Book - The development of the chick (1919) Appendix: Difference between revisions

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==General Literature==
V. Baer, C. E., L'eber Entwickelurigsgeschichte der Tiere. Beobachtung
und Reflexion. Konigsbcrg, 1828 u. 1837.
id., 2. Teil — Herausgegeben von Stieda. Konigsberg, 1888.
Duval, Mathias, Atlas d'embryologie. (With 40 plates.) Paris, 1889.
Foster, M., and Balfour, F. M., The Elements of Embryology. Second
Edition revised. London, 1883.
Gadow, Hans, Die Vogel, Bronn's Klassen und Ordniingen des Thier-Reichs,
Bd. VI, Abth. 4, 1898.
Handbuch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwickelimgslehre der
Wirbeltiere. Edited by Dr. Oskar Hertwig and written by numerous
collaborators. Jena, 1901-1907.
Hls, W., LTntersuchungen fiber die erste Anlage des Wirbeltierleibes. Die
erste Entwickelung des Hiihnchens im Ei. Leipzig, 1868.
Keibel, F., and Abraham, K., Normaltafeln zur Entwickelungsgeschichte
des Huhnes (Gallus domesticus). Jena, 1900.
V. KoLLiKER, A., Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoheren
Thiere. Zweite Aufl. Leipzig, 1879.
Marshall, A. M., Vertebrate Embryology. A Text-book for Students and
Practitioners. (Ch. IV, The Development of the Chick.) New York
and London, 1893.
MiNOT, C. S., Laboratory Text-book of Embryology. Philadelphia, 1903.
Pander, Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Hiihnchens im Ei. Wiirz
burg, 1817.
Prevost et Dumas, Memoire sur le developpement du poulet dans I'oeuf.
Ann. Sc. Nat., Vol. XII, 1827.
Preyer, W., Specielle Physiologic des Embryo. Leipzig, 1885.
Remak, R., Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung der Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1855.
Literature — Chapter I
Bartelmez, George W., 1912, The Bilaterality of the Pigeon's Egg. A
Study in Egg Organization from the First Growth Period of the Oocyte
to the Beginning of Cleavage. Journ. of Morph. Vol. 23., pp. 269-328.
CoSTE, M., Histoire generale et particuliere du developpement des corps
organises, T. I. (Formation of Egg in Oviduct, see Chap. VI). Paris,
D 'Hollander, F., Recherches sur I'oogenese et sur la structure et la signification du noyau vitellin de Balbiani chez les oiseaux. Archiv. d'anat.
micr., T. VII, 1905.
Gegenbaur, C, Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Wirbeltiereier
mit partieller Dottertheilung. Archiv. Anat. u. Phys., 1861.
Glaser, Otto, 1913, On the Origin of Double-yolked Eggs. Biol. Bull.,
Vol. 24, pp. 175-186.
HoLL, M., Ueber die Reifung der Eizelle des Huhnes. Sitzungsber. Akad
Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. KL, Bd. XCIX, Abth. Ill, 1890.
V. Nathusius, W., Zur Bildung der Eihiillen. Zool. Anz. Bd. XIX, 1896.
Die Entwickelung von Schale und Schalenhaut des Hiihnereies im
Ovidukt. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., Bd. LV, 1893.
Parker, G. H., Double Hen's Eggs. American Naturalist, Vol. XL. 1906.
Pearl, Raymond and Curtis, M. R, 1912, Studies on the Physiology of
Reproduction in the Domestic Fowl. V. Data Regarding the Physiology
of the Oviduct. Journ. of Exp. Zoology. Vol. 12, pp. 99-132.
Riddle, Oscar, 1911, On the Formation, Significance and Chemistry of
the White and Yellow Yolk of Ova. Journ. of Morph., Vol. 22, pp.
SoNNENBRODT, 1908, Die Wachstunsperiode der Oocyte des Huhns. Arch.
f. mikr. Anat. w. Entw. Bd. 72, pp. 415-480.
Waldeyer, W., Die Geschlechtszellen. Handbuch der vergl. und exper.
Entwickelungslehre der \Yirbeltiere. Bd. I, T. 1, 1901.
Andrews, E. A., Some Intercellular Connections in an Egg of a Fowl. The
Johns Hopkins University Circular. Notes from the Biological Laboratory, March, 1907.
Barfurth, D., Versuche iiber die parthenogenetische Furchung des Hiihnereies. Arch. Entw.-mech., Bd. 2, 1895.
Blount, Mary, The Early Development of the Pigeon's Egg with Especial
Reference to the Supernumerary Sperm-nuclei, the Periblast and the
Germ-wall. Biol. Bull., Vol. XIII, 1907.
Duval, M., De la formation du l^lastoderm dans Foeuf d'oiseau. Ann. Sc.
Nat. Zool., Ser. 6, T. XVIII, 1884.
Gasser, E., Der Parablast und der Keimwall der Vogelkeimscheibe. Sitzungsber. der Ges. zur Beford. d. ges. Naturwiss. zu Marburg, 1883.
Eierstocksei und Eileiterei des Vogels. Ibid, 1884.
Gotte, a., Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere, II. Die
Bildung der Keimblatter und des Blutes im Hiihnerei. Archiv. mikr.
Anat., Bd. X, 1874.
Harper, E. H., The Fertilization and Early Development of the Pigeon's
Egg. Am. Jour. Anat., Vol. Ill, 1904.
KiONKA, H., Die Furchung des Hiihnereies. Anat. Hefte, Bd. Ill, 1894.
Lau, H., Die parthenogenetische Furchung des Hiihnereies. Inaug. Dissert.
Jurjew — Dorpat., 1894.
Oellacher, J., Untersuchungen iiber die Furchung und Blatterl)ildung im
Hiihnerei. Studien iiber experimentelle Pathologic von Strieker, Bd
I, 1869.
Oellacher, J., Die Veranderungen des unbefruchteten Keimes des Huhnereies
im Eileiter und bei Bebriitungsversuchen. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., Bd.
XXII, 1872.
Patterson, J. Thomas, Gastrulation in the Pigeon's Egg; a ^Morphological
and Experimental Study. The Journ. of Morph., Vol. 29, pp. 65-123,
Patterson, J. Thomas, Studies on the Early Dev^elopment of the Hen's
Egg. 1. History of the Early Cleavage and of the Accessory Cleavage.
The Journ. of Morph., Vol. 21, pp. 101-134, 1910.
Rauber, a., Ueber die Stellung des Hiihnchens im Entwicklungsplan.
Leipzig, 1876.
Sobotta, J., Die Reifung und Befruchtung des Wirbeltiereies. Ergeb.
Anat. u. Entwickelungsgesch., Bd. V, 1895.
Edwards, C. L., The Physiological Zero and the Index of Development for
the Egg of the Domestic Fowl, Gallus Domesticus. Am. Journ. Physiol.,
Vol. VI, 1902.
Eycleshymer, a. C, Some Observations and Experiments on the Natural
and Artificial Incubation of the Egg of the Common Fowl. Biol. Bull.,
Vol. XII, 1907.
Fere, Cm., Note sur I'influence de la temperature sur I'incubation de I'oeuf
de poule. Journ. de I'anatomie et de la physiologic, Paris, T. XXX,
Assheton, R., An Experimental Examination into the Growth of the Blastoderm of the Chick. Proc. Roy. Soc, London, Vol. LX, 1896.
Balfour, F. M. The Development and Growth of the Layers of the Blastoderm. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sc, Vol. XIII, 1873.
On the Disappearance of the Primitive Groove in the Embryo Chick.
Balfour, F. M., and Deighton, A Renewed Study of the Germinal Layers
of the Chick. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sc, Vol. XXII, 1882.
DissE, J., Die Entwickelung des mittleren Keimblattes im Hiihnerei. Arch,
mikr. Anat., Bd. XV, 1878.
DuRSY, Emil, Der Primitivstreif des Hiihnchens. Lahr, 1866.
Duval, Mathias, Etudes sur la hgne primitive de rembr3'on du poulet.
Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool., Ser. 6, T. VII, 1S7S.
De la formation du blastoderm dans I'oiuf d'oiseau. Ann. Sc. Nat.
Zool., Ser. 6, T. XVIII. Paris, 1884.
Evans, Herbert M. On the Development of the Aorta), Cardinal and
UmbiUcal Veins and other Blood-vessels of Vertebrate Embryos from
Capillaries. Anatomical Record., Vol. 3, pp. 498-518, 1909.
Fol, H., Recherches sur le developpement des protovertcbres chez I'embryon
du poulet. Arch. sc. phys. et nat. Geneve, T. II, 1884.
Gasser, Lieber den Primitivstreifen bei Vogelembryonen. Sitz.-Ber. d. Gcs.
z. Beforcl. d. ges. Naturw. z. Marburg, 1877.
Der Primitivestreif bei Vogelembryonen (Huhn w. Gans). Schriften
d. Ges. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. z. Marburg, Bd. XI, Suppl. Heft 1,
Gasser, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Vogelkeimscheibe. Arch. Anat. u
Entw., 1882.
Der Parablast unci der Keimwall der Vogelkeimscheibe. Sitz.-Ber.
d. Ges. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. z. Marburg, 1883.
GoETTE, A., Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. II.
Die Bildung der Keimblatter und des Blutes im Hiihnerei. Arch. mikr.
Anat., Bd. X, 1874.
Hertwig, O., Die Lehre von den Keimblattern. Handbuch der vergl. und
exper. Entwickehuigslehre der Wirbeltiere. Vol. I. Jena, 1903.
His, W., Der Keimwall des Htihnereies und die Entstehung der para
blastischen Zellen. Arch. Anat. und Entw., Bd. I, 1876.
Neue Untersuchung liber die Bildung des Hiihnerembryo. Arch.
Anat. und Entw., 1877.
Lecithoblast und Angioblast der "Wirbelthiere. Histogenetische
Studien. Abh. der math.-phys. Klasse der Konigl. Sachs. Ges. der
Wissenschaften, Bd. XXVI. Leipzig, 1900.
Die Bildung der Somatopleura und der Gefasse beim Hiihnchen.
Anat. Anz., Bd. XXI, 1902.
Hubbard, M. E., Some Experiments on the Order of Succession of the
Somites of the Chick. Am. Nat., Vol. 42, pp. 466-471, 1908.
Janosik, J., Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Keimwulstes bei Vogeln. Sitz-Ber
Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-phys. KL, Bd. LXXXIV, 1882.
Roller, C, Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Hiihnerkeimes im Beginne der Be
briitung. Sitzungsber. Wien. Akad. Wiss., math.-nat. KL, 1879.
Untersuchungen liber die Blatterbildung im Hlihnerkeim. Arch.
mikr. Anat., Bd. XX, 1881.
V. Kolliker, a., Zur Entwickelung der Keimblatter im Hiihnerei. Verb.
phys.-med. Ges. Wlirzburg, Bd. VIII, 1875.
KopscH,FR.,Ueber die Bedeutung des Primitivstreifens beim Hiihnerembryo,
und liber die ihm homologen Theile bei den Embryonen der niederen
Wirbeltiere. Intern. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Phys., Bd. XIX, 1902.
MiTROPHANOW, P. J., Teratogene Studien. II. Experimentellen Beo
bachtungen liber die erste Anlage der Primitivrinne der Vogel. Arch.
Entw.-mech., Bd. VI, 1898.
Beobachtungen liber die erste Entwickelung der Vogel. Anat.
Hefte, Bd. XII, 1899.
Now^\cK, K., Neue Untersuchungen liber die Bildung der beiden primiiren
Keimblatter und die Entstehung des Primitivstreifen beim Hiihnerembryo. Inaug. Diss. Berlin, 1902.
Patterson, J. Thos., The Order of Appearance of the Anterior Somites in
the Chick. Biol. Bull., Vol. XIII, 1907.
Patterson, J. T. An experimental Study on the Development of the Vascular
Area of the Chick Blastoderm. Biol. Bull. XVI, pp. 83-90, 1909.
Peebles, Florence. Some Experiments on the Primitive Streak of the
Chick. Arch. Entw.-mech., Bd. VII, 1898.
A Prehminary Note on the Position of the Primitive Streak and its
Relation to the Embryo of the Chick. Biol. Bull., Vol. IV, 1903.
Peebles, Florence, The Location of the Chick Embryo upon the Blastoderm. Journ. Exp. Zool., Vol. I, 1904.
Platt, J. B., Studies on the Primitive Axial Segmentation of the Chick.
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv., Vol. 17, 1889.
Rabl, C, Theorie des Mesoderms. Morph. Jahrb., Bde. XV und XIX,
1889 and 1892.
Rauber, a., Primitivstreifen und Neurula der Wirbelthiere, in normaler
