Talk:Book - Handbook of Pathological Anatomy 2

From Embryology

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Index to VOLUME II

BOOK II. Syndesmology,

Section II. Ligaments of the trunk,

Chap. I. Ligaments of the vertebral column,

I. Fibrous and fibro-cartilaginous ligaments,

i. Between the bodies of the vertebræ,

A. Anterior vertebral ligament,

B. Posterior vertebral ligament,

C. Intervertebral ligaments,

II. Of the fibrous and tibro-cartilaginous ligaments between the arches and

the processes, ....

A. Yellow ligaments, ....

B. Interspinal membranes and superspinal ligaments,

a. Interspinal membranes, .

b. Superspinal ligaments,

c. Intertransverse ligaments,

ii. Capsular ligaments,

Chap. II. Of the ligaments of the ribs,

I. Ligaments between the ribs and the vertebræ,

A. Ligaments of the heads of the ribs,

B. Ligaments of the tubercle and the external transverse ligaments of

the ribs, ....

C. Internal ligaments of the necks of the ribs,

E. Accessory ligaments of the ribs,

II. Coslo-sternal ligaments,

III. Intercostal ligaments,

A. Articular ligaments of the costal cartilages,

B. Fibrous ligaments of the costal cartilages,

Chap. III. Of the ligaments of the sternum,

Sect. II. Of the ligaments of the head,

Chap. I. Of the ligaments between the head and the vertebral colun

I. Ligaments between the occipital bone and the atlas,

i. Anterior occipito-atloidal membrane,

ii. Posterior occipito-atloidal membrane,

in. Articular ligaments, . . . .

iv. Accessory ligaments,

II. Ligaments between the basilar bone and the axis, i. Suspensory ligaments of the second cervical vertebra, ir. Lateral ligaments of the second cervical vertebra, hi. Common ligament between the basilar bone and the cervical ver

tebræ, ......

I. Common internal ligaments, ....

A. Crucial ligament, . . .

B. Ligamentous envelop of the head and cervical vertebræ,

II. Common external ligaments, ....

iv. Ligament between the first and second cervical vertebræ,

Chap. II. Ligaments of the lower maxillary bone,

I. Ligaments of the temporo-maxillary articulation, i. lnterarticular cartilage and synovial capsules,

A. lnterarticular cartilage,

B. Synovial capsules,

II. Fibrous Ligaments,

A. External fibrous ligament,





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B- Internal lateral ligament, .... .23

ii. Ligament between the skull, the lower maxillary, and the hyoid hones, 24 Chap. III. Ligament of the hyoid hones, ..... 24

