
From Embryology

30/7/09 Lab Class week 2 Questions

1. What is the protein that the sperm binds to on the surface of the egg?

  A: Zona pellucida protein ZP3

2. Name the 3 stages of follicle development in the ovary.

  A: (i)   Primordial follicle
     (ii)  Preantral follicle
     (iii) Antral (or Graafian) follicle

6/8/09 Lab Class week 3 Questions

1. What factor do the synctiotrophoblast cells secrete to support the ongoing pregnancy?

  A: hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone)

2. What does the corpus luteum secrete to prevent continuation of the menstrual cycle?

  A: Progesterone, Oestrogen.

3. What are the 2 main tissues to be derived from the germ cell layer continuous with the lining of the amniotic sac?

  A: The germ cell layer continuous with the lining of the amniotic sac is ectoderm. It's two main derivatives are:
       (i)  Nervous Tissue
       (ii) Epithelial Layer of Skin

--Bronwyn Lewis-Jones 14:18, 6 August 2009 (EST)