinal canal, and even into the labium majus; (2) it may 3 through the femoral ring into the femoral canal, and lie over the saphenous ning, where it may simulate a femoral hernia; (3) an ovary, when enlarged, / become prolapsed, and pass downwards and inwards behind the uterus ) the recto-uterine pouch, where it may be palpated through the posterior lix of the vagina.

For the structure and development of the ovary, see p. 980 et seq. Epoophoron.—The epoophoron is situated in that portion of the so-salpinx which lies between the ovary and the uterine tube. It is nposed of a number of small blind tubules, lined with epithelium, ich converge towards the ovary, but do not meet. Their tubal ends united by a longitudinal tube, which lies parallel with and a little ow the uterine tube, the duct of the epoophoron.

Paroophoron.—The paroophoron is situated in that part of the so-salpinx which lies between the ligament of the ovary and the !rine tube, where it is placed near the uterus. It is composed of a 1 minute blind tortuous tubules, which usually become shortly after th invisible to the naked eye.

For the development of the epoophoron and paroophoron, see

987. _

Uterine Tubes (Fallopian Tubes).—The uterine tubes, right and left, ve to convey the ova, after their escape from the vesicular ovarian Licles, into the cavity of the uterus. They are, therefore, functionally ' ducts of the ovaries, and are hence spoken of as the oviducts. Each is contained within the superior border of the broad ligament, except its extreme inner end, where the tube is embedded in the uterine wall, is fully 4 inches in length. Proceeding from the uterus, it passes at d horizontally outwards for about 1 inch towards the lower or uterine 1 01 the ovary. It then ascends vertically for a short distance upon 5 lateral wall of the pelvis, where it lies medial to the anterior or

97 2


attached border of the ovary. Having arrived at the upper or ti end, it arches backwards and descends along the posterior convex bo and adjacent portion of the medial surface of the ovary. Each ute tube is divided into the following parts: pars uterina, isthmus, ampi neck, and corpus fimbria turn; and each has two openings, ost uterinum and ostium abdominale.

The pars uterina is the limited portion which is contained wi the uterine wall at the superior angle, and it presents the ost uterinum, which is about i millimetre in diameter. The isth succeeds to the pars uterina, and represents about one-third of tube. It is straight, round, and firm to the touch, due to the dominance of circular muscular fibres in this portion. Its diam is about 2\ millimetres. The ampulla succeeds to the isthmus, forms rather more than half of the tube. It is larger than theisthr less resistant (being chiefly mucous in structure), and tortuous, diameter gradually increases in the distal direction, the average b about 7 millimetres. The ampulla at its outer end becomes constri( to form the neck, which presents the ostium abdominale, opening the pelvic cavity, its diameter being about 2 millimetres. It is in situation where the general cavity of the peritoneum in the fema] continuous with the lumen of the uterine tube, and through it with cavity of the uterus and vagina. Beyond the neck the tube expa in the form of a funnel, called the infundibulum, near the centr which the ostium abdominale is situated. The circumference of infundibulum is broken up into a number of irregular fringes, ca fimbrice, and the outer end of the tube is hence called the corpus fiml turn. The larger fimbriae are broken up into smaller filiform proces The outer surfaces of the fimbriae, which look into the pelvic cavity, covered by peritoneum, but the inner surfaces, which look into infundibulum, are covered by mucous membrane continuous with 1 of the uterine tube. At the free margins of the fimbriae the peritone with its endothelial cells, becomes continuous with the mucous m brane, which is covered by ciliated columnar epithelium. One of fimbriae, which is larger and longer than the others, is called the ova\ fimbria, and is either directly connected with the upper or tubal of the ovary, or indirectly by means of a delicate fibrous band deri from and continuous with the broad ligament. This fimbria pres< a longitudinal furrow, which serves as a channel of communica between the ostium abdominale and the ovary.

For the structure and development of the uterine tubes, see p. <

Uterus.—The uterus is a hollow muscular organ, which receive: its superior angles the uterine tubes, and opens below through the up part of the anterior wall of the vagina. Through the uterine tube receives the ova at periodical intervals, and when an ovum becoi impregnated the uterus retains it during development, and therea expels the foetus through the vagina. The virgin uterus lies upon superior surface of the bladder, and is usually inclined to the righ the middle line. Above it there are a portion of the pelvic colon



jually a few coils of the ileum. At its lower end is the vagina, and le broad ligament stretches from either side. It is somewhat pyriform, le wide end being directed upwards and forwards, and is flattened

om before backwards. It is -m and resistant to the touch 1 account of its very thick uscular walls. Its average ngth is 3 inches, the breadth the upper part being 2 inches, id the thickness i inch. The gan is divided into a fundus, )dy, and cervix.

The fundus is that portion hich lies above the level of a le connecting the superior igles, where the uterine tubes iss through the uterine wall, is convex from side to side, d also from before backwards, le lateral borders of the erus are sloped downwards d inwards, and at the junction the upper two-thirds and ver third of the organ there a slight constriction or convity, called the isthmus, which also present in front and hind, and is most conspicuous early life. The part between s fundus and the isthmus is 3 body, and the part below s isthmus is the cervix.

Fig. 564. —Side View of Uterus and Upper Part of Vagina, to show Reflections of Peritoneum.

F, uterine end of tube; O, L, ovarian and round ligament; V, between the reflections of layers of broad ligament, marks region where branches of uterine artery enter the organ; SUS, suspensory ligament (Mackenrodt) ; UV, uterovesical fold; R, rectal fold; T, torus uterinus.