Sect. III. Ligaments of the extremities, . . . . . 25

Chap. I. Ligaments of the upper extremities, .... 25

Abt. i. Ligaments between the trunk and the upper extremities, . 25

I. Interclavicular ligament, ...... 25

II. Sterno-clavicular articulation, ..... 25

A. Into particular cartilage, ...... 26

B. Synovial capsules, . . . . - /. . . 26

C. Fibrous ligament, . . . . . . .26

III. Costo-clavicular ligament, ...... 26

Aet. iii. Ligaments of the scapula, . .27

I. Ligaments between the scapula and clavicle, ... 27

A. Acromio-clavicular ligament, .... 27

B. Coraco-clavicular ligament, . . . . .27

II. Proper ligaments of the scapula, ..... 28

A. Acromio-coracoid ligament, ..... 28

B. Costo-coracoid ligament, ...... 28

III. Humero-scapular articulation, . . . .29

A. Synovial capsules, . . . . . . .29

B. Fibrous capsule, ....... 29

Art. in. Ligaments of the elbow-joint, .... 30

I. Synovial capsule, ....... 30

II. Fibrous ligament, ....... 30

i. Internal lateral ligament, ...... 31

ii. External lateral ligament, . . . .31

iii. Anterior and posterior ligament, ..... 31

Art. iv. Ligaments of the bones of the fore-arm, . . 31

I. Superior region, ....... 31

i. Annular ligament, ....... 31

ix. Round ligament, ....... 32

II. Middle region, . . . ... 32

hi. Interosseous ligament, ...... 32

III. Inferior region, ....... 32

IV. Synovial capsule, ....... 32

Art. v. Ligaments between the fore-arm and wrist, ... 33

I. Synovial capsule, ....... 33

II. lnterarticular cartilage, ...... 33

III. ^Fibrous ligaments, ....... 34

i. Palmar fibrous ligament, ...... 34

ii. Dorsal fibrous ligament, ...... 34

in. Anterior fibrous or radial ligament, .... 34

iv. Posterior fibrous or ulnar ligament, .... 34

Art. vi. Ligaments of the carpal bones, . . . . .35

I. Between the two ranges, ...... 35

i. Synovial capsule, . - . . . .35

ii. Fibrous ligaments, . . . . . .35

in. Ligaments between the pisiform bone and the anterior range, 36

II. Articulation of the carpal bones, ..... 36

i. Superior or antibrachial range, ..... 36

A. Articulation of the corresponding faces, ... 36

B. Accessory ligaments, ...... 36

n. Inferior range, ....... 36

Art. vii. Ligaments cf the carpo-metacarpal articulation, . . 37

I. Synovial capsule, ...... .37

II. Fibrous ligaments, ....... 37

Art. viii. Articulation of the metacarpal bones with each other, . 38

I. Synovial capsule, ........ 38

II. Fibrous ligaments, ....... 38

i. Posterior fibrous ligaments, . ... 38

ii. Anterior fibrous ligaments, ... .39

Art, ix. Metacarpo-phalangean and phulangcan ligaments, . 39




Î. Synovial capsules, . . . 39

II. Fibrous ligaments, . . .... 39

i. Lateral ligaments, ....... 39

ii. Inferior ligament, ..... . . 39

hi. Ungual ligament, ........ 40

Chap. II. Ligaments of the inferior extremities, .... 40

Akt. I. Ligaments of the pelvis, ..... 40

I. Fibro-cartilaginous ligaments, ..... 41

i. Sacro-iliac symphysis, . . . . . .41

ii. Symphysis pubis, . . . . . . .41

II. Fibrous ligaments, ....... 4.2

i. Supplementary fibrous ligaments, ..... 42

A. Long posterior pelvic ligament, . .... 42

B. Short posterior pelvic ligament,. ..... 43

C. Upper anterior pelvic ligament, ..... 43

D. Lower anterior pelvic ligament, ..... 43

ii. Proper fibrous ligaments, . . . ... .43

A. Sacro-sciatic ligament, ...... 44

B. Small sacro-sciatic ligament, . . . ... 44

C. Obturator membrane, . • . . 44

III. Changes of the pelvic ligaments during pregnancy, . . 45

Art. ii. Ilio-femoral articulation, ...... 46

I. Fibro-cartilaginous ligament, . . . . • . 46

II. Synovial capsule, ....... 46

III. Round ligament, ....... 47

IV. Fibrous capsule, ....... 47

Art. hi. Articulation of the knee, ..... 4S

I. Synovial membrane, ....... 48

II. External fibrous ligaments, ...... 49

i. Internal lateral ligament, ...... 49

ii. Long external lateral ligament, ..... 49

hi. Short external lateral ligament, . . . . .. 49

III. Internal fibrous or crucial ligament, .... 49

IV. Semilunar cartilages, . . ■ ... 50

