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{{Wnt family collapsetable}}
! width=300px|Mesonephric ducts
! width=300px|Paramesonephric ducts
| [[History_-_Embryologists#Caspar_Friedrich_Wolff_.281733_-_1794.29|Wolffian ducts]]
| [[History_-_Embryologists#Johannes_Peter_M.C3.BCller_.281801_-_1858.29|Müllerian ducts]]


Revision as of 10:26, 27 February 2018

Embryology - 26 Jun 2024    Facebook link Pinterest link Twitter link  Expand to Translate  
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Adult endocrine organs


This is the partial online draft version of my presentation, as there was no internet I switched to powerpoint fversion or the final presentation. I will though update this online version as it will include full access to molecular data and all animations presented in my talk.

Powerpoint Slides: 1 slide/page PDF | 4 slides/page PDF

Requested Lecture Content  
Dr Rachael Rodgers - "Male and female reproductive/urogenital systems, breast, thyroid, adrenals, kidneys, hypothalamus and pituitary, it would be perfect."
Online Resources  
Seminar Link


Genital Links: genital | Lecture - Medicine | Lecture - Science | Lecture Movie | Medicine - Practical | primordial germ cell | meiosis | endocrine gonad‎ | Genital Movies | genital abnormalities | Assisted Reproductive Technology | puberty | Category:Genital
Female | X | X inactivation | ovary | corpus luteum | oocyte | uterus | vagina | reproductive cycles | menstrual cycle | Category:Female
Male | Y | SRY | testis | spermatozoa | ductus deferens | penis | prostate | Category:Male
Historic Embryology - Genital 
General: 1901 Urinogenital Tract | 1902 The Uro-Genital System | 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1912 Urinogenital Organ Development | 1914 External Genitalia | 1921 Urogenital Development | 1921 External Genital | 1942 Sex Cords | 1953 Germ Cells | Historic Embryology Papers | Historic Disclaimer
Female: 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1904 Hymen | 1912 Urinogenital Organ Development | 1914 External Genitalia | 1914 Female | 1921 External Genital | 1927 Female Foetus 15 cm | 1927 Vagina | 1932 Postnatal Ovary
Male: 1887-88 Testis | 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1904 Leydig Cells | 1906 Testis vascular | 1909 Prostate | 1912 Prostate | 1914 External Genitalia | 1915 Cowper’s and Bartholin’s Glands | 1920 Wolffian tubules | 1935 Prepuce | 1935 Wolffian Duct | 1942 Sex Cords | 1943 Testes Descent | Historic Embryology Papers | Historic Disclaimer
Renal Links: renal | Lecture - Renal | Lecture Movie | urinary bladder | Stage 13 | Stage 22 | Fetal | Renal Movies | Stage 22 Movie | renal histology | renal abnormalities | Molecular | Category:Renal
Historic Embryology - Renal  
1905 Uriniferous Tubule Development | 1907 Urogenital images | 1911 Cloaca | 1921 Urogenital Development | 1915 Renal Artery | 1917 Urogenital System | 1925 Horseshoe Kidney | 1926 Embryo 22 Somites | 1930 Mesonephros 10 to 12 weeks | 1931 Horseshoe Kidney | 1932 Renal Absence | 1939 Ureteric Bud Agenesis | 1943 Renal Position
Endocrine Links: Introduction | BGD Lecture | Science Lecture | Lecture Movie | pineal | hypothalamus‎ | pituitary | thyroid | parathyroid | thymus | pancreas | adrenal | endocrine gonad‎ | endocrine placenta | other tissues | Stage 22 | endocrine abnormalities | Hormones | Category:Endocrine
Historic Embryology - Endocrine  
1903 Islets of Langerhans | 1903 Pig Adrenal | 1904 interstitial Cells | 1908 Pancreas Different Species | 1908 Pituitary | 1908 Pituitary histology | 1911 Rathke's pouch | 1912 Suprarenal Bodies | 1914 Suprarenal Organs | 1915 Pharynx | 1916 Thyroid | 1918 Rabbit Hypophysis | 1920 Adrenal | 1935 Mammalian Hypophysis | 1926 Human Hypophysis | 1927 Adrenal | 1927 Hypophyseal fossa | 1930 Adrenal | 1932 Pineal Gland and Cysts | 1935 Hypophysis | 1935 Pineal | 1937 Pineal | 1935 Parathyroid | 1940 Adrenal | 1941 Thyroid | 1950 Thyroid Parathyroid Thymus | 1957 Adrenal


