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While, as a inattor of coiivcniciKjo, tho (]('scri]>tion of  
While, as a inattor of coiivcniciKjo, tho (]('scri]>tion of the individual organs is taken up after tracing the course  
the individual organs is taken up after tracing the course  
of development to this stage, it should he borne in mind  
of development to this stage, it should he borne in mind  
that the rudiments of some of them are already distinguishable before the germ-layers become infolded to form  
that the rudiments of some of them are already distinguishable before the germ-layers become infolded to form  
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>Mi> wa^ u»'ii Fi"i*'rtb^il in Chapter II. In ihi> pla«v it will  
>Mi> wa^ u»'ii Fi"i*'rtb^il in Chapter II. In ihi> pla«v it will  

'^ ^ttiKi:««iii I' r'vr c.» tht* external ch:inictrr< of the blasto
'^ ^ttiKi:««iii I' r'vr c.» tht* external ch:inictrr< of the blaston Fisr^. 4!>», whi.*h ri*pre<tMit  
i«gHK ''«*»a» t> A'CVCcxl in Fisr^. 4!>», whi.*h ri*pre<tMit  

was estimated tu be alitm
was estimated tu be alitml twelve days old. Its fonn van
that of a spliore' snmewliut fijittf nod, its short and long diamot'.Ts inciisurins resiwcti vi'ly 3.3 mm. und 5.5 mm. T!ie
flattened Bur&ces were t^llloolll, ^vhile the equatorial sons wns
!.' ;-. hloiiii-iiLii Liiiij( nil ilif iiiiii-r iMiliir iwrlloii of the ftiMriimlB
l'.E. uledliG epiLhulluiii^ Oii., duUdiut reQeia: TV, Inipbobliul; (b, nuKriut
oaplllary: r)r, gland of uterine muMwa: /U.Jl.UciiaicIn (he traphoblail, conUlnIng malemil blood: K.A, nits' of embryil; Om/i. itvcldus rtuinparta : if, fbUI
mEdohlut : L'.Z. liiti!rgliiu<liil*r llMue ur mticcwi. In which enrly dccidunl n'lln are
beset with villi
istic of the hill
Tile I'arlv apiieiir.i
It 13 during the early jKirt of the second stage, at about
the fourteenth day, that the somatopleuric layer of the lilastodermic vesicle becomes folded in to prodtiee the walls of the
erabrvouic body. Fig, 67 allows a human etnbrvo of about
the tifteenth day, wbose form ia as yet imnerfectiy differentiate, the ventral wall of tlio bixly Iwing incomplete,
tiince the giit-trart Is tttitl in wmimimication with the iimbiliCftl viwioie throughout almost the entire lungth of the embryo.
The Iwck and sides of the embn-o arp enveloped by the
unnlon, and the dorsal outline is concave. The caudal pole
fM, M~HuHiiiii*itibrri>ifrKlii>ul (liu thltlvenlh asy (Rti) Tbemudiit
lll>WUll>r|ri>liouiiii*Dtvil trlUi Ihv tilutcidiinnlc! vmicle bj miianBof tlii! alid
ku wIIuhMi' lUUi Ui» ainnlan nl randy romplrtcly endtoiri the vtghryn.a
tvTtiH iltHlllnHiiiiii^iiminiinlrBli-i throuKhoUl th«it«lvt partofthi: mllnl i
U mvn t« \\f winni't'twl by means of the ullantoip sliilk with
ninu, which Intter Btnictiire, however, is not
i'fl>iv.(>nliil ill lliK rijrnre. The concavity of the dorsal ontliiu> in |Ht>nliiii- (.1 the hiiman embryo of this stage. The
(luvi<lopini<n( III' thiT Iicud i'h eUmcly iiHB0ciat*'d wilb the dilatalitui uf \\w .'cphaiic end of the neiinil hibe and the subse(picnt divi-i.iH of thin dilated extremity into the thrt^ primary
bmln-viwioh'M, tho forc-bmin, the mid-bruin, and the hindbmin. The oral pit, the Brut indication of ibe future mouth,
ia )>rvMii]t in the curly part of this stage ; it is a depression the rudiments respectively of the crystalline lens and of the
membranous internal ear; at this time also the visceral arches
and clefts first become distinguishable. On the twenty-first
day, the rudiments of the limbs appear as little bud-like
processes springing from the trunk. The conspicuous projection on the ventral surface between the now almost completed yolk-sac and the cephalic end of the body is produced
by the primitive heart (Fig. 59, 10, 11, and 12).
