Talk:Flash Movies

From Embryology


FLVPlayer Extension added to allow FLV format movies to play within Wiki pages using the Flowplayer.

See Flash_Movies - test page

Configuration parameters

  • configFileName An external javascript configuration file.
  • videoFile The video file to be loaded by the player. You can specify an absolute URL here or a relative one (relative to the embedding HTML file). See the baseURL below. Alternatively you can use a playList.
  • baseURL Where to load the video files from. This is appended in front of the value of videoFile value. If not specified, the file is loaded from the same directory as the HTML file.
  • autoPlay [true || false] Whether the player starts playback immediately when it's loaded into the browser. default: true
  • autoBuffering Whether to start loading the video stream into buffer memory immediately. Only meaningful if autoPlay is set to false default: true.
  • usePlayOverlay [true || false] Show the play button image at the start of the playlist? default: true
  • splashImageFile Useful if 'autoPlay' is set to false and you want to show a welcome image before the video is played. Must be JPG format. note: value is relative to the HTML page.
  • initialScale

Initial video scaling. This can be then changed by the user through the menu. Available options are:

   fit: Fit to window by preserving the aspect ratios encoded in the FLV metadata. This is the default setting.
   half: Half size (preserves aspect ratios)
   orig: Use the dimensions encoded in FLV. If the video is too big for the available space the video is scaled as if using the 'fit' option.
   scale: Scale the video to fill all available space for the video. Ignores the dimensions in metadata.

  • videoHeight The height to be allocated for the video display. By default Flowplayer uses the maximium height available.
  • useNativeFullScreen [true || false] Should the Flash 9 native full screen mode be used? (default: true).
  • fullScreenScriptURL The URL pointing to a sctipt that opens the player full screen. If this is not configured explicitly, the default script,, is used. NOTE: Only used when useNativeFullScreen is not set to false.
  • bufferLength The size of the buffer in seconds when streaming FLV. Playback starts only after the buffer is full. The value should always be less than the duration of the video. (default: 10)
  • startingBufferLength The video buffer length (seconds) to be used to kick off the playback. This is used in the beginning of the playback and every time after the player has ran out of buffer memory.
  • useSmoothing [true || false] Whether to use antialiasing when the video is scaled. default: true
  • videoLink A link to the video file that is shown when "Embed" is selected in the menu. Option, defaults to the url specified in videoFile or playList.
  • emailPostUrl The URL used when posting the email data to the server.
  • emailVideoLink The value of videoLink variable posted as part of the email data.
  • emailDefaultMessage The default message text used as part of the email data. All occurrences of [video_link] tag in the message are replaced with the value of emailVideoLink.

New Files


11:24, October 8, 2009 Stage22_skeletonlarge.flv (file)

699 KB (Embryo Skeletal System Carnegie stage 22, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:24, October 8, 2009 Stage22_skeleton.flv (file)

685 KB (Embryo Skeletal System Carnegie stage 22, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:19, October 8, 2009 Stage22_urogenlarge.flv (file)

1.15 MB (Embryo Urogenital System Carnegie stage 22, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:18, October 8, 2009 Stage22_urogen.flv (file)

1.1 MB (Embryo Urogenital System Carnegie stage 22, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:18, October 8, 2009 Stage22_GIT.flv (file)

1.11 MB (Embryo Gastrointestinal System Carnegie stage 22, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:17, October 8, 2009 Stage22_CVS.flv (file)

1.11 MB (Embryo Cardiovascular System Carnegie stage 22, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:16, October 8, 2009 Stage22_CNS.flv (file)

1.12 MB (Embryo Central Nervous System Carnegie stage 22, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:14, October 8, 2009 Stage22_CNSlarge.flv (file)

1.14 MB   1 11:13, October 8, 2009 Stage13_GIT.flv (file)

1.09 MB (Embryo Gastrointestinal Tract stage 13, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Colour code: Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:13, October 8, 2009 Stage13_GITlarge.flv (file)

1.18 MB (Embryo Gastrointestinal Tract stage 13, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Colour code: Movie Source: UNSW Embryology 1 11:12, October 8, 2009 Stage13_CVS.flv (file)

1.09 MB (Embryo stage 13, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Colour code: Movie Source: UNSW Embryology {) 1 11:12, October 8, 2009 Stage13_CVSlarge.flv (file)

1.2 MB (Embryo stage 13, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Colour code: Movie Source: UNSW Embryology {) 1 11:12, October 8, 2009 Stage13_3dCNS.flv (file)

1.39 MB (Embryo stage 13, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Colour code: CNS - Yellow (forebrain), Dark Pink (midbrain) , Green (hindbrain), Purple (spinal cord), Dark Purple (notochord) Movie Source: UNSW Embryology ) 1 11:10, October 8, 2009 Stage13_3dCNSlarge.flv (file)

1.17 MB

1 11:05, October 8, 2009 Stage22_3d01.flv (file)

700 KB (Embryo Stage 22) 1 11:02, October 8, 2009 Stage13_3d01.flv (file)

729 KB (Embryo stage 13, 3 dimensional animation Based upon serial reconstruction from slice images. Colour code: CNS - Yellow (forebrain), Dark Pink (midbrain) , Green (hindbrain), Purple (spinal cord), Dark Purple (notochord) )

  09:34, October 8, 2009 Embryo_stages_002.flv (file)
