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! Online Editor Note 
| [[File:Mark_Hill.jpg|90px|left]] This historic 1913 paper by Wood-Jones describes female external genital development.
See also - {{Ref-Spaulding1921}}
'''Modern Notes:''' [[Genital System Development]] | [[Fetal Development]]
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=Some Points in the Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female=
D.Sc., The London School of Medicine for Women.
THE present communication is intended as an introduction to a study of
the development and morphology of some of the cloacal derivatives of the
Some. such preliminary survey is necessary, since there is so great a lack
of definition concerning some of the terms in common use that the correct
comparison of similar parts in different forms becomes diflicult, and detailed
description often well nigh meaningless. I imagine that this state of affairs
arises directly from the extraordinary wealth of names which has accumu-
lated in the literature of the female genito-"urinary orifices. It is only
necessary to turn to the authors of the seventeenth century to appreciate
what a multitude of names had then been bestowed as general terms for
the whole external genitalia. Thomas Gibson (1688), after giving a long
list of classical and popular terms for the pudendum, says that it is known
by all these “and many other names that fancy has imposed upon it.”
One of these more popular terms is worthy of some note. In describing
the pudendum, Helkiah Crooke (1651) gives many synonyms, but puts
them all aside with the brief sentence: “ We will call it the lap ” ; and with
this name he heads his chapter.
It is surely a rare transition for a word, when once so used, to acquire
a more polite significance with the passage of time—the change of usage
being commonly in the opposite direction. Such a use of the word, however,
makes the term “ dew lap ” more easy of understanding, for I imagine that
the definition of the dew lap as “the flesh that hangs from the throat of
oxen, which laps or licks the dew on grazing” (Ogilvie), does not represent
its true significance, and that a parallel may possibly be found in “ dew
Among the many synonyms used by the older anatomists, note must be
made of “ vulva,” “ fossa navicularis s. scaphoides,” and “ vestibulum.” All
these terms have been used to signify the whole of the external genitalia
of the female, comprising that depression which lies between the two labia
majora (labio scrotal folds, outer genital folds, labia externa, labia magna
pudendi, alae, alae magnae, etc. ). A great deal of interest, and much confusion,
74 a Mr Frederic Wood Jones
is attached to the word vulva or volva. Its original use was without doubt
restricted to the womb, and though in lay usage it was commonly confined
to the uterus of lower animals, it became the orthodox term for the uterus
of women, and as such it is used by Galen and others. i At a later period
the term became applied to the external genitalia, but if this transition
came about by a mere extension of meaning, or by way of the word valva,
—the folding doors or flood-gates,——does not seem quite clear (on this point
see Bartholin and Crooke). ‘
Be this as it may, the word vulva, although having least claims to do so,
has been alone retained in modern literature as the accepted term for the
external genitalia of the female; and, since this word has monopolised such
p a meaning, successive generations of anatomists have been at great pains to
delimit parts of the vulva to which other words, originally denoting the
whole of the pudendal cleft, could be applied.
Fossa navicularis and vestibulum are the two terms which have been
most commonly retained in descriptive anatomy. Both are terms which
have lost their original significance, and consequently there is much
uncertainty, even to-day, as to the exact parts of the genitalia to which
either is properly applied. It is correct to say that in the text-books which
are in everyday use among students of anatomy and gynecology these
terms bear variable ineanings. '
Fossa navicularis s. scaphoides was used by the older anatomists (see
Th. Bartholin) as a descriptive term for the whole vulva, because the
depression between the two labia majora is shaped somewhat after the
fashion of a boat; and it should be noted that in its original use the long
axis of the imaginary boat is in the long axis of the pudendal cleft.