  • Uterine Tube Biobank (Prof Ledger)
    • Molecular aspects of ectopic implantation
  • Trophoblast differentiation
    • Control of implantation and early placentation
  • Digital Embryology Consortium
    • The objective of this international partnership is to digitise, preserve, and make available for researchers the major embryology histological collections.
  • Kyoto Collection(eBook)
    • with Shiota, Yamada and Ho.
  • Human SEM (eBook)
    • in preparation with Sulik, Vekemans and Attié-Bitach.
  • UNSW Embryology



Gestational Age
GA Week
Event Fertilization Age Week
5-6 primordial germ cells migrate during gastrulation 3-4
6 intermediate mesoderm, pronephros primordium 4
7 mesonephros and mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct) 5
8 ureteric bud, metanephros, genital ridge 6 (35 days)
9 cloacal divison, gonadal primordium - indifferent to first appearance of testis cords 7 (42 days)
10 paramesonephric duct (Mullerian duct), clear gonadal differentiation 8 (49 days)
11 paramesonephric duct fusion (female) 9 (56 days)
17 primary follicles (ovary) 15 (100 days)

Primordial Germ Cells

Primoridal Germ Cell Migration

Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) are thought to be the first population of cells to migrate through the primitive streak in early gastrulation.

Stage7-sem2.jpgStage7 primitive streak labelled.jpg

Human Embryonic Disc (Stage 7 GA week 5)

GA Week 5

  • Human embryonic disc showing the primitive streak region where gastrulation occurs, generation the trilaminar embryo.
  • Arrows indicate direction of cell migration through the streak.

This population of cells then lie at the hindgut and yolk sac junctional region and later migrate into the germinal ridge in early embryonic development.

Stage9 bf2-primordial germ cell region.jpg

Human Embryo (Stage 9 GA week 5) primordial germ cell region (green)

  • Sacrococcygeal teratomas - Remnant primitive streak cells (most common solid tumor in newborn infants)
  • Germline teratoma - (Germinoma) abnormally differentiated/located PGCs fail to die.

Mouse PGC Migration

E9.5 E10.5

<html5media height="400" width="400">File:Primordial_germ_cell_002.mp4</html5media>

<html5media height="400" width="400">File:Primordial_germ_cell_003.mp4</html5media>

PGC motility 3 phases - initiation, migration and stopping

  • based upon normal actin cell motility.
  • no sex-specific differences

PGC Chemoattraction

  • Ligand
    • SDF-1 (Stromal cell-derived factors 1, now CXCL12, C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12) expressed in the genital ridges and surrounding mesenchyme.
  • Receptor
    • CXCR4 (C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4) expressed by PGCs.

See also reviews of PGC migration[1][2]

Stromal Derived Factor 1 (SDF-1, CXCL12) chemotaxis

<html5media width="400" height="300"></html5media>

Intermediate Mesoderm

Mesoderm Generation (chicken)[3]

<html5media height="700" width="300">File:Chicken presomitic mesoderm 03.mp4</html5media>

Human trilaminar embryo {"Germ layers")

Trilaminar embryo.jpg

Intermediate mesoderm derives genital and renal systems.


Stage12 sem11.jpg

<html5media height="520" width="360">File:Urogenital_sinus_001.mp4</html5media>

GA week 6-7 Urogenital Sinus Movie

It is not the primordial germ cells which respond to SRY presence or absence, but the supporting cells within the developing gonad.