The body, which is 2 inches long, is triangular and presents two ooth surfaces, anterior and posterior, and two lateral borders. The terior or vesical surface, which has an inclination downwards, is flat slightly convex. The posterior or rectal surface, which has an inlation upwards, is very markedly convex. This difference in the flour of the two surfaces permits of their easy identification. Each wal border extends from the superior angle to the isthmus, and sloped downwards and inwards. The superior angles are situated the point of entrance of the uterine tubes, and correspond with ' portions of the uterus which are elongated into cornua in some mals.

The cervix, which measures 1 inch in length, is cylindrical, and rower than the body. It is received into the upper part of the erior wall of the vagina, the walls of which are attached to it in h a manner as to divide it into two portions—supravaginal and ravaginal. The posterior wall of the vagina extends higher upon the



cervix behind than the anterior wall does in front. The antei surface of the supravaginal portion, which is about J inch in exte is related to the base of the bladder, with the intervention of so loose cellular tissue. The posterior surface of the supravaginal porti which is about J inch in extent, forms a part of the anterior wal] the recto-uterine pouch, and is crossed transversely by the to uterinus. At the lower end of the intravaginal portion, where cervix is slightly protuberant, there is an opening, called the exter os of uterus, through which the cavity of the cervix communica with that of the vagina. This opening is also known as the os tinea, cause it is supposed to resemble the mouth of the tench fish, on accoi of its lips being of unequal size. In early life this opening is circu but later, in the virgin, it assumes the form of a transverse slitab X2 inch long. It is bounded by two lips, anterior and posterior, wh in the virgin are smooth, but in multipart they are often more or ] fissured, especially the posterior lip. The anterior lip is thick, rou and short, whilst the posterior is thin, sharp, and long. The ante] lip descends lower into the vagina than the posterior, by reason of oblique manner in which the cervix uteri passes into the canal. I the anterior lip which first meets the finger in making vaginal exami tions. The greater length of the posterior lip is due to the fact that posterior wall of the vagina extends higher on the back of the cer than the anterior wall does in front. The external os is directed do) wards and backwards, towards the posterior wall of the vagina, i being due to the oblique position of the cervix.

Surrounding the vaginal portion of the cervix there is a vaul recess, which is divided into anterior, posterior, and lateral fornit In the region of the lateral fornix the ureter is situated f inch from cervix.

General Relations of the Uterus.—The anterior surface of the be rests upon the superior surface of the bladder, and the anterior surf of the supravaginal portion of the cervix is related to the base of bladder. The lateral relations are the uterine tubes, ligamenta tei ligaments of the ovaries, broad ligaments, and a certain amount adipose tissue, containing large bloodvessels, which lies upon either s of the cervix, and extends upwards over the lateral border between layers of the broad ligament. This collection is known as the pa metrium. The posterior surface of the body is related to the recti and the posterior surface of the supravaginal portion of the cer forms a part of the anterior boundary of the recto-uterine pouch.

Peritoneal Relations.—The following parts of the uterus are cove by peritoneum: the supravaginal portion of the cervix posterio: the posterior surface of the body, the fundus, and the anterior surf of the body as low as the front of the cervix. The following parts free from peritoneal covering: the intravaginal portion of the cen the supravaginal portion of the cervix anteriorly, and a narrow st along each lateral border where the two layers of peritoneum pass i to form the broad ligament. The uterine peritoneal folds are as folio



3 utero-vesical, sometimes called the anterior uterine ligaments, but

y may also be regarded as the posterior false ligaments of the bladder;
recto-uterine folds, with the torus uterinus; the ligaments of the

iry, the ligamentum teres on each side, and the broad ligaments. Position of the Uterus. —The virgin uterus occupies a position of

eflexion and anteversion, assuming the bladder and rectum to be

pty. In speaking of the uterus as being anteflexed it is to be underod that the body of the organ is bent forwards at the isthmus in

h a manner that it forms with the cervix an angle which is open
eriorly. This is brought about in the following manner
the cervix


Cavity of Body of Uterus

Ligament of Ovary

Cavity of Cervix

External Os of Uterus (Anterior Lip)

Uterine Tube

v Epoophoron

Ostium Abdominale

' - Appendix Vesiculosa


Ligamentum Teres of Uterus Broad Ligament

Fig. 565. —The Uterus and its Appendages.

A, the uterus opened, and the right broad ligament (posterior view);

B, the external os of uterus.

ri is more fixed than the body, from its connection with the vaginal

Us and base of the bladder; and the cervix is less yielding than the ly. In speaking of anteversion of the uterus it is to be understood it the entire uterus is inclined forwards, so that its long axis forms angle with the longitudinal axis of the trunk. The anterior surface 5 therefore a downward inclination towards the superior surface of

bladder, and the posterior surface has an upward inclination, and

supports a portion of the pelvic colon and a few coils of the ileum. ien the bladder is distended, the position of the uterus becomes ered. The organ is raised along with the distended bladder, the eflexion and anteversion become less, and the uterus may even



assume a vertical position. Any coils of the ileum lying in con with its posterior surface, as well as the pelvic colon, would be displa and the organ would come to be closely related to the rectum.