This use of the word survived for long, and still remains current; for
instance, Dr F. H. Ramsbotham states that the fossa navicularis “contains
within its precincts the clitoris with its prepuce, the nymphae, the vestibule,
and the meatus urinarius ” (p. 40). See fig. 1.
The almost exclusive employment of the word vulva as the scientific
term for the pudendal cleft caused a modification in the use of the term
fossa navicularis ; and it was restricted to the posterior part of the cleft
(James Keill), or with more precision to that part of the cleft where the
labia minora fall short posteriorly. In more modern usage its significance
has become still more limited, but still it is far from precise. According to
different authorities the term fossa navicularis may denote :—
(1) The space between the hymen, or the orifice of the vagina, and the
bond which is supposed to unite the labia minora posteriorly (Luschka
and others). See fig. 2.
(2) The space between the hymen, or the orifice of the vagina, and the
The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female 75
bond which is supposed to unite the labia majora posteriorly (Winslow,
Sappey, Broca, and others). See fig. 3.
(3) The space between the hymen, or the orifice of the vagina, and the
“ fourchette,” such fourchette being a derivative of neither labia majora or
labia minora (Farre and many gynecologists). ' '
(4) The space between the bond which is supposed to unite the labia
majora and the bond which is supposed to unite the labia minora, which
bond may or may not be called a fourchette (John Lizars, etc.).
(5) The space between the bond which is supposed to unite the labia
majora and a -fourchette which is not derived from the labia minora (Gray
and others). See fig. 4-.
\ //
FIG. 1.—The fossa na.vicularis (stippled FIG. 2.—The fossa navicularis (stippled
area). The area as defined by most area). The area as defined by most
early anatomists(Bartholin, etc.)and gynecologists and many anatomists
partially by many modern gyne- (Luschka, etc.).
cologists (Ramsbotham, etc.).
(6) By a strange variant (I know not if by mere printer’s error) as the
space in front of the vagina limited anteriorly by a fourchette and
posteriorly by the orifice of the vagina (Robert Knox).
It should be noted that in all these different delimitations the fossa
navicularis is so disposed that the long axis of the imaginary boat is at
right angles to the long axis of the pudendal cleft. .
A like change has taken place with regard to the word vestibulum.
First meaning the outer court into which the chambers of the bladder and
the uterus both opened, its use has become steadily more restricted and
confused. In its original and correct sense it was in common use with
anatomists and gynecologists: “ the vestibulum or fossa navicularis is a
smooth depression between the nymphae and perineum; it leads to the .
76 Mr Frederic Wood Jones
urethra above and the vagina below” (Archibald Robinson). Such a use of
the word is retained in the latest edition of Morris’s Anatomy, but, of
course, it is not there a synonym for the fossa navicularis. ‘ See fig. 5.
With the restriction of the term fossa navicularis to the hinder part of
the pudendal cleft, the vestibulum became the recognised term for the
anterior part, and such is its accepted use to-day; but even now the term
is ill defined. By different authorities the word vestibulum is stated to
denote :—
(1) The triangular space between the labia minora extending as far
back as the margin of the orifice of the vagina (Gray, Farre, and others).
See fig. 6.
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FIG. 3.—The fossa navicularis (stippled FIG. 4.—The fossa navicularis (stippled
area). The area as defined by Win- area). Area in which t11e anterior
slow, Sappey, Broca, Monro, Cloquet, boundary is the “ fourchette,” which
and many other anatomists. may or may not be derived from the
labia minora (Gray and others).
(2) The triangular space between'the labia minora extending as far
back as the urinary orifice or a line drawn through the centre of this orifice
(Sappey, Lewers, etc.). See fig. 7.
(3) A still more limited area which stretches from below the clitoris to
the entrance of the urethra. This definition is found most usually in works
on gynecology, and such a vestibulum might well correspond to the “ bride
masculine du vestibule” of Pozzi, or the “ habenulae urethrales ” of Waldeyer.
