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[[Paper - The anatomy and development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in the domestic cat|'''Huntington 1911''']]: [[Huntington1911 - 1|Part I. The development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in their relation to the blood-vascular system]] | [[Huntington1911 - 2|Part II. The development of the preazygos and azygos segments of the thoracic ducts]] | [[Huntington1911 - Bibliography|Bibliography]]
Allen, W. F. 1906 The distribution of the lymphatics in the head and in the dorsal, pectoral and ventral fins of Scorpaenichthys marmoratus. Proc. Waahingion Acad, of Sciences^ vol. 3, pp. 41-90, May 18.
1907 The distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the Ganoids Polydon and Lepidosteus, ihid.j vol. 9, pp. 79-158, July.
1910 The distribution of the lymphatics in the tail region of Scorpaenichthys marmoratus. Am. Jour. Anat.f vol. 11, no. 1, Nov., pp. 1-53.
1908 Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the tail region of Lepidosteus. Anai. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 05-70.
Baetjer, W. a. 1908 The origin of the mesenteric lymph sac in the pig. Anat. Rec. vol. 2, pp. 55-57.
Brachet, a. 1898 Recherches sur le d^veloppement du coeur, des premiers vaisseaux et du sang chez les amphibiens urod^les. Arch, d'anat. microscopiquCy Tome 2.
1899-1900 Recherches sur Torigine de Tappareil vasculaire sanguin chez les amphibiens. Arch, de Biologies Tome, 19.
BuDQE, Albrecht 1875 Neue Mittheilungen ueber die Lymphgefasse der Leber. Berichte d. K. Sdchs-Gesellsch. d. Wissensch.y Math. phys. Class e, 21 Juli.
1876 Die Lymphwurzeln der KncJchen. Arch. f. mikroskop. Anat., Bd. 13.
1880 Ueber ein Canalsystem im Mesoderm von Hiihnerembryonen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. Anat. Abth.
1881 Ueber das dem zweiten Blut Kreislaufe entsprechcnde Lymphgefasssystem bei Hiihnerembryonen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.
1882 Ueber die Lymphherzen bei Hiihnerembryonem. Arch. f. Anai. u. Phys.f Anat. Abth., pp. 350-358.
1887 Untersuchungen ttber die Entwicklung des Lymphsysten s beim Hiihnerembryo. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys.^ Anat. Abth.
Darrach, William 1907 Variations of the postcava and its tributaries in 605 examples of the domestic cat. Am. Jour. Anat.j vol. 6, no. 3. Abstr. Anat. Rec.f vol. 1, p. 30.
EcKER, A. u. WiEDERSHEiM, R. 1896 Die Anatomic des Frosches, 3. Abstr. bearbeitet von E. Gaupp.
Favaro, Giuseppe 1905-1906 Ricerche intorno alia morfologia ed alio svillupo dei vasi seni e cuori caudali nei Ciclostomi e nei Pesci. Atti del Keali Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti^ Anno accadem. Toir.o 65 Parte Seconda. Appendice alia Dispensa 10, pp. 1-279. 1906 Ricerche anatomo-embriologiche intorno alia circolazionecaudale ed ai cuori linfatici posteriori degli Anfibi, con particolarc riguardo agli Urodeli, Atti delV Accademia scientif. VenetO'trentino-iatriana, Clasee 1, Anno 3, pp. 122-266.
1905 II cuori ed i seni caudali dei Teleostei, Anat. Anz. Bd. 27, nof. 14. 15.
Fayaro, Giuseppe, 1905 Note fisiologiche intorno al cuore caudalc dei Murenoidi (Tipo Anguilla vulgaris Turt.) Archivio di Fisiologia, vol. 2, Fasc. 5, Luglio p. 569-580.
QuLLAND, G. LovELL. 1894 The development of lymphatic glands. Jour. Path, and BacL, vol. 2, pp. 447-485.
Heuer, G. 1908 The development of the lymphatics in the small intestine of the pig. Anat. Rec.j vol. 2, pp. 57-58.
HoTER, H. 1905-1908 Untersuchungen Uber das Lymphgefasssy stems der Froschlarven, I. Theil. Bullet, de VAcad. des Sciences de CracoviCy Classe des Sciences math, et nat., Juillet II. Theil, ibid., Mai.
HuNTiNQTON, Georqe S. 1908 The genetic interpretation of the development of the mammalian l3rmphatic system. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 19-45. 1910 The genetic principles of the development of the systemic Jymphatic vessels in the manmialian embryo. Anat. Rec, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 399-423.
1910 Ueber die Entwicklung des lymphatischen Systems beim Paugerembryo. Compte-Rendu, XVI Congrds Internat. de Medicine, Sect. I, Anatomic, Embryologie, 2. Fasc, pp. 127-142, Budapest. 1910 The phylogenetic relations of the lymphatic and blood-vascular systems in vertebrates. Anat. Rec, vol. 4, January.
1910 Ueber die Histogenese des lymphatischen Systems beim S&ugerembryo, Anat. Am. Erganz. z. Bd. 37, Verb. 2, internat. Anat. Kongr., Brtissel, Aug. 7-11, pp. 76-94.
1911 The development of the lymphatic system in reptiles, Anat. Rec, vol. 5.
Huntington, Geo. S. and McClure, C. F. W. 1907 The development of the main lymph channels of the cat in their relation to the venous system. Am. Journ. Anat., vol. 6; Abstr. Anat. Rec, vol. 1, pp. 36-41.
1907 The development of the postcava and tributaries in the domestic cat. Am. Journ. Anat., vol. 6, Abstr. Anat. Rec, vol. 1, p. 29.
1907 The interpretation of variations of the postcava and tributaries in the domestic cat, based on their development. Am. Jour, Anat., vol. 6, Abstr. Anat. Rec, vol. 1, p. 33.