und pathologischer Beziehung. Leipzig, 1877.
Ueber die embryonale Anlage des Hiihnchens. Centralb. d. med.
Wiss., Bd. XII, 1875.
Ueber die erste Entwickelung der Vogel und die Bedeutung der Primi
tivrinne. Sitz.-ber. d. naturf. Ges. zu Leipzig, 1876.
Rex, Hugo, Ueber das Mesoderm des Vorderkopfes der Ente. Archiv.
■ mikr. Anat., Bd. L., 1897.
RiiCKERT, J., Entwickelung der extra-embryonalen Gefasse der Vogel. Hand
buch der vergl. w. exp. Entw.-lehre der Wirbelthiere, Bd. I, T. 1,
Ueber die Abstammung der bluthaltigen Gefassanlagen beim Huhn,
und uber die Entstehung des Randsinus beim Huhn und bei Torpedo.
Sitzungsber. der Bay. Akad. Wiss., 1903.
ScHAUiNSLAND, H., Bcitrage zur Biologie und Entwickelung der Hatteria
nebst Bemerkungen uber die Entwickelung der Sauropsiden. Anat.
Anz. XV, 1899.
ViALLETOX, Developpement des aortes chez I'embryon de poulet. Journ.
de I'^nat. T. XXVIII, 1892. See also Anat. Anz., Bd. VII, 1892.
ViRCHOW, H., Der Dottersack des Huhns. Internat. Beitrage zur wiss.
Med., Bd. I, 1891.
Waldeyer, W., Bemerkungen uber die Keimblatter und den Primitivstreifen
bei der Entwickelung des Huhnerembryo. Zeitschr. rationeller Medicin,
Whitman, C. O., A Rare Form of the Blastoderm of the Chick and its Bearing
on the Question of the Formation of the Vertebrate Embryo. Quar.
Journ. Micr. Sc, Vol. XXIII, 1883.
WiLLL\MS, Leonard W. The Somites of the Chick. Am. Journ. of Anat.,
Vol. 11, pp. 5.5-100, 1910.
Literature to Chapter VI included in following chapters.
CHARBONNEiy-SALLE ct Phisalix, De I'evolution postembryonnaire du
sac vitellin chez les oiseaux. C. R. Acad. Sc, Paris, 1886.
Dareste, C, Sur I'absence totale de I'amnios dans les embryons de poule.
C. R. Acad. Sc, Paris, T. LXXXVIII, 1879.
Duval, M., Etudes histologiques et morphologiques sur les annexes des
embryons d'oiseau. Journ. de I'anat, et de la phys., T. XX, 1884.
Etude sur I'origine de Tallantoide chez le poulet. Rev. sc. nat.,
Paris, 1877.
Duval, M., Sur ime organe placentoide chez rembryon des oiseaux. C. R.
Acad. Sc, Paris, 1884.
Fromann, C, Ueber die Struktur der Dotterhaut des Huhnes. Sitz.-ber.
Jen. Ges. Medizin u. Naturw., 1879.
FuLLEBORN, F., Beitrage zur Entwickelung der Allantois der Vogel. Diss.,
Berlin, 1894.
Gasser, E., Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Allantois, der Miiller
schen Gange iind des Afters. Frankfurt a. M., 1874.
GoTTE, A., Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Darmkanals im Hiihn
chen. Tubingen, 1867.
HiROTA, S., On the Sero-amniotic Connection and the Foetal Membranes in
the Chick. Journ. Coll. Sc. Imp. Univ. Japan, Vol. VI, Part IV, 1^94.
LiLLiE, Frank R., Experimental Studies on the Development of the Organs
in the Embryo of the Fowl (Gallus domesticus): 1. Experiments on the
Amnion and the Production of Anamniote Embryos of the Chick. Biol.
Bull., Vol. V, 1903. 2. The Development of Defective Embryos and
the Power of Regeneration. Biol. Bull., Vol. VII, 1904.
Mertens, H., Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fotushiillen im Vogelei. Meckels
Archiv, 1830.
Mitrophanow, p. J., Note sur la structure et la formation de I'enveloppe
du jaune de I'ceuf de la poule. Bibliogr. Anat., Paris, 1898.
PopoFF, Demetrius, Die Dottersackgefasse des Huhnes. Wiesbaden, 1894.
Pott, R., and Preyer, W., Ueber denGaswechsel und die chemischen Verander
ungen des Hiihnereies wahrend der Bebriitung. Archiv. ges. Phys., 1882.
Preyer, W., Specielle Physiologic des Embryo. Leipzig, 1885.
Ravn, E., Ueber die mesodermfreie Stelle in der Keimscheibe des Huhner
embryo. Arch. Anat. u. Entw., 1886.
Ueber den Allantoisstiel des Hiihnerembryo. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1898.
ScHAUiNSLAND, H., Die Entwickelung der Eihaute der Reptilien und der
Vogel. Handbuch der vergl. und exp. Entw.-lehre der Wirbeltiere. Bd.
I, T. 2, 1902.
Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. II. Beitrage zur
Entwickelungsgeschichte der Eihaute der Sauropsiden. Bibliotheca
Zoologica, 1903.
Schenk, S. L., Beitrage zur Lehre vom Amnion. Archiv. mikr. Anat., Bd.
VII, 1871.
Ueber die Aufnahme des Nahrungsdotters wahrend des Embryonal
lebens. Sitz.-ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Kl., 1897.
Shore, T. W., and Pickering, J. W., The Proamnion and Amnion in the
Chick. Journ. of Anat. and Phys., Vol. XXIV, 1889.
Soboleff, Die Verletzung des Amnions wahrend der Bebriitung. Mittheil,
embryolog. Inst., Wien, 1883.
Strahl, H., Eihaute und Placenta der Sauropsiden. Ergeb. Anat. u. Entw.
gesch., Bd. I, 1891.
Stuart, T. P. A., A Mode of Demonstrating the Developing Membranes in
the Chick. Journ. Anat. and Phys., London, Vol. XXV, 1899.
ViRCHOW, H., Beobachtungen am Hiihnerei; iiber das dritte Keimblatt
im Bereiche des Dottersackes. Virchow's Arch., Bd. LXII, 1874.
ViRCHOW, H., Ueber das Epithel des Dottersackes im Hiihnerei. Diss., Berlin.
Der Dottersack des Huhnes. Internat. Beitrage zur wissenschaft.
Medizin, Bd. I, 1891.
Das Dotterorgan der Wirbeltiere. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., Bd. LIII,
Suppl., 1892.
Das Dotterorgan der Wirbelthiere. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. XL, 1892.
Dottersyncytium, Keimhautrand und Beziehungen zur Koncrescenzlehre. Ergeb. Anat. u. Entw., Bd. VI, 1897.
Ueber Entwickelungsvorgange, welche sich in den letzten Bruttagen
am Hiihnerei abspielen. Anat. Anz., Bd. IV, BerHn, 1889.
VuLPiAX, La physiologie de I'amnios et de I'allantoide chez les oiseaux.
Mem. soc. biol., Paris, 1858.
Weldox, W. F. R., Prof, de Vries on the Origin of Species. (Includes experiments on amnion.) Biometrica, Vol. I, 1902.
Beard, J., Morphological Studies, II. The Development of the Peripheral
Nervous System of Vertebrates. Pt. I. Elasmobranchs and Aves.
Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc, Vol. XXIX, 1888.
Beraneck, E., Etudes sur les replis medullaires du poulet. Recueil Zool.
Suisse, Vol. IV, 1887.
Bethe, Albrecht, Allgemeine Anatomic und Physiologie des Nervensys
tems. Leipzig, 1903.
Brandis, F., Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirn der Vogel. Arch. mikr.
Anat., Bd. XLI, 1893; Bd. XLIII, 1894; Bd. XLIV, 1895.
Burrows, Montrose T., The Growth of Tissues of the Chick Embryo
Outside the Animal Body, with Special Reference to the Nervous System.
Journ. Exp. Zoology, Vol. 10, pp. 63-83, 1911.
Cajal, S. R. y., Sur I'origine et les ramifications des fibres nerveuses de la
moelle embryonnaire. Anat. Anz., Bd. V, 1890.
A quelle epoque aparaissent les expansions des cellules nerveuses de
la moelle epiniere du poulet. Anat. Anz., Bd. V, 1890.
Froriep, a., Ueber Anlagen von Sinnesorganen am Facialis, Glossopha
ryngeus und Vagus, iiber die genetische Stellung des Vagus zum Hypo
glossus, und iiber die Herkunft der Zungenmuskulatur. Arch. Anat.
u. Entw., 1885.
Carpenter, Frederick Walton, The Development of the Oculomotor Nerve,
the Ciliary Ganglion, and the Abducent Nerve in the Chick. Bull.
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Vol. XLVIII, 1906.
DissE, J., Die erste Entwickelung des Riechnerven. Anat. Hefte, Abth. I,
Bd. IX, 1897.
GoLoviNE, E., Sur le developpement du systeme ganglionnaire chez le poulet.
Anat. Anz., Bd. V, 1890.
GoRONOwiTscH, N., Die axiale und die laterale (A. Goette) Kopfmetamerie
der Vogeleml^ryonen. Anat. Anz., Bd. VII, 1892.
L'ntersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung der Sogenannten " Ganglien
leisten " im Kopfe der Vogelembryonen. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. XX, 1893.
Heinrich, Georg, Untersuchungen iiber die Anlage des Grosshirns beim
Hiihnchen. Sitz.-ber. d. Ges. f. Morph. u. Phys. in Munchen, Bd. XII,
Hill, Charles, Developmental History of the Primary Segments of the
Vertebrate Head. Zool. Jahrbucher, Abth. Anat. Bd. XIII, 1900.
His, W., Die Neuroblasten und deren Entstehung im embryonalen Mark.
Abh. math.-physik. Klasse, Konigl. Sachs. Ges. Wiss., Bd. XV, 1889.
Histogenese und Zusammenhang der Nervenelemente. Arch. Anat.
u. Entw., Suppl., 1890.
Ueber das frontale Ende des Gehirnrohres. Arch. Anat. u. Entw., 1893.
Ueber das frontale Ende und iiber die natiirliche Eintheilung des
Gehirnrohres. Verh. anat. Ges., Bd. VII, 1893.
His, W. (Jr.)» Ueber die Entwickelung des Bauchsympathicus beim Hiihnchen und Menschen. Arch. Anat. u. Entw., Suppl., 1897.
V. KoLLiKER, Ueber die erste Entwickelung der Nervi olfactorii. Sitz.-ber.
phys. med. Ges. zu Wiirzburg, 1890.
V. KuPFFER, K., Die Morphogenie des Centralnervensystems. Handbuch der
vergl. und exp. Entwickelungslehre der Wirbeltiere, Kap. VIII, IP, 1905.
Lewis, M. R. and Lewis, W. H., The Cultivation of Tissues from Chick
Embroyos in Solutions of NaCl, CaCl2, KCl and NaHCOg. Anatomical
Record, Vol. 5, pp. 277-293. See also Anat. Rec, Vol. 6, nos. 1 and 5, 1911.
Marshall, A. M., The Development of the Cranial Nerves in the Chick.
Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc, Vol. XVIII, 1878.
The Segmental Value of the Cranial Nerves. Journ. Anat. and Physiol.,
Vol. XVI, 1882.
v. MiHALCOVics, v., Entwickelungsgeschichte des Gehirns. Leipzig, 1877.
Onodi, a. D., Ueber die Entwickelung des sympathischen Nervensy stems.
Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. XXVI, 1886.
Rabl, C, Ueber die IMetamerie des Wirbelthierkopfes. Verh. anat. Ges.,
VI, 1892.
RuBASCHKiN, W., Ueber die Beziehungen des Nervus trigeminus zur Riech
schleimhaut. Anat. Anz., Bd. XXII, 1903.
Weber, A., Contribution a Tetude de la metamerism du cerveau anterieur
chez quelques oiseaux. Arch, d'anat. microsc, Paris, T. Ill, 1900.
Van Wijhe, J. W., L^eber Somiten und Nerven im Kopfe von Vogel- und
Reptilien-embryonen. Zool. Anz. Bd. IX, 1886.
Ueber die Kopfsegmente und das Geruchsorgan der Wirbelthiere
Zool. Anz., Bd. IX, 1886.
Organs of Special Sense
A. The Eye
Addario, C, Sulla struttura del vitreo embryonale e de' neonati, sulla matrice del vitreo e suU' origine della zonula. Ann. OttalmoL, Anno 30,
AddariOjC, Ueber die Matrix desGlaskorpers im menschlichen und thierischen
Auge. Vorlauf. Mitth. Anat. Anz., Bd. XXI, 19(32.
Agababow, Untersuchiingen iiber die Natur der Zonula ciliaris. Arch.
mikr. Anat., Bd. L, 1897.
Angelucci, a., Ueber Entwiekelung und Bau des vorderen Uvealtractus der
Vertebraten. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. XIX, 1881.
Arnold, J., Beitrage zur Entwickekmgsgeschichte des Auges. Heidelberg,
AssHETON, R., On the Development of the Optic Nerve of Vertebrates, and
the Choroidal Fissure of Embryonic Life. Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc, Vol.
XXXIV, 1892.
Bernd, Adolph Hugo, Die Entwiekelung des Pecten im Auge des Hiihn
chens aus den Blattern der Augenblase. Bonn, 1905.
Cajal, S. R. y., Sur la morphologie et les connexions des elements de la retine