Considerably more difliculty is experienced when we attempt to define
exactly what is meant by the fourchette, for this word appears to be one
that is surrounded by uncertainty. Its use may be summarised as
follows :—
(1) The term fourchette may signify a posterior junction of the labia
The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female 77
majora: 73.e. it may be a synonym for the commissura inferna of Bartholin,
the inferior commissure of Winslow, the posterior commissure of many
authors, the frenulum labiorum of Verheyen, or the frenulum pudendi of
Cunningham (Practical, Ed. 2). See fig. 8.
(2) It may signify a posterior junction of the labia minora and so be a
synonym of the frenulum vulvae of Luschka, or the frenulum labiorum
pudendi of Cunningham (Practical, Ed. 5). See fig. 9.
(3) It may signify a fold unconnected with either of these, derived from
the anterior edge of the perineum (Robert Knox and others); or
\_ / In
._\ 1
FIG. 5. — The vestibulum FIG. 6. — The vestibulum FIG. 7.—-The vestibulum
(shaded area) as defined (shaded area) as defined (shaded area.) as de-
by earlier anatomists, by many gynecologists many gyne-
adopted by many gyne- and anatomists (Farre, colog_1sts and ana-
cologists, and retained by Gray, etc.). 13011115133 (I-‘ewersa
some anatomists (Archi- S3PP3Y. et0-)-
bald Robinson, Alfred
von Behr, Morris, etc.).
(4) A fold further Within the pudendal cleft, but still not a direct
derivative of either of the genital folds (Farre and many gynecologists).
As such it has been named the “ fourchette,” “ the fork” (Keill, 1703), “the
skinny ligament” (Crooke, 1651), or “frenulum pudendi” (Gray, 1882).
See fig. 10.
The actual constituent of the external genitalia from which the four- “
chette is derived and with which it is anatomically continuous is therefore
a matter of considerable uncertainty.
The uncertainty is increased by an attitude frequently manifested by
authorities on gynecology, that to a certain extent the demonstration of
the fourchette and fossa navicularis is a matter of manipulation during
78 Mr Frederic Wood Jones T '
examination. This idea finds free expression in the Works of many
authors. “ The fossa navicularis only assumes the form of a boat-shaped
depression when it is stretched laterally by an index finger placed in it on
each side” (Galabin, p. 5). I
“The fossa navicularis is first formed, and gets its boat -shape, when
they (labia majora) are separated from each other. On stretching them
from side to side We see the posterior commissure advance until it reaches
the level of the posterior border of the entrance of the vagina. Thus a fold
FIG. 8.——The fourchette. Type I. FIG. 9.—The fourchette. Type II. FIG. lO.—The fourchette. Type
in which the labia majora meet in which the labia minors. meet III. in which the free edge 13
to form a free edge, the'labia _ to form a free edge; the labia derived from neither labium.
minora falling short posteriorly. majora. may or may not form
a junction at a. posterior com- .
and a hollow are formed. The fold is the fourchette: the hollow is the
fossa navicularis” (Garrigues, p. 40). I think that although such expres-
sions would seem to make the issue more confused, they are in reality the
clues for understanding the true nature of the fourchette: especially so
I when taken in conjunction with a further statement of the last author that,
“in virgins the fourchette projects a little forward, even Without stretching.”
It would seem that concerning the fourchette there is only one point ‘of
agreement among all authors, and that is that at the posterior limit of the-
The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female 79
pudendal cleft there is a projecting margin which is more or less pronounced
in the virgin, but which loses much of its prominence in women who are
not virgins, and commonly disappears altogether after the birth of the first
child. '
, According to Bartholin, “inferior commissura labiorum in virginibus
tensa est”; or to Crooke, “in those that have brought forth the skinny
ligament is much more lax and loose.”
What, then, is the anatomical structure which produces this sharp
posterior edge of the virgin pudendal cleft?
According to many modern authors it is the backward extension of the
labia minora around the vaginal orifice.
Now it must be admitted that the degree of development of the labia
minora varies enormously; but I am convinced that for them to be pro-
