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Zygoma, a yoke.  
Zygoma, a yoke.  


Revision as of 23:08, 29 June 2020


Terms still in common use, though now ‘discardedare included in this list, with a certain number of proper names coming in the same category.

Abdomen, a word of uncertain derivation, but possibly from abdo, I hide or conceal.

Aberrant, wandering from the normal source.

Acervulus, a little heap.

Acervulus cerebri, brain-sand.

Acetabulum, a vessel for holding vinegar; a juggler’s cup. But used by Pliny to signify hipsocket.

Acinus, any juicy berry with stones — e.g., the grape; the kernel in the berry.

Acrocephalous, having a pointed or conical head.

Acromion, the point or summit of the shoulder.

Acusticus, a, um, pertaining to sound, or to the sense of hearing.

Adamantoblast, enamel germ cell.

Adductor canal, subsartorial canal.

Adenoid, glandular.

Aditus, an approach or access.

Adrenal, near to the kidney.

Advehens, carrying to.

Afferent, carrying to.

Agger, a mound or rampart.

Agminated, disposed in columns.

Ala, a wing.

Ala cinera, vagal triangle.

Albicans, white.

Albuginea, whitish.

Alcock’s canal, pudendal canal.

Allantois, sausage-like.

Alveolus, a little trough.

Alveus, a trough.

Amacrine, without a long fibre.

Ambiguus, dark, obscure.

Ameloblast, enamel germ.

Ammonis, cornu, horn of Ammon, who was represented as having the head of a ram.

Amphiarthrosis, literally, articulation on both sides. Secondary cartilaginous joint (fibro-cartilage).

Ampulla, a flask.

Amygdala, an almond.

Anastomosis, literally, an outlet; the communication of branches of vessels with one another.

Anconeus, pertaining to the elbow.

Ankylosis, bony union between two bones which are normally separate.

Annulus, a little ring.

Ansa, a handle, loop, or brace.

Ansa cervicis, ansa hypoglossi.

Anserinus, pertaining to a goose.

Antecubital, in front of the elbow.

Antibrachium, forearm.

Anticubital fossa, cubital fossa.

Anticus, in front, anterior.

Antinion, opposite to the inion.

Antrum, a cave or cavity.

Antrum of Highmore, maxillary sinus.

Antrum, mastoid, tympanic antrum.

Anus, a ring.

Aorta, literally, the lower end of the trachea; a carrier.

Apertura piriformis, anterior aspect of nose.

Aponeurosis, an expansion from a tendon.

Aponeurosis, lumbar, lumbar fascia.

Aponeurosis, pharyngeal, pharyngobasilar fascia.

Apophysis (‘ grow from ’), a process or swelling on a bone.

Appendix ventriculi laryngis, saccule.

Aqueductus cerebri, aqueduct of


Aqueductus Fallopii, facial canal. Arachnoid, like a spider’s web.



Arantii, corpus, nodule (in cusps of aortic and pulmonary valves).

Archenteron, primitive intestine.

Arcuatus, curved.

Area acustica, vestibular area.

Areola, a small open place.

Arnold’s ganglion, otic ganglion.

Arnold’s nerve, tympanic nerve.

Artery, literally, an air vessel; the trachea was known as the arteria aspera; a bloodvessel which carries the blood from the heart.

Arthrodia, from the Greek word meaning * a joint ’; applied to a gliding joint.

Arthrosis, plane joint.

Arytenoid, pitcher-like.

Ascending frontal convolution, precentral convolution.

Ascending parietal convolution, postcentral convolution.

Aspera, rough.

Asterion, a star.

Astragalus, the ankle-bone; a die (pi. dice); talus.

Atlas, a support; refers to Atlas, who carried the earth on his neck.

Atresia, imperforation.

Atrium, the hall in a Roman house.

Attic, epitympanic recess.

Attollens, raising up, elevating.

Attrahens, drawing to or towards.

Auditory, pertaining to the organ, or sense, of hearing.

Auerbach’s plexus, myenteric plexus.

Auricle, the external ear.

Auricle (O.T.), atrium (heart).

Auricular appendix (O.T.), auricle.

Azygos, without a pair, single.

Bacillary, pertaining to a small staff or rod.

Balanus, an acorn.

Barba, a beard.

Bartholin’s duct (great duct of Rivini),

principal sublingual duct.

Basilar, belonging to the base.

Basilic, royal, important.

Basion, base.

Bechterew, nucleus of, superior vestibular nucleus.

Bell, nerve of, nerve to serratus anterior.

Bellini, ducts of, terminal collecting tubules of kidney.

Biceps, having two heads.

Bicornis, two-horned.

Bicuspid (teeth), pre-molar.

Bigelow, Y-shaped ligament of, iliofemoral ligament.

Biventer, having two bellies.

Bowman’s capsule, capsule of glomerulus.

Bowman’s membrane, anterior elastic lamina of cornea.

Brachium, the arm.

Brachium conjunctivum, superior cerebellar peduncle.

Brachium pontis, middle cerebellar peduncle.

Brachycephalic, short-headed.

Bregma, from a Greek verb meaning ‘ to moisten/

Broca, area of, parolfactory area.

Broca, band of, diagonal band.

Bronchiole, a little bronchus.

Bronchus, literally, a draught; the windpipe.

Bryant’s triangle, (1) horizontal line from anterior superior spine; (2) vertical line from top of great trochanter; (3) line joining anterior superior spine to top of great trochanter.

Bubonocele, a variety of tumour in the groin.

Buccinator, a trumpeter.

Bulla, a knob; a bubble.

Burdach, fasciculus of, fasciculus cuneatus.

Burns, falciform process of (ligament of Hey), superior cornu of saphenous opening.

Burns’ space, suprasternal space.

Bursa, a sac containing fluid.

Bursa omentalis, lesser sac.

Cacumen, tip, peak, or end.

Caecum, blind.



Caeruleus, dark blue.

Calamus, a reed-pen.

Calcaneum, the heel.

Calcar, a spur.

Calcination, reduction to a powder (or line) by heat.

Calcis, of the heel.

Calix, a cup or goblet.

Callosal convolution, gyrus cinguli.

Calloso-marginal fissure, sulcus cinguli.

Callosum, hard, thick.

Calvaria ( calva , the bald scalp), the upper part of the skull.

Canalis reuniens, ductus reuniens.

Cancellated, lattice-formed, reticulated.

Canthus, the angle of the eye.

Capillary, pertaining to the hair; a vessel of hair-like minuteness.

Capitellum, a small head.

Capsular, suprarenal.

Caput gallinaginis, urethral crest.

Caput medusae, varicose veins radiating from umbilicus in portal obstruction.

Cardia, the opening of the stomach; the heart.

Cardiac, pertaining to the heart (originally to the stomach).

Cardinal, principal or chief.

Carina, a keel.

Carneae, pertaining to flesh.

Carotid, stupefying; or perhaps from two Greek words meaning ‘ head ’ and ‘ ear.’

Carpus, the wrist.

Cartilages, alar, lower lateral cartilage.

Cartilages, lateral, upper lateral cartilage (of nose).

Cartilages, Santorini, of, corniculate cartilage.

Cartilages, Wrisberg, of, cuneiform cartilage.

Caruncula, a little piece of flesh.

Caruncula sublingualis, sublingual papilla.

Carunculae myrtiformes, carunculae hymenales.

Cauda, a tail.

Caudate, tailed.

Caudate lobe (O.T.), tail of caudate lobe.

Cavernous, full of hollows or cavities.

Centimetre (cm.), § of an English inch.

Cephalic, pertaining to the head. Cerato, horny.

Ceruminous, pertaining to wax. Chiasma, two lines placed like an X. Choana, a funnel.

Choanse, posterior apertures of nose. Choledochus, bile-receiving. Chondral, pertaining to cartilage.

Choroid (Chorioid), like skin. Cinereus, ash-coloured.

Cingulum, a small girdle. Circumflexus, bent around. Circumvallate papillae, vallate papillae.

Cisterna, a cistern or reservoir. Clarke, posterior vesicular column of,

thoracic (dorsal) nucleus. Claustrum, a bulwark, barrier, or inclosure.

Clava, a club; gracile tubercle. Clavicle, from clavis, a key, or possibly a hoop-stick.

Cleido-, pertaining to the clavicle. Clinoid, like the knob of a bedpost. Clitoris, from a Greek verb meaning ‘ I shut up ’ or ‘ enclose.’

Clivus, a slope.

Cloaca, a sewer or drain.

Coccyx, a cuckoo.

Cochlea, a snail.

Cochlea, membranous, duct of cochlea.

Cochleariformis, spoon-like.

Coeliac, pertaining to the belly. Colliculus, a little hill.

Colliculus, quadrigeminal body. Colliculus seminalis, urethral crest. Colon, the great gut.

Columns, rectal (Morgagni), anal columns.

Comes, a companion.

Comma tract, semilunar tract.


Complexus, literally, folded together; encompassing.

Concatenatae, chained together. Concatenate glands, deep cervical (lymph) glands.

Concha, a shell.

Condyle (‘ knuckle ’), a small round prominence covered by cartilage. Coni vasculosi, lobules of epididymis. Conjunctiva, connecting. Conniventes, winking or blinking. Conoid, cone-like.

Conoid tubercle, coracoid tuberosity. Conus arteriosus, infundibulum. Conus elasticus, crico-vocal membrane.

Convoluta, rolled together.

Coracoid, like a crow or raven.

Cord, vocal, false, vestibular folds. Cord, vocal, true, vocal fold. Cordiform, heart-shaped.

Cords (gangliated, lumbo-sacral, etc.), trunks.

Cornea, horny.

Corniculum, a little horn.

Cornu ammonis, hippocampus. Coronal, literally, pertaining to a crown; transverse.

Coronary, encircling.

Coronoid, like a crooked beak. Corpora albicantia (brain), corpora mamillaria.

Corpus (of long bone), shaft.

Corpus adiposum buccae, buccal pad. Corpus arantii, nodule (aortic and pulmonary valves).

Corpus cavernosum penis, corpus cavernosum.

Corpus cavernosum urethrae, corpus spongiosum.

Corrugator, a wrinkler.

Cortex, the bark or outer covering. Costal, pertaining to a rib.

Cotyloid, cup-like.

Cowper’s gland, bulbo-urethral gland. Coxa, the hip.

Cranium, the skull.

Crassum, thick, dense, or bulky. Cremaster, a suspender.

Cribriform, sieve-like.


Cribrosa, perforated with sieve-like pores.

Cricoid, like a ring.

Crista tuberculi majoris, lateral lip of bicipital groove.

Crista tuberculi minoris, medial lip of bicipital groove.

Crucial, pertaining to, or shaped like, a cross.

Crural, pertaining to the leg.

Crural canal, femoral canal.

Crural ring, femoral ring.

Crural septum, femoral septum.

Crus, cerebral peduncle.

Crusta, basis pedunculi.

Cryptorchismus, concealment of the testis.

Cryptozygous, hidden arches.

Cubitum, the elbow.

Cucullaris, pertaining to a cowl or hood.

Culmen, the top or summit.

Cuneate, wedge-shaped.

Cuneiform bone (hand), triquetrum.

Cuneus, a wedge.

Cupola, a dome.

Cymba, a boat or skiff.

Cystic, pertaining to the gall-bladder. The condition of a thin-walled swelling containing fluid or semifluid.

Cytoplasm, formative yolk; protoplasm in a cell.

Dacryon, a tear.

Dartos, skinned or flayed.

Deciduous, falling away.

Decussation of lemnisci (fillet), sensory decussation.

Deferens, carrying away.

Deiters, nucleus of, lateral vestibular nucleus.

Dens, odontoid process.

Dens serotinus, wisdom tooth.

Dentate fascia, dentate gyrus.

Descemet’s membrane, posterior elastic lamina of cornea.

Detrusor, from detrudo, I drive away.

Deutoplasm, literally, wet plasm; nutritive yolk.



Dia-, through or between.

Diaphragm, a partition.

Diaphysis grow between ’), the shaft of a bone, or the part which grows between the epiphyses.

Diarthrosis, an ‘ apart ’ joint— i.e., a ‘ free ’ joint (the articular surfaces being free to play upon each other); synovial joint.

Diencephalon, the ’tween-brain or inter-brain; thalamencephalon.

Digastric, having two bellies.

Diploe, a doubling.

Discus proligerus, cumulus ovaricus.

Diverticulum, from diverto, ‘ I separate/ or ‘ part/ or ‘ go a different way.’

Dolichocephalic, long-headed.

Dorsal, pertaining to the back aspect.

Dorsum, the back.

Douglas, pouch of, recto-uterine or recto-vaginal pouch.

Douglas, semilunar fold of, arcuate line.

Duct, nasal, naso-lacrimal duct.

Ductus deferens, vas deferens.

Ductus perilymphaticus, aqueduct of cochlea.

Duodenum, twelve (probably fingerbreadths) .

Ebur, -oris, ivory.

Eburnea, pertaining to ivory.

Ectopia, a displacement.

Efferent, carrying out.

Embolif ormis, beak-shaped or wedgeshaped.

Emissary, sent out.

Emulgent, milking, straining out.

Enarthrosis, ball-and-socket joint.

Encephalon, the contents of the head or skull.

Endocardium, ‘ within the heart ’; the lining membrane of the cardiac chambers.

Endognathion, literally, inner jaw.

Endosteum, ‘ within a bone ’; the medullary membrane.

Ensiform, sword-like.

Ensiform process, xiphoid process.

Entomion, a notch.

Ependyma, from Greek words meaning ' clothing upon/

Ephippium, a saddle.

Epi-, upon or over, above.

Epicardium, upon the heart.

Epididymis, upon the testicle.

Epiglottis, cushion of, tubercle of epiglottis.

Epiotic, upon or over the ear.

Epiphysis (‘ grow upon ’); a process of a bone which has a secondary centre of ossification.

Epiploon, from a Greek verb meaning ‘ to float upon/

Epipteric, upon a wing.

Epipteric bone, sutural bone at pterion.

Epistropheus, axis.

Epoophoron, above the egg-bearing organ.

Erythroblast, red (cell) germ.

Ethmoid, like a strainer.

Eustachian cushion, tubal elevation.

Eustachian spine (of medial pterygoid plate), processus tubarius.

Eustachian tube, pharyngo-tympanic tube.

Eustachian valve, valve of inferior

vena cava.

Exognathion, literally, outer jaw.

Exomphalos, out of the navel.

Facet (French, facette, a little face), a small plane surface, usually articular.

Falciform, sickle-like.

Fallopian tube, uterine tube.

Falx, a sickle.

Falx aponeurotica inguinalis, conjoint tendon.

Fascia, a bandage, or a bundle of reeds.

Fascia bulbi, fascial sheath of eyeball.

Fascia, Camper’s, superficial layer of superficial fascia of anterior abdominal wall.

Fascia, Colies’, deep layer of superficial fascia of perineum.




Fascia, coraco-clavicular, clavi-pec toral fascia.

Fascia infundibular, internal spermatic fascia.

Fascia intercolumnar, external spermatic fascia.

Fascia, Scarpa’s, deep layer of superficial fascia of anterior abdominal wall.

Fascia, Sibson’s, suprapleural membrane.

Fasciculus, a small bundle.

Fasciola cinerea, splenial gyrus.

Fastigium, a roof.

Fauces, the throat.

Fauces, anterior pillar, glosso-palatine arch.

Fauces, posterior pillar, pharyngopalatine arch.

Fel, the gall-bladder.

Femur, the thigh.

Fenestra, an opening, a window.

Fenestra ovalis, fenestra vestibuli.

Fenestra rotunda, fenestra cochleae.

Ferruginea, pertaining to iron-rust.

Fibula, a buckle, clasp, or brace.

Fillet, lemniscus.

Filum, a thread.

Fimbria, a fringe.

Fimbriatum, fringed.

Fissure, a cleft or slit.

Fistula, .a pipe or tube.

Flechsig, tract of, posterior spinocerebellar tract.

Flocculus, a little lock of wool.

Fold, bloodless (Treves), ileo-caecal fold.

Fold, ileo-colic, vascular fold of caecum.

Fold, recto-vesical, sacro-genital fold.

Follicle, a small bag or sac.

Fontana, spaces of, spaces of iridocorneal angle.

Fontanelle, a small spring.

Foramen, an aperture or a hole.

Forceps, a claw of a beetle.

Fornicatus, pertaining to an arch.

Fornix, an arch or a vault.

Fossa, a ditch or trench.

Fossa, antecubital, cubital.

Fossa ovalis, saphenous opening.

Fossa, rhomboid, floor of fourth ventricle.

Fossa, spheno-maxillary, pterygopalatine fossa.

Fourchette, a fork.

Fovea, a small pit.

Foveola, a very small pit.

Frenulum, a small bridle.

Frenum, a bridle.

Frontal, pertaining to the forehead.

Frontal spine (of frontal), nasal spine.

Fundiform, sling-like.

Funicular, pertaining to a cord.

Funiculus, a slender rope, a cord.

Furcalis, pertaining to a two-pronged fork.

Furcula, a small two-pronged fork.

Fusca, dark or dusky.

Galactophorous, milk-carrying.

Galea, a helmet.

Galea aponeurotica, epicranial aponeurosis.

Galen, great vein of, great cerebral vein.

Galen, veins of, internal cerebral veins.

Gallinaginis, of a woodcock.

Gallus, a cock.

Ganglion, a swelling or excrescence.

Ganglion, aortico-renal, lower part of coeliac ganglion.

Ganglion, Gasserian, trigeminal ganglion.

Ganglion, jugular (O.T.), superior ganglion of ninth.

Ganglion, jugular (B.N.A.), superior ganglion of tenth.

Ganglion, lenticular, ciliary ganglion.

Ganglion, Meckel’s, spheno-palatine ganglion.

Ganglion nodosum (B.N.A.), inferior ganglion of tenth.

Ganglion, ophthalmic, ciliary ganglion.

Ganglion, petrous (O.T. and B.N.A.),

inferior ganglion of ninth.

Ganglion, semilunar, trigeminal ganglion.



Ganglion, stellate, first thoracic ganglion.

Ganglion, submaxillary, submandibular ganglion.

Gartner’s duct, duct of epoophoron. Gastric, pertaining to the stomach.

Gastrocnemius, the belly of the leg.

Gemellus, paired or double.

Geminus, twin or twofold.

Geniculate, knee-like.

Genio-, pertaining to the chin. Gennari, stria of, visual stria.

Genu, the knee.

Gerota’s capsule, renal fascia. Giacomini, banderella or frenulum, tail of dentate gyrus.

Gimbernat’s ligament, pectineal part of inguinal ligament.

Ginglymus, a hinge.

Ginglymus, hinge-joint.

Giraldes, organ of, paradidymis. Glabella, without hair; smooth. Gladiolus, a small sword.

Gladiolus, body of sternum.

Gland, Bartholin’s, greater vestibular gland.

Gland, Cowper’s, bulbo-urethral gland.

Glenoid, like a shallow socket. Glisson’s capsule, hepato-biliary capsule.

Globosus, round or spherical. Globus, a globe or sphere. Glomerulus, a small ball of thread. Glosso-, pertaining to the tongue. Glottis, the mouthpiece of a flute. Gluteal, pertaining to the buttock.

Gnathic, pertaining to the jaw. Gnathion, the jaw.

Gomphosis, a bolting together. Gonion, an angle.

Gracilis, slender.

Grisea, grey.

Gubernaculum, a rudder.

Gula, the gullet.

Gustatory, pertaining to taste. Guttural, pertaining to the throat. Gyrus, a circle; a crook.

Habenula, a small thong or rein. Hsemorrhoidal, associated with haemorrhoids.

Hallux, the great toe.

Ham, a thing bent or crooked. Hamular, hook-shaped.

Harmonia, a fitting together. Hartmann’s pouch, sacculation at junction of neck and body of gallbladder.

Hassall, corpuscles of (thymus), concentric corpuscles.

Haustrum, a machine for drawing water.

Heister’s valves, spiral valve. Helicine, spiral.

Helicotrema, hole of a spiral.

Helix, a coil or spiral.

Hepar, the liver.

Hepatic, pertaining to the liver. Hernia, a sprout; a rupture. Hesselbach’s triangle, inguinal triangle.

Hiatus, a gap.

Hiatus Fallopii, hiatus for superficial petrosal nerve.

Highmore, antrum of, maxillary sinus.

Hilum, a little thing; a trifle.

Hippocampus, a seahorse. Hippocampus major, hippocampus. Hippocampus minor, calcar avis. Hircina, pertaining to a goat.

His, bundle of, atrio-ventricular bundle.


Homogenesis see Chapter I. Homologous )

Houston’s valves, horizontal folds of rectum.

Huguier, canal of, anterior canaliculus for chorda tympani.

Humerus, the upper part of the arm; the shoulder.

Hunter’s canal, subsartorial canal. Hyaline, glassv.

Hyaloid, like glass.

Hydatid, a watery vesicle.

Hydrocele, a watery tumour.

Hymen, the marriage deity.




Hyoid, like the Greek letter upsilon.

Hypo-, beneath or under.

Hypophysis, ‘ grow beneath.’

Hypothenar, beneath the palm of the hand.

Ileum, implying twists or coils.

Ilium, literally of the soft parts— i.e., of the flank; os ilium, the bone of the flank.

Ima, lowest.

Impar, dissimilar (in number), unequal.

Incisivus, cutting into.

Incisura jugularis, suprasternal notch.

Incisura scapularis, suprascapular notch.

Incisura semilunaris (ulna), trochlear notch.

Infundibuliform, funnel-shaped.

Infundibulum, a funnel.

Inguinal, pertaining to the groin.

Inion, literally, the occiput.

Innominatum, unnamed.

Insula, an island.

Intercalary, inserted.

Internodium, the space between two knots or joints.

Interparietal bone, membranous part of occipital as a separate bone.

Interpositum, placed between.

Interstitial, belonging to interstices or small parts between the main parts of bodies.

Intertubercular sulcus, bicipital groove.

Intumescentia, enlargement (spinal cord).

Iris, the rainbow.

Ischiatic, pertaining to the hip.

Ischium, the hip.

Isthmus, faucium, oro-pharyngeal isthmus.

Isthmus rhombencephali, upper constricted end of fourth ventricle.

Iter, a passage or road.

Jacobson, cartilage of, sub-vomerine cartilage.

Jacobson, organ of, vomero-nasal organ.

Jacobson’s nerve, tympanic nerve.

Jejunum, empty or hungry.

Jugal, yolking.

Jugular, pertaining to the throat.

Jugular notch (B.N.A.), suprasternal notch.

Jugum, a yolk.

Kerckring, ossicle, occasional centre in posterior margin of foramen magnum.

Key and Retzius, foramina of

(Luschka), lateral apertures of fourth ventricle.

Kobelt’s tubes, epoophoron.

Labbe, vein of, inferior anastomotic vein (connects superficial middle cerebral with transverse sinus).

Labrum, a basin.

Lacertus fibrosus, bicipital aponeurosis.

Laciniosum, full of folds, indented, jagged.

Lacrimal, pertaining to tears.

Lacteal, pertaining to milk.

Lactiferous, milk-carrying.

Lacuna, a hollow or cavity.

Lacunee (of sagittal sinus), lacunae laterales.

Lacunar, pertaining to a hollow or gap.

Lacunar ligament, pectineal part of inguinal ligament.

Lamella, a small plate.

Lamina, a plate.

Lamina cinerea, lamina terminalis.

Lamina cribrosa, medial boundary of internal auditory meatus.

Lamina papyracea, orbital plate of ethmoid.

Lamina quadrigemina, tectum.

Lateral, on the side of. Used in reference to the sagittal plane of the body.

Lateral mass (ethmoid), labyrinth.

Lateral sinus, transverse sinus.

Latissimus, broadest.

Latum, broad.

Lemniscus, a ribbon.



Leptorhine, having small narrow nostrils.

Levator, a lifter or raiser.

Lien, the spleen.

Lieno-, pertaining to the spleen. Ligament, a band or bandage.

Ligula, a little tongue.

Limbic lobe, gyrus fornicatus. Limbous, pertaining to a border. Limbus, a border.

Limbus fossae ovalis (or limbus ovalis), annulus ovalis.

Limen, a threshold.

Linea, a line.

Lines, oblique (tibia), soleal line. Lines, oblique internal (jaw), mylohyoid line.

Lines (occiput), nuchal lines.

Lines, popliteal, soleal line.

Lingual, pertaining to the tongue. Lingula, a little tongue.

Lister’s tubercle, dorsal tubercle of radius.

Longissimus, longest.

Longitudinal sinus, sagittal sinus. Lower, tubercle of, intervenous tubercle (heart).

Lumbar, pertaining to the loin. Lumbricalis, like an earth-worm. Lunar, pertaining to the moon. Lunula, a little moon; a crescent. Luteum, of a yellow colour.

Luys’ nucleus, subthalamic body. Lymphatic, from lympha, pure or spring water; lymph.

Lyra, a lyre; hippocampal commissure.

McBurney’s point (base of appendix),

junction of lower and middle thirds of spino-umbilical line. Macula, a spot.

Magendie, foramen, median aperture of fourth ventricle.

Magnum, os, capitate bone.

Malar, pertaining to the cheek.

Malar bone, zygomatic bone. Malleolus, a small hammer or mallet.

Malleus, a hammer or mallet.

Mamma, a breast or pap.

Mammilla, a little breast or pap. Properly spelt mamilla.

Mandible, the chewing bone— i.e., lower jaw.

Manubrium, a handle or hilt.

Marshall, oblique vein, oblique vein of left atrium.

Massa intermedia, interthalamic


Masseter, the chewing muscle.

Mastoid, breast- or pap-like (nipplelike).

Maxilla, jaw.

Meatus (pi. Meatfis), a passage or canal.

Meckel’s cave, cavum trigeminale.

Meckel’s diverticulum, diverticulum ilei.

Mediastinum, standing in the middle; a partition.

Medulla, marrow.

Megacephalic, having a large head.

Megaseme, having a large index.

Meibomian glands, tarsal glands.

Meissner’s plexus, plexus of the submucosa.

Membrane, costo-coracoid, clavi pectoral fascia.

Meninges, membranes.

Meniscus, a crescent.

Meniscus (knee), semilunar cartilage.

Mental, pertaining to the chin.

Mesaticephalic, having a head with an index of mean value.

Mesencephalon, the mid-brain.

Mesentery, in the middle of, or among, the intestines.

Mesial, nearer to the sagittal plane of the body.

Meso-, in the midst of. In compounds usually implies a structure like a mesentery, a peritoneal attachment fold.

Mesocephalic, pertaining to a head of mean capacity.

Mesogastrium=meso- (q.v.) and stomach.

Mesognathion, middle jaw.


Mesometrium=meso- [q-v.) and womb.

Mesonephros, mid-kidney.

Mesorhine, pertaining to an intermediate nasal index; a condition intermediate between broad-nosed and narrow-nosed.

Mesosalpinx =meso- (q.v.) and tube.

Mesoseme, intermediate index.

Meta-, after or beyond.

Meta-nephros, hind-kidney.

Metencephalon, the after-brain.

Metopic, pertaining to the forehead.

Metopism, persistence of the metopic or frontal suture.

Microcephalic, pertaining to a small head.

Microseme, small index.

Middle commissure, interthalamic connexus.

Millimetre (mm.), slightly less than 2V of an English inch.

Minimae, least, smallest.

Mitral, resembling an Asiatic headdress, or mitre.

Modiolus, the nave of a wheel.

Molar, pertaining to a mill, or to grinding.

Monro, foramen, interventricular foramen.

Mons veneris, mons pubis.

Montanum, pertaining to a mountain.

Monticulus, a small mountain.

Morbus, a disease.

Muliebris, pertaining to a woman, feminine.

Miillerian duct, para-mesonephric duct.

Multangulum majus, os, trapezium.

Multifidus, many cleft; divided into many parts.

Musculo-spiral nerve, radial nerve.

Myelencephalon, marrow-brain.

Myeloplaxes, marrow-plates.

Myentericus, pertaining to the muscular tissue of the bowel.

Mylo-, pertaining to a mill.

Myocardium, the muscular tissue of the heart.

Myrtiform, like a myrtle-berry.


Nares, posterior, posterior apertures of nose.

Naris (pi. nares), a nostril.

Nasal, pertaining to the nose.

Natal, pertaining to the buttock. Natis (pi. nates), the buttock. Navicular, pertaining to a boat. Nephros, a kidney.

Neural, pertaining to a nerve. Neuroglia, literally ‘ nerve glue.’ Nictitans, winking.

Norma, a rule or measure (aspect). Notochord, string or cord of the back. Nucha, the nape of the neck.

Nuck, canal, vaginal process. Nucleus, a kernel.

Nuhn, glands, anterior lingual (seromucous) glands.

Nymphae, nymphs or goddesses of the fountains, woods, trees, etc.; labia minora.

Obelion, a horizontal line (perhaps a little spit).

Obex, a bolt; a barrier.

Obturator, one who closes or stops up.

Occipital, pertaining to the back part of the head.

Odontoblast, a tooth-germ.

Odontoid, tooth-like.

Odoriferae, carrying odours. (Esophagus, food-carrier.

Olecranon, head or point of the forearm.

Olfactory, pertaining to smell. Olfactory trigone, olfactory pyramid. Olivary, pertaining to an olive. Omentum, that which is drawn over.

Omentum, gastro - hepatic, lesser omentum.

Omentum, gastro-splenic, gastrosplenic ligament.

Omo-, pertaining to the shoulder. Omphalo-, pertaining to the navel. Operculum, a cover or lid.

Ophryon, the eyebrow.

Ophthalmic, pertaining to the eye. Opisthion, hinder or rear.

Opisthotic, behind the ear.



Optic, pertaining to sight.