Art. iv. Articulations of the bones of the leg, .... 51

I. Upper articulation, ....... 51

II. Middle articulation, ....... 51

III. Inferior articulation, ...... 52

i. Anterior tibio-peroneal ligament, . . . . - . 52

ii. Posterior tibio-peroneal ligament, .... 52

hi. Superior tibio-peroneal ligament, . . . .52

Art. v. Articulation of the foot, . . . 52

I. Synovial capsule, ...... î 52

II. Fibrous ligaments, ....... 53

i. Anterior ligaments, . . . . . .53

ii. Posterior ligaments, ...... 53

hi. Lateral ligaments, ...... 64

A. External lateral ligament, . ... 64

B. Internal lateral ligament, . . . . .54

A rt. vi. Ligaments of the tarsus, .... 64

I. Ligaments of the posterior range, . . . . .54

i. Synovial capsule, . . . . . ■ . .54

ii. Fibrous ligaments, ...... 55

hi. Ligaments between the anterior and posterior ranges, . . 55

I. Synovial capsules, ..... .55

II. Fibrous ligaments, . . ... ,66

A. Calcaneo-scaphoid ligaments, ..... 56

B. Astragalo-scaphoid ligaments, .... .56

C. Calcaneo-cuboid ligaments, ..... 55

III. Ligaments between the bones of the anterior range, . . 56

i. Scaphoido-cuboid ligaments, ... 56

ii. Ligaments between the scaphoid and cuneiform bones, . . 56

A. Synovial capsule, . . . 56




B. Fibrous ligament, ...... 58

in. Ligaments between the cuboid and cuneiform bones, . . 58

iv. Ligaments of the cuneiform bones, .... 59

Akt. vir. Ligaments between the tarsus and metatarsus, . . 59

I. Synovial capsule, ....... 59

II. Fibrous ligaments, ........ 60

Akt. viii. Ligament of the metatarsal bones and phalanges, . . 60

I. Metatarsal ligaments, ....... 60

i. Posterior ligaments, ...... 60

ii. Anterior ligaments, ...... 61

II. Ligaments of the toes, ...... 61

BOOK III. Myology, 62

Sect. I. Muscles of the trunk, ...... 63

Chap. I. Muscles of the back, ...... 64

Art. i. Muscles of the first superficicial or external layer, . . 65

I. Trapezius, ........ 65

II. Latissimus dorsi, ....... 66

Art. ii. Muscles of the second layer, . • . . . 67

I. Rhomboidei muscles, ....... 67

A. Rhomboideus major, . . . . . .67

B. Rhomboideus minor, ;..... 67

II. Levator anguli scapulæ, ...... 68

III. Serrati muscles, ....... 68

A. Serratus posticus superior, ..... 69

i. Serratus posticus inferior, • . . . .66

ii. Splenii muscles, . . . . . .70

A. Splenius colli, . ... . . . 70

B. Splenius capitis, ....... 70

Art. hi. Muscles of the third layer, ..... 71

I. Sacro-spinalis, ........ 71

II. Cervicalis descendens, ...... 72

III. Biventer cervicis, ....... 72

IV. Complexus, ........ 73

V. Trachelo-mastoideus, ....... 74

VI. Transversalis colli, ....... 74

Art. iv. Muscles of the fourth layer, ..... 75

I. Dorsal muscles, ....... 75

A. Semispinalis colli, ....... 75

B. Semispinalis dorsi, ....... 75

C. Spinalis dorsi, ....... 76

D. Multifidus spinæ, ....... 76

E. Interspinales, ....... 76

F. Intertransversarii, . . . . . .77

II. Muscles of the fourth layer belonging to the head, . . 77

A. Posterior recti muscles, ...... 78

а. Rectus, capitis posticus major, • .... 78

б. Rectus capitis posticus minor, . . ... 78

B. Oblique muscles of the head, ..... 78

a. Obliquus capitis inferior, ...... 78

b. Obliquus capitis superior, . . . . . . 79

C. Rectus capitis lateralis, . . . . .79

Art. v. Accessory muscles of the fourth layer, . . . . 80

I. Levatores costarum, ....... 80

A. Levatores costarum breves, ..... 80

B. Levatores costarum longi, ..... 80

II. Scaleni, ......... 80

A. Scalenus anticus, ....... 81

B. Scalenus médius, ....... 81

C. Scalenus posticus, ....... 81

D. Supernumerary scaleni, ...... 81

III. Q.uadratus lumborum, ...... 82

IV. Intercostales, ........ 83

i. Proper intercostales, ...... 83




a. intercostales externi, 83

b. Intercostales interni, . . . .83

il. Subclavius, ........ 84

Chap. II. Anterior muscles of the trunk, ..... 84

Abt. i. Abdominal muscles, ...... 85

I. Obliquus externus abdominis, ...... 85

II. Obliquus internus abdominis, ..... 89