Urogenital Septum

<html5media height="440" width="420">File:Urogenital_septum_001.mp4</html5media>

Click Here to play on mobile device

Urogenital septum 001 icon.jpg

GA Week 8

  • Initially the cloaca forms a common urinary, genital, GIT space
  • This is divided by formation of a septum into anterior urinary and dorsal rectal
    • superior - Tourneux fold
    • lateral - Rathke folds
  • septum fuses with cloacal membrane before it commences to degenerate.
  • hindgut - distal third transverse colon, descending and sigmoid colon, rectum.
  • anal pit - distal third of anorectal canal (ectodermal)

Mouse Gonad

Sertoli and Germ Cells

Mouse gonad sex determination 01.jpg

Sry Signaling[4]

  • red - Sertoli cells, showing Fgf9 expression (following Sry expression FGF9 is a downstream signaling molecule).
  • green - Germ cells and endothelial cells, showing PECAM expression.

Genital Ridge (early embryo)

Adrenal and gonad early development.jpg

Mouse- gonadal supporting cell development.jpg

  • green - gonadal supporting cells
  • blue - Sertoli cells (male)
  • pink - pre-granulosa cells (female)

RSPO1 R-Spondin Family, Member 1

Sex Development Genes

Mammalian Sexual Development Genes
Gene (OMIM) Protein Function Gonad Phenotype of Null Mice Human Syndrome

Bipotential gonad
Wt1 Transcription factor Blockage in genital ridge development Denys-Drash, WAGR, Frasier syndrome
Sf1 Nuclear receptor Blockage in genital ridge development Embryonic testicular regression syndrome
Lhx9 Transcription factor Blockage in genital ridge development a
Emx2 Transcription factor Blockage in genital ridge development a
M33 Transcription factor Gonadal dysgenesis a
Testis-determining pathway
Gata4/Fog2 Transcription/cofactor Reduced Sry levels, XY sex reversal a
Sry Transcription factor XY sex reversal XY sex reversal (LOF); XX sex reversal (GOF)
Sox9 Transcription factor XY sex reversal Campomelic dysplasia, XX sex reversal (GOF)
Sox8 Transcription factor XY sex reversal in combination with partial loss of Sox9 function a
Fgf9 Signaling molecule XY sex reversal a
Dax1 Nuclear receptor Impaired testis cord formation and spermatogenesis Hypogonadism
Pod1 Transcription factor XY sex reversal a
Dhh Signaling molecule Impaired differentiation of Leydig and PM cells XY gonadal dysgenesis
Pgdra Receptor Reduction in mesonephric cell migration a
Pgds Enzyme No phenotype a
Arx Transcription factor Abnormal testicular differentiation X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia
Atrx Helicase ND ATRX syndrome
Insl3 Signaling factor Blockage of testicular descent Cryptorchidism
Lgr8 Receptor Blockage of testicular descent Cryptorchidism
Hoxa10 Transcription factor Blockage of testicular descent Cryptorchidism
Hoxa11 Transcription factor Blockage of testicular descent Cryptorchidism
Amh Hormone No Müllerian duct degeneration Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome
Misrl1 Receptor No Müllerian duct degeneration Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome
Pax2 Transcription factor Dysgenesis of mesonephric tubules a
Lim1 Transcription factor Agenesis of Wolffian and Müllerian ducts a
Dmrt1 Transcription factor Loss of Sertoli and germ cells XY femaleb
Ovary-determining pathway
Wnt4 Signaling molecule Müllerian duct agenesis, testosterone synthesis, and coelomic vessel formation XY female (GOF)
FoxL2 Transcription factor Premature ovarian failure BPES
Dax1 Nuclear receptor XY sex reversal (GOF) XY sex reversal (GOF)
RSPO1 Signaling molecule XX sex reversal (LOF) XX sex reversal (LOF)
Table Legend
  • BPES - blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome
  • GOF - gain-of-function mutation
  • LOF - loss-of-function mutation
  • ND - not determined
  • WAGR - Wilms' tumor-aniridia-genitourinary malformations-mental retardation
a No mutations in human sexual disorders identified to date.

b Candidate gene for 9p deletion, XY sex reversal.

