Talk:Book - Manual of Experimental Embryology

From Embryology



Lot or iLUTrraATio:^* ^

TnCTBOOU or ExPEkJHEJJTAL Ej£b*wioct ivi


B GuoslumoMEKT* 3


D Disiirs FOR Oferatiovs akd tor Raisiko ot Oterated Axuuls io




A. Lr.T 3 fO llATZIUAt 15

I Amphibom Commonly U«d for ExpcnmentjJ Woii &nd Tbdr Breed IngHibitJ 15

Blblttsnphy 19

a Suge Sena Rita of Devdopmest, and Other Data ao

BlUiognphy 24

5 Culture Media for Operated Embf>TM *5

Bibliogiapby a^

4 Rearittg and Feeding of Larvae 37

Bibltograpbj 3p

B Exrr.tnfryrs 30

1 Some Technical Procedure* 30

a) Eipenmcntal 0 \Til»tlon by H>-pophyta Infection and Artificial In

scminatloa In i^aaro 30

3 ) Expenmcntal CMiIatioa and Artificial Inscmisation m Undtla 35

BibEography (0-6) 37

c) Tbe Remcn.’al of Egg Membrane* 37

BIbbograpby 40

d) Narcorii 40

BibEography 41

t) Standard Equipment for Operations on Amphibian Embryo* 41

f) Some General Rula for Operation* 42

3 Tbe Pro>7wctrtT Significance of Embtj-onic Areas (\ltal Staining) 43

0) A De*criptk>Q of Gastrulatlon In Vrodtia 43

l>) rreparatioa of Dyed Agar



r) Vlul-stamlnx Eipenmects on tbe Early Gutxola of Vndeta (£zperi> mentJ 1,-4) 57

<0 Mtal Staining of Areai of tbe Nnmili of £7rftWa (Eiperimtnti 5-7) jg t) MtalStaimngof Lateral-Line Placodes (Experiments) 60

BibliogTaphy (o-e) 63

3 Some Anal>ilcal Expenmenti in Pregastnilation Stages 63

a) Artificial Partbenogenesis in tbe Frog b> Priding (Eipcranent 9) 63

Blbliograpby 66

b) Alteration of the Clea\*age Plane by Presanre (Experunent 10) 66

BiblK)grapb> 69

c) Tbe Prodacbon of Twin Embryos and of Duplications In Undda by

Constriction (Experiment 1 1) 69

Bibliography 74

d) Scbnltze 1 Experiment Production of Duplications by Inveraion (Ex

penment la) 75

Bibliography 76

e) Ccntrif aging (Experiment 13) 77

Bibbography 78

4 TmnsplantatiOQ Experiments To Demonstrate 'SeU-dificmtiation 79

a) Introductory Remarks Terminology 79

ft) Tramplantation of BalAncen in Uredeia (Experiment 14) Si

Bibliography 86

e) Transplantation of ForeUfflb Pranordla (Expenment 15) 86

d) Limb TnnsplantatiOQs ComUited with Irr- aj a k p of Axes (Eiperi

ment 16) 91

Bibbography (e-rf) 9*

t) Tramplantation of Gm PnmordiB (Experiment 17) 91

Blbbc^phy 94

5 Regulative Properties of Organ Primordla (hlorpbogenetk Fields) W

a) Introductory Remarks Tennlnology 94

b) Extirpation Exp erim ents on the Limb Field (Experiments 18-ai) 95

BibliogiBpby 97

c) Formation of T«o Ifearts (Expenment ss) 97

d) Partial RenKTvaJ of tbe Prospective H«irt Region (Experiment sj) 100

e) RciWTvnI of the Entire Prospective Heart Region (Experiment m)

Bibliography (c-e) lor

f) Extirpatlonof Partsof tbeE>e4onDliighlatenaIiatbeNeurulaStage (Experiments 15-^9)

Bibi»ograpb> loj

g) Partial and Total Extirpation of thcOptic Veslde (Experiments 30-31) 104

Bibbography ro5

6 Embryonic Induction

a) Introductory Remarks Tcrmlooiogy

b) Faflare of Lens Fonnatjoo afterExtlrpatioaof theEyePrimordJiim In

tbe hfeduIUiy Plate (Experiment 31)

c) Failure of Lens Formation after Extirpation of tbe Optic Verido In Early TaQ Bod Stages (Expenment 33)

i) LcnjlDductxinafterRenicr.-iloftheProT>ect[\TLciuEpitbcIIam(Ei

penmcnt 34)

Bltiwgmphj’ (fr-d)

t) The Orguuzer Eipenment TrtnsplinUtion of the Upper Lip of the Blutoport (Erpenmeot 35)

j) ImplinUtwQ of Inducton m tbeBlistococle (Eipenment 36) 114

Bibliocnphj {e-f)

7 pjuabHJsis (E\penment 3 )

