ANAT2341 Lab 1 - Quiz

From Embryology
ANAT2341 Lab 1: Introduction | Gametogenesis | Oogenesis | Spermatogenesis | Fertilization | Sex Determination | Online Assessment | ANAT2341 Lab 1 - Quiz

Here are a few simple questions that relate to your introduction to embryology lecture and practical, this page is not a part of today's Practical class.

You should try in your own time after completing the Practical today.

Take the Quiz

1 Which of the following statements is most correct about the human menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle in all women is a 28 day reproductive cycle
Ovulation always occurs at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle's main function is to regularly replace the lining of the uterus
A high body temperature indicates ovulation is occurring
The menstrual cycle is an endocrine cycle regulating reproductive physiological changes

2 Most pregnancies can be detected by pregnancy tests soon after fertilization.


3 Which of the following statements is correct about the zona pellucida:

surrounds the oocyte in the ovary
protects oocyte in the uterine tube
is a specialized extracellular matrix
is important for fertilization
all of the above

4 Pregnancy tests generally are based upon the detection in maternal urine of:

human Chorionic Somatommotropin
human Chorionic Gonadotrophin
human Chorionic Corticotropin

5 Which of the following statements is most correct about oocyte development in the human ovary.

oocytes are derived from the germinal epithelium surrounding the ovary.
oocytes, like spermatozoa, after puberty are generated from a diploid stem cell population.
oocytes are arrested in prophase II of meiosis II until ovulation.
oocyte population is established before puberty.

6 Which zone pellucid glycoprotein is required for spermatozoa recognition/binding.


7 Which of the following statements about Figure 1 (shown below) is most correct:

figure 1 shows a normal female karyotype
figure 1 shows all human chromosomes
figure 1 shows a metaphase spread of a human genome
figure 1 shows an abnormality of mitosis

Figure 1
Figure 1

ANAT2341 Lab 1: Introduction | Gametogenesis | Oogenesis | Spermatogenesis | Fertilization | Sex Determination | Online Assessment | ANAT2341 Lab 1 - Quiz