longed so far back as to meet behind the vagina is a somewhat unusual
event even in the foetus. A consideration of the true morphology of these
folds does not warrant the conclusion that, even in an abbreviated form, it
should be their normal condition to meet behind the vaginal orifice. Indeed,
itis a comparatively recent innovation into anatomical description that
makes such a meeting normal. That they extend backwards “reaching
about half the breadth of the orifice of the vagina ” (Gibson) is a common
description of the older anatomists, which is still retained in some modern
text-books (Morris), and which applies to the virgin and non—virgin
condition. In a very large proportion of female foetuses it is quite obvious
that although the labia minora fall short. about half-way down the vaginal
orifice, there is yet a sharp margin at the back of the pudendal cleft. In
some cases, it is true, there is an apparent continuation of the line of the
labia minora further back than the mid-point of the vaginal orifice, and in
some there is an apparent meeting of their backward continuation at the
posterior margin of the cleft; but this condition I do not think is the
normal one, and it is one that is certainly accentuated by manipulation.
Just as the older anatomists were definite about the failure of the labia
minora to meet posteriorly, so many authors are definite about the failure
of the labia majora to meet in a posterior commissure or fourchette.
“ Inferiorly the labia majora do not meet or run together, but terminate
apart in front of the perineum” (Robert Knox, p. 508).
Concerning the labia majora, there is ample reason for suggesting that
they do not end by becoming united behind the vaginal orifice in front of
the anus. It is, I think, merely the unnatural position, and the straining.
open of the pudendal cleft on examination which makes such a meeting
apparent. In the natural position of the parts, with the thighs approxi-
-mated, the skin ridges which compose the labia majora run straight
80 The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female
backwards and fail by becoming of diminishing prominence at a variable
distance on the perineum towards the anus.
If, then, neither labia minora nor labia majora normally meet behind the
pudendal cleft at a median bond of union, what other anatomical structure
may form the basis of the fourchette ?
In the London Dissector (J. Scratchley), which reached its eighth edition
in 1832, the student was taught that “the perineum anterius projects
forwards forming a kind of valve” (p. 89), and such appears to me to be
the proper statement of the facts. It is the anterior margin of the
“perineum,” free of either genital fold, that forms the fourchette, and
the disappearance of the fourchette after the first labour represents the
minimum—and normal—rupture of the “perineum ” accompanying normal
labour. The definition of this “ perineum” I reserve for a future paper.
There is one other point concerning which there is some difference of
opinion shown in text-book descriptions and text-book illustrations, and
that is the anterior origin or point of union of the labia minora. To
appreciate the true morphology of these structures it cannot be made too
definite that they arise as free folds upon the under surface of the clitoris,
and not from the preputium of the clitoris with which their apparent
continuity is only secondary.
The labia minora start upon the under surface of the clitoris and end
upon the sides of the vaginal orifice: the labia majora run as prominent
margins along the whole length of the pudendal cleft, but fade away before
and behind by becoming merged with the general skin surface. Such, I
think, should be the description of the normal disposition of these ridges. 
(1) BARTHOLIN, T., Anatome, 1673, p. 287.
(2) CRooKE, H., Mikroscosmographia, 1651.
(3) KEILL, J., Anatomy, ed. 2, 1703, p. 9.
(4) FARRE, A., In Todd’s Cyclopedia, vol. v., 1859, p. 709.
(5) SAPPEY, Ph. C., Anatomic descriptive, 1879, vol. iv., p. 783.
(6) BROCA, BONAMY, AND BEAU, 1850, vol. iii., plate 64.
(7) KNOX, R., Manual of Anatomy, 1853, p. 508.
(8) WINsLoW, J. B., 1734, sect. viii., p. 206.
(9) GIBSON, T., 1688, p. 196.
(10) GALABIN, A. .L., Diseases of Women, 1893, .ed. v.
(11) GARRIGUES, H. J ., Diseases of Women, 1900, ed. iii.
(12) RAMSBOTHAM, F. H., Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, 1844.