Until the twenty-first day the ombrvonic body is erect.
Between the twenty-first and twenty- third days a marked
alteration in the appearance of the germ is brought about by
a pronounced bending of the long axis of the embryonic
body (Fig. 59). The degree of curvature is such that the
caudal and cephalic extremities overlap. The flexion reaches
its maximum degree by the twenty-third day. The curved
dorsal outline is referable to four well-marked flexions, the
position of the most anterior, or cephalic flexure, corresponding to that of the future sella turcica and being indicated by
the projection of the mid-brain vesicle (Fig. (>2, III.) ; at this
point the anterior part of the head is bent almost sufficiently
to form a right angle with tho posterior half. A second or
cervical flexure is found in the future neck-region, while
further caudad are seen the less pronounced dorsal and coccygeal curves.
The fourth week marks the period of the most active
growth of the embryo. Afler the twenty-third day, the
body as a whole uncoils somewhat, although in the latter
half of the fourth week the individual flexures noted above
become more conspicuous.
==The Visceral Arches and Clefts==
The visceral arches, with the intervening visceral clefts, constitute a conspicuous
feature of the extemal appearance of the embryo during this
stage. These arches are a series of fivx» approximately
parallel ridges appearing upon each side of the future
neck-region and extending obliquely downward and forward toward the ventral surface of the embryo (Figs. f)0
and 62). Tho four furrows lying between the five visceral
arches are the visceral clefts. A coronal section of the neck
UTa)u||Ulur ui
prltntllvu l>sai
111* tu tkutUt: urtlii's (U^i ' "^- ">'■< uaxlltorr and mandlbuUr
'ml anh : o l-a IV, Bnl to Iburth wirlle anhiM : fv. cc. priuil*
liial vain*; dC. fliicl "f Cuvlur; al. r. ■trioai and ventricle of
iii'llin" •■a: ni. da. vtntral «nd donal anrtK: mi, oi, optic end region (Fig. 61) — a section in a plane parallel with the ventral
surface — shows that the furrows seen on the Dctodemiie
surface correspond in position to a like number of deei>er
grooves on the inner or entodermic surface. The inner
furrows are out^ptK^ketiiigs of the entoderm lining the pliaryn^real region cif tiie furc-gut ; they are referred to as the
pharyngireal poucheB or throat-pockets to distinguish them from
the outer clefts. At the iiottoni of the clefts tiie ectoderm is
in contact with the entoilerra, the meaoderra being absent;
these two layers constitute the closliig membrane. The visceral arches or ridges consist of tliickened masses of niesodermic tissue covered outwardly and inwardly respectively
phsrynp'Bl end of gut-lrsot from behind (froi
eniljryo ot a.iinm.: B, of 4.ffi mm. (about 2510
ceni ftirrawa; I', bIdus privcerTlHlls, compriiing Ilifrd and tuurth oi
;, *. !l, (, rlMoral Bwhos. each witb lis »jB™™i-ureh vesasl : B. lubtrc
7, orinpo of lirj-Qi ; *, pulmonnry evagioatlou.
by the ectoderm anil the entoderm. Each arch contains an
artery, the visceral-arcli vesBel. these five pairs of visceralarch vessels arise by :i common stem, the tnmcns arteriosus,
from the primitive Iieurt.'
The morphological significance of the visceral arcbes and
clefts may be a]ipreeiated by a comparison of the conditions
obtaining in lower types. While in birds and mammals the
' Fur U11 account of llii: luetaiiiorphusis of the viac!«rnl-Hrc]i vessels inlo
the udiilL arlcriee uf llie ihniit mid neck llie render in referred Lu Chapter
number of the lAetia 13 four, in reptiles, amphibiaiis, and
bony fishes, Hve clefts appear, and In some fi.shes (selachians)
the number is six. In alt aqnatiu verteiirates, the thio