des oiseaux. Anat. Anz. Bd. IV, 1889.
Sur la fine structure du lobe optique des oiseaux et sur I'origine reelle
des nerfs optiques. Int. Monatschr. Anat. u. Phys., Bd. VIII, 1891.
Cirincione, G., Ueber die Entwiekelung der Capsula perilenticularis. Arch.
Anat. u. Entw., Suppl. Bd., Jahrg. 1897.
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Abducens nerve, 267
Abducens nucleus, 262, 263
Abnormal eggs, 2.5
Accessory cleavage of pigeon's egg,
38, 43, 44
Accessory mesenteries, 340, 341
Acustico-facial ganglion complex, 159
160, 262, 268
Air-sacs, 326, 330, 331
Albumen, 18
Albumen-sac, 217, 224
Albuginea of testis, 397
Alecithal ova (see isolecithal)
Allantois, blood-supply of, 222; general, 217; inner wall of, 220; neck
of, 143, 144, 316; origin of, 143,
144; outer wall of, 220; rate of
growth, 221; structure of inner
wall, 223; structure of outer wall,
Amnion, effect of rotation of embryo on, 140, 141, 142; functions
of, 231; head fold of, 137, 139;
later history of, 231; mechanism
of formation, 139, 140; muscle
fibers of, 231; origin of, 135; secondary folds of, 142
Amnio-cardiac vesicles, 92, 116
AmpuUse of semicircular canals, 291
Anal plate, 143, 182
See also cloacal membrane
Angioblast, 88
Anterior chamber of eye, 278
Anterior commissure of spinal cord,
origin of, 244
Anterior intestinal portal, 95 (Fig.
49), 121, 132
Anterior mesenteric artery, 363
Aortic arches, 198, 199, 203, 358362 ; transformations of, 359-361
Appendicular skeleton, 434
Aqueduct of Sylvius, 251.
Archenteron, 55
Area opaca, 39, 50, 61, 86; pellucida, 39, 50, 61; vasculosa, 61, 86;
vitellina, 61, 62, 86
Arterial system, 121, 126, 198, 199,
203, 204, 228, 358-363
Atlas, development of, 420
Atrium bursse omentalis, 344
Auditory nerve, 295; ossicles, 299,
432; pit, 168
Auricular canal, 354
Auriculo- ventricular canal, 348; division of, 355
Axis, development of, 420
Axones, origin of, 235
Basilar plate, 429
Beak, 302, 304
Biogenesis, fundamental law of, 4
Blastoderm, 17; diameter of unin
cubated, 61; expansion of, 50, 53,
Blastopore, 55, 82
Blood-cells, origin of, 118
Blood-islands, origin of, 86, 89
Blood-vessels, origin of, 118
Body-cavity, 115, 205-210, 333
Bony labyrinth, 296
Brain, primary divisions of, 108;
early development of, 147, 156;
later development of, 244-252
Branchial arch, first, skeleton of, 432
Bronchi, 325, 326
Bulbus arteriosus, 198, 201, 202, 348;
fate of, 357
Bursa Fabricii, 314, 317, 319
Bursa omenti ma j oris, 344
Bursa omenti minoris, 344
Canal of Schlemm, 279
Cardinal veins, anterior, 200, 204,
205, 363; posterior, 200, 204, 205,
Carina of sternum, 427
Carotid arch, 361
Carotid, common, 362; external 359,
361 ; internal, 359-361
Carpus, 436, 437
Cartilage, absorption of, 408; bones,
definition, 407; calcification of,
Caval fold, 344
Cavo-coeliac recess, 344
Cavum sub-pulmonale, 342
Cell-chain hypothesis, 255
Cell theory, \
Central and marginal cells, 41, 42
Central canal of spinal cord, 242
Cerebellum, 155, 251
Cephalic mesoblastic somites, 108,
269, 428
Cerebral flexures, 149, 245
Cerebral ganjilia, 157-162, 262
Cerebral hemispheres, origin of, 151;
(see telencephalon)
Cervical flexure, 133, 245
Chalazee, 18
Chemical composition of parts of
hen's egg, 20, 21
Chiasma opticus, 154, 249
Choanal, 215, 285
Chondrification, 408
Chorion, 135, 217, 218, 220
Choroid coat of eye. 279; fissure,
166, 281 ; plexus, 248
Chromaffin tissue, 404
Chronology, 64
Cilary processes, 272, 274
Circulation of blood, 121, 122, 197200, 372-376
Circulation of blood, changes at
hatching, 376; completion of
double, 355
Classification of stages, 64-67
Clavicle, 434, 435
Cleavage of ovum (hen), 39-43
Cleavage of ovum (pigeon), 43-47
Cloaca, 314-319; (see hind-gut)
Cloacal membrane, 315, 318; (see
also anal plate)
Coeliac artery, 363
Coelome (see body-cavity)
Coenogenetic aspects of development, 6
Collaterals, origin of, 238
Collecting tubules of mesonephros,
379, 380
CoUiculus palato-pharyngeus, 398
Commissura anterior, 252; inferior,
252 ; posterior, 252 ; trochlearis, 252
Concrescence, theory of, 82, 84
Cones of growth, 235
Conjunctival sac, 279
Coprodseum, 315, 318, 319
Coracoid, 434, 435
Cornea, 278
Corpus striatum, 247
Corpus vitreum, 275
Cortical cords of suprarenal capsules, 405
Cranial flexure, 133, 245; nerves, 261
Cristse acusticse, 295
Crop, 312
Crural veins^ 372
Cushion septum, 355
Cuticle of sheU, 17
Cutis plate, 185, 188
Delimitation of embryo from blastoderm, 91
Dendrites, origin of, 236
Determinants, 7
Diencephalon, early development of,
152; later development of, 249
Dorsal aorta, origin of, 121
Dorsal longitudinal fissure and septum of spinal cord, 243, 244
Dorsal mesentery, 172, 342
Duct of Botallus, 359, 361, 376
Ducts of Cuvier, 200, 204, 207, 361
Ductus arteriosus (see duct of Botalus) ; choledochus (common bileduct), 181, 321; cochlearis, 293;
cystico-entericus, 321 ; endolymphaticus, 169, 289; hepato-cysticus,
321; hepato-entericus, 321; venosus (see meatus venosus)
Duodenum, 310, 311
Ear, later development of, 288
Ectamnion, 138
Ectoderm and entoderm, origin of, 52
Ectoderm of oral cavity, limits of,
Egg, formation of, 22, 24, 25
Egg-tooth, 302, 303
Embryonic circulation, on the fou.rth
day, 372-374; on the sixth day,
374; on the eighth day, 374-376
Embryonic membranes, diagrams of,
219, 220; general, 216; origin of,
135; summary of later historj^, 145
Endocardium, origin of, 119
Endolymphatic duct (see ductus
Endolymphatic sac (see saccus endolymphaticus)
Entobronch;, 327, 328
Entoderm, origin of, 52
Ependyma, origin of, 239
Epididymis, 391, 398
Epiphysis, 153, 249
Epiphyses (of long bones), 409
Epistropheus, development of, 420
Epithalamus, 251
Epithelial ceUs of neural tube, 233,
Epithelial vestiges of visceral pouches
Epoophoion, 401
Equatorial ring of lens, 277-278
Excentricity of cleavage, 41, 47
Excretory system, origin of, 190
External auditory meatus, 297, 300
External form of the embryo, 211
Eye, early development of, 164;
later development of, 271
Eyelids, 279-280
Facial region, development of the,
214, 215, 216
Facialis nerve, 268
Facialis nucleus, 262, 263
Femur, 440
Fertilization, 35
Fibula, 440
First segmentation nucleus, 36
Fissura metotica, 429
Foetal development, 11
Fold of the omentum, 344, 345
Follicles of ovary, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30,
Follicular cells, origin of, 27, 400
Foramen, interventricular, 353, 354;
of Monro, 247; of Winslow, 343;
ovale, 355
Foramina, interauricular, 355
Fore-brain, origin of, 108
Fore-gut, 91, 9'3, 172
Formative stuffs, 15
Funiculi prajcervicales, 307
Gall-bladder, 321
Ganglia, cranial and spinal, 156;
cranial, 157, 158, 159, 262; spinal,
later development of, 254, 257
Ganglion, ciliare, 266; geniculatum,
268; jugulare, 268; olfactorium
nervi trigemini, 264; nodosum,
161, 268 ; ~ petrosum, 161, 268; of
Remak, 257
Gastric diverticula of body-cavity,
Gastrulation, 53, 84
Genetic restriction, law of, 8
Genital ducts, development of, 401
Germ-cells, general characters of,
9-12; comparison of, 12-14
Germ-wall, 47, 48, 69, 90, 128, 129
Germinal cells of neural tube, 233,
Germinal disc, 11, 12, 35, 37, 39
Germinal epithelium, 391, 392, 399
Germinal vesicle, 27, 28
Gizzard, 313, 314
Glomeruli of pronephros, 192
Glossopharyngeus, ganglion complex
of, 161, 262, 268; nerve, 268; nucleus, 262, 263
Glottis, 332
Gray matter of spinal cord, development of, 240; origin of, 239
Haemal arch of vertebrae, 416, 417
Harderian gland, 280
Hatching, 232
Head, development of, 213
Head-fold, origin of, 91
Head process, 73, 80
Heart, changes of position of, 348,
349; development on second and
third days, 200-203; divisions of
cavities of, 350 ; ganglia and nerves
of, 259; later development of, 348;
origin of, 119
Hensen's knot, 73
Hepatic veins, 366
Hepatic portal circulation, 366, 375
Hermaphroditism of embryo, 391
Heterotaxia, 133
Hiatus communis recessum, 343
Hind-brain, origin of, 108
Hind-gut, 143, 172
Hind-limbs, origin of skeleton, 438
Hoffmann's nucleus, 240
Holoblastic ova, 11, 12
Humerus, 436
Hyoid arch, 175: skeleton of, 432
Hyomandibular cleft, 174, 297
Hypoglossus nerve, 269
Hypophysis, 154, 249
Hypothalamus, 251
Ilium, 438, 439
Incubation, normal temperature for,
65, 66
Indifferent stage of sexual organs,
Infundibulum (of brain), 154, 249
Infundibulum (of oviduct). See ostium tubae abdominale
Interganglionic commissures, 156
Intermediate cell-mass, 114, 190
Interventricular sulcus, 348, 353
Intervertebral fissure, 412
Intestine, general development of,
310. 311
Iris, 272 : muscles of, 273, 274
Ischiadic veins, 372
Ischium, 438, 439
Isolecithal ova, 11
Isthmus, of brain, 155; of oviduct, 22
Jacobson, organ of, 286
Jugular vein, 363
Kidney, capsule of, 390; permanent,
384-389; secreting tubules of, 390
Lagena, 293
Lamina terminalis, 105, 152, 247, 248
Larva, 11
Laryngotracheal groove, 178, 331,
Ijarynx, 332
Latebra, 1 9
Lateral plate of mesoblast, 115
Lateral tongue folds, 305
Lens, 166, 276-278
Lenticular zone of optic cup, 271
Lesser peritoneal cavity, 344
Ligamentum pectinatuni iridis, 279
Limiting sulci, 130
Lingual glands, 30G
Lip-grooves, 304
Liver, histogenesis of, 323; later development of, 319-323; origin and
early development of, 179, 180,
181 ; origin of lobes of, 322 ; primarv ventral ligament of, 335
Lungs,^ 178, 326
Macula utriculi, sacculi, etc., 295
Malpighian corpuscles (mesonephric)
origin of, 195
Mammillae of shell, 17
Mandibular aortic arch, 121, 122,
203, 204
Mandibular arch, skeleton of, 431
Mandibular glands, 306
Mantle layer of spinal cord, origin
of, 239
Margin of overgrowth, 52, 57
Marginal notch, 60, 84, 85
Marginal velum, 235
Marrow of bone, origin of, 410
Maturation of ovum, 32
Meatus venosus, 199, 364, 366, 368
Medullary cords of suprarenal capsules, 405, 406
Medullary neuroblasts of brain, 262
Medullary plate, 95; position of anterior end of, in neural tube, 102,
Megaspheres, 59
Membrana reuniens, 418
Membrane bones, definition of, 407
]\Iembranes of ovum, 10
Membranous labyrinth, 289
Meroblastic ova, 11
Mesencephalon, 108, 155, 251
Mesenchyme, definition of, 116
Mesenteric artery, 363
Mesenteric vein, 366, 367
Mesenteries, 333
Mesentery, dorsal, 172, 342; of the
vena cava inferior, 341
Mesoblast, gastral, 110; of the head,
origin of, 116, 117; history of between 1 and 12 somites, 109; lateral plate of, 110, 115; of opaque
area, origin of, 86, 88; origin of,
74, 78; paraxial, 110; prostomial,
110; somatic layer of, 115; splanchnic layer of, 115
Mesobronchus, 326, 327
Mesocardia lateralia, 200, 207, 334,
Mesocardium, origin of, 120
Mesogastrium, 309, 342, 343
Mesonephric arteries, 363
Mesonephric mesentery, 341
Mesonephric tubules, formation of,
Mesonephric ureters, 380
Mesonephros, later history of, 378;
origin and early history of, 194
197; see ^^'olffian body