Interior of the Uterus. —The interior is divided into two portior the cavity of the body and the cervical canal. The cavity of the l is very small compared with the thickness of the uterine walls, an triangular, with the base directed upwards towards the fundus, three sides are convex towards the cavity, and its anterior and poste walls are in contact. In the vicinity of each superior angle it narrc and gradually tapers to the medial end of the"uterine tube, with

Fig. 566. —Bladder, Vagina, and Rectum, exposed from the Right, show Peritoneal Reflections and Visceral Relations.

lumen of which it is continuous. Interiorly the cavity also becor narrow, and at the junction of the body and cervix it ends in a circu opening, called the internal os of uterus, which is smaller than external os. Through this opening it becomes continuous with cavity of the cervix. The canal of cervix is spindle-shaped, being wi< at the centre than at either end. It is somewhat flattened from bef< backwards, and is continuous above with the cavity of the be through the internal os, and below with the cavity of the vagina thror the external os. Its mucous membrane presents two longitude ridges, anterior and posterior, from each of which a number of ru



id in an upward and outward direction, the appearance thus prod being known as the arbor vita. The length of the cavity of the is is 2 \ inches, the difference between its length and that of the is, as measured externally, being due to the thickness of the fundus to the fact that the external os lies at the centre of a depression, ’terus at Birth. —At birth the neck of the uterus is larger than Dody, and there is no fundus. At each superior angle it tapers much, and resembles somewhat a uterus bicornis. The arbor extends all along the interior.

arieties. —These are as follows: (i) uterus bicornis; (2) uterus unicornis; 3) double uterus. These variations are due to the partial or complete perlce of foetal conditions.

'or the structure and development of the uterus, see pp. 983


r agina. —This is a musculo-membranous passage which extends t the cervix uteri to the vulva. It is from 3 to 3J inches long,

  • 3 inches along the anterior wall and 3-J inches along the posterior.
slightly curved, and its direction is downwards and forwards,

ixis forms an obtuse angle with that of the uterus (ioo° to no°). re erect posture it forms with the horizontal an angle of about 6o°. iriorly it is closely connected with the cervix uteri, the posterior rising higher than the anterior. It is rather narrower at either than at the centre, the lower end being the narrowest part of the age. The walls are anterior and posterior, and they are in contact, ransverse section the vagina appears as an H-shaped fissure at its

r end, as a transverse fissure at the centre, while at its upper end it

ents a lumen which is almost circular.

■delations — Anterior .—The base of the bladder and the urethra. erior .—From above downwards there are the recto-vaginal pouch 1 short distance, the rectum, with the intervention of the rectonal lamina of the visceral pelvic fascia, and the anal canal, from

h it is separated by the perineal body. The posterior wall is

ired by peritoneum over about its upper fourth. Lateral .—The er at the upper end for a short distance, and the levatores ani cles.

rhe vagina passes through the perineal membrane, and its lower has a bulb of the vestibule on either side, with the bulbo-spongiosus ounding the external orifice. When the finger is passed into the terior fornix, which is the recess between the posterior lip of the irnal os of uterus and the posterior wall of the vagina, the rectoinal pouch can be palpated and a few coils of the ileum, or a prosed ovary, may be felt in it. The base of the bladder may be paled through the anterior fornix, and the urethra through the interior i of the vagina lower down. In the lateral fornices the ureters

Y be felt.

For the structure and development of the vagina, see p. 986. Bladder. —The base is directed backwards, and is related to the it of the supravaginal portion of the cervix uteri and a portion of the




anterior wall of the vagina, the vesico-uterine pouch of the peritone intervening. The superior surface is in contact with the ante surface of the body of the uterus. The false ligaments formed by peritoneum are at least three in number—namely, one superior ; two lateral. The peritoneal folds on either side of the vesico-ute] pouch are usually regarded as the anterior uterine ligaments, but t may also be looked upon as the posterior false ligaments of the blad< The true ligaments are similar in both sexes.

Ureters. —Each ureter lies for a short distance on the side of cervix uteri and upper part of the wall of the vagina, being cros

antero-superiorly near the

vix from without inwards the uterine artery.

Urethra. — The urethra very closely related to the terior wall of the vagina.

length is ij inches, and

transverse diameter is ab J inch, the narrowest part be

at the external orifice, direction of the canal is do 1 wards and forwards, and walls are anterior and poster these being in contact exc during micturition. In course it passes between two layers of the perineal mi brane, where it is embraced the sphincter urethrae mus The canal is capable of c siderable distension, and m under anaesthetics, admit index finger. The external 1 fice of urethra is situated in middle line immediately in fr of the external orifice of vagina, and is placed on a sli prominence, the margins which are somewhat irregul;

For the structure and development of the urethra, see p. 987. Rectum—Relations — Anterior .—The uterus and vagina, the rec vaginal pouch intervening for a short distance in the vicinity of cervix uteri. Posterior .—As in the male.

Anal Canal. —This is separated from the vagina by the perir body.

Ovarian Artery in the Pelvis. —This vessel, which arises from abdominal aorta about 1 inch below the renal artery, enters the pe by crossing the commencement of the external iliac. It then pa*

Fig. 567. —Diagram to show Lateral Relations of Vagina, and of Ureter, etc.



in the broad ligament of the uterus, where it is very tortuous, and ranches to the ovary enter that organ through the hilum on the rior border without piercing the peritoneum. Besides supplying ovary, the vessel furnishes the following branches: uterine to the ns, near the superior angle, where it anastomoses with branches of iterine artery from the internal iliac; tubal to the uterine tube; and nentous to the ligamentum teres of the uterus, which it accompanies ir as the inguinal canal.

'he ovarian vein of each side originates as two vessels in the ovarian ampiniform plexus, which lies within the broad ligament. This us receives the veins which emerge through the hilum of the ovary,

Fig. 568. —The Ovarian, Uterine, and Vaginal Arteries (Posterior View) (after Hyrtl).

fell as tributaries from the uterine tube and the ligamentum teres he uterus, and it communicates freely with the uterine plexus, two ovarian veins, having emerged from the ovarian plexus, leave pelvis, and soon join to form a single vein, that of the right side ling into the inferior vena cava, and that of the left side into the renal vein.