epithelial closing membranes nipture, thus establishing communications between t!ie alimentary tract ami the exterior,
tlirough which ojienings water passes in and out. The margins of the cleibi — except the first or hyoraandibular cleft —
become the scat of a rich supplv i>f capillary blood-vessels,
the blood of which obtains oxygen fmm the water and yields
to the latter its carbon dioxid; while the visceral arches,
excluding the first and second, become known in these classes
as brancbial arches from their producing bony arches which
support the branchiEe or gilis. With the exceptions noted,
the viseenil arches and elerts with their capillary plexusea
therefore functionate in these classes as a respiratory ap»,J
pa rat us.
When, in the course of evolution, certain of the vert«-i
brates assume an aerial existenw, in consequence of whicbl
they acquire a breathing mechanism adapted to such a model
of life, the respiratory function of the clet^s or branchis^a
ceases, and they either disapjiear entirely or constitute merely.!
rudimentary structures of the adult. The so-called clefts in f
man aie never actual openings, the closing membrane always- 1
being present (His, KoUiker, Piersol, Born), To express the i
morphology of the visceral clefts* briefly, they are permanent J
structures in flshes and in tailed Amphibia; they are present '
during the larval stage of other Amphibia, while in bird» \
and mammals they are found only in embryonic life.
The growth of the visceral arches and clefts bears an intimate relation to the difTerentiatiou of the head- and the neckr^ions of theembryo. They first make their appearance at
about the twenty-third ilay and attain their greatest development by the end of the fourth we^k. Both the arches and
the clefts appear earliest and are best developed at the cephalic end of the scries, the fifth arch being exceedingly illdefinecl. During the fifth week the obliteration of the arches
and clefts as such begins, since certain of them become metamorphosed into permanent structure;^ wliile the 1
undergo regression.
The Metamorphosis of the Visceral Arches and Clefts. —
The first visceral arch becomes (livide<l into an upper i)art,
the maxillary arch, and a lower ])ortion, the mandibular or
jaw-arch (Fig. 62). The maxillary arches or processes of
the two sides unite^ at their anterior ends, with the intervening nasofrontal process (Fig. 67, and in tliis way is formed
the upper l)oundary of the mouth-cavity ; the mandibular
processes become joined with each other anteriorly and constitute the inferior boundary of this cavity. The maxillary
processes become the superior maxillie, while the mandibular
[)rocesses l)ecome the lower jaws. The mesodermic core of
the mass of tissue constituting the mandibular arch divides
into three sections, of which the two situated at the proximal
end of the arch are quite small and give rise respectively to
the incus and the greater part of the malleus ; the large distal
segment is a slender cartilaginous rod, Meckel's cartilage,
whose proximal extremity becomes the processus gracilis of
the malleus (see Chapter XVIII.).
The second visceral, or anterior hyoid arch becomes obliterated as such, although a bar of cartilage which it contains —
Beichert's cartilage — gives rise by its proximal extremity to
the stapes,^ while the remaining portion becomes metamorphosed into the styloid process, the stylohyoid ligament, and
the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone.
The third or posterior hyoid arch, which corresponds with
the first branchial arch of fishes, likewise loses its identity
as a surface marking, while the bar of cartilage it contains
becomes the body and greater cornu of the hyoid bone.
The fourth and fifth arches coalesce with the adjacent tissues, producing no special structures.
