2016Lecture-Hearing-Movie: Difference between revisions

From Embryology
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[[Category:Hearing]] [[Category:2016]]

Latest revision as of 12:40, 5 October 2017

Embryology - 30 Apr 2024    Facebook link Pinterest link Twitter link  Expand to Translate  
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<html5media height="600" width="820">File:2016Lecture-Hearing.mp4</html5media>
Click Here to play on mobile device
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This 2016 undergraduate science lecture recording covers the topic of endocrine development.

Disclaimer - Note these archive recordings are provided only for self-directed learning purposes and may not reflect the current course content. This presentation recording may also contain uncorrected descriptions or errors.

Links: MP4 | ANAT3241 2016 | 2017 Lecture | Movies
Science Lecture Movies  
Note these archive recordings are provided only for self-directed learning purposes and may not reflect the current course content.
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 ‎‎Week 1 and 2
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 ‎‎Week 3
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 ‎‎Neural Crest
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Hearing Links: Introduction | inner ear | middle ear | outer ear | balance | placode | hearing neural | Science Lecture | Lecture Movie | Medicine Lecture | Stage 22 | hearing abnormalities | hearing test | sensory | Student project

  Categories: Hearing | Outer Ear | Middle Ear | Inner Ear | Balance

Historic Embryology - Hearing 
Historic Embryology: 1880 Platypus cochlea | 1892 Vertebrate Ear | 1902 Development of Hearing | 1906 Membranous Labyrinth | 1910 Auditory Nerve | 1913 Tectorial Membrane | 1918 Human Embryo Otic Capsule | 1918 Cochlea | 1918 Grays Anatomy | 1922 Human Auricle | 1922 Otic Primordia | 1931 Internal Ear Scalae | 1932 Otic Capsule 1 | 1933 Otic Capsule 2 | 1936 Otic Capsule 3 | 1933 Endolymphatic Sac | 1934 Otic Vesicle | 1934 Membranous Labyrinth | 1934 External Ear | 1938 Stapes - 7 to 21 weeks | 1938 Stapes - Term to Adult | 1940 Stapes | 1942 Stapes - Embryo 6.7 to 50 mm | 1943 Stapes - Fetus 75 to 150 mm | 1946 Aquaductus cochleae and periotic (perilymphatic) duct | 1946 aquaeductus cochleae | 1948 Fissula ante fenestram | 1948 Stapes - Fetus 160 mm to term | 1959 Auditory Ossicles | 1963 Human Otocyst | Historic Disclaimer
Movie Control Bar  
Movie bar01.jpg
Play Rewind 30 sec
Progress bar
Audio Air play Picture in picture Full screen
Click here to play on mobile device - opens the MP4 file.
  • Play - (grey triangle) clicking this plays the movie. Click again to pause.
  • Rewind 30 sec - takes the movie back 30 seconds, not really useful for most of the shorter movies.
  • Progress bar - shows the movie progress. Can also be dragged to a specific point within the movie.
  • Audio - if there is any associated audio the volume can be adjusted from here.
  • Air play - on Apple devices allows sending and viewing the movie on another connected device or screen.
  • Picture in picture - opens the movie in its own window without closing the current window.
  • Full screen - opens the movie in full screen, in this mode no other windows will be visible.

Glossary Links: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Numbers | Symbols | Movies

Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, April 30) Embryology 2016Lecture-Hearing-Movie. Retrieved from https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/2016Lecture-Hearing-Movie

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© Dr Mark Hill 2024, UNSW Embryology ISBN: 978 0 7334 2609 4 - UNSW CRICOS Provider Code No. 00098G