Bibbograph\ 1*8

8 External Factor* ifl Development 118

c) Tbe Produakin of C> dopui ijmI Other AbaonnaliUea bj Treatment

nith Lithium Chlonde (Eipcnmcnt 38) 118


h) Eiogastrulatkin and Spina Bifida Produced bj Treatment *nth H>

pertonic Salt SolntwQ (Dvpcnmeiit 30) laa

Bibltogriphy 124

9 The Dc\'eJopfflent of BehiMor Patterns 124

a) The Ongm of Eariy Reflexes (Experiment 40) 124

b) Tbe De\'elopoicnt of Reflex Actlvitj In Najtolixed Einbrjos (Evpen

ment 4x) 127

Dibboffraphj (o-i) 12S

PART ni EXPERlifENTS ON THE CHICK EMBR\0 A. SlATEmt a:<d TcacncAi. Psocedotes 131

I Linn^ hlaterud locubatlon 131

Bibhograpb^ 133

a Limb-Bad Stages X33

Bibbography 133

3 Standard Equipment for Operations 00 Chici. Einbr>xi8 133

4- The LundvaQ Technique of Cartilage Staining i« (erfo 134

B ExpcaniEMB 136

1 The Pn>»pcctrN-e Significance of Embryonic \reas (Xltal ttaming Expen

menu) 136

o) Pro*pectnT Organ-forming Arena and Morphogenetic iloxcmeDls In the Chick ^2$

b) General Procedure of \1tat Staining 140

c) \ltal Slaimng of nen«en • Node (Experiment 4a) 143

d) Vital Staining of Part of the Vntenor Half o( the Primitire SlreaV (Ex

penment 43) 143

<•) V lUl Staining of a Preoodal Area (Fxpenment 44) 14 X

Bibliogtaph> (a-<) 14,

3 Cbono-alUnloic Grafts J4^

0) General Remarii J42

b) Chono allantoic Grafts of I irob Primordia (rxpenmeot 43) 145

f) Qwno-alJintoic Grafts of E\e Prfmordia (Experiment 46) 140

UiWrogTaph) (a-c) ,jo


3 Intn-embryonk TnnspUnUtioas 150

a) Codom GnJu ctf Limb Primordlii (Experiment 47) 150

&) FUnk Grafts of Limb Pninonlli (E x per i m en t 48) 155

c) Flank Grafts of Ej-e Priroonba (Experiment 49) 135

^ Traaipfintation of Isenril Crest from Dart to ^Vhitc Breeds To Dan o&stnte tbe Oricin and 31 ip^tkm of Mclanopbores (Experiment 50) 157

BlWIofiraphy (o-rf) 159


A Ge-vzial Rcmaxks 163

Bibbognpby 164

B RroENzaATicw Dt Plakahia 165

I Living Material Culture Ifetbods 165

7 General Experimental Procedure 165

3 Reseneration after Transveoe, Longitudinal, and ObBqne Cutting (Ex periments 51-54) 167

4. Production of Tvo-headed Planariam (Do|JJdtas Anterior) (Experiment

55 ) 169

5 Production of Two-tafled Planarmna (Doplidtas Posterior) (Experiment

56) 1651

6 Expcrunental ProdacUon of BrpoUr forms (Polar Heteiomorpboses) (Ex

penment 57) 170

7 Production of DnpGdtas Cnoata (Experimat 58) 171

Bibliography (1-7) 171

C REmoatATTON or AuFHtBiAir Laxvae 173

I TaQ RegenereUcm (Elxpenment 59) 173

7 Limb Regeneration (Experiment 60) 174

3 Tbe ^Volffian Lens Regeneration in t/rorfef« (Experiment 61) X75

Bibliography (1-3) 178


B Extehmekts 185

I The SoiceptlbiGty Gradient In Planaria (KCN) (Experiment 6i) 185

a OiidalJon-Redacllon Gradients in the Chkt Embryo (Janus Green) (Ex penment 63) tW

3 Tbe Influence of the Axial Gradient on Head Kegeoeration In Planana

(Experiment 64) i *7

4 DcU>Td Posterior Sections (Experiment 65) 19®

Blbhography (t-4) rpr


Arrvrmx Piam rou a Oxt Sanxm Covtsr *95


iKOEt «7







3 RzMONALor THE Jeu.\ Membraxtj or Ecc

4 Maw ot P»OOTtcrr.*E Areas or TImoox Eiarvos at the BccixxtNO OT Gasteuiattox (atter \ OCT AXD Pacteeis)

5 Mo%TiiEXTa or THE ilESODERii D Urodexe Gastruiatiox (atteji \oct)



1 7 \ rtAi. Staivixo or PRospEcmT IIcaoStrcctures tx Urodeu: NrtRuiAr (ArrxR Carpexter)

iS \ ITAL StAixixo or THE Lateral UxE PiACoDE (atter Stoxe)

19 CoxsTiicnox or a Urooele Ego (s'Cell Stace) wmi a Haei » o Dutuotas Crloata k tue Fioo, Proocctd bt I'ntisioH or the Ecc (A rrrR Sormr)

31 Trasstiantattox or Baiaxcir rmiORDiA 33 Travstiavtatios or FoRrmri pRivoitou

33 Lntm Bvd TRAKtriAXTAnovs SMTH iKVCRRtox or Axes

34 pROorcnox or Heart Dctucations (aeier Cotexiuntr)

35 Exttipatiovs in the Eve FitU) or the Medvuary Fou> Stage

36 ExTTiPAnovB or E\z \ eRIcles in the Tail Bed Stage


aS PAixpions nxrrRiuTNT

29 rNocxsTituTiox (afttr Holtticttr)