The first outer cleft, known as the hyomandibular cleft, suffers obliteration except at its dorsal extremity, where the
tissues forming its margins produce the external ear. The
remaining three outer clefts disappear in the following manner : the fourth outer cleft becomes covered and hidden by the
fourth arch, and the third and second clefts are successively
* Reichert, (iegenbaur, Ilertwig ; or to the ring of the stapes according
to Salensky, (jradenigo, and Rabl.
tiuried by the growth of the third and second arches. The
sinking-in of the lower arches and clefts (Fig. 61) results in
fc. »•.»». 1-^:1. J", limb*;. iJ.."11«nlolc » vil
« on the lateral surface of the
^ft^^i^^B*^«F^ 6*2, »p), ^v)lieh snUeqiienlly
is made to disappear by the coalescence of its edges. Occasionally this sinus, instead of becoming completely obliterate<l, persists, and the thin layer of tissue forming its bottom
ruptures — possibly spontaneously or perhaps more probably
as the result of exploratory probing — constituting the anomaly known as cervical fistula. Such a fistula establishes an
opening into the esophagus.
The first inner cleft or first pharyngeal pouch becomes metamorphosed into the middle ear and the Eustachian tube, the
closing membrane, which separates it from the outer cleft,
forming the membrana tympani. The second pharyngeal
pouches produce no special structures, but the adjacent tissues
give rise to the epithelial parts of the middle lobe of the thyroid body and to the posterior third of the tongue, in the
manner more fully indicated on pp. 143 and 226. The third
inner cleft produces the thymus body, while from the fourth
results the lateral lobes of the thyroid bod v.
The configuration of the face, depending as it does so largely
upon the development of the boundaries of the nose and of
the mouth, is closely associated with the growth of the first
pair of visceral arches. The earliest indication of the mouth,
the oral pit, appears at about the twelfth day as a shallow depression on the ventral surface of the embryonic body l)etween the fore-brain vesicle and the prominence caused by the
primitive heart (Fig. 59, 3 to 5). This depression is deepened
by the growth of the tissues surrounding it, as also by the
flexure of the head, which occurs at the twentv-first dav. In
the third week, therefore, the oral pit is a five-sided fossa,
being bounded above by the nasofrontal process, which has
grown down from the elevation of the fore-brain, laterally by
the maxillary processes, and below by the mandibular arches
(Fig. 67, ^1). The pharsmgeal membrane, which consists of opposed ectoderm and entoderm and which separates the primitive oral cavity from the gut-tract (Fig. 66, rA), ruptures at the
time of the appearance of the third branchial arch.
By the end of the third week, the communication between
the yolk-sac and the gut-tract has become reduced to the
relatively small vitelline duct. At the twenty-fifth day the
enihrvo j»n'sc»iits a well-(lov(*l()i>o(l tail. By tli<» termination
of the fourth week the volk-sac has attained its maxiinum
size, and the presence nf the s<nnite.s is indieateil hy transverse ])ai*:inel lines on the dorsal snrfaee of tlu^ IxkIv.
This sta^e odinprises tin* time between the beginning of
the second inniith and the end of jircirnancy.
Dnrin^ the second month tiic rate of irrowth is far less
nipid than in the jm'ccdinj^ stap*. The marked enrvatnre
ol' the h»n^ axis (»f tlu* ImmIv jVradnMlly dimi>hes, the embryo
assnming a more (;re<a [)osture. Owin^r t-> the partial disaj)|M*aninc(^ of the cervical tU'xure, the iiead l)econie< raised.
I>nrin«^ \\w. fifth week tiie vitelline duct is >een to bo
lonjx iind slendei , the umbilical cord lias become longer and