Uterine Artery.— This vessel is derived from the anterior division tie internal iliac artery. It is directed downwards and inwards to side of the cervix uteri, near which it crosses the ureter. On reachthe cervix it turns upwards along the lateral border of the body in Ty tortuous manner, lying between the two layers of the broad



ligament. As it descends it gives off tortuous branches to the front a back of the body, and near the inner end of the uterine tube it anas moses freely with the uterine branch of the ovarian artery. Along 1 side of the body it also gives offsets to the ligamentum teres ut< ligament of the ovary, and uterine tube. At the cervix the uter artery furnishes two branches—cervical and vaginal. The cervi branch supplies offsets to the cervix. One of these, called the coron> artery , divides into two branches, which with their fellows of the < posite side form an arterial circle around the cervix. The vagi branch divides into two, anterior and posterior, which descend in middle line of the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, where tl anastomose with branches of the vaginal arteries.

The uterine veins, which are destitute of valves, form a copi< plexus within the broad ligament close to the uterus, where it is e bedded in the parametrium. The blood from the lower part of t plexus is conveyed away by two uterine veins, which are tributaries the internal iliac vein. A large proportion of the blood, howe\ passes from the upper part of the plexus into the ovarian plexus. 1 uterine plexus communicates below with the vaginal plexus.

Vaginal Artery. —This vessel, which usually replaces the infer vesical of the male, arises from the anterior division of the inter iliac, occasionally in common with the uterine or the middle rec artery. It passes downwards and inwards to the wall of the vagi where it divides into branches which anastomose with their felk of the opposite side, the vaginal branches of the uterine arteries, c towards the lower end of the vagina with branches of the inter pudendal. Along the anterior and posterior walls, in the median li an arterial chain is constructed by the vaginal arteries and the vagi branches of the uterine arteries, thus forming the vessels known as azygos arteries of the vagina. The vaginal artery also furnishes branc. to the bladder, rectum, and bulb of the vestibule.

The veins of the vagina form a rich plexus in the muscular cc which is more copious towards the lower end. They communic above with the uterine plexus, in front with the pudendal pie: around the urethra, behind with the rectal plexus, and below with veins of the bulb of the vestibule. The vaginal vein leaves the up part of the vaginal plexus and opens into the internal iliac vein.

The Structure of the Special Viscera of the Female Pel 1

The Ovaries.

The ovary is covered by a layer of short columnar epithelial c< These are the remains of the germinal epithelium from which organ is developed, and they rest upon a delicate connective-tk membrane, which is blended with the so-called tunica albugir Interposed between the columnar cells there are a few spheroidal c of larger size, which are primordial ova. The connective-tissue m



e is continuous with the peritoneum, which forms the mesovarium y the margins of the hilum, and is covered by endothelium. Within membrane, and blended with it, there is a continuous covering, isting of fibrous connective tissue, which is called the tunica albu1, from its supposed resemblance to the tunica albuginea of the s. It is, however, really a condensation of the ovarian stroma at surface. This stroma pervades the interior of the ovary, and is Dosed of fibrous connective tissue, which is richly provided with lie-shaped cells and elastic tissue. There are also a few plain

ular fibres in the deeper part of the ovary close to the hilum. The

lie-shaped cells are regarded by some authorities as muscular fibre, but they probably belong to the connective tissue of the stroma, stroma is freely permeated by bloodvessels, and contains the nilar ovarian follicles. Immediately within the surface there is a

Small Ovarian Follicles Mature Ovarian Follicle

Ovarian Stroma

Fig. 569.—Section of the Ovary, showing its Minute Structure.

r of the stroma which presents a granular appearance, especially in ig persons, due to the presence of an immense number of ovarian

les, with their contained ova, in an early stage. This part of the
y is called the cortex, the remainder being known as the medulla.

ig more deeply in the stroma there is another set of ovarian follicles, numerous but of larger size, these being in a more advanced stage, more deeply there is another and less numerous set of follicles, of larger size, which are almost in a state of maturity. When these sr have attained full development they pass towards the surface, re they may sometimes be seen as clear follicles causing slight proions. When fully developed, they attain a diameter of about ich. At periodical intervals one or more of these mature follicles ture, this being accompanied by the discharge of a fluid—the liquor culi—and the simultaneous escape of the contained ovum or ova. ir the discharge of its contents the follicle becomes filled with blood



and cellular tissue, and assumes a yellow colour. It is then known a corpus luteum. This undergoes atrophy in the virgin, and, assumi a white colour, is known as a corpus albicans.

Structure of the Vesicular Ovarian Follicles (Graafian Follicles). The smallest follicles near the surface, which are about inch diameter, consist of a single investing layer of flattened cells clos< embracing the contained ovum. It is computed that the ovaries 0 child at birth contain as many as 70,000 of these follicles. In follic a little more advanced the investing epithelium becomes column and is arranged in two layers—outer and inner, the latter surroundi the ovum. In more mature follicles fluid, called the liquor follioi accumulates between the outer and inner cellular layers, except at 1 point where the ovum lies. The outer layer is then known as i membrana granulosa, and the inner as the discus proligerus. The c( of these two layers became continuous at the part* where the liqi folliculi is absent, so that in this manner the ovum is anchored to c point of the wall of the follicle. In the most mature follicles the liqi folliculi has increased in amount, and the cells of the membrana grai losa and discus proligerus have multiplied so as to form several stra Each of these follicles has a distinct wall, called the theca folliculi , wk is formed by a condensation of the surrounding stroma, and in whi two layers can be recognized—an outer fibrous and an inner vascul There is usually only one ovum in each follicle.