Optic thalamus, thalamus.

Ora, a border or margin. Orthognathous pertaining to a straight (non-projecting) jaw.

Os incae, interparietal bone.

Os japonicum, bi-partite zygomatic bone.

Os magnum, capitate bone.

Os, oris, a mouth.

Os, ossis, a bone.

Os tincae, external os of uterus. Ossicle of Kerckring, occasional centre in posterior margin of foramen magnum.

Osteoblast, bone-germ.

Osteoclast, bone-destroyer. Osteogenetic, bone-forming.

Ostium, a door, entrance, or exit. Otic, pertaining to the ear.

Otoconia, ear-dust.

Otoliths, ear-stones.

Ovary, egg-forming organ.

Oxyntic, producing acid.

Pacchionian bodies, arachnoid granulations.

Pacinian corpuscles, lamellated corpuscles.

Palatum, the palate.

Pallium, a covering.

Palmar, pertaining to the palm. Palpebra, an eyelid.

Pampiniform, tendril-like.

Pancreas, literally, all or completely flesh.

Para-, near, by the side of. Paradidymis, near the testis. Parametrium, near the womb. Parietal, pertaining to a wall. Paroophoron, near the egg-bearing organ; medial mesonephric tubules.

Parbtid, near the ear.

Parovarium, epoophoron.

Pars intermedia (Wrisberg), sensory root of facial nerve.

Patella, a small dish; a plate.

Pecten, another name for the os pubis; a comb.

Pectinatus, pertaining to a comb.

Pectineal or Pectineus, associated with the pecten bone or os pubis.

Pectiniform, comb-like.

Pectoralis, pertaining to the breast.

Peduncle of corpus callosum, paraterminal gyrus.

Pelvis, a basin.

Penicillus, a painter’s brush or pencil.

Penis, a tail, or pendant process.

Peri-, around, about, or near.

Pericardium, around the heart.

Perineum, from a Greek verb meaning ‘ I dwell, or am situated, around/

Perineum, central point of, perineal


Periosteum, around bone.

Periotic, around the ear.

Peritoneum, from a Greek word meaning ‘ stretched around/

Peroneal or Peroneus, ‘ pertaining to the peronee/ the Greek name for fibula.

Petit’s canal, zonular spaces.

Petit’s triangle, lumbar triangle.

Petrous, rocky.

Phalanx, a rank of soldiers.

Pharynx, the throat.

Phenozygous, having visible arches.

Philtrum, a love potion.

Phrenic, pertaining to the diaphragm.

Pineal, belonging to, or like, a pinenut or pine-cone.

Pinna, a kind of shell-fish; a feather or wing.

Pisiform, like a pea.

Pituitary, pertaining to phlegm or mucus; hypophysis.

Placenta, a flat cake.

Plagiocephalous, pertaining to an oblique or twisted head.

Planta, the sole of the foot.

Plantar, pertaining to the sole of the foot.

Platycnemism, broadness of leg.

Platyrhine, having a broad nose.

Platysma, a broad sheet.

Pleura, a rib.




Plexus, a twining or network.

Plexus, Auerbach’s, myenteric plexus. Plexus, gulae, cesophageal plexus. Plexus, Meissner’s, plexus of the submucosa.

Plica, a fold.

Plica hypogastrica, lateral umbilical


Plica urachi, median umbilical fold. Plicae palmatae (uterus), arbor vitae. Pneumogastric, pertaining to the breathing organs and stomach. Pocularis, pertaining to a cup.

Pollex, the thumb.

Pomum Adami, laryngeal prominence.

Pons, a bridge.

Popliteal or Popliteus, pertaining to the ham.

Porta, a gate.

Portal, pertaining to a gate.

Portio major and minor, sensory and motor roots of trigeminal nerve.

Postaxiah r , , T Preaxial / see Cha P ter L

Posterior vesicular column (Clarke), thoracic (or dorsal) nucleus.

Posticus, posterior.

Poupart’s ligament, inguinal liga


Primary divisions (of spinal nerves),

anterior and posterior rami. Proctodaeum, the threshold of the


Prognathous, having a projecting lower jaw.

Proligerus, bearing offspring; germinating.

Pro-nephros, fore-kidney.

Pro-otic, before the ear.

Prosencephalon, the fore-brain.

Prostate, standing before; or, more probably, pertaining to a porch or vestibule.

Psalterium, a psaltery or instrument of the lute kind.

Psalterium (lyra), hippocampal commissure.

Psoas, from a Greek word meaning

  • the muscles of the loins,’ and

secondarily ‘ the loins themselves.’

Pterion, a wing.

Pterotic, pertaining to a wing. Pterygoid, wing-like.

Pubes, the hair which appears on the external genital organs at the age of puberty.

Pubic, pertaining to the os pubis. Pudendal, pertaining to the pudendum.

Pudendum, ‘ of which one ought to be ashamed.’

Pudic, modest or chaste.

Pulmo, a lung.

Pulmonary, belonging to the lungs. Pulvinar, a couch or cushion, Putamen, trimmings or clippings. Pyloric vestibule, pyloric antrum. Pylorus, literally, a gate-keeper. Pyriformis, pear-shaped.

Quadratus, square.

Quadriceps, having four heads. Quadrigeminus, fourfold, four.

Racemose, pertaining to a cluster of grapes; full of clusters; clustering. Radius, a staff or rod; the spoke of a wheel.

Ramus, a branch.

Ranine, pertaining to a frog.

Raphe, a seam.

Receptaculum, a receptacle. Receptaculum chyli, cisterna chyli. Rectus, straight.

Recurrent, running back.

Refractory, breaking up.

Reil, island of, insula.

Ren, a kidney.

Restiform, like a rope or cord. Restiform body, inferior cerebellar peduncle.

Rete, a net.

Retina, from rete, a net.

Retrahens, drawing back.

Retzius, cave, retro-pubic space. Revehens, carrying back.

Rhinencephalon, the ‘ nose ’ or olfactory brain.

Rhinion, a nose.

Rhombencephalon, the rhomb-brain (hind-brain).



Rhomboid ligament, costoclavicular ligament.

Riedel’s lobe, an elongation of lower margin of right lobe of liver (due to pressure).

Rima, a cleft or chink.

Risorius, laughing.

Rivini, ducts, sublingual ducts.

Rolando, fissure, central sulcus.

Rostrum, a beak.

Rotula, a little wheel.

Rugae, wrinkles.

Saccus reuniens, sinus venosus (heart).

Sacrum, sacred; derivation and original meaning very doubtful.

Sagittal, pertaining to an arrow; antero-posterior.

Salpinx, a trumpet or tube.

Salvatella, saving, or making well.

Santorini, cartilages, corniculate cartilages.

Santorini, duct, accessory pancreatic duct.

Santorini, fissures, clefts in cartilage of exterior auditory meatus.

Saphenous, apparent, manifest.

Sartorius, pertaining to a tailor.

Scala, a ladder, flight of steps, or staircase.

Scala media, duct of cochlea.

Scalenus, of unequal sides.

Scansorius, of, or for, climbing.

Scaphocephalous, having a head like a boat.

Scaphoid, like a boat.

Scapula, a spade; probably from a Greek verb meaning ‘ I dig/

Scarpa’s triangle, femoral triangle.

Schlemm, canal, sinus venosus sclerae.

Schindylesis, a splitting or cleavage.

Sciatic (identical with Ischiatic), pertaining to the hip.

Sclera, hard.

Sclerotic, hard; sclera.

Scrobiculus, a little ditch or trench.

Scrotum, a skin bag or pouch; a hide (probably originally ‘ scortum J ).

Sebaceous, pertaining to grease. Sella, a seat; a saddle.

Semilunar bone, lunate.

Semilunar fold of Douglas, arcuate line.

Seminalis, pertaining to semen. Septum, a fence or barrier.

Serotinus, that comes or happens late.

Serratus, jagged like a saw.

Sesamoid, like sesame (a kind of grain).

Shrapnell’s membrane, flaccid part of membrana tympani.

Sibson’s fascia, suprapleural membrane.

Sigmoid, like the Greek letter S


Sigmoid cavity, greater, trochlear notch.

Sigmoid cavity, lesser, radial notch. Sigmoid cavity (of radius), ulnar


Sigmoid notch (mandible), mandibular notch.

Sinus, a cavity or hollow.

Sinus, Valsalva, of, sinuses of aorta. Smegma, a cleanser.

Solar, relating to the sun.

Solar plexus, coeliac plexus.

Soleus, a sole or sandal; a sole-fish. Sperma, seed or semen.

Spermatic, pertaining to semen. Spermatoblast, a seminal bud. Spermatozoa (plural), seminal animals.

Sphenoid, wedge-like. Spheno-maxillary fossa, pterygopalatine fossa.

Sphenotic, pertaining to the sphenoid bone and ear-capsule.

Sphincter, binding or closing tight. Spigelian lobe, caudate lobe. Splanchnic, pertaining to viscera. Splenium, a bandage or compress. Splenius, pertaining to a bandage. Squamous, scaly.

Stapes, a stirrup.

Stellatum, starry.

Stensen’s duct, parotid duct.



Stephanion, a crown or wreath.

Sternebra, a segment of the sternum.

Sternum, the breast or chest.

Stomata, mouths or pores.

Stomatodaeum or Stomodaeum, the threshold of the mouth.

Stria medullaris, stria habenularis.

Striae acusticae, auditory striae.

Striae medullares, auditory striae.

Styloid, pen-like.

Subflava, somewhat yellow.

Subiculum, an under layer or support.

Submaxillary, submandibular.

Substantia gelatinosa (Roland), gelatinous matter.

Sudoriferous, sweat-carrying.

Sulcus, a furrow.

Supercilium, an eyebrow.

Supracallosal gyrus, indusium griseum.

Sural, pertaining to the calf of the leg.

Sustentaculum, a prop or support.

Sustentaculum lienis, phrenico-colic ligament.

Suture, a sewing together, a seam.

Sylvius, aqueduct, aqueduct of midbrain.

Symphysis, growth together.

Syn-, with; together with (union or harmony may be implied).

Synarthrosis, literally, a * together with ' (direct) joint; fibrous joint.

Synchondrosis, bound together with cartilage; cartilaginous joint.

Syndesmosis, bound together with bands or bonds.

Synovia, resemblance to the white of an egg.

Taenia, a band or ribbon.

Talus, a die (pi. dice); the ankle-bone.

Tapetum, a carpet or coverlet.

Tarsus, a broad flat surface; the instep.

Tectorius, pertaining to a cover.

Tegmen, a covering.

Tegmentum, a covering.

Tela, a web.

Telencephalon, the end-brain.


Temporal, pertaining to the temples of the head.

Tendo Achillis, tendo calcaneus.

Tendon, from tendo, ‘ I stretch.’

Tenon’s capsule, fascial sheath of eyeball.

Tentorium, a tent.

Tenuis, slender, small.

Teres, rounded.

Testis, a witness.

Thalamencephalon, the bedchamberbrain, or inter-brain.

Thalamus, a bedchamber; a marriage-bed.

Thebesian valve, valve of coronary sinus.

Thebesian veins, venae cordis minimae.

Theca, a cover, case, or sheath.

Thenar, the flat of the hand.

Thorax, the breast or chest; a breastplate.

Thymus, thyme.

Thyroid, like a shield.

Tibia, a pipe or flute; the shin-bone.

Tinea, a small fish, perhaps the tench.

Tonsil, palatine, tonsil.

Tonsil, pharyngeal, naso-pharyngeal tonsil.

Torcular, a wine-press (twisting is implied).

Torcular Herophili, confluens sinuum.

Torus, a protuberance.

Torus tubarius, tubal elevation.

Trabecula, a little beam.

Trachea (‘ rough ’), the wind-pipe.

Trachelo-, belonging to the neck.

Tragus, a goat.

Trapezium, a table; a four-sided, figure, no two sides of which are parallel to one another.

Trefoil, having three leaves.

Treitz, muscle, suspensory muscle of duodenum.

Treves, bloodless fold of, ileo-csecal fold.

Triangular fascia, reflected part of inguinal ligament.

Triangular fibro-cartilage, articular disc.



Triangular ligament, inferior or superficial layer; perineal membrane.

Triceps, having three heads.

Trigeminus, threefold, triple.

Trigdnocephalus, a triangular head.

Trigonum, a triangle; triangular.

Triquetrum, three-cornered; triangular.

Triticea, wheaten, or like a grain of wheat.

Trochanter, from a Greek verb meaning ‘ I roll, turn, or revolve.'

Trochlea, the wheel of a pulley.

Trochlear, pulley-shaped.

Trochlearthrosis, a pulley-joint.

Trochoides, wheel-like.

Trolard, vein of, superior anastomotic vein.

Tuba, a trumpet.

Tubarius, pertaining to a trumpet.

Tube, auditory, pharyngo-tympanic tube.

Tube, Eustachian, pharyngo-tympanic tube.

Tubercle, a small swelling.

Tubercle, articular, articular eminence.

Tubercle, greater multangular, of,

crest of trapezium.

Tubercle, Lister’s, dorsal tubercle of radius.

Tubercle, Lower, of, intervenous tubercle (heart).

Tubercle, radial, dorsal tubercle of radius.

Tuberosity, an exaggerated tubercle.

Turbinals or turbinate bones, conchse.

Turbinate, whirled or coiled; like a top.

Turbo, a whirl or coil; a top.

Turcica, Turkish.

Tympanum, a drum.

Ulna, the elbow, but more usually the forearm.

Umbilicus, the navel.

Umbo, a boss or knob.

Unciform, hook-like.

Unciform bone, hamate.

Uncinate, furnished with a hook.

Ungual, relating to a nail.

Unguis, a nail.

Unicornis, one-horned.

Urachus, urine-holder.

Ureter, from a Greek verb meaning ‘ I pass urine.'

Urethra, the canal by which urine is passed.

Uriniferous, urine-carrying.

Uterus, the womb or matrix.

Uterus masculinus, prostatic utricle. Utricle, a little womb or matrix. Uvea, from uva, a bunch of grapes; a cluster.

Uvula, a small bunch of grapes.

Vagina, a scabbard or sheath.

Vagus, strolling about, wandering, vagrant.

Valgus, bow-legged.

Vallecula, a little valley.

Vallecula Sylvii, vallecula cerebri. Vallum, a rampart.

Valsalva, sinuses, sinuses of aorta. Valve, bicuspid, left atrio-ventricular valve.

Valve, Eustachian, valve of inferior

vena cava.

Valve, ileo-caecal, ileo-colic valve. Valve, mitral, left atrio-ventricular


Valve, Thebesian, valve of coronary sinus.

Valve, tricuspid, right atrio-ventricular valve (cusps are anterior inferior medial).

Valve, Vieussens, superior medullary velum.

Varus, bent or turned inwards.

Vas (pi. vasa), a vessel.

Velum, a curtain or veil.

Velum interpositum, tela choroidea. Velum palatinum, soft palate. Veneris, ' of Venus.’

Ventral, pertaining to the belly. Ventricle of larynx, sinus of larynx. Vermiform, like a worm.

Vertebra, primarily means a joint, but more particularly a joint of the spine.


Vertex, the top or crown of the head.

Veru, a dart, javelin, or spear.

Verumontanum, urethral crest.

Vesalii, foramen, emissary sphenoidal foramen.

Vesica, the urinary bladder.

Vesical, pertaining to the urinary bladder.

Vespertilio, a bat.

Vestibular nucleus, principal or dorsal; medial nucleus.

Vestigial, pertaining to a trace.

Vestigium, a trace or vestige.

Vibrissa, a stiff hair of the nostril.

Vicq d’Azyr, bundle of, mamillothalamic tract.

Vidian canal, pterygoid canal.

Vidian nerve, nerve of pterygoid canal.

Vieussens, ansa of, ansa subclavia.

Vieussens, valve, superior medullary velum.

Villus, shaggy hair; a tuft of hair.

Vinculum, a band or bond.

Vitelline, pertaining to the yolk of an egg.

Vitellus, the yolk of an egg.

Vitreous, like glass, glassy.

Vola, the palm of the hand.

Volar, pertaining to the palm; palmar, or anterior.

Vomer, a ploughshare.

I 7 I 3

Vorticosse, full of whirlpools, eddying, coiled.

Vulva, a wrapper or covering.

Wharton’s duct, submandibular duct.

Willis, circle of, circulus arteriosus.

Winslow, foramen, opening of lesser sac.

Winslow, ligament, oblique posterior ligament of knee.

Wirsung, duct, pancreatic duct.

Wolffian duct, mesonephric duct.

Wood’s muscle, abductor metatarsi quinti.

Wormian bones, sutural bones.

Wrisberg, cartilage, cuneiform cartilage.

Wrisberg, ligament, accessory attachment of lateral semilunar cartilage.

Wrisberg, nerve, medial cutaneous nerve of arm.

Xiphoid, like a sword.

Y-shaped ligament of Bigelow, iliofemoral ligament.

Zinn, inferior tendon or ligament

(eye), lower part of common tendinous ring.

Zinn, zonule, ciliary zonule.

Zygoma, a yoke.


Arteries, nerves, ligaments, joints, muscles, and veins are classified under corresponding headings. Where a number is given in heavy type, the principal reference is indicated.

Abapical pole of ovum, 25 Abdomen, 674, 754

division into regions, 755 Abdominal cavity, 756 pregnancy, 19 wall, 704

landmarks of, 704 Abducent nerve, 1166, 1447, 1616 in orbit, 1254

Abductor digiti minimi (foot), 646 (hand), 496 hallucis, 644

ossis metatarsi quinti, 643 pollicis brevis, 493 longus, 505

Abernethy, fascia of, 854 Aberrant ductules, 751 Abnormal definition, 5 Accessory bile-ducts, 779

nerve. See Cranial nerves obturator nerve, 580, 847 process, 140 Acervulus cerebri, 1590 Acetabulum, 340

ossification of, 341 Acrocephaly, 270 Acromial anastomosis, 443 Acromion, 296 , 298 Acromio-clavicular joint, 444 Acromio-thoracic artery, 426 Adamantoblasts, 287 Addison's lines, 755 Adductor brevis, 577 hallucis, 649 longus, 576 magnus, 577 minimus, 578 pollicis, 494, 496 Adenoids, 1373 Agger nasi, 214 Aggregated nodules, 868 Air-cells, mastoid, i88 sphenoidal, 199 Akinesis, 9 Ala cinerea, 1490

of frontal bone, 181 orbitalis, 273 of sacrum, 148 temporalis, 275

Alae of ethmoid, 207 of vomer, 228 Alar thoracic artery, 427 Alimentary canal (embryonic), 23 Allantoic diverticulum, 31 Allantois, 31, 32, 33, 954 Alveolar arches, 1337 index, 269 point, 244, 268 process of maxilla, 214 Alveoli, pulmonary, 1028 Alveus, 1525, 1569 Ambiguus nucleus, 1625 , 1626, 1627 Ameloblasts, 287 Amitosis, 9, 12 Amnion, 27, 30, 32, 106 Amniotic cavity, 25, 26, 32 duct, 32 fluid, 106 folds, 31, 32

Amphioxus gastrulation, 35 mesoderm, 36 Ampulla of duodenum, 865 of ear, 1684 of rectum, 944 of vas deferens, 935 Amygdaloid nucleus, 1524, 1532 tubercle, 1524

Anal canal, development of, 965 of female, 978 lymphatics of, 964 of male, 945 structure of, 961 columns, 961 fascia, 922 membrane, 965 valves, 962 Analogy, 122 Anaphase, 10

Anastomosis, acromial, 443 cruciate, 538, 585 , 587 round, elbow-joint, 479 knee-joint, 548 scapular, 441 trochanteric, 585 Anatomical description, 2 snuff-box, 484 textbooks, 2 Anatomy, 1




Anconeus muscle, 500 Angle, cranio-facial, 260 of eye, 1289 of mandible, 232 pubic, 339, 552 sacro-vertebral, 151 sternal, 102, 1013 subcostal, 165 subpubic, 344

Angles of pharyngeal lateral pouches. 70,76 Angular process, medial, 181 Animal cell, 8 Ankle-joint, 661

Annular-ligament of radius, 520 Annulus fibrosus—

of intervertebral disc, 1107 of tympanic membrane, 1676 ovalis, 1055

Ano-coccygeal body, 675 Ansa hypoglossi, 1206

lenticularis, 1531, 1539 , 1567 peduncularis, 1565, 1567 subclavia, 1239, 1335 Antecubital lymphatic glands, 452, 514 Antihelix, 1295 Antinion, 268 Antitragicus muscle, 1296 Antrum, definition, 115 pyloric, 760 tympanic, 188, 1681 Anus, 674

development of, 965 imperforate, 965 lymphatics of, 964 Aorta, abdominal, 825

branches of, 825 guides to bifurcation of, 708 arch of, 1037

development of, 1041 ascending, 1033

branches of, 1036 development of, 1037 great sinus of, 1036 descending, 1089

development of, 1094 embryonic, 51, 68 thoracic, 1033 varieties of, 1040 Aortic arches, 68, 91, 1118 isthmus, 1038 lymphatic glands, 832 nodule, 1063 orifice, 1062

position of, 1064 plexus, 811 sinuses, 1063 spindle, 1038 valve, 1062 vestibule, 1060 Aortico-renal ganglion, 809 Aperture, bony, of nose, anterior, 244 posterior, 251

median, of fourth ventricle, 1492, 1608 Apex of lung, 1021 Apical pole of ovum, 25

Aponeurosis, bicipital, 453 epicranial, 1156 palatine, 1351 palmar, 484 plantar, 642 Apophysis, 114

Appendices epiploicae, 768, 871 Appendix, vermiform, 764

development of, 63, 872, 883 mesentery of, 764, 787 , 884 Aquatic respiration, 1377 Aqueduct of mid-brain, 1488, 1560

development of, 58, 1561, 1589 of vestibule, 191, 264 Aqueductus cochleae, 193, 1165, 1686 Aqueous humour, 1661 Arachnoid granulations, 1599, 1609 membrane, cranial, 1608 spinal, 1413

Arbor vitae cerebelli, 1485 of uterus, 977

Arc, longitudinal, of skull, 269 Arch, coraco-acromial, 445 crico-thyroid, 1215 femoral, deep, 719, 734 jugular, 1175 nasal, 1154 palato-glossal, 1350 palato-pharyngeal, 1350 palmar, deep, 484, 497 , 499 superficial, 483, 487, 498 plantar, 614, 657 subpubic, 344 superciliary, 181 Archenteric cavity, 25 Archenteron, 27, 30 Arches, arterial, 1118 dental, 281 of foot, 672 visceral, 66, 278

metamorphosis of, 1376 Archoplasm, 9

Arcuate eminence, 189, 263, 1684 fibres of medulla, 1465 ligaments of knee-joint, 631 of diaphragm, 836 line, 727

Arcus parieto-occipitalis, 1501 tendineus, 947 Area, bucco-pharyngeal, 34 cochlear, 190 embryonic, 33 orbital, 1493 proto-cardiac, 34 tentorial, 1493 vestibular, 1491 Areas of Broca, 1446 of cortex, 1569 of Flechsig, 1467

vestibular, superior and inferior, 190 Areola of nipple, 414 Arm, landmarks of, 446 Arteria, centralis retinae, 1260 rectae, 906

thyroidea ima, 1038, 1204, 1221



Artery or arteries—

acromio-thoracic, 426 alar thoracic, 427 anastomosis, cruciate, 538, 585 , 87 round, elbow-joint, 479 knee-joint, 548 scapular, 441 aorta, abdominal, 825

branches of, 825 development of, 1041, 1118 guides to bifurcation, 708 arch of, 1037

development of, 1041 ascending, 1033

branches of, 1036 development of, 1037 great sinus of, 1036 descending, 1089

development of, 1094 embryonic, 51, 68 primitive dorsal, 1118 ventral, 1118 thoracic, 1033 varieties of, 1040 aortic arches (emb.), 68, 91 appendicular, 797 arch, crico-thyroid, 1215

palmar, deep, 484, 497 , 499 superficial, 483, 487, 498 plantar, 614, 657 arcuate, 612

ascending pharyngeal, 1219 auditory, internal, 1448, 1576 of auricle, 1672 auricular, deep, 1305

posterior, 1161, 1219 axillary, 425

varieties of, 428 azygos, of vaginal, 980 basilar, 1447, 1575 brachial, 454

collateral circulation after ligature, 457 profunda, 455 varieties of, 456 bronchial, 1090, 1029 buccal, 1282, 1307 of bulb, female, 703 male, 688

bulbar, of vertebral, 1575 caecal, 797

calcaneal, lateral, of peroneal, 626 medial, of post-tibial, 627 calcarine, 1577 capsular, of liver, 885 carotid, common, 1207

left, in thorax, 1039 ligation of, 1210 surgical compression, 1210 internal, 1323

at base of brain, 1449 cavernous part of, 1169 cerebral part of, 1570 development of, 91, 1118, 1122, 1324

Artery or arteries ( continued )—

carotid, internal, petrous part of, 1399 carpal, anterior, of radial, 475 of ulnar, 479

arch, posterior, 478, 508, 511 posterior, of radial, 511 of ulnar, 478

rete, anterior, 478, 479, 498 centralis, retinae, 1260, 1658 cerebellar, anterior inferior, 1448, 1576 posterior inferior, 1575 superior, 1448, 1576 cerebral, anterior, 1449, 1572 middle, 1449, 1573 posterior, 1448, 1576

cerebral areas of, 1577 cervical, ascending, 1242 deep, 1148, 1244 transverse, 1193, 1243

deep branch of, 402, 1192, 1243

superficial branch of, 1142,


of uterine, 980

choroidal, anterior, 1449, 1571 posterior, 1577 ciliary, anterior, 1260, 1651 long, 1260, 1651 posterior, 1260 short, 1260

circulus arteriosus, 1449, 1577 major, 1651 minor, 1651

circumflex, anterior humeral, 427 fibular, 609 iliac, deep, 732

superficial, 508, 712 lateral femoral, 585, 588 medial femoral, 585, 589 posterior humeral, 427, 428 scapular, 427

clitoris, dorsal artery of, 703 cochlear, 1694 coeliac, 811 colic, left, 801 middle, 797 right, 797

communicating, anterior, 1449, 1573 posterior, 1449, 1571 companion artery of sciatic nerve, 538

coronary, of heart, 1036 of uterine, 980 of corpus callosum, 1573 cremasteric, 731 crico-thyroid arch, 1215

branch of superior thyroid, 1214 dental, anterior superior, 1308 inferior, 1307 posterior superior, 1307 dorsalis, indicis, 511 linguae, 1216 pedis, 611

varieties of, 614 pollicis, 511



Artery or arteries ( continued )— epigastric, inferior, 729

branches of, 731 guide to, 708 superficial, 584, 711 superior, 731, 1000

ethmoidal, anterior, 1261, 1281,


posterior, 1261 facial, on face, 1278 in neck, 1217 transverse, 1158, 1281 femoral, 563, 581 » 587

profunda of, 584, 588 fibular, circumflex, 609

of frenulum linguae, 1216 ganglionic, 1449, 1573 , 1577 gastric, left, 812 right, 814

gastro-duodenal, 814 gastro-epiploic, left, 812 right, 814

genicular, of popliteal, 548 gluteal, inferior, 538, 926 superior, 536, 927 helicine, 953 hepatic, 813, 885

varieties of, 815 hyaloid, 1664 ileal, 796 ileo-colic, 787 iliac, circumflex deep, 732 superficial, 712 common, 849

branches of, 851 collateral circulation after ligature of, 852 guide to, 708 varieties of, 852 external, 853

branches of, 854 collateral circulation after ligature of, 854 guide to, 708 varieties of branches, 854 internal, 923

branches of, 924 foetal condition of, 923 varieties of, 923 ilio-lumbar, 926 indicis, dorsalis, 511 radialis, 487, 498 infra-hyoid, 1214 infra-orbital, 1282 , 1307 innominate, 1038

varieties of, 1039 intercostal, 997

anterior, 998, 1000 collateral, 1093 lower two, 732, 999 posterior, 998, 1091 superior, 997, 1093, 1243 interlobar, of kidney, 904 interlobular, of kidney, 905 of liver, 885

Artery or arteries ( continued )— interosseous, anterior, 478 common, 478 posterior, 506, 507 recurrent, 508 of iris, 1651 jejunal, 796 of kidney, 904 labial, inferior, 1279

superior, 1280, 1362 of labyrinth, 1694 lacrimal, 1260 laryngeal, inferior, 1243 superior, 1214 of larynx, 1396 lenticular, 1573 lenticulo-striate, 1573 lenticulo-thalamic, 1573 of ligamentum teres of uterus, 731 lingual, 1215 lumbar, 847

abdominal branches of, 732 branches of, 847 malleolar, lateral anterior, 609 medial anterior, 609 of posterior tibial, 627 mammary, external branches of lateral thoracic artery, 426 internal, cervical part of, 1242 thoracic part of, 999 branches of, 1000 masseteric, 1307 mastoid of occipital, 1146, 1219 maxillary, 1304

branches of, 1305 median, 478 , 498, 5 1 ^> meningeal, accessory, 1306, 1600 anterior of ethmoidal, 1599 of ascending pharyngeal, 1220, 1601

of internal carotid, 1600 middle, 1306, 1600 of occipital, 1146, 1219, 1601 of vertebral, 1575, 1601 mental, of facial, 1279

of inferior dental, 1283, 1307 mesenteric inferior, 801 branches of, 801 superior, 796

branches of, 796 metacarpal, dorsal, 511 palmar, 498 metatarsal, dorsal, 613 first plantar, 657 musculo-phrenic, 1000 mylo-hyoid, of inferior dental, 1307 nasal, dorsal, 1261, 1281 lateral, of facial, 1280 nutrient arteries— of femur, 587 of fibula, 626 of humerus, 455, 456 of radius, 478 of tibia, 626 of ulna, 478