III. Transversalis, . . ... . . 91

IV. Linea alba, ........ 92

V. Rectus abdominis, ....... 93

VI. Pyramidalis, ........ 95

VII. Diaphragm, ........ 95

Aet. ii. Museles of the chest, ...... 99

I. Pectoralis major, ....... 99

II. Pectoralis minor, ....... 101

III. Serratus major anticus, . . . . . .101

IV. Triangularis sterni, ....... 102

Art. hi. Anterior muscles of the neck, ..... 102

I. Superficial layer, ....... 103

i. Platysma myoides, ....... 103

ii. Sterno-cleido-mastoideus, ...... 104

II. Deep layer, ........ 105

1 . Rectus capitis anticus major, ..... 106

ii. Rectus capitis anticus minor, ..... 106

III. Longus colli, ........ 106

Art. iv. Sacro-coccygceal muscles, ..... 107

Sect. II. Muscles of the head, 107

I. Occipito-frontalis, ......" 108

II. Muscles of the lower maxillary bone, ..... 108

i. Levators of the lower jaw, ...... 109

A. Temporalis, ........ 109

B. Masseter, . . . . . . . . 109

C. Pterygoideus internus, . . . . . .110

n. Pterygoideus externus, . . . . . .110

in. Digastricus, . . . . . . . .111

Sect. III. Muscles of the extremities, . . . . .112

Chap. I. Muscles of the upper extremities, . . . . .112

Art. i. Aponeurotic sheath, . . . . . 112

Art. ii. Muscles of the shoulder, ...... 114

I. Deltoides, . . . . . . . .114

II. Rotators outward, . . . . . . .116

I. Supra-spinatus, ....... ]qg

II . Infra-spinatus, . . . . . . .116

hi. Teres minor, . . . . . . .116

III. Rotators inward, ....... 117

i. Subscapularis, . . . . . . .117

11 . Teres major, ....... 117

hi. Coraco-brachialis, •••-.. 118

Art. hi. Muscles of the arm, . . . . . .119

I. Triceps extensor, . . . . . . .119

II. Biceps flexor, . . . . . . . .120

III. Brachialis internus, ....... 121

Art. iv. Muscles of the fore-arm, ...... 122

I. Muscles of the internal face, . . . . . .123

i. Supinator longus, ....... 123

ii. Extensor carpi radialis longus, ..... 123

hi. Extensor carpi radialis brevis, ..... 124

iv. Extensor digitorum communis, ..... 124

v. Extensor minimi digiti proprius, . . . . .126

vi. Extensor carpi ulnaris, ...... 126

vu. Anconeus, ...... 127

vin. Supinator brevis, ....... 127

ix. Abductor pollicis longus, ...... 127



x. Extensor pollicis brevis,

xi. Extensor pollicis longus,

xii. Extensor indicis proprius,

II. Muscles of the internal face,

i. Palmaris longus and brevis and palmar apon

ii. Radialis internus, hi. Pronator teres,

iv. Flexor ulnaris,

v. Flexor digitorum communis sublimis Vi. Flexor digitorum profundus, vu. Ligament of the flexors of the finger vin. Flexor pollicis longus, ix. Pronator quadratus,

Art. v. Muscles of the hand,

I. Lumbricales,

II. Interossei,

i. Interossei externi,

ii. Interossei interni,

HI. Muscles of the thumb,

i. Abductor pollicis brevis,

ii. Opponens pollicis, hi. Flexor pollicis brevis, iv. Abductor pollicis,

IV. Muscles of the little finger,

i. Abductor minimi digiti,

ii. Flexor minimi digiti, hi. Adductor minimi digiti,

Chap. II. Muscles of the lower extremities,

Art. i. Aponeurotic sheath,

I. Tensor vaginæ femoris,

Art. ii. Muscles of the pelvis,

I. Extensors of the thigh,

i. Glutœus maximus,

ii. Glutœus médius, in. Glutœus minimus,

II. Rotators outward,

i. Pyriformis,

ii. Obturator internus, in. Gemelli,

iv. Quadratus femoris,

v. Obturator externus,

III. Flexors of the thigh,

i. Psoas magnus,

ii. Psoas parvus, in. Uiacus internus,

Art. hi. Muscles of the thigh,

I. Adductors,

i. Pectinceus,

ii. Adductor longus, in. Adductor brevis, iv. Adductor magnus,

II. Muscles of the thigh which move the leg,

i. Adductors,

A. Sartoriu3,

B. Gracilis,

ii. Extensors,

A. Rectus femoris,

B. Vastus externus,

C. Vastus internus,

D. Crurceus,

E. Subcruralis,

III. Flexors of the leg, i. Internal flexors,











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A. Semitendinosus,

B. Semimembranosus, li. Biceps femoris,

Art. iv. Muscles of the leg,

L Posterior muscles,

i. Superficial layer, . . . (

A. Triceps cruris,

B. Plantaris, ....

ii. Deep layer, ....