Table data modified[5]

Note new HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC)

  • Male sex - SF-1 (NR5A1) Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 5, Group A, Member 1
  • Female sex - DAX-1 (NR0B1) Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 0, Group B, Member 1


  1. Development of the indifferent gonad - (genital ridge) early embryo
  2. Differentiation of gonad - (testis or ovary) late embryo, defining event in sexual differentiation
  3. Differentiation of internal genital organs and ducts - late embryo to fetal
  4. Differentiation of external genitalia - fetal
  5. Development of secondary sexual characteristics - puberty

Male – Sertoli Cells

  • Human SRY activation not known
  • Mouse SRY activation - Wilms tumor 1 (Wt1), GATA binding protein 4 (Gata4), zinc fnger protein, fog family member 2 (Zfpm2), chromobox homolog 2 (Cbx2), mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 (Map3k4), insulin receptors.
  • SRY activates key transcription factor SOX9 in Sertoli cells
    • Sertoli also express SOX9, FGF9, and PTGDS (lipocalin-type prostaglandin D2 synthase, catalyzes conversion of prostaglandin H2 to prostaglandin D2)
  • SOX9 requires positive regulatory loop
  • Sox9 and FGF9 feed-forward loop upregulates Fgf9 expression
  • repression of a WNT4
  • Retinoic acid (RA) - required later for Sertoli to germ cells essential for adult mammalian spermatogenesis.

Human SOX Family  
Table - Human Sox Family
Approved Name Previous Symbols Synonyms Chromosome
SOX1 SRY-box 1 13q34
SOX2 SRY-box 2 3q26.33
SOX3 SRY-box 3 PHP Xq27.1
SOX4 SRY-box 4 6p22.3
SOX5 SRY-box 5 "L-SOX5, MGC35153" 12p12.1
SOX6 SRY-box 6 11p15.3
SOX7 SRY-box 7 8p23.1
SOX8 SRY-box 8 16p13.3
SOX9 SRY-box 9 "CMD1, CMPD1" SRA1 17q24.3
SOX10 SRY-box 10 "DOM, WS4, WS2E" 22q13.1
SOX11 SRY-box 11 2p25.2
SOX12 SRY-box 12 SOX22 20p13
SOX13 SRY-box 13 "Sox-13, ICA12, MGC117216" 1q32.1
SOX14 SRY-box 14 SOX28 3q22.3
SOX15 SRY-box 15 SOX20 "SOX27, SOX26" 17p13.1
SOX17 SRY-box 17 8q11.23
SOX18 SRY-box 18 20q13.33
SOX21 SRY-box 21 SOX25 13q32.1
SOX30 SRY-box 30 5q33.3
SRY sex determining region Y TDF Yp11.2
    Links: Developmental Signals - Sox | OMIM | HGNC | Tbx Family | Bmp Family | Fgf Family | Pax Family | R-spondin Family | Sox Family | Tbx Family

Female - Granulosa Cells

  • Wnt4 (1p36.12) secreted protein, inhibit testis-specific processes
    • mesonephros migration of endothelial cells
    • repress steroidogenesis by Sf1 or blocking recruitment of steroidogenic cell precursors
  • RSPO1 (1p34.3) secreted protein
    • agonist WNT4 signalling
  • FOXL2 (3q22.3) transcription factor
    • repress Sox9 by synergistic interaction with estrogen receptors α and -β (ER-α-β)
    • postnatal follicle development and female fertility maintenance