Artery or arteries [continued )— obturator, 589, 925, 927 abnormal, 566 occipital, first part, 1218

descending branch of, 1218 second and third parts, 1146 olecanon rete, 479 ophthalmic, 1170, 1259 ovarian, 830

in pelvis, 978 of palate, soft, 1354 palatine, ascending, of facial, 1217 of ascending pharyngeal, 1220 greater, 1308 , 1338, 1362 lesser, 1308

palmar arch, deep, 484, 497, 499 superficial, 483, 487, 498 palpebral, lateral, 1260, 1281 medial, 1261, 1281 pancreatica magna, 812 pancreatico-duodenal, inferior, 798 superior, 814 pedis, dorsalis, 611 varieties of, 614 perforating, foot, 613, 657 hand, 498

of profunda femoris, 586 pericardiaco-phrenic, 1000 perineal, superficial, of female, 703 of male, 687 transverse, 687 peroneal, 610, 626 branches of, 626 communicating branch of, 627 varieties, 626

pharyngeal, ascending, 1219 of maxillary, 1308 of pharynx, 1373 phrenic, 827 placental, 51 plantar arch, 655, 657 lateral, 655 , 657 medial, 654 , 657 pollicis, dorsalis, 511 princeps, 487, 497 pontine, 1448, 1575 popliteal, 541, 546 varieties of, 548 princeps pollicis, 487, 497 profunda, of brachial, 455 femoris, 584 , 588 linguae, 1216, 1346 of pterygoid canal, 1308, 1362 pterygoid, of maxillary, 1307 pubic, 731

of obturator, 589 pudendal, accessory, 689 deep external, 584 internal, 925 female, 703 in gluteal region, 539 male, 686

superficial external, 584, 710 pulmonary, 1028, 1042 development of, 1042

Artery or arteries [continued )— pulmonary, trunk, 1042

development of, 1042 radial, 473

first part, 474

recurrent branch of, 475 second part, 509 third part, 497 varieties of, 475, 498 radialis indicis, 487, 498 rectal, 906

inferior, 963 middle, 925, 963 superior, 802, 963 recurrent, anterior tibial, 609 ulnar, 477

posterior interosseous, 508 tibial, 609 ulnar, 477 radial, 475 renal, 827

aberrant, 828 accessory, 828 varieties, 828 rete, olecranon, 479 retinal, 1658 sacral, lateral, 926 median, 946

saphenous, of descending genicular,

587, 589

of scalp, 1153 scapular, circumflex, 427 of sclera, 1643 septal, of facial, 1280

of spheno-palatine, 1308, 1339, 1362

spheno-palatine, 1308, 1361 spinal, anterior, 1447, 1575 lateral, 1434

posterior, 1434, 1447, 1575 of posterior intercostals, 1093, 1411 splenic, 812 striate, 1573 stylo-mastoid, 1219 subclavian, 1237

development of, 1240 left, first part of, 1240 in thorax, 1040 right, first part of, 1237 second part of, 1240 third part of, 1191

guide to, 1192 subcostal, 732, 848, 1093 sublingual, 1216 submental, 1218 subscapular, 427 suprahyoid, 1216 supra-orbital, 1154, 1260 suprarenal, inferior, 828 middle, 827

superior, of phrenic, 827 suprascapular, 402, 438 , ii 93 ; 1243 suprasternal of suprascapular,

43 8 . 1243



Artery or arteries ( continued )— supratrochlear (brachial), 456 of ophthalmic, 1154, 1261 sural cutaneous, 548 tarsal, 612

temporal, anterior deep, 1307 middle, 1158 posterior deep, 1307 superficial, 1158 testicular, 829

terminal part of, 738 varieties, 829 thoracic, alar, 427 lateral, 427 somatic, 1244 superior, 426

thyro-cervical trunk, 1242 thyroid, inferior, 1242 superior, 1213 , 1242 thyroidea ima, 1038, 1204, 1221 tibial, anterior, 607

guide to, 599 recurrent, 609 posterior, 624 guide to, 599 recurrent, 609 varieties, 627 of tongue, 1346 of tonsils, 1215, 1355 tonsillar, of facial, 1217 transverse facial, 1158 tympanic, anterior, 1306 inferior, 1220

of tympanic membrane, 1677 ulnar, 475

collateral, 456 first part, 476

recurrent branches of, 477 second part, 480 third part, 487 varieties, 479. 49$ umbilical, 51, 9 2 3> io8 3 urachal, of superior vesical, 924 ureteric, of superior vesical, 924 uterine, 979 vaginal, 980

azygos, 980 of liver, 885 of uterine, 980

vas aberrans, brachial, 456, 475 to vas deferens, 738, 925 vertebral, at base of brain, 1447 development of, 1121, 1242 first part, 1241 fourth part, 1574 second part, 1241 third part, 1151 varieties of, 1242 vesical, inferior, 925 superior, 924 vestibular, 1694 zygomatic, 115 8 Articular discs— . .

of acromio-clavicular joint, 444 of mandibular joint, 1318

| Articular discs ( continued )— of radio-ulnar joint, 520 of sterno-clavicular joint, 444 Articularis genu muscle, 573 Articular nerves—

ankle-joint, 610, 615, 627, 663 calcaneo-cuboid, 654 carpal joints, 507, 525 carpo-metacarpal, 526 elbow-joint, 461, 480, 519 hip-joint, 545, 574, 580, 597 intermetacarpal, 526 interphalangeal, foot. 653, 654 shoulder-joint, 432, 464 talo-calcanean, 615 tarsal, 614, 652, 654 tarso-metatarsal, 614, 652, 654 tibio-fibular, inferior, 550, 610, 660 intermediate, 660 superior, 550, 659 wrist-joint, 489, 507, 523 Aryepiglottic fold, 1386 development of, 73 Arytenoid cartilages, 1382 development of, 1383 Arytenoideus muscle, 1393 Aspera, linea, 350

Association fibres of cerebrum, 1568 Aster, 9, 10

Asterion, 180, 239, 251, 268, 1630 Atavism, 6

Atlanto-axial joints, 1404 , 1408 Atlanto-occipital joints, 1406, 1409 Atlas, 128

development of, 170 ossification of, 142 Atresia ani, 955 Atria of heart, left, 1052

interior of, 1059 right, 1051

interior of, 1054 of lung, 1027

Atrio-ventricular bundle, 1071 node, 1071

Atrium of middle meatus, 1357 Attraction particles, 9 sphere, 9

Atypical, definition, 6 Auditory artery, internal, 1448, 1576 cells, 1689, 1692 epithelium, 1689 hairs, 1689

meatus, external, 193 , 1671 internal, 190, 264 nerve, 1165, 1404, 1447, 1620 process, external, 194 radiation, 1531, 1568 striae, 1471, 1489, 1620 teeth, 1691 Auricle, 1294

blood-supply of, 1297 lymphatics of, 1297 muscles of, extrinsic, 1160 intrinsic, 1296 nerve-supply of, 1297



Auricle, structure of, 1295 veins of, 1297 Auricles of heart, left, 1052 right, 1051

Auricular artery, deep, 1305 posterior, 1219 nerve, great, 1142 , 1278 posterior, 1160, 1272 point, 251, 268, 1629 surface of sacrum, 147 tubercle, 1295 tubercles (emb.), 68 vein, posterior, 1161 Auricularis anterior muscle, 1160 posterior, 1160 superior, 1160

Auriculo-temporal nerve, 1157, 1277 Auscultation triangle, 400 Autonomic nervous system, 1634 parasympathetic, 1639 cranial, 1639 sacral, 1640 sympathetic, 1635

course of efferent impulses, 1636 development of, 1640 ganglia, 1635

rami communicantes, 1635 Axial filament in spermatozoon, 13 skeleton, 23 Axillary artery, 425

varieties of, 428 fascia, 414 folds, 412

lymphatic glands, 416, 424, 434 , 514 sheath, 429 space, 412, 422 vein, 428 , 451 Axis, 131

odontoid process of, 131 ossification of, 143 Azygos arteries of vagina, 890 veins, 839

Back, landmarks of, 397 of scalp and neck, 1141 Baillarger, bands of, 1565 Balfour’s cell-chain theory, 55 Ball-and-socket joint, 393 Band, diagonal, 1515 ilio-trochanteric, 593 moderator, 1057 pudendal, 929 sciatic, 929

Basal cartilaginous plate in skull, 89 ganglia, 1526 Base of brain, 1443 Base-line of Reid, 1633 Basi-bregmatic axis, 260 Basi-cranial axis, 260 Basi-facial axis, 260 Basi-hyal, 236 Basilar artery, 1447, 1575

branches of, 1447, 1575 groove, 174 membrane, 1690

Basilar, part of occipital bone, 174 vein, 1521, 1579 Basilic vein, 450, 451 Basi-occipital, 275 Basion, 258, 268 Basket cells of cerebellum, 1487 Beak of ulna, 312 Bechterew, band of, 1565 Bellini, duct of, 903 Bergmann, fibres of, 1487 Biceps brachii, 452 , 463 third head, 454 femoris, 542

Bicipital aponeurosis, 453 groove, 300 synovial sheath, 465 Bifurcated ligament—•

calcaneo-cuboid part, 666 calcaneo-navicular part, 665 Bile canaliculi, 886 capillaries, 886 ducts, 779

accessory ducts, 779 interlobular ducts, 886 Birth of foetus, 107 Biventer cervicis muscle, 407 Bladder, urinary, blood-supply of, 952 development of, 955 female, 977 infantile, 952

ligaments of, false, 918, 952 true, 952

lumen of empty bladder, 951 male, 932

nerve-supply of, 953 orifices of, 951 peritoneal relations of, 934 structure of, 949 trigone, external, of, 934 internal, of, 951

Blastocele, 24 Blastocyst, 24 Blastoderm, 24 Blastodermic vesicle, 24 Blastomere, 21 Blastopore, 35 Blastula, 24 Blind spot, 1653

Blood circulation, development of, so, s islands, 51

Bochdalek, ganglion of, 1320 Body, ano-coccygeal, 675 carotid, 1211 cavity, primitive, 23, 42 ciliary, 1647 geniculate, lateral, 1538 medial, 1538 Pacinian, 490, 653 perineal, female, 701 male, 681 pineal, 1540 ponto-bulbar, 1584 stalk, circulation in, 51, 52 morphology, 31 " relation to umbilicus, 65



Body, ultimo-branchial, 76 vitreous, 1662 wall, development of, 59 split by pleurae, 78 Bone, canaliculi, 117 cell, 117 chemical, 115 lacunae, 117 marrow, 121 Bones, cancellated, 118 classification of, 118 compact, 116 of head, 172 ossification, 119 Borders, post- and pre-axial, 5 Bowman, capsule of, 901, 906 Brachia of corpora quadrigemina, 1538,


Brachial artery, 454, 456

collateral circulation after ligature, 457 profunda, 455 varieties of, 456 plexus, 439

infraclavicular branches, 431 in neck, 1193

supraclavicular branches, 430, 1194

Brachialis muscle, 454 Brachio-radialis, 501 Brachycephalic skulls, 243, 267, 269 Brain, 1442

development of, 55, 15 81 superior surface of, 1433 weight of, 1570

Bregma, 180, 237, 238, 268, 1629 Bregmatic bone, 265 Broca, area of, 1446 Bronchioles, 1027

development of, 1030 Bronchus, eparterial, 1027, 1030 hyparterial, 1027

development of, 1030 left, 1086 right, 1086

Bruch, membrane of, 1646 Bryant’s triangle, 552 Buccal mucous glands, 1272 Buccinator muscle, 1269 Bucco-pharyngeal area, 34, 44

fascia, 1179, I 3 68 membrane, 44, 56. 69 Bulb, olfactory, 1165, 1510 , 157 ° of penis, 682 of posterior horn, i 5 2 4 Bulbar ridges, 1079 Bulbo-urethral glands, 685 Bulbs of vestibule, 696 Bulla ethmoidalis, 1357 Bundle, atrio-ventricular, I ° 7 I

medial longitudinal, 1464, 1555 of Munzer, 1588 Bursa of biceps brachii, 453 femoris, 542, 641

of coraco-clavicular ligament, 405

Bursa, under gastrocnemius, 544, 619, 640 gluteal muscles, 598 of infraspinatus, 465 under obturator internus, 535 olecranon, 447 of popliteal tendon, 641 prepatellar, 554, 640 under semimembranosus, 544, 64° subacromial, 436, 464 subhyoid, 235 subpsoas, 598 subscapular, 464 suprapatellar, 574, 640 of teres major, 465 Bursae at elbow-joint, 519 at hip-joint, 598 at knee-joint, 640 at shoulder-joint, 464

Caecum, 762

development of, 63, 882 peritoneal relations of, 763 varieties of, 764 vascular fold of, 792 Cajal, horizontal cells of, 1562 moss fibres of, 1488 Calamus scriptorius, 1452 Calcaneal arteries—

lateral of peroneal, 626 medial of post-tibial, 627 Calcaneo-cuboid joint, 666 Calcaneo-navicular ligament, plantar, 665, 673

part of bifurcated ligament, 665 Calcaneum, 370

ossification of, 378 peroneal tubercle, 372, 388 structure of, 372

sustentaculum tali of, 371, 388, 390 tubercles on, 370, 386 tuberosity of, 370 varieties of, 372 Calcar avis, 1524 femorale, 354

Calcarine area of cortex, 1569 artery, 1577 Callosal radiation, 1568 Calvaria, 260 Canal or canals— anal, 945, 97 8 carotid, 189, 191, 258, 263 central, of cord, 1422 condylar, 175, 258 cranio-pharyngeal, 197, 206 dental, 212, 213 facial, 190 femoral, 566 Haversian, 116 hepatic, 886 hyaloid, 1664 incisive, 248 infra-orbital, 245 inguinal, 708, 735 innominate, 201



Canal or canals—( continued ) intestinal, 761 lacrimal, 245 mandibular, 231 naso-lacrimal, 248 neural, 40

of Nuck, 743, 744, 969 obturator, 993

palatine, greater and lesser, 255 palato-vaginal, 199, 255 palmar, 332

pharyngo-tympanic, 257 portal, 885

pterygoid, 204, 255, 263 pterygo-palatine, 227 pudendal, 688 pyloric, 760 of sacrum, 148 semicircular, 1684 spiral, of cochlea, 1685 subsartorial, 580 vertebral, 154 Volkmann's, 117 zygomatico-facial, 219 zygomatico-temporal, 219 Canaliculus for chorda tympani, anterior, 187, 1673

posterior, 190, 1675 lacrimal, 1287 mastoid, 191, 258 tympanic, 258 Cancellated bone, 118 Canine fossa, 212 ridge, 211 teeth, 280 Capitate bone, 320

ossification of, 322 Capitellum, definition, 114 Capitulum of humerus, 304 Capsular decidua, 104, 106 Capsule, external, of brain, 1531 internal, of brain, 1528 Caput cornu, 1421

gyri hippocampi, 1507 medusae, 712

Cardiac nerves of sympathetic cervical, 1334 . 1335

of vagus, cervical, 1330 thoracic, 1045 plexus, 1046 deep, 1046 superficial, 1046

Cardinal veins, 51, 1127, 1132, 1136 Carotico-clinoid foramen, 200 Carotid artery, common, 1207

left, in thorax, 1039 external, 1212

development of, 1119, 1213 internal, 1169, 1323, 1324, 1399' 1449

development of, 91, 1118, 1122, 1324

body, 1211

canal, 189, 191, 258, 263 groove of sphenoid, 200

Carotid notch of sphenoid, 200 plexus, 1333 sheath, 1207 triangle, 1196 tubercle, 134, 1172 Carpal arch, posterior, 478, 508, 511 arteries—

anterior, of radial, 475 posterior, of radial, 511 of ulnar, 479 joints, 524

rete, anterior, 478, 479, 498 Carpo-metacarpal joints, 525 Carpus, 315

morphology, 323 ossification of, 322 varieties of, 322 as a whole, 321 Cartilage or cartilages— arytenoid, 1382 corniculate, 1383 costal, 160 cuneiform, 1383 of larynx, 1379

of mandibular arch, 74, 75, 232 nasal, 1298 of second arch, 75 semilunar, 632 thyroid, 1380

Cartilaginous base of skull, 89, 270, 275 Cartilago triticea, 1384 Caruncula lacrimalis, 1289, 1292 Carunculae hymenales, 696 Cauda equina, 1417 Caudal, definition, 122 Caudate nucleus, 1526 Cave of Retzius, 339 Cavernous sinus, 1169, 1606 Cavity, glenoid, 294 , 461 of larynx, 1386 nasal, 1356

of septum lucidum, 1520 thoracic, 1002 Cavum trigeminale, 1167 Cell, animal, 8

of Cajal, 1562 division, 9 germ, 12 of Golgi, 1564 membrane, 8 pyramidal, 1562 Cement, 285

Centra, vertebral development, 59 Central artery of retina, 1260, 1658 canal of cord, 1422 lobule of cerebullum, 1478 tendon of diaphragm, 835 Centrale, os, 322

Centro-acinar cells of Langerhans, 891 Centrosome, 9, 10, 21 in spermatozoa, 13 Centrum of vertebrae, 125 Cephalic, definition, 122 vein, 450, 451 Cerg,to-hyal, 76, 23$



I 7 2 3

Cerebellar fossae, 264

Cerebelli, tentorium, 1163, 1602, 1633

Cerebellum, 1475

arbor vitae of, 1485 association and commissural fibres of, 1485

basal surface, 1443 development of, 1488, 1586 lobes and lobules of under surface of, 1480

of upper surface, 1478 medullary vela, 1485 morphology of, 1481 nuclei of, i486 peduncles, inferior, 1484 middle, 1484 superior, 1483 , 1553 structure of, i486 under surface of, 1479 upper surface of, 1476 Cerebral commissure, anterior, 1518, 1568 hippocampal, 1518, 1568 posterior, 1542 cortex, 1561

development, 1510, 1591 fissures of, 1495

calcarine, 1503 choroidal, 1525 collateral, 1497 dentate, 1508 ecto-rhinal, 1508 lateral, 1495 parieto-occipital, 1496 postcalcarine, 1503 precalcarine, 1503 ganglia, basal, of, 1526 gyri of, 1493. See under Gyri hemispheres, 1493 lobes of—

frontal, 1497 insula, 1505 limbic, 1506 occipital, 1502 olfactory, 1510 parietal, 1499 pyriform, 1508

temporal, 1504 lobules of—

cuneus, 1504 paracentral, 1499 parietal, 1501 postcentral, 1506 prsecuneus, 1502 precentral, 1506 quadrate, 1502 pole, frontal, of, 1451

occipital, of, 1451, i 5°3 temporal, of, 1444 veins, 1578 vesicles, primary, 58 Cerebri, crura, 1445. 1551 Cerebro-spinal axis, 1410 Cerebrum, the, 1493 Ceruminous glands, 1672 Cervical canal in pregnancy, 104

Cervical fascia, deep, 1178

compartments of, 1180

fistula, 1377

lymphatic glands, deep, 1189, H 99 superficial, 1178 plexus, 1185

branches, deep, 1188

superficial, 1141, 1187 spinal nerves, origins of, 1418 vertebrae, 126 Cervix cornu of cord, 1421 of uterus, 973

Check ligaments of eyeball, 1253 Cheeks, 1337 Chiasma, optic, 1545 Chondrocranium, 89, 270, 275 Chorda tympani nerve, 1347, 1402 Chordae tendineae, 1057 Chorio-decidual vessels, 109 Chorion, 29, 106 Chorionic ectoderm 29 mesoderm, 29 villus, 29

Choroid coat of eyeball, 1645 nerves of, 1651 structure of, 1646 plexus of fourth ventricle, 1492 of lateral ventricle, 1521

of inferior horn of, 1525 of third ventricle, 1521 Choroidal fissure, 1525 Chromatin, 9

discharged from nucleus, 18 Chromosomes, 10, 17, 18 Chyli, cisterna, 838, 1100 Ciliary body of eye, 1647 ganglion, 1257 margin, 1649 nerves, long, 1256 short, 1258 processes, 1647 vessels, 1260, 1651 Cinereum, tuber, 1445* 1544 Cingulate sulcus, 1496 Circular folds of small intestine, 864 sinus, 1606 sulcus, 1497

Circulation, course of, 1050 embryonic, 51

Circulus arteriosus, 1449, 1 577 major, 1651 minor, 1651 Circumduction, 395

Circumflex artery, anterior humeral, 427 fibular, 609

lateral femoral, 585, 588 medial femoral, 585, 589 posterior humeral, 427, 428 scapular, 427 iliac artery, deep, 732

superficial, 584, 712 nerve, 432 , 436 Cisterna basalis, 1609

cerebello-medullaris, 1609 chyli, 838, 1100



Cisterna pontis, 1609 venae magnae, 1609 Classification of joints, 394 of movements, 395 Claustrum, 1531

Clava of medulla oblongata, 1455 Clavicle, 289

in female, 291 ossification of, 292 structure of, 291 varieties of, 291 Clavi-pectoral fascia, 420 Cleavage nucleus, 21 Cleft, intratonsillar, 1354 palate, varieties of, 218 uro-genital, 693

Clinoid process, anterior, 200 , 261 middle, 200 , 261 posterior, 198 , 261 Clitoris, 694

arteries of, 703 development of, 698 frenulum, 694 glans, 695 lymphatics of, 695 prepuce, 695 Clivus monticuli, 1478 of sphenoid, 197, 264 Cloaca, 45, 99, 954 division of, 98 Cloacalfossa, 956

membrane, 45, 955, 956 septum, 99, 954 Closing membrane, 66 Coats of eyeball, 1641 Coccygeal plexus, 531 Coccygeus muscle, 948 Coccyx, 149

cornua of, 150 ossification of, 151 varieties, 151 Cochlea, 1685, 1689

aqueduct of, 193, 1165, 1686 Coeliac artery, 811 ganglia, 809 plexus, 807, 809 Coelom, 23, 29, 65

extra-embryonic, obliterated, 106

Coils of intestine, formation, 63 Collateral fissure, 1497 Colliculus facialis, 1491 Colon, ascending, 766 descending, 767

iliac part of, 767 left flexure of, 767 pelvic, 943 right flexure of, 766 taeniae of, 768, 870 transverse, 766 Column, vertebral, 124 as a whole, 151 Columnae rugarum, 986 Columns, anal, 961 renal, 900

Commissures of brain—

anterior, 1518, 1568 corpus callosum, 1513 * 1568 Gudden, of, 1545, 1547 habenular, 1541 hippocampal, 1518, 1568 posterior, 1542 of female perinaeum, 692 of spinal cord, 1418, 1420, 1426 Communicating artery, anterior, 1449, 1573

posterior, 1449, 1571 Companion artery of sciatic nerve, 538 Comparative anatomy, 1 embryology, 23

Compressor venae dorsalis penis, 680 Conchae, nasal, inferior, 223 middle, 209 superior, 209 sphenoidal, 204 Condylar canals, 176, 258, 264 fossa, 176, 258 tubercle, 234 Condyles of femur, 352 occipital, 175, 258 of tibia, 357

Condyloid process of mandible, 232 Cone-bipolar cells of retina, 1655 Cone of light, 1677 Cones of retina, 1656

Confluence of the sinuses, 174, 1603, 1631 Congenital cystic kidney, 95 Conjoint tendon, 725 Conjugation of pronuclei, 20 Conjunctiva, 1291, 1292 Conoid impression, 297 ligament, 444 tubercle, 289

Constrictor muscles of pharynx, 1368, 1369

Contrahentes, 515

Conus medullaris of spinal cord, 1416 Convoluted tubules of kidney, 901,903 Convolutions of brain. See Gyri Coraco-acromial arch, 445 ligament, 445

Coraco-brachialis muscle, 452 Coraco-clavicular ligament, 444 Coracoid process and bone, 296 , 298 Cord, spermatic, 736 Cornea of eyeball, 1643 Corneal corpuscles, 1644 spaces, 1644

Corniculate cartilages, 1383 Corona glandis, 715

radiata, 1515, 1531 of ovum, 14, 19 Coronal, definition, 5 suture, 238, 1630 Coronary arteries of heart, 1036 of uterine, 980 ligaments of knee, 623 plexuses, 1048 sinus, 1065 Coronoid fossa, 304


I7 2 5

Coronoid process of mandible, 232 of ulna, 312 Corpora bigemina, 58 geniculata, 1538 mamillaria, 1543

peduncles of, 1544 quadrigemina, 1547

development of, 58 Corpus albicans of ovary, 982 callosum, 1513

development of, 1531, 1596 forceps major, 1516 minor, 1515 genu,1514 peduncles of, 1514 radiatio corporis callosi,


fimbriatum, 972 luteum, 982 striatum, 1526

development of, 58, 1591 trapezoides of cerebellum, 1484 of pons, 1470 Corrugator cutis ani, 675 supercilii muscle, 1266 Cortex, cerebral, 1561 Corti, rods of, 1691 tunnel of, 1692

Cortical branches of cerebral arteries, 1572, 1574, 1577

Cortico-medullary, arterial arches of kidney, 904 venous arches, 907 Cortico-pontine fibres, 1552 Cortico-thalamic tract, 1566 Costal cartilages, 160

extensions from sclerotomes, 59 groove, 156 zone, 755

Costo-capitular facets, 134, 153 Costo-clavicular ligament, 443 Costo-coracoid ligament, 420 Costo-transverse lamella, 128 Costo-tubercular facets, 136 Cotyledons, no Cranial capacity, 268 fossae, 260, 261, 263 index, 269 Cranial nerves, 1610

at base of brain, 1446 of skull, 1165 superficial origin of, 1446 abducent, at base of skull, 1166 distribution, 1166, 1447, 1616 nucleus of, 1473, 1616 in orbit, 1254 superficial origin, 1447 accessory, at base of skull, 1166 bulbar part, 1628 course, 1331, 1447, 1628 cranial root, 1331 distribution of, 1331, 1628 origin of, deep, 1628 superficial, 1447 spinal part, 1628

Cranial nerves {continued )—

auditory, at base of skull, 1166

cochlear nerve, 1404, 1620, 1693 in internal ear, 1693 meatus, 1404 nuclei of, 1620 spiral ganglion, 1620, 1694 superficial origin, 1447 vestibular ganglion, 1404, 1620, 1693

nerve, 1404, 1622, 1693 facial, at base of skull, 1166

distribution, 1157, 1272, 1401, 1447, 1682

after emerging from facial canal, 1272

in facial canal, 1400 ganglion of, 1403 , 1618 meatal portion of, 1400 nuclei of, motor, 1472, 1617 sensory, 1619 origin of, deep, 1617 superficial, 1447 petrous portion, 1400 sensory root, 1403 glosso-pharyngeal, at base of skull, 1166

distribution of, 1325, 1626 extracranial portion of, 1324, 1447, 1625 ganglia of, 1325 origin of, deep, 1619, 1624 superficial, 1447

hypoglossal, at base of skull, 1167 distribution of, 1322, 1629 extracranial portion of, 1332, 1447

origin of, deep, 1458, 1629 superficial, 1447

oculo-motor, at base of skull, 1165 nucleus of, 1561, 1611 in orbit, 1253 superficial origin, 1446 olfactory, 1165, 1360 , 1611 optic, at base of skull, 1165 development of, 1668 in orbit, 1253 origin, deep, 1611 superficial, 1446

trigeminal, at base of skull, 1165 distribution of, 1446 ganglion, 1167

mandibular nerve, 1168, 1309, 1616

maxillary nerve, 1168, 1616 mesencephalic root, nucleus of, 1561

motor root, nuclei of, 1474, 1615 ophthalmic nerve, 1168, 1254


origin, deep, 1614 superficial, 1446 sensory root of, 1472

nuclei of, 1472, 1474, 1615



Cranial nerves ( continued )— vagus, in abdomen, 861

auricular branch of, 1161, 1328, 1672, 1677

at base of skull, 1166 cardiac branches of, 1330 cervical cardiac branches of, 1330 portion of, 1327, 1330, 1447 distribution of, 1626 ganglia of, inferior, 1328 , 1626 superior, 1328 , 1626 nuclei of, motor, 1626 sensory, 1626 origin, deep, 1625 superficial, 1447 pharyngeal branch of, 1329 pulmonary plexuses of, 1029, 1043, 1045

thoracic portion of left, 1044 of right, 1043

Cranio-cerebral lobes of cerebrum, 1634 topography, 1629 Cranio-facial angle, 260 Cranio-metrical terms, 268 Cranio-pharyngeal canal, 197, 206 Cranium, 172

development of, 91, 270 interior of, 259 Cremaster muscle, 723 Cremasteric fascia, 716, 723 reflex, 724

Crest, conchal, of maxilla, 213 ethmoidal, of palatine, 225 external occipital, 259 of ilium, 334 incisive, of maxilla, 216 incisor, of maxilla, 216 infratemporal, 202 internal occipital, 264 lacrimal, 222 nasal, of maxilla, 216 of palatine, 225 obturator, 340 pubic, 399

relations of structures at, 728 sphenoidal, 199 supramastoid, 185 of tibia, 1359

transverse, of internal auditory meatus, 190 of trapezium, 319, 333 urethral, female, 988 male, 939 vestibular, 1683 Cretinism, 270 Cribriform fascia, 561 , 568 plate of ethmoid, 207 Crico-arytenoideus posterior, 1392 lateralis, 1392 Crico-arytenoid joint, 1385 Cricoid cartilage, 1382

development of, 73, 1382 Crico-thyroideus, 1390 Crico-thyroid joint, 1385 Crico-vocal membrane, 1384