A. Poplitceus, ....

B. Tibialis posticus,

C. Flexor longus digitorum communis,

D. Flexor longus pollicis proprius,

II. External muscles,

i. Peroneus longus,

ii. Peroneus brevis,

III. Anterior muscle,

i. Extensor longus digitorum commuuis,

ii. Extensor longus hallucis proprius, hi. Tibialis anticus,

Art. v. Muscles of the foot,

I. Muscles of the back of the foot,

i. Extensor communis digitorum brevis,

II. Muscles of the sole of the foot,

i. Plantar aponeurosis,

ii. Common muscle of the sole of the foot,

a. Flexor digitorum pedis communis brevis,

b. Luinbricales,

c. Interossei, ....

a. External interrossei,

b. Internal interossei,

in. Proper muscles of the toes,

a. Muscles of the great toe,

a. Abductor hallucis,

b. Flexor brevis pollicis pedis,

c. Adductor pollicis pedis,

b. Muscles of the little toe,

a. Abductor minimi digiti,

b. Flexor minimi digiti brevis,

Comparison of the muscles,

General remarks on the motions of the body,

A. Erect posture,

I. Osseus system,

i. In the lower extremities,

ii. In the trunk, hi. In the head,

iv. In the upper limbs,

II. Ligamentous system,

III. Muscular system,

B. Of standing,

C. Of walking,

BOOK IV. Angeiology,

Sect. I. Of the heart,

Chap. I. General remarks,

I. Form, . . ...

II. Weight and size,

III. Situation, ....

IV. Texture, .....

V. Vessels, .....

VI. Nerves, .....

VII. Venous portion,

VIII. Arterial portion,





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IX. Right and left portions, ....

Chap. II. Special remarks on the heart,

I. Right auricle, ......

II. Right ventricle, ......

III. Left auricle, ......

IV. Left ventricle, ......

V. Septum. .......

Chap. III. Pericardium, .....

Chap. IV. Differences in the heart from development and sex,

A. Outer circumference, .....

B. Internal arrangement, .....

C. Sexual differences, .....

Chap. V. Motions of the heart, ....

Chap. VI. Abnormal state of the heart,

Sect. II. Arteries of the body, ....

Chap. I. General explanation of the situation of the trunk,

Chap. II. Arch of the aorta, .....

Art. i. Coronary arteries of the heart,

Art. h. Large trunks from the upper part of the arch of the aorta Art. hi. Primitive carotid artery,

I. External carotid artery, . . .

A. Anterior branches, .....

i. Superior thyroid artery, ....

ii. Lingual artery, .....

hi. Facial artery, .....

B. Inner branch, .

i. Ascending or inferior pharyngœal artery,

C. Posterior branches, .....

i. Occipital artery, .....

ii. Posterior auricular artery,

D. Termination of the external carotid artery,

i. Temporal artery, .....

ii. Internal maxillary artery,

II. Internal carotid artery, ....

i. Ophthalmic artery, . . . .

ii. Cerebral arteries, ....

Art. iv. Arteries of the upper extremities,

I. Subclavian artery, .....

A. Upper posterior branches, ....

i. Vertebral artery, .....

Basilar artery, .....

ii. Inferior thyroid artery, .... hi. Superior scapular artery,

iv. Transverse cervical artery,

v. Ascending cervical artery,

vi. Lowest tnyroid artery, ....

vu. Deep cervical artery, ....

B. Inferior branches, .....

i. Internal mammary artery,

ii. Superior intercostal artery,

II. Axillary artery, .....

i. External thoracic arteries,

ii. Subscapular artery, ....

hi. Circumflex arteries of the arm,

а. Anterior circumflex arteries,

б. Posterior circumflex arteries,

III. Brachial artery, .....

IV. Arteries of the fore-arm, ....

i. Anomalies in their origin,

ii. Radial artery, .....

hi. Ulnar artery, .....

iv. Palmar arches, .....

v. Digital arteries, .....