1908-1910 The anatomy and development of the jugular lymph sacs in the domestic cat. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 1-18. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 10, pp. 177-311.
Knower, Henry McE. 1908 The origin and development of the anterior lymph hearts and the subcutaneous lymph sacs in the frog. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 59-62.
Langer, 1868 Ueber das Lymphgefasssystems des Frosches. Sitzb. d. Akad. d. Wissensch. Bd. 58, 1. Abth.
Lewis, F. T. 1905 The development of the lymphatic system in rabbits. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 5, pp. 95-111.
MacCallum, W. J. 1902 Die Beziehungen der Lymphgefasse zum Bindogewebo. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Anat. Abth.
McClure, C. F. W. 1903-1906 The anatomy and development of the postcava in Didelphis marsupialis. Am. Jour. Anat., part 1, vol. 2, part 2, vol. T).
1906 The postcava of an adult Indian chevrotain (Tragulus mcminna, Erxleben). Anat. Am. Bd. 29, pp. 375-377.
MoClurb, C. F. W. 1908 The development of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts in the domestic cat. Anat. Am., Bd. 32, pp. 533-543. 1910 The extra-intimal theory and the development of the mesenteric lymphatics in the domestic cat (Felis domestica). Anat. Am. Erg&nz. z. Bd. 37, Verh. 2. internat. Anat. Kongr., Briissel, Aug. 7-11, pp. 101110.
McClure, C. F. W. , AND Silvester, C. F. 1909 A comparative study of the lymphatico-venous conununication in adult manunals. Anat. Rec.y vol. 3, pp. 534-551.
Marcus, H. 1908 Beitr&ge zur KenntnisderG3rmnophionen; II. Ueber intersegmentale Lymphherzen, nebst Bemerkungen Uber das Lymphsystem. Morphol. Jahrb.y Bd. 38, Heft 4, pp. 590-607.
Ranvier, L. 1895 D6veloppement des vaisseaux lymphatiques. Contes Renducs Acad. Sc. Paris, Tome 121.
1896 Developpement des vaisseaux lymphatiques et le ddveloppement des ganglions lymphatiques. Conies Rendues, Acad. Sc. Paris, T. 123. 1896 La theorie de la confluence des lymphatiques et le d^veloppement des ganglions lymphatiques. Conies Rendues, Acad. Sc. Paris, Tome 122.
1896 Aberration et repression des lymphatiques en voie de d^veloppement. Contes Rendues Acad. Set. Paris, Tome, 122,
1897 Morphologic et d6veloppement des vaisseaux lymphatiques chez les mammif^res. Archives d'Anai. microscop.. Tome 1, pp. 69-81.
Sarin, F. R. 1902 On the origin of the lymphatic system from the veins, and the development of the lymphhearts and thoracic duct in the pig. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 1, 1902, pp. 367-389.
1904 On the development of the superficial lymphatics in the skin of the pig. Am. Jour. Anat. vol. 3, pp. 183-195.
1905 The development of the lymphatic nodes in the pig, and the relation to the lymph hearts. Am. Jour. Anal., vol. 4, pp. 355-389.
1908 Further evidence on the origin of the lymphatic endothelium from the endothelium of the blood vascular system. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 46-54.
1909 The lymphatic system in human embryos, with a consideration of the morphology of the system. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 9, pp. 43-90.
Sala, Luiqi, 1900 Sullo sviluppo dei cuori linfatici e dei dotti toracici nell embrione di polio, Ricerche fatta nel Laborat. di Anat. norm, della R. Univ. di Roma, vol. 7.
ScHULTE, H. V. W., 1907 The range of variations in monotremes and Australian Marsupials. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 6, Anat. Rec, vol. 1, pp. 243-36. 1908 Further communication on the venous system of marsupials, Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 196-203.
ScHULTE, H. V. W., AND TiLNET, Fred. 1909 Notc OR the organization of the venous return, with especial reference to the iliac veins, Anat. Rec, vol. 3, pp. 555-577.
Silvester, C. F. 1910 On the presence of permanent lymphatico-venous communications at the level of the renal veins in adult South American monkeys. ^na<. Am., Erg&nz. z. Bd. 37, Verh. internat. Anat. Kongr., Brttssel, Aug. 7-11, pp. 111-113.
Stromsten, Frank A. 1910 A contribution to the anatomy and development of the posterior lymph hearts of the turtles. Publication no. 1S2 of th4 Carnegie Institution of Washington y pp. 77-87.
1911 On the relations between the mesenchymal spaces and the development of the posterior lymph hearts of turtles. Anat. Rec, vol. 5, pp. 173-178.
SwAEN, A., ET Brachet, A. 1899-1900 £tude sur les premiers phases du d^veloppement des organs d^riv^sdu mesoblast chez lespoissons t^l^ostiens. Arch, de BiologiCy 16.
Thoma, R. 1893 Untersuchungen Qber die Histogenese und Histomechanik de0 Blutegefftsssystems, Stuttgart.
[[Paper - The anatomy and development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in the domestic cat|Huntington1911]]: [[Huntington1911 - 1|Part I. The development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in their relation to the blood-vascular system]] | [[Huntington1911 - 2|Part II. The development of the preazygos and azygos segments of the thoracic ducts]] | [[Huntington1911 - Bibliography|Bibliography]]