Crista ampullaris, 1688 galli, 207, 261

Cruciate anastomosis, 538, 585 , 587 ligaments of knee, 634 occipito-axial, 1405

transverse part, 1405,1408 vertical part, 1407 Crura cerebri, 1445, 1551

development of, 1589 Crus commune, 1688 of helix, 1295 Crusta-petrosa, 285, 287 Cryptorchismus, 743 Cryptozygous skull, 243 Crystalline lens, 1661

development of, 1667 Cubital fossa, 458 Cuboid bone, 377

ossification of, 378

peroneal groove of, 378 , 388, 390

varieties, 378

Cuboideo-metatarsal joint, 669 Culmen monticuli, 1478 Cuneate tubercle, 1455 Cuneatus, fasciculus, 1429 funiculus, 1455 nucleus, 1460

Cuneiform bones of tarsus, 373 intermediate, 375 lateral, 375 medial, 374 ossification of, 378 cartilages, 1383 Cuneo-cuboid joint, 669 Cuneo-navicular joint, 668 Cuneus of brain, 1504 Cupola of cochlea, 1695 Curved form of embryo, 48 Curves of vertebral column, 151 Cutaneous nerves. See also under Nerves, cutaneous of arm, 447 of back, 397 of forearm, back of, 449 front of, 465 of gluteal region, 529 of hand, 449, 465 of leg, outer side of, 614 of pectoral region, 412 of perinaeum, male, 675 of scapular region, 436 of sole of foot, 644 of trunk, 710

Cuvier, ducts of, 51, 92, 1127 Cystic duct, 778

development of, 891 structure of, 890 notch, 756, 777 Cytomicrosomes, 9 Cytoplasm, 8 Cytotrophoblast, 27, 29

Dachryon, 244, 268 Dartos muscle, 709, 713, 716 Daughter cells, 12



Daughter chromosomes, 10 nuclei, 12

Decidua basalis, 104 capsularis, 104, 106 parietalis, 104 Decidual cells, 107

change in pregnancy, 107 Decussation, fountain, 1433, 1551 of lemnisci, 1465 of pyramids, 1453 Deferens, vas, 737

development of, 738 , 753 in pelvis, 935 structure of, 737 Deiters, cells of, 1692 Deltoid, 436

tuberosity, 300 Dental arches, 281 canaliculi, 284

canals, anterior and middle, 213 posterior, 212, 253 groove, 218 lamina, true, 286 papilla, 285, 287 pulp, 283, 287 sac, 285, 287 Dentate fissure, 1508 nucleus, 1485 Dentatum, os, 133 Dentine, 284

Depressor alae nasi muscle, 1268 anguli oris muscle, 1270 labii inferioris muscle, 1270 Descent of testis, 739

abnormal conditions of, 743 positions of, 743 gubernaculum testis, 740 mesorchium, 740 plica gubernatrix, 740 uro-genital mesentery, 740 Descriptive terms, 1 Deutoplasm, 9, 15 Development—

of anal canal, 965 of anus, 965

of appendix, vermiform, 63, 872, 883 of aqueduct of mid-brain, 58, 1561 of arteries, principal, 1118

aorta, arch of, 1018, 1041 ascending, 1037 descending, 1094 carotid, common, ni 9 > I2I 3 external, 1119. I2I 3 internal, 91, 1118,1122, 1324 central, of retina, 1667, 1668 femoral, 1123 hyaloid, 1667, 1669 innominate, 1119 of limbs, 1123 upper, 516 pulmonary, 91, 1042 subclavian, 1119. 1121 tibial, 1123 umbilical, 151 vertebral, 1121

Development ( continued )— of ary epiglottic folds, 73 of arytenoid cartilages, 1383 of atlas vertebra, 170 of atria of heart, 1075 of atrial septa, 1075 of atrio-ventricular valves, 1081 of auditory meatus, external, 68, 1696

of ossicles, 1679 of auricle of ear, 1697 of basal ganglia, 1594 of bile-duct, 868 of bladder, urinary, 955 of blood, 51

of body cavities, 47, 48 wall, 59

of brain, 55, 1581 of bronchi, 1030 of bronchioles, 1030 of bulbo-urethral glands, 686 of bulbs of vestibule, 699 of caecum, 882 of calyces, 95

of cartilages of larynx, 1397 of caruncula lacrimalis, 1292 of cement of teeth, 287 of cephalic ganglia, 1598 of cerebellum, 58, 1488, 1586 of cerebral hemispheres, 1510, 1591 peduncles, 1588, 1589 vesicles, 58, 1591 of choroid plexuses, 1596 of circulatory system, 51, 5 2 of cisterna chyli, 1138 of clitoris, 698

of commissures of brain, 1594 of conchae of nose, 1363 of conjunctiva, 1292 of cornea, 1670 of corniculate cartilages, 1383 of coronary sinus, 1076 of corpora mamillaria, 58, 1590 quadrigemina, 58, 1589 of corpus callosum, 1531, I 59 ^ striatum, 58, 1591 of cranial nerves, 1597 of cranium, 91, 270 of cricoid cartilage, 73, 1382 of crura cerebri, 1598 of cuneiform cartilages, 1383 of cystic duct, 891 of decidua, 104 of dentine, 287 of diaphragm, 837 of diencephalon, 58, 1589 of duodenum, 80 of dura mater, 90 of ear, external, 1696 internal, 1694

membranous labyrinth, 1694 middle, 1694 osseous labyrinth, 1695 of ejaculatory duct, 102, 959 of endolymphatic duct, 1694



Development ( continued )— of epididymis, 753 of epoophoron, 753, 987 of ethmoid bone, 276 of excretory system, 92 of eye, 1664 of eyelids, 1292 of face, 88

of facial musculature, 68 skeleton, 277 of flocculus, 1586 of fore-brain, 56 of fore-gut, 44 of fornix, 1518, 1595 of frontal bone, 277 of gall-bladder, 891 of geniculate bodies, 1591 of genital organs, external, female, 698

male, 699

of genito-urinary system, 92 of gonads, 100 of gums, 1339 of heart, 90, 1073 of hind-brain, 55, 57

metamorphosis of, 1581 of hind-gut, 44

of hippocampal commissure, 1596 of hymen, 696, 699 of hyoid bone, 76, 278 of hypophysis cerebri, 58, 87,1171 of infundibulum cerebri, 58, 87, 1171, 1590

of insula, 1510, 1592 of interventricular foramen, 1535 of intervertebral disc, 59, 169 of intestine, large, 872 small, 870

of intrinsic muscles of hand, 515 of iris,. 1670

of islets of Langerhans, 895 of kidney, 92-97, 910 of labia pudendi, 699 of labyrinth of ear, 1695 of lacrimal bone, 277 of lamina terminalis, 1510, 1595 of laminae of cord, 54, 1438 of larynx, 1397 of lens, 1667 of lesser omentum, 80 sac, 79, 81 of lips, 1339 of liver, 79, 888 of lungs, 70, 77, 1029 of lymphatic glands, 1139 system, 1137 vessels, 1138 of malleus, 74, 1679 of mammary gland, 417 of mandible, 234 of massa intermedia, 1591 of medulla oblongata, 1581 of medullary vela, 1597 of meninges of brain, 1596 of cord, 1442

Development ( continued )—

of mesonephros, 92, 94, 914 of metanephros, 92, 94, 910 of metencephalon, 1585 of mid-brain, 56, 1589 of middle ear, 1696 of mitral valve, 1081 of mouth, 84, 1339 of myelencephalon, 1581 of nasal apertures, 84, 1363 bone, 277 cartilages, 1363 chonchas, 1363 of naso-lacrimal duct, 1294 of neopallium, 1592 of nervous system, 53 of nose, 1363

external, 1365

of notochord, 23, 39 , 134, 167 of nucleus, arcuate, 1585 caudate, 1592 cuneate, 1584 gracilis, 1584 hypoglossal, 1581 lentiformis, 1592 oculo-motor, 1581 pontis, 1584 red, 1589 trigeminal, 1589 trochlear, 1589 of oesophagus, 66, 78, 108 of olfactory, apparatus, 1511 bulb, 1512, 1570 epithelium, 1364, 1512 lobe, 1511 nerves, 1512 organ, 1364 tract, 1570

of omental bursa, 79, 81 of omentum, greater, 81 lesser, 80

of opercula insulae, 1510 of optic nerve, 1668 of otocyst, 74 of ovary, 100, 753 of palate, 86 of palatine bone, 277 of pancreas, 80, 894 of pancreatic ducts, 81, 894 of paramesonephric (Mullerian) duct, 101 , 987

of paranasal sinuses, 1363 of parathyroid glands, 76 of paroophoron, 754 of parotid gland, 1289 of penis, 700

of pericardium, 43, 46, 1019 of peripheral nervous system, 1597 of peritoneum, 795 of pharyngo-tympanic tube, 73, 74, 1378 ‘

of pharynx, 1373 of philtrum, 1341 of pineal body, 58, 1590 of pinna, 67, 1697



Development ( continued )— of placenta, 106 of pleura, 78, 1011 of pleural sac, 78 of pons, 1586

of position of intestinal canal, 874 of stomach, 874 of pronephros, 92, 94 of prostate, 960 of prostatic utricle, 101 of pulmonary valve, 1081 of pulvinar, 1591 of pyramid of brain, 1584 of Rathke’s pouch, 87 , 206, 1171 of rectum, 99, 965 of respiratory system, 752 of rete testis, 752 of retina, 1667 of ribs, 59, 170 of saccule, 1695 of salivary glands, 1289 of sclera, 1670 of scrotum, 700 of semicircular canals, 1695 ducts, 1695

of seminal vesicles, 102, 959 of seminiferous tubules, 752 of septal cartilage, 1363 of septum lucidum, 1520 of skull, 270 of soft palate, 1354 of spinal cord, 53, 1436 ganglia, 54, 1597 nerves, 55 of spleen, 80, 897 of stapes, 75, 1679 of sternum, 170 of stomach, 861 of sublingual gland, 1235 of submandibular duct, 1234 gland, 1234

of suprarenal glands, 899 of sympathetic system, 1640 of tarsal glands, 1292 of teeth, 285 of tela choroidea, 1596 of telencephalon, 58, 1591 of tentorium cerebelli, 90, 273 of testis, 100, 752 of thalamus, 1539, 159° of thoracic duct, 1138 of thymus, 76, 1020 of thyroid cartilage, 1381, 1387 gland, 70, 76, 1222 of tongue, 72, 1348 of tonsil, 76, 1356 of trachea, 70, 1029 of transverse processes of vertebrae,


of tricuspid valve, 1081 of tuber cinereum, 58, 1589 of tympanic cavity, 73, 74, 1696 membrane, 75, 1696 of umbilical cord, 31/32 of umbilicus, 63

Development [continued )— of ureter, 910 of urethra, female, 988 male, 700, 956 of urinary bladder, 955 of uterine tubes, 987 of uterus, 101, 987 of utricle of ear, 1695 prostatic, 101 of vagina, 101, 987 of valve of heart, arterial, 1081 of vas deferens, 100, 102, 738, 753 of veins, principal, 1123

azygos veins, 1098, 1136 cardinal, 51, 1127 anterior, 1127 posterior, 1131 thoracic formation, 1136 cerebral, 1128 of gonads, 1135 iliac, common, 1132 innominate, 1032 portal, 817, 1124, 1125 primitive jugular, 51, 1127 renal, 1132, 1135 subcardinal, 1133 supracardinal, 1132, 1133 suprarenal, 1135 umbilical, 51, 1125, 1126 of upper limb, 516 vena cava, inferior, 1033 superior, 1032 vitelline, 51, 63, 1124 of venous system, 91 of ventricles of brain— fourth, 1493 lateral, 1594 third, 1535

of vermiform appendix, 63, 872, 883 of vermis, 1587 of vertebrae, 59 of vertebral column, 168 of vestibular glands, 699 of visceral arches, 1373 of vitreous body, 1669 of vocal folds, 1397 of vomero-nasal organ, 1366 of xiphoid process, 170 of zygomatic bone, 277 Diaphragm, 883

arcuate ligaments of, 836 blood-supply, 833 central tendon of, 835 crura of, 835 lymphatics of, 834 openings of, 835 Diaphragma sellae, 1163, 1603 Diaphragmatic plexus of nerves, 809 Diencephalon, 58 Digastric fossa, 230 muscle, 1127 triangle, 1198

Digital arteries, palmar, 488 plantar, 655, 657 nerves of foot, 652, 654




Digital nerves of hand, 489, 499

processes, palmar aponeurosis, 485 plantar, 643 veins, foot, 644 hand, 467

Digitate impressions, 181 Dilator naris muscle, 1268

papillae muscle, 1650, 1652 Diploe, 119, 260

veins of, 1154, - i 6 oi Diploid number of chromosomes, 18 Disc, .embryonic, 33, 39 Discs, intervertebral, 1107 Discus proligerus, 18, 982 Diverticula of ischio-rectal fossa, 676, 677

Diverticulum, amniotic, 31 ilei (Meckel's), 63, 762 Dolichocephalic skull, 243, 269 Dorsal aortae, 68 concavity, 50 convexity, 122 laminae of cord, 54 mesentery, 79 venous plexus of foot, 610 hand,467

Dorsalis indicis artery, 511 pedis artery, 611 , 614 pollicis artery, 511 Dorsum sellae of sphenoid, 197, 261 Duct or ducts— bile, 779

of Cuvier, 51, 92, 1127 cystic, 778 efferent, 751 ejaculatory, 936 endolymphatic, 191, 1688, 1694 of Gaertner, 102 hepatic, 778 lactiferous, 415, 417 lymphatic, right, 1246 mesonephric, 94, 102 naso-lacrimal, 1294 pancreatic, 892

paramesonephric (Mullerian),

101 , 987 parotid, 1287 perilymphatic, 193 pronephric, 94 prostatic, 939 semicircular, 1688 sublingual, 1235 submandibular, 1233 thoracic, in abdomen, 838 in neck, 1246 in thorax, 1100 thyro-glossal, 1222 vitelline, 762 vitello-intestinal, 61, 762 Ductus arteriosus, 1043', 1082 cochlearis, 1689, 1690 reuniens, 1688 sacculi, 1688 utriculi, 1687 venosus, 1126

Duodenal curves, formation of, 81 glands, 867 papilla, 865 recesses, 791

Duodeno-ieiunal flexure, 762 fold, 805

Duodenum, 761, 803 ampulla of, 865 first part of, 803 fourth part of, 805 glands of, 867 second part of, 804 suspensory muscle of, 805 third part of, 804 Dura mater at base of skull, 1162 blood-supply of, 1599 of brain, 1598 nerves of, 1601

processes of, 1601 sinuses of, 1163, 1603 of spinal cord, 1410

blood-supply of, 1412

Ear, development of, 73, 1694 external, 1671 internal, 1683 middle, 1673

Earliest known stage of human embryo,


Ectoderm, primitive, 25

structures formed from, in Ectognathion, 218 Ectopia testis, 743 Efferent ducts, 751 Ejaculatory duct, 936

development of, 959 structure of, 959 Elastic laminae of cornea, 1644 Elbow-joint, 516 bursae of, 519 ligaments of, 517, 518 nerves of, 519 relations of, 519 synovial membrane, 519 Elliptical recess of labyrinth, 1683 Embedding of ovum, 28, 104 Emboliformis, nucleus, 1485 Embryo, the, 39

formation of, 26 general form of, 48 Embryological terminology, 4 Embryology, general, 1, 8 Embryonic area, 33 disc, 39

plate, 26, 33, 36

Eminence, arcuate, 189, 263, 1684 frontal, 181, 1633 ilio-pubic, 335 parietal, 178, 1633 Eminentia medialis, 1491 saccularis, 1544 Emissary veins, 1608 Enamel, 285 cells, 287 cuticle, 285




Enamel, organ, 285, 287 prism, 287 Encephalon, 1442 base of, 1443

arteries at base of, 1447 development of, 55, 1581 flexures of primitive, 57 Endocardium, 1068 Endognathion, 218 Endolymph of internal ear, 1697 Endolymphatic duct, 191, 1688, 1694 Endoskeleton, 113 Endosteum, 122 Endothelium, 112 Entoderm derivatives, 112 Entomion, 251, 268 Ependymal layer of cord, 54 Epiblast, 25 Epibolic growth, 35 Epicardium, 1018, 1068 Epicondyles of femur, 352, 353 of humerus, 304 Epicoracoid bone, 299 Epididymis, 749

development of, 753 structure of, 750 Epigastric artery, inferior, 729 superficial, 584, 711 superior, 731, 1000 depression, 705 Epiglottis, 1379

development of, 73 Epi-hyal, 76, 237

Epiotic centres of temporal bone, 196 Epiphyses, 114

and ossification, 305 Epiploicae, appendices, 768, 871 Epipteric bone, 180, 253, 265 Episternal bones, 162, 165 Epithalamus, 1540 Epitympanic recess, 188, 1681 pouches of, 1681 Epoophoron, 971

development of, 753, 987 Equator of eye, 1641 Equina, cauda, 1417 Eruption of teeth, 288 Erythroblasts, 51, 121 Ethmoid bone, 207 alae of, 207 labyrinth, 208 ossification of, 211 Ethmoidal crest of palatine, 225

foramina, 183, 210, 247, 248 * 261 notch, 182

process of inferior nasal concha, 223 spine, 197

Evolution of embryo, 23 Excretory organs, connection with splanchnocoele, 93 development, 92 Exoskeleton, 113 Expulsion of foetus, 107 Extensor carpi radialis brevis, 502 longus, 501

Extensor carpi ulnaris, 503 digiti minimi, 503 digitorum, 502 brevis, 611 longus, 607 hallucis brevis, 611 longus, 606 indicis, 506 pollicis brevis, 505 longus, 505 retinacula of foot, 603 of hand, 508 Extra-dural space, 1412 Extra-embryonic coelom, 29 obliterated, 106 mesoderm, 26

Extra-peritoneal tissue, 743 Extravasation of urine, 678 Eye, 1641

chambers of, 1661 coats of, 1641 development of, 1664 equator of, 1641 movements of, 1231 Eyelashes, 1290 Eyelids, 1289

development of, 1292 structure of, 1290

Face, arteries of, 1278 bones of, 172 development of, 88 landmarks of, 1263 Facet, 115

Facial artery on face, 1278 in neck, 1217 transverse, 1158, 1281 canal, 190 ganglion, 1403

lymphatic glands, deep, 1309 nerve. See Cranial nerves skeleton, development of, 277 vein, anterior, 1218, 1280 common, 1218 deep, 1308 transverse, 1281 Falx cerebelli, 1602 cerebri, 1601 anal, 675

Fascia of abdominal wall, anterior, deep, 7°9

superficial, 709 posterior, 839 of Abernethy, 854 of arm, deep, 451 axillary, 414 of back, deep, 397 bucco-pharyngeal, 1179, 1368 bulbi, 1252 cervical, deep, 1178 clavi-pectoral, 420 cremasteric, 716, 723 cribriform, 561, 568 of dorsum of foot, deep, 611 superficial, 610



Fascia of forearm, deep, 468 of gluteal region, 531 of hand, back of, 509 iliac, 839

infundibuliform, 716, 739 lata, 560

iliac portion, 561 pubic portion, 561 of leg, deep, 600 lumbar, 840, 841

posterior lamella of, 403 thoracic part of, 404 masseteric, 1337 obturator, 920 orbital, 1252 of palm, superficial, 484 of pectoral region, 414, 420 pelvic, parietal, 919 visceral, 921 perineal, deep, 677 superficial, 677 pharyngo-basilar, 1371 popliteal, 546 pretracheal, 1179 prevertebral, 1179 propia of Cooper, 716 psoas sheath, 839 of pyriformis, 919 of scapular region, deep, 436 spermatic, external, 716 internal, 716 temporal, 1161 transversalis, 733

Fascial compartments of neck, 1180 Fasciculus cuneatus, 1418, 1429 gracilis, 1418, 1429 longitudinal, inferior, 1569 superior, 1569 occipito-frontal, 1569 perpendicular, 1569 postero-lateral, 1430 retroflexus, 1541, 1558, 1561 solitarius, 1625, 1626 uncinate, 1569 Fasciola cinerea, 1513 Fastigii, nucleus, 1485 Fecundation, 20 Femoral artery, 563, 581 , 587 profunda of, 584, 588 canal, 566

cutaneous veins, 559

hernia, parts concerned in, 568

ring, 566

septum, 743

sheath, 565, 568

triangle, 552, 563

vein, 563, 589

Femoro-patellar joint, 628, 639 Femur, 345

adductor tubercle, 350, 354, 553 calcar femorale, 354 condyles, 352 epicondyles, 352, 353 fossa hypotrochanterica, 354 gluteal tuberosity, 350

Femur head, 345

intercondylar notch, 353 linea aspera, 350 neck, 346 ossification of, 355 patellar surface, 351 pectineal line, 350 pilastered, 354 popliteal groove, 352 surface, 358 quadrate line, 350 tubercle, 350 relation to stature, 354 sexual differences, 354 shaft, 348 structure, 353 trochanteric fossa, 348 line, 346

trochanters, 346, 348 tubercles of neck, 346 varieties, 354 Fenestra cochleae, 1674 vestibuli, 1674 Fertilization of ovum, 20 Fertilized ovum, 20

developmental stages, 22 segmentation, 21 Fibrinoid, 108 Fibula, 364 head, 364

malleolar fossa, 364 malleolus, 364

guide to, 599 oblique line, 366 ossification of, 367 structure of, 367 varieties, 367

Fibular circumflex artery, 609 intermuscular septa, 601 Fifth arch, rudimentary, 70 month foetus, no Filum terminale of cord, 1417 Fimbria of brain, 1510, 1518, 1525 ovarian, 972 Fimbriae, 972

Fimbriata, plica, of tongue, 1343 Fimbriatum, corpus, 972 Fimbrio-dentate sulcus, 1509 First pharyngeal groove obliterated, 74 Fissure for ligamentum teres, 775 venosum, 776 longitudinal, 1450 orbital, inferior, 247, 253 , 1262 superior, 247, 263 , 1262 palpebral, 1289 pterygoid, 203 pterygo-maxillary, 253 squamo-tympanic, 187, 1673 tympano-mastoid, 192 1 Fissures of brain— calcarine, 1503 choroidal, 1523 collateral, 1497 ecto-rhinal, 1508 lateral, 1495



fissures of brain ( continued )— parieto-occipital, 1496 postcalcarine, 1^03 postclival, 1477 precalcarine, 1503 primary, of cerebellum, 1477 transverse, 1520 Fistula in ano, 677

umbilical urinary, 954 Fixation villi, 109 Fixed terms in anatomy, 3 Flaccida, membrana, 1676, 1677 Flagellum in spermatozoon, 13 Flava, ligamenta, 1108 Flexor—

accessorius, 647 carpi radialis, 470 ulnaris, 473 digiti minimi, 496

brevis, 650 digitorum brevis, 645 longus, 621 profundus, 481 sublimis, 470 hallucis brevis, 648 longus, 623 pollicis brevis, 494 longus, 482, 496 retinacula of ankle, 602 of hand, 493 Flexures of brain, 57, 58 of colon, left, 767 right, 766 Floor plate, 53 Foetal circulation, 1082

changes in, at birth, 1083 peculiarities of, 1082 membranes, 106 Foetus, 4, no

general growth of, no maternal connections, 104 monthly growth, no Fold or folds—

ary epiglottic, 73 glosso-epiglottic, 1380 lacrimal, 1294 peritoneal, 744 pharyngo-epiglottic, 1380 recto-uterine, 967 of Treeves, 792 vesico-uterine, 967 vestibular, 1385, 1387 vocal, 1388

Fontanelles, 180, 237, 239, 265, 266 sagittal, 180, 266 Foot, arches of, 672 as a whole, 386 Foramen or foramina—

caecum of frontal bone, 181, 261, 1604 of medulla oblongata, 1451 of tongue, 72, 1222 carotico-clinoid, 200 definition, 115

emissary, sphenoidal, 201, 263 of Hiischke, 194, 197

Foramen or foramina ( continued )— incisive, 216, 255 infra-orbital, 212, 245 interventricular, of brain, 1535 of heart, 1081 jugular, 258, 264, 1166 lacerum, 258, 263 magnum, 176, 258, 264, 1167, 1633

structures passing through, 1167 mandibular, 231 mastoid, 187 mental, 229, 245 obturator, 340 optic, 229, 245, 247, 261 ovale, 201 , 253, 257, 263

of capsule of shoulder - joint, 461

in heart, 1065 tentorii, 1602 palatine, 226, 257 parietal, 243 pterygo-spinous, 203 rotundum, 201 , 255, 263 sacral, anterior, 144 sciatic, greater, 993 lesser, 535, 993 singulare, 190 spheno-palatine, 255 spinosum, 201 , 253, 263 sternal, 164, 171 stylo-mastoid, 192 supra-orbital, 244 supra-trochlear, 304 transversarium, 128 vertebral, 128 zygomatic, 219

zygomatico-facial, 219, 245, 247 zygomatico-temporal, 219, 247 Forceps major, 1516 minor, 1515 Fore-brain, 46, 56, 57 Fore-gut, 44, 62, 65 Formal position, the, 21 Formatio-reticularis alba, 1459 grisea, 1458

Formative cell-mass, 24 Fornix of brain, 1516, 1569 of conjunctive, 1292 Fossa or fosse—•

at base of skull, anterior, 260 middle, 261 posterior, 263 canine, 212 cerebellar, 264 condylar, 176, 258 coronoid, 304 cubital, 458 digastric, 230 digital, 744 for gall-bladder, 774 guttural, 257 hypophysial, 197, 261 iliac, 336, 708 incudis, 1675 incisive, of mandible, 229

I 734


Fossa or fossae ( continued )—

incisive, of maxilla, 211, 216, 255 infraclavicular, 412 infraspinous, 292 infratemporal, 253 interpeduncular, 1561 intrabulbar, 941 ischio-rectal, 676 jugular, 191, 258 for lacrimal gland, 183, 245 nasal, 248 olecranon, 304 ovalis of heart, 1055

of middle ear, 1674 parafloccular, 191, 264 popliteal, 541, 545 pterygoid, 203, 257 pyriform, 76, 1376, 1386 radial, 304 retro-duodenal, 791 rotunda, 1674 scaphoid, 204 subarcuate, 191, 264 sublingual, 230 submandibular, 230 subnasal, 244 supraspinous, 292 temporal, 251 terminal, 941 tonsillar, 76 trochanteric, 348 trochlear, 183, 245, 1251 for vena cava, 777 vermian, 176, 264 vestibular, 696

Fountain decussation, 1433, 1551 Fovea-centralis, 1652

structure of, 1658 inferior, of fourth ventricle, 1490 spherica, 1683

superior, of fourth ventricle, 1491 Foveola of kidney, 903 Frankfurt plane, 242 Frenulum clitoridis, 695 labiorum, 696 linguae, 1336, 1343 lingulae of cerebellum, 1478 praeputii, 713

veli of superior medullary velum 1485, 1548 Frontal bone, 180

development of, 275 ossification of, 184 varieties of, 184 eminence, 181, 1633 lobe of brain, 1497 nerve, 1254

process of zygomatic, 220 sinus, 184, 250 suture, 238

Fronto-nasal process, 83, 88 Fronto-pontine tract, 1529, 1566 Funiculus, cuneatus, 1455 gelatinosus, 145 s gracilis, 1455

Gaertner’s duct, 102 Galactophorous ducts, 415, 417 Gall-bladder, 778

development of, 891 lymphatics of, 891 spiral valve, 890 structure of, 890 Ganglia, basal, 1526 Gangliform enlargement on anterior tibial nerve, 614 on median nerve, 489 on nerve to anconeus, 461 to teres minor, 432 on posterior interosseous nerve, 507

Ganglion, aortico-renal, 809 basal, 1526 of Bochdalek, 1320 cardiac, 1046 cervical, inferior, 1335 middle, 1334 superior, 1333 ciliary, 1257 coccygeal, 946 coeliac, 809

diaphragmaticum, 833 of facial nerve, 1403, 1618 of glosso-pharyngeal nerve, inferior, 1325 superior, 1325 habenulae, 1541 impar, 946

interpedunculare, 1541, 1561 mesenteric, inferior, 811 superior, 809 otic, 1314 phrenic, 1016 spheno-palatine, 1320 spinal, 1419, 1428 spiral, 1694 splanchnic, 1105 stellate, 1104 submandibular, 1315 sympathetic, 1655 lumbar, 838 sacral, 922 trigeminal, 1167 of vagus nerve, inferior, 1328 superior, 1328 vestibular, 1404, 1693 Ganglionic layer of retina, 1654 Gastral mesoderm, 36 Gastrocnemius, 617 Gastro-phrenic ligament, 789 Gastrulation, 38 Gemellus, inferior, 535 superior, 535 Genial tubercles, 230 Genicular arteries, 548, 587, 589 nerves, 550, 580, 637 Geniculate bodies, 1538 , 1621 gyrus, 1514

Genio-glossus muscle, 1230 Genio-hyoid muscle, 1230 Genital cord, ioj


Genital eminence, 99, 694, 698 swellings, 694, 698 Genito-femoral nerve, 554, 846 Genito-iirinary development, 92 Gennari, band of, 1547 Genu of central sulcus, 1496 of corpus callosum, 1514 of internal capsule, 1528 of sigmoid sinus, 1632 Gerlach, valve of, 764 Germ-cells, female, 14, 16 male, 12 origin, 13