nion* snind and mav contain u coil of intestine ; the abdomen is very |)i*ominent, and in the neck-region is a characteristic dorsjii concavity. At tiiis time al>o the nasal pits
Ikhmmuc conspicuous as depressions situated on either side of
llu* nasofrontal process (Fig. (57j. Th<* nasofrontal jnvx'css
ini':in\vldle undergtN'sdiiferentiation int«> the globular processes,
which constitute the inner boundaries of the na<al ]»its, and the
lateral frontal processes, which limit these tlepre^^ions exter
Vi« W llttmM»m\itytMiftl»ulrix weeks. cnlnrL'id ihr.-.- lii;., . \u.
\»\\\ a\u\ M'\»rAW\W'm fn>m the dcpn'ssicMi- tni- ih. . y..^.
Aw twM\ \wu ftw hl\\\ iu coramuuiiration WUw \\\\\\ the
primitive oral cavity. The lacrimal groove is well-markeil
at this stage, and tho external auditory meatus is indicated.
The mandibles become united mesially at about the thirtyfourth day. The third and fourth gill-clefts have by this
time disappeared in the cervical sinus. The paddle-like limbbuds have lengthened and present, at first, a division into two
segmcHits, of which the distal is destined to become the hand
or foot, while the proximal jwrtion undergoes segmentation
a little later into the arm and forearm or thigh and leg ; by
the thirty-second day, the hand, now showing differentiation
into a thicker proximal and a thinner terminal part, exhibits
the first traces of digitiition, in the form of parallel longitudinal markings which soon become grooves and, later,
clefts. The develoj)ment of the upper extremities precedes
that of the lower by twelve or fourteen days.
During the sixth week the head assumes more nearly its
normal [)()sition, and for this reason the apparent length of
the fetus is considerably increased, the dorsiil concavity in
the neck-region being ahnost obliterated ; the rudiments of
the eyelids and of the concha become recognizable, and the
various parts of the face assume more definite shape. By
the fortieth day the oral cavity has become separated from
the nasal pits by the union of the nasofrontal process with
the maxillary process(\s, and the external boundaries of the
nostrils have become marked out by the meeting of each
lat(^ral frontal j)rocess with the corresponding maxillary
])rocess. As a result of these changes, the nose, although
still very broad, begins to assume characteristic form.
During this week also the fingers are seen as separate outgrowths, while in the seventh week the rudiments of their
nails become evident.
Toward the end of the second month — about the fiftieth
to the fifty-third day — the toes are just beginning to separate, the protrusion of the intestine at the umbilicus is at its
maximum, the palpebral conjunctiva separates from tiie cornea, and the rudimentary tail begins to disiippear.
The eighth week witnesses the total disaj)pea ranee of
the free tail, the formation of the septum that divides the cloaca info the rectum and the f^nito-urinarv passage, and
the presence of the project iiig genital tubercle with the accompanying genital folds and genital ridges. The external
genitals as yet show, no distinction of sex. Fnini the end
of the second month to the time of birtli, fetal growth is, in
great measure, merely the further develojmient of organs
already mapped out; it is held by many authoritifs, therefore, that if mal format ion.s are ever due to maternal impreasions, such impre.-isions could be oiierative only hi the event
of having been i-eceivcil prior to the eighth week of gestation.
Dnring the tJilrd month, the face, although definitely
formed, still presents thick lips, a pointed chin, and a rather
bniad and triangular nnse. At this time the Wtaha are wellformed and assume a eharaeteristie attitude, and the fiugiTs
and toes are provided with imperfect nails. The external