Revision as of 15:36, 8 November 2017

Wood-Jones F. Some points in the nomenclature of the external genitalia of the female. (1913) J. Anat. Physiol. 148: 73-80. PubMed 17232984

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Spaulding MH. The development of the external genitalia in the human embryo. (1921) Contrib. Embryol., Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 81, 13: 69 – 88.

Online Editor Note 
Mark Hill.jpg
This historic 1913 paper by Wood-Jones describes female external genital development.

See also - Spaulding MH. The development of the external genitalia in the human embryo. (1921) Contrib. Embryol., Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 81, 13: 69 – 88.

Modern Notes: Genital System Development | Fetal Development

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Male | Y | SRY | testis | spermatozoa | ductus deferens | penis | prostate | Category:Male
Historic Embryology - Genital 
General: 1901 Urinogenital Tract | 1902 The Uro-Genital System | 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1912 Urinogenital Organ Development | 1914 External Genitalia | 1921 Urogenital Development | 1921 External Genital | 1942 Sex Cords | 1953 Germ Cells | Historic Embryology Papers | Historic Disclaimer
Female: 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1904 Hymen | 1912 Urinogenital Organ Development | 1914 External Genitalia | 1914 Female | 1921 External Genital | 1927 Female Foetus 15 cm | 1927 Vagina | 1932 Postnatal Ovary
Male: 1887-88 Testis | 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1904 Leydig Cells | 1906 Testis vascular | 1909 Prostate | 1912 Prostate | 1914 External Genitalia | 1915 Cowper’s and Bartholin’s Glands | 1920 Wolffian tubules | 1935 Prepuce | 1935 Wolffian Duct | 1942 Sex Cords | 1943 Testes Descent | Historic Embryology Papers | Historic Disclaimer
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Mark Hill.jpg
Pages where the terms "Historic" (textbooks, papers, people, recommendations) appear on this site, and sections within pages where this disclaimer appears, indicate that the content and scientific understanding are specific to the time of publication. This means that while some scientific descriptions are still accurate, the terminology and interpretation of the developmental mechanisms reflect the understanding at the time of original publication and those of the preceding periods, these terms, interpretations and recommendations may not reflect our current scientific understanding.     (More? Embryology History | Historic Embryology Papers)

Some Points in the Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female


THE present communication is intended as an introduction to a study of the development and morphology of some of the cloacal derivatives of the mammalia.

Some. such preliminary survey is necessary, since there is so great a lack of definition concerning some of the terms in common use that the correct comparison of similar parts in different forms becomes diflicult, and detailed description often well nigh meaningless. I imagine that this state of affairs arises directly from the extraordinary wealth of names which has accumu- lated in the literature of the female genito-"urinary orifices. It is only necessary to turn to the authors of the seventeenth century to appreciate what a multitude of names had then been bestowed as general terms for the whole external genitalia. Thomas Gibson (1688), after giving a long list of classical and popular terms for the pudendum, says that it is known by all these “and many other names that fancy has imposed upon it.” One of these more popular terms is worthy of some note. In describing the pudendum, Helkiah Crooke (1651) gives many synonyms, but puts them all aside with the brief sentence: “ We will call it the lap ” ; and with this name he heads his chapter.

It is surely a rare transition for a word, when once so used, to acquire a more polite significance with the passage of time—the change of usage being commonly in the opposite direction. Such a use of the word, however, makes the term “ dew lap ” more easy of understanding, for I imagine that the definition of the dew lap as “the flesh that hangs from the throat of oxen, which laps or licks the dew on grazing” (Ogilvie), does not represent its true significance, and that a parallel may possibly be found in “ dew claw.”

Among the many synonyms used by the older anatomists, note must be made of “ vulva,” “ fossa navicularis s. scaphoides,” and “ vestibulum.” All these terms have been used to signify the whole of the external genitalia of the female, comprising that depression which lies between the two labia majora (labio scrotal folds, outer genital folds, labia externa, labia magna pudendi, alae, alae magnae, etc. ). A great deal of interest, and much confusion, 74 a Mr Frederic Wood Jones

is attached to the word vulva or volva. Its original use was without doubt restricted to the womb, and though in lay usage it was commonly confined to the uterus of lower animals, it became the orthodox term for the uterus of women, and as such it is used by Galen and others. i At a later period the term became applied to the external genitalia, but if this transition came about by a mere extension of meaning, or by way of the word valva, —the folding doors or flood-gates,——does not seem quite clear (on this point see Bartholin and Crooke). ‘

Be this as it may, the word vulva, although having least claims to do so, has been alone retained in modern literature as the accepted term for the external genitalia of the female; and, since this word has monopolised such

p a meaning, successive generations of anatomists have been at great pains to

delimit parts of the vulva to which other words, originally denoting the whole of the pudendal cleft, could be applied.