Germinal cells in developing cord, 54 epithelium, 13, 16 layers, structures derived from, 111 vesicle, 15 Gill-slits, 66, 70 Glabella, 181, 244, 268 Gland or glands. See also Lymphatic glands buccal, 1272 bulbo-urethral, 685 cardiac, of stomach, 858 ceruminous, 1672 ciliary, 1290 duodenal, 867 gastric, 858 Haversian, 596, 598 intestinal, 867 labial, 1271 lacrimal, 1247 lingual, anterior, 1345 mammary, 412, 414 , 416 molar, 1272 of Montgomery, 415 nasal, 1359 palatal, 1351 parathyroid, 1223 parotid, 1284 prostate, 937 pyloric, 859 sublingual, 1234 submandibular, 1233 tarsal, 1291, 1292 thymus, 1019 thyroid, 1204, 1220 accessory, 1221 of tongue, 1344, 1345 urethral, 942 vestibular, greater, 697 Glandis, corona, 715 Gians clitoridis, 695 penis, 715

Gleno-humeral ligaments, 462 Glenoid cavity, 294 , 298 Glenoidale, labrum, 463 Glia cells of cerebellum, 1487 Glisson, capsule-*>f, 884 Globosus, nucleus, 1485 Globus pallidus, 1528 Glomeruli, external and internal, 93 Glomerulus of kidney, 905 Glomus coccygeum, 946 Glosso-epiglottic fold, 1343, 1380


Glosso-pharyngeal nerve. See Cranial nerves

Glottidis, rima, 1388 Gluteal artery, inferior, 538, 926 superior, 537, 927 fascia, 531

fold, 529 1

lines, 336

nerve, inferior, 539, 930 superior, 539, 930 region, 529 tuberosity, 350 reins, inferior, 538 superior, 536 Gluteus maximus, 531 medius, 532 minimus, 534 quartus, 534 Gnathic index, 269 Gnathion, 244, 268 Golgi, cells of, 1487, 1564 Gomphosis, 242 , 285 Gonads, 100 Gonion, 251, 268 Gracilis, fasciculus, 1418, 1429 funiculus, 1455 muscle, 516 nucleus, 1459

Granulations, arachnoid, 1599, 1609 Granulosa, membrana, 982 Grey matter—•

central, of medulla, 1459 of mid-brain, 1560 ” ' of cerebellum, 1484 of cerebral hemispheres, 1561 of spinal cord, 1420, 1424 of tegmentum, 1533 Groove, bicipital, 300 carotid, 200, 261 costal, 156

dental, of maxilla, 218 infra-orbital, 213 lacrimal, 222, 247 of maxilla, 213 medullary, 34 meningeal, anterior, 180 mylo-hyoid, 232 nasal, of ethmoid, 208 nuchal, 397

obturator, 340 *

olfactory, of ethmoid, 207 of sphenoid, 197 optic, 197, 261

peroneal, of cuboid, 377, 388, 390

for pharyngo-tympanic tube, 257

popliteal, 352 -- L

pulmonary, of thorax, 166

sacral, 146, 153

sigmoid, 188

spinal, 397

spiral, 300

subclavian, 290

of trapezium, 319, 333

vertebral, 153

Growth, embryonic, 48 ■



Growth, foetal, no Gubernaculum of testis, 103, 740 Guerin, valvule of, 942 Gums, 1338

development of, 1339 Gustatory cells, 1348 organs, 1347 pore, 1348 Guttural fossa, 257 Gyrus or gyri— angular, 1501 annectant, 1498 breves, 1506 cinguli, 1507 dentatus, 1509 frontal, 1498 geniculate, 1514 hippocampal, 1507 lingual, 1504 longus, 1506 marginal, 1499 occipito-temporal, 1505 orbital, 1499 precentral, 1497 postcentral, 1501 postparietal, 1502 rectus, 1499 subcallosal, 1514 supracallosal, 1514 supramarginal, 1501 temporal, 1505

Habenula, 1541 Habenulae, ganglion, 1541 striae, 1541 trigonum, 1541 Habenular commissure, 1541 Hair-cells, auditory, 1689, 1692 Hallucis, abductor, 644 adductor, 649 extensor brevis, 611 longus, 606 flexor brevis, 648 longus, 623

tendon of, 646 Hamate bone, 320

hook of, 321, 333 ossification of, 322 Hamstring muscles, 542, 544 Hamulus of lacrimal, 222 pterygoid, 203 of spiral lamina, 1686 Hand as a whole, 330 Hand-plates, no

Haploid number of chromosomes, 18 Harmonic suture, 394 Hassall, concentric corpuscles of, 1020 Haversian canals, 116

gland of hip-joint, 340, 596, 598 system, 117 Head, bones of, 173 process, 36 Heart, 1048

apex of, 1052, 1059 atrial portion of, 1051

Heart atrium, left, 1052, 1059 right, 1051, 1054 auricles of, 1051, 1052 base of, 1048, 1053 block, 1072 bloodvessels of, 1064 course of circulation, 1050 development of, 1073 exterior of, 1050 interior of, 1054 Latham’s circle, 1048 lymphatics of, 1067 nerves of, 1068 size of, 1073 topography of, 1048 of orifices of, 1064 tube, 90

ventricle, left, 1060 right, 1055

ventricular portion of, 1052 weight of, 1073 Helicine arteries, 953 Helicis major muscle, 1296 minor muscle, 1296 Helicotrema, 1686, 1689 Helix, 1294

spine of, 1295 tail of, 1295

Hemisternal cartilages, 170 Henle, loop of, 901, 903 Hensen, cells of, 1692

continuity theory of, 55 Hepatic artery, 813, 885 canals, 886 cells, 886 cylinders, 889 duct, 778 lobule, 884 plexus, 809 veins, 885

Hepatis, pons, 775, 777 porta, 775 sustentaculum, 789 Hernia, appendicular, 787 congenital, 747 diaphragmatic, 838 encysted, 747 femoral, 568 infantile, 747

inguinal, direct, medial, 746 oblique, lateral, 745 medial, 746

mesenteric, 786 s

meso-colic, 787 retro-peritoneal, 791 umbilical, 748

congenital, 748 Hertwig, sheath of, 287 Heterotypical mitosis, 17 Hiatus, definition, 115

for greater superficial petrosal nerve, 189, 190, 263

for lesser superficial petrosal nerve, 189, 263

semilunaris, 1357



Hilton, white line of, 962 Hilton’s law, 433 Hilum of lung, 1022 Hind-brain, ss, =>7 Hind-gut, 44, 45 Hinge-joint, 393 Hip bone, 334

ossification of, 341 joint, 590

arterial supply of, 596 bursae of, 598 capsular ligament, 590 Haversian gland, 596, 598 ilio-femoral ligament, 591 ischio-femoral ligament, 591 nerves of, 596 pubo-femoral ligament, 592 relations of, 596 synovial membrane, 595 Hippocampal commissure, 1518, 1568 gyrus, 1507

Hippocampus, 1509, 1532 His’ theory of nerve growth, 35 Histology, 1

Holden’s guide to greater trochanter, 552 Holoblastic ova, 25 Homodynamy, 6, 122 Homogeneity, 6 Homology, 6, 122 serial, 6, 122

Horns of cord, 1421, 1422

of lateral ventricle, 1523, 1524 Horseshoe kidney, 822 Humeral lymphatic glands, 424 Humerus, 299

anatomical neck of, 299 bicipital groove, 300 capitulum, 304 epicondyles, 304 greater tuberosity, 299 lesser tuberosity, 300 nutrient foramen, 300 ossification of, 305 shaft, 300 spiral groove, 300 structure, 304 supracondylar process, 302 surgical neck of, 300 trochlea, 304 varieties, 305 Humphry’s ligament, 633 Hiischke, foramen of, 194, 197 Hyaloid artery, 1664 canal of eye, 1664 membrane, 1662 Hyaloplasm, 8

Hydroccele, encysted, of spermatic cord, 743

Hymen, 695

development of, 696, 699 Hyo-glossus muscle, 1231 Hyoid arch, 75, 278 bone, 235

body, 235 horns, 236

Hyoid bone, development of, 278 ossification of, 236 tubercle of, 235 Hyperchordal bar, 143 Hypoblast, 25

Hypobranchial eminence, 70 Hypochordal bar, 168 Hypogastric sympathetic plexus, 811 zone, 755

subdivisions of, 755 Hypoglossal nerve. See Cranial nerves

triangle, 1490 Hypophysial fossa, 197 Hypophysis cerebri, 1171

development of, 58, 87, 1171 infundibulum, 1171 structure of, 1171 Hypospadias, 700 Hypothalamus, 1543


Ichthyopsida, 23, 69 Ileo-caecal fold, 792 Ileo-colic valve, 873

frenula of, 873 Ileum, 762, 869

peritoneal relations of, 786 Iliac arteries. See Arteries fossa, 336

left, contents of, 708 right, contents of, 708 veins. See Veins Ilio-costalis muscle, 404 Ilio-costo-cervicalis muscles, 404 Ilio-femoral ligament, 591 Ilio-hypogastric nerve, 531, 710, 728, 845 Ilio-inguinal nerve, 554, 729, 845 Ilio-pectineal septum, 856 Ilio-psoas muscle, 571, 842 Ilio-pubic eminence, 335 Ilio-tibial tract, 531, 560 , 57 ° Ilio-trochanteric band, 593 Ilium, 334

anterior inferior spine, 334 superior spine, 334 auricular area, 336 groove, 346 crest, 334 gluteal lines, 336 surface, 336 ligamentous area, 336 muscular area, 336 posterior spines, 334, 336 Impar, ganglion, 946 tuberculum, 70 Impregnation, 20 Impression, trigeminal, 189, 263 Incisive canal, 248 crest, 248 foramina, 216, 255 fossa of mandible, 229 Incisor crest, 216 teeth, 278

Incisura semilunaris cerebelli, 1475 temporalis, 1507



Incus, 1678

ligament of, 1679 Index, alveolar, 269 cranial, 269 gnathic, 269 nasal, 269 orbital, 269 vertical, of skull, 269 Indicis, dorsalis, artery, 511 extensor, muscle, 506 radialis, artery, 487, 498 Indusium griseum, 1510 Infarcts, red and white, 109 Infraclavicular fossa, 412

lymphatic glands, 416, 434 Infrahyoid muscles, 1200 region, 1203

Infra-orbital canal, 245, 247 foramen, 212, 245 groove, 213 nerve, 1276, 1319 plexus, 1274, 1276 process of zygomatic, 220 Infrapatellar tendon, 574 Infraspinatus muscle, 437 Infratemporal crest of sphenoid, 202 Infundibuliform fascia, 716, 739 Infundibulum of ethmoid, 209 of frontal, 184 of heart, 1056

of hypophysis cerebri, 1171, 1544 of lung, 1028 of nasal fossa, 250, 1357 of uterine tube, 972 Inguinal canal, 735

position of, 708 hernia, 745-748 ligament, 551, 707, 719 lymphatic glands, 558 recesses, 745 triangle, 708, 736 Inion, 243, 268 Inner cell mass, 24, 25 Innominate canal, 201 Intercellular passages of liver, 886 Interclavicular ligament, 443 Intercostal arteries, 411, 997 membranes, 994, 995 muscles, 994, 995 nerves, 728, 996, 1099 spaces, 167

Intercosto-brachial nerve, 433 , 447 Intercrural fibres, 718 Intercuneiform joints, 669 Interfoveolar ligament, 726 Interglobular spaces, 285, 287 Interior of cranium, 259 Interlamina sulcus, 54 Interlobar notch of liver, 777 Interlobular plexuses of liver, 885 Intermediate cell mass, 42

formation from, 92, 93 Intermetacarpal joints, 526 Intermetatarsal joints, 671 Interosseous artery, anterior, 478

Interosseous artery, common, 478 posterior, 506, 507 recurrent, 508 membrane of forearm, 521 of leg, 660 muscles of foot, 650 dorsal, 651 plantar, 650 of hand, 512 dorsal, 512 palmar, 494, 512 nerve, anterior, 481 posterior, 506 Interparietal bone, 177 Interpeduncular fossa, 1561 space, 1445

Interphalangeal joints, foot, 572 hand, 528

Interspinales muscles, 410 Intertragic notch, 1294 Intertransversales muscles, 410 Intertubercular line, 755 plane, 755

Interventricular foramen, 1535 Intervertebral discs, 1107

development of, 59, 169 Intervillous space, 105, 108 Intestinal canal, 761

blood-supply of, 795 development of, 870 glands, 867 lymphatic trunk, 832 Intestine, large, 762

appendices epiploicae, 871 blood-supply of, 871 character of, 871 development of, 872 of position of, 874 lymphatics of, 799, 802 nerves of, 871 structure of, 870 small, blood-supply of, 869

characteristics of different parts of, 869

circular folds of, 864 development of, 870

of positions of, 874 glands of, 867 lacteal vessels, 866 lymphatics of, 869 structure of, 863 villi of, 865

Intra-embryonic coelom, 42, 46 Intralobular plexuses of liver, 885 Intratonsillar cleft, 1354 Intra-uterine conditions in pregnancy, 104

Iris, 1648

blood-supply, 1651 development of, 1670 muscles of, 1650 nerves of, 1651 structure, 1650

Ischio-cavernosus, female, 702 male, 679



Ischiofemoral ligament, 591 Ischiorectal fossa, 676 contents of, 677 diverticula of, 676, 677 Ischium, 347 body, 337 ramus, 338 * spine of, 338 tuberosity of, 338, 529 Islets of Langerhans, 892 Isolecithal eggs, 23

Isthmus of external auditory meatus, 194 of gyrus cinguli, 1507 oropharyngeal, 1330 pharyngeal, 1371 of rhombencephalon, 38

Japonicum, os, 221 Jejunum, 762, 869 Joints, acromio-clavicular, 444 ankle, 661

atlantoaxial, 1404, 1408 altanto-occipitai, 1406, 1409 ball-and-socket, 393 calcaneo-cuboid, 675 carpometacarpal, 325 of thumb, 523 cartilaginous, 393 classification of, 394 condyloid, 393 costochondral, 1112 costotransverse, 1112 costovertebral, mo cricoarytenoid, 1383 crico-thyroid, 1385 cuboideometatarsal, 669 cuneo-cuboid, 669 cuneo-navicular. 668 elbow, 316

femoropatellar. 628, 639 fibrous, 393 of foot, 664 general, 393 of hand, 522 hinge, 303 hip, 590 intercarpal, 324 xnterchondral, 1114 intercoccygeal, 989 intercuneiform, 669 mtermetacarpal, 526 intermetatarsal, 671 interphalangeal, of foot. 672 of hand, 528 knee, 62S lumbosacral, 988 mandibular, 1316 metacarpophalangeal, 327 metatarsophalangeal, 671 mid-tarsal, 663 movements of joints, 393 naviculo-cuboid, 668 obstetrical, 177 of occipital bone, 1406, 1409 of pelvis, 988

Joints, pisiform, 324 pivot, 393 plane, 393

pubic symphysis, 092 radioulnar, 520 of ribs, mo sacro-coccygeal, 989 sacroiliac, 990 saddle, 393 shoulder, 461 sternal, 1114 stemo-clavicular, 443 stemo-costal, 1113 suture, 394 syndesmosis. 393 synovial, 393 talo-calcaneal 664 talo-ca lcaneonavicula r 663 tarsometatarsal, 669 tibiofibular, inferior. 639 intermediate, 660 superior, 639 transverse carpal, 323 of vertebral column, 1105 wrist, 322 Jugular arch, 1175 facet, 192

foramen, 258, 264, 1166 fossa of temporal, 191, 238 lymphatic trunk, 1199 notch of occipital, 1 76 process of occipital. 176. 258 vein, anterior, 1173 external, 1176

development of, 1177 internal, 1211

posterior external 1142, 1178 Jugum sphenoidale 197, 206

Karyokinesis, 9 Karyoplasm, 8, 9. 13 Karyosomes, 9 Kata phase, 10 Kidneys, 817

arteries of, 904 calyces of, 907, 908 cortex of, 901 development of, 95. 910 early condition of, 909 glomerulus, 903 hilum of, 821 lymphatics of, 907 medulla of, 900 pelvis of, 907 sinus of, 821 structure of, 900 uriniierous tubules 901 varieties of, S22 veins of, 906 Knee-joint, 628

arterial supply. 637 bursae of, 640 ligaments of. arcuate. 631 capsular. 622 cruciate, 634

174 ° INDEX

Knee-joint, ligaments, Humphry’s, 633 lateral, 630 medial, 629 oblique posterior, 631 patellae, 629 transverse, 633 Wrisberg’s, 633 movements of, 637 nerve supply, 637 semilunar cartilages, 632 synovial membrane, 634

Labia majora, 692

development of, 694 minora, 693

development of, 694 Labial mucous glands, 1271 Labrum, acetabulare, 594, 597 glenoidale, 463

Labyrinth of ear, membranous, 1687 blood-supply of, 1694 of themoid, 208 of kidney, 901 osseous, 1683 Lacrimal apparatus, 1293 artery, 1260 bone, 222

development of, 277 hamulus of, 222 ossification, 223 structure, 223 varieties, 223 canal, 245 canaliculi, 1293 crest, 222 fold, 1294 fossa, 183, 245 gland, 1247 groove, 247

of lacrimal, 222 of maxilla, 213 nerve, 1254, 1276 notch of maxilla, 213 process of inferior nasal concha, 223 sac, 1293

Lacrimalis, caruncula, 1289, 1292 lacus, 1289 Lacteal vessels, 866 Lactiferous ducts, 415, 417 Lacuna or lacunae— laterales, 1603 magna, 942 muscular, 856 urethales, 942 vascular, 856 Lacunar region, 855 Lacus lacrimalis, 1289 Lambda, 180, 237 , 242, 268, 1629 Lambdoid suture, 237 , 1630 Lamina basalis, 1646

chorio-capillaris, 1646 cribrosa of internal auditory meatus, 190 , 1686 of sclera, 1643 dorsal, of cord, 54, 1440

Lamina elastic, of cornea, 1644 fusca, 1643 labio-dental, 286 osseous spiral, 1685 reticular, 1693 suprachoroid, 1646 terminalis of brain, 1510, 1544 vasculosa of choroid, 1646 ventral, of cord, 54, 1439 vertebral, 127

Landmarks of abdominal wall, 704 of arm, 446 axilla, 412 of back, 397

of scalp and neck, 1141 of thigh and popliteal space, 540 of face, 1263

of front and inner side of thigh, 551 of wrist and palm, 482 of gluteal region, 529 of leg, 598

of male perinaeum, 674 of pectoral region, 412 of side of neck, 1172 of sole of foot, 641

Langerhans, centro-acinar cells of, 891 islets of, 892

Laryngeal artery, inferior, 1243 superior, 1214 nerve, external, 1329, 1395 internal, 1329, 1395 recurrent, 1044, 1045, 1330 * 1395 superior, 1329, 1395 Larynx, cartilages of, 1379 development of, 73, 1397 epiglottis, 1379 inlet, 1386 lymphatics of, 1396 mucous membrane of, 1399 muscles, intrinsic, of, 1390

actions of, summary of, 1394

nerves of, 1395

pyriform fossa, 76, 1373, 1386 rima glottidis, 1388 vestibuli, 1388 saccule of, 1387 sinus of, 1387 structure of, 1379 vessels of, 1396 vestibular folds, 1385, 1387 ligaments, 1387 vestibule of, 1387 vocal folds, 1388 ligaments, 1385 Latham, circle of, 1048 Latissimus dorsi muscle, 399 nerve to, 431 Law of ossification, 305 Lemniscus, decussation of, 1465 lateral, in mid-brain, 1557 in pons, 1471, 1475 medial, in medulla, 1465, 1466 in mid-brain, 1556 in pons, 1473


I 74 I

Lens, crystalline, 1661

capsule of, 1662 development of, 1667 at different ages, 1662 vesicle, 1665, 1667 Lenticularis, ansa, 1531, 1539, 1567 Lentiformis, nucleus, 1526 Leptorhine skulls, 269 Lesser, triangle of, 1228 Levator anguli oris, 1268 ani, 947

glandulae thyroidae, 1221 labii superioris, 1268 alaeque nasi, 1267 palati, 1353, 1378 palpebrae, superioris, 1247 scapulae, 400 Levatores costarum, 410 longiores, 411 Lienis, sustentaculum, 767 Ligament or ligaments—

accessory, of atlas and axis, 1405 of knee, 629 acromio-clavicular, 444 alar, of odontoid process, 1408 of ankle-joint, 661 annular, of stapes, 1690

of superior radio-ulnar joint, 520

apical, of odontoid process, 1408 arcuate, of diaphragm, 836 of knee, 631

atlanto-axial, posterior, 1406 atlanto-occipital, 1406 of auricle, 1296 bifurcated, 665 of bladder, false, 918, 952 true, 952

brachial, medial, 452 of calcaneo-cuboid joint, 666 calcaneo-navicular, plantar, 665, 673 of carpo-metacarpal joints, 525 check, of orbit, 1253 conoid, 444

Cooper, oblique ligament of, 518 coraco-acromial, 445 coraco-clavicular, 444 coraco-humeral, 462 coronary, of knee, 628 costo-clavicular, 443 costo-coracoid, 420 costo-transverse, 112 cruciate, of atlas and axis, 1407, 1408 of knee, 634

of cuboideo-metatarsal joint, 671 of cuneo-cuboid joint, 669 of cuneo-navicular joint, 669 digital vaginal, of hand, 492 of elbow, 517, 518 fundiform, of Retzius, 604 gastro-phrenic, 789 gastro-splenic, 789 gleno-humeral, 462 of head of femur, 593 of hip-joint, 590

Ligament or ligaments (< continued )— of knee-joint, capsular, 590 of head of femur, 593 ilio-femoral, 590 ischio-femoral, 592 transverse, 595 Humphry’s 633 hyo-epiglottic, 1380 ilio-femoral, 590 ilio-lumbar, 988 inguinal, 551, 707, 719 pectineal part of, 719 reflected part of, 720 relations of, 718 of intercarpal joints, 524 interclavicular, 443 interclinoid, 1163 of intercuneiform joints, 669 interfoveolar, 725 of intermetacarpal joints, 526 of intermetatarsal joints, 671 of interphalangeal joints of hand, 528 of foot, 672

interspinous, of vertebrae, 1109 intertransverse, of vertebrae, mo intra - articular, of costo - vertebral joints, 1111

of sterno-costal joints, 1113 of knee-joint, 628 accessory, 629 arcuate, 631 capsular, 628 coronary, 628 cruciate, 634 Humphry’s, 633 lateral, 630 medial, 629 oblique posterior, 613 patellae, 574, 629 transverse, 633 of Wrisberg, 633 of laminae of vertebrae, 1108 of larynx, 1384 of left vena cava, 1018 lieno-phrenic, 789 lieno-renal, 789 of liver, 788

coronary, 788 falciform, 788 triangular, 788

longitudinal, anterior, 1105, 1406 posterior, 1106 lumbo-sacral, 988 of malleus, 1679 of mandibular joint, 1316 of metacarpo-phalangeal joints, 527 of metatarso-phalangeal joints, 671 oblique posterior, of knee, 631 occipito-axial, 1407 of ovary, 982 palpebral, lateral, 1291 medial, 1265, 1291 pectinate, of iris, 1644, 1645 pectineal, 856 peritoneal, 78S


Ligament or ligaments [continued) petro-sphenoidal, 193 phrenico-colic, 789 phrenico-splenic, 789 piso-hamate, 473, 524 piso-metacarpal, 473, 524 plantar, long, 667 short, 667

pterygo-mandibular, 1181 pterygo-spinous, 1181 of pubic symphysis, inferior, 682, 98 pubo-femoral, 592 pubo-prostatic, 922 pulmonary, 1005 quadrate, 520 radiate, mi

radio-carpal, posterior, 522 radio-ulnar, 520 sacro-coccygeal, 989 sacro-iliac, 990 sacro-spinous, 991 sacro-tuberous, 542, 990

falciform process of, 991 of the scapula, 445 of shoulder-joint, 461 spheno-mandibular, 234, 1181, 1316 spino-glenoid, 445 spiral, of cochlea, 1690 of spleen, 789 of sternal joints, 1114 sterno-clavicular, 443 sterno-costal, 1113 sterno-pericardial, 1018 stylo-hyoid, 1232 stylo-mandibular, 1181, 1317 suprascapular, 445 supraspinous, 1109 suspensory, of axilla, 420 of eye, 1252 of lens, 1664 of ovary, 970 of penis, 713 talo-calcaneal, 664 of talo-calcaneo-navicular joint, 605 of tarso-metatarsal joints, 669 temporo-mandibular, 1316 thyro-epiglottic, 1380 thyro-hyoid, 1384 of tibio-fibular joints, 659 transverse, of atlas, 1405 deep, of palm, 526 of foot, 671 of hip-joint, 595

of inferior tibio-fibular joint, 660 of perinaeum, 682 of shoulder-joint, 453, 463 superficial, of palm, 484 trapezoid, 444 of uterus, broad, 968 of vertebrae, 1105 vestibular, 1385 vocal, 1385 of Wrisberg, 633 of wrist-joint, 522 of Zinn, 1250


Ligamentum or ligamenta—* arteriosum, 1043 denticulata, 1413, 1415 flava, 1108 nuchae, 399, 1144 patellae, 574, 629 pectinatum iridis, 1644, 1655 suspensoria of mammary gland, 414

teres of liver, 788, 1126 of uterus, 986 venosum, 1127

Ligula of fourth ventricle, 1492 Limb buds, no lower, 529 upper, 397 Limbic lobe, 1506 Limbous suture, 237 Limbus, lamina spiralis, 1691 sphenoidalis, 197, 261 Limen insulae, 1506 Line or lines—

Addison’s, 755 arcuate, 340 gluteal, 336 intertubercular, 755 lateral, of abdomen, 755 mylo-hyoid, 230 Nelaton’s, 552 nuchal, 172, 250 oblique, of mandible, 231 of ulna, 314 pectineal, 350 quadrate, 350 soleal, 361 spino-umbilical, 707 subcostal, 755 Sylvian, 1632 temporal, 178 trapezoid, 290, 297 vertical, of tibia, 361 Linea alba, 704 aspera, 350 splendens, 1415 Lineae semilunares, 705 Lingual artery, 1215 glands, 1345 nerve, 1313

Lingula of cerebellum, 1477 of mandible, 231 of sphenoid, 200, 276 Linin, 9 Lips, 1336

Liquor folliculi, 19, 982 Lithotomy, lateral, structures divided in, 692

Liver, 771

borders of, 777 cells of, 886 component parts, 771 connections of, 771 cystic notch, 777 development of, 79, 888 duct of, 778

excretory apparatus of, 778


17 43

Liver fissures or fossae of—

for gall-bladder, 774 for ligamentum teres, 775 venosum, 776 for vena cava, 777 impression, cardiac, 773 colic, 775 duodenal, 775 oesophageal, 776 renal, 775 suprarenal, 777 interlobar notch, 777 ligaments of, 788 lobes of—

caudate, 777 left, 773 quadrate, 774 right, 773 lobules of, 884 lymphatics of, 887 nerves of, 868 peritoneal relations of, 777 porta hepatis, 775, 777 position of, 771 structure of, 884 surface of, 773 topography of, 771 tuber omentale, 774 Lobes of cerebral hemispheres— frontal, 1497 insula, 1505 limbic, 1506 occipital, 1502 olfactory, 1510 parietal, 1499 pyriform, 1508 temporal, 1504

of cerebellum. See Cerebellum of testis, 750 Lobule of ear, 1294 Lobules of cerebral hemispheres—cuneus, 1504 paracentral, 1499 parietal, 1501 postcentral, 1506 praecuneus, 1502 precentral, 1506 quadrate, 1502

of cerebellum, See Cerebellum of epididymis, 751, 752 Locus caerulus, 1491 Longissimus capitis muscle, 406 cervicis muscle, 406 thoracis muscle, 406 Lucidum, septum, 1518 cavity of, 1520 Lumbar arteries, 847

fascia, 403, 404, 840, 841 lymphatic trunk, 833 plexus, 844 puncture, 154 triangle, 400, 708 vertebrae, 138 Lumbo-sacral trunk, 847 Lumbrical muscles of foot, 649 .

Lumbrical muscles of hand, 492 Lunate bone, 317

ossification, 322 Lung buds, 77, 1029 Lungs, 1021

cervical part of, 1246 development of, 77, 1028 difference between lungs, 1025 in foetus, 1031 lobes of, 1023 lymphatics of, 1029 nerves of, 1029 root of, 1025 structure of, 1027 Lunules of aortic valve, 1063 Luteum, corpus, 982 Lymphatic duct, right, 1246 Lymphatic glands— antecubital, 452 aortic, 832 apical, 424

axillary, 416, 424, 434 buccinator, 1284 caval, 1104 central, of axilla, 434 cervical, deep, 1189, 1199 superficial, 1178 coeliac, 815 colic, 803 facial, 1280

deep, 1309 gastric, 815 hepatic, 816 humeral, 424, 434 ileo-colic, 800 iliac, common, 849, 852 external, 855 internal, 927 infraclavicular, 416, 434 inguinal, 558 deep, 559 superficial, 558 innominate, 1101 intercostal, 1095, 1101 of intestine, large, 803 small, 799 juxta-aortic, 833 lingual, 1217

mammary, internal (or sternal), 1101

mastoid, 1161

mediastinal, anterior, 1014.