30 Stacts or \\ rvo Bcm or Cmcx Eunkxos (aiter IIxuincrR)

31 or rioriTCTUt Oxo»>. roivlvc A«r.« in ini: Oiici; Ijitno (Arrrr I artetls)

33 llrxt>-P*ccT'< Stact Mom uevt* or Materials (aittr I AiTTris)

35 VfTxi-iTAtMNC Lxrriirvi-yTi ix the r»D3TTT\t Streak Sixrt (Arm rrm)

31 Olnato-xLt.x.VTCtC rMETTNC







39 61 ?a








  • 13

»I 7


  • 33


rj 9





35 Limi Btm T*AKsrLA?rtATias IKTUE3 Day Cuicx EitBtvo 153

36 TtAiapLAXtATiaY or Alt Optic \esicix w mz Cmct EuBtvo (Amut

Gate*) 156

37 Heads or Dufcsui (yViUorw) doreiott^ola asd D liimto (atte* Htmak) 165


39 FoiEUlIB Recexeiatiox w Sauuiaxde* Laivae 17s

40 Tirr ^^0LmANLE^*

CRAPirsorDr R G Harrison Rrm Permissok or tiie AumoR Drak 1NCSB\S E. Scirtk etch) joa



BETTAi-wrrY L.N-O'f andWooDCt* J H tgs 3 Modem tbfones of development London Oxford Unrvmity Pmj BttAarrr J 1945 Embrj‘ol')j!ie dumique Pans Masson et Cie

CmiD C. M 1941 Patterns and problems of doTlopmenL ChlciRO Um%-eTnt> of

Cluc»co Prtsi,

DAtxtj A, M 1933 Form aiwi caGsa£t> in faTl> de%dopmtnL Cajnbndge Eng land Cambridge Umi-crsit) Press.

DOirr'f B 193a Eipenracnttl analjiu of dexdopmenL Trans, New \ork \\ W Norton. 4 , Co

HiaLCt J S andncBcti C R 1934 Tbeclcmenuof eapenmental embrjology Cambndge En^nd Cambridge Um\enit> Pmi KoasorcLT E. I9a7-3i Regeneratwn and Transplantation. 3 s'oU, Berbn Bom Iraeger

>Ia>.coU) 0 1928 Das Detcrminatlonspfoblein I Ergtbn d BioL\oL3

19:9 Das DctorrmnatioQ problem II /W \d.5

1931 Das Determiaauoft'problein, in IhJ \ol.j

Moicas T II 1917 EipeninmijU embrjolo© \ew\ori Colombia UnI\Tnil) l‘re<

NfEDiiMi J 1931 Chemlai embf)'oloK> 3 \"ob Cambndge England Cambridge Lnivcrsll> Press.

194J BIr<b«nutf> and morph‘d ne«ts Cambridge England Cambndge

Unl«r«ri> Press

Soiuir \\ 1929 Die Determination der PnmjtiscnlwiciJang. Leiprig Alademi cbe \erUg' Gc«ellschifL

SriwsvN II 193S Erabrsotuc development and Induclioa Nciv Hairn "Vale Uni scr-its Pre^s

WAnnivCTON C H 1936 IIo*v aniouL develop New ^orL M W Norton 4 Co

torn Orginlem arul genes Cambmlge Engiand Cambndge Lnivcr'Itj


Wll s I 1039 Pnnciples of desclopment Nr» \otL llenrj Holt


\r lu AT iqu ^tud o m eipefirecntal ro- logv d ed \nn \rt 3r Micb TA ward Hroi Ire

Jisr 1 r 10)0 Ha cnclb> 1 fo' cipcri’ocnt on erX' r-anne an nal I h la dflpb a Ilbli ! 0

M It P lOJi I ~«nil cmbt7ol>-> fa maojal f and prwelurr') New \ t>»L New \ orL I c crsit) Ho* b t *e



(A—AmpliiUuu Qi— Qtkk Pl^phtaiun* ■•Olaitntcd)

AcrphaSc mnn st m (FI) iS 8 Acttm diktrofann, 40 Actlritjr gr^dTimt, iSj, t&4 Ada mi, A. * 8 , js 185 Addmum, H. lot ttg

Apr II 46

d>ed, prcpandoci of 56 Alenadg ^ 149, 153

AhcntiaD of ckanc^ pUae (A) 66 AmijiUma {Amllysttwta) i^S iofL,58,6> ^7 9 > OJ 05 . 9 ^ m icA, iii 115 1 * 5 . i »6 117 173 174 , 176 173 JtJoTmoMmm 38 83 176 Wtm

fewfmy, rj rtficzes, it4 rtgeoention, 173

mMtdthem (fnci^wm) 15 30.58 40,45 8* 93 97 tot !», 137 176 fti<c aenei (Uirrlsoe) 30 toa ff

■dcr»t(*«Kit,^8i 176 •P*nm 16 38, 57 83 176 177 tnOaUm ttt A MonAi/ui titriaa% 16 tt 58 57 8a lao, 176 Amr^dbitn Rlnjw aolatioci, 36 (A) 75, 74

AaimaJ pole (A) 55 5S AocptthfclmJc mocaten (PI) 18S Anterior dupBatbca (A) 70, 73 (PI) 68, 169