Human WNT Family  
Table - Human Wnt Family
Approved Name Previous
Synonyms Chromosome
WNT1 Wnt family member 1 INT1 12q13.12
WNT2 Wnt family member 2 INT1L1 IRP 7q31.2
WNT2B Wnt family member 2B WNT13 XWNT2 1p13.2
WNT3 Wnt family member 3 INT4 "MGC131950, MGC138321, MGC138323" 17q21.31-q21.32
WNT3A Wnt family member 3A 1q42.13
WNT4 Wnt family member 4 WNT-4 1p36.12
WNT5A Wnt family member 5A hWNT5A 3p14.3
WNT5B Wnt family member 5B 12p13.33
WNT6 Wnt family member 6 2q35
WNT7A Wnt family member 7A 3p25.1
WNT7B Wnt family member 7B 22q13.31
WNT8A Wnt family member 8A WNT8D 5q31.2
WNT8B Wnt family member 8B 10q24.31
WNT9A Wnt family member 9A WNT14 1q42.13
WNT9B Wnt family member 9B WNT15 WNT14B 17q21.32
WNT10A Wnt family member 10A 2q35
WNT10B Wnt family member 10B "WNT-12, SHFM6" 12q13.12
WNT11 Wnt family member 11 11q13.5
WNT16 Wnt family member 16 7q31.31
    Links: Developmental Signals - Wnt | OMIM Wnt1 | HGNC | Bmp Family | Fgf Family | Pax Family | R-spondin Family | Sox Family | Tbx Family | Wnt Family
Human Chromosomes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | X | Y  



Adrenal medulla.jpg
  • Week 6 - fetal cortex, from mesothelium adjacent to dorsal mesentery; Medulla, neural crest cells from adjacent sympathetic ganglia
  • Fetal Adrenals - fetal cortex later replaced by adult cortex
  • Adult cortex - mesothelium mesenchyme encloses fetal cortex

Adrenal Cortex

  • Late Fetal Period - differentiates to form cortical zones
  • Birth - zona glomerulosa, zona fasiculata present
  • Year 3 - zona reticularis present

Adrenal Medulla

  • neural crest origin, migrate adjacent to coelomic cavity, initially uncapsulated and not surrounded by fetal cortex, cells have neuron-like morphology
  • 2 cell types - secrete epinepherine (adrenaline) 80%; secrete norepinephrine (noradrenaline) 20%
Adrenal medulla.jpg
 ‎‎Adrenal Medulla
Page | Play

Links: Endocrine - Adrenal Development | Endocrinology - Adrenal Cortex Development | Endocrinology


Hypothalamus is a neuroendocrine organ linking the brain to the endocrine system. There are also hypothalamic cells that hormone-responsive during development and in the adult. Recently there has been shift in describing neurological development from the traditional morphological model of “primary and secondary vesicles” with developmental origin and gene expression model “prosomeric development”

  • Neuroectoderm - prosenecephalon then diencephalon after induction by the underlying prechordal plate.
    • Prosomeric model - hypothalamus and telencephalon are part of the secondary prosencephalon
  • ventro-lateral wall intermediate zone proliferation
  • Mamillary bodies - form pea-sized swellings ventral wall of hypothalamus

• Sonic hedgehog (Shh) - initially expressed in prechordal plate, is essential for inductive process.

Stage 13 image 061.jpg Stage 22 image 055.jpg
Diencephalon region, shown by optic stalk
(Stage 13)
Late embryonic hypothalamus
(Stage 22)

Hormones - Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), Thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH), Arginine vasopressin (AVP), Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH), Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), Somatostatin, Prolactin relasing factor (PRF), Dopamine

Links: Endocrine - Hypothalamus Development


Blue - neural tube ectoderm

Pituitary development animation.gif Red - surface ectoderm

Dual ectoderm origins

  • Neuroectoderm - prosenecephalon then diencephalon, neurohypophysis
  • Ectoderm - ectoderm roof of stomodeum, Rathke's pouch, adenohypophysis

Keith1902 fig015a.jpg Pituitary rabbit development.jpg


  • Anterior wall proliferates - pars distalis
  • Posterior wall little growth – pars intermedia
  • Rostral growth around infundibular stem – pars tuberalis


  • Infundibulum – median eminence, infundibulum, pars nervosa

Embryonic and fetal pituitary.jpg
Stage 22 image 220.jpg

Pituitary Timeline

Early Fetal (week 12)
  • Week 4 - hypophysial pouch, Rathke’s pouch, diverticulum from roof
  • Week 5 - elongation, contacts infundibulum, diverticulum of diencephalon
  • Week 6 - connecting stalk between pouch and oral cavity degenerates
  • Week 8 - basophilic staining cells appear
  • Week 9 - acidophilic staining cells appear
  • Week 10 - growth hormone and ACTH detectable
  • Week 16 - adenohypophysis fully differentiated and TSH increases to peak at 22 weeks
  • Week 20 to 24 - growth hormone levels peak, then decline
  • Birth - second TSH surge and decreases postnatally