Mesothalamus, 251
Mesothelium, definition of, 116
Metacarpus, 436, 437, 438
Metamorphosis, 11
Metanephros, 384-389
Metatarsals, 441
Metathalamus, 251
Metencephalon, 155, 251
Mid-brain (see Mesencephalon)
Mid-gut, 172, 181, 310
Mouth, 301
Miillerian ducts, 391; degeneration
in male, 402, 403; origin of, 401,
402, 403
Muscles of iris, 274
Muscle plate, 185, 186
Myelencephalon, 155, 252
Myocardium, origin of, 119
Myotome, 188
Nares, 286
Nephrogenous tissue, 195, 378; of
metanephros, 384, 387
Nephrotome, 114, 190
Neural crest, 156
Neural folds, 97, 99
Neural groove, 97
Neural tube, 95, 105
Neurenteric canal, 73, 82
Neuroblasts, 233-239; classes of, in
spinal cord, 244
Neurocranium, 427, 428
Neuroglia cells, origin of, 239, 240
Neuromeres, 108, 148, 152, 155
Neurone theory, 236, 255, 256
Neuropore, 101, 105
Notochord, later development of,
411 ff; oriirin of, 80; in the region
of the skull, 428
Oblicjue septum, 331, 342
Oculo-motor nerve, 265; nucleus,
262, 263
Odontoid process, origin of, 420
(Esophagus, 179, 310, 312
Olfactory lobe; 247
Olfactory nerve, 263
Olfactory pits, 169, 285
Olfactory A'estibule, 285
Omentum, development of, 343
Omphalocephaly, 120
Omphalomesenteric arteries, 199,363;
veins, 364-366
Ootid, 14
Opaque area, see area opaca
Optic cup, 165, 271 ; lobes, 251 ; nerve,
2S3, 284, 285; stalk, 149, 164, 284,
285; vesicles, accessory, 164
Optic vesicles, primary, 108, 164;
secondary, 166
Ora serrata, 272
Oral cavity, 215, 216, 301
Oral glands, 306
Oral plate, 95, 173
Orientation of embryo on yolk, 25, 63
Ossification, 408-411; endochondral,
409; perichondral, 408
Ostium tubse abdominale, 23 ; development of, 402, 403; relation to
pronephros, 402
Otocyst, 168; later development of,
289; method of closure, 168
Ovary, 22, 398-401; degeneration of
right, 398
Oviducal membranes of ovum, 10
Oviduct, 22; later development of,
Ovocyte, 13, 26, 27
Ovogenesis, 12, 26
Ovogonia, 12, 26
Ovum, 2. 10; bilateral symmetry of,
15; follicular membrane of, 10; organization of, 14; polarity of, 14
Palate, 285, 299
Palatine glands, 306
Palingenetic aspects of development,
Pancreas, 181, 323-325, 347
Pander's nucleus, 19
Papilla; conjunctivie sclerse, 280
Parabronchi, 328
Parachordals, 428, 429
Paradidvmis, 391, 398
Paraphysis, 248
Parencephalon, 108, 153, 249
Parietal cavity, 92, 116, 207, 208,
333, 334
Paroophoron, 401
Pars copularis (of tongue), 305
Pars inferior iabyrinthi, 289,. 293
Pars superior lal)yrinthi, 2S9, 291
Parthenogenetic cleavage, 35
Patella, 441
Pecten, 281, 282
Pectoral girdle, 434-436
Pellucid area (see area pellucida)
Pelvic girdle, 438-440
Periaxial cords, 158, 159, 161
Pericardiaco-peritoneal membrane,
Pericardial and pleuroperitoneal cavities, separation of, 333
Pericardium, closure of dorsal opening of, 337; formation of membranous, 338; see parietal cavity.
Periblast, 38, 43, 47; marginal and
central 48; nuclei, origin of, 47, 48
Perichondrium, 408
Periderm, 304
Perilymph, 296, 297
Periosteum, 409
Peripheral nervous system, development of, 252
Pfliiger, cords of, 399
Phseochrome tissue, 404
Phalanges, 436, 438; of foot, 441; of
wing, 438
Pharynx, derivatives of, 306; early
development of, 93-95, 173; postbranchial portion of, 178
Phvlogenetic reduction of skeleton,
Physiological zero of development, 65
Physiology of development, 6
Pineal bodv, 153, 249
Placodes, 160, 161
Pleural and peritoneal cavities, separation of, 340
Pleural grooves, 208, 209
Pleuro-pericardial membrane, 338
Pleuroperitoneal membrane, 326;
septum, 340, 341
Plica encephali ventralis, 149, 245
Plica mesogastrica, 341, 344, 368
Pneumato-enteric recesses, 209, 340
Pneumatogastric nerve, 268
Polar bodies, 13, 34
Polyspermy, 35, 36, 37
Pons, 252
Pontine flexure, 149, 245
Postanal gut, 182
Postbranchial bodies, 307, 309
Posterior intestinal portal, 132
Postotic neural crest, 160, 161
Precardial plate, 334, 338
Preformation, 6
Pre-oral gut, 174
Pre-oral visceral furrows, 174, 175
Preotic neural crest, 158
Primitive groove, 72
Primitive intestine, 55
Primitive knot, 73
Primitive mouth, 55, 82
Primitive ova, 26, 392, 399
Primitive pit, 73
Primitive plate, 73
Primitive streak, 69; interpretation
of, 82; origin of, 74; relation to
embryo, 85
Primordia, embryonic, 8
Primordial cranium, development of,
Primordial follicle, 27
Proamnion, 86, 138
Procoracoid, 435
Proctoda^um, 170, 314, 319
Pronephros, 190-193
Pronucleus male and female, 34, 36
Prosencephalon, 108, 149
Proventriculus, 313
Pubis, 438, 439
Pulmo-enteric recesses (see pneu
Pulmonary arteries, 359
Pupil of eye, 166, 272
Radius, 436
Ramus communicans, 254, 257, 259
Recapitulation theory, 3; diagram
of, 5
Recessus hepatico-entericus, 343 ; recessus mesenterico-eutericus, 343;
recessus opticus, 153; recessus
pleuro-peritoneales, 340; recessus
pulmo-hepatici, 340; recessus superior sacci omenti, 340
Rectum, 317
Renal corpuscles, 378, 383
Renal portal circulation, 369, 372,
Renal veins, 372
Reproduction, development of organs of, 390-403 ^
Respiratory tract, 178, 325
Rete testis, 398
Retina, 274, 275
Retinal zone of optic cup, 271
Rhombencephalon, 108, 155
Ribs, development of, 424, 425
s (abbreviation for somites), 67
Sacrum, 424
Sacculus, 293, 294
Saccus endolymphaticus, 169, 289,
Saccus infundibuli, 249
Scapula, 434, 435
Sclerotic coat of eye, 279
Sclerotomes, and vertebral segmentation, 412; components of, 412; occipital, 428; origin of, 185, 186
Seessell's pocket, 174
Segmental arteries, 122, 199, 362
Segmentation cavity, 43, 47, 53 (see
also subgerminal cavity)
Semeniferous tubules, 398
Semicircular canals, 291
Semi-lunar valves, 352
Sensory areas of auditory labyrinth,
origin of, 296
Septa of heart, completion of, 355,
356, 357
Septal gland of nose, 287
Septum aortico-pulmonale, 351, 352;
of auricular canal, 355 ; bulboauricular, 353; cushion, 351, 355;
interauricular, 351, 354; interventricular, 351, 353, 354; of sinus
venosus, 358
Septum transversum, 208, 209, 334;
derivatives of, 339; lateral closing
folds of, 334, 337 ; median mass of,
Septum trunci et bulbi arteriosi, 351
Sero-amniotic connection, 138, 143,
Sexual cords, 393, 394; of ovary, 398;
of testis, 395
Sexual differentiation, 394, 395
Sheath cells, 255
Shell, structure of, 17
Shell membrane, 18
Sickle (of Roller), 71
Sinu-auricular aperture, 357, 358
Sinu-auricular valves, 358
Sinus terminalis 86 (see also vena
Sinus venosub, 197, 200, 201, 357;
horns of, 358; relation to septum
transversum, 339
Skeleton, general statement concerning origin, 407
Skull, chondrification of, 429-432; development of, 427; ossification of,
432, 433, 434
Somatopleure, 62, 115
Somite, first, position in embryo. 111
Somites, of the head, 114; mesoblastic, origin of, 110, 111; mesoblastic, metameric value of, 184;
primary structure of, 114
Spermatid, 13
Spermatocyte, 13
Spermatogenesis, 12
Spermatogonia, 13
Spermatozoa, period of life Avithin
oviduct, 35
Spermatozoon, 9
Spina iliaca, 440
Spinal accessory nerve, 269
Spinal cord, development of, 239
Spinal nerves, components of, 254;
development of, 252, 255; bomatic
components of, 254; splanchnic
components of, 256
Splanchnocranium, 427
Splanchnopleure, 62, 115
Spleen, 345-347
Spongy layer of shell, 17
Stapes, 300
Sternum, development of, 425-427
Stigma of follicle, 25
Stomach, 179, 313
Stomodaeum, 170, 173
Stroma of gonads, 393 ; of testis, 397
Subcardinal veins, 368, 369
Subclavian artery, 362
Subclavian veins, 363, 364
Subgerminal cavity, 53, 61, 69
Subintestinal vein, 367
Subnotochordal bar, 416, 418
Sulcus lingualis, 298
Sulcus tubo-tympanicus, 298
Supraorbital sinus of olfactory cavity, 285
Suprarenal capsules, 403-406
Sutura cerebralis anterior, 103-105;
neurochordalis seu ventralis, 105;
terminalis anterior, 105
Sympathetic nervous system, 256261; relation to suprarenals, 406
Sympathetic trunks, primary, 257;
secondary, 258
Synencephalon, 108, 153, 249
Syrinx, 332
Tables of development, 68
Tail-fold, 131
Tarsuh, 441
Tectum lobi optici, 251
Teeth, 304
Tela choroidea, 152
Telencephalon and diencephalon,
origin of, 150
Telencephalon, later development of,
245-249; medium, 151, 245
Telolecithal, 11
Ten somite embryo, description of,
Testis, 395-398
Tetrads, 33
Thalami optici, 154, 251
Thymus, 308
Thyroid, 178, 307
Tongue, 305
Torus transversus, 248
Trabeculee, of skull, 428, 429; of
ventricles, 353
Trachea, 331, 332
Trigeminal ganglion complex, 160,
Trigeminus nerve, 267 ; nucleus (motor), 262, 263
Trochlearis nerve, 266; nucleus, 262,
Truncus arteriosus, 198
Tubal fissure, 298, 301
Tubal ridge, 401
Tuberculum impar (of tongue), 305
Tuberculum posterius, 249
Tubo-tympanic cavity, 297-300
Tubules of mesonephros, degeneration of, 380-382; formation of,
195-196; primary, secondary, tertiary, 379, 380
Turbinals, 285, 286, 431
Turning of embryo, 133
Tympanum, 297, 300
Ulna, 436
Umbilical arteries, 363; veins, 367,
Umbilicus, 144; of yolk-sac, 216
UnincuVjated blastoderm, structure
of, 69
Ureter, origin of, 384
Urinogenital ridge, 390, 391; system,
later development of, 378, etc.
Uroda}um, 314, 319
Uterus, 22
Utriculus, 291, 292
Uvea, 273
Vagina, 22
Vagus, ganglion complex of, 161;
nerve, 268; nucleus, 262, 263
Variability, embryonic, 64
Vas deferens, 401
Vasa efferentia, 398
Vascular system, anatomy of, on
fourth day, 197-200; origin of, 117
Venous system, 127, 199, 204, 205,
228, 363-372
Velum transversum, 150, 248
Vena cava, anterior, 363, 364; inferior, 368-372
Vena porta sinistra, 367
Vena terminalis, 228; see also sinus
Ventral aorta, 121
Ventral longitudinal fissure of spinal
cord, 243
Ventral mesentery, 131, 182, 343
Vertebrae, articulations of, 421; coalescence of, 424; costal processes
of, 418; hypocentrum of, 418; intervertebral ligaments of, 421;
ossification of, 421-424; pleurocentrum of, 418; stage of chondrification of, 418; suspensory ligaments of, 421 ;
Vertebral column, 411; condition on
fourth day, 414; condition on fifth
day, 415, 417; condition on seventh and eighth days, 418, 420;
membranous stage of, 414
Vertebral segmentation, origin of,
412 ff
Visceral arches, 175; clefts, 174,
307; furrows, 174; pouches, 174;
pouches, early development of, 175178; pouches, fate of, 307, 308
Vitelline membrane, 10, 30, 31
Vitreous humor, 275
White matter of spinal cord,
of, 239, 241
Wing, origin of skeleton of, 434, 436
Wolffian body (see mesonephros) ;
atrophy, 380, 382, 401; sexual
and non-sexual portions, 396; at
ninetv-six hours, 379; on the
sixth^day, 382; on the eighth day,
382, 383 ; on the eleventh day, 385
Wolffian duct, 191, 193, 194, 391, 401
Yolk, 17, 19; formation of, 29
Yolk-sac, 143, 225-231; entoderm
of, 50; blood-vessels of, 227-230;
septa of, 225-227; ultimate fate
of, 230, 231
Yolk-spheres, 19, 20
Yolk-stalk, 132, 225
Zona radiata, 10, 30, 31
Zone of junction, 52, 57
Zones of the blastoderm, 127-129