Anon ( g cp tn l) 18, 19, 13 14 Attoi (A) 46 30

Ardwiteroo (A) 43. +4. 49. 31 55. 54 Afcbeateron roof (A) 44, 49 ^rtifidal I ntnnln jtkBi (A) 30, 54, 35, 36 Artifidil portbenoteneia (A) 65, 64. 65 AtIu,iL, 13 Antoda%c, 11

^ micnu, 185, 184, 186, i8g

Ana dettnniiutkn la fortEmb* (A) 80, 90,


Bahacer (M 81

wmaaUon (A) 80. 8j

ana \Ita] Malmo* of (A) 59.

inoipiiatii^ of (A) 81 ff 8j ttiunxli with, 3 7

Bafiaid, W V\ ,, 176 Baltier F,, 75 , 74 BanU, A. M,, 78 Barfarth • role, 169 , 173 Bartli,L.G 50,51 54,55 BatalDoo, £., 64 Baotimartn, H,, 1 1 1 Bcama, H. ,, 78 Bc^ na^nUybc 3

Btuaa j. 10

BclATioTpatlerTis,de\'elopinentof(A) 134 ? Behavior itafts (A) 135 BcDaa^ A. V\ ,» lao BeUy plea (A) “o BiDOcolar dmectnig nuaoactrpe 5 Bohop S C, 15 , 16 17 Bbftema, rejcnentoo- 163 167 173 174 Bh 4 t««le (A) 43 49 . 54 (laplacaatwfi ato 113 ,* 114 , 1 x 5 Bh*toport(A) 45 46 . 49 , 5 * 5 » «»o Blood [alaodi, pr oapectii e (A) 33 Blount, B. T,, 3 $

BoeD, E J 45 Bom, C 61 66, 67 Bnoa, H 86 Breeding plaecs (A) t 6 ff.

Breeding tcasons (A) 16 fl.

Brown, il G at aa 13,43 Bochcr 153 BoUfrog, 19 BomeT micro- 4 . 5 Boma, R. IL, 116 Butler E G 41 >74

Candling (Ch) 13 a 147 Capdlaij fMpettea, 4 , 5 Capfular fluid (A) 36 Carpenter £ 60

Cartihge ftam (Lund -all) 134 149.175 Cutle.U A.,

CatanettaJe 5 , 9

CeOophaae it

Ceotnfagirf (\) 77

Chick embryo eijieninenti, rjo

Child, C if 119.163 j 66 I“o, iSj 191


CUoreteoc, 49

Chorio-anantrAr gnfts (Qi) 143 ff, 144 £>-e (Oi)

usb buds (Ch) 144, 145 Qavip pdaae, akcntloD of (A) 66 Oeaya^t cnder pf osur e (A) 66 Coelom crafts of Emb bods (Qi) 150,131 CogHn, G £., 114,

CoJoboma, 156 ro mm aa oeirt,

CcD O O C tncc, 55, 138 Constrictfoo of egg (A) 69, 7a C on r cfgtn cr hi gutnilatkD (A) 50, 51 53 S4t Sr (Qi) 137 13*1 *39 Cope, E. 13

CopeolaTtr W iL, 40, 97 98, 100

Crauer C 30

CiT^taJEzuig 10

Col tare media (A) 13

Coltore of pjanamm, 163

Cope, LDt ke-crtain, ix

Cjxlopca (A) 101 ti8 119, t» (H) 1&8

Dalcq A^tC

Dek) ed pocterfae ewtlocn (PI) 190 D frnpT ter T, Ji Deaeity naea pimuen ti (A) JtS. DetenriraoU eamarm) 66 67 Detensfoitfoa, 79, So, Si 93, ie6 DetrOer S. IL, *9, 40^ 46 S; 95 ti6 117 De VS ecbcT edBon, 9 IXfco beef extmt, aS

Differestul redorthm of rital d}Ti, 183, >86 thffensUa] yaiccptlblBty (FI) 183. 185 Dkeasea (A) 19 Dobes

CTyitaHlxInf 10 fmref -bowl, le Lil/ IX

for opentfoQS (A) 3, 10 Pe trC 10 •ectUQ, 10 Sjraaiie, 10

DufotegnlloQ gra/Seat (FI) 1S5 DuMctIcg m kj w cop e, 3 Dirtricocr o oTT m cat to g:a»tmlatfoo (A) 33 D omin a nc e, pbjsiological, 184 Dom», Ft 158

Doml hp of tlistopore (A) 4$t49F 5^

III 113, 113

Docagt of Ij popl ijik Io)ectioia (A) 30, 31 Dncomooir U 104 Dnoch, Hr 47 67 69. 79 94 a (J’lsmm*)

d^rttXffkjU, l6j t(/ 1*0, 17* *®5 189. 191

nafklala fnu) 165 I&6 17T 191


anterior (A), 70, 7* (PI) 16S, 169 bjr caitrifagug (A) ?8 m coDStrictloo (A) 1^ 7a ei beart (A) ^ 99 br himrion (A) 73 of Dm he (A). 87 posterior (A) 70 (PI) 169 Ihiplkitu crooeta (A) 73* (PI) 16S, 171 I>nSbioe,0 P^at 113,117