See also Innominate posterior, 1101 mesentric, inferior, 802 superior, 789 obturator, 855 occipital, 1148 pancreatic, 815 pararectal, 964 paratracheal, 1199, 1227 parotid (pre-auricular), 1285 pectoral, 424, 434 popliteal, 551 pre-aortic, 832

  • 744


Lymphatic glands ( continued ,)— pre-laryngeal, 1199, 1386 pretracheal, 1199, 1225 pubic, 558 retro-aortic, 833 retro-femoral, 855 sacral, 946 splenic, 815 submandibular, 1198 submental, 1199, 1203 subscapular, 424, 434 supratrochlear, 452 thoracic, 1101 tibial, anterior, 610 tracheo-bronchial, 1103 Lymphatic nodules of spleen, 896 system, development of, 1377 trunk, intestinal, 832 lumbar, 833 vessels of—

abdominal wall, deep, 733 superficial, 558, 712 anal canal, 964 antebrachial, 514 anus, 964 auricle, 1672 bladder, 952 brachial, 514 buttock, 658 carpal, 513 clitoris, 695, 715 colon, ascending, 800 descending, 802 pelvic, 802, 943 transverse, 800 diaphragm, 834 digital, foot, 658 hand, 513 epididymis, 750 face, 1283 gall-bladder, 891 genitals, external, 558 gluteal region, 540, 558 gums, 1338 heart, 1067 inguinal region, 558 intercostal spaces, 999 intestine, large, 800, 802, 943 small, 799, 869 kidney, 907 larynx, 1396 lips, 1336 liver, 887

lower limb, 558, 658 lungs, 1029 mammary gland, 416 nasal cavity, 1363 nose, 1298 oesophagus, 1088 ovary, 982

palate, mucous membrane, of hard, 1338 palm, 513 pancreas, 893 parotid gland, 1288

Lymphatic vessels ( continued )— penis, 715 pericardium, 1019 perineum, female, 693 male, deep, 690 superficial, 558, 690 pharynx, 1373 pleura, ion rectum, 964 scalp, 1162 scrotum, 717 seminal vesicles, 959 spleen, 897 stomach, 860 suprarenals, 898 testis, 750 thyroid gland, 1222 tongue, 1347 tonsils, 1355 trachea, 1225 upper limb, 513 ureter, 909 urethra, female, 988 male, 942, 943 uterine tubes, 983 uterus, 986 vagina, 986 vulva, 704 Lymph sacs, 1137

jugular, 1137 posterior, 1137 retro-peritoneal, 1137

McBurney, point of, 708 Macrocephaly, 268 Macrosomes, 25 Macula, lutea, 1653 sacculi, 1688 utricli, 1688 Magma reticulare, 32 Malleolar arteries, 609, 627 Malleolus, lateral, 364 medial, 361 Malleus, 1678

development of, 74, 1678 Mamillo-thalamic tract, 1517, 1543 Mammalia, 23

Mammary artery, internal —•

cervical part, 1242 thoracic part, 999 gland, 412, 414 accessory, 416 blood-supply, 415 development of, 417 lymphatics of, 416 nerves, 416 structure of, 416 lymphatic glands, 11 or Mammillary process, 139 Mandibular arch, 66 canal, 231 foramen, 231 fossa, 186 joint, 1316 notch, 232



Mandible, 229 angle of, 232 base, 231 body, 229 changes in age, 234 condyloid process, 233 coronoid process, 232 development, 234 lingula, 231 ossification of, 234 structure, 234 symphysis of, 229 Mantle layer of cord, 54, 1437 Manubrium sterni, 161 Marginal layer of cord, 54, 1437 sinus of placenta, 106, no tubercle of zygomatic, 220 Marrow, 121 Massa intermedia, 1534 Masseter muscle, 1301 Masseteric artery, 1307 nerve, 1309 Mastoid air-cells, 188 emissary vein, 1608 foramen, 187, 259 lymphatic glands, 1161 notch, 187, 258 process of temporal, 187 Maternal connections of foetus, 104 Maturation of ovum, 19 Maxilla, 211

alveolar process, 214 body, 211

development of, 277 frontal process, 214 ossification of, 218 palatine process, 215 structure of, 217 zygomatic process, 214 Maxillary processes—

of inferior nasal concha, 223 of palatine, 226 of zygomatic, 220 sinus, 217

Meatus, auditory, external, 193, 1671

bloodvessels of, 1672 early condition of, 1672 lymphatics, 1672 nerves of, 1672 internal, 190, 264 definition, 115 inferior, 1357 middle, 1357 of nasal fossae, 250 superior, 1356

Medial and median, definition, 122 Median artery, 478 , 498, 516 basilic vein, 450 cephalic vein, 450 nerve in arm, 458

digital branches of, 489 in forearm, 480 in hand, 489 lateral root of, 432

Median artery, medial root of, 423

palmar cutaneous branch of, 466, 481

summary of, 490 vein, 448

deep, 450

Mediastinal space, ion Mediastinum, 1003, ion anterior, 1006, 1013 middle, 1006, 1015 superior, 1006, 1012 testis, 750

Medulla oblongata, 1443, 1451 central canal of, 1446 development of, 1581 grey matter of, 1456 structure, internal, of, 1456 white matter of, 1462 Medullary cords in gonads, 100 groove, 34

laminae of nucleus lentiformis, 1528 * 1538

rays of kidney, 901 ridges, 34 spaces, 118 vela, 1485, 1491 Megakaryocytes, 121 Megaseme, 269 Membrana eboris, 284, 287 flaccida, 1676, 1677 granulosa, 982 limitans retinae, 1654 nictitans, 1292 propria, 1688 pupillaris, 1652 sacciformis, 315, 521 tectoria, 1407

of cochlea, 1693 Membrane or membranes—

atlanto-occipital, 1406, 1407 basilar, 1690 cell, 9

crico-vocal, 1384 intercostal, 994, 995 interosseous, of arm, 521 of leg, 660 nuclear, 8, 9 obturator, 993 perineal, 683

secondary, of tympanum, 1677 suprapleural, 1007, 1246 thyro-hyoid, 1384 tympanic, 1675 vestibular, 1690 Membranous labyrinth, 1687 Meningeal arteries, 1599 veins, 1601

Meninges of brain, 1598

of spinal cord, 1410 •*»

Menstruation, 19 Mental foramen, 229, 245 nerve, 1277 , 1313 point, 244, 268 protuberance, 229 tubercle, 229




Mentalis muscle, 1271 Mercier, bar of, 951 Meridian of eyeball, 1641 Meroblastic ova, 25 Mesaticephalic skulls, 243, 269 Mesencephalon, 1547 Mesenchyme, 112 Mesenteric artery, inferior, 801 superior, 796 hernia, 786

lymphatic glands, inferior, 802 superior, 789 plexus, inferior, 811 superior, 809 vein, inferior, 802 superior, 798 windows, 787

Mesentery, definition of, 780 primitive dorsal, 79, 793 ventral, 61, 79 proper, 786

ventral gastro-duodenal, 793 of vermiform appendix, 787 Mesoblast, 22, 26 Mesocardium, 90 Mesocephalic skulls, 268 Meso-colon, pelvic, 787 transverse, 787, 794 Mesoderm, 22

chorionic, 30, 33 covering fore-brain, 56 of visceral arches, 68 embryonic, 33 formation of, 26 gastral, 36 intra-embryonic, 30 lateral sheet of, 40, 41 paraxial, 40, 41 primitive, 26 prostomial, 36 somatic, 41 splanchnic, 41

structures derived from, 112 Meso-gastrium, 793 Mesognathion, 218 Mesognathous skulls, 244, 269 Mesonephros, 92, 94, 91^ Mesorchium, 740 Mesorhine skulls, 269 Meso-salpinx, 968 Mesoseme, 269 Mesothelium, 112 Mesovarium, 968 Metacarpal arteries, dorsal, 511 palmar, 498 bone, first, 323

Metacarpo-phalangeal joints, 527 Metacarpus, 323

ossification of, 329 as a whole, 327 Metakinesis, 10 Metanephros, 92, 94, 910 Metatarsal arteries, dorsal, 613 first plantar, 657 Metatarso-phalangeal joints, 671

Metatarsus, 378

ossification of, 386 varieties of, 384 as a whole, 384 Metathalamus, 1538 Metopic suture, 238 Meynert, ganglion of, 1544 Microcephalic skulls, 268 Microseme, 269 Mid-gut, 45, 61 Mid-tarsal joints, 665 Mitral cells, 1570 orifice, 1156

position of, 1064 valve, 1061

Moderator band of heart, 1057 Modiolus, 1686 Molar glands, 1272 teeth, 280

Molecular layer of cerebellum, "i486 Mons pubis, 692 Montgomery, glands of, 415 Morbus cseruleus, 1085 Morgagni, sinus of, 1370 Morphology, 1

of intrinsic muscles of hand, 515 Morula, 22

Moss-fibres of Cajal, 1488 Mouth cavity, 1335

development of, 86 I proper, 1336

vestibule of, 1336 Movable kidney, 822 Movements of joints, 395 Multifidus muscle, 409 Munzer, bundle of, 1558 Muscles—

abductor digiti minimi— foot, 646 hand, 496 hallucis, 644

ossis metatarsi quinti, 643 pollicis brevis, 493 longus, 505 adductor brevis, 577 hallucis, 649 longus, 576 magnus, 577 minimus, 578 pollicis, 494, 496 anconeus, 500 antitragicus, 1296 articularis genu, 573 ary-epiglotticus, 1394 arytenoideus, 1393 obliquus, 1393 transversus, 1394 auricularis, anterior, 1160 posterior, 1160 superior, 1160 of Bell, 951 biceps brachii, 452 femoris, 542 biventer cervicis, 407 brachialis, 452


17 47

Muscles ( continued )— brachio-radialis, 501 buccinator, 1269 bulbo-spongiosus, of female, 702 of male, 680 ciliary, 1648 coccygeus, 948 compressor naris, 1267 sacculi laryngis, 1394 venae dorsalis penis, 680 constrictor inferior, of pharynx, 1368 middle, of pharynx, 1368 radicis penis, 680 superior, of pharynx, 1369 coraco-brachialis, 452 corrugator cutis ani, 675 supercilii, 1266 costalis, 405 cremaster, 723

crico-arytenoideus lateralis, T392 posterior, 1392 crico-thyroideus, 1390 dartos, 716 deltoid, 436

depressor alae nasi, 1268 anguli oris, 1270 labii inferioris, 1270 detrusor urnae, 950 diaphragm, 1833

central tendon of, 833 development of, 837 orifices of, 835 digastric, 1227 dilator naris, anterior, 1268 posterior, 1268 pupillae, 1650, 1652 extensor carpi radialis brevis, 502 longus, 501 ulnaris, 503 digiti minimi, 303 digitorum, 302 brevis, 611 longus, 607 hallucis brevis, 611 longus, 606 indicis, 506 pollicis brevis, 305 longus, 505 flexor accessorius, 647 carpi radialis, 470 ulnaris, 470 digiti minimi, 496

brevis, 650 digitorum brevis, 645 longus, 621 profundus, 481 sublimis, 470 hallucis brevis, 648 longus, 623 pollicis brevis, 494 longus, 482, 496 gastrocnemius, 617 gemellus inferior, 535 superior, 535 genio-glossus, 1230

Muscles ( continued )— genio-hyoid, 1230 gluteus maximus, 531 medius, 532 minimus, 334 quartus, 534 gracilis, 376 hamstring, 542, 544 helicis major, 1296 minor, 1296 hyo-glossus, 1231 iliacus, 842 ilio-capsularis, 842 ilio-costalis, 404 ilio-costo-cervicalis, 404 ilio-psoas, 571 infraspinatus, 437 intercostal, external, 994 internal, 995 intercostales intimi, 996 interosseous, of foot, 650 of hand, 494, 512 interspinales, 410 intertransversales, 410 ischio-cavernosus, of female, 702 of male, 679

of larynx, intrinsic, 1390 latissimus dorsi, 399 » 439 levator anguli oris, 1268 ani, 947

glandulae thyroidae, 1221 labii superioris, 1268

alaeque nasi, 1267 palati, 1353, 1378 palpebrae superioris, 1247 prostatae, 947 scapulae, 400 levatores costarum, 410 longiores, 411 longissimus, 406 capitis, 406 cervicis, 406

longitudinalis linguae inferior, 1346 superior, 1346 longus, capitis, 1397 cervicis, 1398 lumbricales, of foot, 648 of hand, 492 masseter, 1301 of mastication, 1301 mentaiis, 1271 multifidus, 409 mylo-hyoid, 1229 obliquus auriculae, 1297 capitis inferior, 1150 superior, 1150 externus abdominis, 717 inferior, of eye, 1251 internus abdominis, 722 superior, of eye, 1250 obturator externus, 579 internus, 535, 949 occipito-frontalis, 1154 omo-hyoid, 1200

inferior belly of, 402, 437



Muscles ( continued )—

opponens digiti minimi, 496 pollicis, 494 orbicularis ciliaris, 1647 oculi, 1264

lacrimal part, 1265 orbital part, 1264 palpebral part, 1265 oris, 1271

palato-glossus, 1351 palato-pharyngeus, 1352 palmaris brevis, 484 longus, 470, 487 papillary, 1057 pectineus, 571 pectoralis major, 418 minor, 420

perinaeum, deep, transverse muscle of, 681 peroneus brevis, 617 longus, 613 tertius, 607 plantaris, 620 platysma, 1175 popliteus, 621 prevertebral, 1397 procerus, 1267 pronator quadratus, 482 teres, 469, 470 psoas major, 841 minor, 842

pterygoid, lateral, 1302 medial, 1304 pubo-vesical, 922 pyramidalis, 727 pyriformis, 534, 948 quadratus femoris, 535 lumborum, 843 quadriceps femoris, 572, 573 rectus abdominis, 726 capitis anterior, 1397 lateralis, 1397 posterior major, 1149 minor, 1150 femoris, 572 inferior, of eye, 1249 lateralis, of eye, 1249 medialis, of eye, 1249 superior, of eye, 1249 of respiration, 1115 rhomboideus major, 401 minor, 401 risorius, 1269 rotatores, 410 sacro-spinalis, 404 salpingo-pharyngeus, 1378 sartorius, 568 scalenus anterior, 1235 medius, 1236 posterior, 1236 scansorius, 534 semimembranosus, 543 semispinalis capitis, 407 cervicis, 408 thoracis, 408

Muscles ( continued )— semitendinosus, 543 serratus anterior, 401, 434 posterior inferior, 403 superior, 402 of soft palate, 1351 soleus, 619

sphincter ani externus, 675 internus, 961, 963 pupillae, 1650, 1652 urethrae, female, 702 male, 680 vesicae, 950 spinalis, 406

thoracis, 406 splenius, 404 capitis, 404 cervicis, 404 stapedius, 1680 sternalis, 420 sterno-costalis, 1002 sterno-hyoid, 1201 sterno-mastoid, 1145, 1182 sterno-thyroid, 1201 stylo-glossus, 1232 stylo-hyoid, 1228 , 1272 stylo-pharyngeus, 1323 subanconeus, 459 subclavius, 421 subcostal, 995 subscapularis, 440 supinator, 504 supraspinatus, 437 temporalis, 1302 tensor fasciae latae, 570 palati, 1353 , 1378 tympani, 1680 teres major, 439 minor, 438

thyro-arytenoideus, 1392 thyro-epiglotticus, 1392, 1394 thyro-hyoid, 1201 tibialis anterior, 606 posterior, 622 of tongue, intrinsic, 1346 tragicus, 1296 transversus abdominis, 724 auriculae, 1296 linguae, 1346 superficialis perinaei, 678 thoracis, 996 trapezius, 398

in neck, 1144 triceps brachii, 458 , 501 vastus intermedius, 573 lateralis, 572 medialis, 573 verticalis linguae, 1346 vocalis, 1392 zygomaticus major, 1269 minor, 1268 Musculi pectinati, 1054 Musculo-cutaneous nerve of arm, 432, 458 of leg, 604

Musculus-uvulae, 1352



Myelinization in cord, 1440 Myeloplasm, 53 Myenteric plexus, 863, 869 Mylo-hyoid groove, 232 line, 231 muscle, 1229 Myocardium, 1068 structure of, 1072 Myotomes of visceral arches, 1375

Nabothi, ovula, 985 Nasal bones, 221 crest, 222

development of, 277 ossification of, 222 capsule, 86, 1363 conchse, inferior, 223 middle, 209 superior, 209 crest of maxilla, 216 of palatine, 225 folds, 83 fossae, 248, 1356

arteries of, 1361 development of, 83, 85, 1363 lymphatics of, 1363 nerves of, 1360 groove, 208 index, 269

mucous membrane, 1359 notch of frontal, 181 part of maxilla, 212 of pharynx, 1371 pits, 83

process of frontal, 181 septum, osseous, 248 slit, 207, 250, 261 spine of frontal, 181 posterior, 225 Nasion, 240, 244, 268 Naso-lacrimal canal, 248 duct, 1294

Naso-pharyngeal tonsil, 1373 Natal cleft, 529 Navicular bone, 372

ossification, 378 tuberosity of, 373, 388, 641 varieties, 373

Naviculo-cuboid joint, 668 Neck, landmarks of, 1172 N 41 aton's line, 552 Neopallium, 1592 Nephric tubules, 93 Nephrocoele, 93 Nephrostome, 93 Nerves—

of abdominal wall, deep, 728 abducent. See Cranial nerves accessory. See Cranial nerves accessory obturator, 580, 847 to anconeus, 461 ansa hypoglossi, 1206 subclavia, 1335 auditory. See Cranial nerves auricular, great, 1142 , 1278

Nerves ( continued )—

auricular, posterior, 1160, 1272 of vagus, 1161 , 1328, 1672,


auriculo-temporal, 1157, 1277,


bigeminus, 928 brachial plexus, 439, 1193

infraclavicular branches, 431 in neck, 1193

supraclavicular branches,

43 °> 1194 buccal, 1277, 1310 of facial, 1274 carotico-tympanic, 1404 cervical branches of facial, 1275 plexus, 1185 branches, deep, 1188

superficial, 1141, 1187 spinal, posterior rami, 1142, 1152

chorda tympani, 1347, 1402 , 1619 as pretrematic nerve, 69 ciliary, long, 1256 circumflex, 432 , 436 coccygeal, 530, 928, 929 cochlear, 1404, 1693 cutaneous nerves. See also Cutaneous nerves

of arm, lateral, 448

medial, 432, 448, 457 posterior, 448, 460 of calf, lateral, 551 of forearm, lateral, 448 medial, 432, 448 , 457 posterior, 448

of ilio-hypogastric, anterior, 710 lateral, 531, 728 of neck, anterior, 1143, 1187 palmar, of median, 466, 481 of ulnar, 466, 477 perforating, of sacral plexus, 931 of subcostal, lateral, 531, 728 of thigh, intermediate, 555 lateral, 534, 564, 846 medial, 556 of ulnar, 448, 466, 499 dental, inferior, 1311 of maxillary—

anterior superior, 1319,1361 middle, 1320 posterior, 1320 digastric, 1272 digital, of foot, 652, 654 of hand, 489, 499 dorsal, of penis, 691 dorso-lumbar, 844 of dura mater, 1601 ethmoidal, anterior, 1361 posterior, 1257 of face, 1272

facial. See Cranial nerves femoral, 575, 846 branches of, 576 frontal, 1254

175 o


Nerves ( continued )—

furcalis, 847, 928, 931 genicular, 550, 580, 637 genito-femoral, 554, 846

femoral branch of, 554 , 846 genital branch of, 846 glosso-pharyngeal. See Cranial nerves

gluteal, inferior, 539, 930 superior, 539, 930 haemorrhoidal, inferior, 675, 691 hypoglossal. See Cranial nerves ilio-hypogastric, 728, 845 cutaneous branches—anterior, 710 lateral, 531, 728 ilio-inguinal, 554, 845, 729 incisive, of inferior dental, 1313 infra-orbital, 1276, 1319 infratrochlear, 1256, 1276 intercostal, 996, 1099 branches of, 997 lower five, 728 intercosto-brachial, 433 , 447 interosseous, anterior, 481

of nerve to popliteus, 550 posterior, 506 lacrimal, 1254 , 1276 laryngeal, external, 1329, 1395 internal, 1329, 1395 recurrent, 1044, 1045, 1330,1395 superior, 1329, 1395 to latissimus, dorsi, 431 lingual, 1313 , 1347 lumbo-sacral trunk, 847 mandibular, 1168, 1309 distribution, 1616 summary of, 1316 masseteric, 1309 maxillary, 1168, 1319

branches of, 1259, 1319 distribution of, 1616 summary of, 1323 median, in arm, 458

branches of, 459, 481 digital branches of, 489 in forearm, 480 in hand, 489 lateral root of, 432 . medial root of, 432 palmar cutaneous branch of, 466, 481

summary of, 490 meningeal, 1168 mental, 1277 , 1313 musculo-cutaneous, of arm, 432, 458 of leg, 604 mylo-hyoid, 1312 nasal nerves—

of greater palatine, 1361 of infra-orbital, 1276 of spheno-palatine ganglion, 1360 naso-ciliary, 1255 nutrient, to fibula, 627 to radius, 481

Nerves ( continued )—

nutrient, to tibia, 550 to ulna, 481

obturator, 557, 579, 846 accessory, 580, 847 genicular branch of, 580 to obturator internus, 539, 930 occipital, greater, 1141, 1152 lesser, 1142 third, 1142, 1152 ophthalmic, 1254, 1258 distribution, 1616 optic. See Cranial nerves palatine, greater, 1322, 1338, lesser, 1322

palmar cutaneous, of median, 466, 481

of ulnar, 466, 477 patellar plexus, 557 pectoral, 431

pelvic splanchnics, 930, 947 of penis, dorsal, 691 perforating cutaneous, 931 perineal, 691

deep branch of, 691 of fourth sacral, 675, 932 long, 691

to peroneus tertius, 610 petrosal, deep, 1404

external, 1169, 1402, 1403 superficial, greater, 1168, 1401 lesser, 1169, 1402, 1403 pharyngeal plexus, 1329

of spheno-palatine ganglion, 1321 of vagus, 1329 phrenic, in neck, 430, 1189 in thorax, 1015 plantar, lateral, 653 medial, 652

popliteal, lateral, 550 , 931 medial, 550 , 931 to popliteus, 550 post- and pre-trematic, 69 of pterygoid canal, 1321, 1360 pudendal, 690, 704, 931 to pyriformis, 930 to quadratus femoris, 540, 930 radial, 433

in arm, 459

cutaneous branches of, 433, 460, 467

in forearm, 475

muscular branches of, 433, 460, 461

rami communicantes, 1635 in abdomen, 838 cervicales, 1189, 1206 in neck, 1334 in pelvis, 947 in thorax, 1104

ramus descendens hypoglossi, 1189,


to rhomboids, 402, 430 , 1194 sacral, 928, 929

posterior rami, 529, 530



Nerves ( continued )— saphenous, 557 sciatic, 540, 544, 931 scrotal, posterior, 691 to serratus anterior, 430, 1194 spinal nerves, origins of, 1418

posterior primary rami of,

4 11 , I 4 1 9 roots of, 1419

thoracic, 1099 spinosus, 1168, 1399 splanchnic, 1105 pelvic, 930, 947 to stapedius, 1402 stylo-hyoid, 1272 to subclavius, 431, 1195 subcostal, 728, 849

lateral cutaneous branch of, 531, 728

suboccipital, 1141, 1152 subsartorial plexus, 431 subscapular, 431 subtrapezial plexus, 399 supraclavicular, 412, 1144 supra-orbital, 1153 , 1254, 1276 suprascapular, 431, 438, 1195 supratrochlear, 1154 , 1254, 1276 sural, 550, 615

communicating, 551 sympathetic trunk in abdomen, 838 ganglia of—

cervical, inferior, 1335 middle, 1334 superior, 1333 impar, 946 in neck, 1333 , 1335

cardiac branches, 1334, 1335

constitution of, 1335 in pelvis, 946 plexuses—

aortic, 811 cardiac, 1046 carotid, internal, 1170 coeliac, 807, 809 coronary, 1048 diaphragmatic, 809 gastric, 809 hepatic, 809 hypogastric, 811, 922 mesenteric, inferior, 811 superior, 809 ovarian, 811 pelvic, 922 phrenic, 809 renal, 809 splenic, 809 suprarenal, 809 testicular, 811 in thorax, 1104 temporal, deep, 1309, 1311 tentorii, 1168 thoracic, spinal, 1099

anterior rami, 996 to thyro-hyoid, 1206

Nerves ( continued )—

tibial, anterior, 610, 614 posterior, 627 of tongue, 1347 trochlear. See Cranial nerves tympanic, 1325 ulnar, 432

in arm, 458

cutaneous branches of, 448, 466, 499

deep division of, 499 digital branches of, 499 dorsal branch of, 467 in forearm, 480 in hand, 499

palmar cutaneous branch of, 466,


vagus. See Cranial nerves vestibular, 1404, 1622, 1693 in visceral arches, 69, 1121 zygomatic, 1319 zygomatico-facial, 1259, 1277 zygomatico - temporal, 1158, 1259,



annularis, of cornea, 1645

aortic, 811

brachial, 429, 1193

buccal, 1275, 1277

cardiac, deep and superficial, 1046

carotid, internal, 1170

cervical, 1185

coccygeal, 531, 931

coeliac, 807, 809

coronary, 1048

diaphragmatic, 809

gastric, 809

hepatic, 809

hypogastric, 811, 922

infra-orbital, 1274, 1276

intra-epithelial, of eye, 1645

lumbar, 844

mesenteric, inferior, 811 superior, 809 myenteric, 863, 869 oesophageal, 1043, 1087 ovarian, 811 parotid, 1273 patellar, 557 pelvic, 922 pharyngeal, 1329 phrenic, 809 , t

pudendal, 929 pulmonary, 1043, 1045 renal, 809 sacral, 928 splenic, 809

subepithelial, of eye, 1645 of submucosa of small intestine,

863, 869

subsartorial, 558 subtrapezial, 399 suprarenal, 809 testicular, 811 tympanic, 1325

T 75 2


Nerve-roots, 1419 Nervous system, 1410

development, 53 Neural canal, 40 crest, 54 groove, 34, 40 tube, 42, 53

Neurenteric canal, 34, 35, 37 Neuroblasts, 54, 1438 Neuro-central lip, 126 synchondrosis, 142 Neuroglia of spinal cord, 1410 Nictitans, membrana, 1292 Nigra, substantia, 1539, 1560 Node, atrio-ventricular, 1071 sino-atrial, 1070 Nodules of aortic valve, 1063 Normal, definition of, 5 Nose, 1298

cartilages of, 1298 development of, 83, 1363 lymphatics of, 1298, 1363 nerves of, 1360 Notch or notches— acetabular, 340 carotid, 200

cystic, of liver, 756, 777 ethmoidal, of frontal, 182 fibular, of tibia, 363 frontal, 181 intercondylar, 353 interlobar, of liver, 777 jugular, 176 mandibular, 232 mastoid, 187, 258 nasal, 212

of frontal, 181 of maxilla, 221 parietal, 188 pre-occipital, 1499 sciatic, greater and lesser, 340 spheno-palatine, 228 spino-glenoid, 294 supra-orbital, 181, 247 suprasternal, 162 trochlear, of ulnar, 312 tympanic, 1673 umbilical, of liver, 777 Notochord, 23, 39 , 167 in vertebras, 59 Notochordal groove, 35, 167 Nuchae, ligamentum, 399, 1144 Nuchal flexure, 58 furrow, 1141 groove, 397

Nuck, canal of, 743, 744, 969 Nuclear membrane, 9, 15 reticulum, 9, 15 Nuclein, 9 Nucleolus, 9, 15 Nucleoplasm, 8 Nucleus or nuclei— abducent, 1473 accessory, 1628 ambiguous, 1626 , 1626, 1627

Nucleus or nuclei ( continued )— amygdaloid, 1524, 1632 arcuate, 1462 caudatus, 1526 of cell, 9, 15 cochlear, 1620 cuneatus, 1460 dentate, 1485 emboliformis, 1485 of facial nerve, motor, 1472, 1617 sensory, 1619

of fasciculis solitarius, 1619, 1626

globosus, 1485

gracilis, 1459

hypoglossal, 1629

of lateral lemniscus, 1475

lateralis, 1462

lentiformis, 1526

oculo-motor, 1561, 1611

olivary, 1461, 1472

pontis, 1469, 1470

pulposus, 1107, 1108

red, 1539, 1553

subthalamic, 1540

thoracici, 1424, 1425

of trapezium, 1471

of trigeminal nerve —

mesencephalic root of, 1561, 1615 motor of, 1474, 1615 pontine, 1474

sensory of, 1472, 1474, 1615 trochlear, 1561 , 1614 vago-pharyngeal, dorsal, 1624 vestibular, 1622 Nutrient arteries— of femur, 587 of fibula, 626 of humerus, 455, 456 of radius, 478 of tibia, 626 of ulna, 478 Nutrient foramina— of clavicle, 290 of fibula, 366 of humerus, 300 of radius, 307, 311 of ribs, 157 of scapula, 295 of tibia, 361 of ulna, 314 nutrient nerves— to fibula, 627 to radius, 481 to tibia, 550 ' to ulna, 481

Obelion, 238, 243, 268 Obex, 1490

Oblique cord of forearm, 521 ligament of Cooper, 518 Obliquus capitis inferior, 1150 superior, 1150 externus abdominis, 717 inferior, of eye, 1251 internus abdominis, 722



Obliquus, superior, of eye, 1250 Oblongata, medulla, 1443, 1451 Obstetrical hinge-joint, 177 Obturator artery, 589, 925 , 927 abnormal, 566 canal, 579, 993 crest, 340

externus muscle, 579 fascia, 920 foramen, 340 groove, 340

internus muscle, 535, 949 nerve to, 539, 93° membrane, 993 nerve, 557, 579, 846 accessory, 580 , 847 Occipital artery, first part, 1218 second part, 1146 third part, 1146 bone, 172

condyles, 175, 258 crests of, 174, 259, 264 ossification of, 177 point, 243, 268

protuberance, 172, 174, 243, 1141 varieties, 176 groove, 258 lobe of brain, 1148 lymphatic glands, 1148 nerve, greater, 1141 , 1152 lesser, 1142 third, 1142 , 1152 point, 243, 268

protuberance, external, 172, 243, 1141 sinus, 1606 triangle, 1184 veins, 1148 venous plexus, 1147 Occipito-axial ligaments, 1407 Occipito-frontalis, 1154 Ocular appendages, 1289 Oculo-motor nerve, 1165, 1253, 1446 nucleus, 1561, 1611 Odontoblasts, 284, 287 Odontoid process of axis, 131 (Esophagus, cervical part of, 1227 development of, 66, 78, 1088 lymphatics of, 1088 structure of, 1088 thoracic part of, 1087 Olecranon, 312 bursa, 447 fossa, 304 rete, 479