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Lillie FR. The development of the chick. (1919) Henry Holt And Company New York, New York.

Lillie 1919: Introduction | Part 1 - 1 The Egg | 2 Development Prior to Laying | 3 Outline of development, orientation, chronology | 4 From Laying to Formation of first somite | 5 Head-fold to twelve somites | 6 From twelve to thirty-six somites | Part 2 - 7 External form of embryo and embryonic membranes | 8 Nervous system | 9 Organs of special sense | 10 Alimentary tract and appendages | 11 The body-cavities, mesenteries and septum transversum | 12 Later development of the vascular system | 13 Urinogenital system | 14 Skeleton | Appendix | Frank Lillie


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Literature to Chapter VI included in following chapters.


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the Chick. Journ. Coll. Sc. Imp. Univ. Japan, Vol. VI, Part IV, 1^94. LiLLiE, Frank R., Experimental Studies on the Development of the Organs

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Archiv, 1830. Mitrophanow, p. J., Note sur la structure et la formation de I'enveloppe

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Vogel. Handbuch der vergl. und exp. Entw.-lehre der Wirbeltiere. Bd.

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Zoologica, 1903. Schenk, S. L., Beitrage zur Lehre vom Amnion. Archiv. mikr. Anat., Bd.

VII, 1871.

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Der Dottersack des Huhnes. Internat. Beitrage zur wissenschaft. Medizin, Bd. I, 1891.

Das Dotterorgan der Wirbeltiere. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., Bd. LIII, Suppl., 1892.

Das Dotterorgan der Wirbelthiere. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. XL, 1892. Dottersyncytium, Keimhautrand und Beziehungen zur Koncrescenzlehre. Ergeb. Anat. u. Entw., Bd. VI, 1897.

Ueber Entwickelungsvorgange, welche sich in den letzten Bruttagen am Hiihnerei abspielen. Anat. Anz., Bd. IV, BerHn, 1889. VuLPiAX, La physiologie de I'amnios et de I'allantoide chez les oiseaux.

Mem. soc. biol., Paris, 1858. Weldox, W. F. R., Prof, de Vries on the Origin of Species. (Includes experiments on amnion.) Biometrica, Vol. I, 1902.


Beard, J., Morphological Studies, II. The Development of the Peripheral

Nervous System of Vertebrates. Pt. I. Elasmobranchs and Aves.

Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc, Vol. XXIX, 1888. Beraneck, E., Etudes sur les replis medullaires du poulet. Recueil Zool.

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Anat., Bd. XLI, 1893; Bd. XLIII, 1894; Bd. XLIV, 1895. Burrows, Montrose T., The Growth of Tissues of the Chick Embryo

Outside the Animal Body, with Special Reference to the Nervous System.

Journ. Exp. Zoology, Vol. 10, pp. 63-83, 1911. Cajal, S. R. y., Sur I'origine et les ramifications des fibres nerveuses de la

moelle embryonnaire. Anat. Anz., Bd. V, 1890.

A quelle epoque aparaissent les expansions des cellules nerveuses de

la moelle epiniere du poulet. Anat. Anz., Bd. V, 1890. Froriep, a., Ueber Anlagen von Sinnesorganen am Facialis, Glossopha ryngeus und Vagus, iiber die genetische Stellung des Vagus zum Hypo glossus, und iiber die Herkunft der Zungenmuskulatur. Arch. Anat.

u. Entw., 1885. Carpenter, Frederick Walton, The Development of the Oculomotor Nerve,

the Ciliary Ganglion, and the Abducent Nerve in the Chick. Bull.

Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Vol. XLVIII, 1906. DissE, J., Die erste Entwickelung des Riechnerven. Anat. Hefte, Abth. I,

Bd. IX, 1897. GoLoviNE, E., Sur le developpement du systeme ganglionnaire chez le poulet.

Anat. Anz., Bd. V, 1890. GoRONOwiTscH, N., Die axiale und die laterale (A. Goette) Kopfmetamerie

der Vogeleml^ryonen. Anat. Anz., Bd. VII, 1892.