Latest revision as of 10:33, 6 December 2019

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Huntington GS. The anatomy and development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in the domestic cat. (1911) Memoirs of the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology No. 1.

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Huntington 1911: Part I. The development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in their relation to the blood-vascular system | Part II. The development of the preazygos and azygos segments of the thoracic ducts | Bibliography


Allen, W. F. 1906 The distribution of the lymphatics in the head and in the dorsal, pectoral and ventral fins of Scorpaenichthys marmoratus. Proc. Waahingion Acad, of Sciences^ vol. 3, pp. 41-90, May 18.

1907 The distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the head region of the Ganoids Polydon and Lepidosteus, ihid.j vol. 9, pp. 79-158, July.

1910 The distribution of the lymphatics in the tail region of Scorpaenichthys marmoratus. Am. Jour. Anat.f vol. 11, no. 1, Nov., pp. 1-53.

1908 Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the tail region of Lepidosteus. Anai. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 05-70.

Baetjer, W. a. 1908 The origin of the mesenteric lymph sac in the pig. Anat. Rec. vol. 2, pp. 55-57.

Brachet, a. 1898 Recherches sur le d^veloppement du coeur, des premiers vaisseaux et du sang chez les amphibiens urod^les. Arch, d'anat. microscopiquCy Tome 2.

1899-1900 Recherches sur Torigine de Tappareil vasculaire sanguin chez les amphibiens. Arch, de Biologies Tome, 19.

BuDQE, Albrecht 1875 Neue Mittheilungen ueber die Lymphgefasse der Leber. Berichte d. K. Sdchs-Gesellsch. d. Wissensch.y Math. phys. Class e, 21 Juli.

1876 Die Lymphwurzeln der KncJchen. Arch. f. mikroskop. Anat., Bd. 13.

1880 Ueber ein Canalsystem im Mesoderm von Hiihnerembryonen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. Anat. Abth.

1881 Ueber das dem zweiten Blut Kreislaufe entsprechcnde Lymphgefasssystem bei Hiihnerembryonen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.

1882 Ueber die Lymphherzen bei Hiihnerembryonem. Arch. f. Anai. u. Phys.f Anat. Abth., pp. 350-358.

1887 Untersuchungen ttber die Entwicklung des Lymphsysten s beim Hiihnerembryo. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys.^ Anat. Abth.