For structure of the ovum, see p. 14.

Blood-supply of the Ovary. —The ovary receives its blood from t ovarian artery.

Nerves. —These come from the ovarian sympathetic plexus, wh derives its fibres from the renal and aortic plexuses, and accompan the ovarian artery.

Lymphatics. —The lymphatic vessels of the ovary accompany 1 ovarian bloodvessels, and terminate in the juxta-aortic glands on eitl side. They are joined by most of the lymphatics of the body of 1 uterus and by those of the uterine tube.

The ovaries represent the testes in the male, and they have b< called the testes muliebres.

Ligament of the Ovary. —This is composed of plain muscular 3 fibrous tissues, the former being continuous with the muscular tis of the uterus. It derives its blood-supply from the ovarian art' and represents the upper part of the gubernaculum testis in the mj foetus.

Structure of the Uterine Tubes.

The wall of the uterine tube is composed of four coats—sere muscular, submucous, and mucous. The serous coat is formed the peritoneum. The muscular coat is composed of plain mused tissue arranged as an outer longitudinal and inner circular layer, latter being the thicker. The submucous coat is areolar in structi The mucous coat is continuous with that of the uterus on the one ha)



with the peritoneum on the other at the margins of the fimbriae. 3 thrown into longitudinal folds, which are simple in the isthmus, complex in the ampulla, where they are beset with secondary folds, communicate in such a manner as to give rise to alveolar spaces, 3 imparting an almost glandular appearance to the coat. In trans>e section the tube presents a branched lumen, which is nearly filled the leaf-like processes formed by the mucous folds. The mucous nbrane is covered by ciliated columnar epithelium, which, at the

margins of the fimbriae, passes into the endothelium of the perieum.

Blood-supply. —The ovarian and uterine arteries.

Fig. 570. —Transverse Section of the Uterine Tube (magnified).

Nerves. —These are derived from the ovarian and uterine sympadic plexuses.

Lymphatics. —These pass to the median lumbar glands along with )se of the ovary and upper part of the body of the uterus.

Structure of the Uterus.

The wall of the uterus consists of three coats—serous, muscular, d mucous—there being no submucous coat.

The serous coat is formed by the peritoneum, already described. The muscular coat is composed of plain muscular tissue, with an mixture of areolar tissue, and it imparts great thickness to the wall. ie muscular tissue is disposed in three strata- outer, middle, and ler. The outer stratum is thin, and its fibres are disposed longitudinally



over the front and back of the organ, becoming continuous with ( another by turning over the fundus. Those nearest the lateral bord incline outwards, and are prolonged into the ligamenta teres, uter tubes, and ligaments of the ovaries. Some from the back of the sup vaginal portion of the cervix are prolonged into the recto-uterine fol The middle stratum is very thick, and is composed of fibres which int lace in a complex manner over the body, but in the neck they ; arranged circularly. The bloodvessels and nerves are freely int spersed throughout this layer. The inner stratum , which is also v<

Fm. 571. —Upper Figure, Diagram to show Composition of Uterine Wa:

M, muscular wall. The lower sections show on the left a piece of premenstr mucosa; on the right one from an early pregnancy. The stroma-cells ; enlarging, and in the last specimen are very evident as decidual cells.

thick, has its fibres disposed longitudinally in the cervix. As th ascend over the body they become oblique, and at the superior ang they run circularly. The uterine glands project into this stratuj and it contains a free admixture of areolar tissue. It is right to menti that the inner stratum is regarded as a very much thickened muscula mucosae, according to which view it would form a part of the muco coat (Williams).

The mucous membrane of the cavity of the body is smooth, and sc in consistence, and is covered by ciliated columnar epithelium. Itj



t with a number of openings, which are the mouths of the uterine tricular glands. These are simple tubular glands, which extend somewhat convoluted manner through the entire thickness of the ous coat, and project by their deep blind ends into the inner cular stratum, there being no submucous coat. Each gland is posed of a basement membrane, which is lined with ciliated mnar epithelium, continuous with that of the cavity of the body, h has a distinct lumen, except at its deep end, where it is filled l cells. The mucous membrane of the canal of cervix is of firmer dstence than that of the cavity of the body, and, as has been stated, resents the appearance known as the arbor vitae. It is provided 1 papillae, and is covered olumnar epithelium, except - the os externum, where epithelium is of the stratisquamous variety, like that sring the intravaginal porof the cervix and lining vagina. On the summits he rugae the columnar cells ciliated, but in the furrows veen them they are devoid cilia. The mucous mem(ie is freely provided with smose glands, which in the >er part of the cervix are d with columnar cells, and he lower part with cubical s. In both regions the s are non-ciliated. The ids in the lower part of cervix have each a large ten, and they secrete a very acious mucus during pregicy, which in the later ges of that period plugs the external os of uterus.

In addition to these glands clear vesicles of a yellowish colour, called ovula Nabothi, may be seen in the mucous membrane between the

ae of the arbor vitae, which are supposed to result from the blockage

some of the racemose glands.

Blood-supply. —The uterus is supplied with blood by the uterine eries, and the uterine branches of the ovarian arteries.

Nerves.— The chief nerves are derived from the uterine sympaitic plexus, which is an offshoot from the pelvic plexus, and accomlies the uterine artery. It is to be noted that the pelvic plexus itains spinal fibres derived from the third and fourth sacral nerves metimes also the second), and from the upper two or three lumbar 'ves, as in the case of the bladder and rectum. The uterus also

Fig. 572. — Scheme of the Lymphatic Drainage of the Uterus (after Cuneo et Marcille).



receives sympathetic fibres from the ovarian plexus, which is deri from the renal and aortic plexuses.