L'ntersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung der Sogenannten " Ganglien leisten " im Kopfe der Vogelembryonen. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. XX, 1893.


Heinrich, Georg, Untersuchungen iiber die Anlage des Grosshirns beim Hiihnchen. Sitz.-ber. d. Ges. f. Morph. u. Phys. in Munchen, Bd. XII,

1897. Hill, Charles, Developmental History of the Primary Segments of the

Vertebrate Head. Zool. Jahrbucher, Abth. Anat. Bd. XIII, 1900. His, W., Die Neuroblasten und deren Entstehung im embryonalen Mark.

Abh. math.-physik. Klasse, Konigl. Sachs. Ges. Wiss., Bd. XV, 1889. Histogenese und Zusammenhang der Nervenelemente. Arch. Anat. u. Entw., Suppl., 1890. Ueber das frontale Ende des Gehirnrohres. Arch. Anat. u. Entw., 1893. Ueber das frontale Ende und iiber die natiirliche Eintheilung des Gehirnrohres. Verh. anat. Ges., Bd. VII, 1893. His, W. (Jr.)» Ueber die Entwickelung des Bauchsympathicus beim Hiihnchen und Menschen. Arch. Anat. u. Entw., Suppl., 1897. V. KoLLiKER, Ueber die erste Entwickelung der Nervi olfactorii. Sitz.-ber.

phys. med. Ges. zu Wiirzburg, 1890. V. KuPFFER, K., Die Morphogenie des Centralnervensystems. Handbuch der

vergl. und exp. Entwickelungslehre der Wirbeltiere, Kap. VIII, IP, 1905. Lewis, M. R. and Lewis, W. H., The Cultivation of Tissues from Chick

Embroyos in Solutions of NaCl, CaCl2, KCl and NaHCOg. Anatomical

Record, Vol. 5, pp. 277-293. See also Anat. Rec, Vol. 6, nos. 1 and 5, 1911. Marshall, A. M., The Development of the Cranial Nerves in the Chick.

Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc, Vol. XVIII, 1878.

The Segmental Value of the Cranial Nerves. Journ. Anat. and Physiol.,

Vol. XVI, 1882. v. MiHALCOVics, v., Entwickelungsgeschichte des Gehirns. Leipzig, 1877. Onodi, a. D., Ueber die Entwickelung des sympathischen Nervensy stems.

Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. XXVI, 1886. Rabl, C, Ueber die IMetamerie des Wirbelthierkopfes. Verh. anat. Ges.,

VI, 1892. RuBASCHKiN, W., Ueber die Beziehungen des Nervus trigeminus zur Riech schleimhaut. Anat. Anz., Bd. XXII, 1903. Weber, A., Contribution a Tetude de la metamerism du cerveau anterieur

chez quelques oiseaux. Arch, d'anat. microsc, Paris, T. Ill, 1900. Van Wijhe, J. W., L^eber Somiten und Nerven im Kopfe von Vogel- und

Reptilien-embryonen. Zool. Anz. Bd. IX, 1886.

Ueber die Kopfsegmente und das Geruchsorgan der Wirbelthiere

Zool. Anz., Bd. IX, 1886.

LITERATURE — CHAPTER IX Organs of Special Sense

A. The Eye

Addario, C, Sulla struttura del vitreo embryonale e de' neonati, sulla matrice del vitreo e suU' origine della zonula. Ann. OttalmoL, Anno 30, 1901-1902.


AddariOjC, Ueber die Matrix desGlaskorpers im menschlichen und thierischen

Auge. Vorlauf. Mitth. Anat. Anz., Bd. XXI, 19(32. Agababow, Untersuchiingen iiber die Natur der Zonula ciliaris. Arch.

mikr. Anat., Bd. L, 1897. Angelucci, a., Ueber Entwiekelung und Bau des vorderen Uvealtractus der

Vertebraten. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. XIX, 1881. Arnold, J., Beitrage zur Entwickekmgsgeschichte des Auges. Heidelberg,

1874. AssHETON, R., On the Development of the Optic Nerve of Vertebrates, and

the Choroidal Fissure of Embryonic Life. Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc, Vol.

XXXIV, 1892. Bernd, Adolph Hugo, Die Entwiekelung des Pecten im Auge des Hiihn chens aus den Blattern der Augenblase. Bonn, 1905. Cajal, S. R. y., Sur la morphologie et les connexions des elements de la retine

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Ges., 17. Versamml. in Heidelberg, 1903. Collin, R., Recherches sur le developpement du muscle sphincter de I'iris

chez les oiseaux. Bibliog. Anat., T. XII, fasc. V. Paris, 1903. Froriep, a., Ueber die Entwiekelung des Sehnerven. Anat. Anz., Bd. VI,


Die Entwiekelung des Auges der Wirbeltiere. Handb. der vergl. u.

exp. Entw.-l. der Wirbeltiere, Bd. II, 1905. HuscHKE, E., Lieber die erste Entwiekelung des Auges und die damit zusam menhangende Cyklopie. Meckel's Arch., 1832. Kessler, L., Untersuchungen liber die Entwiekelung des Auges, angestellt

am Hiihnchen und Tauben. Dissertation. Dorpat, 1871.

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Die Entwiekelung und Bedeutung des Glaskorpers. Zeitschr. wiss.

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Accessory Optic Vesicles in the Chick Embryo. Anat. Anz., Bd. XIV,

1897. NussBAUM, M., Zur Riickbildung embryonaler Anlagen. (Corneal papillae

of chick embryos.) Archiv. mikr. Anat., Bd. LVII, 1901.


NussBAUM, M., Die Pars ciliaris retinae des Vogelauges. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd.

LVII, 1901.

Die Entwiekelung der Binnenmuskeln des Aiiges der Wirbeltiere.

Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. LVIII, 1901. Rabl, C, Ziir Frage nach der Entwickehmg des Glaskorpers. Anat. Anz.,

Bd. XXII, 1903.

Ueber den Ban und die Entwickehmg der Linse. II. Reptihen imd

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der hinteren Irisschichten, etc. Arch. Opthalm., Bd. LIII, 1902.

Zur Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte der hinteren Irisschichten, etc. Anat. Anz., Bd. XX, 1901.

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Naturalist, Vol. XL, 1906.

B. The Nose

Born, G., Die Nasenhohlen und der Thranennasengang der amnioten Wir belthiere II. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. V, 1879; Bd. VIII, 1883. CoHN, Franz, Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Geruchsorgans des Hiihn chens. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. LXI, 1903. Dieulafe, Leon, Les fosses nasales des vertebres (morphologic et embry ologie). Journ. de I'anat. et de la phys., T. 40 and 41, 1904 and 1905.

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Hiihnerembryonen friiher Stadien. Mitth. embr. Inst. Wien, 1889.

C. The Ear

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bebriiteten Hiihnchen. Isis von Oken, 1831. Kastschenko, N., Das Schlundspaltengebiet des Hiihnchens. Arch. Anat.

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Sitzungsber. Akad. Miinchen, 1888.

LITERATURE — CHAPTER X The Alimentary Tract and Its Appendages

A. The Oral Cavity and Organs

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Ges. Wiirzburg, 1880. Gardiner, E. G., Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Epitrichiums und der Bikkmg

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GoppERT, E., Die Bedeutimg der Zunge ftir den secundaren Gaumen und den

Ductus naso-pharyngeus. Beobachtungen an Reptilien und Vogeln.

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Beitrage zur Entwickelung der Zunge. Verb. anat. Ges., 15. Vers.

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Very Young Chickens. Zool. Journal, 1826.

B. Derivatives of the Emhryonic Pharynx

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Derives branchiaux chez les vertebres superieurs. Toulouse, 1898.


C. (Esophagus, Stomach, Intestine

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Sur le developpement embryonnaire de Testomac des oiseaux. Bull.

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D. Liver and Pancreas

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Abducens nerve, 267

Abducens nucleus, 262, 263

Abnormal eggs, 2.5

Accessory cleavage of pigeon's egg, 38, 43, 44

Accessory mesenteries, 340, 341

Acustico-facial ganglion complex, 159 160, 262, 268

Air-sacs, 326, 330, 331

Albumen, 18

Albumen-sac, 217, 224

Albuginea of testis, 397

Alecithal ova (see isolecithal)

Allantois, blood-supply of, 222; general, 217; inner wall of, 220; neck of, 143, 144, 316; origin of, 143, 144; outer wall of, 220; rate of growth, 221; structure of inner wall, 223; structure of outer wall, 223

Amnion, effect of rotation of embryo on, 140, 141, 142; functions of, 231; head fold of, 137, 139; later history of, 231; mechanism of formation, 139, 140; muscle fibers of, 231; origin of, 135; secondary folds of, 142

Amnio-cardiac vesicles, 92, 116

AmpuUse of semicircular canals, 291

Anal plate, 143, 182

See also cloacal membrane

Angioblast, 88

Anterior chamber of eye, 278

Anterior commissure of spinal cord, origin of, 244

Anterior intestinal portal, 95 (Fig. 49), 121, 132

Anterior mesenteric artery, 363

Aortic arches, 198, 199, 203, 358362 ; transformations of, 359-361

Appendicular skeleton, 434

Aqueduct of Sylvius, 251.

Archenteron, 55

Area opaca, 39, 50, 61, 86; pellucida, 39, 50, 61; vasculosa, 61, 86; vitellina, 61, 62, 86

Arterial system, 121, 126, 198, 199, 203, 204, 228, 358-363

Atlas, development of, 420

Atrium bursse omentalis, 344

Auditory nerve, 295; ossicles, 299, 432; pit, 168

Auricular canal, 354

Auriculo- ventricular canal, 348; division of, 355

Axis, development of, 420

Axones, origin of, 235

Basilar plate, 429

Beak, 302, 304

Biogenesis, fundamental law of, 4

Blastoderm, 17; diameter of unin cubated, 61; expansion of, 50, 53,

61 Blastopore, 55, 82 Blood-cells, origin of, 118 Blood-islands, origin of, 86, 89 Blood-vessels, origin of, 118 Body-cavity, 115, 205-210, 333 Bony labyrinth, 296 Brain, primary divisions of, 108;

early development of, 147, 156;

later development of, 244-252 Branchial arch, first, skeleton of, 432 Bronchi, 325, 326 Bulbus arteriosus, 198, 201, 202, 348;

fate of, 357 Bursa Fabricii, 314, 317, 319 Bursa omenti ma j oris, 344 Bursa omenti minoris, 344

Canal of Schlemm, 279

Cardinal veins, anterior, 200, 204,

205, 363; posterior, 200, 204, 205,

368 Carina of sternum, 427 Carotid arch, 361 Carotid, common, 362; external 359,

361 ; internal, 359-361 Carpus, 436, 437 Cartilage, absorption of, 408; bones,

definition, 407; calcification of,

409 Caval fold, 344 Cavo-coeliac recess, 344 Cavum sub-pulmonale, 342 Cell-chain hypothesis, 255 Cell theory, \

Central and marginal cells, 41, 42 Central canal of spinal cord, 242




Cerebellum, 155, 251

Cephalic mesoblastic somites, 108, 269, 428

Cerebral flexures, 149, 245

Cerebral ganjilia, 157-162, 262

Cerebral hemispheres, origin of, 151; (see telencephalon)