Fossa navicularis and vestibulum are the two terms which have been most commonly retained in descriptive anatomy. Both are terms which have lost their original significance, and consequently there is much uncertainty, even to-day, as to the exact parts of the genitalia to which either is properly applied. It is correct to say that in the text-books which are in everyday use among students of anatomy and gynecology these terms bear variable ineanings. '

Fossa navicularis s. scaphoides was used by the older anatomists (see Th. Bartholin) as a descriptive term for the whole vulva, because the depression between the two labia majora is shaped somewhat after the fashion of a boat; and it should be noted that in its original use the long axis of the imaginary boat is in the long axis of the pudendal cleft.

This use of the word survived for long, and still remains current; for instance, Dr F. H. Ramsbotham states that the fossa navicularis “contains within its precincts the clitoris with its prepuce, the nymphae, the vestibule, and the meatus urinarius ” (p. 40). See fig. 1.

The almost exclusive employment of the word vulva as the scientific term for the pudendal cleft caused a modification in the use of the term fossa navicularis ; and it was restricted to the posterior part of the cleft (James Keill), or with more precision to that part of the cleft where the labia minora fall short posteriorly. In more modern usage its significance has become still more limited, but still it is far from precise. According to different authorities the term fossa navicularis may denote :—

(1) The space between the hymen, or the orifice of the vagina, and the bond which is supposed to unite the labia minora posteriorly (Luschka and others). See fig. 2.

(2) The space between the hymen, or the orifice of the vagina, and the The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female 75

bond which is supposed to unite the labia majora posteriorly (Winslow, Sappey, Broca, and others). See fig. 3.

(3) The space between the hymen, or the orifice of the vagina, and the “ fourchette,” such fourchette being a derivative of neither labia majora or labia minora (Farre and many gynecologists). ' '

(4) The space between the bond which is supposed to unite the labia majora and the bond which is supposed to unite the labia minora, which bond may or may not be called a fourchette (John Lizars, etc.).

(5) The space between the bond which is supposed to unite the labia majora and a -fourchette which is not derived from the labia minora (Gray and others). See fig. 4-.

\ //

FIG. 1.—The fossa na.vicularis (stippled FIG. 2.—The fossa navicularis (stippled area). The area as defined by most area). The area as defined by most early anatomists(Bartholin, etc.)and gynecologists and many anatomists partially by many modern gyne- (Luschka, etc.).

cologists (Ramsbotham, etc.).

(6) By a strange variant (I know not if by mere printer’s error) as the space in front of the vagina limited anteriorly by a fourchette and posteriorly by the orifice of the vagina (Robert Knox).

It should be noted that in all these different delimitations the fossa navicularis is so disposed that the long axis of the imaginary boat is at right angles to the long axis of the pudendal cleft. .

A like change has taken place with regard to the word vestibulum. First meaning the outer court into which the chambers of the bladder and the uterus both opened, its use has become steadily more restricted and

confused. In its original and correct sense it was in common use with

anatomists and gynecologists: “ the vestibulum or fossa navicularis is a

smooth depression between the nymphae and perineum; it leads to the . 76 Mr Frederic Wood Jones

urethra above and the vagina below” (Archibald Robinson). Such a use of the word is retained in the latest edition of Morris’s Anatomy, but, of course, it is not there a synonym for the fossa navicularis. ‘ See fig. 5.

With the restriction of the term fossa navicularis to the hinder part of the pudendal cleft, the vestibulum became the recognised term for the anterior part, and such is its accepted use to-day; but even now the term is ill defined. By different authorities the word vestibulum is stated to denote :—

(1) The triangular space between the labia minora extending as far

back as the margin of the orifice of the vagina (Gray, Farre, and others). See fig. 6.

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FIG. 3.—The fossa navicularis (stippled FIG. 4.—The fossa navicularis (stippled area). The area as defined by Win- area). Area in which t11e anterior slow, Sappey, Broca, Monro, Cloquet, boundary is the “ fourchette,” which and many other anatomists. may or may not be derived from the

labia minora (Gray and others).