Olfactorium, trigonum, 1511 Olfactory apparatus, development of, 1511 bulb, 1165, 1510 , 1570 structure of, 1570 capsule, 271, 276 foramina; 261 groove of ethmoid, 207 of sphenoid, 197 lobe, 1510

mucous membrane, 1359 nerves, 1165, 1360 ? i6ji

[ Olfactory organ, 271

tract, 1445, 1511 , 1570 Olivary nuclei, 1461, 1472 Olive of medulla, 1453, 1454 Omentale, tuber, of liver, 774 of pancreas, 807 Omentalis, bursa, 79, 81 Omentum, definition of, 779 greater, 756, 784 lesser, 785 Omo-hyoid, 1200

inferior belly of, 402, 437 Ontogeny, 7 Oocyte, 13, 14, 16, 17 Oogenesis, 16 Oogonia, 13, 16 Opening into lesser sac, 790 saphenous, 551, 561 , 707 to tympanic antrum, 188, 1681 Openings in diaphragm, 835 Opercula insulae, 1506 Operculum, frontal, 1498 fronto-parietal, 1498 orbital, 1498 Ophryon, 244, 268 Ophthalmic artery, 1170, 1259

nerve, 1168, 1254, 1258, 1616 veins, 1261 Opisthion, 258, 268 Opisthotic centre, 195 Opponens digiti minimi, 496 pollicis, 494 Optic chiasma, 1545 cup, 1666, 1668 disc of retina, 1653 foramen, 200, 245, 247, 261 groove, 197, 261 nerve, 1545

development of, 1668 in orbit, 1253 origin, deep, 1611 superficial, 1446 radiation, 1547 , 1566, 1568 recess, 1545 stalk, 1665, 1668 tract, 1445, 1545 vesicle, 1664 Oral fissure, 1337 Ora serrata of retina, 1652 structure of, 1658 Orbicularis ciliaris, 1647 oculi, 1264, 1265 oris, 1271 Orbit, 245

contents of, 1247 fascia of, 1252

Orbital area of cerebrum, 1493 fascia, 1252 fissure, inferior, 247 superior, 247 index, 269

plate of ethmoid, 208 of frontal, 182 of maxilla, 213 process of zygomatic, 219



Organ, spiral, 1691 Organogeny, 48 Orifice or orifices— aortic, 1062 of bladder, 951 cardiac, topography of, 1064 of coronary sinus, 1055 mitral, 1061

oesophageal, of stomach, 760, 761 pulmonary, 1059 pyloric, 760 tricuspid, 1055, 1057 urethral—

female, 695 male, 715, 938 of vagina, external, 695 vena cava, inferior, 1054 superior, 1054

Oropharyngeal isthmus, 1350 Orthognathous skulls, 244, 269 Os centrale, 322 dentatum, 133 japonicum, 221 pubis, 331 trigonum, 370 of uterus, external, 974 internal, 976 Ossa suturarum, 265 Ossification of bones, 119 centres, 119 law of, 304 of named bones—of atlas, 142 of axis, 143 of carpal bones, 322 of clavicle, 292 of coccyx, 151 of ethmoid, 211 of femur, 354 of fibula, 367 of hip bone, 341 of humerus, 305 of lacrimal, 223 of maxillae, 218 of metacarpals, 329 of metatarsals, 386 of nasal, 222

concha, inferior, 224 of occipital, 177 of palatine, 228 of phalanges of foot, 386 of hand, 386 of radius, 311 of sacrum, 149 of scapula, 298 of sphenoid, 205 of sternum, 164 of tarsal bones, 378 of temporal, 195 of tibia, 363 of ulna, 315 of vomer, 229 of zygomatic, 221

Osteoblasts and osteoclasts, 120, 121 Osteogenic fibres, 120

Ostium abdominale, 19, 972 Otic capsule, 75, 272 ganglion, 1314 Otoconia, 1688

Ovarian follicles, vesicular, 982 plexus, nervous, 811 venous, 979 pregnancy, 19 Ovary, 969

abnormal positions of, 104, 971 descent of, 970 development of, 100, 980 ligament of, 970, 982 suspensory, of, 970 ovulation in, 18, 19 structure of, 98 Ovocentre, 21 Ovulation, 18, 19 Ovum, 8, 14 , 16

fertilization of, 20 growth in pregnancy, 105 maturation of, 19 segmentation of, 21 transit to uterus, 19

Pacinian bodies of foot, 653 of hand, 490 Palate folds, 84 soft, 1350

development of, 86, 1354 glands of, 1351 muscles of, 1351 nerves of, 1354 relation to structures in, 1354 Palatine arteries—

ascending, 1217 of ascending pharyngeal, 1220 greater, 1308 , 1338, 1362 lesser, 1308 bones, 224

development of, 277 foramina of, 226 ossification of, 228 tubercle of, 226 nerves, 1322, 1338 Palatino-vaginal canal, 199 Palato-glossal arches, 1350 Palato-glossus, 1351 Palato-pharyngeal arches, 1350 Palato-pharyngeus, 1351 Pallidus, globus, 1528 Palmar aponeurosis, 484

arch, deep, 484, 497, 499

superficial, 483, 484, 498 cutaneous branch of median, 466, 481 of ulnar, 466, 477 metacarpal arteries, '498 space, 492

Palmaris brevis, 484 longus, 470, 487 Palpebral arteries, 1260, 1281 Pampiniform plexus, 738 Pancreas, 806

blood^supply, 893



Pancreas connections, position and relations of, 806 development of, 80, 894 lymphatics of, 893 structure of, 891 tuber omentale of, 807 Pancreatic duct, 892

accessory, 892 Panniculus carnosus, 1175 Papilla, duodena], 865 lacrimalis, 1289 Papillae of tongue, 1344 Paracentral lobule, 1499 Parachordal cartilages, 271 Paradidymis, 750 Parafloccular fossa, 191 Paraflocculus, 1481 Paraganglia, 1105 Paramesonephric duct, 101, 987 Parametrium, 974 Paranasal sinuses, 250

development of, 1364 Pararectal recess, 919 Parasympathetic system, 1410, 1639 cranial, 1639 sacral, 1640

Parathyroid glands, 1223

development of, 76 Paravesical recess, 919 Paraxial mesoderm, 40, 41 Parietal bones, 178

ossification of, 180 varieties of, 180 eminence, 178, 1633 foramen, 179, 243 notch of temporal, 188 Paroccipital process, 176 Paroophoron, 971

development of, 754, 987 Parotid duct, 1287 gland, 1284

development of, 1289 structure of, 1288 lymphatic glands, 1283 plexus, 1273 Pars iridica retinae, 1650 Patella, 355

ossification of, 357 structure, 356 Patellar plexus, 557 retinacula, 629 Pectineus muscle, 571 Pectoral lymphatic glands, 424, 434 nerves, 431 region, 412 ridge, 300

Pectoralis major, 418 minor, 420

Pedicles of vertebrae, 128 Pelvic fascia in female, visceral, 968 in male, parietal, 919 visceral, 921

Pelvis, 914

axes of, 344

bony, 342

Pelvis, brim of, 342 of child, 345 contents of, 915 diameters, 342 false, 342 female, 965

peritoneum, 966 viscera, position of, 966 inclination, 344 inlet, 342 of kidney, 907 male, 916

peritoneum of, 917 viscera, position of, 916 measurements of, 345 outlet, 344

sexual differences of, 345 true, 342 Penis, 712

angle of, 942 bulb of, 682, 953 composition of, 714 corona glandis, 712, 715 corpora cavernosa, 953 corpus spongiosum, 953 coverings of, 712 crus, 682

fascial sheath of, 713 frenulum of, 713 glans, 715 prepuce, 713 septum of, 953 structure of, 953 suspensory ligament of, 713 Perforaculum, 13

Perforating arteries of foot, 613, 657 of hand, 498 of profunda femoris, 586 cutaneous nerve, 931 Pericardium, 1017

development of, 46, 67, 1019 lymphatics of, 1019 sinus, transverse, of, 1018 structure of, 1019 Perichoroidal lymph space, 1643 Pericranium, 1157 Perilymph of internal ear, 1687 Perilymphatic duct, 193 Perineal body, female, 701 male, 681 fascia, 675 fold, 957

membrane, 683, 701 pouch, 679 triangle, deep, 682 Perineum, female, 692, 701 male, 674

Periodontal membrane, 287 Periosteum, 121

Periotic cartilaginous capsules, 195 Perirenal capsule, 818 Peritoneum, 779

course of transverse, 782 vertical, 780 development of, 81, 795



Peritoneum in foetus, 793 folds of, 744, 792 ligaments, 788 mesenteries, 786 omenta, 784 fossae, 744, 791 parietal, 744 pelvic, in female, 966 in male, 917 primitive, of testis, 741 recesses of, 791, 919 sac, greater, 789

lesser, 81, 785, 790 structure of, 795 Perivascular spaces, 1436 Peroneal artery, 610, 626 retinaculum, 601 tubercle, 372, 388 Peroneus brevis, 617 longus, 615 tertius, 607

Perpendicular plate, ethmoid, 208 of palatine, 214 Pes hippocampi, 1525 Petrosal process, posterior, 198 sinus, inferior, 1607 superior, 1606

Petro-sphenoid ligament, 193 Pfliiger, cords of, 753 Phalanges of foot, 384, 385 ossification of, 386 of hand, 329

ossification of, 329 Pharyngeal artery, ascending, 1219 bursa, 168, 1373 plexus, 1329 pouches, 70, 76, 1373 recess, 1372 tubercle, 258

Pharyngo-basilar fascia, 1371 Pharyngo-epiglottic folds, 73, 1380 Pharyngo-tympanic canal, 257 " groove, 257 tube, 1378

development of, 73, 74, 1378 Pharynx, 1366

blood-supply of, 1373 development of, 1373 laryngeal part of, 1373 lymphatics of, 1373 muscles of (constrictor), 1368 nasal part of, 1371 oral part of, 1373 Phenozygous skulls, 243 Philtrum, 1336 Phrenic artery, 827

nerve in neck, 430, 1189 in thorax, 1015 Phylogeny, 7 Pia mater, cranial, 1610 spinal, 1414

Pigmentary layer of retina, 1657 Pillars of fornix, 1516, 1517 Pineal body, 1540

development of, 58, 1390

1 Pineal recess, 1534 Pinna, development of, 67, 1697 Pisiform bone, 318, 333

ossification of, 322 joint, 524

Piso-hamate ligament, 473, 524 Piso-metacarpal ligament, 473, 524 Pit for ligament of head of femur, 346 Placenta, 24, 108

formation of, 106 separation of, 107 septa, 109

sinus, marginal, of, 106, no structure of, 108 Plagiocephalus, 270 Plane, intertubercular, 755 subcostal, 755 Plantar aponeurosis, 642 arch, 655, 657 artery, lateral, 655 , 657 medial, 654 , 657 ligament, long, 667 short, 667 nerve, lateral, 653 medial, 652 triangle, 650 Plantaris, 620 Planum temporale, 178 Plasmodi-trophoblast, 27 Plasmodium in embedding of ovum, 27 Platycnemism, 363 Platymeria, 354 Platyrhine skulls, 269 Platysma, 1175 Pleura, 1005

development of, 78, ion lymphatics of, ion reflection of, 1005 lines of, 1007

Pleural sacs, development of, 78 differences between, ion Plexus, choroid, of fourth ventricle, 1492 of lateral ventricle, 1521

of inferior horn of, 1525

of nerves—

annularis, of cornea, 1645 aortic, 811 brachial, 429, 1193 buccal, 1275, 1277 cardiac, deep and superficial, 1046

carotid, internal, 1170 cervical, 1185 coccygeal, 531, 931 coeliac, 807, 809 coronary, 1048 diaphragmatic, 809 gastric, 809 hepatic, 809 hypogastric, 811, 922 infra-orbital, 1274, 1276 intra-epithelial, of eye, 1645 lumbar, 844

mesenteric, inferior, 811 superior, 809



Plexus of nerves ( continued )— myenteric, 863, 869 oesophageal, 1043, 1087 ovarian, 811 parotid, 1273 patellar, 557 pelvic, 922 pharyngeal, 1329 phrenic, 809 pudendal, 929 pulmonary, 1043, 1045 renal, 809 sacral, 928 splenic, 809

subepithelial, of eye, 1645 of submucosa of small intestine, 863, 869 subsartorial, 558 subtrapezial, 399 suprarenal, 809 testicular, 811 tympanic, 1325 of veins—

dorsal, of foot, 610 of hand, 467 spinous, 1435 occipital, 1147 ovarian, 979 pampiniform, 738 prostatic, 952 pterygoid, 1308 suboccipital, 1152 vesical, 952 Plica fimbriata, 1343

semilunaris of conjunctiva, 1289, 1292

sublingualis, 1336 Plicae villosae, 858 Point, alveolar, 244, 268 auricular, 251, 268 jugal, 251, 268 mental, 244, 268 nasal, 240, 244, 268 occipital, 243, 268 pre-auricular, 1629 Rolandic, inferior, 1633 superior, 1633 subnasal, 244, 268 Sylvian, 1632 Polar bodies, 16, 17 Pollicis, abductor brevis, 493 longus, 505 adductor, 494, 496 dorsalis artery, 511 extensor brevis, 505 longus, 505 flexor brevis, 494 longus, 482, 496 opponens, 494 princeps artery, 487, 497 Pons of brain, 1444, 1468 hepatis, 775, 777 Pontine flexure, 57 Pontis, cisterna, 1609 Poto-bulbar body, 1584

Popliteal artery, 541, 546

genicular branches, 548 fascia, 546 fossa, 541, 545 groove, 352 lymphatic glands, 551 nerve, lateral, 550 , 931 Popliteal nerve, medial, 550 , 93 i vein, 546, 549 Popliteus, 621 nerve to, 550 Porta hepatis, 775 Portal canals, 885 sinus, 816 vein, 816 , 885 Porus opticus, 1653 Position, formal, 3 Post-anal gut, 98 Post-auditory process, 193 Post-axial, definition, 5, 122 Post-glenoid tubercle, 183 Post-trematic nerves, 69 Pouch or pouches—

of epitympanic recess, 1681 perineal, 679 of Rathke, 87 , 206, 1171 recto-uterine, 966 recto-vesical, 918 vesico-uterine, 967 Praecuneus of brain, 1502 Pre-auricular, 1629 Pre-axial, definition, 5, 122 Precervical sinus, 67 Preglenoid tubercle, 186 Pregnancy, extra-uterine, 19 Pre-interparietal bone, 265 Prelaryngeal lymphatic glands, 1199, 1386

Premaxilla, 218, 277 Prepatellar bursa, 554, 640 rete, 548

Prepuce of clitoris, 695 of penis, 713

Pretracheal lymphatic glands, 1199, 1225 Pretrematic nerves, 69 Primitive jugular, 51, 1127 mesoderm, 26 oesophagus, 66 pharynx, 44, 65, 66 floor, 70 segments, 40 streak, 33 , 34

Princeps pollicis artery, 487, 497 Process or processes—

alveolar, of maxilla, 214 angular, medial, 181 articular, 139

auditory, external, of temporal, 194 clinoid, anterior and middle, 200, 261 posterior, 198, 261 condyloid, of mandible, 233 coracoid, 296 coronoid, of mandible, 232 of ulna, 312

costal, of cervical vertebrae, 128



Process or processes ( continued )—

ethmoidal, of inferior nasal concha, 223

frontal, of maxilla, 214 of zygomatic, 220 infra-orbital, of zygomatic, 220 jugular, of occipital, 176 , 258 of lacrimal, descending, 222

of inferior nasal concha, 223 mamillary, 139 maxillary—

of inferior nasal concha, 223 of palatine, 226 of zygomatic, 220 nasal, of frontal, 181 odontoid, 131 orbital, of zygomatic, 219 palatine, of maxilla, 215 paroccipital, 176 petrosal, posterior, 198 post-auditory, 195 pterygoid, of sphenoid, 203 sphenoidal, of palatine, 227 spinous, of cervical vertebrae, 127 styloid, of fibula, 364 of radius, 309 of temporal, 194, 257 of ulna, 315 supracondylar, 302 temporal, of zygomatic, 220 transverse, of cervical vertebrae, 128 uncinate, of ethmoid, 210 of pancreas, 806 vaginal, of sphenoid, 198 of temporal, 192, 194 xiphoid, 163

zygomatic, of frontal, 181 of maxilla, 214 of temporal, 185

Processus cochleariformis, 193, 1675 reticularis of spinal cord, 1421 tubarius, 204 Proctodaeum, 698 Profunda brachial artery, 455 femoris artery, 584 , 588 Prognathous skulls, 244, 269 Projection of facial canal, 1674 fibres of cerebrum, 1565 Proligerus, discus, 18, 982 Promontory of middle ear, 1674 of sacrum, 144 Pronator quadratus, 482 teres, 469, 470 Prone, definition, 5 Pronephros, 92, 94 , 912 Pronucleus, female, 8, 16 male, 8

Pro-otic centre, 196 Prostate gland, 937

blood-supply of, 960 development of, 960 lymphatics of, 960 structure of, 959 Prostatic fissure, 937 sinus, 939

Prostatic utricle, 939 Prostomial mesoderm, 36 Protocardiac area, 34 Protoplasm, 8 . Protuberance, mental, 229 occipital, external, 172 internal, 174

Pseudo-ganglion. See Gangliform enlargement Psoas major, 841 minor, 842 sheath, 839

Pterion, 180, 239, 253, 268, 1631 Pterotic centre, 196 Pterygoid canal, 204, 255, 263 artery of, 1308, 1362 nerve of, 1321, 1360 fissure, 203 fossa, 203, 257 hamulus, 204 muscle, lateral, 1302 medial, 1304

plates of sphenoid, 203, 204 development, 277 plexus of veins, 1308 processes, 203 tubercle of sphenoid, 204 Pterygo-mandibular ligament, 1181 Pterygo-maxillary fissure, 253 Pterygo-palatine canal, 227 fissure, 253 fossa, 254

Pterygo-spinous foramen, 203 ligament, 1181 Pubic angle, 339, 552 artery, 731 crest, 339, 552 guide to, 707

relation of structures at, 728 lymphatic glands, 558 symphysis, 992 tubercle, 339

guides to, 551, 706 Pubis, os, 339

Pubo-femoral ligament, 599 Pudendal arteries—

external, deep, 584

superficial, 548, 710 internal, 539, 686, 703, 925 accessory, 689 band, 929 canal, 688 nerve, 690, 704, 931 Pulmonary alveoli, 1028 groove of thorax, 166 orifice of heart, 1059

position of, 1064 outgrowth from foregut, 70, 77 valve of heart, 1059, 1064 Pulvinar of thalamus, 1537 Punctum lacrimale, 1289 Pupil, 1648

Pupillaris, membrana, 1652 Purkinje, cells of, i486 fibres of, 1070




Pyloric antrum, 760 glands, 859 sphincter, 857, 861 valve, 861 Pylorus, 861

position of, 761 Pyramid of cerebellum, 1480 of medulla, 1452 , 1470 of middle ear, 190, 1765 Pyramidal fibres in mid-brain, 1559 layer of cortex, 1562 lobe of thyroid, 1221 tract, 1565

Pyramids, decussation of, T451, T433 Pyriform fossa, 76, 1373, 1386 Pyriformis, 534, 948

Quadrate lobe of liver, 774 lobule of brain, 1502 Quadratus femoris, 535

nerve to, 540, 930 lumborum, 843 Quadriceps femoris, 572, 573 Quadrigemina, corpora, 1547 Quadrilateral space, 441

Radial artery, 473

first part, 474

recurrent branch of, 475 second part, 509 third part, 497 varieties of, 475, 498 nerve, 433

in arm, 459

cutaneous branches of, 433, 460, 467

in forearm, 475

muscular branches of, 433,

460, 461 vein, 450

Radiata, corona, 1515, I 53 1 of ovum, 14, 19 Radiatio corporis callosi, 1513 Radiation, auditory, 1568 callosal, 1568 optic, 1566, 1568 thalamic, 1567 Radius, 306

grooves of, 309 head of, 306 lines, 307 ossification of, 311 styloid process, 309 tubercle, dorsal, of, 309 tuberosity of, 307 Rami communicantes, 1635 in abdomen, 838 cervicales, 1189, 1206 in neck, 1334 in pelvis, 947 of pubis, 339 in thorax, 1104

Ramus descendens hypoglossi, 1205 of ischium, 338 of mandible, 231

Raphe, palpebral lateral, 1265 scrotal, 716

Rathke, pouch of, 87 , 206, 1171 Rays, medullary, of kidney, 901 Receptive cone, 21 Recess or recesses— cochlear, 1683 elliptical, 1683 epitympanic, 1681

infundibular, of third ventricle, 1533 lateral, of fourth ventricle, 1489 optic, of third ventricle, 1533 peritoneal, duodenal, 791 duodeno-jejunal, 792 inguinal, 745 pararectal, 919 paravesical, 919 pericaecal, 792 sphero-ethmoidal, 1337 suprapineal, 1334 tubo-tympanic, 73 of the utricle, 1687 Rectal arteries, inferior, 963 middle, 925, 963 superior, 802, 963 pits, 961

Recti muscles of eyeball, 1249 Recto-uterine folds, 967 pouch, 966

Recto-vesical pouch, 918 Rectum, ampulla of, 944 blood-supply of, 963 development of, 965 female, 978 flexures of, 944 horizontal folds of, 961 lymphatics of, 964 male, 943

peritoneal relations of, 944 structure of, 960 Rectus abdominis, 726 sheath of, 727 capitis anterior, 1397 lateralis, 1397 posterior major, 1149 minor, 1150 femoris, 572

Recurrent artery, anterior tibial, 609 ulnar, 477

interosseous, posterior, 508 radial, 475

laryngeal nerve, 1044, 1045, 1330 , 1395

Red nucleus, 1539, 1553 Reduction division, 14, 16, 17 Refracting media of eyeball, 1661 Reichert’s cartilage (of second arch), 74, 75, 273, 278 scar, 104

Reid, base line of, 1633 Renal artery, 827

sympathetic plexus, 809 vein, 828

Respiratory apparatus, development of, 1029



Rete, carpal, anterior, 478, 479 , 498 cords, 100, 752 olecranon, 479 prepatellar, 548 testis, 751 Retina, 1652

central artery of, 1260, 1658 ciliary part of, 1647 development of, 1667 fovea centralis, 1653, 1658 macula lutea, 1653, 1658 nerve cells of, 1660 optic disc, 1653 ora serrata, 1652, 1658 rods and cones layer, 1656 structure of, 1653 sustentacular fibres of, 1657 Retinaculum or retinacula— of ankle, 601 extensor, of ankle, 603 of hand, 508 flexor, of ankle, 602 of hand, 493 of hip-joint, 393 patella, 629 peroneal, 601

Retro-pharyngeal space, 1179 Retro-pubic cellular tissue, 919 Retzius, cave of, 339 Rhinencephalon, 1512 Rhinion, 240, 244, 268 Rhombencephalon, 1451 Rhomboideus major, 401 minor, 401

Rhomboids, nerve to, 402, 430 Rib, first, 157 second, 158 Ribs, 154

development of, 59, 170 ossification of, 160 varieties, 159 Rider’s bone, 354 Ridge, pectoral, 300

pelvic, transverse, 101 supinator, of ulna, 314 teres, 300

Rima glottidis, 1388 Ring, femoral, 551, 566 guide to, 707 inguinal, deep, 735

guide to, 708 superficial, 551, 720 guide to, 707 Risorius, 1269 Rods of retina, 1656 Rolandic angle, 1633 points, 1633 Roof-plate, 53 Roots of spinal nerves, 1419

development of, 54 Rostrum of corpus callosum, 1514 Rotatores, 410 Rotunda, fossa, 1674 Rotundum, foramen, 201 , 255, 263 Rugarum, columnae, of vagina, 986

Sac, lacrimal, 1293

development of, 1294 peritoneal, greater, 786, 789 lesser, 785, 790

opening into, 790 Saccule of internal ear, 1688 of larynx, 1387

Sacculus endolymphaticus, 1688 Sacral groove, 153

nerves, posterior rami, 528, 530 plexus, 928 spina bifida, 154 Sacro-spinous ligament, 991 Sacro-tuberous ligament, 542, 990 Sacro-vertebral angle, 15T Sacrum, 144 alae, 148 apex, 148 canal of, 148 ossification, 149 promontory of, 144 sexual characteristics, 149 varieties, 148 Sagittal line, 1630 suture, 237, 1630

Saphenous branch of descending genicular artery, 587, 589 nerve, 557

opening, 551, 552, 561 guide to, 707 vein, long, 559, 600 short, 600, 615 Sartorius, 568 Sauropsida, 23, 33 Scala tympani, 1689 vestibuli, 1689 Scalene tubercle, 157 Scalenus anterior, 1235 medius, 1236 posterior, 1236 Scalp, anterior part of, 1153 fascia of, 1153

superficial veins and nerves of, 1153' as a whole, 1162 Scansorius, 534 Scaphocephalus, 270 Scaphoid bone, 316

ossification of, 322 tubercle of, 316, 332 fossa of auricle, 1295 of sphenoid, 204 Scapula, 292

acromion, 296 coracoid process, 296 glenoid cavity, 294 ossification, 298 spine, 295 varieties, 298 Scapular anastomosis, 441 circumflex artery, 427 ligaments, 445 Schindylesis, 242 , 394 Sciatic band, 929

nerve, 540, 544, 931 notch, greater, 340



Sciatic notch, lesser, 340 Sclera, 1642 Scrotum, 715

arteries of, 717 development of, 700, 717 lymphatics of, 717 nerves of, 717 septum, 716 skin of, 716

structures forming wall, 716 Segmentation, 40 cavity, 24

in archenteron, 38 cells, 21, 22 nucleus, 21 in ovum, 21

Sella turcica of sphenoid, 197, 261 Sellae, diaphragma, 1163, 1603 Semicircular canals, 1684 ducts, 1688

Semicircularis stria, 1532 Semilunar cartilages of knee, 632 tract of cord, 1430 Semilunaris, hiatus, 1357 Semimembranosus, 543 Seminal vesicles, 936

blood-supply of, 959 development of, 959 lymphatics of, 959 structure of, 958 Seminiferous tubules 752 Semispinalis capitis, 407 cervicis, 408 thoracis, 408 Septum of clitoris, 694 ilio-pectineal, 856 linguae, 1346 lucidum, 1518 of nose, 248

formation of, 85 of penis, 953 primum, 1075

  • secundum, 1076

transversum, 46, 78, 79 of ear, 1688

Serial homology, 6, 41, 122 Serosa, 32

Serrata, ora, of retina, 1652, 1658 Serratus anterior, 401, 434 posterior, inferior, 403 superior, 402

Sesamoid bones, foot, 386

gastrocnemius, 618 great toe, 648 hand, 329 patella, 574

in peroneus longus, 617 thumb, 494

in tibialis posterior, 623 Sheath, axillary, 429 carotid, 1207 femoral, 565 , 568 of Hertwig, 287 of rectus, 727

Shoulder-girdle generalized, 298

Shoulder-joint, 4&1 ligaments of, 461 Sigmoid groove of temporal, 188 sinus, 1606

guide to, 1632 Sino-atrial node, 1070 Sinus, annularis, 1124 basilar, 1607 cavernous, 1169, 1606 cervicalis, 1377 circular, 1606 of epididymis, 748 ethmoidal, 210 frontal, 184 of larynx, 1387 marginal, 1606

of placenta, 106, no maxillary, 217 of Morgagni, 1370 occipital, 1606

guide to, 1631 petrosal, inferior, 1607 superior, 1606

petro-squamosal, of foetus, 241 petro-squamous, 1607 portal, 816 precervical, 67 prostatic, 939 sagittal, inferior, 1604 superior, 1603

guide to, 1631 sigmoid, 1606

guide to, 1632 spheno-parietal, 1606 straight, 1605 tarsi, 370, 390 tonsillaris, 1355 transverse, 1605 guide to, 1631 of pericardium, 1018 tympani, 1674 uro-genital, 99 venosus, 46, 52, 90, 1124 sclerae, 1645

Sinuses of dura mater, 1163, 1603 paranasal, 250 Sinusoids, 1125 Skeleton, 113

general principles, 122 Skull at birth, 265

deformities of, 269 development of, 270 of female, 267 racial peculiarities of, 268 sexual characters, 267 as a whole, 237 Smegma, prseputii, 713 Snuff-box, anatomical, 484 Sockets of mandible, 231 of maxilla, 214 Sole of foot, 641 Soleal line, 361 Soleus, 619

Solitarius, fasciculus, 1625, 1626 nucleus of, 1619, 1625




Solitary lymphatic nodules, 868 Somatopleure, 40 Somites, mesodermal, 40 Space or spaces—

interglobular, 285 intervillous, 105, 108 of irido-corneal angle, 1645 middle palmar, 492 perivitelline, 14 quadrilateral, 441 retropharyngeal, 1179 suprasternal, 1179 thenar, 492 triangular, 441 zonular, 1664 Spermatic cord, 736

coverings of, 739 fascia, external, 739 internal, 739

Spermatids, 12, 14, 16, 752 Spermatocytes, 13 , 1 7 > 752 Spermatogenesis, 13, 14 Spermatozoa, 8 , 12 , 14. 752 Sphenodon, 302 Spheno-ethmoidal plate, 90 recess, 1357