Links: Endocrine - Pituitary Development | Embryo Images - Pituitary | Endocrinology


Stage 13 and Stage 22 thyroid development foramen caecum thyroid development
Embryo Stage 13 and 22 thyroid (GA week 6 and 10) Tongue foramen caecum Thyroglossal duct

  • thyroid median endodermal thickening in the floor of pharynx, outpouch – thyroid diverticulum.
  • tongue grows, cells descend in neck.
  • thyroglossal duct - proximal end at the foramen caecum of tongue.
  • thyroid diverticulum - hollow then solid, right and left lobes, central isthmus.

Thyroid Timeline

  • GA week 6 - thyroid median endodermal thickening in the floor of pharynx, outpouch – thyroid diverticulum (FA 24 days)
  • GA week 13 - colloid appearance in thyroid follicles, iodine and thyroid hormone (TH) synthesis. Growth factors (insulin-like, epidermal) stimulates follicular growth.
    • Fetal TH - initial secreted biologically inactivated by modification
  • GA 18-20 weeks - fully functional
    • late fetal secretion develops brown fat
  • Birth - TSH levels increase, thyroxine (T3) and T4 levels increase to 24 h, then 5-7 days postnatal decline to normal levels.

Maternal TH - iodine/thyroid status can affect development.

  • studies show that both high and low maternal thyroid hormone can impact on neural development [6])
  • Iodine deficiency - during prenatal period, leads to low fetal TH and neurological defects (cretinism).

Human thyroid system and neural development.jpg

Human thyroid system and neural development

Parathyroid - different embryonic origin

  • Endoderm - third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, could also have ectoderm and neural crest
    • 3rd Pharyngeal Pouch - inferior parathyroid, initially descends with thymus
    • 4th Pharyngeal Pouch - superior parathyroid

Links: Thyroid | Endocrine - Parathyroid Development|Parathyroid | Endocrinology |



Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, June 26) Embryology Royal Hospital for Women - Reproductive Medicine Seminar 2018. Retrieved from

What Links Here?
© Dr Mark Hill 2024, UNSW Embryology ISBN: 978 0 7334 2609 4 - UNSW CRICOS Provider Code No. 00098G
  1. Molyneaux K & Wylie C. (2004). Primordial germ cell migration. Int. J. Dev. Biol. , 48, 537-44. PMID: 15349828 DOI.
  2. Barton LJ, LeBlanc MG & Lehmann R. (2016). Finding their way: themes in germ cell migration. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. , 42, 128-137. PMID: 27484857 DOI.
  3. Denans N, Iimura T & Pourquié O. (2015). Hox genes control vertebrate body elongation by collinear Wnt repression. Elife , 4, . PMID: 25719209 DOI.
  4. Kim Y, Kobayashi A, Sekido R, DiNapoli L, Brennan J, Chaboissier MC, Poulat F, Behringer RR, Lovell-Badge R & Capel B. (2006). Fgf9 and Wnt4 act as antagonistic signals to regulate mammalian sex determination. PLoS Biol. , 4, e187. PMID: 16700629 DOI.
  5. Wilhelm D, Palmer S & Koopman P. (2007). Sex determination and gonadal development in mammals. Physiol. Rev. , 87, 1-28. PMID: 17237341 DOI.
  6. Korevaar TI, Muetzel R, Medici M, Chaker L, Jaddoe VW, de Rijke YB, Steegers EA, Visser TJ, White T, Tiemeier H & Peeters RP. (2016). Association of maternal thyroid function during early pregnancy with offspring IQ and brain morphology in childhood: a population-based prospective cohort study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol , 4, 35-43. PMID: 26497402 DOI.