genitals, which, until the close of the second month, preserved the indifferent type, now begin to show sexual
In the fourtli month, a growth of fine hair, the lanngo,
appear> npiwi llie sculp anfl some other parts of the body;
the anus ojiens ; the intestine rece^Iea within the abdomen;
and the external generative organs present well-marked
sexual characteristics.
The fifth month marks the inauguration of active fetal
movements and the appearance of a more plentiful growth
of colorless hair.
In the sixth month the fetal bo(]y becomes coaled with
the Temix caseoaa, a modified sebaceous secretion whose func
tion is the protection of the epidermis fnmi maceration in the
amniotic fluid. The eyebrows and eyelashes also appear
about this time.
The aeventh month witnesses the appearance of the lanugo,
orembryonal down, upon practically the entire surface of
the body ; the testes of the male fetus are in the inguinal
canal or at the internal abdominal ring; and the nails
break through their epiilermal covering. Children born at the end of tlic seventli month niav survive, but usuallv thev
do not.
In th(» eighth month the lanugo begins to disappear.
In the ninth month the testicles are found in the scrotum, while, in the ease of Xhv. femah*, the labia majora are in
contact with each other. The contents of the intestinal canal,
the meconium, consisting of intestinal and hepatic secretions
mingled with epidermal cells and hairs swallowed bv the
fditus, is now of a dark greenish color. The umbilicus is
almost exactlv in the middle of the bo<lv.
The weight of the fetus at full term is fnmi 3 to 3.5 kilograms (from to 7 ]K)unds), the average* weight of the male
child being about ten ounces greater than that of the female.
While variati(ms from these figures are not uncommon, statements of excessive weight are to be received with reservation,
since it has been found, ujxm careful observation by comjH?tent authorities, that the weight of a new-born infant rarely
excenls ten poimds. The weight of the chihl, besides dej>ending u|M)n the ])hysical condition of both parents, is influenced bv the age of the mother, young wcmien having the
smallest, and women between the ages of thirty and thirtyfive having the heaviest children ; by the nimiber of ])revious
pn-gnancies, the weight being gn»aler with each succeeding
iirt^nw»ev. pnividt^l the successive children are of the same
Ti^.x :.r:d ar\* not lK>rn at t(K» short intervals ; ami also by the
veir:.: Ga>>uiT' and height (FrankmhaiiMn) of the mother,
Mv •^.*-' >:n:r a dinrt (juc. Min(>t bcH<*V('s that these
vu''i'«i> T.f •iixx^ o|K*rate chiefly by prol(Hi<:iiiL^ or abbreviat-.-• T?r n:'"'» ti .:' 5:*Maiion, and that therefore the variati«»ns
T T^^-u iL i^^V. Jirv* rt»fenible to tw«. prineipal causes —
/,^..^.., ..^ ,1 '\^* s-^ ^\ birth, and variatit»n> in the rate of
Mggfc M lite li^ns Ht the time of birth ir* about oO
1^ jf ;u •jnbryo or fetus may l»e esti
liftir**-*:-^ 'pcvuliar to each >tai:e a- above
.iici. * Hi;. 'iK- nde tbnnulatetl by JIaa-e.
Me iiid of the liflh niMiitli, tin
square of the age in months equals the length in centimeters,
while after the fifth montli, the length expressed in centimeters equals the age in months multiplied by five. Thus
a fetus of four months would have a length of 16 centimeters; while one of six months would be 30 centimeters
long. Hence, the age in months is the square root of the
number expressing the length in centimeters; or, if the
length exceeds 30 centimeters, the age in months is one-fifth
of the length expressed in centimeters.
Reference has been made in Chapter I., page 40, to the
relation between conception and menstruation, and to the
manner of estimating the age of the product of gestation,
based upon this relation.