(2) The triangular space between'the labia minora extending as far back as the urinary orifice or a line drawn through the centre of this orifice (Sappey, Lewers, etc.). See fig. 7.

(3) A still more limited area which stretches from below the clitoris to the entrance of the urethra. This definition is found most usually in works on gynecology, and such a vestibulum might well correspond to the “ bride masculine du vestibule” of Pozzi, or the “ habenulae urethrales ” of Waldeyer.

Considerably more difliculty is experienced when we attempt to define exactly what is meant by the fourchette, for this word appears to be one that is surrounded by uncertainty. Its use may be summarised as follows :—

(1) The term fourchette may signify a posterior junction of the labia The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female 77

majora: 73.e. it may be a synonym for the commissura inferna of Bartholin, the inferior commissure of Winslow, the posterior commissure of many authors, the frenulum labiorum of Verheyen, or the frenulum pudendi of Cunningham (Practical, Ed. 2). See fig. 8.

(2) It may signify a posterior junction of the labia minora and so be a synonym of the frenulum vulvae of Luschka, or the frenulum labiorum pudendi of Cunningham (Practical, Ed. 5). See fig. 9.

(3) It may signify a fold unconnected with either of these, derived from the anterior edge of the perineum (Robert Knox and others); or


\_ / In ._\ 1

FIG. 5. — The vestibulum FIG. 6. — The vestibulum FIG. 7.—-The vestibulum (shaded area) as defined (shaded area) as defined (shaded area.) as de- by earlier anatomists, by many gynecologists many gyne- adopted by many gyne- and anatomists (Farre, colog_1sts and ana- cologists, and retained by Gray, etc.). 13011115133 (I-‘ewersa some anatomists (Archi- S3PP3Y. et0-)-

bald Robinson, Alfred von Behr, Morris, etc.).

(4) A fold further Within the pudendal cleft, but still not a direct derivative of either of the genital folds (Farre and many gynecologists). As such it has been named the “ fourchette,” “ the fork” (Keill, 1703), “the skinny ligament” (Crooke, 1651), or “frenulum pudendi” (Gray, 1882). See fig. 10.

The actual constituent of the external genitalia from which the four- “ chette is derived and with which it is anatomically continuous is therefore

a matter of considerable uncertainty.

The uncertainty is increased by an attitude frequently manifested by authorities on gynecology, that to a certain extent the demonstration of the fourchette and fossa navicularis is a matter of manipulation during 78 Mr Frederic Wood Jones T '

examination. This idea finds free expression in the Works of many authors. “ The fossa navicularis only assumes the form of a boat-shaped depression when it is stretched laterally by an index finger placed in it on each side” (Galabin, p. 5). I

“The fossa navicularis is first formed, and gets its boat -shape, when they (labia majora) are separated from each other. On stretching them from side to side We see the posterior commissure advance until it reaches the level of the posterior border of the entrance of the vagina. Thus a fold

FIG. 8.——The fourchette. Type I. FIG. 9.—The fourchette. Type II. FIG. lO.—The fourchette. Type

in which the labia majora meet in which the labia minors. meet III. in which the free edge 13 to form a free edge, the'labia _ to form a free edge; the labia derived from neither labium. minora falling short posteriorly. majora. may or may not form

a junction at a. posterior com- . missure.

and a hollow are formed. The fold is the fourchette: the hollow is the fossa navicularis” (Garrigues, p. 40). I think that although such expres- sions would seem to make the issue more confused, they are in reality the clues for understanding the true nature of the fourchette: especially so I when taken in conjunction with a further statement of the last author that, “in virgins the fourchette projects a little forward, even Without stretching.” It would seem that concerning the fourchette there is only one point ‘of agreement among all authors, and that is that at the posterior limit of the- The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female 79

pudendal cleft there is a projecting margin which is more or less pronounced in the virgin, but which loses much of its prominence in women who are not virgins, and commonly disappears altogether after the birth of the first child. '

, According to Bartholin, “inferior commissura labiorum in virginibus tensa est”; or to Crooke, “in those that have brought forth the skinny ligament is much more lax and loose.”

What, then, is the anatomical structure which produces this sharp posterior edge of the virgin pudendal cleft?