Ear p m pect l r t, vital itafadnt of (A) 39, 60 Eerif reSexes (A) 114,115,116 Ectoderm, m ort mca ti of prtepectire (A) SO. SS

Edema (A) >9


cipsnlei, rrmoral of (A) 37 38 hThif ^ (A). 16 IL, 36 manra of (A), 1 6 IL mcmlnno tn (A) 37 38 Elnnan, C, 98

Eloontko b gastmktloa (A) 50, 51 51,55 (Ch) 137 ijS, 139 Ea cbytj ac (wHte wonns) 18 Ectoderm formatbm (A) 51 33, 34, 53 Epibolx (A) 36

E p ad anus , prospective (A) 36, 79 Ep h nerp b oiii, 163

E q a ff oot for opgatkai (A) 41 (Cb) ijj EMficaerU lee Ptcurfe, DtftsU Exsgastnlatlea (A) 119,111 Eipanitea b ftilniklba (A) 31 53, 3^ 3^ Ezperbicntal ornlatka (A) 30 ff

External faclon b derclopesent (A) liS


tahocer area (A) 83, 84 eye area b me^Dary plate (A) loi 101 103 J07

eye prfmordhiin (d) 149. *5^* gfH priffiordrom (A) 93 heart 6eld (A) 98, 99, 100 knscdlbeham (A) 103 109 Umb^CA) 88, 89,95 Emb prhsordma (O) J47 iS>r *53 optic reiJck (A) 104 105 loS (Ch) 149. 156

oTganiaer (A) 113 Eye

proroectiTe (A), <9. *o* vital italnbt of (A) 39 cLorio^bantolc gnfu *49 cxt^tiooa (A), lor 101 103. 104, loj 107 roS (Q>) i49t *5^ field, exthpalkos (A) 101 roi 103 Hank grafts (Ch) 15J *5* IfUtspkntatioQs (A) loi 101 **® ItJ) 149. *55. *5^


Fiakhitaer 36, 7j 74 FenBm (A) ai fL, a? ff Fldds

n»ipI»jeoetic, ^ 95 104 mujua ttoo, 1^

FUttrpaper ii Floftr-bowl dtthei, 10 Flat moT t m ea ta (A) ai 1J4 ff Fluk fnfta cJey«(Ch).i55, oilimb(Cb) 15a 155 Food (A) a7 aS (Pi) 165 Fofcepi, 5, 8 watdnnaker 5, 8 Fortfimb

axis dctenniztatkjD of 80 90, gi doterndnatiaa of (A) 87 czdipatko of (A) 95 proapectirt area of (A) 86, 88 fU eo ca ticn of (A). 174, 175 truaphotatloa of (A) 86 ^ go Fonoatirt aabataocei, 77 Fro*

koQird, 18 puerei, t8 »ood, tS

Fbdcqi tnfectiosa (A) tg

Gastrtl oriffo of m eaodie f Tn (A) 54

(A) 45!^ 49 (Cb) 156 ff »37

Ga)eT 155 CSJD extirpalkta (A) 95 CtDi, prospective tmiqjkBtatkn of (A) 9a 95 rital atahing of (A) 60

Gtlarwr L 13 CImbridp,, 5 Ghaa laatnsKQta, 3 5 Cbaaneedle,5 6 Glmring (SchoUf) 11 Clm roda alth ban Upa, 5 7 Gbeckaoho-Seboenbeimer S fi, 151 174 CwTtUer 1^,55

Goodale, IL D 46

Goodputnre, t 145

GoTbtnaa, A-, JO


185, 184

““V i8j 184, 186, 189 fnatejTitloo (PI) 185


Watton reduction (Ch) 185 186 JWpObfljtj 183. 185 l«oey i8j ff

CTtactnl (A) 45

Cfifiai.R.B j6

ewrea (A) ai ff EL, t64

Hadorn, E 74 Hairk>cT>, 5 7 Han, T S 118,119, lai

HambuTfer \ ai aa aj 133, 150 151 155,

  • 7*

HapWdemicjoa (A) 73 Hannooious eqnipotentiil tTTteTO, 94 95 96 toi

Hamacn,ILC ao, ai 6a 80, 8 r 81,86,87 9J 95,96 J©7 116 1*7 157 Hatching itagta (A) ai ff Head

dnpCation (PI) x68, 169 frequency (H) 184, 187 190, 191 ininbitian (PI) 187 188, 190 meaodrnn, p io ap e ctiv - e (A) 53 orgumer (A) 1 1 x

itmctniea, rHai atalnlng of (A) 59, 60 Heart

dopBcatkns of (A) 98,99 â– 6eW (A) 97 98

partial ertiipation of (A) 98, 99, 100 proapccthe area of (A) 53 tnnapbnution of (A) 98 Hebut, 35

Henacnaiaode (Cb) ij6, 137 139, 141


Herbst, C., xi8 Hertwig On 67

ErtfTotDOTphoiii, 163 t68 i*e Hetei-oplaatic irajuptanuikn, 93 Hetmiopic tnfLq>iaiiU^OD, 79 93 EoarDey L lao, 145, *49 HoHer wooden, for inatrunwota, 5 8 Hollfreter J a6 1x5, lai ra3 Hohfreter aohitioo (dilate Ringer) a6 Hant, E. A X46, 149 lloXchinaon, C ax 125 117 H>bndiaUon (A) 37 Hyman, L 165 184 H>-poowTe, proapcc t he (A) 51 53 n>-pophyicctomy (A) 3a 33 H7popb>-iu Injectioo (A) 30, 35