Latest revision as of 22:20, 29 October 2012


Heisler JC. A text-book of embryology for students of medicine. 3rd Edn. (1907) W.B. Saunders Co. London.

   Text-book of Embryology 1907: 1 Male and Female Sexual Elements - Fertilization | 2 Ovum Segmentation - Blastodermic Vesicle | 3 Germ-layers - Primitive Streak | 4 Embryo Differentiation - Neural Canal - Somites | 5 Body-wall - Intestinal Canal - Fetal Membranes | 6 Decidual Ovum Embedding - Placenta - Umbilical Cord | 7 External Body Form | 8 Connective Tissues - Lymphatic System | 9 Face and Mouth | 10 Vascular System | 11 Digestive System | 12 Respiratory System | 13 Genito-urinary System | 14 Skin and Appendages | 15 Nervous System | 16 Sense Organs | 17 Muscular System | 18 Skeleton and Limbs

Early Draft Version of a 1907 Historic Textbook. Currently no figures included and please note this includes many typographical errors generated by the automated text conversion procedure. This notice removed when editing process completed.

Historic Disclaimer - information about historic embryology pages 
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Pages where the terms "Historic" (textbooks, papers, people, recommendations) appear on this site, and sections within pages where this disclaimer appears, indicate that the content and scientific understanding are specific to the time of publication. This means that while some scientific descriptions are still accurate, the terminology and interpretation of the developmental mechanisms reflect the understanding at the time of original publication and those of the preceding periods, these terms, interpretations and recommendations may not reflect our current scientific understanding.     (More? Embryology History | Historic Embryology Papers)

Having traced the growth of the germ to the time when the body of the embryo becomes definitely diiferentiated from the embryonic a})|)endages or fetal membranes, the development of the individual organs and tissues may be taken up. The discussion of this latter subject, especially of that part of it pertaining to the structures on the exterior of the body, involves a consideration of the external form of the embryo and fetus during the successive stages of growth.

In the preceding chapters it was pointed out that the cells of the segmented ovum arranged themselves in such a manner as to form a hollow vesicle, the blastodermic vesicle (Plate I.) ; that this vesicle, having at first a single-layered wall, came to consist of two layers of cells, the ectoderm and the entoderm ; and that, finally, a third, intervening layer, the mesoderm, made its appearance. It was shown, further, that the thickened portion of the vesicle wall, the embryonic area, became more and more differentiated from the remainder, and that, by certain processes of folding, this area was made to assume the definite form of the embryonic body, while from the other parts of the vesicle-walls the fetal membranes were produced (Plate II.). It may be well to remind the reader again that when the body of the embryo has become closed off from the fetal membranes, this body is an irregularly tubular structure whose walls are the somatopleure and whose enclosed space is the body-cavity, and that within it are two other tubes, a larger, the gut-tract, formed by the splanchnopleure, and a smaller ectodermic tube, the neural canal.

While, as a inattor of coiivcniciKjo, tho (]('scri]>tion of the individual organs is taken up after tracing the course of development to this stage, it should he borne in mind that the rudiments of some of them are already distinguishable before the germ-layers become infolded to form the IxKly-wall and the gut-tract. It will facilitate a comprehension of the gi'ueral principles concerne<l in the origin of the different |>Jirts of the body to R»fer to the tabulated statement of the derivativi»s of the three primary germ-layers as presenteil in Chapter III.

In ciMisidering the external form of the prcnluct of conception, one may adopt the classification of I lis, referred to in the first chapter. This author divides the jHTiod of development into thn»i» stages, of which the ///W, the stage of the onuiuor the blastodermic stage, comprises the first an<l second we^ks of inira-uterine gri»vth ; the Htroiufy the stage of the «BihiTO« extends frimi the seci>nd to the fifth wi»ek ; and the nhtnL or tte fetal stage, includes the time bi^twwn the fifth w<^k aud the end of gestation.


Durii^ :ht:* t'»rtnii:lit allotteil to this first staire of develop invut nxMT chie various changi»< l\v whirh the impn»gnateil

•\'im H'»tui:>f^ th-.' fi^rm of a hollow <phen\ de<ignat«»<l the

fnoi-vtiiiii- 'i* ■^i:i>ciHK'rTnir vehicle. Tlu* M-rir^of tnin^torma >Mi> wa^ u»'ii Fi"i*'rtb^il in Chapter II. In ihi> pla«v it will

'^ ^ttiKi:««iii I' r'vr c.» tht* external ch:inictrr< of the blaston Fisr^. 4!>», whi.*h ri*pre<tMit

was estimated tu be alitm