Cervical flexure, 133, 245

Chalazee, 18

Chemical composition of parts of hen's egg, 20, 21

Chiasma opticus, 154, 249

Choanal, 215, 285

Chondrification, 408

Chorion, 135, 217, 218, 220

Choroid coat of eye. 279; fissure, 166, 281 ; plexus, 248

Chromaffin tissue, 404

Chronology, 64

Cilary processes, 272, 274

Circulation of blood, 121, 122, 197200, 372-376

Circulation of blood, changes at hatching, 376; completion of double, 355

Classification of stages, 64-67

Clavicle, 434, 435

Cleavage of ovum (hen), 39-43

Cleavage of ovum (pigeon), 43-47

Cloaca, 314-319; (see hind-gut)

Cloacal membrane, 315, 318; (see also anal plate)

Coeliac artery, 363

Coelome (see body-cavity)

Coenogenetic aspects of development, 6

Collaterals, origin of, 238

Collecting tubules of mesonephros, 379, 380

CoUiculus palato-pharyngeus, 398

Commissura anterior, 252; inferior, 252 ; posterior, 252 ; trochlearis, 252

Concrescence, theory of, 82, 84

Cones of growth, 235

Conjunctival sac, 279

Coprodseum, 315, 318, 319

Coracoid, 434, 435

Cornea, 278

Corpus striatum, 247

Corpus vitreum, 275

Cortical cords of suprarenal capsules, 405

Cranial flexure, 133, 245; nerves, 261

Cristse acusticse, 295

Crop, 312

Crural veins^ 372

Cushion septum, 355

Cuticle of sheU, 17

Cutis plate, 185, 188

Delimitation of embryo from blastoderm, 91

Dendrites, origin of, 236

Determinants, 7

Diencephalon, early development of, 152; later development of, 249

Dorsal aorta, origin of, 121

Dorsal longitudinal fissure and septum of spinal cord, 243, 244

Dorsal mesentery, 172, 342

Duct of Botallus, 359, 361, 376

Ducts of Cuvier, 200, 204, 207, 361

Ductus arteriosus (see duct of Botalus) ; choledochus (common bileduct), 181, 321; cochlearis, 293; cystico-entericus, 321 ; endolymphaticus, 169, 289; hepato-cysticus, 321; hepato-entericus, 321; venosus (see meatus venosus)

Duodenum, 310, 311

Ear, later development of, 288

Ectamnion, 138

Ectoderm and entoderm, origin of, 52

Ectoderm of oral cavity, limits of, 301

Egg, formation of, 22, 24, 25

Egg-tooth, 302, 303

Embryonic circulation, on the fou.rth day, 372-374; on the sixth day, 374; on the eighth day, 374-376

Embryonic membranes, diagrams of, 219, 220; general, 216; origin of, 135; summary of later historj^, 145

Endocardium, origin of, 119

Endolymphatic duct (see ductus endolymphaticus)

Endolymphatic sac (see saccus endolymphaticus)

Entobronch;, 327, 328

Entoderm, origin of, 52

Ependyma, origin of, 239

Epididymis, 391, 398

Epiphysis, 153, 249

Epiphyses (of long bones), 409

Epistropheus, development of, 420

Epithalamus, 251

Epithelial ceUs of neural tube, 233, 234

Epithelial vestiges of visceral pouches 309

Epoophoion, 401

Equatorial ring of lens, 277-278

Excentricity of cleavage, 41, 47

Excretory system, origin of, 190

External auditory meatus, 297, 300

External form of the embryo, 211

Eye, early development of, 164; later development of, 271

Eyelids, 279-280



Facial region, development of the,

214, 215, 216 Facialis nerve, 268 Facialis nucleus, 262, 263 Femur, 440 Fertilization, 35 Fibula, 440

First segmentation nucleus, 36 Fissura metotica, 429 Foetal development, 11 Fold of the omentum, 344, 345 Follicles of ovary, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30,

400 Follicular cells, origin of, 27, 400 Foramen, interventricular, 353, 354;

of Monro, 247; of Winslow, 343;

ovale, 355 Foramina, interauricular, 355 Fore-brain, origin of, 108 Fore-gut, 91, 9'3, 172 Formative stuffs, 15 Funiculi prajcervicales, 307

Gall-bladder, 321

Ganglia, cranial and spinal, 156; cranial, 157, 158, 159, 262; spinal, later development of, 254, 257

Ganglion, ciliare, 266; geniculatum, 268; jugulare, 268; olfactorium nervi trigemini, 264; nodosum, 161, 268 ; ~ petrosum, 161, 268; of Remak, 257

Gastric diverticula of body-cavity, 340

Gastrulation, 53, 84

Genetic restriction, law of, 8

Genital ducts, development of, 401

Germ-cells, general characters of, 9-12; comparison of, 12-14

Germ-wall, 47, 48, 69, 90, 128, 129

Germinal cells of neural tube, 233, 234

Germinal disc, 11, 12, 35, 37, 39

Germinal epithelium, 391, 392, 399

Germinal vesicle, 27, 28

Gizzard, 313, 314

Glomeruli of pronephros, 192

Glossopharyngeus, ganglion complex of, 161, 262, 268; nerve, 268; nucleus, 262, 263

Glottis, 332

Gray matter of spinal cord, development of, 240; origin of, 239

Haemal arch of vertebrae, 416, 417

Harderian gland, 280

Hatching, 232

Head, development of, 213

Head-fold, origin of, 91

Head process, 73, 80

Heart, changes of position of, 348, 349; development on second and third days, 200-203; divisions of cavities of, 350 ; ganglia and nerves of, 259; later development of, 348; origin of, 119

Hensen's knot, 73

Hepatic veins, 366

Hepatic portal circulation, 366, 375

Hermaphroditism of embryo, 391

Heterotaxia, 133

Hiatus communis recessum, 343

Hind-brain, origin of, 108

Hind-gut, 143, 172

Hind-limbs, origin of skeleton, 438

Hoffmann's nucleus, 240

Holoblastic ova, 11, 12

Humerus, 436

Hyoid arch, 175: skeleton of, 432

Hyomandibular cleft, 174, 297

Hypoglossus nerve, 269

Hypophysis, 154, 249

Hypothalamus, 251

Ilium, 438, 439

Incubation, normal temperature for, 65, 66

Indifferent stage of sexual organs, 391

Infundibulum (of brain), 154, 249

Infundibulum (of oviduct). See ostium tubae abdominale

Interganglionic commissures, 156

Intermediate cell-mass, 114, 190

Interventricular sulcus, 348, 353

Intervertebral fissure, 412

Intestine, general development of, 310. 311

Iris, 272 : muscles of, 273, 274

Ischiadic veins, 372

Ischium, 438, 439

Isolecithal ova, 11

Isthmus, of brain, 155; of oviduct, 22

Jacobson, organ of, 286 Jugular vein, 363

Kidney, capsule of, 390; permanent, 384-389; secreting tubules of, 390

Lagena, 293

Lamina terminalis, 105, 152, 247, 248

Larva, 11

Laryngotracheal groove, 178, 331,

332 Ijarynx, 332 Latebra, 1 9

Lateral plate of mesoblast, 115 Lateral tongue folds, 305 Lens, 166, 276-278



Lenticular zone of optic cup, 271

Lesser peritoneal cavity, 344

Ligamentum pectinatuni iridis, 279

Limiting sulci, 130

Lingual glands, 30G

Lip-grooves, 304

Liver, histogenesis of, 323; later development of, 319-323; origin and early development of, 179, 180, 181 ; origin of lobes of, 322 ; primarv ventral ligament of, 335

Lungs,^ 178, 326

Macula utriculi, sacculi, etc., 295

Malpighian corpuscles (mesonephric) origin of, 195

Mammillae of shell, 17

Mandibular aortic arch, 121, 122, 203, 204

Mandibular arch, skeleton of, 431

Mandibular glands, 306

Mantle layer of spinal cord, origin of, 239

Margin of overgrowth, 52, 57

Marginal notch, 60, 84, 85

Marginal velum, 235

Marrow of bone, origin of, 410

Maturation of ovum, 32

Meatus venosus, 199, 364, 366, 368

Medullary cords of suprarenal capsules, 405, 406

Medullary neuroblasts of brain, 262

Medullary plate, 95; position of anterior end of, in neural tube, 102, 103

Megaspheres, 59

Membrana reuniens, 418

Membrane bones, definition of, 407

]\Iembranes of ovum, 10

Membranous labyrinth, 289

Meroblastic ova, 11

Mesencephalon, 108, 155, 251

Mesenchyme, definition of, 116

Mesenteric artery, 363

Mesenteric vein, 366, 367

Mesenteries, 333

Mesentery, dorsal, 172, 342; of the vena cava inferior, 341

Mesoblast, gastral, 110; of the head, origin of, 116, 117; history of between 1 and 12 somites, 109; lateral plate of, 110, 115; of opaque area, origin of, 86, 88; origin of, 74, 78; paraxial, 110; prostomial, 110; somatic layer of, 115; splanchnic layer of, 115

Mesobronchus, 326, 327

Mesocardia lateralia, 200, 207, 334, 337

Mesocardium, origin of, 120

Mesogastrium, 309, 342, 343 Mesonephric arteries, 363 Mesonephric mesentery, 341 Mesonephric tubules, formation of,

195 Mesonephric ureters, 380 Mesonephros, later history of, 378;

origin and early history of, 194 197; see ^^'olffian body Mesothalamus, 251 Mesothelium, definition of, 116 Metacarpus, 436, 437, 438 Metamorphosis, 11 Metanephros, 384-389 Metatarsals, 441 Metathalamus, 251 Metencephalon, 155, 251 Mid-brain (see Mesencephalon) Mid-gut, 172, 181, 310 Mouth, 301 Miillerian ducts, 391; degeneration

in male, 402, 403; origin of, 401,

402, 403 Muscles of iris, 274 Muscle plate, 185, 186 Myelencephalon, 155, 252 Myocardium, origin of, 119 Myotome, 188

Nares, 286

Nephrogenous tissue, 195, 378; of

metanephros, 384, 387 Nephrotome, 114, 190 Neural crest, 156 Neural folds, 97, 99 Neural groove, 97 Neural tube, 95, 105 Neurenteric canal, 73, 82 Neuroblasts, 233-239; classes of, in

spinal cord, 244 Neurocranium, 427, 428 Neuroglia cells, origin of, 239, 240 Neuromeres, 108, 148, 152, 155 Neurone theory, 236, 255, 256 Neuropore, 101, 105 Notochord, later development of,

411 ff; oriirin of, 80; in the region

of the skull, 428

Oblicjue septum, 331, 342 Oculo-motor nerve, 265; nucleus,

262, 263 Odontoid process, origin of, 420 (Esophagus, 179, 310, 312 Olfactory lobe; 247 Olfactory nerve, 263 Olfactory pits, 169, 285 Olfactory A'estibule, 285 Omentum, development of, 343 Omphalocephaly, 120



Omphalomesenteric arteries, 199,363; veins, 364-366

Ootid, 14

Opaque area, see area opaca

Optic cup, 165, 271 ; lobes, 251 ; nerve, 2S3, 284, 285; stalk, 149, 164, 284, 285; vesicles, accessory, 164

Optic vesicles, primary, 108, 164; secondary, 166

Ora serrata, 272

Oral cavity, 215, 216, 301

Oral glands, 306

Oral plate, 95, 173

Orientation of embryo on yolk, 25, 63

Ossification, 408-411; endochondral, 409; perichondral, 408

Ostium tubse abdominale, 23 ; development of, 402, 403; relation to pronephros, 402

Otocyst, 168; later development of, 289; method of closure, 168

Ovary, 22, 398-401; degeneration of right, 398

Oviducal membranes of ovum, 10

Oviduct, 22; later development of, 403

Ovocyte, 13, 26, 27

Ovogenesis, 12, 26

Ovogonia, 12, 26

Ovum, 2. 10; bilateral symmetry of, 15; follicular membrane of, 10; organization of, 14; polarity of, 14

Palate, 285, 299

Palatine glands, 306

Palingenetic aspects of development,

6 Pancreas, 181, 323-325, 347 Pander's nucleus, 19 Papilla; conjunctivie sclerse, 280 Parabronchi, 328 Parachordals, 428, 429 Paradidvmis, 391, 398 Paraphysis, 248 Parencephalon, 108, 153, 249 Parietal cavity, 92, 116, 207, 208,

333, 334 Paroophoron, 401 Pars copularis (of tongue), 305 Pars inferior iabyrinthi, 289,. 293 Pars superior lal)yrinthi, 2S9, 291 Parthenogenetic cleavage, 35 Patella, 441 Pecten, 281, 282 Pectoral girdle, 434-436 Pellucid area (see area pellucida) Pelvic girdle, 438-440 Periaxial cords, 158, 159, 161 Pericardiaco-peritoneal membrane,


Pericardial and pleuroperitoneal cavities, separation of, 333

Pericardium, closure of dorsal opening of, 337; formation of membranous, 338; see parietal cavity.