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Chap. III. Thoracic aorta, .... . . 287

A. Anterior branches, ....... 287

B. Lateral and posterior branches, intercostal artery, . . . 288

Chap. IV. Abdominal aorta, ....... 291

I. Anterior branches, . . . . . . .291

i. Cceliac artery, ........ 292

ii. Superior mesenteric artery, ...... 296

hi. Inferior mesenteric artery, ...... 299

II. Lateral branches, ....... 301

i. Middle capsular arteries, ...... 301

ii. Renal arteries, ....... 301

hi. Spermatic arteries, ....... 304

III. Posterior branches, lumbar arteries, ..... 305

Chap. V. Arteries of the pelvis and lower extremities, . . . 307

I. Middle sacral artery, ....... 307

II. Primitive iliac arteries, ...... 308

Art. l. Hypogastric artery, ...... 309

I. Ilio-lumbar artery, . . . . . . .310

II. Lateral 6acral artery, ...... 311

III. Obturater artery, . . , . . . .311

IV. Gluteal artery, ....... 315

V. Ischiatic artery, ....... 315

VI. Internal pudic artery, ...... 316

VII. Umbilical artery, ....... 318

VIII. Vesical arteries, ....... 319

IX. Middle hemorrhoidal artery, ..... 319

X. Vaginal arteries, ....... 320

XI. Uterine arteries, ....... 320

Art. ii. External iliac artery, ...... 320

I. Epigastric artery, ....... 321

II. Circumflex iliac artery, . . . . . 323

Art. hi. Crural artery, ....... 324

I. Deep crural artery, ....... 325

i. Circumflex arteries, ....... 325

ii. Perforating arteries, ...... 326

II. Superficial femoral artery, ..... 328

III. Popliteal artery, ....... 329

Art. iv. Arteries of the leg, ..... 332

I. Anterior tibial artery, . . . . . 333

H. Posterior tibial and peroneal artery, .... 337

i. Peroneal artery, ....... 338

ii. Posterior tibial artery, ...... 339

III. Plantar arteries, ....... 340

i. Internal plantar artery, ...... 340

ii. External plantar artery, . . .... 340

in. Plantar arch, ....... 341

a. Digital arteries, ...... 341

b. Anterior perforating arteries, ..... 343

c. Posterior perforating arteries, ..... 343

Sect. III. Veins of the body, . ..... 344

Chap. I. Veins of the heart, ....... 344

I. Large coronary vein, ....... 344

II. Small coronary vein, ....... 345

III. Small anterior veins, ....... 345

IV. Smallest veins, ........ 345

Chap. II. Veins of the head and upper extremities, . . . 346

Art. i. Veins of the head, ....... 346

I. Superficial veins of the head, ...... 346

A. Facial vein, ........ 346

I. Supraorbitar vein, ....... 347

II. Frontal vein, . . . . . . . 347

III. Inferior nasal veins, ...... 347

IV. Coronary vein of the upper lip, ..... 347

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V. Internal inferior palpebral vein, . ... . . 348