Lymphatics—Cervix Uteri. —The lymphatic vessels of the ce: have a threefold destination—namely, (i) the middle chain of external iliac glands, (2) the internal iliac glands , and (3) the inner gt of the common iliac glands.

Body. —(1) Most of the lymphatics of the body of the uterus the lymphatics of the ovary, and pass to the juxta-aortic glands. (2 few lymphatics pass to the middle chain of the external iliac gla: (3) Some lymphatics accompany the ligamentum teres of the ute and terminate in the superficial inguinal glands.

The lymphatics of the cervix communicate freely with those the body and with those of the upper part of the vagina.

Structure of the Vagina.

The wall of the vagina is composed of three coats—fibrous, n cular, and mucous.

The fibrous coat is composed of dense connective tissue.

The muscular coat consists of plain muscular tissue arranged an outer longitudinal and inner circular layer, both being closely c nected. Embedded in this coat there is a network of anastomos veins, representing erectile tissue, which is well developed round lower part of the passage. The plain muscular coat is replaced at external orifice by the striated bulbo-spongiosus muscle.

The mucous membrane is covered by stratified squamous epithelii and is provided with papillae. In the upper part of the passage it c tains mucous glands. Along the middle line of the anterior and poste walls it presents a ridge, these ridges being called the columns of vagina, or columnce rugarum. Passing off from them at right anj there are, in the virgin, numerous transverse rugae, these appearar being well marked in the lower part of the passage and absent in upper part.

Blood-supply. —The vagina is supplied with blood by the vagi arteries, the vaginal branches of the uterine arteries, and branches the internal pudendal arteries.

Nerves. —These are derived from the vaginal sympathetic pie: of each side, which is an offshoot from the pelvic plexus.

Lymphatics. —The lymphatic vessels are disposed in two set superior and inferior. The superior lymphatics come from about upper two-thirds of the vagina, and they pass to (1) the middle ch of the external iliac glands, and (2) the internal iliac glands on eit side. The inferior lymphatics come from about the lower third, ; include those from the vaginal surface of the hymen; they pass the inner group of the common iliac glands. The lymphatics fi the perineal surface of the hymen pass to the superficial ingu\ glands.

The superior and inferior vaginal lymphatics communicate fr



one another; the superior lymphatics communicate with those Le cervix uteri, and the inferior set communicate with those of the a.

Development of the Uterine Tubes, Uterus, and Vagina.

he uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina are developed from the para-mesonephric i, as described on pp. 101 and 102.

he two para-mesonephric ducts have been seen to meet and fuse into a single in the transverse pelvic ridge of mesoderm, the single tube passing to the ,1 wall of the uro-genital sinus and lying in the central thickened part of the verse ridge, which is termed the genital cord. The fused tubes within ord make the mucous lining of the uterus and vagina, the thick mesoderm e cord forming the walls of these parts ; the lateral portions of the transridge become the central parts of the broad ligament on each side of the is.

he transverse ridge is continuous on each side with the mesonephric ridge, ls, in fact, to be considered as made by the continuation of each ridge into elvis, where it meets its fellow of the other side. Hence the para-mesonephric 5, which are in the free edges of the mesonephric ridges, are also in the free 5 of the transverse ridge on each side of the central thickened ‘ cord ’; when equalities of growth-rate the ducts become altogether intrapelvic in position, necessarily lie in the free edge of the broad ligament on each side as the Qe tubes. Their fimbria begin to be apparent in the second month, are

r marked in the third month, and grow slowly after this. Accessory abnal ostia are sometimes found in the embryo, and are well known to occur

e adult. The dilatations of the tubes appear during the later foetal months, ter birth. The narrowed uterine ends are due to the inclusion of these ends le mesodermal thickening that forms the muscular uterine wall. This gening begins in the third month, and not only takes in the ends of the tubes, includes also the attachment to these of the inguinal folds, thus leading to livision of each of these into ligamentum teres and ligament of ovary. In the

h month the vaginal lumen is blocked by solid epithelial masses; these break

1 centrally in the sixth month, and the lumen is re-established.

'he remnants of the mesonephric duct and its associated tubules, being among structures included within the mesonephric ridge, find their way into the d ligament with the para-mesonephric ducts as growth proceeds. The mephric duct becomes the duct of the epoophoron, and the tubules form the igial remnants known as the paroophoron and epoophoron; it is probable the ‘ appendix vesiculosa ’ also belongs to this series, but some maintain that a persisting remnant of the pronephric system.

"he abnormal condition of the uterus known as uterus bicornis is brought it by the fact that the two para-mesonephric ducts have united at a more erior (caudal) level than they usually do. The condition known as uterus ornis is due to imperfect development of one or other para-mesonephric duct, xtremely rare cases the para-mesonephric ducts fail to unite, and by opening pendently into the uro-genital sinus they give rise to a double uterus and 'uble vagina.

Structure of the Urethra.

The wall of the urethra is composed of three coats—muscular, 'tile, and mucous. The muscular coat, which is continuous with t of the bladder, is composed of plain muscular tissue arranged as outer circular and an inner longitudinal layer. The circular fibres well developed, especially at the upper end, where they partake tewhat of the nature of a sphincter muscle. Superficial to the



circular fibres the urethra, as it lies between the two layers of 1 perineal membrane, is embraced by the striated fibres of the sphinc urethras. The erectile coat is composed of a rich plexus of veins, si ported and pervaded by areolar and elastic tissues. This plexus continuous above with that around the neck of the bladder. 1 mucous coat is covered by transitional epithelium in its upper pa and stratified squamous epithelium in its lower part. It is provic with papillae, and is thrown into longitudinal folds, which are tempore above, but permanent below. One fold, situated on the posterior w; is larger than the others, and is known as the crest. The mucous me brane is furnished with tubular mucous glands, and between t permanent folds in the lower part there are crypts or lacunae.