Ice-creara copi, U]> xi Identxal twma (A) "o, 73 Implantation into blastocoele (A) 113, 1x4 5

Incubation (Cb) 131 Incnbatora, 131 lod action

mbnoTK (A) 106 ff of kna (A) 15 106 107 ff of mini lube (A) 106. iii 113 ed accoodary embryo (A) iioD^ii3 Inlabtion of head foimatioo (PI) 187 if^


Ixscex xrsargvBal woe (A) 55

  • 09

InjcndiaUon (A) Jo, 34 35 36 loftnnDcnU tlm.3 5 meUl, 5*8 ihtrpmng of 9 stenmtim of 11 134.140 lotestloe protpecti\c (A) 54 iDTEMtloo (A) 45 47 4^ 3* 5* 54 (Ch) 137 *38 139


of axe* of Hffib primorda (A) 90, 91 ofe*n(A) 75'

Iridectomy tdaton, S 9 89 Irt* knife 9

Itohtlon, pfajniokffkal, 184

Jacobson, ^ 139 Jana* sreen, 186 187 Jeaktnton, J W., 77 78 Joy A., 131 Jon, M A 131 Just, E. E 64

Kajlor C T., 36 Kefbel, F., 133 King. R. L., 78 Koapp Irt* needk 3 9 Knife rkoark 5, 9 Knight, F C ti KoUros,; J 81 86 Korscbdt, EL, 163 166

Laiiipi,3 Landaoer W., 131 Late lavaglnalloa (A) 51 54 Latenl-llne primordla, vital italning of 60, 61

Lateral Ep* of bbstopore (A) 45 Lateral mesoderm (Ch) 137 138 Lateral phte, pnwpecthe (A) 48, 50, 51 55, 55

Lateral rt gt o tia Uoo (PI) 168, 169 lateraEty of Hfnhi, determination of (A) 80 90, 9*

Lehmann, r EL, 45 119 Lens ectoderm

extupalloo of (A) 105 109

\ tal ttalnlnff of (A) 59 60 inthictioQ of (A) 13 106 107 ff paper 11

rt g tner a boe of (A) 15 173 ff 177 Leopord frog t8 Lillte F R 133 145 Ltlj- dishes, 1 1



extirpation of (A) 88, 80, 95 piwpectlTt (A) 48, 86 84 axis detenniaaUcn (A) 80, 90, 91 bod

cfaorio-a t h n toi c graft* of (Ch) 144, 143 coelom graft* of^Cb) 130,151 flank graft* of (Ci) 13* 155

  • tagt* of (Cb) 133

tian^knUtloQ* o4 (A) 86 ff^ 88, 90 (Cb) L44, usff^isoff 131, 155 dupEatioas of f A) 87 regtawTitloo of (A) 174,175 lindahl, P 119 lippincott, A., 13X L^J,64

LandTall technique 134, 149, 173

btagrdfjing gkaa, Beebe 3 Marmhot, E., 39, 60, loi btangold, 110

Mangold, 0 86 101 104,107 114,176


ot prospective areaa (A) 47 48 (Ch) 136

  • 57

of prospective bead str j c tor t*, netmtlt (A) 59, 60

hUrhied sabmander 16 Uaiilnal acme (A) 47 48, 5* 55, 54 btattbev*, S. A., 40, I S7 Medolbrym*terbl,prtimctJve(A) 47 48, 49, 50, 55 5« (OO 157 *58 139,

  • 4*

Mebnopbore* (Cb) 137

Membrane*, egg, removal of (A) 37 38

ilercurochrome *9

Merogooy (A) 73


formation of (A) 49, 30, 31 (Cb) 137 15*. *59. *4* *4*

prospectlre (A) 47 48, 49, 50 (Ch)

  • 57 *58

Metal InstruraenU, 5 8 Metaraorpbcsb (A) ai ff., 17 Metapfasy 173 176 Mlcrotauner 4, 5 Mlcrocrpbaly 119,1*0 blkroptpette (Spemann) 456 Mkroacope binocnbr dmecting 3 Mnier F S 170 Molding cby (Permoplast) 10 bfoore C 73

5(ooTe J A sf ss >3 *4, 17 30, 31 34 33 Morgan, T IL, 77 163 166,170 Morphanaib, 163 167 Jlorphogeoetic fleldi, 94 93 104


MoqibofnKtic oMernttilJ (A) 49, 50,

510 (Ch) ij«£L, 137 »J*. *39

MS JJJ 40 Mnmy P D Ft M 9

Nakicmn, 0 47 N4m3Bli (A) 40

Nwcodied cmbrjCFi, rtfler doelopment ifl, 1*7

hual ptacodc, prcwpec U Tt, \h»l rtilflint of 39. 60

MTnic,A 173 Nffdfum, J 43 ifi4 Ncfdle, gbuB, j, 6

for chKlrn <if*, 134

Nranl crat, tnioplanutlon of (Ch) is7 hnuiltobe, bdoctioc ol (A) 106 111 1*3 Ncumli (A) 46 Ncutrtl red, 46 56 Ntwman, H. IL, 7i

commo^ 17 Pacific Coait, *7 Skbo^ J S S» 145 VQe bbx mlplate, 46 56, U tu Noble, G K_i 15 Notochord

as ertaalttr (A) tioff pr(8p<fcil\ e (A) 44. 47 4S, 40. r*. S«  5* 53 34. S« sr (Ch) 136 «37 >35.