Darrach, William 1907 Variations of the postcava and its tributaries in 605 examples of the domestic cat. Am. Jour. Anat.j vol. 6, no. 3. Abstr. Anat. Rec.f vol. 1, p. 30.

EcKER, A. u. WiEDERSHEiM, R. 1896 Die Anatomic des Frosches, 3. Abstr. bearbeitet von E. Gaupp.

Favaro, Giuseppe 1905-1906 Ricerche intorno alia morfologia ed alio svillupo dei vasi seni e cuori caudali nei Ciclostomi e nei Pesci. Atti del Keali Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti^ Anno accadem. Toir.o 65 Parte Seconda. Appendice alia Dispensa 10, pp. 1-279. 1906 Ricerche anatomo-embriologiche intorno alia circolazionecaudale ed ai cuori linfatici posteriori degli Anfibi, con particolarc riguardo agli Urodeli, Atti delV Accademia scientif. VenetO'trentino-iatriana, Clasee 1, Anno 3, pp. 122-266.

1905 II cuori ed i seni caudali dei Teleostei, Anat. Anz. Bd. 27, nof. 14. 15.

Fayaro, Giuseppe, 1905 Note fisiologiche intorno al cuore caudalc dei Murenoidi (Tipo Anguilla vulgaris Turt.) Archivio di Fisiologia, vol. 2, Fasc. 5, Luglio p. 569-580.

QuLLAND, G. LovELL. 1894 The development of lymphatic glands. Jour. Path, and BacL, vol. 2, pp. 447-485.

Heuer, G. 1908 The development of the lymphatics in the small intestine of the pig. Anat. Rec.j vol. 2, pp. 57-58.

HoTER, H. 1905-1908 Untersuchungen Uber das Lymphgefasssy stems der Froschlarven, I. Theil. Bullet, de VAcad. des Sciences de CracoviCy Classe des Sciences math, et nat., Juillet II. Theil, ibid., Mai.

HuNTiNQTON, Georqe S. 1908 The genetic interpretation of the development of the mammalian l3rmphatic system. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 19-45. 1910 The genetic principles of the development of the systemic Jymphatic vessels in the manmialian embryo. Anat. Rec, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 399-423.

1910 Ueber die Entwicklung des lymphatischen Systems beim Paugerembryo. Compte-Rendu, XVI Congrds Internat. de Medicine, Sect. I, Anatomic, Embryologie, 2. Fasc, pp. 127-142, Budapest. 1910 The phylogenetic relations of the lymphatic and blood-vascular systems in vertebrates. Anat. Rec, vol. 4, January.

1910 Ueber die Histogenese des lymphatischen Systems beim S&ugerembryo, Anat. Am. Erganz. z. Bd. 37, Verb. 2, internat. Anat. Kongr., Brtissel, Aug. 7-11, pp. 76-94.

1911 The development of the lymphatic system in reptiles, Anat. Rec, vol. 5.

Huntington, Geo. S. and McClure, C. F. W. 1907 The development of the main lymph channels of the cat in their relation to the venous system. Am. Journ. Anat., vol. 6; Abstr. Anat. Rec, vol. 1, pp. 36-41.

1907 The development of the postcava and tributaries in the domestic cat. Am. Journ. Anat., vol. 6, Abstr. Anat. Rec, vol. 1, p. 29.

1907 The interpretation of variations of the postcava and tributaries in the domestic cat, based on their development. Am. Jour, Anat., vol. 6, Abstr. Anat. Rec, vol. 1, p. 33.

1908-1910 The anatomy and development of the jugular lymph sacs in the domestic cat. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 1-18. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 10, pp. 177-311.

Knower, Henry McE. 1908 The origin and development of the anterior lymph hearts and the subcutaneous lymph sacs in the frog. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 59-62.

Langer, 1868 Ueber das Lymphgefasssystems des Frosches. Sitzb. d. Akad. d. Wissensch. Bd. 58, 1. Abth.

Lewis, F. T. 1905 The development of the lymphatic system in rabbits. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 5, pp. 95-111.

MacCallum, W. J. 1902 Die Beziehungen der Lymphgefasse zum Bindogewebo. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Anat. Abth.

McClure, C. F. W. 1903-1906 The anatomy and development of the postcava in Didelphis marsupialis. Am. Jour. Anat., part 1, vol. 2, part 2, vol. T).