Lymphatics. —The lymphatic vessels of the female urethra join th< of the bladder, which pass to the external iliac , internal iliac , and comn, iliac glands.

Development of the Urethra.— The female urethra is developed from ventral or uro-genital compartment of the cloaca, caudal to that part wh gives rise to the bladder. It represents the prostatic portion of the male uret] as low as the prostatic utricle.

The Articulations of the Pelvis.

Lumbo-sacral Articulation. —The union between the fifth lmnt vertebra and the base of the sacrum is effected by means of the folio ing ligaments: an intervertebral disc, prolongations of the anter and posterior longitudinal ligaments of the bodies of the verteb above, capsular ligaments and synovial membranes for the articu processes, ligamenta flava for the laminae, and interspinous and sup: spinous ligaments for the spinous processes. These are similar to i corresponding ligaments above the level of the fifth lumbar verteb The articulation between the bodies of the fifth lumbar and the fb sacral vertebrae belongs to the class of secondary cartilaginous join and the joints between the articular processes belong to the class synovial joints, and the subdivision plane joints. In addition to t foregoing ligaments there are two special ligaments, called luml sacral and ilio-lumbar. The lumbo-sacral ligament at either si extends from the lower aspect of the transverse process of the fii lumbar vertebra anteriorly to the upper surface of the ala of the sacn at its anterior and outer part close to the sacro-iliac articulation. II somewhat fan-shaped, and corresponds to the intertransverse ligamei of the lumbar vertebrae and the superior costo-transverse ligaments the thoracic region. The ilio-lumbar ligament extends from the of the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra to the inner of the iliac crest, where it is attached for about 2 inches above i back part of the iliac fossa. It is triangular, and its direction is oi wards and slightly backwards. It is closely associated with the lov part of the anterior layer of the lumbar fascia.

Arterial Supply. —Ilio-lumbar and superior lateral sacral arteriei



989 *

J erve-supply .—Fourth and fifth lumbar nerves, and sympathetic ients.

Movements. —Flexion, extension, and lateral movements between opposed bodies, and gliding and rotation between the articular esses.

acro-coccygeal Articulation.—This belongs to the class of secondary laginous joints. The bony elements are the fifth sacral and first ygeal vertebrae. The opposed surfaces are transversely oval, and separated by an intervertebral disc, unless in advanced life, when flosis takes place, this occurrence being earlier and more frequent le male than in the female. The ligaments are as follows: anterior superficial posterior sacro-coccygeal, which are continuations of

r. 573.— View of Pelvic Skeletal Structures from Above and in Front.

anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments of the bodies of the tebrae; intercornual, which pass between the sacral and coccygeal nua; and lateral sacro-coccygeal, which pass between the inferior iral angles of the sacrum and the transverse processes of the first cygeal vertebra. The latter ligament is liable to become ossified. Arterial Supply .—Inferior lateral and median sacral arteries.

A 1 erve-supply .—Lower two sacral and coccygeal nerves.

Movements .—Forward and backward movements are allowed. Intercoccygeal Articulations.—These only exist prior to middle

. The union between the coccygeal segments is effected by inter'tebral discs, and anterior and posterior ligaments. The adjacent

res of the sacro-tuberous and sacro-spinous ligaments serve as lateral unents.



Sacro-iliac Articulation. — This belongs to the class of syno joints. The bony elements are the auricular surfaces of the sacrum ; ilium. The cartilages of the auricular surface are about x \ inch th and exist as two plates, one for each surface, a small but definite syno cavity existing between the two plates. The ligaments at the j( are anterior, and long and short posterior. The anterior sacro-i ligament is composed of short fibres which are placed in front of joint. The short posterior sacro-iliac ligament, which is very strc extends from the ligamentous surface of the ilium to the ligament surface of the sacrum and the tubercles on the dorsum of the bone,

Fig. 574. —Ligaments of the Right Half of the Pelvis

(Posterior View).

direction of the fibres being downwards and inwards. The 1 ( posterior sacro-iliac ligament lies superficial to the posterior, s extends from the posterior superior iliac spine and the adjacent p of the iliac crest to the third and fourth series of tubercles on the dors of the sacrum. It is really a detached part of the short posterior sac iliac ligament. The great and small sacro-sciatic ligaments are acc sory to this joint.

The sacro-tuberous ligament (great sacro-sciatic ligament) is

tached by one extremity to the posterior inferior iliac spine, and sides of the last three sacral and first coccygeal vertebrae, and by




extremity to the inner border of the ischial tuberosity. From atter point it sends forwards an expansion, called the falciform ss, which is attached to a sharp ridge on the lower part of the inner

e of the ramus of the ischium close to its medial border. The

ent is broad at its attached ends, especially the upper, but in

n g towards the ischial tuberosity it becomes narrow. Its direction

inwards and forwards, aild its ischial fibres are continuous with endinous origin of the long head of the biceps femoris. By its Trial surface it gives origin to part of the gluteus maximus, and lg on this surface are the plexiform loops formed by the lateral dies of the posterior primary divisions of the first three sacral

s. Its deep surface gives origin to some fibres of the pyriformis,

lower down is intimately connected with the sacro-spinous ligaThe falciform process affords attachment to the lower part of jarietal pelvic fascia. The sacro-tuberous ligament is pierced by

occygeal branch of the inferior gluteal artery, the sacral branch

e internal pudendal artery, and the perforating cutaneous nerve the sacral plexus. The ligament assists in the formation of the

er and lesser sciatic foramina.