130, 141 141 143

ObDqoc surfaces, rejeoenUcrn from (A) 173.

174 (P!) ifiS, ifio Opera lioo dfthet, 5 10

instruments, 3 0 5 medium (A) t6 Opera tkra

on ampHbtans, 14 0 173 0 00 etobi^ os, 130 0 1S6 0 on ptinanaos, 165 0 185 0 Opt*: eskk

eitlrpalion of (A) 104,105 loS Oank grafu of (Ch) 155 156 Optical outfit, 3 O pnlMT (A) “0,110 0 113 0%Tibtlon, erperiinenUl (A) 30 0

Oxidation reduction ipadients 183 iB6

Ojama as

Paafc Coait neat, 17

ParaUcms, 116 117

Parker C H 184

ParrientCT C 6j <4

Partheroreocs- artifcul (\) 6 j 64,^3

PaUeeb,; 47 4N 5* 53 73* >3^ ><3

romcn. At 7S 7®

Periftotnial on^ of mesoderm (A) 34 penDopIast, ro petoseo. Hr >04 Petri (fishes, 10

Phsiyni, proiiKcth-e 51 53, 55 phyooe,3S Pbviiofoclcal dominance, 1S4 bolatioQ, 1S4 polyspermy (A) 73 psckertl frog, 18 Ptersol, ^ H 38 Rpettc, mkio- 4, 5 6

ftpcttcs, capahry 4, 5 PitxdUiy Injection (A) 3s 33 B PtsnarU coltore, 165

(fisintt^bon gradioit of, 185 darv<«rr/<ks{a, 165, 166,170 171 185,189,

dntSldtai crmi ata, t6S 171 he^ dopEcabon of, 168. 169 htrraJ rrgeoeratkjn of j6S 169 Mcmiufa ((ifniw) 165, 166 >71 i9t oUkque cut} of ibS 169 polar beterotncT p bosfa of. 16S, 170 tan dapUcaiioes of; 16S 169 lifnM see Pfajuna aurafotJ tranfNTTse cuts of 167 >68 187 190 Ptsnaria kaiff 5, q P obr beterutoorphosa (PI) i&S, 170 PoUbter A. U t »3 Polj-spermy (A) 73 Poose, K-, 164

Peaterfor dnpCcallota (A) “o (PI) 169 PrechcedaJ phte (A) 44, 51 Preformlitic theorj 67 PnmlUre sUrah (Ch) 136, 137 13S 139,


pTOspecti>e eetoderra (A) 50. js cyearta MUlstainlngcf (A) 39 60 (Ch)

>4* >4*

bead structures, rital stafaung of (A) 59.


latml One oepu, vIialstafnlDgof (A) 60

61 6a

m esoderm, rial stafnltm of (A) 50, 57 5' (Ch) 137 141 14a 145

reural tnl'e muI stainlnx of (A) 39, 58 (Ch) 141 I4> 143

rotocbord, vial sulmr j of ( V) 50, 5 3^ (Ch) 141 14a

onran forr-I c areas ( ^) 47 0 48 (Ch) >3^ >37 138. > 30 . >4®. >41

fonutri. uJ laiDing of {\) 5a, 58

(Ch) I4> 143

Ooahuu T rutJear dj n <n, 66



caitjMoMa 107 loS, ito

daMll 4 V 31 110 erftiUniaj 107

^usirii iS,i4,3i 6a 104,107 108 fl^au rS, ts so, 31 jj, 36 65 68, 76, 78, 104, loS, tto ftajre Krkf (Sboimr*)) 196 ff sykalua 18 13 6a, 104 to? toS, iw ft»*t terk* (PoDIiler Moore), 199 B Umptraria (/ktc#) 107 lUodaime (uoLrElnal rone) (A) 47 48 RufeoftHitribotloQ (A) 16 ff.

Rates of derelopinect (A) soff,

Rawks, 11 ., 151 157 158 Rearing of ajaphJbits tame, s; ff Rearing of ptanarfiTf^ igj ReconstlUitioci, 163

Redxicttoo,dlffcrentht, of vital dyes, 183, 1B6 Reflexes, ori^ of (A) i>4ff Reyeneiatloo (A) 104, 173 ff., 175 {H) 165 ff., 168 187 ff

ifr 7 * 7 J 174

(aI II : 7Sff->*77 RetnhtloQ la zoorplioceiietk flelds (A) 95 S. RetDonl of exx Ctpsnles (A) 37 38 ReofpmlsUoa, 163 ReremJ

of axes lo foreffmb prfmonOt (A) So, 90, 91 ff.

of pokiity (FI) 16S, 170 Rkbards ,0 ^.,t6 Rtafcr sohnloa (A) r6 Rfsley P \V, 7 *

RotlCa, E., 40 Rottnapn, R, 93 Roui, W., 67 79 Rodokl:, D., 145 Rngli, R., 30. Jt 35

