Template:Yoshinaga1921 Abbreviations table

From Embryology
Legend Letters for all the Figures

A., atrium

Am., amnion I.

Aug., angioblast

Ao., aorta

A.V.C., atrioventricular constriction

A.V.Ca., atrioventricular canal

B., bulbus cordis

B.V.C., bulboventricular constriction

C.M.L., craniomedian limb of the pericardial cavity

Co., coelom

D.M., dorsal mesocardium

D.W.P., dorsal wall of pericardium

Eel., ectoderm

End., endothelium

Ent., entoderm

E.O., endothelial offshoot

E.T., endothelial tube

F.G., foregut

F.G.O., foregut opening

L.P.C., lateral pericardial cavity

M.S., intermesocardial space

M.C., myocardial cavity

Mes., mesoderm

M.G., medullary groove

M.T., myocardial tube

N., notochord

P., pericardium

P.C., pericardial cavity

P.M., pharyngeal membrane

P. P. P., pleuropericardial passage

Som., somatopleure

S.A.C., sino-atrial constriction

Spl., splanchnopleure

S.R., septum ridge

S.V., sinus venosus

T.A., truncus arteriosus

V.W.F., ventral wall of the foregut