ie sacro-tuberous ligament is to be regarded as a detached portion of the lead of the biceps femoris muscle.

he sacro-spinous ligament (small sacro-sciatic ligament), which is gular, is attached by its base to the sides of the last two sacral first coccygeal vertebrae, where it is intimately connected with the i superficially placed sacro-tuberous ligament. Its apex is attached Le tip of the spine of the ischium. Its deep surface is incorporated the coccygeus muscle, and along with the spine of the ischium it s the separation between the greater and lesser sciatic foramina.

he sacro-spinous ligament is to be regarded as resulting from the fibrous leration of the superficial part of the coccygeus muscle.

I rterial Supply of the S acro-iliac Articulation. —Ilio-lumbar, superior al sacral, and superior gluteal arteries.

lerve-supply .—Superior gluteal and anterior primary divisions, lateral branches of the posterior primary divisions of the first- two il nerves.

Movements .—Stability being required at this joint, it is almost ovable. The two hip bones by their union at the pubic articulation 1 an arch, the convexity of which is directed downwards and forts. The piers of this arch are separated by a wide interval into

h the sacrum fits. The sacrum being narrower behind than in

t, the superincumbent weight of the trunk has a tendency to dise it downwards into the pelvic cavity, but this is resisted partly the powerful posterior sacro-iliac ligaments, which suspend the 3 , and partly by the strong hold which the sacrum has upon the a, in virtue of the irregularities of the opposed surfaces. Under influence of the superincumbent weight there is a tendency on the



Anterior Pubic Ligament

Inferior Pubic Ligament

Fig. 575. —The Ligaments of the

Symphysis Pubis (Anterior Aspect)

part of the sacrum to rotate round an axis passing transversely thro the sacro-iliac joints. This tendency, however, is checked by sacro-spinous and sacro-tuberous ligaments. The ilio-lumbar 1 Superior Pubic Ligament ments prevent displacement of

fifth lumbar vertebra over base of the sacrum.

The Pubic Symphysis.—1 belongs to the class of seconc cartilaginous joints. The artici surfaces are the symphysial pects of the pubic bones, ligaments are anterior, postei superior, inferior, and interpi disc. The anterior pubic ligair is strong, and is composed superficial and deep fibres, superficial fibres are arranged an obliquely decussating man] and are chiefly constructed by aponeurotic fibres of the extei oblique and inner heads of recti abdominis muscles. The deep fibres are disposed transvers The posterior and superior pubic ligaments are weak, and consis scattered fibres. The inferior ligament (arcuate ligament) is a strc thick band of fibres, which lies at the antero-superior part of pubic arch, where it fills up and rounds off the subpubic angle. I attached superiorly to the lower part of the interpubic disc, and laterally to the adjacent parts of the inner lips of the inferior pubic rami. It is about | inch in depth, and is slightly arched, from which latter circumstance it is known as the arcuate ligament. The interpubic disc lies between the plates of cartilage which cover the bony articular surfaces. It is composed of fibro-cartilage, is thicker in front than behind, and usually contains a fissure at its upper and back part, which may extend for one-half, or even the whole length, of the disc as an oblique cleft parallel to the plane of the bony surfaces. This fissure is brought

Fig. 576. —-Vertical Section the Pubic Symphysis.

about by absorption of the tissues in that situation, and it does appear until about the tenth year of life. It is larger in the fer than in the male.

Ihe depth of the symphysis pubis is less in the female than in male.



rterial Supply .—Pubic branches of the inferior epigastric and rator, and superficial external pudendal arteries.

J erve-supply .—Probably the hypogastric branch of the ilio-hypo•ic, ilio-inguinal, and pudendal nerves.

iovements .—Very slight separation is allowed at this joint, due to ing of the connecting structures. This is most apparent during nancy and parturition.

heater Sciatic Foramen. —This foramen is formed by the greater ic notch, the spine of the ischium, the sacro-tuberous ligament, the sacro-spinous ligament. For its compartments and the struc3 which pass through them, see p. 534.

,esser Sciatic Foramen. —This foramen is formed by the lesser

ic notch, the spine of the ischium, the sacro-tuberous ligament, and

sacro-spinous ligament. For the structures which pass through it, iluteal Region.

Obturator Membrane and Obturator Canal.

die obturator membrane is attached to the posterior margin of the imference of the obturator foramen, except superiorly opposite the Lrator groove; this last it converts into a hbro-osseous canal for passage of the obturator vessels and nerve. In this situation it is sd posteriorly by the parietal pelvic fascia. Its fibres are arranged n irregular, decussating manner. Its posterior or pelvic surface is dy covered by the obturator internus muscle. The anterior or oral surface is in like manner covered by the obturator externus cle, and at its circumference there is an arterial loop formed by the

erior and anterior terminal branches of the obturator artery,

rhe obturator canal is a hbro-osseous canal, which is situated above upper border of the obturator membrane. Its upper boundary,

h represents the osseous element, is formed by the obturator groove
he inferior surface of the superior pubic ramus, the direction of the

we being downwards, forwards, and inwards. The lower boundaiy, ch represents the fibrous element, is formed by the junction of the ietal pelvic fascia with the upper border of the obturator membrane r the upper border of the obturator internus. d he canal transmits obturator vessels and obturator nerve, the nerve being above the jry.