Roles for operaffoos on anipluliio embr? os, 4»

Koloo, 0 169, j 86, 187 Rostla C. P., 170

Sabraander marbled, 16

SafnUtni* 19 Sato T., 9J 176 Scalpels, 8

Sdi^tmaa, A. M., 51 SchJrip ^ 75»

Schmitt, F 0., fi SI, sj StboUi, 0, 11 4» 173

Sehclue O., 75 Scbaiod, J Lh >*

ScisHn,8 Irfdectoray 5 9 89 Section dhl^ 10

Sdf-dlflereBtlatloc, 79, 80, Bi 8a 94, 95 98, 143 149, *5* *55 Seitriochaos, A., 93 Slsupenlnx of InstnuDests, 9 Sbomway 93 Snber rI, 9, 171 StBstovtfSQS, 71 73 87 98 Somiles, prospective (A) 47 48, 50 31 59 33,S4t58 (Oj) 137 138,139.14* 143 6p«k,J.,64

Spemaoa, H., 3. 4» *7 ^9. 7®. 73. 79, 95 *<>7 110,1X1 119 114.179,184 Sperm fUspcmkB (A) 34 Spermatopbore (A) 35 Spennothtca (A) 33 ^doa bffida (A) 193 Spotted nlinffpdcr 15 SfNatt,K 143 Stafe serka

Att^Tsiem* arocWafm {fmiOatim) to, 901 ff

Rt»s flfitns 93,19611 Rasa tyrai!c 4 93 <99 ff.

Trilma 99

Standard eouipeieat for operatiom on ampUnans, 41 on chkb cmbr} os, 133 StedIbatioBof InstrioniesU, It 134. *40 Stey ntitr L 13 Stockard, C. R., 119 Stoebr P., 98 Stone L.S.,91 60 69 176 Storan of chicken C0S, 131 Stem T I IS Streett, J C. 71 74 StjipplJif of e*gs (A) 34, 35 Stnlta, A., to, ti

SuscrptJhiUty differential, 183 183

Snett, r n. 86 9t 97

SwfmmiBj reflexes, dcvekpajenl of (A) J 94

S yr ac os e watch (tasscs, to

•ml] iTfeoeiatfoii (A) 17J (Tl) 168, 169 'IVlobfosU (A) ij6 Temperature lokraoct (A) 9i ff Teratcanorpfak (IT) 18S Tcratopblhalmk (TO 187 iBS Tbonitoo, C S 174

TiieT tab ma Oder 16 Traaspbntatioo

labocer (A) 81 8j ,

Oe(A> loi tot no (Ch) i49, *55 *5® forelunb (A1 86 88 90

pQs (A) 91 93 G^(A) 9S

bctartiphstic, 03 betcnAopic, m, 93

IttwH praoDTOOm (M 86, 8S, 90 (Cb) 144. ujff- I5ofl-r *S*» 15s nconl crot (Ch) 157 OTfuIzCT (A) III 113 Tm avci te coU, tail lecuitr atim after (A) 173 (PI) 167 16S,* 187 190 Tritm 40»47 81,87 *78. *74 cJjNllru 9 } cnstJtms II brrac, fettGng of 97

PjTTiopaUr 33 36 47 57 7* 74. *7^ * 7 mvliiru 18 xinlav 18

i*nm 17 35 55.57 *7«  liniaunt 17 33.36,71 74 (liuafatu) 39 Trunk organizer (A) itt TVe ez er i , 3 8 Twtnninx

by centrifttiJat (A) 78 antrlcdon (A) ^73 by lovmiofi (A) 75 Twitty 15, 18, 9t 91 TjW ^64

Upper Gp of bbctopore (A) 4S *S. «.* S\ (erpBixer) trtn^iiantaUaB

    • 3 **S

Yhal ftab^ of, 39 57



Urodeh (fcaenl) 13 16 17 16, «o, 9 i 99


ofefp(A). 33 (d) I 3 ‘ * 3 * of tpenn (A) 33

Vital dyea, 36 y ifal ftaiolnj

f.tpnimfT i t a (A) 30, 57®^ (Q») *4®, 141 14J *43 Im toio (A), 8:^ iii tactbods of, 46 47

\oct,\^.,43 44.46,47 48,5* S*,53.54.55

Wacba, H., 173 176 Waddb^toe, C. 1^ 143 Wataaabe,^., 187 190,191 Wa^ IllaaMa, Synmoe, xo W’ltclnmker foretpi, 3 8 R ""I* JL, 13T Weiinium, A., 66 67 W«i9*,P, 67 95.107 *64.174 Wetztl, 1L, 13S, 140 Rldte wonia (eadijtrae) iS Wmier B H., *45 *57 *5*

RUsoq, E. B 64 WltacU, £^116, ti8 WoU,0 M.,30

Rol^ G- 175

Woffiao ioa ntewation (A) 173,177 Wood frog. *8

Wooden bofder for InartriaDesta, 3, S Wri*il,A.H 15,93 »4.jS

b^oopiiftk traa^hata&op, 93

Vassuia, T., 19

Tott plot. 43. 46 49, 3> 34, tit, t »3 Zimaeranzt, L., 35