VI. External inferior palpebral vein, ..... 348

VII. Upper anterior maxillary vein, ..... 348

B. Common temporal vein, ...... 349

I. External upper palpebral vein, ..... 349

II. External supraorbital vein, ...... 349

III. External frontal vein, ...... 349

IV. Deep temporal veins, ...... 349

V. Superficial temporal vein, ...... 350

VI. Trunk of the temporal vein, ..... 350

VII. Anterior branches, ....... 350

a. Anterior auricular vein, ... ... 350

b. Transverse facial vein, ...... 350

c. Parotid veins, . . . . . . .351

VIII. Posterior ^branches, . . . . . .351

a. Anterior articular veins, ...... 351

b. Internal and posterior maxillary vein, .... 351

IX. Laryngeal vein, .... ... 351

II. Posterior cephalic vein, ...... 351

i. Veins of the brain, ....... 351

a. Superior longitudinal sinus, . . . . . 352

b. Inferior longitudinal sinus, . 353

c. Right sinus, ....... 353

d. Large internal sinus, ...... 353

e. Superior veins of the cerebellum, .... 354

f. Transverse or lateral sinuses, ..... 354

g. Superior petrous sinus, ...... 355

n. Inferior petrous sinus, ...... 355

i. Cavernous petrous sinus, ...... 356

k. Coronary petrous sinus, ...... 356

l. Anterior occipital sinus, ...... 356

m. Posterior occipital sinus, ..... 356

ix. Pharyngeal vein, ....... 357

m. Lingual vein, ....... 357

III Internal jugular vein, ...... 357

i Superior thyroid vein, ...... 358

ii. Inferior thyroid vein, ...... 358

IV. External jugular vein, ...... 358

i. Superior superficial occipital vein, ..... 359

ii. Inferior superficial occipital vein, ..... 359

hi. Posterior and superior scapular veins, .... 359

iv. Anterior cutaneous veins, ...... 359

Art. ii. Veins of the upper extremities, ..... 359

I. Deep veins, ........ 359

II. Superficial veins, ....... 360

i. Cutaneous radial vein, ...... 360

ii. Cutaneous ulnar vein, . . . . . 360

hi. Median vein, ....... 361

III. Axillary vein, ....... 361

IV. Subclavian vein, ....... 361

Art. in. Innominata, vein, ...... 362

I. Vertebral vein, ....... 362

II. Sinuses of the vertebral column, ..... 363

III. Superior intercostal vein, ...... 364

IV. Lowest thyroid vein, . 364

Chap. III. Superior vena-cava, ...... 364

Chap. IV. Azygos vein, . . .... 365

Chap. V. Veins of the lower extremities, ..... 367

I. Deep vein, ........ 367

i. Popliteal vein, ........ 367

ii. Crural vein, ........ 367

hi. Deep crural vein, ....... 367

iv. Common crural vein, . . ' . . . . 367




H. Superficial veins, ....... 368

i. Internal saphena vein, ....... 368

ii. External saphena vein, ...... 368

hi. External iliac vein, ....... 368

iv. Hypogastric vein, ....... 369

v. Primitive iliac vein, ....... 369

Chap. VI. Ascending vena-cava, ...... 369

I. Lumbar veins, . . . . . . , . 371

II. Spermatic veins, . . . ^ . . . 371

IH. Renal veins, . . **’ . . . . . 371

IV. Capsular veins, ........ 372

V. Hepatic veins, . . . . . . ' . . 372

VI. Inferior diaphragmatic veins, ..... 372

Chap. VIL System of the vena-porta, ..... 372

I. Venous portion, ........ 373

i. Coronary veins of the stomach, ..... 373

ii. Splenic vein, ........ 373

hi. Mesenteric vein, ....... 373

II. Trunk and arterial portion of the vena-porta, . . . 374

Sect. iv. Pulmonary artery, ....... 374

Sect. v. Pulmonary veins, ....... 376

Sect. vi. Lymphatic system, 377

Chap. I. Lymphatic glands, ....... 378

I. Lymphatic glands of the head and neck, .... 378

i. Lymphatic glands of the head, ..... 378

ii. Lymphatic glands of the neck, . ... . . 379

II. Lymphatic glands of the upper extremity, .... 380

i. Brachial glands, ....... 380

ii. Axillary glands, ....... 380

hi. Lymphatic glands of the trunk, ..... 381

I. Lymphatic glands of the thorax, ..... 381

i. Glands of the parietes of the thorax, ..... 381

ii. Glands of the mediastina, ...... 381

hi. Bronchial glands, ....... 381

II. Abdominal glands, ....... 383

i. . Mesenteric glands, ....... 383

ii. Gastroepiploic glands, . . . . .* ' 384

hi. Celiac glands, ....... 384

iv. Lumbar glands, . . . . . ♦ . 384

IV. Lymphatic glands of the lower extremities, .... 384

i. Crural glands, ....... 385

ii. Pelvic glands, ....... 385

I. Inguinal glands, ....... 385

H. External iliac glands, ....... 385

III. Hypogastric glands, ....... 385

IV. Sacral glands, ........ 386

Chap. U. Lymphatic vessels, . . . . „ . . 386

Abt. i. Lymphatics of the head and neck, . . . 386

I. Superficial lymphatics, ...... 386

H. Deep lymphatics, ....... 387

Art. ii. Lymphatics of the upper extremities, .... 387