Periblast, 38, 43, 47; marginal and central 48; nuclei, origin of, 47, 48

Perichondrium, 408

Periderm, 304

Perilymph, 296, 297

Periosteum, 409

Peripheral nervous system, development of, 252

Pfliiger, cords of, 399

Phseochrome tissue, 404

Phalanges, 436, 438; of foot, 441; of wing, 438

Pharynx, derivatives of, 306; early development of, 93-95, 173; postbranchial portion of, 178

Phvlogenetic reduction of skeleton, 411

Physiological zero of development, 65

Physiology of development, 6

Pineal bodv, 153, 249

Placodes, 160, 161

Pleural and peritoneal cavities, separation of, 340

Pleural grooves, 208, 209

Pleuro-pericardial membrane, 338

Pleuroperitoneal membrane, 326; septum, 340, 341

Plica encephali ventralis, 149, 245

Plica mesogastrica, 341, 344, 368

Pneumato-enteric recesses, 209, 340

Pneumatogastric nerve, 268

Polar bodies, 13, 34

Polyspermy, 35, 36, 37

Pons, 252

Pontine flexure, 149, 245

Postanal gut, 182

Postbranchial bodies, 307, 309

Posterior intestinal portal, 132

Postotic neural crest, 160, 161

Precardial plate, 334, 338

Preformation, 6

Pre-oral gut, 174

Pre-oral visceral furrows, 174, 175

Preotic neural crest, 158

Primitive groove, 72

Primitive intestine, 55

Primitive knot, 73

Primitive mouth, 55, 82

Primitive ova, 26, 392, 399

Primitive pit, 73

Primitive plate, 73

Primitive streak, 69; interpretation of, 82; origin of, 74; relation to embryo, 85

Primordia, embryonic, 8



Primordial cranium, development of,

428 Primordial follicle, 27 Proamnion, 86, 138 Procoracoid, 435 Proctoda^um, 170, 314, 319 Pronephros, 190-193 Pronucleus male and female, 34, 36 Prosencephalon, 108, 149 Proventriculus, 313 Pubis, 438, 439 Pulmo-enteric recesses (see pneu mato-) Pulmonary arteries, 359 Pupil of eye, 166, 272

Radius, 436

Ramus communicans, 254, 257, 259

Recapitulation theory, 3; diagram of, 5

Recessus hepatico-entericus, 343 ; recessus mesenterico-eutericus, 343; recessus opticus, 153; recessus pleuro-peritoneales, 340; recessus pulmo-hepatici, 340; recessus superior sacci omenti, 340

Rectum, 317

Renal corpuscles, 378, 383

Renal portal circulation, 369, 372, 375

Renal veins, 372

Reproduction, development of organs of, 390-403 ^

Respiratory tract, 178, 325

Rete testis, 398

Retina, 274, 275

Retinal zone of optic cup, 271

Rhombencephalon, 108, 155

Ribs, development of, 424, 425

s (abbreviation for somites), 67

Sacrum, 424

Sacculus, 293, 294

Saccus endolymphaticus, 169, 289, 290

Saccus infundibuli, 249

Scapula, 434, 435

Sclerotic coat of eye, 279

Sclerotomes, and vertebral segmentation, 412; components of, 412; occipital, 428; origin of, 185, 186

Seessell's pocket, 174

Segmental arteries, 122, 199, 362

Segmentation cavity, 43, 47, 53 (see also subgerminal cavity)

Semeniferous tubules, 398

Semicircular canals, 291

Semi-lunar valves, 352

Sensory areas of auditory labyrinth, origin of, 296

Septa of heart, completion of, 355,

356, 357 Septal gland of nose, 287 Septum aortico-pulmonale, 351, 352; of auricular canal, 355 ; bulboauricular, 353; cushion, 351, 355; interauricular, 351, 354; interventricular, 351, 353, 354; of sinus venosus, 358

Septum transversum, 208, 209, 334; derivatives of, 339; lateral closing folds of, 334, 337 ; median mass of, 335

Septum trunci et bulbi arteriosi, 351

Sero-amniotic connection, 138, 143, 217

Sexual cords, 393, 394; of ovary, 398; of testis, 395

Sexual differentiation, 394, 395

Sheath cells, 255

Shell, structure of, 17

Shell membrane, 18

Sickle (of Roller), 71

Sinu-auricular aperture, 357, 358

Sinu-auricular valves, 358

Sinus terminalis 86 (see also vena terminalis)

Sinus venosub, 197, 200, 201, 357; horns of, 358; relation to septum transversum, 339

Skeleton, general statement concerning origin, 407

Skull, chondrification of, 429-432; development of, 427; ossification of, 432, 433, 434

Somatopleure, 62, 115

Somite, first, position in embryo. 111

Somites, of the head, 114; mesoblastic, origin of, 110, 111; mesoblastic, metameric value of, 184; primary structure of, 114

Spermatid, 13

Spermatocyte, 13

Spermatogenesis, 12

Spermatogonia, 13

Spermatozoa, period of life Avithin oviduct, 35

Spermatozoon, 9

Spina iliaca, 440

Spinal accessory nerve, 269

Spinal cord, development of, 239

Spinal nerves, components of, 254; development of, 252, 255; bomatic components of, 254; splanchnic components of, 256

Splanchnocranium, 427

Splanchnopleure, 62, 115

Spleen, 345-347

Spongy layer of shell, 17

Stapes, 300



Sternum, development of, 425-427

Stigma of follicle, 25

Stomach, 179, 313

Stomodaeum, 170, 173

Stroma of gonads, 393 ; of testis, 397

Subcardinal veins, 368, 369

Subclavian artery, 362

Subclavian veins, 363, 364

Subgerminal cavity, 53, 61, 69

Subintestinal vein, 367

Subnotochordal bar, 416, 418

Sulcus lingualis, 298

Sulcus tubo-tympanicus, 298

Supraorbital sinus of olfactory cavity, 285

Suprarenal capsules, 403-406

Sutura cerebralis anterior, 103-105; neurochordalis seu ventralis, 105; terminalis anterior, 105

Sympathetic nervous system, 256261; relation to suprarenals, 406

Sympathetic trunks, primary, 257; secondary, 258

Synencephalon, 108, 153, 249

Syrinx, 332

Tables of development, 68

Tail-fold, 131

Tarsuh, 441

Tectum lobi optici, 251

Teeth, 304

Tela choroidea, 152

Telencephalon and diencephalon,

origin of, 150 Telencephalon, later development of,

245-249; medium, 151, 245 Telolecithal, 11 Ten somite embryo, description of,

122 Testis, 395-398 Tetrads, 33

Thalami optici, 154, 251 Thymus, 308 Thyroid, 178, 307 Tongue, 305 Torus transversus, 248 Trabeculee, of skull, 428, 429; of

ventricles, 353 Trachea, 331, 332 Trigeminal ganglion complex, 160,

267 Trigeminus nerve, 267 ; nucleus (motor), 262, 263 Trochlearis nerve, 266; nucleus, 262,

263 Truncus arteriosus, 198 Tubal fissure, 298, 301 Tubal ridge, 401

Tuberculum impar (of tongue), 305 Tuberculum posterius, 249

Tubo-tympanic cavity, 297-300

Tubules of mesonephros, degeneration of, 380-382; formation of, 195-196; primary, secondary, tertiary, 379, 380

Turbinals, 285, 286, 431

Turning of embryo, 133

Tympanum, 297, 300

Ulna, 436

Umbilical arteries, 363; veins, 367,

368 Umbilicus, 144; of yolk-sac, 216 UnincuVjated blastoderm, structure

of, 69 Ureter, origin of, 384 Urinogenital ridge, 390, 391; system,

later development of, 378, etc. Uroda}um, 314, 319 Uterus, 22 Utriculus, 291, 292 Uvea, 273

Vagina, 22

Vagus, ganglion complex of, 161; nerve, 268; nucleus, 262, 263

Variability, embryonic, 64

Vas deferens, 401

Vasa efferentia, 398

Vascular system, anatomy of, on fourth day, 197-200; origin of, 117

Venous system, 127, 199, 204, 205, 228, 363-372

Velum transversum, 150, 248

Vena cava, anterior, 363, 364; inferior, 368-372

Vena porta sinistra, 367

Vena terminalis, 228; see also sinus terminalis

Ventral aorta, 121

Ventral longitudinal fissure of spinal cord, 243

Ventral mesentery, 131, 182, 343

Vertebrae, articulations of, 421; coalescence of, 424; costal processes of, 418; hypocentrum of, 418; intervertebral ligaments of, 421; ossification of, 421-424; pleurocentrum of, 418; stage of chondrification of, 418; suspensory ligaments of, 421 ;

Vertebral column, 411; condition on fourth day, 414; condition on fifth day, 415, 417; condition on seventh and eighth days, 418, 420; membranous stage of, 414 Vertebral segmentation, origin of,

412 ff Visceral arches, 175; clefts, 174, 307; furrows, 174; pouches, 174;




pouches, early development of, 175178; pouches, fate of, 307, 308

Vitelline membrane, 10, 30, 31

Vitreous humor, 275


White matter of spinal cord,

of, 239, 241 Wing, origin of skeleton of, 434, 436 Wolffian body (see mesonephros) ; atrophy, 380, 382, 401; sexual and non-sexual portions, 396; at ninetv-six hours, 379; on the sixth^day, 382; on the eighth day, 382, 383 ; on the eleventh day, 385

Wolffian duct, 191, 193, 194, 391, 401

Yolk, 17, 19; formation of, 29 Yolk-sac, 143, 225-231; entoderm

of, 50; blood-vessels of, 227-230;

septa of, 225-227; ultimate fate

of, 230, 231 Yolk-spheres, 19, 20 Yolk-stalk, 132, 225

Zona radiata, 10, 30, 31 Zone of junction, 52, 57 Zones of the blastoderm, 127-129