Spheno-mandibular ligament, 234, 1181, 1316

Spheno-palatine artery, 1308, 1361 foramen, 255 ganglion, 1320 nerves, 1322, 1338, 1361 notch, 228 Sphenoid bone, 197 lingula, 200 openings in, 204 ossification of, 205 spine of, 201, 257

ethmoidal, of, 197 varieties 205 wing, greater, 201 lesser, 200 Sphenoidal air-cells, 199 chonchae, 204 crest, 199

process of palatine, 227 Sphincter ani externus, 675 internus, 961, 963 pupillae, 1650, 1652 pyloric, 857, 861 vesicae, 950

Spinal arteries, anterior, 1434, 1447, 1575 posterior, 1434, 1447, 1575 cord, 1410 cauda equina, 1417 caudal end of, 1440 central canal of, 1422 columns of, 1418 commissures of, 1418 conus medullaris, 1416 development of, 53, 1436 enlargements of, 1416 fibres, association of, 1425 filum terminale of, 1417 grey matter of, 1420

Spinal arteries, growth of, 1442 horns of, 1421, 1422 ligamenta denticulata of, 1415 meninges of, 1410 nerve fibres of, course of, 1426 processus reticularis, 1421 sections of, 1423 structure of, internal, 1420 minute, 1424 sulci of, 1418 surfaces of, 1420 tracts of, 1429 white matter of, 1423, 1426 ganglia, 1419, 1428 groove, 397 nerves, 1418

origin of, 1418

relation of vertebrae to, 1420 posterior primary rami of, 411, 1419

roots of, 1419 Spinalis, 406

thoracis, 406 Spindle, 10 Spine or spines — definition, 115 ethmoidal, of sphenoid, 197 iliac, anterior, 334, 335, 551, 707 posterior, 335 of ischium, 338

nasal, anterior, of maxilla, 221 of frontal, 181 posterior, 225 of scapula, 295 of sphenoid, 201, 257 suprameatal, 187 Spino-glenoid ligament, 445 notch, 294

Spino-thalamic tract, 1432 Spino-umbilical lines, 707 Spiral ganglion, 1694

groove of humerus, 300 organ, 1691 Spireme, 10

Splanchnic ganglion, 1105 nerves, pelvic, 930, 947 thoracic, 1105 Splanchnopleure, 41 Spleen, 768

accessory, 771

component parts, connections and position of, 768 development of, 81, 897 ligaments of, 771, 789 lymphatic nodules of, 896 lymphatics of, 897 nerves of, 897 peritoneal relations of, 771 structure of, 895 Splendens, linea, 1415 “ Splenic dulness, area of, 771 sympathetic plexus, 809 Splenium of corpus callosum, 1514 Splenius, 404 capitis, 404




i 7 6 3

Splenius cervicis, 404 Spongioblasts, 54 Spongioplasm, 8 Squamo-mastoid suture, 241 Squamosal suture, 239, 1631 Squamo-tympanic fissure, 1673 Stapedius, 1680 Stapes, 1679

development of, 75, 1679 Stellate ganglion, 1104 Stephanion, 251, 268 Sternal angle, 162, 1013 plate, 170 Sternalis, 420 Sternebrae, 161 Sterno-clavicular joint, 443 Sterno-costalis, 1002 Sterno-hyoid, 1201 Sterno-mastoid, 1145, 1182 Sterno-pericardial ligaments, 1018 Sterno-thyroid, 1201 Sternum, 160

angle of, 162 body,162

development of, 164, 170 foramen of, 164, 171 manubrium, 161 ossification of, 164 sexual characteristics, 164 varieties, 163 xiphoid process, 163 Stomach, 758

blood-supply of, 860 component parts, connections and position of, 758 curvatures of, 759 development of, 79, 862 divisions of, 760 gastro-phrenic ligament, 789 gastro-splenic ligament, 789 glands of, 858 lymphatics of, 860 nerves of, 860 orifices of, 760 peritoneal relations of, 761 structure of, 856 topography of, 761 trigone or uncovered area of, 761 Stomodaeum, 46, 81, 1339 Straight sinus, 1605 ,

Stratum cinereum, 1550 granulosum, 1570 laciniosum, 1569 lemnisci, 1550 opticum, 1550, 1564 radiatum, 1569 zonale, 155°

Stria longitudinalis and medialis, 1510,

1513, 1514

Striae, auditory, 1471, 1489, 1620 habenulae, 1534, 1541 Striatum, corpus, 1526 Strio-frontal fibres, 1529 Stylo-glossus, 1232 Stylo-hyal, 75, 197

Stylo-hyoid ligament, 1232 muscle, 1228

Stylo-mandibular ligament, 1181, 1317 Stylo-mastoid foramen, 192 Stylo-pharyngeus, 1323 Styloid, definition of, 115 pr^pess of fibula, 364 of radius, 309 of temporal, 194, 257 of ulna, 315

Subacromial bursa, 436, 464 Subanconeus, 459 Subarachnoid space of brain, 1608 of spinal cord, 1413 Subarcuate fossa, 191, 264 Subcallosal gyrus, 1514 Subclavian artery, 1237

development of, 1240 left, first part of, 1240 in thorax, 1040 right, first part of, 1237 second part of, 1240 third part of, 1191

guide to, 1192

groove, 290 triangle, 1190 vein, 1192, 1244 Subclavius, 421

nerve to, 431, 1195 Subcostal angle, 165 line, 755 nerve, 728, 849

lateral cutaneous branch of, 531, 728

plane, 755

Subdural space of brain, 1599, 1608 of spinal cord, 1412 Sublingua, 1343 Sublingual artery, 1216 ducts, 1235 fossa, 230 gland, 1234

development of, 1235 Submandibular duct, 1233 fossa, 230 ganglion, 1315 gland, 1233

development of, 1234 lymphatic glands, 1198 triangle, 1196

Submental lymphatic glands, 1199, 1203 triangle, 1202 Subnasal fossa, 244 point, 244, 268

Suboccipital nerve, 1141, 1153 region, 1149 triangle, 1150 venous plexus, 1152 Subpubic angle, 344 arch, 344

Subsartorial canal, 580 plexus, 558

Subscapular artery, 427 nerves, 431 Subscapularis, 440



Substance, perforated, anterior, 1445, 1511 posterior, 1445, 1561 Substantia ferruginea, 1491

gelatinosa, 1421, 1426, 1459 nigra, 1539, 1560 reticularis of medulla, 1458 Subthalamic nuclei, 1540 region, 1539 tegmental region, 1558 Subtrapezial plexus, 399 Suctorial pad of fat, 1270, 1337 Sulcus, callosal, 1507 central, 1495 centralis insulae, 1506 cingulate, 1496 circular, 1497 ethmoidal, of nose, 221 fimbrio-dentate, 1509 frontal, 1498 hypothalamic, 1533 interaminar, 54 intermedius, 759 intraparietal, 1500 lateralis, of mid-brain, 1551 occipital, lateral, 1503 transverse, 1503 occipito-temporal, 1505 oculo-motor, 1551 olfactorius, 214 olfactory, 1498 orbital, 1498 postcentral, 1500

postero-lateral, of spinal cord, 1418 precentral, 1500 sagittal, 181 temporal, 1505

terminalis, of right atrium, 1052 of tongue, 1342 tympanic, 1673 Superciliary arch, 181 Supination, 5

Supinator ridge of ulna, 314 Supracallosal gyrus, 1514 Supraclavicular branches of brachial plexus, 430, 1194 *

nerves, 412, 1144

Supracondylar process of humerus, 302 Suprahyoid muscles, 1227 region, 1202 Supramastoid crest, 185 Suprameatal spine, 187 triangle, 187, 1682 Supra-occipital bone, 275 Supra-orbital artery, 1154, 1260 foramen, 244 margin, 181

nerve, 1153, 1254, 1276 notch, 181, 247 vein, 1154

Suprapatellar tendon, 574 Suprapineal recess, 1534 Suprapleural membrane, 1007, 1246 Suprarenal glands, 823

blood-supply of, 898 development of, 899

Suprarenal glands, lymphatics of, 898 nerves of, 899 structure of, 897 plexus, 809

Suprascapular artery, 402, 438, 1193, 1243 nerve, 431, 438, 1195 notch, 294 vein, 1193

Supraspinatus, 437

Suprasternal bones, 165

branch of suprascapular atrery, 438,


notch, 162 space, 1179

Supratrochlear arteries,— of brachial, 456 ophthalmic, 1154, 1261 nerve, 1154, 1254, 1276 vein, 1154

Sural cutaneous arteries, 548 nerve, 550, 616

communicating, 551

Suspensoria, ligamenta, of mammary gland, 414

Suspensory ligament of lens, 1664 of penis, 713

Sustentacular cells of testis, 14, 752 fibres of retina, 1657

Sustentaculum hepatis, 789 lienis, 767 tali, 371, 388

Sutural bones, 180, 237, 265

Sutures, 237, 394 closure of, 240 coronal, 238 frontal, 238 fronto-maxillary, 240 fronto-nasal, 240 fronto-parietal, 239 fronto-squamosal, 240 harmonic, 394 intermaxillary, 240 internasal, 240 interpalatine, 241 lambdoid, 237 limbous, 238 maxillo-maxillary, 255 metopic or frontal, 238 naso-maxillary, 240 occipito-mastoid, 237 palato-maxillary, 241 parieto-mastoid, 238 petro-basilar, 242 petro-sphenoid, 241 petro-squamosal, 241 premaxillary, 216, 218 sagittal, 237, 1630 schindylesis, 242, 394 serrated, 394 spheno-parietal, 239 spheno-squamosal, 240 squamo-mastoid, 240 squamosal, 239, 1631 zygomatico-maxillary, 240 zygomatico-temporal, 240



Sylvian line, 1632 point, 1632

Sympathetic ganglia, 1635

cervical, inferior, 1335 middle, 1334 superior, 1333

plexuses. See Nerves or Plexus system, 1410, 1635 trunk in abdomen, 838 in neck, 1335 in pelvis, 946 in thorax, 1104 Symphysis of mandible, 229 pubis, 992

Synapsis in reduction division, 18 Synchondroses, 242

petro-occipital, 242 spheno-occipital, 242 spheno-petrosal, 242 Syndesmosis, 392 Synovia, 393 Synovial bursae, 395 joints, 393 membrane, 393, 395

of ankle-joints, 663 of elbow-joint, 519 of hip-joint, 595 of knee-joint, 553, 634 of radio-ulnar joint, 520 inferior, 521 superior, 520 of shoulder-joint, 463 of tibio-fibular joint, 659 superior, 659 of wrist-joint, 523 sheaths at ankle, 602, 603 ^ .

of biceps tendon, 465 of extensor tendons of hand, 509 of flexor digitorum longus, 622 hallucis longus, 624 tendons in hand, 491 of toes, 646 of hand, 490 palmar, great, 332 of peroneal tendons, 617 of tibialis posterior, 623 at wrist, 490

Taeniae coli, 768 Tali-sustentaculum, 371, 388 Talo-calcaneal joint, 664 Talo-calcaneo-navicular joint, 665 Talus, 367

ossification of, 378 os trigonum of, 370 varieties of, 370 Tapetum of choroid, 1647

of corpus callosum, 1515 Tarsal arteries, 612 tunnel, 370, 390 Tarso-metatarsal joints, 669 Tarsus, 367

of conjunctiva, 1290 varieties of, 378 as a whole, 378

Taste-buds, 1347

Tectoria, membrana, of occipital joint, 1407

of spiral organ, 1693 Teeth, 278

auditory, 1691 canine, 280 development of, 285 eruption of, 282, 288 incisor, 279 molar, 280 premolar, 280 present at birth, 288 sockets of, 214, 231 structure of, 283 temporary or milk, 282 Tegmen tympani, 187, 189, 263, 1674 Tegmentum of brain, 1552 Tela choroidea of fourth ventricle, 1492* 1610

of third ventricle, 1553, 1610 Telencephalon, 1493 Telolecithal eggs, 25 Telophase, 11

Temporal arteries, deep, 1307

artery, superficial, 1158 bone, 184

mastoid portion of, 187 process of, 187 ossification of, 195 petrous portion of, 188 squamous portion of, 185 structure of, 195 styloid process, 194, 257 varieties, 195 zygomatic process, 185 fascia, 1161 fossa, 251

gyn of cerebrum, 1505 line, 178

lobe of cerebrum, 1504 nerves, deep, 1309, 1311 pole of cerebrum, 1444 process of zygomatic, 220 region, 1153 sula of cerebrum, 1505 vein, superficial, 1159 veins, deep, 1308 Temporalis, 1302

Tendinous intersections of rectus abdominis, 726

Tendo calcaneus, 599, 619 Tendon, conjoint, 725 suprapatellar, 574 Tensor fasciae latae, 570 palati, 1353, 1378 tympani, 1680

Tentorium cerebelli, 1163, 1602, 1633 development of, 90 Teres major, 439 minor, 438 ridge, 300

Terminale, filum, of cord, 1417 Terms, embryological, 4 position, 2



Testicular artery, 738, 829 plexus, 811 vein, 829, 830 Testis, 749

abnormal positions of, 104, 743 descent of, 103, no, 739 development of, 100, 752 lymphatics of, 750 structure of, 750 Thalamencephalon, 58 Thalamic radiation, 1539, 1567 Thalamo-frontal fibres, 1529 Thalamo-striate fibres, 1529 Thalamus, 1535

connections of, 1539 development of, 58, 1539 pulvinar of, 1537 structure of, 1538 Theca folliculi, 982

of spinal cord, 1410 Thenar space, 492 Theories of nerve growth, 55 Thoracic artery, alar, 427 lateral, 427 superior, 426 cavity, 1002

contents of, 1002 diameters of, 1114, 1115 duct, abdominal part of, 838 cervical part of, 1246 cisterna chyli, 838, 1100 thoracic part of, 1100 vertebras, 134 wall, 994 Thorax, 165

apertures of, 165 boundaries of, 165 in different animals, 78 sexual characteristics, 167 as a whole, 165 Thymus, 1019

in adult, 1019 development of, 76, 1020 structure of, 1020 Thyro-arytenoideus, 1392 Thyro-epiglottic ligament, 1380 Thyro-epiglotticus, 1392, 1394 Ihyro-glossal duct, 1222 Thyro-hyals, 236 Thyro-hyoid arch, 278 ligaments, 1384 membrane, 1384 muscle, 1201

Thyroid artery, inferior, 1242 superior, 1213, 1242 cartilage, 1380

development of, 1381 gland, 1204, 1220 accessory, 1221 blood-supply of, 1221 development of, 70, 76, 1222 pyramidal lobe of, 1221 structure, 1222 veins, 1222, 1215, 1245 Ihyroidea ima artery, 1038, 1204, 1221

Tibia, 357

condyles of, 357 crest of, 359 head of, 357

retroverted, 363 intercondylar eminence, 358 medial malleolus, 361 guide to, 599 notch, fibular, 363 ossification of, 363 pressure (squatting) facet, 363 shaft, 359 structure, 363 torsion of shaft, 363 tubercle of, 357, 553 guide to, 598 varieties of, 363 Tibial artery, anterior, 607 guide to, 599 posterior, 624

guide to, 599 nerve, anterior, 610, 614 posterior, 627 recurrent arteries, 609 Tibialis anterior, 602 posterior, 622

Tibio-fibular joints, 659, 660 Tomes, fibres of, 284 Tongue, 1342

arteries of, 1347 development of, 72, 1348 lymphatics of, 1347 mucous membrane of, 1343 muscles of, intrinsic, 1346 nerves of, 1347 veins of, 1347

Tonsil, naso-pharyngeal, 1373 Tonsils, 1354

development of, 76 structure of, 1355 Tooth, structure of, 283 Topography, cranio-cerebral, 1629 Torticollis, 1183

Torus occipitalis transversus, 177 palatinus, 216, 1338 Trabeculae carneae, 1056 Trachea, cervical part of, 1223, 1224 development of, 77, 1226 lymphatics of, 1225 thoracic part of, 1085 Tracheotomy, 1205 Tract, arcuate, 1464

cortico-thalamic, 1566 fronto-pontine, 1529, 1566 fronto-striate, 1529 fronto-thalamic, 1529 ilio-tibial, 560

mamillo-thalamic, 1517, 1543 olfactory, 1445, 1511, 157° olivo-cerebellar, 1484

optic, 1445, 1545

pallido-rubro-olivary, 1556 pyramidal, 1565 strio-thalamic, 1529 temporo-pontine, 1566



Tract, trigemino-thalamic, 1615

vago-glosso-pharyngeal, ascending thalamic, 1627

Tracts of spinal cord. See also Fasciculi cerebro-spinal, anterior, 1431 lateral, 1430 intersegmental, 1431 olivo-spinal, 1432 ponto-spinal, 1464 rubro-spinal, 1432, 1553 semilunar, 1430 spino-cerebellar, dorsal, 1432 ventral, 1432 spino-thalamic, 1432 spino-tectal, 1433

tecto-spinal, 1432, 1464. 1353. 1555 vestibulo-spinal, 1431 Tractus spiralis foraminosus, 1686 Tragicus, 1296 Transversalis fascia, 733 Transverse carpal joints, 525 ligament of atlas, 1405 of foot, deep, 671 of hip-joint, 595 of knee-joint, 633 of palm, deep, 526 of perinaeum, 682 of shoulder-joint, 453, 463 of tibio-fibular joint, inferior, 660 pelvic ridge, 101 processes, development of, 59 sinus of dura mater, 1605 of pericardium, 1018

development of, 90 Transversus abdominis, 724 nuchae, 1145

perinaei, superficialis, 678 Trapezium, 318 crest of, 319 groove of, 319, 333 ossification of, 322 of pons, 1470, 1620 Trapezius, 398

cervical portion of, 1144 Trapezoid bone, 319

ossification of, 322 line, 290, 297

Trapezoides, corpus, of cerebellum, 1484 Triangle or triangles—

anterior, of neck, 1196 of auscultation, 400 Bryants’, 552 carotid, of neck, 1196 digastric, of neck, 1198 femoral, 552, 563 inguinal, 708, 736 of Lesser, 1228 lumbar, 400, 708, 772 muscular, of neck, 1196 occipital, of neck, 1184 perineal, deep, 682 plantar, 650 posterior, of neck, 1183 subclavian, of neck, 1190 submandibular, 1196

Triangle or triangles ( continued )—submental, 1202 suboccipital, 1150 suprameatal, 187 vagal, 1490

Triangular spaces (shoulder), 441 Triceps brachii, 458, 501 Tricuspid orifice, 1057

position of, 1064 valve, 1057

Trigeminal ganglion, 1167 impression, 189, 263 nerve. See Cranial nerves Trigone, external, of bladder, 934 internal, of bladder, 951 Trigonocephaly, 270 Trigonum, habenulae, 1541 olfactorium, 1511 Trilaminar blastoderm, 34 Triquetral bone, 317

ossification of, 322 Trochanter, definition, 115 greater, 346, 529 guide to, 552 lesser, 348 third, 354

Trochanteric anastomosis, 585 fossa, 348

Trochlea, definition, 115 of humerus, 304 Trochlear fossa, 183, 245, 1251 notch of ulna, 312 Trophoblast, 26, 27, 28 Tubal pregnancy, 19 Tube, pharyngo-tympanic, 1378

development of, 73, 1378 muscles connected with, 1378 uterine, 971

development of, 987 Tuber cinereum, 1445, 1544

development of, 58, 1589 omentale, of liver, 774 of pancreas, 807 valvulae, 1480

Tubercle, adductor, 350, 354, 553 amygdaloid, 1524 anterior, of thalamus, 1537 articular, of temporal, 185 auricular, 1295 carotid, 134, 1172 condylar, 235 conoid, 289 cuneate, 1455 dorsal, of radius, 309 of epiglottis, 1380 of fifth metacarpal, 327 genial, 230 hyoid, 235 infraglenoid, 294 mental, 229 of palatine, 226 peroneal, 372, 388 pharyngeal, 174 post-glenoid, 185 pre-glenoid, 186



Tubercle, pterygoid, 204 pubic, 339, 551, 706 quadrate, 350 of rib, 156 scalene, 157 of scaphoid, 316, 332 of talus, 368 of tibia, 357, 553, 598 vestibular, 1491 Tuberculum impar, 70 sellae, 197

Tuberosity of calcaneum, 370 deltoid, 300 gluteal, 350

greater, of humerus, 299 of ischium, 338, 529 lesser, of humerus, 300 of maxilla, 213 of navicular, 373, 388 of radius, 307 of ulna, 312

Tubo-tympanic recess, 73 Tubules, seminiferous, 752 uriniferous, 901 Tunica albuginea, 750 vaginalis, 748 vasculosa, 750 Tympani, sinus, 1674 Tympanic annulus, 1672 antium, 188, 1681 canaliculus, 191, 258 cavity, 1673 membrane, 1675

arterial supply, 1677 nerves of, 1677 secondary, 1677 structure of, 1676 part of temporal, 194, 195 ring, 195 sulcus, 1673

Tympano-hyal, 75, 197, 276 Tympano-mastoid fissure, 192 Tympanum, 1673 arteries of, 1683

development of, 73, 74, 75, 1696 mucous membrane of, 1681 muscles of, 1680 nerves of, 1325, 1400 ossicles of, 1678

ligaments of, 1679 movements of, 1680 Typical, definition of, 6

Ulna, 312

beak, 312

coronoid process, 312 oblique line, 314 olecranon, 312 ossification, 315 radial notch, 313 shaft, 313 structure of, 315 styloid process, 315 supinator ridge, 314 trochlear notch, 313

Ulnar artery, 475

first part, 476

recurrent branches of, 477 second part, 480 third part, 487 varieties, 479, 498 collateral artery, 456 nerve, 433 nerve, 432

in arm, 458

cutaneous branches of, 448, 466, 499

deep division of, 499 digital branches of, 499 dorsal branch of, 467 in forearm, 480 in hand, 499

palmar cutaneous branch of, 466,

477 .

vein, anterior, 451 posterior, 451 U-loop, 62, 64, 875 Ultimo-branchial body, 76 Umbilical cord, 65, 105, 108, 110 hernia, 748 notch of liver, 756 sac with gut, 62 vessels, 51, 923, 1083 zone of abdomen, 755 subdivisions of, 755 Umbilicus, 63, 65, 705 Umbo, 1676

Uncinate process of ethmoid, 210 of pancreas, 806 Uncus of brain, 1507 Urachus, 65, 933 Ureter in abdomen, 822, 907 blood-supply of, 909 development of, 95, 910 lymphatics of, 909 nerves of, 909 structure of, 908 varieties, 823 Urethra, female; 978

development of, 988 external orifice of, 978 lymphatics of, 988 male, 938

bulb of, 941 development of, 956 external orifice of, 938 lymphatics of, 942 membranous part of, 940 prostatic part of, 939 spongy part of, 941 structure of, 940, 941, 942 Urethral crest, 939 glands, 942

Uriniferous tubules, 901 structure of, 901 summary of, 903

Uro-genital division of perinseum— female, 692 male, 677 sinus, 99, 700



Uterine tube, 971

development of, 987 fimbriae, 972 lymphatics of, 983 ostia, 972 structure of, 982 Uterus, 972

anteflexion of, 975 anteversion of, 975 at birth, 977 body of, 973

cavity of, 976 broad ligament of, 968 cervix of, 973

arbor vitae of, 977 canal of, 976 development of, 101, 987 fundus of, 973 glands of, 985 gravid, 104

iigamentum teres of, 968 lymphatics of, 986 parametrium, 974 position of, 974 relations, general, of, 974 peritoneal, 974 structure of, 983 varieties of, 977 Utricle of internal ear, 1687 prostatic, 939 Uvula of cerebellum, 1480 of soft palate, 1350 vesicae, 951

Uvulae, musculus, 1352

Vagina, 977

arteries of, 986 development of, 101, 987 fornices of, 974 lymphatics of, 986 orifice, external, of, 695 structure of, 986 Vaginal process, 741

abnormal conditions of, 743 metamorphosis of, 742 of sphenoid bone, 198 of temporal bone, 192, 194, 257 vestige of, 969

Vagus nerve. See Cranial nerves Valentin, ganglion of, 1320 Vallecula of cerebellum, 1479 cerebri, 1444, 1495 of tongue, 1343, 13 80 Value of anatomy in medicine, 1 Valve or valves— anal, 962 aortic, 1062 of coronary sinus, 1055 of Gerlach, 872 of Guerin, 942 ileo-colic, 873 mitral, 1061 pulmonary, 1059, 1064 pyloric, 861 spiral, 890

I Valve, tricuspid, 1057 Valvulae, tuber, 1480 Valvule of Guerin, 942 Variable terms, descriptive, 4 Varieties of joints, 394 Vas aberrans of brachial artery, 456, 475 deferens, 757

ampulla of, 935 blood-supply of, 738 development of, 100, 102, 753 pelvic portion of, 935 structure, of 737 Vasa recta, false, of kidney, 905 Vastus intermedius, 573 lateralis, 572 medialis, 573

Vegetative pole of ovum, 25 Veins—

auricular, posterior, 1161, 1219 axillary, 428, 451 azygos. See Vena azygos basilar, 1521, 1579 basilic, 450, 451 median, 450 of brain, 1578 bronchial, 1029, 1091 capsular, of liver, 885 cardiac, 1065, 1066 cardinal, 51, 92, 1127 central, of liver, 885 cephalic, 450, 451 median, 450 cerebellar, 1579 cerebral, 1578

anterior, 1521 deep middle, 1521 superficial middle, 1578 cervical, deep, 1149

transverse, 1193, 1245 chorionic, 51 choroid, 1521, 1578 clitoris, dorsal, of, 704 condylar, emissary, 1608 coronary sinus, 1065 of corpus striatum, 1521, 1578 cystic, 815, 891

development of principal veins, 1123 digital, of foot, 644 hand, 467 diploic, 1154, 1601 dorsal plexus of foot, 610 of hand, 467 emissary, 1608 epigastric, inferior, 731 superficial, 712 superior, 731

extraspinal, anterior, 1435 facial, anterior, 1218, 1280 common, 1218 deep, 1308 transverse, 1281 femoral, 563, 589 cutaneous, 559 profunda, 589 frontal, diploic, 1601



Veins [continued )— gastric, left, 813 gastro-epiploic, left, 813 right, 815

gluteal, inferior, 538 superior, 536 hepatic, 885

iliac, circumflex, deep, 732 common, 852 external, 854 internal, 927 infra-orbital, 1282 innominate, 1031, 1032 development, 927 intercostal, 999 anterior, 999 collateral, 999, 1094 posterior, 999, 1094 superior, 1094 intralobular, of liver, 885 intraspinal, 1435 jugular, anterior, 1175 arch, 1175 external, 1x76 internal, 1211

posterior, external, 1148, 1178 primitive, 51, 92 lingual, 1217 lumbar, 848

ascending, 839, 848 mammary, internal, 1001 mastoid, emissary, 1608 maxillary, 1308 median, 448 deep, 450 meningeal, 1601 mental, 1283 mesenteric, inferior, 802 superior, 798 nasal arch, 1154 emissary, 1608

oblique, of left atrium, 1052, 1066 occipital, 1148 diploic, 1601 emissary, 1148, 1608 ophthalmic, 1261 ovarian, 830, 979 plexus, 979

palpebral, lateral, 1281 pampiniform plexus, 738 pancreatico-duodenal, superior, 815 parietal emissary, 1147, 1608 parumbilical, 712, 789 penis, dorsal, of, 714 pharyngeal, descending, 1220 phrenic, 827 popliteal, 549 portal, 816, 885, 886 prepyloric, 815 prostatic plexus, 952 pudendal, internal, 689 pulmonary, 1028, 1043 radial, 450

rectal, inferior, 698, 964 middle, 964

Veins ( continued )—

rectal, superior, 964 renal, 828 sacral, median, 946 saphenous, long, 559, 600 short, 615

of spinal cord, 1436 spinous plexus, dorsal, 1435 splenic, 813

subcardinal, 1132, 1133 subclavian, 1192, 1244 subcostal, 848, 1098 sublobular, of liver, 885 suboccipital plexus, 1152 supracardinal, 1132, 1133 supra-orbital, 1154 suprarenal, 827 suprascapular, 1193, 1245 supratrochlear, 1154 temporal, diploic, anterior, 1601 superficial, 1159 testicular, 738, 829, 830 thyroid, 1222

inferior, 1245 superior, 1215 ulnar, anterior, 451 posterior, 451 umbilical, 51, 92, 1083 uterine, 980 vaginal, 980

of liver, 885 of vas deferens, 738 vertebral, 1244

anterior, 1245

4 vitelline, 46, 63, 79, 91, 1124 Veli frenulum, 1485, 1548 Velum, medullary, inferior, 1485, 1491 superior, 1485, 1491 Vena azygos, 839, 1096

cava, inferior, 830, 1033

development of, 92, 1133 tributaries of, 831 superior, 1032

development of, 92, 1130 comitans hypoglossi, 1217 hemiazygos, inferior, 839, 1097 superior, 1097 magna cerebri, 1521 Venae advehentes, 1125 comites, brachial, 455

pudendal, internal, 689 radial, 474 tibial, anterior, 608 posterior, 624 ulnar, 477

cordis minimae, 1067 rectae of kidney, 907 revehentes, 1125 stellatae of kidney, 907 vorticosae, 1643 Venous plexuses—

dorsal, of foot, 610 of hand, 467 spinous, 1435 occipital, 1147