1906 The postcava of an adult Indian chevrotain (Tragulus mcminna, Erxleben). Anat. Am. Bd. 29, pp. 375-377.

MoClurb, C. F. W. 1908 The development of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts in the domestic cat. Anat. Am., Bd. 32, pp. 533-543. 1910 The extra-intimal theory and the development of the mesenteric lymphatics in the domestic cat (Felis domestica). Anat. Am. Erg&nz. z. Bd. 37, Verh. 2. internat. Anat. Kongr., Briissel, Aug. 7-11, pp. 101110.

McClure, C. F. W. , AND Silvester, C. F. 1909 A comparative study of the lymphatico-venous conununication in adult manunals. Anat. Rec.y vol. 3, pp. 534-551.

Marcus, H. 1908 Beitr&ge zur KenntnisderG3rmnophionen; II. Ueber intersegmentale Lymphherzen, nebst Bemerkungen Uber das Lymphsystem. Morphol. Jahrb.y Bd. 38, Heft 4, pp. 590-607.

Ranvier, L. 1895 D6veloppement des vaisseaux lymphatiques. Contes Renducs Acad. Sc. Paris, Tome 121.

1896 Developpement des vaisseaux lymphatiques et le ddveloppement des ganglions lymphatiques. Conies Rendues, Acad. Sc. Paris, T. 123. 1896 La theorie de la confluence des lymphatiques et le d^veloppement des ganglions lymphatiques. Conies Rendues, Acad. Sc. Paris, Tome 122.

1896 Aberration et repression des lymphatiques en voie de d^veloppement. Contes Rendues Acad. Set. Paris, Tome, 122,

1897 Morphologic et d6veloppement des vaisseaux lymphatiques chez les mammif^res. Archives d'Anai. microscop.. Tome 1, pp. 69-81.

Sarin, F. R. 1902 On the origin of the lymphatic system from the veins, and the development of the lymphhearts and thoracic duct in the pig. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 1, 1902, pp. 367-389.

1904 On the development of the superficial lymphatics in the skin of the pig. Am. Jour. Anat. vol. 3, pp. 183-195.

1905 The development of the lymphatic nodes in the pig, and the relation to the lymph hearts. Am. Jour. Anal., vol. 4, pp. 355-389.

1908 Further evidence on the origin of the lymphatic endothelium from the endothelium of the blood vascular system. Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 46-54.

1909 The lymphatic system in human embryos, with a consideration of the morphology of the system. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 9, pp. 43-90.

Sala, Luiqi, 1900 Sullo sviluppo dei cuori linfatici e dei dotti toracici nell embrione di polio, Ricerche fatta nel Laborat. di Anat. norm, della R. Univ. di Roma, vol. 7.

ScHULTE, H. V. W., 1907 The range of variations in monotremes and Australian Marsupials. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 6, Anat. Rec, vol. 1, pp. 243-36. 1908 Further communication on the venous system of marsupials, Anat. Rec, vol. 2, pp. 196-203.

ScHULTE, H. V. W., AND TiLNET, Fred. 1909 Notc OR the organization of the venous return, with especial reference to the iliac veins, Anat. Rec, vol. 3, pp. 555-577.

Silvester, C. F. 1910 On the presence of permanent lymphatico-venous communications at the level of the renal veins in adult South American monkeys. ^na<. Am., Erg&nz. z. Bd. 37, Verh. internat. Anat. Kongr., Brttssel, Aug. 7-11, pp. 111-113.

Stromsten, Frank A. 1910 A contribution to the anatomy and development of the posterior lymph hearts of the turtles. Publication no. 1S2 of th4 Carnegie Institution of Washington y pp. 77-87.

1911 On the relations between the mesenchymal spaces and the development of the posterior lymph hearts of turtles. Anat. Rec, vol. 5, pp. 173-178.

SwAEN, A., ET Brachet, A. 1899-1900 £tude sur les premiers phases du d^veloppement des organs d^riv^sdu mesoblast chez lespoissons t^l^ostiens. Arch, de BiologiCy 16.

Thoma, R. 1893 Untersuchungen Qber die Histogenese und Histomechanik de0 Blutegefftsssystems, Stuttgart.

Huntington1911: Part I. The development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in their relation to the blood-vascular system | Part II. The development of the preazygos and azygos segments of the thoracic ducts | Bibliography

Huntington GS. The anatomy and development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in the domestic cat. (1911) Memoirs of the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology No. 1.

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