According to many modern authors it is the backward extension of the

labia minora around the vaginal orifice.

Now it must be admitted that the degree of development of the labia minora varies enormously; but I am convinced that for them to be pro- longed so far back as to meet behind the vagina is a somewhat unusual event even in the foetus. A consideration of the true morphology of these folds does not warrant the conclusion that, even in an abbreviated form, it should be their normal condition to meet behind the vaginal orifice. Indeed, itis a comparatively recent innovation into anatomical description that makes such a meeting normal. That they extend backwards “reaching about half the breadth of the orifice of the vagina ” (Gibson) is a common description of the older anatomists, which is still retained in some modern text-books (Morris), and which applies to the virgin and non—virgin condition. In a very large proportion of female foetuses it is quite obvious that although the labia minora fall short. about half-way down the vaginal orifice, there is yet a sharp margin at the back of the pudendal cleft. In some cases, it is true, there is an apparent continuation of the line of the labia minora further back than the mid-point of the vaginal orifice, and in some there is an apparent meeting of their backward continuation at the posterior margin of the cleft; but this condition I do not think is the normal one, and it is one that is certainly accentuated by manipulation.

Just as the older anatomists were definite about the failure of the labia minora to meet posteriorly, so many authors are definite about the failure of the labia majora to meet in a posterior commissure or fourchette. “ Inferiorly the labia majora do not meet or run together, but terminate apart in front of the perineum” (Robert Knox, p. 508).

Concerning the labia majora, there is ample reason for suggesting that they do not end by becoming united behind the vaginal orifice in front of

the anus. It is, I think, merely the unnatural position, and the straining.

open of the pudendal cleft on examination which makes such a meeting apparent. In the natural position of the parts, with the thighs approxi-

-mated, the skin ridges which compose the labia majora run straight 80 The Nomenclature of the External Genitalia of the Female

backwards and fail by becoming of diminishing prominence at a variable distance on the perineum towards the anus.

If, then, neither labia minora nor labia majora normally meet behind the pudendal cleft at a median bond of union, what other anatomical structure may form the basis of the fourchette ?

In the London Dissector (J. Scratchley), which reached its eighth edition in 1832, the student was taught that “the perineum anterius projects forwards forming a kind of valve” (p. 89), and such appears to me to be the proper statement of the facts. It is the anterior margin of the “perineum,” free of either genital fold, that forms the fourchette, and the disappearance of the fourchette after the first labour represents the minimum—and normal—rupture of the “perineum ” accompanying normal labour. The definition of this “ perineum” I reserve for a future paper.

There is one other point concerning which there is some difference of opinion shown in text-book descriptions and text-book illustrations, and that is the anterior origin or point of union of the labia minora. To appreciate the true morphology of these structures it cannot be made too definite that they arise as free folds upon the under surface of the clitoris, and not from the preputium of the clitoris with which their apparent continuity is only secondary.

The labia minora start upon the under surface of the clitoris and end upon the sides of the vaginal orifice: the labia majora run as prominent margins along the whole length of the pudendal cleft, but fade away before and behind by becoming merged with the general skin surface. Such, I think, should be the description of the normal disposition of these ridges.


(1) BARTHOLIN, T., Anatome, 1673, p. 287. (2) CRooKE, H., Mikroscosmographia, 1651. (3) KEILL, J., Anatomy, ed. 2, 1703, p. 9. (4) FARRE, A., In Todd’s Cyclopedia, vol. v., 1859, p. 709. (5) SAPPEY, Ph. C., Anatomic descriptive, 1879, vol. iv., p. 783. (6) BROCA, BONAMY, AND BEAU, 1850, vol. iii., plate 64. (7) KNOX, R., Manual of Anatomy, 1853, p. 508. (8) WINsLoW, J. B., 1734, sect. viii., p. 206. (9) GIBSON, T., 1688, p. 196. (10) GALABIN, A. .L., Diseases of Women, 1893, .ed. v. (11) GARRIGUES, H. J ., Diseases of Women, 1900, ed. iii. (12) RAMSBOTHAM, F. H., Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, 1844.