I. Superficial lymphatics, ...... 388

i. Of the dorsal face of the trunk, ..... 388

ii. Of the lateral and anterior faces of the central region of the trunk, 388

hi. Superficial lymphatics of the upper extremities, . . 388

II. Deep lymphatics of the upper extremities, .... 389

III. Termination of the lymphatics, ..... 389

Art. hi. Deep lymphatics of tne trunk, ..... 390

I. Lymphatics of the parietes, ...... 390

i. Lateral and posterior lymphatics, ..... 390

ii. Anterior lymphatics, ...... 390

ÏI. Lymphatics of the thoracic viscera, .... 391

i. Lymphatics of the lungs, . , . . .391




ii. Lymphatics of the heart, ...... 391

Akt. iv. Lymphatics of the lower extremities, .... 392

I. Lymphatics of the lower portion of the trunk, . . . 392

II. Lymphatics of the external genital organs, . . . 392

i. Superficial lymphatics of the lower extremities, . . . 392

ii. Deep lymphatics, ....... 393

Akt. v. Abdominal lymphatics, ...... 393

I. Lymphatics of the abdominal parietes, .... 394

II. Lymphatics of thei-abdominal viscera, .... 394

i. Deep lymphatics of the genital and urinary organs, . . 394

ii. Lymphatics of the digestive organs, .... 395

I. Lymphatics of the intestinal canal, ..... 395

II. Lymphatics of the stomach and omenta, .... 396

III. Lymphatics of the spleen and pancreas, .... 396

IV. Lymphatics of the liver, ...... 397

a. Superficial lymphatics, ...... 397

i. Of its upper face, ....... 397

ii. Of its lower face, ...... 398

b. Deep lymphatics, . . . . . . & . 398

Aht. vi. Thoracic canal, ....... 398

I. Left thoracic canal, . . . . - . . . 399

II. Right thoracic canal, ...... 401

Sect. VII. Comparison of the different parts of the vascular system, . 402

BOOK V. Nervous system, ....;. 409

Sect. I. Central part, ........ 409

Chap. I. Spinal marrow, ....... 410

I. External .form, ........ 411

U. Structure, ........ 413

i. Substances, ........ 413

ii. Arrangement of its great divisions, ..... 414

hi. Weight, . .417

iv. Consistence, . . . . . . . .418

Chap. II. Encephalon, ....... 418

AnT. i. Medulla oblongata, ...... 419

I. Rachidian bulb, ....... 419

i. External form, ....... 420

A. Lower face, ..... . 420

a. Pyramids, ..... 420

b. Olivary bodies, ....... 421

B. Lateral faces, ....... 422

C. Upper face, ....... 422

a. Medullary striæ, ...... 423

b. Gray bands, ....... 424

ii. Texture, ....... 424

II. Annular protuberance, ...... 425

i. External form, ....... 425

ii. Texture, . . • ■ • • 425

III. Weight of the medulla oblongata, ..... 426

Art. ii. Cerebellum, ....... 427

I. External form, ........ 427

t. Lateral parts, ....... 428

I. Upper lobes, ....... 428

II. Inferior lobes, ...... 429

ii. Central portion, ...... . 430

I. Upper part of the middle region, . . 430

II. Cerebral valve, ....... 431

III. Lower part of the middle region, .... 431

II. Texture, ........ 432

Corpus fimbriatum, ....... 434

III. Weight, ....... 435

IV. Consistence, .... 436

Art. hi. Cerebrum, ..... . 436

I. External form, ... ... 436



i. Inferior face,

I. Middle region,

i. Cerebral peduncles,

ii. Mammillary eminences, hi. Infundibulum and pituitary gland,

iv. Root and decussation of the optic nerve,

v. Gray plate of the inferior wall of the third ventricle,

II. Lateral regions,

II. External face, 0

III. Upper face,

IV. Internal face,

V. Circumvolutions and anfractuosities,

i. Tubercula quadrigemina,

ii. Pineal gland, in. Corpus callosum,

iv. Septum lucidum,

v. Fornix,

vi. Thalami optici, vu. Corpora striata, vin. Tcenia semicircularis,

ix. Anterior commissure,

x. Cerebral ventricles,

a. Ventricle of the cerebellum,

b. Aqueduct of Sylvius,

c. Third ventricle,

d. Lateral ventricles,

1. Anterior horn,

2. Posterior horn,

3. Descending horn,

II. Texture,

III. Weight,!

IV. Consistence,

Chap. III. Envelops of the brain.

Abt. i. Pia-mater,

I. Of the spinal marrow,

II. Of the encephalon,

a. External pia-mater,

b. Internal pia-mater,

i. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle,

ii. Choroid plexuses of the cerebrum,

Art. ii. Arachnoid membrane,

Art. hi. Dura-mater,

I. Spinal dura-mater,

II. Cerebral dura-mater,

III. Ligamentum denticulatum,

Chap. IV. Periodical differences of the nervous system,

I. Substance,

i. Spinal marrow,

ii. Medulla oblongata, hi. Cerebellum,

iv. Cerebrum,

v. Envelops,

Chap. V. Motions of the centre of the nervous system,

Chap. VI. Centre of the nervous system in the abnormal state,







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